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Worksheet 10

Publicity and advertising

Name No. Class

Date / / Teacher

1 Match the words to their definitions. Student’s Book, p. 91
Workbook, p. 46
a. billboard d. niche product Study Guide, p. 10

b. hoarder e. flyers
c. celebrity endorsement

1. Small posters or pamphlets used to promote products.

2. Advertising or marketing campaign which uses a famous person
to promote products.
3. A very large advertisement on the side of highways and roads.
4. People who have difficulty in discarding products they don’t need.
5. A product that is advertised targeting a specific market.

2 Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

a. Advertising agencies / Advertising corporations / Advertising niches create advertisements, plan
how and when they should be used and hand the final product over to the client.
b. Many soap operas have brand advertising / commercial breaks / pamphlets related to detergents
and home-efficient products.
c. Many small family businesses order adverts / create adverts / place adverts in the local newspaper
to increase their sales in the community.
d. Before contemplating sales / launching a product / deciding on the pamphlet, many studies and
surveys are carried out to identify the target audience.
e. Television / Slot / Radio advertising is an efficient and cheap way to get the consumer’s attention.

3 Choose the odd word out and explain.

a. The sign on the highway was promoting a new product used for cleaning leather shoes.

b. Companies order adverts in newspapers, magazines and on TV to promote their products.

c. The commercial page announces all the latest bargains, from food to clothing.

d. Collecting useless things of no value is a disease and needs to be medically treated.

e. The direct marketing of goods and services over the telephone or internet is advertising.

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