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NĂM 2021-2022



Thuộc lĩnh vực: Ngôn ngữ

Thuộc nhóm ngành khoa học: Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn



NĂM 2021-2022



Thuộc lĩnh vực: Ngôn ngữ

Thuộc nhóm ngành khoa học: Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn




NĂM 2021-2022



Thuộc lĩnh vực: Ngôn ngữ

Nhóm ngành khoa học: Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn

Sinh viên thực hiện chính: Huỳnh Duy Nam, Nữ: Nam
Dân tộc: Kinh
Lớp, khoa: D20NNAN01, Ngoại ngữ Năm thứ /Số năm đào tạo: 2/3.5
Ngành học: Ngôn ngữ Anh

Người hướng dẫn: Ths. Nguyễn Thị Kiều Hương


Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


1. Thông tin chung:

- Tên đề tài: Ability to memorise vocabularies by Quizlet, Gimkit and


- Sinh viên/ nhóm sinh viên thực hiện:

Năm thứ/
STT Họ và tên MSSV Lớp Khoa Số năm
đào tạo

1 Huỳnh Duy 2022202010098 D20NNAN01 Ngoại ngữ 2/3.5

- Người hướng dẫn: Ths Nguyễn Thị Kiều Hương

2. Mục tiêu đề tài:

Mục tiêu hàng đầu là giúp những sinh viên kể cả những sinh viên chuyên ngữ
có thêm phương pháp tham khảo trong việc học từ vựng mới cũng như là có
thêm động lực và không nhàm chán trong việc học tiếng Anh. Tiếp cận được
phương pháp học từ vựng mới và những hoạt động giải trí.
3. Tính mới và sáng tạo:

Phần lớn các bạn sinh viên vẫn còn theo lối mòn để học từ vựng, song, vẫn
chưa đạt những hiệu quả nhất định và kể cả các bạn sinh viên chuyên ngữ. Vì
vậy, tác giả đã tiến hành áp dụng ba loại trò chơi cũng như ứng dụng gồm
Quizlet, Gimkit và Wordwall. Với sự kết hợp hài hòa của ba ứng dụng này sẽ
góp phần tạo nên động lực, những điều mới mẻ, thú vị giúp bạn sinh viên không

còn ngán ngẫm trong việc học từ vựng mới, trái lại, lại còn thích thú và muốn
học từ vựng mỗi ngày.

Các đề tài đi trước đã có nghiên cứu về vấn đề này, song vẫn chưa đạt hiệu
quả, cụ thể hơn ở phần nội dung, tác giả sẽ phân tích sâu hơn. Những ứng dụng
mà tác giả đề cập đến là những ứng dụng mới, gần gũi với thế hệ gen Z, dễ tiếp
cận hơn và vào thời đại công nghệ như hiện nay lại càng gần gũi, thân thuộc;
cho nên, sẽ giúp rất nhiều trong việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh mới.

4. Kết quả nghiên cứu:

Trong chương 1, tác giả đã đưa ra những lí thuyết nền và những điều cơ bản
để tiến hành việc nghiên cứu giúp cho nghiên cứu được diễn ra logic, mạch lạc.

Trong chương 2, tác giả đã đưa ra những lí thuyết sâu hơn về những vấn đề
gặp phải trong việc học từ vựng mới gồm cơ sở lí thuyết là nội dung quan trọng.

Trong chương 3, tác giả đã tiến hành khảo sát, chọn 100 sinh viên thực
nghiệm, làm bài kiểm tra và xin ý kiến phản hồi về những ứng dụng đó.

Trong chương 4, tác giả đã thu thập số liệu từ Google Form, và thống kê lại.

Trong chương 5, tác giả đưa ra kết quả và kết luận nền cho đề tài.

Trong chương 6, tác giả đưa ra kết luận gồm ưu điểm và nhược điểm của tất
cả loại ứng dụng mà tác giả đề cập (Quizlet, Gimkit và Wordwall)

5. Đóng góp về mặt kinh tế - xã hội, giáo dục và đào tạo, an ninh, quốc
phòng và khả năng áp dụng của đề tài:

Vận dụng kết hợp hai website là Quizlet, Gimkit lẫn Word Wall trong việc
học từ vựng mới cũng như tạo thêm nguồn động lực học tiếng Anh cho sinh viên
chuyên ngữ. Bởi thực trạng cho thấy hầu hết sinh viên đều gặp không ít không
khó khăn trong việc này.
Với sự kết hợp trên hứa hẹn sẽ là một giải pháp hữu hiệu cho những sinh
viên chuyên ngành ngôn ngữ Anh giải quyết cũng như cải thiện vấn đề này.

