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Cl1, which is a precursor to/ is a trigger for/ a

contributing factor of/results in/leads to/ contributes

greatly to + NP.
Cl1 who/whom/which cl2.
This is a book which was bought yesterday.
He loves me, which makes me happy.
Civilized human beings are faced with more and more
increased workload, which is a precursor to elevated
level of stress.
Năng lượng hóa thạch sử dụng ngày càng nhiều trong
công nghiệp sản xuất cũng như trong việc đi lại, điều
này đã dẫn đến chất lượng không khí ngày càng ô
Fossil fuels are widely utilized in manufacturing
industry as well as commuting purposes, which is a
trigger for increasingly polluted air quality. / which is
a trigger for the fact that air quality is getting more
Ngày càng nhiều trẻ em có khuynh hướng ăn thức ăn
nhanh, điều này dẫn đến số lượng trẻ bị bệnh béo phì
và tim mạch ngày càng tăng cao.
More and more children tend to/ are willing to
consume an overwhelming amount of energy-dense
food, which is a trigger for an increasing number of
children being prone to = suffering from obesity and
heart-related diseases.
This is a book which was bought yesterday.
He loves me, which makes me happy.
2. Cl1, which acts as a deterrent preventing s.o
from doing s.t
(acts as a bridge/ bridge s.t)/ acts as an effective tool
+It is the government that should enforce more
stringent legislation, which acts as a deterrent
preventing youngsters from committing anti-social
+ More and more severe penalties should be imposed
upon less friendly-environment activities, which acts a
deterrent to businesses contaminating the rivers, air
and atmosphere.
+act as a catalyst
+ Chính phủ cần phải ban hành thêm nhiều chính sách
ưu đãi cho các doanh nghiệp, điều này đóng vai trò
như 1 công cụ hiệu quả giúp các doan nghiệp phục hồi
những khó khan tạm thời gây ra bởi dịch covid.

The government should frame more favourable

policies for businesses, which acts as an effective tool/
magic tool helping them recover from these
contemporary difficulties caused by Covid pandemic.
3. Cl1, which aims at + V-ing/ targets at (on) s.o/
targets for s.t
Many universities have launched charity-based
activities, which aims at bonding their students as well
as enhancing their sense of community.
Nhiều chính phủ trên thế giới khuyến khích người dân
sử dụng các nguồn năng lượng thân thiện với môi
trường như năng lượng mặt trời, gió, hạt nhân và bio ,
điều này nhằm mục đích giảm thiếu khí carbon dioxide
thải ra môi trường.
Many governments worldwide encourage/ stimulate
their citizens to consume environment-friendly energy
such as solar, wind, bio and nuclear energy, which
aims at reducing the amount of carbon dioxide
released/emitted/discharged into the environment.

4. Cl1, which is of paramount importance to / is of

great value to s.o/in s.t/ is of great significance to
Physical education should be prioritized in the
academic environment, which is of paramount
importance to boosting the physical well-being of the
young generation.
NHững cải cách về giáo dục cần phải được triển khai
nhanh chóng trong thời điểm hiện nay, điều này là hết
sức quan trọng cho đội ngũ giáo viên có những cải
thiện tốt về chuyên môn cũng như cho học sinh bắt
kịp được trình độ của hs quốc tế.
Educational reforms should be promptly launched in
this contemporary time, which is of paramount
importance for the teaching staff to enhance/ enrich
their professional knowledge as well as for students to
keep pace with the level of international ones.

5. Cl1, which is of minor significance to….

Intelligent quotient (IQ) , which is of minor significance
to the success of a person, is primarily taken into
consideration by almost all parents.
6. Cl1, which puts enormous pressure
(burden/strain) ON /poses threats to/ poses
challenges to/detrimentally affects s.o = exerts a
detrimental effect on…………
The world natural resources are consumed at an ever-
increased rate, which exerts a detrimental effect on
the sustainable development of human beings.
Con người hiện đại ngày càng phải xử lý khối lượng
công việc khổng lồ hàng ngày nhiều , điều này có ảnh
hưởng tiêu cực đến sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần
của họ.
Ngày càng nhiều người già phải sống dựa vào lương
hưu và quỹ bảo hiểm, điều này gây áp lực lớn đến
ngân sách của chính phủ.

