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Muhammad Bilal

OBE April

Task 1: Emergency response

1 based on the scenario only, comment on how you, as health and safety advisor, effectively
managed the emergency.
As health and safety advisor emergency effectively managed in following ways.
1 First, the workers were asked to step aside from the injured worker to gain access to the injured
2 The Cinema manager or team leader was contacted to properly manage the emergency
situation of the young injured worker but the team leader and the cinema manager on duty
walked out of the cinema just after the accident.
3 None of the cinema’s worker was trained in first aid therefore health and safety advisor asked
the worker to bring the first aid kit as the health and safety advisor was trained in for giving the
first aid.
4 While one of the worker went to take first aid kit health and safety advisor checked the injured
worker whether injured worker was taking breath and also checked that which type of injury
young worker had the young worker had a wound on his right arm.
5 Emergency services were called by the health and safety advisor.
6 The injured worker was given a quiet environment and when the injured worker regained
consciousness, he was told by the health and safety advisor that ambulance is on the way to
comfort the injured worker.
7 As a health and advisor worker were instructed to immediately close the cinema and clear the
entrance hall so that paramedic can easily.
8 The injured worker was treated by paramedics and was taken to hospital for extensive
9 health and safety advisor try to telephone the water front cinema manager but manager did
not answer after this health and safety advisor leave a voicemail message to manager.
10 Information was taken by the health and safety advisor about the accident from the eyewitness
workers to assist the accident investigation.

task 2: culture

2 what are the indicators of a negative health and safety culture at the water front cinema?

there are many points which shows negative indicators of health and safety at the waterfront cinema
which are given below.

1 Water front cinema had poor keeping arrangements the glass of entrance doors was dirty,
overflowing waste bins of entrance hall and last week ticket were scattered on the floor. There
was no sanitation system was found.
2 Waterfront cinema’s workers were not given training about health and safety which shows
negative health and safety culture of waterfront cinema.
3 Safe place of work was not provided to worker, the step of ladder was damaged but not
replaced, instead they were urged to work.
4 Waterfront cinema had poor management system as the safety policy of waterfront was
outdated and risk assessment was also outdated.
5 When the accident happened no one was ready to take the charge of the situation, even the
team was not present at the place of accident which shows negative health and safety of
waterfront cinema.
6 No one was ready to give the first aid rather, they were standing around the injured worker.
7 First aid kit which was available in the waterfront cinema was only having bandages and plaster
and other necessary things were missing.
8 The cinema’s manager did not want to investigate the accident and consider investigation of
accident just waste their time which shows negative indicator of health and safety of waterfront
9 The young worker was not ready to hang the banner but team leader forced him to do this
activity, he was told that if he did not do this a complain would be filled against him to manager
due to which he did this activity and fell down.
10 No adequate provision is made for high risk activity and step ladder was not well tested before
the activity of hanging the banners.
11 proper assistance was not provided to worker for alone working activity.
12 Young worker work place was not barricaded due to which a child hit ladder during the running.
13 Team leader and cinema manager gives low priority to health and safety instead they give
priority only work to be done even there is harm to anyone which create negative health and
safety culture in the waterfront cinema.
14 Young worker was afraid of for work at height activity but team leader force him which shows
negative health and safety indicator in water front cinema.
15 Health and safety policy copy was not displayed on the notice board in waterfront cinema.
16 Toolbox talk was not provided to worker regarding to health and safety.
17 When the young worker was hanging the banner no supervision was done for work at height
activity by senior management.
18 Waterfront cinema senior management did not provide health and safety policy to their worker
for managing health and safety.
19 During the activity of hanging the banner area was not barricaded and not prohibition was
installed on the working place.
20 Waterfront cinema did not make any risk assessment to control the risk of hazard.
21 Health and safety policy which has the waterfront cinema was not suitable according to current
22 No system was found for reporting the accident as the scenario describes team leader and
manager was not present at the place of accident when health and advisor call to them they
were not answered to the call of health and safety advisor.
23 The young worker busy in other work but team leader gives him another task for hanging the
banner in short time.
24 As the scenario describes “When FCC health and safety advisor visit the waterfront cinema he
saw manager lounging behind the desk, smoking a cigarette and watching a movie on their

All these things show negative safety culture of waterfront cinema.