6. Công bố khoa học của sinh viên từ kết quả nghiên cứu của đề tài (ghi rõ
họ tên tác giả, nhan đề và các yếu tố về xuất bản nếu có) hoặc nhận xét, đánh
giá của cơ sở đã áp dụng các kết quả nghiên cứu (nếu có):

Ngày tháng năm

Sinh viên chịu trách nhiệm chính

thực hiện đề tài

(ký, họ và tên)

Nhận xét của người hướng dẫn về những đóng góp khoa học của sinh viên
thực hiện đề tài (phần này do người hướng dẫn ghi):

Ngày tháng năm

Xác nhận của lãnh đạo khoa Người hướng dẫn

(ký, họ và tên) (ký, họ và tên)

Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc




Họ và tên: Huỳnh Duy

Sinh ngày: 24 tháng 11 năm 2002
Nơi sinh: Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Lớp: D20NNAN01 Khóa: D20
Khoa: Ngoại ngữ
Địa chỉ liên hệ: 264 51,69, tổ 4 khu 3 đường Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai Phú Hòa
Bình Dương Thủ Dầu Một
Điện thoại: 0329179026 Email: 2022202010098

II. QUÁ TRÌNH HỌC TẬP (kê khai thành tích của sinh viên từ năm thứ 1 đến
năm đang học):
* Năm thứ 1:
Ngành học: Ngôn ngữ Anh Khoa: Ngoại ngữ
Kết quả xếp loại học tập: Giỏi
Sơ lược thành tích:
- Danh hiệu ‘Sinh viên 5 Tốt’ cấp Tỉnh năm 2021
- Giải Nhất Cuộc thi Thiết kế Video Clip dành cho Các Câu lạc bộ, Đội,
nhóm tỉnh Bình Dương năm 2020
- Giải Nhì Cuộc thi Thiết kế Video Clip dành cho Các Câu lạc bộ, Đội nhóm
tỉnh Bình Dương năm 2021

- Giải 3 ‘Nhật kí hành trình Sinh viên 5 Tốt’ do Câu lạc bộ Sinh viên 5 Tốt tổ
* Năm thứ 2:
Ngành học: Ngôn ngữ Anh Khoa: Ngoại ngữ
Kết quả xếp loại học tập: Giỏi
Sơ lược thành tích:
- Đạt giải Khuyến khích Cuộc thi ‘Dear D21’ năm 2021 do HSV Đại học
Thủ Dầu Một tổ chức.
- Tuyên dương thành viên trong Đội hình phòng chống dịch Covid-19 của
tỉnh Bình Dương
- Tham gia Đội hình Giảng dạy tiếng Anh Mùa hè xanh năm 2021

Ngày tháng năm

Xác nhận của lãnh đạo khoa Sinh viên chịu trách nhiệm chính
(ký, họ và tên) thực hiện đề tài
(ký, họ và tên)

Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc

Thủ Dầu Một

, ngày 20 tháng 04 năm 2022

Kính gửi: Ban tổ chức Giải thưởng “TÀI NĂNG KHOA HỌC

Tên tôi là: Huỳnh Duy Sinh ngày 24 tháng 11 năm 2022

Sinh viên năm thứ: 2 /Tổng số năm đào tạo: 3.5

Lớp, khoa : D20NNAN01

Ngành học: Ngôn Ngữ Anh

Thông tin cá nhân của sinh viên chịu trách nhiệm chính:
Địa chỉ liên hệ : Thanh Tân, Thanh An, Dầu Tiếng, Bình Dương
Số điện thoại (cố định, di động) : 0329179026
Địa chỉ email:

Tôi làm đơn này kính đề nghị Ban tổ chức cho tôi (chúng tôi) được gửi đề tài nghiên cứu khoa
học để tham gia xét Giải thưởng “Tài năng khoa học trẻ Đại học Thủ Dầu Một” năm 2021-2022.
Tên đề tài : Improving the ability to memorise vocabularies for TDMU-English-Majored
students by Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall.

Tôi (chúng tôi) xin cam đoan đây là đề tài do tôi (chúng tôi) thực hiện dưới sự hướng dẫn
của Ths. Nguyễn Thị Kiều Hương ; đề tài này chưa được trao bất kỳ một giải thưởng nào khác
tại thời điểm nộp hồ sơ và không phải là luận văn, đồ án tốt nghiệp.

Nếu sai, tôi xin chịu trách nhiệm trước khoa và Nhà trường.

Xác nhận của lãnh đạo khoa Người làm đơn

(ký, họ và tên) (Sinh viên chịu trách nhiệm
chính thực hiện đề tài
ký và ghi rõ họ tên)


Student full name: HUỲNH DUY

Student ID: 2022202010098



I strongly affirm that I am the main author of the paper presented

When other people's work has been used, it is properly acknowledged in the
paper's biography. I have also not consulted any other unnamed online sources.
All verbatim or referential use of the sources named in the biography has been
specifically indicated in the text.

