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Lasang, Davao City


S.Y 2023-2024

DATE: November 22, 2023

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Determines the missing term/s in a given continuous
pattern using two attributes (any two of the following: figures, numbers, colors, sizes,
and orientations, etc.) e. g. 1, A,2, B,3, C, _, _
At the end of the lesson, I can:
a) identify simple Repeating Patterns
b) complete and give the missing object in a Repeating Patterns
c) participate actively in the class discussion
A. Topic: Continuous and Repeating Pattern
B. Focus Skill: Understanding, Applying, Creating
C. Materials: Visual Aid (text and images), worksheets for differentiated
activity, handouts for evaluation
D. References: Catud, H.J., (2015). Teacher’s Guide: Grade 2. Published by
the Department of Education.

A. Preliminaries:

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

1. Prayer

Let’s all stand and start our day with a prayer. In the name of the Father and of the
Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy
Spirit, Amen. Angel of God, my guardian dear. To
whom God’s love commits me here.
Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom God’s love Ever this day, be at my side, to light
commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light and and guard, to rule and guide, Amen.
guard, to rule and guide, Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning, Teachers.
Good morning, Class!
3. Cleanliness/Orderliness Arranging their chairs and they pick
some trashes and they throw it in a
Before you take your seats, arrange your chairs and pick a trash bin.
piece of paper or any trash you see. And put it inside the
trash bin.

4. Checking the Attendance

The teacher will ask every row who is absent.

“Row 1, who is absent in your row?’’ The absent in row 1 is Alex.

“How about the row 2?” No one Ma’am.

“Then in row 3, is there any absent?”

No one Ma’am.

5. Classroom Rules

Before we start our class, let me introduce the rules in our


Class, please read all the rules was paste in front.

1) Listen when someone is talking.
2) Follow directions quickly and quietly. 1) Listen when someone is talking.
3) Raise your hand to speak. 2) Follow directions quickly and
4) Respect others, respect yourself, and respect your quietly.
school. 3) Raise your hand to speak.
5) Be honest all the time. 4) Respect others, respect
6) Make your teacher happy. 5) yourself, and respect your
6) Be honest all the time.
7) Make your teacher happy.

6. Review/Motivation

Before we discuss our new lesson for today, let’s first

review our past lesson we had taken last meeting.

I have here pictures. I am going to show these pictures

and you are going to identify them whether the pictures
show a Flat surface or Curved surface.

Did you understand class? Yes, Ma’am!

1. (Show the picture) Recca raise her hand.

Yes,Recca.? Ma’am!

Precisely! The Orange has a curved surface.

Please, give five claps for Recca.

2. (Show the picture)

Marj raise her hand.
Yes, Marj? Ma’am!
The Door has a flat surface.
Give five claps for Marj.

Princess raise her hand.

3. (Show the picture) Ma’am!
The Ball has a curved surface.
Yes, Princess?

Very good!
Give five claps for Princess.

4. (Show the picture)

Yes, Celina? Celina raise his hand.

Very good!
The Television has a flat surface.
Give five claps for Lenard. (CLAPS)

5. (Show the picture)

Yes, Jessa?
Jessa raise her hand.
Exacly! Ma’am!

Please, give five claps for Jessa.

The Globe has a curved surface.

B: Activity

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

This afternoon class, we are going to play a game.

This game is called SPOT THE DIFFERENCE.

Are you familiar with this Game? Yes, Ma’am!

Since you’ll already know the game. Are you excited to do


I have here 2 pictures. The picture A and picture

The mechanics of this game is just to identify the differences

of the pictures.
So I will group you into 3. Row 1 would be the group 1,
row 2 would be the group 2 and row 3 would be the group 3.
Each group have a picture A and picture B. You will be given
2 minutes to identify the differences of the 2 pictures.
I’ll be giving you a group flag wherein I will put points in this
flag if your group will win or answer our questions. I have
stars here and these stars is equivalent to one point.

If I said Ahoy! That means the 2 minutes is over and you

need to raise your flags.
Am I understood?

Okay, the timer starts now. Yes, Ma’am!

