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Project Plant Pals | SMART Goals

January 5

Rewrite the two goals below to make them SMART. Then explain what makes
them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Goal One: “Office Green wants to increase brand awareness.”

SMART Goal One: “Office Green wants…” to create an app to promote new
services which will increase standards and boost efficiency for plant pals within 12

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
The purpose of the project “create an app”

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
There will be an accomplishment when the app is built because it will increase standards and
boost efficiency

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
It can be reached because the all necessary materials and tools for the creating of this new
app is available

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Yes the goal is relevant because when achieved will be worthwhile for Office Green

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

The deadline to achieve this goal is 12months

Goal Two: “Office Green wants to raise the customer retention rate.”

SMART Goal Two: “Office Green wants…” to raise the customer retention rate by
increase of 10% with the aim of creating the plant pals in which the customer have
shown interest on before the end of the fourth quarter of the Year.
What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
To raise customer retention rate to avoid customers leaving the Office Green

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Its measurable by the increase of 10% and yes it includes a matrics

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Its attainable because the customers have shown interest in plant pals so with accomplishing
will bring back the customers who have left Office Green

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Its relevant because when the goal is achieved it will be worthwhile and the time spent on
developing the app won’t be a waste

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Its deadline is before the end of the fourth quarter of the year

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