Place, Date Signature


CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................
1.1 Aims of the study.............................................................................................................................
1.2 Research question............................................................................................................................
1.3 Significance of the study.................................................................................................................
1.4 Thesis outline..................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................
2.1 Vocabularies....................................................................................................................................
2.2 Learning vocabularies strategies: such as metacognitive, cognitive, memory and activation
strategies. ..............................................................................................................................................
2.2.1 Metacognitive strategies...........................................................................................................
2.2.2 Cognitive strategies..................................................................................................................
2.2.3 Memory strategies....................................................................................................................
2.2.4 Activation strategies.................................................................................................................
2.3 Learning vocabularies difficulties..............................................................................................
2.3.1 Pronunciation............................................................................................................................
2.3.2 Spelling:....................................................................................................................................
2.3.3 Length and complexity:............................................................................................................
2.3.4 Grammar:..................................................................................................................................
2.3.5 Meaning:...................................................................................................................................
2.3.6 Range, connotation, idiomaticity:......................................................................................
2.4 Online Games/ Applications............................................................................................................
2.4.1 Online games:...............................................................................................................................
2.4.2 Quizlet..........................................................................................................................................
2.4.3 Gimkit .........................................................................................................................................
2.4.4 Wordwall......................................................................................................................................
2.5 Previous studies...............................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................
3.1 Research method.............................................................................................................................
3.1.1 Experimental method................................................................................................................
3.1.2 Quantitative method.................................................................................................................
3.2 Population and Sampling.................................................................................................................
3.3 Research Instruments.......................................................................................................................
3.3.1 Questionnaire............................................................................................................................
3.3.2 Mini test....................................................................................................................................
3.4 Data Collection Procedures.............................................................................................................
3.5 Data Analysis Method.....................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 4. DATA ANALYSIS............................................................................................................
4.1 The difficulties that TDMU-English-majored students usually face up with when acquiring new
Figure 4.1.1. The frequency of facing problems in TDMU-English-majored students...............................
Figure 4.1.2 The difficulties that students usually face up with when acquiring new vocabularies...........
4.2 The evaluation after the testers experience games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall)
Figure 4.2.1 The approach of TDMU-English-majored students for Games/applications.........................
Figure 4.2.3 The opinion after experiencing the games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall).....
Figure 4.2.4 The percentage between the traditional one option and the applications option...................
Figure 4.2.5 The evaluation after experiencing games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall)
after a week..................................................................................................................................................
4.3 The specific comments of testors after one week experiencing Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall......
CHAPTER 5. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION.....................................................................................
5.1 The difficulties that students usually face up with when acquiring new vocabularies.....................
5.2 The evaluation after the testers experience games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall)
5.3 The specific evaluation after the testers experience games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and
CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................
6.1 Summary of the Main Findings.......................................................................................................
6.2 Limitation and Future Directions.....................................................................................................
6.3 Recommendations...........................................................................................................................
6.3.1 For students..............................................................................................................................
6.3.2 For teachers..............................................................................................................................
6.3.3 For researchers..........................................................................................................................
6.4 Implications.....................................................................................................................................


Firstly, I feel deeply grateful to Thu Dau Mot University, where I have a golden
opportunity to accumulate knowledge and experiences in education.
Additionally, I need to thank the Faculty of Foreign Languages for guiding me
with precious lessons in the English language and supporting me pretty much in
learning progress. The more integral thing is that it creates for me really
favorable conditions to conduct this research paper. Moreover, I want to express
my deepest gratitude toward Ms. Huong, who gave me a hand in choosing the
topic, shared plenty of precious scientific research experience, and handy

Secondly, I am so indebted to my family, who always stimulate me to overcome

adversities and hardships not only in this research, or my study, but also my life.
Even though I engage in numerous activities in school, my family- especially
my sister always reminds me to keep healthy, eat clean frequently and not to
skip any meals in a day.

Eventually, I want to thank all of the TDMU-English-majored students who

assisted me with the surveys, therefore, I have more materials and invaluable
information to complete this research paper.


Learning new vocabularies is always a controversial problem for not even

English learners but also the students majoring in English linguistics studies.
Moreover, in communication, without vocabularies, it is generally tough to
comprehend all of the words in the conversation. Obviously, there are numerous
methods to learn new vocabularies such as listening to music, copying, repeating
the words, etc. However, these methods are still traditional and almost out-of-
date. Additionally, by observing the students around the author in class, the
majority of TDMU-English-majored students are still stuck in acquiring new
vocabularies. The more important thing is that it will be an advantage for those
who have abundant vocabularies, hence improving chances in occupation for
TDMU-English-majored students. Therefore, the researcher conducts a study
that hopefully can support students majoring in English linguistics studies to
memorise vocabularies easily and precisely. It is also considered a reference
method for students, teachers, and especially for future researchers. This
research utilizes a mixed method including quantitative method and
experimental method. Besides, the author chooses 100 TDMU-English-majored
students as sampling to conduct. Eventually, the research receives positive
results from the testers hence the productivity and possibility in practice of
Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall.

The TDMU-English-majored students’ consideration is how to memorise
vocabularies and use it practice. In general, there are numerous studies about
this aspect, for example, the study named “Learning vocabularies through
games”, this research has pinpointed out the bore of learning new
vocabularies only through some traditional ways such as “learners find many
new words in a text and then ask the teacher to explain the meaning and
usage’s”, moreover, this study also indicates the common problem in
students that “students may recognize a word in a written or spoken form and
think that they already “know the word”, but they may not be able to use that
word properly in different contexts or pronounce it correctly”. However, this
study focuses on communicative game required interactive ways and during
the Covid-19 pandemic, this method is not suitable enough to handle this
problem because numerous pupils study online all the time. Also, just only a
small game cannot satisfy the vocabularies in university’s curriculum.
Thu Dau Mot University is one of the colleges including a lot of talented
students, however, these students also face difficulties in memorising new
vocabularies and they might lose their appetite to acquire new words.
Obviously, this could become a big problem because vocabularies are like a
place to nurture and link all of the skills such as listening, speaking, reading
and writing. Without vocabularies, we cannot understand or comprehend
fully in conversation and it can lead to misinterpretation.
Therefore, when it comes to learning vocabularies, we can learn by
Flashcards Method, however, Quizlet is a new Flashcard Method, because it
also includes games that require the learners to study over and over until they
can pass the question. Moreover, with Gimkit, we can play with friends some
attractive games such as Among us, Zoombies and so on which is a catalyst
for learners to study because if they cannot answer, they will not have the
point to move on or defeat others, and the question is related to the
vocabularies in the topic that teachers or lecturers has set up before. Finally,
with Wordwall, teachers are able to present and let the students play an
abundance of games, and it can attract students to participate.
1.1 Aims of the study
The prioritising aim of this study is to help TDMU- English- majored students to
memorise vocabularies as well as the motivation to study English by
approaching to the innovative method - learning by Quizzlet, Gimkit and
1.2 Research question
In order to reach the above aim and objectives, the paper is going to seek
answers for the following question:
- What are difficulties in learning new vocabularies in TDMU-English-majored
- Why can Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall apply in the real situation to tackle
1.3 Significance of the study
In this day and age, apart from the technology field, language plays an integral
part to communicate and trade as well as contribute to integration, additionally,
English is the typical language that is considered as an omnipresent language
and used by numerous nations. Most of the TDMU-English-majored students
meet lots of difficulties when it comes to learning new vocabularies hence
getting bored or losing their appetites to study. Besides, English learners have
not found for themselves the effective method to obtain new vocabularies and
use it for real conversation. Moreover, traditional ways are getting old compared
to this era, and there are few contemporary methods or routes to study new
vocab precisely.

