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2023 Bio 100 Team

Mesa Community College



● Describe the phases of the cell cycle and explain how cells undergo division through
● Recognize how carcinogens cause DNA mutations, changing the function of genes which
may lead to the development of cancer.
● Describe differences between normal tissues and cancerous tissues.

● Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis

● Describe how meiosis creates genetic variability in gametes


The cell cycle is composed of several phases: G1 phase,

S phase, G2 phase, and mitosis and cytokinesis. Mitosis
is the process by which a single parent cell, e.g. a skin
cell, divides to create two identical daughter cells, each
containing the same number of chromosomes as the
parent cell. Mitosis is necessary to create new cells as
cells age, are damaged, or become old. Before a cell can
divide by mitosis, it must first make a copy of its DNA
and its organelles, which are then divided to create
two identical daughter cells.

Figure 1: The cell cycle illustrating how cells


(By Genomics Education Programme - The cell cycle, CC BY 2.0, )

G1 phase: the cell needs to enlarge to accommodate

the replicated genetic material and other organelles in
the cell. Additional cytoplasm is also produced.
S phase: exact copies of the cells chromosomes are created.

G2 phase: cell can make final preparations in order to enter mitosis.

M-phase: Mitosis begins with the condensation of the chromosomes. This creates tightly
compacted chromosomes which can be seen under the microscope. When a chromosome
compacts, the two copies of the chromosome are linked, forming an “X” shape. Each copy of the
chromosome in the “X” is a sister chromatid. Once the chromosomes have compacted, the nuclear
membrane will break down.

Once the nuclear membrane has broken down, the chromosomes are free to travel to the middle of
the cell. They line up in the middle of the cell at the mitotic plate. Microtubules form from the poles
of the cell and attach to each chromosome where the sister chromatids meet. Next the
microtubules shorten, pulling the sister chromatids apart, each moving to an opposite pole of the
cell. Once they have reached the poles of the cell, the two nuclei form around the sister
chromatids, and the cell undergoes cytokinesis, forming two daughter cells that have identical

Almost all the cells in your body were produced by mitosis. Mitosis ensures that the daughter cells
produced after the division of the cell have one copy of each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes (46
total). These pairs are called homologous chromosomes, because the chromosomes are very
similar; they are the same size and possess the same genes. Because every human cell contains 2
copies of each chromosome, humans are diploid organisms, which can be abbreviated as 2n. In
contrast, the strawberries you worked with earlier have 8 copies of each chromosome, so they are

✓ WATCH THE FOLLOWING LESSON ON MITOSIS: phases of mitosis Bozeman science


✓ Watch this video: Mitosis with Gummy worms!

1) Materials needed:
Packet of gummy worms
Paper plates

Each gummy worm represents a chromosome. In your GUMMY ORGANISM, its

entire genome (all its DNA) is contained in a single chromosome. GUMMY
ORGANISMS are diploid, which means that a regular cell in G1 will have 2

Use diagrams from your textbook to help you to construct the following simulation.

1) Label paper plates: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, New Cell 1, New Cell 2.
2) Draw a circle with dashed lines (representing the nucleus dissolving), on the “Prophase
plate”. Take two differently colored worms (e.g. one red/blue and one yellow/green) place in
the nucleus. This represents a cell in G1 that has two chromosomes, each with a single

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chromatid. The cell is diploid (2n, because it has 2 copies of the genome). For a cell to be
ready to enter Mitosis, you will need to duplicate your DNA. To represent this, take an
additional red/blue and yellow/green from your packet, and place each next to the matching
chromosomes on the “Prophase plate”
3) Prophase: Take a photo of the Prophase plate
4) Metaphase: Draw a dashed line across the plate (representing the mitotic plates). Line up
your 2 pairs of chromosomes at the mitotic plate. Take a photo.
5) Anaphase: Separate the two red/blue worms, and the two green/yellows, so you can see
that one red/blue, and one green/yellow set is moving towards one pole, and the other set is
moving in the opposite directions. You can draw centrioles and the mitotic spindle. Take a
6) Telophase: Place one red/blue and one green/yellow chromosome and place on one side of
the cell, and draw a dotted circle (representing a newly forming nucleic membrane). Repeat
for the other side of the cell. Two new nuclei are forming. Take a photo.
7) New cells: on each plate, draw a solid circle (representing a nucleus). In the nucleus of each,
place one red/blue and one green/yellow chromosome (two diploid 2n cells). Take a photo.
8) Eat the remaining gummies, or share them with your friends.


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✓ Mitosis Questions

1. At what stage in the cell cycle is DNA synthesized?

In the S phase of the cell cycle

2. At what stage of the cell cycle do the cells divide?

During the M phase

3. If a cell undergoing mitosis has 4 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each of the
daughter cells have?

They will have four chromosomes

4. At what stage of mitosis do the chromosomes first become visible?

During prophase

5. Match the following to the letters from the diagram below:



● Interphase A

● Prophase E

● Metaphase B

● Anaphase C

● Telophase D

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Cancer is a disease that results from unregulated cell division. This unregulated cell division may
result in the formation of masses of cells called tumors, which can be benign or malignant. Tumors
that are benign do not affect surrounding tissues, while tumors that are malignant can invade
surrounding tissues.

Carcinogens are substances that cause cells to become cancerous. These substances cause cancer by
damaging the DNA of a normal cell. When DNA damage occurs, a gene may be changed, causing it
to function improperly, or not at all. Some, but not all mutations result in cells becoming cancerous.\

Proto-oncogenes are genes which control normal cell division. They “turn on” cell division when it
is necessary to make more cells. Damage to these genes turns them into oncogenes. Oncogenes
cannot properly regulate the cell cycle, so cell division is stuck in the “on” position, and the cell
continuously divides. Similar to proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes also regulate normal
cell division. They normally “turn off” cell division, when no more cells need to be made. Damage
to these genes prevents them from turning off cell division, so the cell continuously divides.

