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High School








5버전.indb 1 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

글로벌 시대에 여러분은 다양한 문화권의 사람들과 어울리며 살고 있습니다. 따라서
영어 의사소통 능력은 세계인들과의 소통과 문화 교류에 있어 중요한 수단이자
여러분의 비전(VISION)을 실현해 가는데 있어 필수적인 능력입니다. 영어I 교과서는
고등 영어 교과서에 이어 여러분이 영어 의사소통 능력을 키우고, 영어를 효과적으로
학습할 수 있도록 다음의 기본 원칙을 바탕으로 개발되었습니다.

Visual & Vivid

매 단원마다 감각적이고 선명한 시각적 자료를 다양하고 풍부하게 제공함으로써
흥미롭게 영어를 학습할 수 있도록 했습니다.

Imaginative & Insightful

창의적 상상력과 비판적 사고력은 현대를 살아가는 여러분이 갖추어야 할 핵심
역량입니다. 본 교과서는 단원별 학습 주제에 따른 활동 전반에 걸쳐 이 두 역량을
연마할 수 있는 다양한 장치들을 마련하여, 해당 주제에 대해 깊이 있는 사고를 할
수 있도록 돕습니다.

Suitable & Sufficient

읽기 · 듣기의 이해 기능과 말하기 · 쓰기의 표현 기능이 균형 있게 향상될 수 있도록
다양한 과제와 활동을 제공하고, 여러분이 충분히 연습할 수 있도록 예시를
풍부하게 제시하였습니다.

5버전.indb 2 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

Individual & Independent
매 단원마다 단원 계획, 중간 점검 및 최종 점검 활동을 제시하여 여러분이 독립적인
학습자로서 학습의 전반적 진행과정을 자기주도적으로 관리하며 영어 학습 성취도를
향상시킬 수 있도록 했습니다.

Original & Organized

학습 동기를 불러일으키는 참신한 내용의 교과서 개발을 위해 다양한 분야를 아우르는
창의융합 소재를 담았습니다. 또한 단원 주제에 맞게 학습 활동이 이루어질 수 있도록
체계적으로 구성했습니다.

Necessary & Natural

실용적인 의사소통 능력 향상의 요구와 필요성에 맞춰 일상생활에서 접할 수 있는
상황과 대화를 다양하게 제시하고, 자신의 의견을 자유롭게 표현하는 기회를 제공하여
유의미하게 영어를 사용할 수 있도록 했습니다.

더 넓은 세상에서 꿈을 펼쳐갈 여러분 모두에게 본 영어 교과서가 많은 도움이 되기를


여러분이 원하는 삶의 목표를 만들기 바랍니다.

Create a vision for the life you really want!


5버전.indb 3 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49


Lesson 3
Advertising in
Lesson 1 Your Life
Healthy Living,
Happy Life Topic 광고와 생활
Lesson 4
Reading The High
Topic 건강한 삶 School Debate Show: Becoming Active
Reading Help! I Am Product Placement as Consumers
Stressed Out! and Sellers
Lesson 2

Topic 경제생활
Origins of Reading Understanding

Everyday Things the Sharing Economy

Topic 생활 속 사물의

역사적 기원
Reading Chilies,
Potatoes, and Tomatoes:
The Globalization of


5버전.indb 4 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

Special Lesson
Coach Carter

Lesson 5 Appendices
Cultures Around
• Scripts
the World
• Answers
Topic 세계의 전통문화
• Sources
Reading Intangible

Cultural Heritage

Lesson 6
The Future

of Space
Topic 우주 과학
Reading A Martian


5버전.indb 5 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

Scope and Sequence
Lesson Topic Communicative Functions Communication Task

•충고하기 •‌학생과 보건 교사가 나누는 대화

1 You should do your homework. 듣기
건강한 삶 •걱정 표현하기 •학생과 보건 교사가 대화를 나누는
Healthy Living,
I’m worried about my health. 상황을 이야기로 구성하여 역할극
Happy Life 하기

•궁금증 표현하기 •역사 퀴즈 쇼 듣기

2 I wonder where chess was first

•역사적 사실로 퀴즈를 만들어 이를
맞히는 게임하기
Origins of 생활 속 사물의
•주제 바꾸기
역사적 기원
Everyday By the way, do you know the
Things rules of chess?

•동의나 이의 여부 묻기 •광고 소개 듣기
Don’t you agree?
•좋아하는 광고 영상을 골라 소개하기
•부정적 생각의 이유 묻기
광고와 생활
Advertising What’s the matter?
in Your Life

•알고 있음 표현하기 •‌학교 벼룩시장에 대한 대화 듣기

4 I heard that group buying is •벼룩시장에서 물건을 판매하는 계획

Becoming popular nowadays. 을 세운 후, 판매자와 구매자가 되어

경제생활 •의견 묻기 역할극 하기
Active as
What do you think about it?
Consumers and

•관심 묻기 •다른 나라의 ‘문화의 날’ 안내 듣기

5 Do you have an interest in •다른 나라의 전통문화를 소개하는

Cultures 세계의 전통 traditional Korean culture? 행사를 계획하고 설명하기

문화 •진술하기
Around the
It’s a kind of Korean folk song
with various verses.