1.4 Thesis outline
This study includes six chapters: Firstly, chapter 1 is the Introduction- this
chapter indicates the background of the study, the study’s purposes, the research
question, the significance of the study and thesis outline. Secondly, chapter 2
has two main parts: The first one is a theoretical framework including some
definitions according to the previous studies, the nex one is to show the
usefulness and weaknesses of related papers. Thirdly, chapter 3 gives
information about the research methodology having five sections: research
methods, population and sampling, research instruments, data collection
procedures and data analysis methods. Fourthly, chapter 4 collects data from
Google Form, receive the accurate number to judge the credibility of
applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall). Fifthly, chapter 5 gives the result
after calculating and collecting data from Google Form and provides basic
conclusion. Eventually, chapter 6 indicates the final conclusion, judging fairly
the advantages and disadvantages of applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and
Wordwall) might bring.

The author builds theoretical framework with 5 main contents including:
Vocabularies, Learning vocabulary strategies, Learning vocabularies difficulties,
Online games and Previous studies.

2.1 Vocabularies
Vocabulary is defined as “all the words ued by particular person, or all the
words that exist in a particular language or subject” (Definition of Vocabulary,
retrieved from website
Vocabularies for people, things and words suggests emotion. To communicate
and have a better conversation, vocabularies plays an important role and support
for this aspect massively.

+ General vocabularies: is the term that is used to describe useful vocabularies

across a wide range of topics and contexts, in both speech and writing. It is
usually common and easy to comprehend.
+ Academic vocabularies: is vocabularies which is especially useful for
engaging with academic contexts, specifically reading academic contexts. It is
not topic-specific but rather serves to provide a greater level of precision which
contributes to the academic tones of academic texts and speech (Schmitt &
Diane, page 7)
2.2 Learning vocabularies strategies: such as metacognitive, cognitive,
memory and activation strategies. (Ghazal, 2007)
2.2.1 Metacognitive strategies
Metacognitive strategies consist of selective attention and self-initiation
strategies. About selective attention strategies, learners know which words
are important for them to learn and are integral for adequate
comprehension of a passage. Moreover, learners employing self-initiation
strategies use a variety of means to make the meaning of vocabularies
items apparent.