Task 3: health and safety management system awareness and communication

There are many evidence which shows that waterfront cinema has failed to communicate the
health and safety management requirements and outcomes which are given below

1 No communication was provided to waterfront cinema’s workers regarding to the problems of

damage ladder and workers were aware about the damage ladder due to which they were not
ready to work on it.
2 Health and safety training was not provided to waterfront cinema worker.
3 No communication was provided regarding to first aid due to which when the accident
happened with the worker everyone was standing around the injured young and no one was
ready for giving the first aid to the injured young worker.
4 No communication was provided regarding to reporting the accident to the waterfront
cinema’s worker.
5 Health and safety was not displayed on the notice board of waterfront cinema; it was kept
only in the folding section.
6 Emergency situation awareness poster were not displayed in the waterfront cinema.
7 Risk assessment was posted on the notice board in the waterfront cinema.
8 Work at height area was not barricaded and nor any sign board was installed for prohibition
due to which a running child hit the ladder.
9 No discussion was carried out for risky task as the scenario describes team leader said to the
young worker hang the banner as soon as possible he was not told any safety measures about
the work.
10 Waterfront cinema did not provide health and safety policy to their worker for managing
health and safety.
11 Risk assessment was not carried out for managing health and safety which was necessary
according to situation of waterfront cinema.
12 Waterfront cinema did not provide training to its worker to supervise the work due to which
banner hanging activity was carried out by alone working.
13 No discussion was carried out for reporting the accident.
14 No discussion was carried out for investigation the accident through the investigation accident
rate can be reduced by finding the root causes of accident and solving them with proper
control measure.
15 Waterfront cinema did not update the health and safety policy which was out of dated and
need to be updated.
16 Waterfront did not make any risk assessment to control the accident which was happening.

Task 4: top management commitment

(a) Future cinema corporation’s top management commitment is effective towards health
and safety following point are evident of this which are given below
1 future cinema corporation has central health and safety department consisting with three regional
health and safety managers, group of safety directors of health and safety and fifteen health and
safety advisor which are performing their role related to health and safety.
2 Health and safety directors group is responsible to develop cinema chain health and safety
3 Future cinema corporation has a certificate ISO 45001: 2015 related to health and safety on which
future cinema corporation feel proud.
4 Regional health and safety managers of future cinema corporation are responsible for
implementing health and safety strategy in effective manner.
5 In future cinema corporation all working representatives have appropriate qualification according
to their job which shows top management commitment is effective towards health and safety.
6 Future cinema corporation helps the other cinemas management representatives for how to
achieve the certificate of this standards ISO 45001: 2015 which shows future cinema corporation
has priority to other cinemas for managing health and safety.
7 Future cinema corporation management has sent health and safety advisor to waterfront cinema
in order to perform initial audit there.
8 Health and safety advisor was trained to handle the emergency situation and he was sent to
waterfront cinema to find out flaws through conducting audit there for managed the safe system
of work
9 Health and safety advisors noticed in waterfront cinema that health and safety was not
implemented in waterfront cinema.
10 When accident happen in the waterfront cinema the health and safety advisor of future cinema
corporation handle the situation in appropriate manner and follow all mandatory steps to ensure
effective investigation such as taking interviews of witness at the place of accident.
11 Health and safety advisor checked the health and safety policy of waterfront cinema which was out
dated and need to be review and up date.

All these evidence shows future cinema corporation’s top management commitment is effective
towards health and safety.

(b) After the accident labor inspector may take possible action which are given below
1 labor inspector may issue a prohibition letter to waterfront cinema.
2 waterfront cinema may face legal prosecution by the action taken from labor inspector
for not managing health and in the waterfront cinema.
3 Waterfront cinema may also face fine in court proceeding due to the action of labor
4 Labor inspector can punish the waterfront cinema’s management in court proceeding in
which those responsible may be jailed.
5 Labor inspector may write report to concerned authority in which labor inspector may
highlight that all the observed is noncompliance.
6 Labor inspector may investigate the worker and employer of waterfront cinema after
the accident.
7 Labor inspector may cease the waterfront cinema on the basis of non-compliance with
health and safety.
Task 5: administrative control measures

5 what administrative control measures could be in place at the waterfront cinema to help
prevent a recurrence of the accident?

In order to prevent accidents following administrative should be applied in waterfront cinema workplace
on priority basis.

1. Waterfront cinema’s health and safety policy must be updated and review on priority basis.
2. Health and safety policy must be posted on a suitable place for the information of workers and
senior management and public.
3. A record of every type of accident must be kept so that such accidents can be avoided in future.
4. Toolbox talk must be provided to worker to train them on the job.
5. Supervision must be done of the worker’s activity to see that everyone is doing their job safely.
6. First aid training must be provided to worker so that they can save lives by providing timely
medical assistance.
7. Emergency drill must be done in the waterfront cinema so that everyone can know how to deal
in emergency situation and can avoid a huge loss.
8. First aid kit must be provided with all type of first aid equipment
9. In waterfront cinema lone working must be prohibited for high risk activities and should be done
under the supervision competent person.