7.Cl1, which enables s.o to do s.t/ makes it possible

for s.o to do s.t/which unlocks the door with
numerous opportunities/golden opportunity for s,o
to do s.t/ facilitates s.t/ paves the way for s.o to
+V/drives s.o to do s.t/ motivates s.o to do s.t)
= help/can – basic –
(cl1, which makes it impossible for s.o to do s.t/ fails
to enable s.o to do s.t/ block people's access to
education and health care services/ hinder s.t/
become a hindrance to s.t/retards = slow down the
development/growth of s.t
Cl1, which traps so in s.t)
+Getting exposed to a non-native language since early
childhood is a great way to boost children’s brain,
which makes it possible for them = helps them to
excel their peers in the long run.
Đi học nước ngoài là 1 cách tốt nhất để phat triển
được năng lực ngoại ngữ, điều này làm cho các bạn du
học sinh được ưu tiên tuyển dụng hơn hs học các
trường đại học trong nước.
+Excessive and prolonged usage of smart phones
could trap children in the virtual world, which retards
their well-rounded development.
8.Subject + offers an excellent
example/evidence/illustration of how + S + V-finite …
+when + clause.
+Japan offers an excellent example of how poverty
and sufferings were turned into dreams and
aspirations when the Japanese magically transformed
their country into a superpower after the Second
World War.
+ Vietnam offers an excellent/typical example of how
a small-sized nation could win the powerful country
when they gained and declared their independence
after so many years of experiencing long-lasting wars.
9.The fact that + S + V-finite….is ……………
The fact that excessively controlling teenagers can
result in psychological disorder is highly
demonstrated by longitudinal research.
excessively controlling teenagers resulting in
psychological disorder (NP) is highly demonstrated by
longitudinal research.

He loves me. This makes me happy.

……………, which makes……..
The fact that he loves me (NP) makes me happy.
The fact that………………………………………..(NP) + V-s/es

10. What makes them stand out is that + clause

What it needs to get them out of poverty is + NP
+What makes these low-priced tickets stand out is
that it could make cross-border flights become more
accessible to people from all walks of life.
+ What it needs to revitalize these businesses is the
governmental funding./ is that the government should
financially subsidize these businesses.
11. It is + NP that + V-finite
It is parents that should stimulate their children to get
involved in charity-based activities.
Parents should stimulate….- simple sentence
+It is in the working environment that sts are more
likely to sharpen their soft skills.

12. Dung who, which, where,when chen vao giua de

giai thich:
Air pollution, which is mostly caused by motor
vehicles, can trigger health problems.
Celebrities, who are assumed to be the public images,
definitely exert a wide-ranging impact on the young
Schools where children are nurtured in both mental
and physical aspects should carry out reforms to keep
pace with the development of the society.
4-to-5-year-old stage is a golden period when
children’s brains are boosted.
13. The more…, the more
+The more toxic gases are released to the air, the
more contaminated the atmosphere is.
14. If cl1, cl2
If action is not taken soon on climate change, global
warming will get worse.
Should action be…., ……………………….
+if he has any problem, he will contact you.
= Should he have…., he will….
+should you have any question, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
15.Given + s.t
The couples seem to be happy (ket qua) given the fact
that they behave with each other (nguyen nhan) .
given + sth “given” là discourse marker thể hiện ý
nghĩa rằng “người đọc sẽ hiểu tại sao nếu biết về sth”
+In the end, the above analyses show that shopping
online has both merits and demerits; however, I
believe it is an inevitable trend given the fast- paced
development of e-commerce. [Kết luận là, những
phân tích bên trên cho thấy mua sắm online có cả mặt
tốt và mặt chưa tốt; tuy nhiên, tôi tin rằng đây là một
xu hướng tất yếu, nếu như chúng ta nhìn vào tốc độ
phát triển nhanh chóng của thương mại điện tử ngày
Cl1 given the fact that cl2.
15.Cl1, not to mention the fact that + clause.
+ Rampant corruption leads to dire consequences on
the socio-economic (social and economic)
development of a country, not to the mention the fact
that the commoners will lose their belief in the
Cl1, not to mention + s.t
16. cl1, regardless of /irrespective of the fact that +
The compassion should be put on top priority,
regardless of the fact that people live in different
parts of the world.
Regardless of = irrespective of geographical
17. S, no matter how + adj, clause.
Every country, no matter how affluent, has groups of
people who live under the poverty line.
Every regulation, no matter how fair, has its own
merits and demerits.
18. cl1, which provides s.o with an access to +NP/
unlock the door with golden opportunity for s.o to do
s.t: (7)
Seeking academic opportunities in a non-native
country is a rewarding experience to many youngsters,
which provides them with an access to an
educationally advanced system.
+QUY NAP- noi –ket luan/ Y chinh- trien y ra: Dien dich
+ Para1: …… nhieu uu diem – Firstly,….uu diem 1
–topic sentence 1 – supporting cho Tp1. Secondly,
tp2- supporting tp2.
+ TOPIC SENTENCE: - tham dua nhieu y topic
sentence/focus – topic truu tuong- qua rong (broaden
Firstly, Internet - time + money. This is because……..
(time) + (money).
Firstly, Internet – time. This is because….Secondly,
money……For example,…
1. Trinh tu thoi gian:
TP1: job opportunity
Tp2: boost linguistic competence/reach full
- Sai trinh tu time
2. Khong gian/ cap do:
Tp1: individuals
TP2: on a national scale,….sustainable
Tp3: globally,……
+reasons: increased level of fresh graduates failing
to land a job
+cap do:
3. Linh vuc:
Tp1: on a social/economic/cultural/politic aspect
+supporting sentence:
Topic sentence. This is because…
Topic sentence. As a consequence,…/ As a
Topic sentence. For example,……
1/ Đặt câu hỏi ‘why’
TOPIC SENTENCE: ‘studying in English-speaking
countries gives learners opportunities to improve their
This is because they can talk with native English
speakers every day, thereby improving their listening
and speaking skills’.
There are several advantages of advertisements
Firstly, advertising makes it possible for potential
customers to reach wise decisions. This is because
thanks to the information provided by commercials,
people can make a comparison concerning the price,
the durability, their outstanding features of the
products they are going to buy. As a result, they are
more likely to choose items which suit their pocket but
they are still high quality. Secondly, advertising can
contribute to increasing profits for manufacturers.