2.2.2 Cognitive strategies
Cognitive strategies in Gu and Johnson’s taxonomy entail guessing
strategies, skillful use of dictionaries and note-taking strategies. Learners
employing guessing strategies depend upon their background knowledge
and use linguistic clues like grammatical structures of a sentence to guess
the meaning of a word.
2.2.3 Memory strategies
Memory strategies are classified into rehearsal and encoding categories.
Word lists and repetition are examples of rehearsal strategies. Encoding
strategies encompass such strategies as association, imagery, visual,
auditory, semantic, and contextual encoding as well as word structure
(i.e., analyzing a word in terms of prefixes, stems, and suffixes).
2.2.4 Activation strategies
Activation strategies include those strategies through which the learners
actually employ new words in different situations. Learners may, for
instance, create sentences with the vocabularies they have just learned.
2.3 Learning vocabularies difficulties
2.3.1 Pronunciation
Vietnamese speakers face a variety of challenges when it comes to
acquiring English pronunciation. Specifically, they usually get confused
with “vowels particularly between tense and lax vowels”. Because in
Vietnamese language, if speakers talk and maintain the words for a long
time, it does not fully affect the meaning of that word. Therefore,
Vietnamese speakers do not concentrate totally on the big difference
when it comes to tense and lax vowels- if it is just a little mistake, it
obviously can lead to wrong meaning, for instance, “sheet” – “shit”,
“beach” – “bitch”,... Additionally, “consonant positions, consonant
clusters, words and tones” are also difficult for Vietnamese speakers.
Because if Vietnamese speakers only make a little mistake about
organization in words, it can become another word and even another
meaning. (Nguyen Tien Dung, page 51)
2.3.2 Spelling:
Vietnamese speakers often face problems about “/p/ vs /f/ and /b/” Since
in Vietnamese language, /p/, /b/ or /f/ does not appear in initial places of
words so it may provoke confusion for learners. For example, “fool”
may sound like “pool”, “pop” may sound like “bop” or even “lab” may
sound like “lap”.
Additionally, English learners may get confused with liquid /l/ and nasal
/n/. Because in many parts of Vietnam, particularly in the north of
Vietnam, they cannot really distinguish the differences between them in
their mother tongue. For instance, they may say /snowni/ for the word
/slowly/. (Nguyen Tien Dung, page 50)
2.3.3 Length and complexity:
“Long words seem to be no more difficult to learn than short ones.”
Even in Vietnamese, learners usually get bored with long and difficult
words, therefore, there is no doubt that Vietnamese speakers face this
problem. But, as a rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be short
in English, and therefore the learner is likely to meet them more often,
a factor favoring their “learnability”. (Surmanov & Azimova, 2020)
2.3.4 Grammar:
Grammar can be a big challenge for English learners. “Remembering
whether a verb like enjoy, love, or hope is followed by an infinitive (to
swim) or an -ing form (swimming) can add to its difficulty”. (Sardor
Surmanov, Maftuna Azimova, 2020). Additionally, grammar in
English is completely different from Vietnamese language.
2.3.5 Meaning:
“When two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to confuse
them. “Make” and “do” is the typical example for this aspect, for
instance, “You make breakfast and make an appointment, but you do the
housework and do a questionnaire”. (Sardor Surmanov, Maftuna
Azimova, 2020)
2.3.6 Range, connotation, idiomaticity:
Words that may be employed in a variety of situations are seen as
being easier than synonyms with a narrower range of applications.
“Thus, put is a very wide- ranging verb, compared to impose, place,
position, etc. Likewise, thin is a safer bet than skinny, slim, slender.”
Excessive, on the other hand, has no negative connotations in English,
but its closest translation in other languages may be deviant.
Eventually, words or expressions that are idiomatic (like make up your
mind, keep an eye on....) will generally be more difficult than words
whose meaning is transparent (decide, watch).” (Sardor Surmanov,
Maftuna Azimova, 2020)
2.4 Online Games/ Applications
2.4.1 Online games:
Online games are games played over some specific forms of computer
network “most often the Internet”. Online games have a variety of simple
text- based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual
worlds populated by many players simultaneously.” (Nancy Sardone, Roberta
Devlin-Scherer and Joseph Martinelli, 2009). Due to the development of
technology, online games play an integral part in every young people’s
2.4.2 Quizlet

Describe: “Quizlet is a web-based application developed to help
students study information through interactive tools and
Functions: Quizlet’s mission is to help students (and teachers) practice
and master what they’re learning.
Usages: When using Quizlet, students log in and choose the
appropriate study set for the concepts they need to review. These
can be created by a teacher or generated by other users. Because of
the flexibility and customization available, Quizlet can be used in
any grade level and any type of class.

2.4.3 Gimkit

Describe: Gimkit is “a classroom game-show platform” where

students compete by solving questions on their electronic devices such as
phones, computers, laptop, etc. In lieu of earning points, students earn virtual
money, which they can "invest" during the game to boost their score. Games can
be played live or can be assigned as independent practice. Students connect
through game codes or through a classroom account and “can play in a web
browser on any internet-connected device”. They are able to “compete against
each other or collaborate in teams or as a whole class”. When lectures launch
the game, they choose from “a variety of play modes and set in-game
parameters”. In Kit Collab mode, students help build the game by submitting
questions before play begins. Teachers can view and download more detailed
student reports after every game.
Functions: Gimkit’s mission is to help students to acquire, answer
questions and master their study through different types of playing. Furthermore,
when it comes to repeating the words frequently, students can obviously
remember words well.
Usages: Gimkit can be used in any classroom to introduce or review
concepts; it's like a combination of Kahoot! and Quizlet, but with some unique
features neither have. The live gameplay is fast-paced and fascinating, but when
it's assigned for independent practice, “Gimkit functions more like flash cards”.
Getting started is not really difficult; search for kits (question sets) created by
other users and copy/modify them for your own use. You can also import
existing question sets into Gimkit from other flash card platforms or a
spreadsheet. Students can help you build a kit in minutes by submitting their
own questions using the Kit Collab feature. This makes it easy “to insert an
interactive review game into your lesson with minimal prep”. Teachers can also
use the assignments feature to give homework. Teachers set a due date, and
students learn through the kit at their own pace, answering questions until they
reach a set goal.
2.4.4 Wordwall.

Describe: A word wall is “a collection of words” which are written in
enormous characters on a school wall, bulletin board, or other display surface.
The word wall “is designed to be an interactive tool” for pupils and includes a
variety of terms that can be utilized in writing and reading.
Functions: Wordwall support students “to see patterns and
relationship in words, thus bulding phonics and spelling skills”. It additionally
provides “reference support for students during reading and writing activities.”
+ Make words accessible by putting them where every student can
see them. They should be written in large black letters using a variety
of background colors to distinguish easily confused words.

+ Teachers and students should work together to determine which

words should go on the word wall. Try to include words that students
use most commonly in their writing. Words should be added
gradually — a general guideline is five words per week.

+Use the word wall daily to practice words, incorporating a variety

of activities such as chanting, snapping, cheering, clapping, tracing,
word guessing games as well as writing them.

