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Các dạng câu tường thuật thường gặp

3.1. Câu tường thuật dạng kể

S + say(s)/ said (+ to sb) + (that) + S +V.

S + tell(s)/told + sb + (that) + S + V.

E.g: “I like playing football,” he said to me.

-> He said to me that he liked playing football. (Anh ấy nói với tôi rằng anh ấy thích chơi bóng đá.)

He said to me: “Tim was in the hospital”.

→ He told me (that) Tim had been in the hospital.

3.2. Câu tường thuật dạng câu hỏi

Dạng câu hỏi Yes/No

S + asked/wonder/wanted to know + if/whether + S + V

E.g: “Do you want to go to the party with me?” Peter asked me.

-> Peter asked me if/whether I wanted to go to the party with him.

(Peter hỏi tôi liệu tôi có muốn đi đến bữa tiệc với anh ấy không.)

“Do you miss me?” He asked me.

→ He asked me if/whether I missed him.

Dạng câu hỏi -Wh

Cấu trúc S + asked/wonder/wanted to know + -wh + S + V.

Từ hỏi what, when, where, which, who, how,…

E.g: “When will you come back home?” My mother asked.

-> My mother asked when I would come back home.

(Mẹ tôi hỏi khi nào tôi sẽ trở về nhà.)

They asked us: “Where do you live?”

→ They asked us where we lived.

Lưu ý: Nếu động từ trong câu trực tiếp là say(s)/ said to+ Object thì phải chuyển về ask(s)/ asked +

E.g: He said to me: “What color do you like?”

-> He asked me what color I liked. (Anh ấy hỏi tôi thích màu nào.)

He said to me: “Did you see the film?”

→ He asked me if/whether I had seen the film.

3.3. Câu tường thuật dạng yêu cầu ai đó làm gì một cách lịch sự

S + asked + O + (not) to – V.

E.g: “Could you close the door, please?”

-> She asked me to close the door. (Cô ấy nhờ tôi đóng cửa lại.)

“Please don’t smoke”.

→ She asked me not to smoke.

3.4. Câu tường thuật dạng mệnh lệnh

Khi chuyển đổi câu mệnh lệnh sang câu tường thuật dạng mệnh lệnh, sẽ dùng công thức dưới đây.

S + told + O + (not) to – V.

Ngoài ra, ta có thể sử dụng các động từ như: tell, ask, order,…

E.g: “Turn off the TV!” My father said.

-> My father ordered me to turn off the TV. (Cha tôi bảo tôi tắt TV đi.)

“Don’t turn on the light!”

→ She told me not to turn on the light.

3.5. Các câu tường thuật đặc biệt

- S + promised + to V


 Shally promised to pay back the money she borrowed.

Shally hứa sẽ trả lại tiền mà cô ấy đã mượn.

- S + agree + to V


 He agreed to go to the new year party.

Anh ấy đồng ý đến dự buổi tiệc năm mới.

- S + accuse + sb + of + Ving

 She accused him of stealing.
Cô ta buộc tội anh ấy vì tội ăn cắp.

- S + apologize ( + to + sb) + for + V-ing

 Katie apologised (to everyone) for causing so much trouble.

Cô ấy xin lỗi (mọi người) vì đã gây ra nhiều phiền phức.

1. He said, " I found the money in the garden yesterday."
He said that ___________________________________________________________________ .
2. The policeman asked me, "What were you wearing last Sunday?”
The policeman asked me ________________________________________________________ .
3. The teacher explained to us, "The moon takes 28 days to go around the earth."
The teacher explained to us that __________________________________________________ .
4. Dad warned us, "Don't touch the fresh paint!"
Dad warned us ________________________________________________________________ .
5. He wanted to know, "Will you go to the concert next week?"
He wanted to know ____________________________________________________________ .
6. Mary begged the teacher, "Please, give me another chance!"
Mary begged the teacher ________________________________________________________ .
7. Mother asked me, "Did he lend you the money?"
Mother asked me______________________________________________________________ .
8. I was wondering, "Why does the earth move around the sun?"
I was wondering _______________________________________________________________ .
9. She said, "I'm sorry but I have to go now."
She said that __________________________________________________________________ .
10. My mum complained, "I have been trying to phone you all day!"
My mum complained __________________________________________________________ .
11. My friend told me, "I'll have to go to the party without you."
My friend told me ______________________________________________________________,
12. Dad asked me, "Where have you been for so long?"
Dad asked me _________________________________________________________________ .
13. Jane said, "I want to tell you about my trip to New York."
Jane said that _________________________________________________________________ .
14. He asked us," Don't make so much noise!"
He asked us ___________________________________________________________________ .
15. Robert said, " You can stay at my place over the weekend."
Robert said that _______________________________________________________________ .
16. Jimmy said, “I haven't seen Harry for ages and I don’t know where he is.
Jimmy said that _______________________________________________________________ .
17. She said, "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."
She said that __________________________________________________________________ .
18. Dad advised us “, You should always wear a helmet when you ride a bike!”
Dad advised us ________________________________________________________________ .
19. He said, "It was you who broke the vase!"
He accused me ________________________________________________________________ .
20. She said, "I'm sorry I lost the book you gave me."
She apologised ________________________________________________________________ .
1. He said, " I found the money in the garden yesterday."
He said that he had found the money in the garden the day before.
2. The policeman asked me, "What were you wearing last Sunday"?
The policeman asked me what I was wearing the previous Sunday / the Sunday before.
3. The teacher explained to us, "The moon takes 28 days to go around the earth."
The teacher explained to us that the moon takes 28 days to go around the earth.
4. Dad warned us, "Don't touch the fresh paint!"
Dad warned us not to touch the fresh paint.
5. He wanted to know, "Will you go to the concert next week?"
He wanted to know if I wanted to go to the concert the following week.
6. Mary begged the teacher, "Please, give me another chance!"
Mary begged the teacher to give her another chance.
7. Mother asked me, "Did he lend you the money?"
Mother asked me if he lent me the money.
8. I was wondering, "Why does the earth move around the sun?"
I was wondering why the earth moves around the sun.
9. She said, "I'm sorry but I have to go now."
She said that she was sorry she had to go .
10.My mum complained, "I have been trying to phone you all day!"
My mum complained that she had been trying to phone me all day.
11.My friend told me, "I'll have to go to the party without you."
My friend told me that she would have to go to the party without me.
12.Dad asked me, "Where have you been for so long?"
Dad asked me where I had been for so long.
13.Jane said, "I want to tell you about my trip to New York."
Jane said that she wanted to tell me about her trip to New York.
14.He asked us," Don't make so much noise!"
He asked us not to make so much noise.
15.Robert said, " You can stay at my place over the weekend."
Robert said that I could stay at his place over the weekend.
16.Jimmy said, “I haven't seen Harry for ages and I don’t know where he is.
Jimmy said that he hadn't seen Harry for ages and he didn't know where he was .
17.She said, "It's been a long time since I had such a good meal."
She said that it had been a long time since she had had such a good meal.
18. Dad advised us “, You should always wear a helmet when you ride a bike!”
Dad advised us to wear a helmet when we rode a bike.
19. He said, "It was you who broke the vase!"
He accused me of breaking the vase.
20. She said, "I'm sorry I lost the book you gave me."
She apologised for losing the book I gave her.

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