•가능성 묻기 •‌우주 비행사의 인터뷰 듣기

6 Is it likely that we can look at •우주 비행사 지원서를 작성하고 발표

The Future Earth from there? 하기

우주 과학
•바람, 소원 표현하기
of Space
I wish I could explore the moon.

5버전.indb 6 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

Reading Structures Writing Project

Help! I Am •‌It is a normal reaction that almost everyone 건강 문제나 고민거 건강과 관련된 주제로
Stressed Out! experiences. (관계대명사 that) 리의 조언을 구하는 설문 조사하기
스트레스와 그 대처법에 •‌Many teens also suffer from a high level 이메일 쓰기
대한 인터뷰 글 읽기 of stress, often without even knowing that
they do. (대동사 do)

Chilies, Potatoes, •‌Potatoes were at first less favored than 역사적 사건을 묘사 일상생활 속 사물의
and Tomatoes: sweet potatoes by Europeans. 하는 글 쓰기 기원을 소개하는 PPT
The Globalization (비교급 less ~ than) 만들기
of Food •‌Imported from South India and nearby
고추, 감자, 토마토의 islands, black pepper was an expensive
기원과 세계화를 설명 spice. (being이 생략된 분사구문)
하는 글 읽기

The High •‌In a TV drama, there was a scene in which 인쇄 광고 만들기 드라마나 영화 대본에
School Debate a blind girl applied lipstick on her own. 간접 광고를 넣어 재
Show: Product (전치사 + 관계대명사) 구성하고 연극하기
Placement •‌Never can traditional funding support the
간접 광고를 주제로 increased cost.
토론하는 글 읽기 (부정어 도치)

Understanding •‌What they started was a whole new 경제 활동에 유용한 기업의 대표가 되어
the Sharing business model providing a platform for 서비스가 없는 상황을 사업 계획서 작성하기
Economy the sharing economy. (what을 이용한 강조 구문) 상상하여 글 쓰기
공유 경제를 소개하는 •‌But for the sharing service, one more car
글 읽기 would be made only to stay still in her
garage most of the time.
(가정법 과거 Without 〔But for〕~)

Intangible •‌This is why namsadangnori is considered 한국의 문화유산을 우리나라 ‘전통문화의

Cultural a fun and comprehensive form of 소개하는 글 쓰기 날’을 계획하고 이를
Heritage entertainment. (관계부사 why) 안내하는 전단지 만
세계 무형 문화유산을 •‌The local gypsy cultures are known to 들기
소개하는 글 읽기 have played a great role in developing the
performing art. (완료부정사)

A Martian •‌With many countries participating in those 공상 과학 영화 감상문 우주를 소재로 한 영화

Dream projects, scientists are making progress. 쓰기 예고편 만들기
화성 탐사를 설명하는 (분사구문 with + 명사 + -ing)
글 읽기 •‌We have much more to learn about
Mars, although much has already been
discovered. (현재완료 수동태)

5버전.indb 7 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49


Study Points
Study Points

Healthy Living,
Topic 건강한 삶

Communicative Functions
• 충고하기 You should do your homework.
• 걱정 표현하기 I’m worried about my health.

Happy Life Language Forms

• It is a normal reaction that almost everyone
• Many teens also suffer from a high level of
단원의 주제, 의사소통 기능, 언어 형식을 확인한다.
stress, often without even knowing that they

Before You Begin

What do you do for your health? Think

Lesson Flow
about how to lead a healthy life.

단원에서 학습할 듣기, 의사소통 과업, 읽기, 쓰기, 프로젝트의 순차적

인 흐름과 내용을 확인하며 자기 주도적으로 학습을 준비한다.

Ready to Communicate Communication Task Read Think and Write Project

Before You Begin

Lesson Flow 충고하거나 걱정을 표현하는 대화를 듣고 최근에 어떤 증상으로 보건실이나 병원에 스트레스와 그 대처법에 대한 인터뷰 글을 전문가에게 조언을 받고 싶은 건강 문제나 고 설문 조사를 위해 건강과 관련된 주제를 써
말해 봅시다. 갔는지 써 봅시다. 읽고, 자신이 받는 스트레스와 이를 대처하 민거리를 써 봅시다. 봅시다.
: 는 방법을 생각해 봅시다. : :

단원의 주제와 관련된 질문에 답해 보며 단원 주제를 미리 생각해


Ready to Communicate

Ready to Communicate
• You should do your homework.
• I’m worried about my health.

