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The History committee who volunteered to compile some history on the school is trying to complete
its functions and is in the fundraising stage of the process, which began in 2019 and was delayed for
many reasons.


We have sent letters to a few establishments asking for their participation and are still awaiting some

We continue the push to sell as many tickets as possible for the Canboulay function to achieve our

Re concerns:

For Income

We clearly stated in our letters to potential contributors that receipts will be given for contributions
received (not tickets sold)

For expenditure

From monies received through ticket sales, so far we have donated $500 towards the PPA hot dog
stall at the school’s garden party (awaiting receipt)

Note: As has been done in the recent past e.g. by the committee established to purchase and install
the statue of St Joseph - shortly after the event, a detailed report will be provided to the school,
the Board and the PPA.

Looking forward for support from our SJC sisters.


Dott Tuitt-Williams (member History Committee)

2023 November 23

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