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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Discipline and Ideas in the

Applied Social Sciences


Quarter 2
Module 1

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Identify the goals and scope of
 Explain the principles of communication.
 Describe the elements and levels of the
communication process.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances
learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
 Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learnings
and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
 Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
 Check your understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Specifically, this module will help you to:
 Identify the goals and scope of communication.
 Explain the principles of communication.
 Describe the elements and levels of the communication process.

Let us start your journey in learning more on disciplines of

communication. I am sure you are ready and excited to
answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Match the items in column B with those in column C. Indicate your answers in
column A by writing the corresponding letter in column C.

a. Sender and receiver
1. The key for the benefit of
humans. A need for
communication of an
individual is as powerful as
the basic human needs.
b. Channel
2. Communication is always
changing. The change in
each of its components as
well as the engagement of
these elements with each
other is affected.
c. Feedback
3. The statement is the quality
of the communication act. It
is processed into signs and
expressed through verbal
and non-verbal methods.
d. Communication
4. The recipient decides what
should be communicated,
compiles thoughts and
information into verbal and

non-verbal symbols, and
sends the message through
an intelligible
communication channel.
e. Team communication
5. It determines the levels to
the medium through which
the data is delivered from the
f. Context
6. Communication refers to the
information or signal sent
back to the sender by the
receiver by verbal or non-
verbal means.
g. Communication is dynamic
7. This may be a place, a time,
an event, and even includes
the social, cultural, and
psychological condition of
the communicators.
h. Noise
8. Sound is anything that could
alter the message. It is also
known as involvement.
i. Message
9. Each communication has its
own implications. This
impact or result of the
communication may either
be positive or negative
j. Effect
10. Communication between
three or more people, which
is generally extra formal and
structured and more
oriented towards the
fulfillment of a task or the
achievement of a goal than

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!

To prove your understanding of the past lesson, you should be ready to

accomplish this task. You may do the following.

Directions: Identify the following concept being defined in each number. Write
Assessment, Deciding on Outcomes, Planning, Intervention, or Evaluation.

___________ 1. It identifies the strengths and resources available to meet the needs
of the community. Moreover, this provides a framework for the
development and identification of services and solutions to the
issues to be addressed.

___________ 2. Outcomes must be based on objectives. It must be aligned with the

needs of the clients. It is a good idea to define the intended learning
outcomes clearly in advance and with others.

__________ 3. At this stage, the social worker begins working with the client to
develop a plan to achieve the objectives that works towards
addressing the specific issues. Specific actions and objectives are
designed to make the objectives more attainable.

_________ 4. When the contract is concluded, each party does its part to ensure that
the contract is complied with. If both parties agree to a revision, the
contract may be revised. In general, the social worker is responsible for
monitoring progress and obtaining information so that services can be
rendered to the client.
________ 5. It can take the form of a list of questions, a single conference where the
social worker gets feedback from clients about the process, a target
achievement scale that the client fills out, and many other ways.

Two applicants, Kathryn, and Julia were interviewed on the television
network for the position of a segment producer—one who is in charge of setting up
and providing news programs. During the interview session, they were asked to
pinch in ideas about a new program. Both Kathryn and Julia had good ideas, but it
was Julia who was hired to do the job. Why? Because unlike Kathryn, Julia
discussed her ideas clearly and demonstrated better communication skills.
The simple scenario described above highlights the importance of
communication in today's rapidly, shifting, and evolving society. What is the role of
communication to this end? In this lesson, you will learn what communication is,
what its objectives are, and how important it is to society. You will understand why
communication should not be overlooked, even if it seems to happen easily to us.


Lesson Disciplines of
1 Communication

Communication and Its Scope

Communication is the key for understanding every member of the society. It
benefits every individual. A need for communication of an individual is as powerful
as the basic human needs. The scope of communication should always be clearly
identified in the communication process. The specification of the information
covered by the communication is the subject of the scope. It has become the
foundation of social existence and a sense of commonness and unity. Thus, the
existence of a human being can be clearly elaborated in the development of a
communicative system. The scope of the communication can be assessed and
analyzed from different points of view.

