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St. Paul’s Institute of Technology, Inc.

Durian St. Balite Drive, Santiago,
Iligan City, Philippines


Chapter 1


Puberty is a universal phase in human development during which

individuals experience significant changes in their bodies as they transition
into adulthood. This natural process is characterized by a series of
physical transformations. Among the notable changes that occur during
puberty, hormonal shifts trigger the sebaceous glands, located at the base
of hair follicles, to become more active. Consequently, acne, or pimples,
often manifest as a result of these hormonal fluctuations. Acne is marked
by red spots resulting from the accumulation of excess sebum and dead
skin cells within skin pores. Additionally, a bacterium called
Propionibacterium acnes, which resides at the hair follicle's base,
contributes to the development of pimples by secreting substances that
exacerbate inflammation when their numbers increase.

Acne Vulgaris is the primary cause of pimples and represents a

common, chronic skin condition characterized by blockages and

inflammation of pilosebaceous units. Pimples predominantly affect areas

such as the face, back, chest, and shoulders, which can hurt an

individual's self-confidence due to the sudden surge in pimples throughout

the body.

Various methods exist for managing and treating pimples, including

both organic and inorganic approaches. One such organic method involves

the use of banana peels, a byproduct generated in significant quantities

once bananas are consumed. These discarded peels, which are

sometimes used as animal feedstock, offer valuable vitamins and minerals

essential for maintaining healthy skin. These nutrients can soothe inflamed

skin and reduce acne outbreaks.

In this study, we propose the utilization of banana peels as an

alternative organic face mask for the treatment of acne. This natural

approach stands in contrast to the potential risks associated with

commercial peel-off masks available in the market. The banana peel face

mask offers an organic, nutrient-rich solution for acne management. We

have chosen the Lakatan Banana, a popular banana cultivar in the

Philippines, as the primary ingredient for our face mask. Additionally, we

incorporate gelatin into the mixture, which not only serves as a source of

collagen but also acts as a cleansing agent. While commercial peel-off

masks have gained popularity among teenagers, our research aims to

emphasize the organic and skin-friendly nature of the Banana Peel Face


This theoretical framework is grounded in principles from several key

areas, including nutrition, dermatology, and sustainability, to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the potential effects of Musa Acuminta

(Lakatan Banana) peel extracts in skincare innovation.

Nutritional Content of Banana Peel Extracts: Drawing from nutritional

science, this framework posits that banana peel extracts are rich in

essential nutrients such as potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber.

These nutrients have the potential to nourish and benefit the skin when

applied topically. Potassium, for instance, may contribute to maintaining

skin health, while dietary fiber could have a role in promoting skin


Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties: Building on

phytochemistry principles, the framework suggests that banana peel

extracts contain significant levels of phytochemicals, including flavonoids

and antioxidants. These compounds are known for their ability to combat

oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and protect the skin from

environmental damage.

Skincare Benefits: Based on dermatological principles, the

framework hypothesizes that the application of banana peel extract-based

peel-off facial masks can offer a range of skincare benefits. These

potential benefits include improved skin texture, balanced pigmentation,

reduced fine lines, effective pore cleansing, enhanced moisture absorption,

and targeted skincare treatments. These effects are attributed to the

nutritional and phytochemical properties of banana peel extracts.

Environmental Sustainability: Rooted in sustainability principles, the

framework highlights the eco-friendly aspect of using banana peel extracts.

By repurposing agricultural by-products that might otherwise go to waste,

the framework suggests a sustainable approach to skincare product

development. This approach aligns with environmentally conscious

practices and the reduction of waste in the beauty industry.

Consumer Preferences and Regulatory Compliance: Recognizing

the importance of consumer preferences and industry standards, the

framework considers the growing demand for natural and sustainable

skincare products. It also emphasizes the need for adherence to safety

and regulatory guidelines within the skincare industry to ensure product

quality and safety.


This study can influence the strength or direction of the relationship

between the independent and dependent variables. They provide context

and potential explanations for variations in the results.

The table in Figure 1 shows the Use of Musa Acuminta (Lakatan

Banana) Peel Extracts in Peel-off Facial Masks used as the independent

variable affects the SKIN Texture Improvement. This research aims to

investigate the effectiveness of Musa Acuminta (Lakatan Banana) Peel

Extracts in Peel-off Facial Masks and how they help and affect the skin.

The findings from this study may provide valuable insights into developing

eco-friendly and turning reusable waste into Facial Peel-off Masks.