2/ Đặt câu hỏi‘so what’: cho người đọc biết được kết
quả/hậu quả của ý mà bạn đưa ra.
‘Children nowadays play video games too much’;
therefore, they may be addicted to games, and in turn
they will have less time to spend on studying’.
As a consequence,../ as a result,…….
3/ Đưa ví dụ
“Firstly, if students spend a year working before
going to university, they can learn many valuable
things. They might acquire much experience and
knowledge from actual jobs, and their horizons can
be broadened.” FAIL

“Firstly, if students spend a year working before

going to university, they can acquire much experience
and knowledge. For example, working as a waiter at
a restaurant allows students to learn how to deal
with customers, or being a tour guide can help them
improve their communication skills. This might
contribute to the success of students in their future

I do not think that increasing the price of fuel is the

most workable method to mitigate environmental
contamination. Although charging a skyrocketing
price on fuel can deter citizens from commuting by
their personal vehicles, it does not have any impacts
on factories that cannot use any other greener
sources. For example, Vietnam does not develop
technological devices to exploit natural energy sources
such as wind, water, tide and so on, so manufacturing
companies still have to use oil, petrol or coal in spite of
its exorbitant price. Therefore, the environment is not
protected by this remedy.

4. Phát triển ví dụ thực tế có số liệu thống kê

The WHO reports that each year, smoking kills more
than 7 million people on a global scale, with nearly 1
million being the victims of second-hand smoking.

5. Phát triển ví dụ thực tế dựa trên xu hướng xã hội

Sociological researches show that attending nursery is

more beneficial to kids than receiving home schooling,
because of the greater amount of team work and
social interaction at nurseries.
6. Phát triển ví dụ thực tế dựa trên trải nghiệm cac cá
Many students who study abroad claim that this
educational experience helps them become more
independent and learn how to work as a team.

7. Phát triển ý sử dụng từ IF

Increasing job satisfaction means that the quality of
human resource will also rise. For
example, ifcompanies offer excellent pay packages,
they can attract the most talented people in their
fields to work for them.

8. Phát triển ý sử dụng từ WITHOUT

Advertisements of many producers are now
omnipresent. If, for example, people watch a football
match on television, they will see the logos of the
tournament sponsors. Likewise, if they watch the
latest blockbuster movie, very probably they will see a
product placed in the film by some advertising
agency. Without the information provided in
commercials, buyers cannot find essential details
about the products they are going to buy.

9. Phát triển ý sử dụng FOR THIS REASON

The more expensive gas, petrol and oil become, the
fewer people burn them for commuting demand. For
this reason, CO2 emissions will
decline dramatically, curbing the possibility of global
Taking up extreme sports can
stimulate bravery and problem-solving skills, leading
to the success at work. Because every decision they
make in those extreme sport endangers their life,
they hone decision-making skills under pressure
unconsciously. For this reason, at work or even in
personal life, risky sport players can suffer stress better
and come up with wise decisions in any condition.

10. sử dụng
Not only … but also
Trying extreme activities can put players’ lives in
jeopardy. They encounter many unforeseeable
dangers, which can not only trigger serious
injuries but also deprive their lives. Parachuting, for
example, is a modern sport attracting many
youngsters, but if a player is not well trained about the
use of equipment and problem-solving skills and then
cannot open the parachute in the air, this tiny mistake
will ruin their life

11. So sánh: qua khu hien tai/ tuong phan

Some people may claim that the insights into the local
historical values are completely enough for one to live.
Their argument could be true a few decades ago when
most interpersonal communications were between
people of the same race and origin. However, this view
is now outdated, as the world has become globalised
and international business and migrant workers have
made any community a global village. In this context,
an understanding of a foreign country’s history would
enable future local workers to reinforce the
relationship between them and the expatriates from
that country.