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.
짧은 대화문 듣기와 간단한 말하기 활동을 통해 의사소통 기능을 익
A: According to the news, the flu A: You don’t look good. What’s
is going around. the matter?

Communication Task
B: Yeah. B:
as soon as you come home. It often hurts.
Communication Task Advice from a School Nurse

STEP 1 Listen to a dialog between a student and a school nurse and complete the form.

B Listen and Answer 실생활에서 접할 수 있는 듣기 활동을 하며 듣기 이해 능력을 키우고,

Dialog 1 1. What are the speakers talking about? Symptoms: have , not sleep well
how to feel better
what to do for friends
Cause of the symptom:

stress and anxiety
take a now
흥미로운 주제의 모둠 과업을 수행하며 의사소통 능력을 기른다.
when to do something fun
Advice: and get some rest
2. Listen again and complete the sentence.
• The boy advises the girl to to her friends.

Dialog 2 1. What is the boy’s problem?
He gets tired easily.

A Do you feel stressed? Check your stress level.

He studies too long hours.
Match each symptom with the advice and talk about them with your partner.
Before You Read
You He doesn’t have time to exercise.

Read Are you...?

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.
본문을 읽기 전에 주제와 관련된 내용을 미리 생각해 보며 배경지식을
• The girl suggests depressed,
that guilty, tired,
the boy exercise or nervous
at least have a cold a week.
feel dizzy have trouble sleeping

12 Lesson 1
having headaches or trouble sleeping
laughing or crying for no reason
Your Own
활성화하고, 본문의 주요 어휘를 학습한다.
blaming other people for bad things that happen to you
only seeing the downside of a situation
feeling like things that you used tohave
enjoy aren’t fun

a stiff neck have a sore throat
having difficulty in concentrating
gargle with warm salty water

How many boxes havetake
rest and get more sleep
Reading Strategy
The more stressed out you find yourself,sitthe
rest attention
until it goes
pay to your health. stretch and apply heat or ice
다양한 장르의 글을 읽고, 내용 확인과 함께 질문에 답하며 읽기 능력
• Predict what the

I Am
interview is about after
do something relaxing, such as reading, before bed reading the questions to
the doctor.

e.g. A: You don’t look good.

B Guess the meaning of the word under each picture.

A: Sure. Then take
You should
B: I have a cold. Do I need to take a rest?
complete each
a rest and get more sleep. 을 신장하고 창의적·비판적 사고력을 계발한다.
sentence with the appropriate word.
14 Lesson 1

Dear Teens Today ,


After You Read

I keep having dreams about getting chased or taking a
Q1ㅣWhat problems
test where I don’t know anyimba
lance I often wake up in a does “a worried
After A cold sweat in the middle of the night. On some mornings, I
Review the text and fill in the blanks. teenager” have?

feel so tired that I don’t think I’ll be able to lift my feet.

1. A(n) is an animal that eats other animals.
& A on Stress What’s wrong with me? Help!
2.QThere is a large trade between China and the U.S.
Read – A worried teenager
3. Some
4. What
people feel
The students gotthing
is the first instructions
A they get stressed.
onItwhat to do in a(n) reaction andsuch
is a(n) as a fire.
도식을 이용하여 읽고 이해한 내용을 종합·분석해 보고, 글쓴이나 등
know about stress? alarm system.
16 Lesson 1

Is stress bad?
Dear worried teenager,
We have
always. It prepares you to meet a
good with
situation newsfocus.
and bad news for you. The good news is
Q2ㅣWhat is the good
news for “a worried
장인물의 입장에서 생각해 보는 활동을 하며 사고력을 확장시킨다.
10 that you don’t sound like you are ill. The bad news is that it is highly
The danger signs are almost always on and the

Extension 본문 주제와 관련된 담화를 듣고 생각을 나누는 통합

Why is it a big problem? likely that you are stressed out.bodies.
Although the word “stress” brings Talk about It
stress stay in your
up images of tired adults, many teens also suffer from a high level of When you have a very
Do physical and strike a balance difficult problem, who
How do we deal with it? stress, often without even knowing that they do. do you rely on for help?

활동을 하며 내용 중심으로 의사소통 능력을 기른다.

between work and play.
At least, now you know that you are under stress. It is a big step
forward this time
because onlyofyou,
no oneyou live
else, canwith
control your stress level,
What is special about a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which • chase [ʧeis]
but to wisely manage your stress, you need to have a good • sweat [swet]
teenage stress? create huge anxieties. It is for you • suffer [sʌ́fə]
understanding of the
to feel stressed, and issue. To help you with that, Teens Today had
it is okay. • manage [mǽnidʒ]
an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor • informative [infɔ́ːmətiv]
• mental [méntl]
specializing in mental health. As the saying goes, “Know your • specialize in
B Choose a tip that the doctor
20 would
enemy,NOT andgive
how to deal
fight with stress.
Healthy Living, Happy Life 17
Eat as much food
as you want, and have
fun until late at night
When you feel when you are under
extreme stress, take stress.
Feel free to ask for
deep breaths and try to help from your parents
relax. or a school counselor
to relieve stress.

