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4/19/2021 OneNote

20210106_-_FIRST_AMENDMENT_ASSEMBLY_-_FIRST_ST_SE.mp4 20:20 victim Ameer Sorrell

Recalled the specific bear spray event

The spray was much stronger than anything he had experienced. He had to take himself off the line after
being sprayed. After partially recovering he had to periodically remove himself from action because of
the residual effects. Some spray would drip off of his helmet and prevent him from being effective at his
task. He felt like he was on fire. The spray seeped into his vest and around his collar.
He did not have long term residual effects
Mentally he felt like the gravity of what occurred on 6 January still hadn't sunken in.
He would review his body camera footage and contact the writer if any additional details were recalled.
The writer should contact Tyrone Toran, Sorrell's academy partner, because they were right next to each
other all day.

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