12. Tương phản: while cl1, cl2.

Technology has created many affordable activities for
enjoyment for even the children whose families are not
too wealthy. While some pastimes such as golf and
stamp collection can be too expensive for many, video
games and portable music players seem to be more
popular amongst average people.
+TASK 2:
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages= benefits/ plus points/favourable
aspects/positive aspects
Disadvantages = shortcomings/drawbacks/minus
points/ downsides/downfalls/unfavourable aspects/
negative aspects
+merits and demerits = boons and banes = blessing
and curse
(pros and cons – informal)
+taking a part time job = undertaking/ performing/
carrying out/ doing a part time job
= working part time = this
+ students = young adults = youngsters = ……
Undertaking a part-time job is an issue which
frequently generates a great deal of heated
debate amongst students in general and parents
in particular, with supporters maintaining that it is
of immense benefits for those involved whilst
(while/whereas) opponents claim that this may
entail some potential risks. This essay will shed
some light on the merits and demerits of this
prevailing trend.
+ advantages
+ TOPIC is an issue (mega/growing /prevailing
practice/trend/phenomenon) which frequently
generates a great deal of heated debate = ignites
(sparks/fuels) a high (bitter) controversy amongst
civilized human beings/global citizens =
TOPIC has become a topic of broad interest.
While supporters (advocates/proponents)
maintain (hold the opinion/harbor the view/
perception/ are of the opinion) that this trend
brings about numerous/ several
(tremendous/various/a variety of/diverse….)
benefits (for the followers of this phenomenon),
opponents (critics) claim that there are potential
downsides. This essay will have a deeper
investigation into/ analyze/discuss the merits and
demerits of this prevailing trend.
+ + TOPIC is an mega trend which frequently
ignites a bitter controversy amongst civilized
human beings/global citizens. While proponents
maintain that this practice brings about several
benefits, opponents claim that there are potential
downsides. This essay will have a deeper
investigation into the merits and demerits of this
prevailing trend.
+ TOPIC has become a topic of broad interest.

/ TOPIC is an issue which ignite a high controversy. While supporters maintain

that this trend brings about several benefits, opponents claim that there are
potential downsides. This essay will have a deeper investigation into/ the merits
and demerits of this trend.

+ Introduction3:
A constantly-discussed theme on whether the
Internet sparks more curse than blessing has been of a
bitter controversy in today's world. Although the
Internet is explicitly a double-edged sword, it is
irrefutable that this invention has radically/drastically
altered human beings’ lives. This essay will shed some
light on the benefits and drawbacks of this high -tech
+ads and dis of studying abroad = ge
+ learning a foreign language at an early age
( early acquiring/ getting exposed to/ gaining an access
to/ accessing/ mastering a non-native language/
another language/ a new (target) language since early
childhood/ at the early stages of people’s life/ since
pre-school stage)
1. Word order: the population change – the
change in the population
2. Family words: internet users –the number of
people who used the internet
3. Active-passive
(studying is …./ Studying E is…) – v.i- noi dong tu –
khong co tuc tu theo sau/ v.t- ngoai dong tu
Appear v.i: s.t appears
Appears s.t- ngoai dong tu – sai
+learning s.t (v.t)
+another country/ other countries
+++studying overseas = in a non-native country =
another country/other countries = in a foreign
country = a country out of the fatherland =
economically and educationally advanced
(powerful ) country = seeking academic
(educational) opportunities in a country out of the
fatherland = pursuing advanced/honors courses
(programs/ programmes) in a foreign country
++it is irrefutable that/ there is no denying that/ it
is widely admitted that/it comes as no surprise…..
+There is no doubt that working part time can
bring numerous plus points. Firstly,/first/ The
first merit (plus point/favourable aspect) is
that………………... In fact, ……………………………………….
Besides,…/ In addition,……/ Another positive
aspect is that …………….. Because cl1, cl2.
++There is no doubt that working part time can
bring several plus points. The first merit is that/
Firstly,/ students are more likely to = to be more
inclined to = tend to be financially independent.
This is because these youngsters tend to earn a
fixed income on a monthly basis; therefore, they
can spend this sum of money on some necessary
expenditures/ expenses which can be listed as
buying gifts for friends on birthday parties, or
even purchasing food on a daily basis. In some
situations, many youngsters even can afford
tuition fees, which helps relieve the financial
burden for their parents. Another advantage is
that this opportunity makes it possible for =
enables youngsters to cultivate essential skills.
For example, when working as a waiter in a
restaurant, these young adults can boost their
communication skills through getting exposed to
people from all walks of life while doing a tour
guide , they are more inclined to enhance their
problem-solving skill as they have to deal with
many suddenly arising problems.
+ discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
wide availability of cheap food in the society
There is no doubt that ( producing the big amount ) the introduction of
more/ a huge amount of affordable food can bring several plus points.
The first merit is that (the walks of people ) people from almost all walks
of life = from almost all economic backgrounds become more accessible
to different kinds of food.