C. Lesson

Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity

I have here a basket. Inside this basket contain 3 apples, 3

oranges and 3 bananas. I am going to bring it out one by
one and arrange the fruits.

The first fruit that I’m going to bring it out is (Show

the apple).
What fruit is this, Class?
Right. It is an Apple. Apple, Ma’am!

The second fruit that I’m going to bring it out is

(Show the orange).

What fruit is this, Class? Orange, Ma’am!
Very good. This is an Orange.
The third fruit that I’m going to bring out is
(Show the banana).
What fruit is this, Class?
You’re right. This is a Banana. Banana, Ma’am!

The first fruit that I’m going to bring it out is (Show

the apple).
What fruit is this again , Class?
Precisely. It is an Apple. Apple, Ma’am!

The next fruit is (show the orange).

What fruit is this again , Class? Orange, Ma’am!
The next fruit that I’m going to bring it out is

(Show the banana).

What fruit is this again, Class?
Very good! Banana, Ma’am!

So, what do you think the next fruit that I am going to bring it

Yes, Cristine?
Cristine raise her hand.
I think the nest fruit that you are going
to bring it out is Apple.
The next fruit is . Very good Cristine!

How about the next fruit that I am going to bring it out?

Kim raise her hand.
Yes, Kim?
I think the next fruit is Orange.

Precisely! It’s an .
How about the last fruit that I am going to bring it out?
Yes, Hydee?
Hydee raise her hand.
The last fruit to bring it out is Banana.

Exactly! It is a .

What do you observe in the arrangement of the fruits? Lynzee raise her hand.
Yes, Lynzee? Ma’am!

The fruits arranged repeatedly.

Jennifer raise her hand.
What is being repeated on my fruits? Ma’am!
Apple, Orange, Banana, Apple,
Yes, Jennifer? Orange, Banana,
Apple, Orange, Banana.

Very good!
Let’s give yourselves a Donicia Clap.
The teacher demonstrated how to do the Donicia Clap. The students perform the Donicia Clap.

This set of fruits is example of Continuous and Repeating


Continuous Pattern in which one or

more objects/elements of the sequence
This afternoon class, we are going to discuss about
or arrangement increases and when
Continuous and Repeating Pattern. we say Repeating Patterns, it is a type
of pattern in which the
Would you mind to read the definition of Continuous and elements/objects repeat in a simple
Repeating Pattern, Row 1 and Row 3? manner or it is a sequence of objects
that repeat constantly and regularly.
We can determine the missing term by
looking at the regularity of the
objects/elements repeated
Thank you!

The activity that we did a while ago is an example of

Continuous and Repeating Pattern.

Continuous pattern is a pattern where something is added

in the turns and Repeating pattern is a type of in which
elements/objects repeat in a simple manner.

For example:

I have here another set of pictures.


Angel raise her hand.
What do you think the picture should be put on the first line?
Yes, Angel?
The missing picture in the first line is a
Yes, It is a leaves.

How about the second line? What do you think should be Haide raise her hand.
put on the second line? Ma’am!

Yes, Haide? The second missing picture is a Bee.

Very good! It is a Bee.
Kissy raise her hand.
What do you think us the last picture be put on the last line? Ma’am!
Yes, Kissy?
The missing picture in the last line is a
Very good! It is a Butterfly. Butterfly.

What is the pattern use in this set of pictures?

Maria raise her hand.
Yes, Maria? Ma’am!

The pattern is Flower, Butterfly, Bee,

Excellent! Flower, Butterfly, Bee, Flower, Butterfly,
and Bee.
How about in this set of pictures.

________ ________

What do you think is the missing picture on the first line? Diana raise her hand.
Yes, Diana? Ma’am!
The first missing picture is a Base ball
Very good! It is a base ball bat. bat.
How about the next missing picture?
Marjorie raise her hand.
Yes, Marjorie? Ma’am!

The next missing picture is a Ball.

It is a ball.

Dianne raise her hand.