Social dimensions
Communication aims to guarantee people's social enlightenment. It really
plays a vital role in the determination of the social behavior of the human being. It
motivates employees according to their own interests and makes them aware of
hazards as well as beneficial things. He works as an instructor and a means of

transformation in a fast-changing society. The various levels of communicative
techniques have a society that can be resolved and equipped for life struggles.

Educational dimensions
The communications network is a part and parcel of people education. In the
past centuries, where there have not been many facilities, people have also been
able to use different communication techniques for educational purposes. The
various tools that we use in mass communication work as instructors to people
who are searching for knowledge. The learning goals of the modern network are
increasing daily.

Organizational dimensions
Communication has a crucial role to play in the management structure of an
easy operating system. The three leaders and managers – strategic, tactical, and
operational – depend on the exchange of messages though the communicative
techniques. Indeed, the communicative skills of the management team will
strengthen the staff in all respects.

Dimensions of entertainment
To break the timetable of living and redirect our interest from the hectic
situation which we live today, enjoyment is an important part of daily life.
Communication opens a wide range of entertainment opportunities for people. It
begins with verbal relationships to the big expanse of mass communication. The
context of films, drama, music, comedy, etc. is wide in its pleasurable content.

Integrative dimensions
Communication is the one that connects people from different areas of the
globe. It builds up unification and sensitivity towards one another. Through the
mode of interaction, the cultural differences are merged. It integrates different
people from different backgrounds around the world. It's working as a source of
persuasion. The well-functioning of society depends on the integrated element of

Long man, Little John& Foss. “Theories communication” – 2008

The way we communicate is complex and often purposeful. But what is the
purpose of human beings communicating?
To inform and be informed
It is through communication that we are seeking and giving details. We use
this data to generate judgments. For example, to identify the exact location of a
place, we ask people for directions or surf the Internet for a map. When someone
asks us for directions, we could make gestures to show the people the way or
create a detailed outline.

To persuade and influence

Have you ever been persuaded to buy something you don't even need or
want? Have you ever made any changes to your opinion on a particular issue? They

show another function of communication: persuasiveness and impact. We
communicate because we want someone to do that or to accept point of view.

To build and maintain relationships

It's through communication that people show feelings, anger, pain and
pleasure. Without communication, we cannot build connections, and share our
ideas and feelings with the people around us. By communicating, we are satisfying
our social needs.

To develop a career
In highly challenging society, a bachelor’s degree is not enough to get you
the job you want. As shown in a team of potential employers, apart from
multitasking and commitment, a candidate with high motivation seems to have an
edge in terms to hiring (Rosero, 2013).

Also, there are industries or institutions in need of people with a degree in

communication. As communication is a very broad field, there are a wide range of
communication professions that you can choose from, including a career in mass
media, public relations, or corporate communications.

To better understand how communication works, which in turn would help
us to become far more good communicators, it is crucial to understand the core
guidelines of communication.

• Communication is dynamic.
The daily nature of communication is contradicted by its dynamism.
Communication is always changing. The change in each of its components as well
as the engagement of these elements with each other are affected. The reason we
communicate transforms as we constantly define our relationships, adjust our
behavior and social situations, and gain valuable skills of communication.

• Communication is unrepeatable and irreversible

Each communication interaction is unique. Every communication
interaction affects and changes people. This makes it difficult for communication
encounters to take place in the same way. This also makes the information
irreversible—whatever was already said or completed cannot be taken back
because it has already influenced communicators in some way, whether mental,
affective or behavioral.

• Communication has no opposite

While it is accurate that we communicate with a reason, we can also
communicate without any consciousness of it. This means that even if we remain
silent, that silence still means something to others. This is what we mean by saying
that communication seems to have no opposite—we will never stop dealing because
every one of us, even our silence, sends the message.

• Communication is affected by culture
In the Philippines, and in some western countries, when someone gives you
a thumb-up sign, you describe it as "okay" or "good to go." But did you notice that
in Latin America, West Africa, Greece, Russia, Sardinia, Southern Italy, and West
Asia, the whole symbol may cause you problems because this network device is
considered an insult to them? This example shows how cultural identity influences
how individuals attribute meanings. Cultural factors—such as nationality, ethnic
background, sexual identity, religious belief, and age—influence how we express
and decode messages. Knowledge, awareness and different cultures are
fundamental to good communication.