+ Provide enough practice so that words are read and spelled

automatically and make sure that words from the wall are always
spelled correctly in the children's daily writing.

+ New information should be added on a regular basis.

+ Use content-area material from the curriculum rather than

randomly selected words.

+ Word walls should be referred to often so students come to

understand and see their relevance.

2.5 Previous studies
Previous researchers have used games related for learning new
vocabularies. The first research was conducted by Hamid Ashraf, Fateme
Ghanei Motlaugh, Maryam Salami (2014). The title of their research
paper is “The impact of online games on Learning English Vocabularies
by Iranian (Low- intermediate) EFL Learners. The researchers did a
practical method to carry out this study. The instruments applied in this
study are Nelson proficiency test, pretest, posttest and procedure. The
method is to divide participants into two groups: the control and
experimental groups (using online games). The pretest result is that there
was no big difference between these groups. The posttest results are
illustrated by the table below:

According to the table above, participants in the experimental group (M=

14.75, SD 3.22) significantly outperformed [ t= 2.40] those in the control
group (M=11.41, SD= 3.62). Based on these results, it obviously can be
claimed that online games have the role of an effective and useful tool for
English learners in general.
The second previous study was conducted by Ali Derakhshan, Elham
Davoodi Khatir (2015) with the title “The Effects of Using games on
English Vocabularies learning.” This research paper suggested some
implications for students and teachers to use educational games in teaching
English language. By using vocabularies games, students can use the
language more communicably.

The third study was carried out by Ethel Reyes-Chua, Marvin Wacnag
Lidawan with the title “Game as effective ESL language classroom

strategies: a perspective from English major students.” The researchers
conducted several games in the classroom and did a qualitative survey. The
result of the research is below:

According to the table above, with the positive response, there is no doubt that
games are a great tool for English learners to learn vocabularies and avoid being
The last study was conducted by Dr. Hatice with the title “Students’ reflections
on vocabularies learning through synchronous and synchronous games and
activities.” The researcher did an experimental method in an English-medium
state university over a period of eight weeks. Below is the result of this study
According to the self- report questionnaire indicated that students had positive
views about the games in most respects though they also stated some of their
limitations that need to be considered as ideas for improvement.

This paper utilizes a mixed method combined a quantitative method with an
experimental method. The questions are based on the theoretical framework to
find out the figure of users for Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall, additionally, the
effectiveness of these games may contribute.

3.1 Research method

With the aim to judge whether the games/applications work efficiently to help
TDMU-English-majored students learn vocabularies better, the author conducts
a mixed method between quantitative and experimental method including
questionnaire survey and specifically by Google Form.

3.1.1 Experimental method

Experimental method provides researchers “a high level of control”, also
there is “no limit to subject matter or industry involved” (Louise
Gaille,2017). In this research paper, the author chooses 100 TDMU-
English-majored students who are honestly stuck in accumulating new
glossaries in order to support them to solve this problem efficiently.
With the aim of collecting the sampling, the researcher propagates for
students in class, asks for their help to share about this method to
memorise vocabularies for their friends; if there are students willing to
contact, the author will give them a Google Form to fill and join
experimental class. After they experience these games/applications for a
week, the author will give them a Google Form to ask for their
evaluation to judge the effect of Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall have
already brought to them for a week.

3.1.2 Quantitative method

Quantitative method is “the process of gathering observable data to
answer a research question using statistical, computational or
mathematical techniques” (Gigi Devault, 2020). This method can help the
research to remove biases from the research and make the findings more

precise. The author will give the testers a mini-test to judge the benefits of
the online games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall) and then
provide the Form for them to evaluate precisely about this method. After
receiving the figure from the Google Form, the author uses it to know the
accurate number showed the amount of people who have positive
evaluation and also are not fond of Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall to judge
the productivity of these games/applications may bring for TDMU-
English-majored students to acquire vocabularies.

3.2 Population and Sampling

Population: The author chooses TDMU-English-majored students as these
research subjects who have the anxiety of learning new vocabularies and find for
them a better solution.

Sampling: The author chooses 100 TDMU-English-majored students due to the

impossibility to survey all the TDMU-English-majored students in a very short
time. Additionally, these 100 TDMU-English-majored students including
freshmen to seniors are the typical example for those who feel confused with
acquiring new vocabularies. The researcher propagates for students in class,
asking for their help in spreading the word about this way of memorizing
language to their friends; if there are students willing to contact, the author will
offer them a Google Form to fill out and invite them to join the experimental

3.3 Research Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaire
This research carries out the questionnaire on the effect of Quizlet, Gimkit
and Wordwall, consisting of two main parts: questions for the ones who
have not used them and the sampling have already tried. These questions are
based on the conceptual framework to receive the accurate number of
TDMU- English- Majored students using and not using Quizlet, Gimkit and

Additionally, to survey the effectiveness of the applications may bring, then
give the conclusion.

The author creates a Form using the questions in the Questionnaire section
in order to collect the accurate data. Additionally, Google Form has become
familiar for TDMU-English-majored students, therefore, it is easy to access
and convenient. More details are in APPENDIX.

