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Lesson/Topic: EARTH’S RESOURCES: Soil, Rocks and Minerals (Quarter 4 Week 3, LAS 1)

Learning Target: Determine some ways on how to use soil, rocks and mineral resources sustainably.
Reference: Asuncion, P et. Al., 2013 Science 7, Pasig City, Philippines. DepEd ICMS, pp.176-178
Soil, Rocks and Minerals

Soil is an important resource to any country. Soil can be renewable if we manage it correctly. Adding
organic material to the soil in the form of plant or animal waste, such as compost or manure, increases the
fertility of the soil and improves its ability to hold onto water and nutrients. Removing the vegetation that helps
to hold the soil in place is a harmful practice. Climate (temperature and rainfall) is a significant factor not only
in soil formation but also in sustaining diversity of plants and animals. More amount of rainfall equals more
chemical reactions to weather minerals and rocks and become efficient products as top layers of the soil. Soil
formation is also increased as the temperature increases the rate of chemical reactions.

There is a continuous source of heat deep under the Earth; this heat melts rocks and other materials.
Water flowing between these rocks is also heated up. The mixture of molten or semi-molten materials, liquids
and gases is called magma. Because magma is hotter and lighter than the surrounding rocks, it rises, and
melts some of the rocks which passes on the way. If the magma finds a way to the surface, it will erupt as lava.
Lava flow is observed in erupting volcanoes. But the rising magma does not always reach the surface to erupt.
Instead, it may slowly cool and harden beneath the volcano and form different kinds of crystalline rocks. Under
favorable temperature and pressure conditions, the metal-containing rocks continuously melt and redeposit,
eventually forming rich-mineral veins. Though originally scattered in very small amounts in magma, the metals
are concentrated when magma moves and circulates ore-bearing liquids and gases.

Mineral deposits are found near volcanic areas or in trenches; metals concentrate there when magma
circulates under the Earth. Metallic minerals deposit such as copper, gold, silver, lead, and zinc are
associated with magmas found deep within the roots of active or extinct volcanoes. These metallic minerals
are used in many ways. However, the geological process of mineral formation is very slow because the rate of
replenishment is infinitely small while the rate of consumption is quite high thus, conservation of minerals is
necessary. We can conserve mineral resources by using renewable resources such as hydroelectricity and
solar power as a source of energy instead of coal. Using mineral in a planned and sustainable manner and
recycling of scrap metal can also help conserve these resources.

1. Soil has a vital role in vegetation and we must manage it correctly to sustain biodiversity.
2. Rocks formed from volcanic eruptions are important in the formation of soil where vegetation is in place.
3. We need to conserve wisely our mineral resources because it requires longer periods for it to replenish.

ACTIVITY 1: Star Markers

Instruction: Draw a star ( ) on the blank before each number if the statement implies a way on how to
sustainably use soil, rocks and mineral resources and a circle ( ) if it does not.
1. Using organic material to the soil in the form of plant or animal waste to increase the soil fertility.
2. Excessively remove the vegetation (deforestation and illegal logging) on the mountains.
3. Rocks are formed from volcanic eruption. These rocks on the surface can be used for landscaping
and ground cover to prevent soil erosion.
4. Using renewable energy sources such as hydroelectricity and solar power rather than coal.
5. Engaging in mining activities and excavate the large amount of rocks to remove the mineral ore.

1. How can we use earth’s resources like soil, rocks and minerals sustainably?

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