• Communication is influenced by ethics

Since communication has an impact, it requires the information exchange
people to make decisions as to what is right and wrong. The judgments are based
on ethics. Ethics are standards, morals and values used by people in society to
regulate behavior. An expressive act is considered to be ethical if it is based on
integrated automated fingerprint identification standards of conduct. It is ethical,
for instance, that we communicate with sincerity, honor and a sense of

• Communication is competence-based.
Communication is a skill which needs to be developed. No matter what field
we want to undertake, we can all benefit from improving our communication skills.
This begins with the recognition of our communication strengths and weaknesses,
and our commitment to the acquisition of communication and presentation

• Communication is being transformed by media and technology.

Technology is now one of the key features of this generation. As societies
continue to develop, complexity also tends to increase throughout the way we
communicate. Now it is acceptable to speak to several people at the same time,
even over long distances, through communications technology. Besides that, the
extent of the transformation of such media as books, print media, radio, tv and film
has also had a big impact on the way wherein we perceive and transmit ideas and
cultural norms – that can either reinforce or implement new preconceptions or
provide a means of enabling people.

Let us scrutinize the aspects of communication in order to better understand
that communication works. We can obtain the key principles of the communication
process from Devito's meaning message, transmitter and recipient, meaning,
vibration, responses, and impact.

The statement is the quality of the communication act. It is processed into
signs and expressed through verbal and non-verbal methods. In order for the data
to be supplied and comprehended, the transmitter and the recipient must share a
similar symbol system (e.g. language).

Sender and Receiver

The recipient decides what should be communicated, compiles thoughts and
information into verbal and non-verbal symbols, and sends the message through
an intelligible communication channel. The recipient is also considered a source as

well as encoder. The individual receives, recognizes and replies to the message via
comments is called to the receiver. The receiver is also referred to as a decoder or
an interpreter. The role of sender and recipient does not belong solely with one
communication respondent. These recipient and receiver duties are continuously
altered as texts are sent and service provided during the effective communication.

All messages are sent through a channel. Determine the levels to the
medium through which the data is delivered from the recipient. The basic and
natural method of communication are the sensory receptors: hearing, touching,
smelling, tasting, and seeing. As technology evolves, technical media – including
printing presses, telephones, radio, internet and social Media – have been
developed to enhance the area which makes.

Communication refers to the information or signal sent back to the sender
by the receiver by verbal or non-verbal means. Input can be as simple as a tribute,
a menacing glare, or a smile, or as noticeable as an applause or screaming.
Feedback allows both the recipient and the sender to adjust their communication
in order to reach an understanding or encounter their common goal.
There are two kinds of constructive criticism: positive and negative. Positive
comments encourage us to continue the progress of our behavior. A negative
feedback, on the other hand, gives us a clue as to how to correct or stop behavior.
Learners leaning forward to another teacher during the discussion, for example,
may ask the teacher that they listen carefully in the classroom and encourage him
to teach as he does. Even then, when a teacher knows his class repressing a sigh
or wearing a confused look on their facial features, he may make a joke in the
middle of an intense conversation to attract the attention and participation of the

Context pertains to the setting or environment surrounding the
communication trans- action. This may be a place, a time, an event, and even
includes the social, cultural, and psychological condition of the communicators.
Context is made up of rules and roles that we must abide to make the
communication successful. Rules are the guides to follow while communicating in
different situations. We adjust our communication style and behavior depending on
the communication setting, the participants, and the intention, content, and
means of communication, among others. For example, we are not allowed to raise
our voice or laugh aloud when we are in the library or in church. Roles, on the
other hand, refer to the part each participant must play in any communicative
event. For example, in a panel discussion, it is the moderator's role to facilitate the
discussion between the members of the panel.

Sound is anything that could alter the message. It is also known as
involvement. This can be something which serves to divert attention the sender and
receiver from the achievement of their intended communicative goal.
There may be external or internal causes of noise. Background noise refers
to physical noise or involvement from the surroundings, such as loud laughter,
honking cars, or a bad smell. Noise pollution, on the other hand, concerns the
minds of communicators. For example, if a student comes to class hungry, his
craving may disturb him from focusing in class.

