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2/4/2021 Mail - Brown, Alexis (WF) (FBI) - Outlook

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] - Re: FBI Interview Follow Up

Ainsworth, Scott W. <>

Wed 2/3/2021 8:18 PM
To: Brown, Alexis (WF) (FBI) <>
Regarding the 1st photo, white male with the coyote brown jacket, he was one of the first to come in and start hitting/
Pushing officer's on the line. He hit, grabbed and pushed me. The other two were definitely there in the beginning, but I
can't remember if they assaulted me or others as it was getting very Chaotic.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 3, 2021, at 2:53 PM, Brown, Alexis (WF} (FBI} <> wrote:

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contain malware.

Dear Scott,

Good afternoon. It was a pleasure to speak with you today, and I hope our talk was as painless for you as
possible. I'm attaching a couple of pictures of individuals in the video I saw that may have assaulted you or
another officer(s). If you recognize one as having assaulted you or another officer, please let me know to

Thank you again,


Alexis Brown
Special Agent
601 4th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20535

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