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Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of axiomatic structure of

geometry and triangle congruence.
Performance Standard: 1. is able to formulate an organized plan to handle a real-life situation.
2. is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and
clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life
problems involving congruent triangles using appropriate and accurate

Most Essential Learning Illustrates triangle congruence.

Competency (MELC):
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
1. State and illustrate the SAS, ASA, and SSS congruence postulates for
2. Recognize and apply the conditions that assure congruence of triangles
3. Appreciate the importance of congruent triangles in building structures
II. CONTENT Illustrating triangle congruence postulates - (M8GE-IIId-e-1)
A. References
1. Teacher’s guide TG for Math 8, pages 354-356
2. Learner’s Materials LM for Math 8, pages 385-387
3. Textbook pages Next Century Mathematics 8, pp. 372-378
Math Builders 8, pp. 291–298

B. Other learning

IV. PROCEDURE Strategies used: Cooperative learning, differentiated instruction, explicit
A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting New Where am I?
Lesson (5 minutes)


Mabini Street

Bonifacio Highway

A. Identify the following places:

1. The corner between Mabini St. and Rizal St.
2. The corner between Rizal St. and the Bonifacio Highway.
3. Bonifacio Highway and Mabini St.

B. Identify the street common to each places:

1. Elvie’s residence and the Barangay Health Center
2. Barangay Hall and Elvie’s residence
3. Barangay Hall and the Barangay Health Center
Refer to the location map in the previous item, rename Elvie’s House as A,
Barangay Hall as B and the Barangay Health Center as C.

1. What is the name of the triangle formed?

2. What are the vertices of the triangle?
3. What are the sides of the triangle?
4. What angle is between 𝐴𝐵 and 𝐴𝐶? between 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐶𝐴? between 𝐵𝐴 and
5. What side is common to ∠𝐴 and ∠𝐵? to ∠𝐵 and ∠𝐶? to ∠𝐶 and ∠𝐴?

Let us first identify the parts of a triangle in terms of their relative positions.

Included angle is the angle between two sides of a triangle.

Included side is the side common to two angles of a triangle.


∠A is included between ABand AC

∠B is included between BA and BC
∠C is included between CA and CB
AC is included between ∠A and ∠C
BC is included between ∠B and ∠C
AB is included between ∠A and ∠B

*The teacher will thoroughly explain the ideas using mother tongue as
B. Establishing a Purpose for
the Lesson (5 minutes)
1. Activity PERFECT MATCH!
Your group will be given pairs of congruent figures, each shape for each
member. In 15 seconds, find your partner by matching the shape that you
have with another’s shape.

*Guidelines and procedures will be given as to ensure and maintain

safe and secure learning environment. Attached is a set of guidelines
for the group activity.

Follow up questions:
1. Why/How did you choose your partner?
2. Describe the two figures you have.
3. What can you say about the size and shape of the two figures?
C. Presenting 4. We say that congruent figures have the same size and the same
Examples/Instances of the shape. Verify that you have congruent figures.
Lesson 5. To show that two triangles are congruent, is it necessary to
show that all six pairs of corresponding parts are equal? Why or
why not?
6. How can you show that two triangles are congruent using fewer
pairs of congruent corresponding parts?

Indicator 3: Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop

critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills

a. Pick two triangles from your group.

b. Label the first triangle ∆ABC and the second one as DEF as shown below,
such that A↔ D, B↔ E, and C↔ F.
c. Using a ruler, measure the sides of your respective triangles.
d. Complete Table 1.

Indicator 2: Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance

learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.


Triangles Length of sides

∆ABC AB=_________________
BC =_________________
AC =_________________

∆DEF DE =_________________
DE =_________________
DF =_________________

With your partner, do the following on a separate sheet of bond paper.

a. Draw a triangle.
b. Label your triangle ∆GHI.
c. Tell your partner to draw another triangle with two sides and an included
angle congruent to the two sides and an included angle of your triangle.
Tell your partner to label the triangle JKL, such that G ↔J, H ↔K, and I ↔L.
d. Using a ruler and protractor, measure the two sides and the included
angle of your respective triangles.
e. Complete Table 2.


Triangles Length of sides

∆GHI GH =_________________
m ∠ G=_________________
GI =_________________

∆JKL JK =_________________
m ∠ J =_________________
Group 3:
With your partner, do the following on a separate sheet of bond paper.

a. Draw a triangle.
b. Label your triangle ∆MNO.
c. Tell your partner to draw another triangle with two angles and an included
side congruent to the two angles and an included side of your triangle. Tell
your partner to label the triangle PQRL, such that M ↔P, N ↔Q, and O ↔R.
d. Using a ruler and protractor, measure the two angles and the included
side of your respective triangles.
e. Complete Table 3.