3.3.2 Mini test

Testing in school is usually done for “purposes of assessment, to assign
students grades (from tests in classrooms) or rank them in terms of abilities
(in standardized tests)”. Nevertheless, tests can serve other aims “in
educational settings that greatly improve performance” (Henry L. Roediger
III, Adam L. Putnam, Megan A. Smith, 2011). Therefore, the author of this
research creates a mini-test after every time they study new words through
Quizlet so that the testers can judge exactly whether they have already
improved their ability to memorise vocabularies or not.

As the test is given in Quizlet applications frequently and the testers just
only finish the test when they have 100% score. Meaning that, the testers
have to memorise all the vocabularies precisely. Therefore, in this research,
there are no results about the Mini test.

3.4 Data Collection Procedures

Firstly, the author will collect the data from Google Form to have a specific
figure about the feeling of TDMU-English-majored students after using Quizlet,
Gimkit and Wordwall. In addition, author uses Google Form to analyze
specifically and have the most accurate number for research.

The author creates a Form using the questions in the Questionnaire section in
order to collect the accurate data. Additionally, Google Form has become
familiar for TDMU-English-majored students, therefore, it is easy to access and

3.5 Data Analysis Method
The author uses Excel to analyze the data in each question, the percentage and
the medium figure in the end in order to know the effect of Quizlet, Gimkit and

Wordwall may bring to TDMU-English-majored students and also give


The chapter includes three main parts. The first part shows the difficulties that
students usually face up with when acquiring new vocabularies. The second
indicates the evaluation after the testers experience games/applications (Quizlet,
Gimkit and Wordwall) for a week. Eventually, the final part is the specific
comments of testers after one week experiencing Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall.

4.1 The difficulties that TDMU-English-majored students usually face up

with when acquiring new vocabularies

Figure 4.1.1. The frequency of facing problems in TDMU-English-majored

The pine chart shows that the figure of TDMU-English-majored students who
“SOMETIMES” have problems in learning new vocabularies is approximately
43%, almost a half of the chart. The more important thing is 22 choices (22%)
for “always” option.

According to the pine chart, the author has to affirm more precisely to tackle the
problems in learning new vocabularies for TDMU-English-majored students.
The figure indicates accurately the number of students have trouble acquiring
new glossary.

Figure 4.1.2 The difficulties that students usually face up with when acquiring
new vocabularies
The graph indicates that the majority of TDMU-English-majored students
usually have trouble with pronunciation when it comes to learning new
vocabularies as it has the highest percentage with 72 choices (72%), slightly
lower Range, connotation and idiomaticity with 69 choices (69%), slightly lower
Length and Complexity with 60 choices (60%), slightly lower Meaning with 59
choices (59%), slightly lower Grammar with 57 choices (57%) and the smallest
percentage is 48% which belongs to Spelling.

According to the result, it is generally claimed that the majority of TDMU-

English-majored students usually face up with pronunciation problems to
acquire new vocabularies. Also, due to the complexity of range connotation and
idiomaticity, they obviously meet difficulties to tackle this problem. Overall,
because of majoring in English, they do not frequently make a lot of spelling
mistakes in spelling, so the number of spelling is the lowest one.

4.2 The evaluation after the testers experience games/applications (Quizlet,
Gimkit and Wordwall)

Figure 4.2.1 The approach of TDMU-English-majored students for

The pine chart indicates that the majority of TDMU-English-majored students
have already accessed games easily with 54 choices (54%) for “Sometimes”
option and 27 choices (27%) for “Always” option. This will make the research
method more precise and easy as the testers can have the ability to approach
technological websites.

Figure 4.2.2. The usefulness of games/applications to learn new vocabularies

The pine chart indicates that there are 47 choices (47%) for the “Strongly
Agree” option with the question “How much do you agree that
games/applications would be fantastic method to learn new vocabularies?”.
Additionally, there is 0 choice (0%) for “Strongly disagree” option – therefore,
the acceptance of TDMU-English-majored students for games/applications to
acquire new glossaries still exists.

Figure 4.2.3 The opinion after experiencing the games/applications (Quizlet,

Gimkit and Wordwall)
The pine chart indicates that the number of “strongly agree” option is the highest
with 52 choices (52%), slightly lower than the “Agree” option with 40.8%. After
having a trial for a week and a test, the majority of testers still admit that these
applications- Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall are interesting and worthy. Even
though there is still a minority of those who do not keen on games/applications
choose “strongly disagree”, the figure is trivial.

Figure 4.2.4 The percentage between the traditional one option and the
applications option.
The pine chart shows that “The applications” probably outweigh “the traditional
one” with 89,8%. According to the pin chart, most of TDMU-English- majored
students love to learn new vocabularies through games/applications (Quizlet,
Gimkit and Wordwall).

Figure 4.2.5 The evaluation after experiencing games/applications (Quizlet,

Gimkit and Wordwall) after a week
The graph indicates that “Learn new vocabularies easily” option has the highest
percentage with 80.6% (79 choices) and the lowest percentage is 2% which
belongs to “Get bored to learn” option. According to the graph, numerous

TDMU-English-majored students who became a tester for a week all give
positive evaluation for games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall)
though there is also negative one, its figure is trivial.

On that aspect, the majority of testers feel almost satisfied with the new method
to learn glossary is Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall.

4.3 The specific comments of testors after one week experiencing Quizlet,
Gimkit and Wordwall

There are various numbers of those who have positive evaluation for this
method – learning new vocabularies through applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and
Wordwall). However, there are also some testers confused with technology so
they cannot really enjoy learning new vocab through this path.

