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Process of Public Financial Administration .

Stage 1 :
Planning Stage 4 :
Auditing Stages of Budget (Budgetary Process .
Audit is an independant assessment
To program's details 1 4) Implementation
organize Preparation Execution and
the .

of the fairness and formulation .

↳ company's financial statements and budget has become law , it is implemented in the fiscal year
A are involves preparing estimates of revenue once
- -

Financial plan - achieve strategic goals & objectives -

presented by its management.

expenditure for a specific future period , normally by various agencies .
performed to ascertain the &
validity a year. -

Budget law (the supply Act) contains

Describe the program in detail reliability of information -
Instruction to prepare the budget :
call circular ↳ appropriations on programs and activities
↳ activities ↳ also to provide an assessment of a ↳ issued before the new fiscal year ↳includes such items as salaries ,

↳ ↳ no of
system's internal control In the circular personnel and rank

Auditors of financial statement · state of economy ↳ equipment
↳ time frames involved
) carried out by internal auditors
↳ ·
rate of growth ↳ other
are given operating expenditures
established by the organization ( allowed to spend beyond what is
forecast of revenue Agencies .
are not

Produce final output

: BUDGET STATEMENT ↳ external auditor in the
spread throughout fiscal year and
coming year -

spending is the is subject

can independant audit firms also states examination by internal and external audits
to .
Before planning , a study is done to analyze · maximum percentage in the increase or ceiling by each agency -

supplementary expenditure is only allowed :

↳ country's demand ↳ depending on whether times are good or otherwise · in case of emergency or

↳ political Stage 5 : Reviewing · Due to unforeseen circumstances (must go through the same process again)
Assessment achievement of Whatever the state of always reminded
outside) on the economy , agencies

Stability (of the country are As for revenue from


- social tax :
a new

↳ economic
an organization/agency to be prudent in their
budget submission n. ·
separate legislation or amended legislation has had to be passed
↳ in terms of financial performance before it can be collected .

Government agencies involved : that has been achieved throughout 2) Submission to and Examination by Central Agencies. For new source of revenue
totally ,

↳ prime Minister's office year. proposed budget is submitted to the central established for
agencies administrative structure machinery

· an must be
↳) the Ministries ·
Reviewing report can highlight responsible for finance and personnel its collection and .

↳ Economic Planning Unit CEPU) ↳ achievements weaknesses of the -
In Malaysia : -
There is also a system of monitoring the implementation of
shortcoming current financial
plan- · personnel : Public
Service Department Operating Budget .

↳ Bank Negara . ·
financial review report can be used as ↳ to keep track of the amount of fund expended under each standard
finance :
↳ basis for
preparing future budget plan .

object of expenditures
with the latter having the final is responsible
say as it

↳ for financial purpose rather than to measure the progress or performance

Stage 2 :
Budgeting Revenues of PFA or Budget for the budget as a whole .
of the agencies·
1) Taxes Cland taxes , business corporate taxes proposed budget of ↳ All agencies submit

agency are required to to the Accountant general a quarterly

Show intended /estimated revenues [expenditures

personal taxes , service taxes) (direct . tax) ↳ is scrutinized examined by the central agencies report on the Operating Budget

of the government 2) customs duties or tariffs Clevy , import & export which normally prune them down to within the
↳ financial resources can be appropriately allocated .

duties) (indirect tax ( set earlier-

Penalties and fines traffic summons) The whole budget covering all the agencies is

To allow political process 4) Gifts (public donations wakaf international donations) then submitted to of Finance for
5) Audit or Review
, ,
the minister
5) International

executivebody dy> involves

loans from international organizations and other input prior to submission to the Cabinet,
2 major branches of gov

final stage

Clmf , World Bank , Asean Bank) Or

the final .
policy-making authority involves
auditing or reviewing the execution or implementation
A document that outlined the estimate expenditure & return foreign countries (the Us Japan
, , People
for particular Republic of China) 3) Cabinet and Legislative Approval of the approve budget.
· National finance :
period covered by a budget : a year 6) Quid Pro Quo payment such as fees
, charges . -
National budget proposal is then presented to the
Paka cabinet
financial / fiscal year
year .
(medical fees in public hospitals, payment for by the Minister of Finance . Reviews of budget implementation are to
Government annual budget : statement that explains the renewing driving licence , payment to renew
passports) -
The Cabinet will carefully consider the proposal , · see the effectiveness
expected amount of: especially ·
check compliance by the organizations of the authorization to spend
↳ country's expenditure return gains by ·
new programs & taxes for ·
Whether the objectives had been achieved
↳ types of ↳ political
expenditure the -
country Expenses of P F
. .
Expenditure (Budget)
· enables the actual financial operation of the gov . 1) Development expenditure : unrepeatable ↳ economic ~ advice of PM

stated G other Auditor General YDPA) concurrence of Conference of pulers

in monetary terms . Capital expenditure (to create return) ramifications .

Cappointed by the
↳ defrayed through 2 financial resources The budget is then , presented to the legislature in the
oresponsible for examining

Stage 3 :
Accounting : current account and loan .
form of law

· Art of recording , & summarizing

classifying in a signicant 2) operating expenditure repeatable :

A budget is more than a revenue and expenditure

enquiring into and auditing the accounts of all federal and state agencies.
manner and in terms of expense it contains

↳ money 4)
salary allowances ↳ rents ↳ fiscal deconomic policies of the ruling party
↳ ↳ utilities He submits
trans acti ons and events ↳ ambitious programs annual audit report to the Dewan

Prepared to provide financial information report about the ↳ new taxes/reduction or abolition of some
parts of managing expenses ↳ refers it CPAC)
to its Public Accounts Committee

government business to people inside the government entity .

Under legislature is Parliament

Go examine any irregularities
9) Defrayal expenditure the Westminster model
carried out
: -

in the of public monies or public stores

Financial procedures
defrayed by Kumpulan Wang accounting .

budget will easily passed ruling party has


expenditure be as long as the a

Gestablished by the Accountant General Offices
Disatukan (Federal consolidated Fund) sizeable majority
objective of Accountant General => does not need to
get approval from the When
majority is slim
, however an the ruling party
↳ to enhance accountability transparency in the Federal Parliament every year (Royal Allotment ,
is a shaky coalition , budget will face a difficult process.
government's allotment Chief Justice, passed
accounting and financial management. ~ emuneration or for the when a budget law is not or is defeated by

↓ or a for the Auditor General .

b) supply expenditure expenditure for every ↳ gov cannot function in the fiscal as there are no
: ·

Service except that is defrayed by funds to pay for services , salaries and
Consolited Fund other operational costs
This expenditure is defrayed by Akann
Hasil Disatukan (Consolidated Revenue ACC ) .

Sofia Solehah .

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