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Research Paper Outline

I. Introduction Paragraph:

A. Overview and basic definitions written in the essay as well as background


B. Thesis: The importance of physical activity and why it should be incorporated

into students' school days.

1. It helps with one's physical health

2. It helps with one's emotional health

3. It helps with one's mental health

II. Paragraph One:

A. How does PE in school affect students' mental health?

B. What else? Memory, attention span, cognitive function?



a) This article talks about the process and results of students'

academic performance when participating in physical activities/

education in school. An experiment was conducted and had many

components that were being tested such as their attention/

concentration with physical activity vs no activity, test scores,

GPA, life satisfaction, and much more. The results suggested that

physical activity for some time in the school day for students has a

positive impact on the way that students operate during school and

even out of school.

III. Paragraph Two:

A. How does PE in school affect students' physical health overall?

1. Does it add any benefit or is the time spent during PE at school just not



1. This article talks about the importance of physical activity and especially

for younger kids. Younger kids still have their brains developing, and if

they do not have some time to clear their minds and run around for a little,

it can overwork them. There were 8 studies done, and of the eight, seven

were found to have a positive relationship between fitness and cognitive

performance. They also found that when doing these studies, they need to

take into account each student's gender, age, grade, BMI, body fat, and so

much more, because each person is different.

IV. Paragraph Three:

A. How does PE in school affect students' emotional health?

1. How PE reduces stress, anxiety, and other mental health related things.


a) This source shares deeper than just getting exercise in order to

maintain good mental health, but digs deeper into problems such as

in bad eating or not getting enough sleep. Everything in our body

goes hand in hand together, if we want to focus we need to get

enough sleep, and with enough sleep, we have the energy to

exercise and eat healthy. Caring for your body can be tough and

takes time to create a consistent schedule.



a) Although this source is pointed towards college students, students

of younger ages still work about the same way compared to college

students. This article says that physical health is linked with mental

health, and your endorphin levels rise when you take time to work

out. When you raise your endorphin levels, it makes it easier to

focus in school as well and helps with having a better night's sleep


V. Paragraph Four:

A. Results section regarding the survey sent out to high school students, asking for

their input and if they feel MIA is contributing to their health (i.e, enough time to

stay active).

B. How can students help make a change? Are MIA students' voices heard when

they want to see a change in something important? Are concerns about lack of

physical health taken seriously by school administration?

VI. Paragraph Five:

A. Islamic perspective on taking care of one's health

1. Two Islamic Sources (Hadiths) mentioned here and how they tie back to

my topic


(1) This hadith relates back to my senior project because

anything we do has to be for the sake of Allah (SWT), if we

do not take care of ourselves and get physical activity for

the sake of Allah (SWT), we fall from the path of being a

strong believer.


(1) This hadith ties to my senior project because students waste

their free time on staying inside and scrolling on the

internet. It is important that we take advantage of free time

and the good health that we’ve been blessed with. To go for

a walk or play sports, because we never know if we will get

this luxury taken away.

2. An Ayah from the Quran that also ties back to the topic

a) Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 195

VII. Paragraph Six:

A. Effects regarding lack of taking care of body physically



1. The World Health Organization (WHO) shares that children need around

60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. It is

especially important to get physical activity at school because children

spend more of their time at school than at home in the week, which allows

them to have little to no free time after school to be physically active due

to other things such as family time and homework. Children should always

have some kind of physical activity pushed into their academics, this

keeps them not only healthy but can improve their attention in school.

VIII. Paragraph Seven:

A. Where does change start??

B. Who can be a part of making a change regarding the lack of physical activity in


IX. Paragraph Eight:

A. How am I contributing to trying to give students more time/ opportunities to stay


1. This would be about my product (purchasing basketball hoops for outside)

X. Conclusion Paragraph:

A. Restate the thesis statement

B. Restate what was written in the body paragraphs, bring all ideas together, and

make one big summary of the paper

C. Recommendations to schools (specifically MIA) and how they can do better to

allow students to stay active

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