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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Cebu

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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to

A. Discuss the difference between physical and chemical change;

B. Appreciate the importance of the knowledge on physical and chemical change in our
lives through citing its applications in our community,
C. Demonstrate the changes happening in certain matter.
II. Subject Matter:
Changes that Matters Undergo
III. Materials:
Visual Aids
Paraphernalia (variable)
- Matches
- Papers
- Pieces of the matches’ part
- Burned match
- Cut papers
- Burned papers
IV. Procedure:

A. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

Good Morning! Good Morning Ma’am!

Please observe your surroundings and any pieces (picking pieces of paper or any dirt
of mess you see put it on the trash, and aligned and aligning the chairs)
yours properly.

Very Good! You may now be seated. (students will be on their seat)

Last week we discussed all about matter. May I Student #1: matter is anything that has
know who can recall what matter is? mass and takes up space.
Another? Student #2: Matter is anything such as
solid, liquid, or gas that has mass and
occupies space.

Very Good
Please give them 3 claps

Before we start to our lesson today, I would like (Every group is moving while singing
to group you in to 2 (two). First group are on my left “the more we get together…”)
side and the second group will be on my right side.
You may now group yourselves while you are “The more we get together, together,
singing “The more we get together….” and together. The more we get together
simultaneously make a wide circle on your group’s the happiest are we? And your friends
place. are my friends and my friends are your
friends. The more we get together the
happier are we.”
I have here samples of two object converted into
two different forms. (Listening)
I would like you to observe changes happened by
comparing it in terms of size, color and texture. Yes, Sir!

In group 1, the task will be Matches on its original (Listening)

composition, Burned and Broke into pieces.
In group 2, will be papers on its original
compositions, Burned and Tear into pieces. (Starting their work and sharing ideas)

You may start now!

Answer to the group activity

Characteristics Group 1 Group 2

Matches Paper

Break into Burned Tear into pieces Burned


Size Smaller than Powdered or Smaller than Ashes-like-

original size transformed the normal size
into its paper
smallest form
or it became

Color Same color Color black Same as the Color black

from its original with the
original touch of gray

Texture Same as the rougher Same as the Easily tear

original rough first object

Okay, time is up.

Please stop writing and post all your work on the (every will post their work on the
board. board)

Choose two representatives to explain what you Group 1 Rep:

have observed. The matches that broke into pieces
have smaller size compare its original
form but same color and texture. On
the other hand, the burned matches
are very far from its characteristics in
terms of size, color and texture from
the original. It gets powdery, color
black and rougher.
Very Good.
Please give Group 1 an angel Clap (clap) 123
(stamp your feet) 123
(make a Halo) Angel…

Group 2 Rep:
The papers were cut into pieces but
also same color and texture as the
original. But, on the burned papers it
becomes ashes. Color black and
when you hold it, it easily destroy.
Very Good also
Give Group 2 an OISHI CLAP (clap) 123
(stamp your feet) 123

B. Discussion

You all have very good answer and your

answers are much closed to each other but (listening)
different variables. In Group one, Matches
and in Group 2 Paper.
A while ago, two of your classmate defines
what matter is, and one of them answer that
matter has it states.
Student #1: Solid
Who can give me one state?
Student #2: Liquid
Another? Yes
Student #3: Gas
And last one. Class: 4 clap

Very good, please give them 4 clap


And matters also change.

Changes in matter may occur when a force
or energy applied in an object. For example
(get a piece of paper) I will tear this paper
into pieces.
Student #1: became smaller.
What changed did you noticed?
Very good. The size, it became smaller than Student #2: because you exerted force for it to be
the original. transformed into pieces.

And why do you think so?

Well said!
I tear it with my two hands, it will never be
tearing into pieces until someone or Student #1: it became ashes.
somebody will do right?
How about the lighted matches, what Student #2: the colour became black
changed did you noticed?
Student #3: became rougher because of its size
Okay another, How about the colour?
Very good, and last
(Clap) 123

Very good students. (Stamp your feet) 123

Give yourselves a YES CLAP.

What we did earlier (Matches and Papers

Activity) undergo change, and may be
classified into Physical or Chemical change.

Physical Change Chemical Change

- An object may change in form but not in the kind of - The molecules of an object changed into another
molecules it has. kind of molecules and a new substance with new
properties is formed.

Examples: Examples:

Logs changed into wood chips. Rust in irons

A fruit sliced into pieces Burned object

Big rocks change into small rocks Spoiled food

Water change into ice

Ice or water into water vapour

Ice into water

Tear paper

When we say Physical change, the intimae make-

up of the object (molecules) stays the same, even
after the change – only its form changes. Just like the
paper tear into pieces. Only the size and shape
changed but not its internal component.

Physical Change is also called Reversible Change

wherein the resulting element can be opposite into
the object before. Changes that can be reversed.
Take a look at this change.

What state of matter the ice is?

Very good.
Student #1: solid

And we all know that when we put the ice into a

hotter place it melts. But the compositions of the ice
are the same as the water, only that it changes its
form. Understood?
Class: yes
Do you think we bring back the water into its earlier
form? How?

Very good. Student #1: Yes we can put it on the colder place such
as refrigerator.
And when we say Chemical Change, the internal
make-up (molecules) of the object changes. Unlike a
physical change, chemical changes cannot be
reversed. Changes that cannot be reversed are called
Non-reversible Change. We cannot bring it back to its
original form. Every day, we experience chemical
changes in many things around us.

How about you?

What you have noticed to the burned matches from


Okay, you may be seated.

Student #1: it became ashes when lighted, the color is
Think of the dry wood in the fireplace. When we different to the original and its texture is rougher.
light the wood up, it burns gently and after a while it
turns into ashes. As it burns, it produces heat, light
and smoke which escapes through the air. The heat,
light, fire and smoke are all good characteristics of a
chemical reaction, which result in a completely new (listening)
matter – ashes.

Note that the ashes from the burning wood have an

entirely new molecular composition. It can never be
turned back into wood again.


Okay here are the other example of physical change

Class: Yes Ma’am

And another example of chemical change

Who can give me other examples in Physical Change?

Very Good. Student #1: blended fruits

Okay, good Student #2: crumpling paper

How about Chemical Change?

Wow! Very excellent. Student #3: spoiled milk

Student #4: digesting food

C. Application:
I have here an activity that you will be answering
together with your groups.
You will go in front one by one and give examples on
the following changes we tackled. Alternately give
example on the Physical Change and Chemical



D. Evaluation:
Okay time is up. I will check every group’s answer and
tomorrow will be receiving a point.
(Students may ask or may not)
Any question?

If there is no question please get your notebook and

(Students will get there notebook)
answer the seatwork.
Directions: Analyze the following changes in matter. If the matter is Physical Change put “PC” and it is Chemical
Change put “CC”. Write your answer in the space provided before the number.

___1. Spoiled food ___6. Ignited matches

___2. Tear paper ___7. Rust in irons

___3. Water into ice ___8. Cut garments

___4. Burned wood ___9. Dried leaves

___5. Logs into woodchips ___10 sliced fruits

IV. Assignment
Give 5 Beneficial and 5 Harmful effects of changes of matter.

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