Use of Musa Acuminta

(Lakatan Banana) Peel Skin Texture
Extracts in Peel-off Improvement
Facial Masks
Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram shows the interplay of variables in

the study.


This study seeks to investigate the feasibility of using banana peels

to create a Face Mask for the treatment of acne.

The research specifically addresses the following questions:

What is the significance of the Banana Peel Face Mask in treating Acne?

Will there be a significant difference between the Banana peel face mask

and the Commercial Mask?


H01: There is no significant difference between the Banana Peel Face Mask

and the ability to remove pimples.

H02: There is a significant difference between the Banana Peel Face Mask

and the ability to remove pimples?


This research aims to provide a natural solution to acne management

by developing a Face Mask using Banana Peels. Our goal is to help

teenagers suffering from acne outbreaks on their faces, offering a

medicinal product that can be especially beneficial to those amid puberty.

By using this organic Banana Peel Face Mask, individuals may experience

a reduction in the number of pimples on their faces, in addition to

benefiting from its cleansing and moisturizing properties. Furthermore, this

research promotes environmental sustainability by repurposing banana

peels into a useful Face Mask.


This study involves the creation of a face mask using banana peels

to alleviate acne outbreaks in teenagers. Parameters for testing include

Nutritional Value, Mineral and Vitamin Content of the Face Mask, Number

of samples removed, Ingredients Used, and Convenience in Using the

Face Mask. The Face Mask will be applied to individuals' faces to assess

its effectiveness in treating acne.


Musa Acuminta (Lakatan Banana): A diploid banana cultivar originating

from the Philippines and one of the most common in the country. It serves

as a primary ingredient in banana peel-based skincare products.

Banana Peel: The outer covering of a banana fruit, which is repurposed in

skincare products to harness its nutritional content and potential benefits

for skin health.

Pimples: Small pustules or papules that develop when sebaceous glands

become clogged and infected, leading to swollen, red lesions filled with

pus. Pimples are a common skin concern.

Acne: The occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the

skin, often characterized by red pimples on the face, especially among

teenagers. It is a common dermatological concern.

Puberty: The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and

become capable of reproduction, marked by significant physical changes

in their bodies.

Face Mask: A skincare product, often creamy or pasted, applied to clean

or smoothen the face for various purposes, including cleansing,

moisturizing, and addressing specific skin concerns.

Innovation-Adoption Theory: A theoretical framework that explains the

process by which innovations are introduced, adopted, and diffused among

individuals or organizations. It includes attributes such as relative

advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability

Chapter 2


This chapter includes a discussion of Related Literature and Related

Studies which includes ideas, a finished thesis, generalizations or

conclusions, methodologies, and others. Those that were included in this

chapter help familiarize information that is relevant and similar to the

present study.


Banana is the most economically vital fruit crop in the Philippines,

offering a year-round supply of locally grown fruit. Bananas are cultivated

in diverse environments throughout the country, ranging from lowlands and

flatlands to sloping uplands and marginal hillylands. Varieties such as

Latundan, lakatan, and saba are often grown in backyards or as part of

intercropping schemes with minimal care and management. Fresh lakatan

bananas, particularly popular in the market, sometimes face supply

shortages, especially in Luzon. This leads to the importation of lakatan

from Mindanao, resulting in higher prices due to better quality and

additional transportation costs. Therefore, the production of lakatan in

Luzon provinces holds significant market potential, including opportunities

in local public markets and the expansive Metro Manila markets. Banana

trees typically yield fruit within 8-12 months after planting, with suckers

allowed to grow for subsequent fruiting cycles as long as the plants remain


Banana peels are not merely waste; they contain essential nutrients

that can have a positive impact on health. The mineral content of banana

peels is primarily composed of potassium (78.10mg/g) and manganese

(76.20mg/g). Additionally, sodium, calcium, and iron are present at levels

of 24.30, 19.20, and 0.61 mg/g, respectively. The high potassium content

in banana peels, if consumed orally, contributes to maintaining normal

blood pressure. Approximately 91.50 percent of a banana peel consists of

organic nutrient matter, including lipids, proteins, crude fiber, and

carbohydrates. Fiber accounts for about 31.70 percent of the total mass,

while carbohydrates make up 59 percent, and protein and lipids represent

0.9 and 1.7 percent, respectively. This high fiber content proves valuable

as a natural laxative.