✓ Cancer questions

1. Describe how the cell cycle is regulated and discuss ONE consequence of abnormal

It is regulated from the G1 phase, Synthesis Phase, G2 phase, and M phase one consequence of
abnormal regulation is when proto-oncogenes are damaged that turn into oncogenes which don’t
properly regulate into the cell that could turn into cancerous cells

2. What is a proto-oncogene? (you may use google to assist you, but answer in your own words)

proto-oncogene is a gene in a cell that helps regulate growth and division

3. Lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and stomach cancer have different risk factors. Name one risk factor
for each type of cancer.

● Lung: Smoking is a huge risk factor because of the pollution and gasses that are in the
● Stomach: Consuming salty or smoked foods

● Ovarian: Usually ovarian cancer is passed down through generations

4. Watch this video Cancer: Unregulated Cell Division . How do normal cells differ from the

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sample of cancerous ones?

Cancerous cells are rapidly replicating and the more they replay age they overfill and stack onto each

5. Go to: Known and Probable Human Carcinogens Scroll down the page and look at the list of
carcinogens. Choose, and list below 10 carcinogens that you are the most likely to encounter in
your daily life:

Consuming hot beverages

Consuming of red meats
Leather Dust
Outdoor air pollution
Coke production
Alcoholic beverages

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Gametes are the sperm and egg cells used in sexual reproduction. These cells are
produced by a different type of cell division called meiosis. During fertilization, the
sperm and egg unite to form a single cell called the zygote, which contains
chromosomes from both the sperm and egg. The zygote undergoes mitosis to begin
development of the embryo which eventually becomes a baby. The zygote and the
baby produced are diploid, so the sex cells that fuse to create them must be haploid.

Meiosis begins with a parent cell that is diploid, meaning it has two copies of each
chromosome. The parent cell undergoes one round of DNA replication followed by
two separate cycles of nuclear division. The process results in four daughter cells
that are haploid, which means they contain half the number of chromosomes of the
diploid parent cell.

Meiosis has both similarities to and differences from mitosis, which is a cell division
process in which a parent cell produces two identical daughter cells. Meiosis begins
following one round of DNA replication in cells in the male or female sex organs.
The process is split into meiosis I and meiosis II, and both meiotic divisions have
multiple phases. Meiosis I is a type of cell division unique to germ cells, while
meiosis II is similar to mitosis.

Meiosis I, the first meiotic division, begins with prophase I. During prophase I, the
complex of DNA and protein known as chromatin condenses to form chromosomes.
The pairs of replicated chromosomes are known as sister chromatids, and they
remain joined at a central point called the centromere. A large structure called the
meiotic spindle also forms from long proteins called microtubules on each side, or
pole, of the cell. Between prophase I and metaphase I, the pairs of homologous
chromosomes form tetrads. Within the tetrad, any pair of chromatid arms can
overlap and fuse in a process called crossing-over or recombination.
Recombination is a process that breaks, recombines and rejoins sections of DNA to
produce new combinations of genes. In metaphase I, the homologous pairs of
chromosomes align on either side of the equatorial plate. Then, in anaphase I, the
spindle fibers contract and pull the homologous pairs, each with two chromatids,
away from each other and toward each pole of the cell. During telophase I, the
chromosomes are enclosed in nuclei. The cell now undergoes a process called
cytokinesis that divides the cytoplasm of the original cell into two daughter cells.

Meiosis II is a mitotic division of each of the haploid cells produced in meiosis I.

During prophase II, the chromosomes condense, and a new set of spindle fibers
forms. The chromosomes begin moving toward the equator of the cell. During
metaphase II, the centromeres of the paired chromatids align along the equatorial
plate in both cells. Then in anaphase II, the chromosomes separate at the
centromeres. The spindle fibers pull the separated chromosomes toward each pole of
the cell. Finally, during telophase II, the chromosomes are enclosed in nuclear
membranes. Cytokinesis follows, dividing the cytoplasm of the two cells. At the

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conclusion of meiosis, there are four haploid daughter cells that go on to develop
into either sperm or egg cells.


1. List two ways that meiosis differs from mitosis.

mitosis needs one round of cell division resulting in two daughter cells meanwhile meiosis
needs two rounds resulting in four daughter cells

Mitosis has no genetic material meanwhile meiosis has the exchange of genetic material in

2. Give two ways that sexual reproduction leads to genetic variability in offspring. Explain
each way.

During meiosis chromosomes line up in the middle of the metaphase 1 phase with the
chromosomes aligned each gamete receives a unique set of chromosomes resulting in genetic
variability in offspring
Another way is when chromosomes pair up during prophase 1 and exchange their genetic
material and each gamete has a unique set of genes

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● Navigate to the Virtual Microscope

● select “explore”, open the slide box

● Explore each slide ( Onion root + White fish) at 40X. Find a good example of each of the
following stages of Mitosis, and insert a cropped screenshot (i.e. just the focal cell) of each
stage below. In addition, provide a brief explanation of why your image is a good
representation of that stage.


1. Anaphase:

I like to think of anaphase meaning apart, and as we see here the cell starting to s

2. Prophase:

Prophase is in the beginning and the chromosome is in a super coil

3. Metaphase:

Metaphase means the middle so the chromosomes are in the middle right now

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1. Late Anaphase:

The late anaphase we can see the spindles taking the chromosomes and dragging them apart

2. Metaphase:

You can see the spindles attached to the chromosomes and the chromosomes are all lined up

3. Late Prophase:

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The chromosomes are bunched up together and the spindles are surrounding the

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