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Basic Lesson Plan

(WEEK 1)


At the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:

a. identify the objects, and tracing the letters starts with letter A to Z

b. write correctly the capital letter and small letter A to Z; and

c. show appreciation to the importance of letter A to Z through an activity.

ll.Subject Matter

a. Topic: Letter A to Z

b. Reference:

c. Materials: flash cards & practice sheet



Good morning class!

How are you today?

Very good

Now, let's first stand up for the prayer.


Okey so now we will be having a new lesson but before that we will sing a song. We will sing the ABC


So base on the song, do you have now an idea whatis our lesson for this morning?Okay, so our lesson is
all about the letters in the alphabet which is the letter A to Z.

Aa,(Apple) Bb,(Ball) Cc,(Cat) Dd,(Dog) Ee,(Elephant) Ff,(Frog) Gg,(Goat) Hh,(Hat) Ii,(Ice cream) Jj,(Jump)
Kk,(Kite) Ll,(Lizard) Mm,(Monkey) Nn,(Neck) Oo,(Octopus) Pp,(Parot) Qq,(Queen) Rr,(Rain) Ss,(Snake) Tt,
(Tongue) Uu,(Umbrella) Vv,(Violet) Ww,(Watch) Xx,(X-ray) Yy,(Yoyo) Zz,(Zebra).

Very good!

This time I'll teach you how to write the letters A to Z.


Now class it's write time! I have here a printer sheets and all you have to do is to write the alphabet
letters which is the A to Z, by the tracing letters.

I'll give you a practice sheet.



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