Triangles Length of sides

∆MNO m ∠ M =_________________
MO =_________________
m ∠ O=_________________

∆PQR m ∠ P =_________________
PR =_________________
m ∠ R =_________________

Note: Students who were not present during the discussion will be given
self-learning modules and Learning Activity Sheets. Soft copy of such
learning modules and activity sheets will be sent via email or fb messenger.

*Students will be given a chance to assess if the outputs of the other

groups are correct by personally measuring the lengths of the sides and
the angles of the triangles they made.

Indicator 9: Designs, selects, organizes, and uses diagnostic, formative

and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum


Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are Instructions are not

completely followed, completely followed, completely followed, completely followed,
measurements are measurements are but measurements measurements are
correctly done, and correctly done, and are incorrectly done, incorrectly done, and
observations are but observations are and observations are observations are not
presented clearly. not presented not presented clearly. presented clearly.
D. Discussing New Concepts Indicator 7: Plans, manages and implements developmentally
and Practicing New Skills#1 sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching contexts

 In task 1, what is the measure of BE ? How about DO ? Are they

Are BL and DT also congruent?
What is the angle formed between BE and BL? What is the measure
of the angle formed?
What is the angle formed between DO and DT ? What is the
measure of the angle formed?
Are angle B and angle D congruent?
After comparing the two triangles, complete the statement below,

If the two sides and an ___________of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding ___________ and the included angle of another triangle, then
the triangles are congruent.

SAS (Side-Angle-Side) Congruence Postulate

If the two sides and an included angle of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent.

If MA ≅ TI, ∠M ≅ ∠T, MR ≅ TN
Then ΔMAR ≅ ΔTIN by SAS Congruence Postulate

 In task 2, what are the parts of the triangles which are given
From the given congruent parts, complete the statement below,

If the two angles and the ____________ of one triangle are

congruent to the corresponding __________ and an included side of
another triangle, then the triangles
are congruent.

ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) Congruence Postulate

If the two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent
to the corresponding two angles and an included side of another
triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

If ∠A ≅ ∠E, JA ≅ ME, ∠J ≅ ∠M, then ΔJAY ≅ ΔMEL

Draw the triangles and mark the congruent parts.

 In Task 3, after rearranging the three segments into another triangle,

were you able to make a triangle not congruent to the original
triangle? What can you conclude now about a triangle having three
sides congruent to corresponding three sides of another triangle?
Complete the statement below,

If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the ___________

of another triangle, then the triangles are _____________.

SSS (Side-Side-Side) Congruence Postulate

If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of
another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

(INDICATOR 1: Apply knowledge of content within and across

curriculum teaching areas)
Truss Bridge: Equilateral triangles are used to create truss bridges on both
sides. All these triangles all meet the SSS congruence criteria, which states
that if the length of three sides of one triangle equals the length of three sides
of another triangle, then the two triangles are said to be congruent. This is
due to the fact that the truss bridge requires equal weight-controlling lengths
to maintain the structure and prevent collapse.

E. Discussing New Concepts IT’S GEOGEBRA TIME!

and Practicing New Skills#2 *The teacher further illustrates the Triangle Congruence postulates using the
GeoGebra App.

Indicator 8: Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate

teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning

F. Finding Practical For each pair of triangles, tell: (a) Are they congruent (b) Give the postulate
Application of Concepts and that makes them congruent.
Skills in Daily Living (values
(5 minutes)
1. 2. 3.

4. Reflect on this quote from Clemence Kabuje:

“Congruence agglutinates relationship more than physical cues.”

Note: The teacher will relate the quotes to building a right

relationship with people from indigenous groups. The teacher
will introduce as well concepts on Indigenous peoples group
in the Philippines, their culture and importance in the society,
and how everyone should treat them)

G. Making Generalization From what we have discussed today, how can you say that two triangles are
and Abstractions about the congruent?
SAS (Side-Angle-Side) Congruence Postulate
If the two sides and an included angle of one triangle are congruent to the
corresponding two sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent.

ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) Congruence Postulate

If the two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent
to the corresponding two angles and an included side of another
triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

SSS (Side-Side-Side) Congruence Postulate

If the three sides of one triangle are congruent to the three sides of
another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.

Note: For those who have access to internet, you can refer to the following
video presentation to further understand the concept.

-Also an offline video lesson file will be sent via “share it” as
supplemental material so they can view it anytime even without
internet connection.

Indicator 2: Uses a range of teaching strategies that enhance

learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.

H. Evaluating Learning Corresponding congruent parts are marked. Indicate the additional
(10 minutes) corresponding parts needed to make the triangles congruent by using the
specified congruence postulates.

1. a) ASA __________
b) SAS __________
2. a) SAS ___________
b) SSS ___________

3. a) SAS ___________
b) ASA ___________

V. Assignment For each pair of triangles, tell: (a) Are they congruent (b) Give the postulate
that makes them congruent.

Prepared by:


Teacher I, Grade 8
Math Dep’t. Chairman

Screenshot of the Video file from Youtube:

Screenshot of the offline video lesson recorded.

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