What is the pattern use in this set of pictures? The pattern is Base Ball bat,
Yes, Dianne? Shuttlecock, Ball, Base Ball bat,
Shuttlecock, Ball, Base Ball bat,
Shuttlecock, and Ball.

Very good!
Let’s give yourself a Claps.

I have here another set of pictures.


In this set of pictures, what do you think is the first missing
Hydee raise her hand.
Yes, Hydee?
The first missing picture is a Tree.

Exactly! It is a Tree.
Mae raise here hand.
How about the second missing picture?
The missing picture in the second line
Yes, Mae?
is a Caterpillar.

Recca raise her hand.

Very good! It is a caterpillar.
What is being repeated in the pattern use in this set of
The pattern is a Tree, Bird, Caterpillar,
Tree, Bird, Caterpillar, Tree, Bird, and
Yes, Recca?
Please give yourself a claps.

D. Generalization of the lesson

Teacher`s Activity Students Activity

Let’s have an activity. We will do it on the same group since Yes Ma’am!
I group you a while ago by 3 right?
I will give each group a pattern and an envelop contains
cut-outs to complete the pattern. If you’re done with your
work, paste your pattern on the board. I will give you 1
minute to solve the activity. If 1 minute is done. If I say
Boards up! Raise your boards okay?
Okay Ma’am!
The teacher will give the pattern and the envelop to each
group. Learners perform the activity.

After the activity, the Learners will paste their work on the
said board.

The learners do the activity.

Okay, let me check your work.

Wow! All of you got the correct pattern. So it means all of the
groups has a star.

Give yourself a Claps.

E. Application/ Assessment

Teacher`s Activity Students Activity

At this moment class. We are going to have another

activity. I’m going to show you a pattern or a set of figures.
All you have to do, you are going to identify the missing
figures. Look on the jumbled cut-outs to find the missing
objects. After that, you are going to paste the right cut-outs
of object on the line to complete the pattern.
Is it clear class?

Yes, Ma’am!

1. __ __

1. ,
2. ___

2. ,

3. ___ ___ 3. ,

4. 4.
___ ___ ___ , ,


5. __ __
The Learners do the activity.

F. Abstraction/Generalization

Teacher`s Activity Students Activity

You are about to finish the lesson and that’s great! Yes, Ma’am!
Let me check your understanding about our lesson by
answering these questions.
What if the continuous and repeating pattern changed its
pattern, would it be called as continuous and repeating
pattern like before?
Angel raise her hand.
Yes, Angel?
No Ma’am, because continuous
pattern is a type of pattern where
something is added in the turns and
Very good!
Repeating pattern is a type of in which
Give five claps for Angel. elements/objects repeat in a simple
manner so if the pattern changes, we
cannot call it continuous and repeating

How would you identify a continuous and repeating pattern?
Yes, Hydee? Hydee raise her hand.

Very good! If patterns repeat themselves over and

over again according to a certain rule.
Give five claps for Hydee. Like, hearts, circle, square, heart,
circle square, hearts,circle and square
Give an example of Continuous and Repeating pattern.
Jen raise her hand.
Yes, Jen?
Heart, Circle, Square, Heart, Circle,
Excellent! Square, Heart, Circle, and Square.

Give 5 Claps for Jen.


Teacher`s Activity Students Activity

Now that you totally understand our topic today. I have here
worksheet. You are going to identify the missing figures in a
given items. Encircle the missing pictures from the right side
to complete the pattern. Answers:



4. 😊


The Learners answer the Worksheet.

Yes, Ma’am!

Are you done class?

Okay, past your papers forward.


Teacher`s Activity Students Activity

For your assignment, answer this worksheet and past it

tomorrow morning. Read the instruction carefully.

That’s all for today.

Let’s end this day with a Prayer.

Requesting Hydee to be in front to lead the prayer.
And the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy And the name of the Father and of the
Spirit, Amen… Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen…
Good bye Class! Goodbye and thank you Teachers,
goodbye classmates see you
tomorrow, Mabuhay!

Prepared by:
Aljean Flores
Students Teacher

Observe/Checked by:
Ms. Jovelyn Rosales

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