While noise is always present, it can be minimized through a variety of
methods, such as good grammar, clear voice, clear language, or value message,
among others.

Each communication has its own implications. This impact or result of the
communication, both positively and negatively, is referred to as the effect. This
impact may be categorized as cognitive, emotional or behavioral.
Cognitive effects relate to changes in the intellectual ability of the receiver
due to communication. Learning process during class discussions is an example of
cognitive effects. Affective effects reflect changes in the emotions of the receiver due
to communication. An example is that a fan is getting all excited as she watches
her idol appear on TV. Finally, behavioral effects refer to changes in the actions of
the receiver due to communication. The purchaser of an object from a convincing
sales representative is an instance of a behavioral effect.


Communication occurs at different levels. It may be intensification of cross,

inter - personal, organization, public, mass, or internet. Do you recall asking
yourself to calm down in a tense environment? How about when you scolded
yourself for ignoring to be doing something important? Is correspondence still going
on when it's just going on inside your head? Yes, the answer is yes. The website
dialog or body is referred to as intra-personal interaction. Thus, according Jones
(2013), experiential communication refers to communication to own selves through
internal vocalization or reflective thinking." It is generally unplanned and does not
have easily outlined objectives. According to Dance and Larson (1976), type of
communication has several social functions:

A. It intends to attain or promote social adjustment. This tends to happen, for

example, when a protected teen reminds herself to mingle at a friend's birthday

B. It helps build a positive self. We talk to ourselves about how we think people see
us depending on how they connect with us. How the other individuals see us will
become portion of how we see and identify ourselves. In the earlier point, the teen
appears to be aware that many people see her as a protected person, and instead
they learn to adapt their view of her.

C. It helps to get over steam, to procedure feelings, to think through such a, or to

recite what we prepare to say or do in the future. Self-talk is a system for enabling
social relationships and improving well-being. Using the previous suggestion, the
teen may already be learning how to say hello people and start a discussion in her

When communication occurs among people with the aim of building,

maintaining, or terminating interactions, it is related to as interpersonal
communication. Unlike intra-personal communication, the whole channel of
interaction is more objective, can be planned or unplanned, informative and meets
social and integrative needs. Since interpersonal communication is engaging, it is
generally more structured and inspired by ethical considerations. It also varies in

various contexts and sub-fields of the communication study, such as group,
culturally diverse and computer-mediated communication.

Team communication is communication between three or more people, which is

generally extra formal and structured and more oriented towards the fulfillment of
a task or the achievement of a goal than interpersonal communication. As learners,
you usually take part in group communication during group tasks and projects.

Public communication is also another level of communication. It is a recipient

communication, usually involving one recipient transmitting information to the
audience. It is more formal, purposeful, and objective in comparison to
interpersonal and group communication. Types of popular communication are
election campaigns rallies.

In mass communication, the message is transmitted over long distances to

potentially large audiences using a technological medium. This medium may be
printed, such as periodicals, or digital, including such tv and radio. There is indeed
a significant level of subjectivity in delivering a message in mass communication,
as it may involves multiple technologies (such as digital satellite networks),
manpower, and money. Unlike many other forms of communication, mass system
is communication one-way, and feedback is usually not instant.
Are you using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram to communicate
with people? If you do, you engage in online or computer-based communication
(CMC). This channel of interaction is an alternative to face-to-face interactions. The
CMC takes place or is facilitated through the use of computer technology. Many
examples of computer-mediated communication include e-mails, instant
messaging, and thread discussions or "bulletin boards."
Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
by Cauyan et. al. (2017) p.88-101

Activity 1.1 Individual Design
Direction: Watch a broadcast report or read a printed article about a relevant or
sensational news story. Explain the chosen event using the basic concepts of
communication which you have learned from this module.

Activity 1.2 Self-explanation
Direction: Cite specific situations where you used communication for the goals
stated in each item.

