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Project Plant Pals | SMART Goals

January 5

Rewrite the two goals below to make them SMART. Then explain what makes
them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Goal One: “Office Green wants to increase brand awareness.”

SMART Goal One: To increase bran awareness, Office Green wants to expand its
customer base by at least 15% by the end of third quarter

What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Response: it is focused on one specific point of the brand awareness.

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Response: it gives clear way to check how we know that we’ve reached the goal

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Response: that kind of target can be achieved especially with new service

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Response: it leads to the general company target which is revenue increase

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Response: it gives precise point in time

Goal Two: “Office Green wants to raise the customer retention rate.”

SMART Goal Two: To increase retention rate, Office Green wants to introduce
expected by customers new Plant Pals service by the end of third quarter
What makes this goal specific? Does it provide enough detail to avoid
Response: it gives clear way to understand, what is expected to happen

What makes this goal measurable? Does it include metrics to gauge success?
Response: it’s yes/no way of measuring so it’s very clear

What makes this goal attainable? Is it realistic given available time and
Response: context of the situation suggests, that’s attainable

What makes this goal relevant? Does it support project or business objectives?
Response: new products, expected by customers, clearly leads towards main company target

What makes this goal time-bound? Does it include a timeline or deadline?

Response: it gives precise point in time

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