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Hello teacher my name is Jansen Minh Khôi Christopher , today I will tell you about my life style and

to have that life style.

1. My lifestyle

I’m a person who sleep only 6hour a days,but sometimes I will sleep 12 hours! I love that.

I drink not so much water… well, 1,5 litters in the winter and more in summer .I not drink alcohol
because I am a student.

I hava a not so healthy life. I not eat so much starch rice or something else.but I love to eat meat and
not eat so much vegetable or salads in my meals.i use olive oil in my food, because I verry healthy.i
love burger because that is very delicious but it not healthy so I not eat so much.and a popcorn
chicken is my favorite.

I smoke . I not do so much exercise.i just walk to bus stop when I go to school. I don’t life a hustke
and bustle of city life , I like to have a quiet life.i don’t like stress from work or school I think that will
make people think to die.

I like to have a good time with people or my own . every day I try to do something good to other
people,including my self.

Bye teacher

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