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Name: Castillo, Krissia Pauline C.

Course and Year: BS Arch 2

Missionary Response:
Module 2 Lesson 2

1. What important message were you able to draw from the story?

From the story of the old shoemaker, it tells us lessons about patience,
faith, selflessness, and authenticity. The old shoemaker wanted to die to
be with the Lord, and when a voice spoke to him and told him that He
will visit him, he waited. It is evident throughout the story of how he
waited the whole day for the arrival of God, and even when he was
frustrated and sad about God not visiting him, he still waited and
prayed to the Lord, not harboring any negative feelings to Him. He also
showed his authenticity and selflessness by doing good deeds to the
people who came asking for help. He did not hesitate on helping them
even when he had work to do and dedicated that day to wait for God.
The story also tells us how the Lord loves His people and the ways He
shows His love. It was later revealed that the Lord actually visited the old
shoemaker countless times that day through each person that the old
shoemaker helped.

2. Based on the story, what makes Christian service truly Christian?

Based on the story, Christian service is selfless. It is a service that comes

from the heart and does not ask for anything in return. This Christian
service can be seen in what the old shoemaker did to help those in
need even though he had work to do and when he was waiting for
God to visit him that day.

3. Without being overly sentimental, in what concrete and realistic way

can you be a sacrament for others?

In simple explanation, a sacrament is a religious act or ritual in

Christianity. A sacrament is also described in Roman Catholic theology
as "an external symbol created by Christ to offer grace." There are
many ways to become a sacrament for others, it can be in big or small
ways. As for me, I can be a sacrament for others in simple ways like
listening to my friends whenever they want someone to listen to them
and give advice when they need one, helping my parents in household
chores, and assisting strangers when they are lost and asking for
directions. By doing these, I can show God’s love and generosity even
with simple ways. And eventually, I can also do bigger actions and be a
sacrament for more people.

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