+ advent of low-priced planes

+Firstly, low-priced flight tickets make it possible
for people from almost all economic backgrounds
to get exposed to this kind of transportation. It
can be argued that while in the past only the
wealthy people could afford to take cross-border
journeys, even middle-income inhabitants
currently can fulfill their dreams to take
intercontinential trips thanks to the discounted
tickets offered by airlines.
+Despite the positive aspects, its downsides also
persist. Firstly,…./ The first minus point is
that…..This is because………..Secondly,.../ another
negative aspect is that………
+My conclusion would be that this is a well-
balanced issue as/because/since part time takers
could be both benefited and detrimentally
+ My conclusion would be that this is a well-
balanced issue as there are both merits and
demerits when it comes to working part time as
+In conclusion, part-time jobs would be a
rewarding experience for youngsters should they
receive proper supervision and parental guidance.
Whether students decide to work part-time or not
really depends on their personal plans, but the
ultimate academic goal of their life should never
be underestimated .


++++TASK 2:


Obesity is a major prevalent DISEASE among
children. What are its causes and what solutions can
be offered?
(causes/reasons/ why? –
Introduction: There is a current distressing
(worrying/alarming) situation that the number
of…….is on the increase (=
accelerates/skyrockets/increases considerably)
= The society is currently witnessing a boom in
the number of overweight children. In this
essay, I would discuss several precursors to
/several triggers for this issue
(phenomenon/trend/practice) before some
viable measures are drawn.
++the widespread problem of….has long been a
major topic of great concern (broad interest) in
the society. Some of the major culprits of this
problem will be discussed before the most
important solutions are drawn.
+The upsurge (boom/soar) in the number of…. has
fuelled the public worries about the social
instability of the country. There are a wide range
of factors that account for TOPIC, which will be
discussed in detail, followed by suggested
+In the fast-paced society, the nearly-epidemic
proportions of overweight children have become a
global/ NATIONWIDE burning issue. This
phenomenon even widely emerges amongst school
aged children, which entails some catastrophic
(dire/disastrous/adverse) consequences/outcomes on
the long-term health of the young generation. This
essay will explore its underlying causes and offer
some practical measures to help eradicate the root of
the problem.
++ket qua- la do- nguyen nhan

lung cancer is due to smoking.

Obesity is due to inactive lifestyle.
= Lung cancer results from/ is originated from/ is
stemmed from/ is derived from/could be attributed
to (co the quy cho/gan cho- nghia tot/xau/ / could be
blamed for smoking.
+_nguyen nhan-ket qua
Smoking results in/leads to (+V-ing)/ triggers s.t/ is
a trigger for/ is a precursor to/ sits at the core of/
is the major culprit of/ contributes to (+V-ing)/ is a
contributing factor which results in/ acts as a
catalyst (chat xuc tac) which results in LUNG
+………….. could be attributed to/ could be blamed for
several plausible reasons. the first trigger for this
phenomenon could be + NP (family background)/A
prominent factor could be that these youngsters are
originated from families with low background. To be more
specific,………………………………………As a consequence,…/ As a
result,/ Consequently,…………….Moreover, ……………. also sits
at the core of the problem. In fact, ……
= …….could be due to several reasons= there are
several factors which account for the sharp rise in
the number of overweight children. The first
trigger is that……..Another precursor is that……..
There are several factors which account for the sharp rise in the number of
overweight children. The first trigger is that these kids are more likely to adopt a
sedentary lifestyle. This is because the theory-based programmes at most schools
these days do not sharpen their focus on physical activities while children mostly
glue their eyes to the screen after returning home. As a result, they do burn
enough calories, which is a core trigger for their putting on weight. Another
precursor is that these young people tend to consume too much fast-food on a
daily basis. In fact, parents these days find themselves being occupied with their
work and they do not have enough time to make home-cooked food. As a result,
their children are allowed to eat energy-dense and processed dishes which
contain a lot of fat and nutrition.
there are several factors which account for the sharp rise in the number of cyperspace perpetrators. The first trigger
is that they were borned / born in families with (the) low backgrounds. This is because when they live in a violent
environment where their parents or relatives often have conflicts or the majority of their neighbors are law-violating
people, which is a precursor to anti-social trend/ behaviours absorbed in their mind (and early access to fighting
video games). As a result, they do some law-violating activites.
Cyberspace - mang
Anonymous –
+leading a solo life / living alone
The first trigger is that young people are faced with more and more increased workloads. This is because the
demand of work-quality is higher so they tend to spend their quanlity/= most of their personal time for working
to boost the life skill and chance of promotion inteads of datting/ focusing on dating purposes. As a result,
leading a solo life is the best choice for them to attain most of their important goals.