Banana peel serves as a natural storehouse of various health-

beneficial phytochemicals. There are significant differences in

phytochemical composition and antioxidant properties, including flavonoid

content, metal-chelating activity, phenolics, and free radical scavenging

activity. Therefore, incorporating fruit peel into food products is highly

recommended, as the phytochemicals can synergistically reduce the risk of

degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. Future

research focused on genetic engineering holds the potential to enhance

the nutritional content of banana peels.

Face masks are skincare products that share ingredients with

dermatologists' peels but in lower concentrations. They gently remove the

outermost layer of skin, resulting in smoother skin texture and potential

benefits such as evening out pigmentation, fading fine lines, and cleansing

pores. These masks can provide intensive moisture, absorb excess oil,

and deliver antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, or acne-fighting treatments.

Peel-off facial masks work by gently removing the skin's outer layer,

alleviating dullness, and eliminating dead skin cells. This process can lead

to smoother skin and balanced pigmentation. Peel-off masks are often

formulated with vitamin, plant-based, or fruit extract-based ingredients, as

well as charcoal, antioxidants, and botanicals. These ingredients work

together to reveal a radiant complexion.

Peel-off masks function as physical exfoliants, removing the top layer of

skin and eliminating accumulated dust and dirt particles. Regular use of

peel-off masks may also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

These masks help absorb excess oil, unclog and purify pores, and gently

uproot fine facial hair. Additionally, they offer a cooling and soothing effect
and can reduce inflammation caused by environmental particles like

pollution. Peel-off masks contribute to the overall health and appearance of

the skin.

A research study conducted on March 09, 2016, explored the

feasibility of creating Banana Peel Cream. The objective was to develop a

skincare product that addresses various concerns, including delaying the

aging process, whitening the skin, enhancing radiance, and treating acne

and pimples. Banana Peel Cream can be applied during both the day and

night, similar to commercial face creams. It contains natural ingredients,

with banana peel as a primary component. Bananas are renowned for their

nourishing properties, as they are rich in magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc,

iodine, and vitamins A, B (including folic acid), E, and F. Among the

banana varieties in the Philippines, Lakatan is considered the most

suitable for making Banana Peel Cream due to its health benefits,

including lutein and potassium content. The cream acts as a second skin,

penetrating deep into the epidermis to offer protection, enhance elasticity,

improve suppleness, clarify the skin, and provide soothing hydration.

Results from the study indicated visible improvements in just 7 days of

using Banana Peel Cream.

The related literature and studies reviewed provide valuable insights

into the potential benefits of banana peels, particularly in skincare

products. The nutrient-rich composition of banana peels, including

potassium, manganese, and various phytochemicals, presents

opportunities for enhancing skin health and addressing common concerns

such as acne and aging. Additionally, the utilization of banana peels in

face masks and creams is a natural and sustainable approach to skincare.

Further research and innovation in this field hold the potential to create

effective and environmentally friendly skincare products that cater to

diverse skin needs.

Banana peel serves as a natural storehouse of various health-

beneficial phytochemicals. There are significant differences in

phytochemical composition and antioxidant properties, including flavonoid

content, metal-chelating activity, phenolics, and free radical scavenging

activity. Therefore, incorporating fruit peel into food products is highly

recommended, as the phytochemicals can synergistically reduce the risk of

degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. Future

research focused on genetic engineering holds the potential to enhance

the nutritional content of banana peels.


Nutritional Value of Banana Peels: Banana peels are not just waste;

they contain essential nutrients such as potassium, manganese, sodium,

calcium, and iron. These nutrients can have positive effects on health,
particularly in maintaining normal blood pressure and promoting digestive

health due to their high fiber content.

Phytochemicals and Antioxidants: Banana peels are rich in

phytochemicals, including flavonoids, and exhibit antioxidant properties.

These phytochemicals can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases like

cardiovascular disease and cancer. Future research could explore genetic

engineering to enhance the nutritional content of banana peels further.

Versatility of Banana Varieties: Different banana varieties offer

various health benefits. Lakatan, in particular, is considered one of the

healthiest and is suitable for making skincare products due to its lutein and

potassium content.

Benefits of Face Masks: Face masks, including peel-off masks, play

a significant role in skin care. They gently remove the outermost layer of

skin, resulting in smoother texture, improved pigmentation, and reduced

fine lines. Additionally, these masks can cleanse pores, provide moisture,

and deliver specific skincare treatments.