The finding of this research study indicates the noticeable points in the results of
the learning new vocabularies by Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall in following
areas: the difficulties that students usually face up with when acquiring new
vocabularies. The second indicates the evaluation after the testers experience
games/applications and the possibility of Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall in
acquiring new vocabularies.

5.1 The difficulties that students usually face up with when acquiring new
It is apparent from the graph that the majority of TDMU-English-majored
students are facing problems in learning new glossary (43% “Sometimes”
option) and even “always” option with 27 choices.

Additionally, students majoring in English linguistics studies often meet

difficulties when it comes to pronunciation (72%) in terms of the difference
between Vietnamese language and English language. Furthermore, the
complexity of range, connotation and idiomaticity also brings drawbacks to
TDMU-English-majored in accumulating new glossary.

5.2 The evaluation after the testers experience games/applications (Quizlet,

Gimkit and Wordwall)
It is obvious from the graph that most of the testers feel contented with
games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall). The majority claims that it
is easy to learn new vocabularies (80.6%), additionally, numerous students in
experimental class feel excited when they acquire a new glossary (68,4%). Even
though there is still a tiny number of those who are opposed to this method, the
majority of the class still enjoys learning through Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall.
From these evaluations, the credibility of games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit
and Wordwall) is becoming stronger and believable to apply in the real classes
to learn vocabularies. The advantage of this method is that you can learn
anywhere in anytime you like, it is convenience for those who are busy with
part-time job and not have enough time to acquiring new glo
5.3 The specific evaluation after the testers experience games/applications
(Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall)
According to 100 evaluations that the author has received, there are numerous
testers satisfied with this innovative method to learn new vocabularies and it is
worth to try once. Because of low-tech conditions, some testers cannot fully
enjoy the games/applications, nevertheless, there is no doubt that the
experimental class has received positive evaluation more than negative ones.
Due to that, the credibility of Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall is clear and safe for
not only TMDU-English-majored students to try but also English Learners to
learn new vocabularies through this method.

In this section, there are two considerable contents including: Summary of the
main findings, Limitation and Future directions.
6.1 Summary of the Main Findings
The primary purpose of the study is to help TDMU-English-majored students to
memorise vocabularies as well as the motivation to study English by
approaching the innovative method - learning by Quizzlet, Gimkit and
Wordwall. In addition, the author desires to check the possibility and
productivity of the games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall) may
Additionally, after receiving the data from Google Form and conducting an
experimental method combined with a quantitative method, the researcher can
obviously solve the research question mentioned in Chapter 1. Introduction.
Specifically, the TDMU-English-majored students usually face up with
numerous problems in learning new vocabularies such as pronunciation,
spelling, length and complexity, grammar, meaning, range, connotation and
idiomaticity. In addition, pronunciation is the most fundamental problem that the
majority of TDMU-English- majored students have (72%), and the lowest
number belongs to spelling as students majoring in English have the capacity to
pronounce words more precisely than usual students.
6.2 Limitation and Future Directions
As this method is new and innovative, the author cannot collect all of the
TDMU-English-majored students to take part in experimental class to have a
more accurate figure and gain more credibility.
Additionally, not all of the students majoring in English linguistics are fond of
learning vocabularies. From the questionnaire data, it is clear that there are still a
number of students who are not really into this method and choose the option
“Get bored to learn”. In addition, in the specific comment, there are some testers
who cannot really access technology method, especially through Quizlet, Gimkit
and Wordwall websites.

On the other hand, the majority of TDMU-English-majored students still enjoys
this new method and spend a great time learning glossary through
games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall).
Furthermore, due to time limitations, the research is only able to conduct a
questionnaire survey and experimental class for 100 TDMU-English-majored
students out of a total more than 1000 students. Thus, it is hoped that the future
researcher ought to expand the scope of the study to increase the amounts of
In the end, the researcher has come up with an extremely innovative method for
students majoring in English linguistics to engage in and also motivate them to
6.3 Recommendations
After completing the research, three recommendations are suggested for students
majoring in English linguistics studies to improve and enhance the performance
for them not only in schools but also when they get to work and earn a living by
English because Vocabularies always plays an integral part to communicate
6.3.1 For students
In lieu of playing some addictive and harmful games, TDMU-English-majored
students can apply Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall to create for themselves the
space to learn new vocabularies and enjoy them.
6.3.2 For teachers
Teachers can also use these games/applications for students majoring in English
linguistics studies to play and learn vocabularies through that. Because of the
diversity of games, students can easily access and study them effectively.
6.3.3 For researchers
Future researchers should look into other aspects of learning new vocabularies if
interested in the similar theme. Additionally, they can also do more advanced
studies with deeper understanding and analysis on the subject.
6.4 Implications
The result of each question has its meaning. Therefore, the researcher can write
precise conclusions and have the right direction when conducting the study.
Firstly, the first question results show the difficulties that the majority of
TDMU-English-majored students may face up with. Based on that, the
researcher finds a really appropriate and innovative method is to learn via
Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall. Additionally, to demonstrate it is a good method,
the researcher conducts a mixed method between quantitative method and
experimental method. Eventually, the result is possible and the
games/applications (Quizlet, Gimkit and Wordwall) can obviously be applied in
the real situation to help students majoring in English linguistics studies to
acquire new glossary and build up more incentive for them to study.


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