+ There is no doubt that the accelerating rate of

obesity could be attributed to unhealthy eating habits
amongst children. In fact, kids today constantly find
themselves being intensively lured by (= cannot resist
the temptation of the pre-packaged and processed)
energy-dense fast food which definitely contains huge
amount of fat and nutrition.
Find oneself being + p.p
+Calorie-high food /dishes
+Noun-high /dense (adj)
Sugar-high drink
Senior demographic-dense area
+calorie-low food
+noun-free (adj)
Sugar-free drink
War-free world
Social evil-free society
Car-free day
+theory-intensive curriculum
+As a consequence,/consequently/as a result, they
find it hard to control their weight and obesity is
definitely an inevitable prospect.
Besides, sedentary (inactive) lifestyle also makes it
impossible for their body to burn their consumed
calories, thereby/thus creating an imbalance between
the input and output energy.
= Another trigger for the increase in the number of
overweight children is the sedentary lifestyle.
= They cannot burn their consumed calories due to
their sedentary lifestyle.
+NGUYEN NHAN XAU+ make it impossible for s.o to
do s.t
They cannot meet the requirement of the recruiters
due to their lack of experience.
= their lack of experience makes it impossible for them
(graduates) to meet the……………
+ (Energy imbalance also sits at the core of the
excessive overweight, because weight gain results
from consuming more calories than one expends).
These factors, coupled with genetic elements,
contribute greatly to making the situation even worse.
It goes without saying that it is obesity that triggers a
variety of harmful health conditions and is like a
phantom haunting their entire life.
Relatives/kinfolk / family members
+to be poorly bonded- proliferation of technology/ the
advent of high-tech devices
+………….. could be attributed to several plausible
reasons.A prominent factor could be that these
youngsters are originated from families with low
background. To be more specific,
a consequence,…/ As a result,/ Consequently,
…………….Moreover, ……………. also sits at the core of the problem. In
fact, …………………./. A are also to be blamed as ……………It can be argued
that …………………………….
+extracurricular activities

+++Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa việc tăng đáng cảnh báo số lượng
trẻ phạm tội vi thành niên có thể quy cho 1 số nguyên nhân.
Nguyên nhân nổi trội đầu tiên (teenage/young/juvenile criminals
–offenders/perpetrators/law-breaking people) là do nền tảng gia
đình (background/foundation) . Thưc tế là nhiều trẻ xuất than từ
gia đình có bố mẹ thường xuyên cãi vã (constantly quarrel), ly
hôn (get divorce) hay nguời than có tiền sử phạm tội (have
criminal record) thường dễ bị ảnh hưởng tiêu cực từ những hình
ảnh xấu này

(bad examples).
A is detrimentally (negatively) affected (impacted) by
B detrimentally affects (impacts/influences) A.
Kết quả là chúng cũng dễ kết bạn = are more likely to
make friends with với những nhóm phạm tội
(delinquent gangsters) và sớm hay muộn chúng cũng
sẽ dễ vi phạm pháp luật (break/violate laws).
+have constant conflicts
+have criminal/law-breaking record (history)
+The sharp increase in the number of unemployed
fresh university leavers? Reasons + solution
+Topic sentence:
*thoi gian:

*quan trong
*cap do: individual/family/neighborhood/high
*linh vuc: kte/vhoa/chinh tri
+supporting sentences:
 Cho vi du
 So sanh
 Longitudinal research has demonstrated that…….