Peel-Off Masks as Physical Exfoliants: Peel-off masks act as

physical exfoliants, effectively removing dead skin cells and dirt particles

that accumulate over time. Regular use may lead to improved skin quality,

reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and clearer pores.

Environmental Benefits: The utilization of banana peels in skincare

products provides a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. It

repurposes what might otherwise be considered waste, contributing to eco-

conscious skincare solutions.

Potential for Innovation: The related literature highlights the

potential for innovation in skincare products using banana peels. These

products can address various skin concerns, including acne, aging, and

hydration while offering natural and nutrient-rich alternatives to commercial

skincare items.

Fast-Acting Results: Some studies suggest that skincare products

containing banana peel extract can produce visible results in a relatively

short time, such as improvements in skin radiance and clarity within as

little as seven days of use.


This study, conducted on March 09, 2016, explores the development

of Banana Peel Cream. The objective is to create a skincare product that

addresses various concerns, including delaying the aging process,

whitening the skin, enhancing radiance, and treating acne and pimples.

Banana Peel Cream can be applied during both the day and night and

contains natural ingredients, with banana peel as a primary component.

Results from the study indicate visible improvements in just seven days of

using Banana Peel Cream.


The study on Banana Peel Cream demonstrates that skincare

products containing banana peel extract can be effective in addressing

various skincare concerns. These concerns include delaying the aging

process, skin whitening, enhancing skin radiance, and treating issues like

acne and pimples. The study's results show that such a cream can

produce visible improvements in as little as seven days of use, suggesting

its potential effectiveness in skincare routines.

These insights highlight the practical application of banana peels in

skincare products and their ability to offer tangible benefits to users. They

demonstrate the versatility of banana peels in addressing a range of skin

concerns, emphasizing the potential for natural and sustainable skincare

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods and procedures for gathering

data for the study. This includes the research designs, research

environment, respondents and sampling procedures, data gathering

procedures, research instrument and their validity, and statistical



This research will employ an experimental design, specifically a

randomized controlled trial (RCT). RCTs are well-suited for comparing the

effectiveness of two different treatments or interventions.

The results of the experiment were collected through visual

observations of the results when the Facial Peel-off Mask was used. The

experiment was repeated once a day for seven days to ensure accuracy

and effective results. The data collected was analyzed using simple

statistical methods.
It is important to note that the timetable is only a rough estimate and

may vary depending on the availability of resources and unforeseen

challenges. Additionally, safety precautions and ethical guidelines must be

followed throughout the study.



TASK: 1-19 20-31 1-20 21 24 27 1 2






The research environment for (Lakatan Banana) peel extracts as

natural ingredients in peel-off facial mask activity was conducted in a

laboratory setting. The experiment was carried out in a controlled

environment to ensure the accuracy of the results. The laboratory should

have the necessary equipment and materials for the study and tools for

sample preparation and analysis. The study has been conducted at the St.

Paul’s Institute Of Technology Of Iligan City, Inc. The laboratory is well-


The research respondents for this study will primarily include

individuals who have specific skincare concerns, such as acne, fine lines,

uneven skin texture, or pigmentation issues. These participants should be

within the age group typically affected by these concerns, which may

include teenagers and young adults.

Participants will be recruited from various sources, including Local

community members who are interested in skincare products and have

experienced common skin issues.

Clients or patients of local beauty clinics or dermatology centers who are

seeking solutions for their skincare concerns. Volunteers who express

interest in participating through advertisements, social media, or local

skincare-related events.

To ensure the relevance of the study, the inclusion criteria for

participants may include factors such as age (e.g., teenagers to young

adults), specific skin concerns (e.g., acne-prone or uneven skin texture),

and willingness to use skincare products as directed.

Participants with severe skin conditions or allergies to any of the

ingredients used in the banana peel extract-based facial masks will be

excluded from the study.

The sample size will be determined using statistical methods to

achieve adequate statistical power for your research objectives. The size

may vary based on the specific research questions and statistical analysis



To assess the efficacy of Musa Acuminata peel as a natural

ingredient for facial masks, a research instrument was developed. The

instrument consisted of several components, including a questionnaire,

skin analysis tools, and a facial mask formulation. The questionnaire was

designed to gather information about participants' skin type, concerns, and

previous experiences with facial masks. Skin analysis tools, such as a

moisture meter and sebum meter, were used to measure skin hydration

and oiliness before and after mask application. The facial mask formulation

included Musa Acuminata peel extract as the main ingredient, along with

other natural additives.


