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Project Plant Pals | SMART Goals

January 5

Goal One: “Office Green wants to increase brand awareness.”

SMART Goal One: “Office Green wants unique page visits to increase by 2K each
month by the end of Q4 using a new marketing strategy, redesigned website with a
new Plants Pals service.”

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Response: The goal contains everything needed to succeed, which is using a redesigned
website combined with the Plants Pals service.

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Response: The goal is attained when there is 2k new visits to the website.

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Response: It is similar to prior marketing campaigns results.

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Response: It supports business growth.

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Response: The deadline is by the end of the year.

Goal Two: “Office Green wants to raise the customer retention rate.”

SMART Goal Two: “Office Green wants retention rate go from 80% to 90% by the
end of Q4 using an operations and training plan for Plants Pals.”

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Response: The goal is clear and concise. Everything is listed.

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Response: Success is attained when there is a 10% increase in customer retention.

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Response: Vice President of Customer Success expects over 90% customer satisfaction this
year, which is at least the target.

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Response: Customer retention means more sales through referrals.

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Response: The deadline is by the end of the year.

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