+Individual: qualifications : soft/hands-on = practical

skills- sharpen their focus on theory/
Extracurricular activities/ off-campus……
Charity-based activities
Core value/ …….., which is of paramount importance
to…/ paves the way for these youngsters to be sought
after/prioritized by perspective employers.
+headhunting firms
- Linguistic competence/ IT
+high expectation
+high school: proper major-related orientation-
growing trend/ domino effect
+universities: practical knowledge/ internship
(theory-intensive curriculum)
Cooperation/collaboration with businesses and
+society: certificate-biased prejudice/ tertiary
institutions – vocational schools
(poor academic performance/achievement)
Imbalance between the intellectual and manual
workforce (blue and white-collar workers)
Steel-collar workers
+world: global economic crisis / recession- on the
brink (verge) of bankruptcy
Let alone +NP (fresh graduates)
+automatic assembly line –robots
+para: solution
* It is high time that earnest and urgent
endeavors/efforts/attempts to halt/minimize
obesity were jointly (mutually/collaboratively)
made by both the government and people/parties
involved. On a larger scale/on a macro sense, this
can be achieved by imposing more stringent
legislation on fast food industry and also
stimulating media participation/involvement in
the prevention of obesity through minimizing the
around-the-clock coverage (broadcast) of energy-
dense food advertisements.
+In order to tackle the problem, On a macro
sense, the government/ the authorities should
enforce (enact/impose) more stringent (drastic) /
feasible – kha thi legislation, which plays as a
deterrent- cong cu ran de with a view to (nham
muc dich +V-ing) preventing s. o from doing s.t
+………………………..enforce/frame/enact more
favourable policies for businesses –chinh sach uu
+stimulate/promote/encourage mass media
partipation/involvement in broadcasting
programmes with a view to heightening the public
awareness of…..
+In order to tackle the problem, On a macro
sense, the government/ the authorities should
enforce (enact/impose) more stringent (drastic) /
feasible – kha thi legislation, which plays as a
deterrent- cong cu ran de with a view to (nham
muc dich +V-ing) preventing s. o from doing s.t
+………………………..enforce/frame/enact more
favourable policies for businesses –chinh sach uu
+In order to tackle the problem, On a macro
sense, the government enact more favourable
policies for museums such as………….while the
authorities also encourage mass media
involvement in broadcasting programmes with a
view to heightening the public awareness of……..
+Moreover, physical education should be
prioritized in the academic environment while
healthy diet lessons should be fed/taught at the
very beginning period of nursery.
+A can duoc uu tien tai……
*A should be prioritized/ put on top
priority/primarily taken into consideration
(account)/ be intensively focused on IN + place.
+Long paid holidays should be primarily taken into
consideration by employers.
+Superb and genuine attention should be paid to
A in………………….
+However, there will be no quick-wins and short-
term result without the properly sustained efforts
of the victims themselves and their families.
= In terms of/when it comes to the family level, It
is parents that encourage their children to try
their hardest/utmost = reach their full potentials
to engage in physical activities, which burns
considerable quantities of calories and fat.
Likewise/similarly/also, parents must be self-
disciplined in limiting high-fat and high-sugar or
salty snacks on a regular basis. But the kids
themselves have to be fully absorbed with their
guardians’ /caregivers’ instructions, joining hands
to overcome this problem.
In conclusion, obesity is really a chronic headache/
pressure/burden/thorny problem for human beings in
the civilized society, which
deteriorates/undermines/ruins = exerts detrimental
effects on the quality of life of both the individuals
and the community in the long run. There is no single
solution (panacea- thuoc chua bach benh nao/ one-
size-fits-all solution/skeleton key) to the childhood
obesity epidemic; therefore, it is required that the
government and the parties involved have to commit
all their heart and soul to tackling the issue.
In conclusion, there are several triggers for the
explosion of …….in the society (, which can be listed
as……..,…………) while more practical and feasible
measures should be adopted at all levels to fully tackle
(address/resolve/address) the problem.
Recruiter (v)
Imbalance between the supply and demand in the job
market – graduates >< available vacancy
Internship – major
Stringent censorship: kiem duyet khat khe
+cap do:
*individuals/students/ fresh graduates-
- qualifications: soft skills/ IT/ ……
*recruiters: requirement
*schools: consultancy programmes
*universities: theory-intensive curriculum/internship
*society: certificate-based prejudice- imbalance
between the intellectual and manual workforce
*world: worldwide economic crisis/recession –

+I n order to tackle the problem, on a macro sense, the government should enforce more stringent legislation,
which plays as a deterrent preventing these cyberspace perpetrators from doing law-breaking activities and
coordinate with the authorities of other (s) countries to jointly/collaboratively/ mutually trace these law breakers
regardless of their locations in the world. When it comes to the internet users themselves,


