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Absolutely, here's a breakdown of the estimated nutrient composition per 100 grams (uncooked)

serving size for each ingredient in the recipe:

Ingredient Calories Fat (g) Protein Carbs (g) Fibre (g)


Chicken 200 8 31 0 0

Brown 342 2.0 7.0 77.0 2.2


Carrots 41 0.2 0.9 10.0 2.8

Pumpkin 26 0.7 1.2 7.0 1.5


Peas 81 0.4 5.0 14.0 2.4


Chicken 128 4.3 23.0 5.0 0.5

Ingredient Calories Fat (g) Protein Carbs (g) Fibre (g)


Please note: These are approximate values and can vary slightly depending on the specific
source and brand of the ingredients.

Let's see how this translates to the final recipe:

Estimated Nutritional Breakdown per 100 grams of Recipe:

● Calories: (200 x 0.5) + (342 x 0.25) + (41 x 0.2) + (26 x 0.15) + (81 x 0.1) + (128 x 0.05) =
121.75 (approx. 122 calories)
● Fat: (8 x 0.5) + (2.0 x 0.25) + (0.2 x 0.2) + (0.7 x 0.15) + (0.4 x 0.1) + (4.3 x 0.05) = 5.45
grams (approx. 15% of total calories)
● Protein: (31 x 0.5) + (7.0 x 0.25) + (0.9 x 0.2) + (1.2 x 0.15) + (5.0 x 0.1) + (23.0 x 0.05) =
18.35 grams (approx. 41% of total calories)
● Carbs: (0 x 0.5) + (77.0 x 0.25) + (10.0 x 0.2) + (7.0 x 0.15) + (14.0 x 0.1) + (5.0 x 0.05) =
24.7 grams (approx. 38% of total calories)
● Fibre: (0 x 0.5) + (2.2 x 0.25) + (2.8 x 0.2) + (1.5 x 0.15) + (2.4 x 0.1) + (0.5 x 0.05) = 1.75
grams (approx. 3% of total calories)

As you can see, this recipe comes close to meeting the desired nutritional profile you outlined.
Remember, these are estimates, and slight variations can occur depending on the ingredients

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