10. High risk activities must be done by only competent person who is not afraid while working.
11. In waterfront cinema every activity must be monitor by only the competent person.
12. For high risk activities such as work at height workplace area must be barricade so that any type
of accident could not occur.
13. In waterfront cinema team leader, cinema manager must be given health and safety training so
that they avoid the worker from the accident.
14. If accident happen in the waterfront cinema investigation must be done so that root causes of
the accident can be known and in future can be avoided from this type of accident.
15. If anyone found breaking the rules or seem careless in his work, he should be punished.
Task 6: individual and job factors
(a) Individual human factor which influence the behavior of the injured worker in the
waterfront cinema are given below.
1 The injured worker was young and inexperienced which made him afraid to work at
2 The affected young worker was found to be hesitant in the activities of hanging the
banners and he demanded a buddy system from team leader that shows his weak
3 The injured worker was known that the ladder was unsafe and unsound but he did not
have the experience of how to do this activity.
4 The injured did not know that he had to barricade the workplace and impose a sign
board for prohibited the place where the activity of hanging the banners to be carried
5 The affected worker was aware that an accident had occurred in the past while use this
ladder and imagining it in his mind that even with this, may also be a victim of accident
by using this damage ladder for which he was afraid of doing this activity.
6 If we see the skill of young worker, he was unable to use the damage ladder.
7 The injured worker was afraid of working at height and afraid of to take the risk of risky
8 Team leader negatively encouraged the injured worker to hang the banner he was told
that if he did not do this, he would be complained to the cinema manager due to which
the young worker began to carry out the activity of hanging the banner.

All these individual human factor influenced the behavior of injured worker in the water
front cinema

(b) Job factor which influenced the behavior of injured worker in the waterfront cinema
 The injured young worker was busy in other work but team leader assigned him the
other task for hanging the banner.
 The young worker was afraid to work at height, he tried to avoid the team manager to
get someone else to do it, but team leader forced him he said to the young worker if he
did not do this his complain will be to the waterfront cinema manager.
 Because of the threat of team manager started to hanging the banner.
 The area was not barricaded during the activity of hanging the banner and not sign was
installed for prohibition that this side cannot be used public due to which a running child
hit the ladder and ladder fell down.
 No control measure had been taken for damage ladder.
 The injured worker was not trained for work at height activity but team leader asked to
finish the as soon as possible.
 Toolbox talk was not provided about the work on daily basis.
 The ladder which was provided to worker was damage.
 Risk assessment was not carried out for work at height activities

All these factor influenced the behavior of injured worker in the waterfront cinema.

Task 7: risk evaluation

(a) Show how the Matrix can be used to confirm that the risk level was not acceptable when the
ladder was for the banner hanging activity.
According to the given Matrix risk level between 6-9 cannot be acceptable.
1 rating likelihood as 3 “very likely” (high)
Step ladder was wobbling due to which not full open in most of the cases in the waterfront
cinema, the workplace was not barricade due to which running child hit ladder and the ladder
fell and which caused the accident.
17 Severity
Rating severity as 3 major injury
In worst case scenario if young worker fell down during the activity of hanging the banner due
to this he may be disable permanently.
Risk level =likelihood × severity
Risk level= very likely × major injury
Risk level=3 × 3
Risk level=9
Result=high risk
Risk level was found 9 in the use of ladder for hanging the banner which is unacceptable high
(b) Shoe how the matrix can be used to confirm the risk level of the banner hanging activity is
According to the given Metrix risk level between 1-3 can be acceptable
1 likelihood
rating likelihood as is 1 “very-unlikely” (medium)
During the activity of hanging the banner through by the scaffolding will protect the young
worker from falling hazard and worker can easily do his job without fair of falling from
2 severity

rating severity as is 3 (major injury)


during the activity of hanging the banner on mobile scaffolding worker may fall and can get
permanent disability

Risk level = likelihood × severity

Risk level = very × unlikely major injury

Risk level = 1 × 3

Risk level =3

As the risk level is found 3 which is acceptable if the worker uses safety harness on scaffolding
during the activity of hanging, in this way risk level may be reduced which is acceptable.

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