+withdraw all of the sum of money from the bank account of these internet users


+ unemployment rate among fresh university graduates: reason ? solution

Economic/financial crisis


Intro: There is a current distressing (worrying/alarming) situation
that the number of…….is on the increase (=
accelerates/skyrockets). In this essay, I would discuss several
precursors to /several triggers for this issue
(phenomenon/trend/practice) before some viable measures are
++………….. could be attributed to several plausible reasons. A
prominent factor could be abscribed to + NP (family
background)/A prominent factor could be that these youngsters
are originated from families with low background. To be more
specific,………………………………………As a consequence,…/ As a
result,/ Consequently,…………….Moreover, ……………. also sits at
the core of the problem. In fact, ………………….
It is high time that earnest and urgent
endeavors/efforts/attempts to halt/minimize ……………… were
jointly (mutually/collaboratively) made by both the government
and people/parties involved. On a larger scale/on a macro sense,
the authorities should impose (enact/enforce) more stringent
legislation on ………………….and also stimulate media
participation/involvement in ……………….
(y 2: On a macro sense, the authorities should enact more
favourable policies on domestic businesses so that they can
recover their crisis and have more resources to recruit additional
staff, which include fresh graduates. Foreign investment is also
encouraged to create more job opportunities for youngsters.)
Moreover, moral lessons should be prioritized in ……………………….,
…moulds behaviours/outlooks…..
(Moreover, major-related knowledge should be priotized in
In terms of/when it comes to family level, It is parents that
(In terms of the students themselves, they should go out and
join activities to sharpen their skills.)
+ In conclusion, there are several triggers for the explosion of
…….in the society while measures should adopted at all levels to
fully tackle the problem.

4/ Modern society is becoming more concerned about the increase in juvenile crime.
What do you think is the cause of the increase in juvenile crime? What solution can
you suggest?

Juvenile (young/teenage) delinquency/social

evils/felonies/ anti-social
(law-breaking/violating) conducts
(delinquent (adj)
Teenage/young criminals
breaking people
People committing/perpetrating/carrying out
anti-social (law-breaking) conducts
+felonies/ social evils….
+Homework: 2 + 4 + 3
2/ It is generally acknowledged that families are now not
as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and
your recommendation
So holy is the term “family” that it is ultimately
considered as the most solid and peaceful
psychological shelter of each person from cradle to
grave. However, there is a current distressing situation
that families are not highly treasured by civilized
human beings as they massively hunt for other
temptations. In this essay, I would discuss several
precursors to this issue before some viable measures
are drawn.
Deteriorating blood ties could be attributed to several
plausible reasons. A prominent factor could be that
fast-paced lifestyle and practically-targeted aims urge
civilized citizens to unceasingly move forward,
endeavoring to reach ephemeral goals ranging from
maximizing materialistic values to winning promotion
prospects. As a consequence, these struggling people
find themselves in severe shortage of time as they
reach their full potentials, burning almost all of their
energy to gain positive performance appraisals from
their managers. And it is obvious that time-stricken
people could not reserve much time for their children
and family relatives, which undoubtedly results in a
pervasive sense of alienation amongst kinfolk.
Moreover, the proliferation of high-tech
communication tools also sits at the core of the
problem. In fact, these voice and image-based
techniques could not totally replace the face-to-face
physical contact between members in the family. In
this high-tech era, even TV broadcast can ruin the
congenial and cozy dinner time when people
overwhelmingly stick (glue) to the screen with diverse
genres of entertaining films. Rarely do parents utter a
word to their kids, let alone steering the conversation
to a more in-depth one with either detailed analysis or
sound advice. Social networks are also to be blamed as
the virtual world could widen the huger gap between
people. It can be argued that emotional icons or
honeyed words could not be compensated by either
an affectionate, reassuring hug or a tender eye.
A number of definite actions could be taken to
mitigate this alarming trend. On the macro sense,
tightening family bond should be prioritized more by
the authorities as well as employers. To be more
specific, more and more nationwide family-based
programmes should be systematically launched and
motivated by the government so that family values are
intensively highlighted. In addition, employers should
fully recognize one thing that human beings’ energy
are not boundless, but it is like a candle in the wind.
Therefore, it is high time that their batteries were
recharged by quality time with their beloved ones and
this can be done through sensible alternatives such as
re-scheduling, flexible working arrangements and job
redesign, thereby boosting the time budget for their
employees. On an individual level, it is parents that set
an inspiring example by devoting less time to
technological devices at homes, balancing between
personal ambitions and family ties. There is no doubt
that the more rewarding moments people share with
each other, the more people treasure their cozy nests.
In conclusion, family bonds grow stronger and
unbreakable by invariable influx of sympathy, love and
memorable occasions enjoyed with each other. Should
people partly put aside their egoism as well as try to
stay away from the appeal of cyberspace and ladder of
promotion, love will triumph and smile will creep onto
each household.

There is a current distressing (worrying/alarming) situation that

the number of……………In this essay, I would discuss several
detrimental impacts/ undesirable outcomes of this issue before
some viable measures are drawn.

There are several negative influences caused by the sharp rise in

the number of ……. The first detrimental impact is
that……..Another adverse effect is that……..
+decline in the workforce/ workforce crisis
+ economic deterioration
+social welfare

However, a range of available options can be taken to tackle the

problem. The simplest SOLUTION is that the authority
should ....`.....Another measure should be that....

In conclusion, there are several impacts caused by……. while

measures should be adopted at all levels to fully tackle the

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