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Veejhay M.

BSCrim 1


Here are some of the mathematical ideas from the great video I watched called ‘’Nature by
Numbers’’. The video shows the first idea which is the Fibonacci Sequence, in which each
number is the sum of the two numbers that came before it. Next one is the Golden Ratio, which
appears to go on forever. The movie also covers further mathematical ideas. Only a handful
have been demonstrated, including the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence. I saw the
movie that compared mathematical ideas to many things and animals. If we look closely, we
may also notice it in other things that are clearly evident. The animation's title, ‘’Nature by
Numbers’’, refers to the fact that it connects a lot of numbers to the natural world. I discovered
from the animation that there are many things in nature that have mathematical significance if
we look closely. This video was inspired by numbers, geometry and nature. Mathematics has a
significant role in our lives as it forms our life in order and prevents disorder,confusion and It
also helps us to solve problems.

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