1. To inform
2. To persuade
3. To influence
4. To build a relationship

5. To develop a career


Activity 1.3 Essay Writing

Directions: Answer the following accordingly. Choose only one.
1. Why is ritual communication important in society?
2. Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of computer-mediated


Points to Ponder

Direction: Answer the following questions in two to three sentences.

1. How can you use verbal and nonverbal communication to better present your
2. How is intrapersonal communication important in our everyday interactions?
Cite specific personal experiences as examples.


3. How does the understanding of the principles of communication help you

become better in communication?


4. Which level of communication would you be interested to study? Explain your


5. Based on what you have learned from this module, how would you define
communication using your own words?


 Communication is considered as an approach of one or more persons, of
sending and receiving noise-distorting messages within a context, with some
effect and with some opportunity for feedback.
 The communication components are sender, receiver, message, channel,
reviews, context, loudness, and effect. The interaction of these elements
characterizes a communicative act.
 Communication is dynamic, unverifiable, and irreversible, impacted by
culture, influenced by ethics, expertise, affected by changes in media and
 Communication is not a directional or one-way process, but is a dynamic,
complex, contextual and concurrent process. The interaction of factors in
the communication process is generally described using communication
models, notably: transmission, interaction, and transactional models.
 Communication occurs at various levels, namely: intra-personal, inter-
personal, gang, government, volume, and computer mediated.
 We communicate to notify and be informed, to try to convince and impact, to
build rapport and to develop a career.

Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.
Justify your answer.

1. Humans always communicate with a purpose.

2. Communication only takes place between two or more people.

3. The participants of communication take turns in playing the role of sender and


4. An exchange of meanings takes place between sender and receiver when there is
an overlap in the field of experience between the communicators.


5. Some are born speakers. Others are born writers.

6. Our educational and religious background affect the way we create and interpret

7. Communication is a cyclical process.

8. We can both be sender and receiver at the same time.


9. We make ethical judgments when we communicate.


10. We use our senses to convey ideas and emotions to others.



The Communication Process & the elements of communication (2011 October 22).
Retrieved from

Communication: The Starting Line. Retrieved from

Cauyan, et al. Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. 2017

Dance, F. & Larson, C. The Functions of Human Communication: A Theoretical

Approach. New York, NY: Holt, Reinhart, and Winston. (1976).

Holmes, D. (2005). Communication theory, Media, technology, and society. London:


Introduction to Communication. Retrieved from

Jones, R. Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication

Studies, v 10. eISBN: 978-1-4533-5202-1. (2013)
Language Trainers Blog. The top 10 hand gestures you'd better get right. Retrieved
Pearson Introduction to Communication Study site. Retrieved from
Rorero, E (2012 March 3). "Why many fresh college grads don't get hired, according
to survey of managers.. GMA

News Online. Retrieved from

University of Calicut School of Distance Education (2011). Introduction to Mass

Communication. Retrieved from:
http://www.universityofcalicutinfo/SDE/SMMassCommunication pdf

Why do we communicate? Retrieved from:
studies/001-01-communication history-and-form.html on communication


Name ____________________________________________ Grade and Section ___________

School: ______________________ Date: _____________ Subj. Teacher: _______________

Quarter: 2 Module No.: 1

1. Identify the goals and scope of communication.
2. Explain the principles of communication.
3.Describe the elements and levels of the communication process.
Topic: Disciplines of Communication
Journal Entry

We will look back at what we have covered, and we will synthesize the
importance of the Disciplines of Communication.

Directions: Many Children have parents who are overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).
In a 300-word essay, discuss how these children communicate with their parents.
In your discussion, use the concepts learned in this module, for example, the
different elements and levels of the communication processes.

Management and Development Team

Schools Division Superintendent: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V
Chief Education Supervisor: Aida H. Rondilla
CID Education Program Supervisor: Amalia C. Solis
CID LR Supervisor: Lucky S. Carpio
CID-LRMS Librarian II: Lady Hannah C Gillo
CID-LRMS PDO II: Albert James P. Macaraeg

Editor/s: Hernani D. Patches Jr. (Content)

Joe D. Verzosa (Language)

Writer: Fructuoso O. Salao

Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 2
Answers Answers
Answers may Answers
may vary may vary may vary
Test II.
may vary

Test III.

Answers may


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