To ensure the validity of the research instrument, several steps were

taken. Firstly, the questionnaire was reviewed by a panel of experts in

dermatology and skincare to ensure its relevance and comprehensibility.

Their feedback was incorporated into the final version of the questionnaire.

Secondly, the skin analysis tools used in the study were calibrated and

validated against established standards. This ensured accurate and

reliable measurements of skin hydration, oiliness and anti-acne. Lastly, the

facial mask formulation was developed based on previous studies and

scientific literature, which supported the potential benefits of Musa

Acuminata peel for skin health.


The data gathering procedure for the (Lakatan Banana) peel extracts

as natural ingredients in peel-off facial masks activity to the effective

outcome involves several steps:

Preparation of Synchronized
Collection Data Collection
Test Solution Timing

Preparation of
Test Solution

Data Collection
1. Collection of (Lakatan Banana) peel extracts: Lakatan Banana will

be collected, and the extract will be prepared using this method.

2. Preparation of Test Solutions: The extract is mixed with Gelatin,

water, Glycerin, Antioxidants, and Fragrance (optional) to obtain the

desired concentration.

3. Synchronized timing. After that, the mask will be thickened in a few

minutes because of the gelatin to help the mask adhere to the skin

and create the peel-off effect

4. Data Collection: The number of days until effective results are

shown will be counted.


Research question related to exploring the efficacy of Musa Acuminta

(lakatan banana) peel extracts as natural ingredients in peel-off facial

1.What is the significance of the Banana Peel Facial Mask in treating


2.Will there be a significant difference between the Banana peel face mask

and the Commercial Mask?

3.what are the advantages of Banana peel to make as skincare?

4. What are the benefits of Banana-Peel facial mask?

5. How will you convince consumer that it will be effective?

6. How to apply properly to make it effective?

7. What is the specific duration to see the result?

8. What are the exact age are able to use the Banana-Peel as Facial


9. Are these safe to pregnant and lactating moms?

10. Are there any potential side effects or toxicity associated with the

use of Musa Acuminta as Facial Mask? If there's any, what are the ways

to lessen it?

These research question can help guide your study and provide a scientific

basis for your research on the anti-acne properties of musa acuminta peel

extracts as natural ingredients in peel-off facial mask.

Research Instrument: To assess the efficacy of Musa Acuminata peel as a

natural ingredient for facial masks, a research instrument was developed.

The instrument consisted of several components, including a

questionnaire, skin analysis tools, and a facial mask formulation. The

questionnaire was designed to gather information about participants' skin

type, concerns, and previous experiences with facial masks. Skin analysis

tools, such as a moisture meter and sebum meter, were used to measure

skin hydration and oiliness before and after mask application. The facial

mask formulation included Musa Acuminata peel extract as the main

ingredient, along with other natural additives.

Validity of Research Instrument: To ensure the validity of the research

instrument, several steps were taken. Firstly, the questionnaire was

reviewed by a panel of experts in dermatology and skincare to ensure its

relevance and comprehensibility. Their feedback was incorporated into the

final version of the questionnaire. Secondly, the skin analysis tools used in

the study were calibrated and validated against established standards.

This ensured accurate and reliable measurements of skin hydration,

oiliness and ati-acne. Lastly, the facial mask formulation was developed

based on previous studies and scientific literature, which supported the

potential benefits of Musa Acuminata peel for skin health.

Key Points: 1. Facial masks with natural ingredients are gaining popularity

due to concerns about synthetic ingredients. 2. Musa Acuminata peel is a

potential natural ingredient for facial masks. 3. The research instrument

includes a questionnaire, skin analysis tools, and a facial mask

formulation. 4. The validity of the research instrument was ensured through

expert review, calibration of skin analysis tools, and scientific literature


Conclusion: This study aims to explore the efficacy of Musa Acuminata

peel as a natural ingredient for facial masks. The research instrument,

consisting of a questionnaire, skin analysis tools, and a facial mask

formulation, was developed to assess the potential benefits of Musa

Acuminata peel for skin health. The validity of the research instrument was

ensured through expert review, calibration of skin analysis tools, and

scientific literature support. By investigating the efficacy of Musa

Acuminata peel, this study contributes to the growing body of knowledge

on natural alternatives for facial masks and promotes the use of

sustainable and skin-friendly ingredients in skincare products.

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