22 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 8 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

Language in Use Language in Use

읽기 본문에서 제시된 단어와 어구, 주요 언어 형식을 활동과 A Word Formation

Verb ‒ment → Noun Verb -ure → Noun

예문을 통해 익힌다. manage − management

assign − assignment
press − pressure

please − pleasure

• Teens Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a
• You might have an assignment due the day after tomorrow.
• The hormones increase your blood pressure.

Think and Write

• Some people know the pleasure of reading, but others don’t.

Think and Write Complete each sentence with the

Writing ancorrect
Emailform of the
to Ask forgiven word.
1. The students raised questions about the giant sea . (create)
A Brainstorm 2. The physicist was careful not to touch the lab . (equip)

단계적인 글쓰기 과정을 통해 다양한 장르의 글을 쓸 수 있는 Think about your

The rain
problems and questions
4. Success
Make notes in of
spoiled our
you want to get
is advice
caused on.
at the picnic.
down (enjoy)
more by attitude than by capacity. (fail)
5. The accident caused the complete of the department store. (close)
능력을 신장하고, 학습한 언어 형식을 활용해 본다. •
Your Problems
e.g. sleep problem •
Your Questions
e.g. How can I get a

B Useful Expressions good night’s sleep?

• Ask for •
• We had an informative talk on stress with a doctor specializing in mental
• health. •
• Stress hormones burn away when you get rid of the stress source.
• Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you
used to bump into tigers.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression. Change the word forms

if needed.

1. Stretching can help headaches.

2. Her mother encouraged her to business management.
3. I
Reporting Health Survey Results
my chemistry teacher when I was in the cinema.
B Organize Ideas

단원의 주제와 관련된 협동적 과업을 하며 의사소통 능력, 협 Answer

24 the following
Lesson 1 questions to prepare to write an email.
1. Introduce yourself.
Choose a topic that your group wants to survey others about.

 what to do for your health how to deal with stress

동심, 창의력을 신장한다. e.g. I’m a student in the second year

2. Why are you writing to e.g.

the person?
high school.
of your stress, if any

A: How about surveying students on the causes of teen stress?


 B: I am worried the survey question is too difficult to make.

onI my
e.g. I’m writing to ask for advice C: don’t think
sleep it is. We can find sample questions on the Internet.

3. What is the problem or situation that you need to solve?



2 Create a questionnaire and survey the students.
e.g. I go to bed on time, but often I can’t fall asleep.
What are the top three things that cause you the most stress?
4. What is the question that you want to ask?

Review Schoolwork
e.g. What should I do to get a good night’s
Career sleep?

단원에서 배운 듣기·말하기·읽기·쓰기의 성취를 파악하고 26 Lesson 1

A Listen and answer the questions.

e.g. A: Brian, what are the top three things that cause you the most stress?

자기 평가를 하며 단원의 학습 과정을 스스로 점검한다.

1. What is the boy’s problem?
B: I feel stressed from schoolwork, problems with friends, and my health.
He forgot to get his vision tested.
He was too busy to read the words.
He3cannotMake a chartthings
see distant basedclearly.
on the survey responses. Then present the chart, reporting
the survey results to the class.
His eyesight is weak but he refuses to wear glasses.
What is causing you the most stress right now?

2. Complete the sentence

Friends based on the listening.
10% 7.5% Career Path
My g ro u p su r veye d 20 h ig h scho ol
• The girl advises the boy to get his18%
Technology checked.
1.5% students to explore what causes them
the most stress. The survey found that
Lack of Sleep Health
13% 15%

B Listen and choose the quote that best describes what 35

Schoolwork thepercent
students report schoolwork
is the main cause of their stress. ...

Click on Culture

Hard work should be rewarded Always laugh when you can. It is

with good food.
Group-check cheap medicine. YES NO

• 그래프를 이용하여 설문 조사 결과를 효과적으로 발표했다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다. Different Culture and
Never work before breakfast;
• 프로젝트를
a healthy mind is just as언어 형식을 활용했다.
Different Health Promotion
이 단원의 의사소통 기능과

본문 주제와 관련된 문화 자료를 읽고 스스로 자료를 검색해 28

important as a healthy body.

Lesson 1
if you have to work early in the
morning, eat your breakfast first.

친구들과 공유하며 문화를 이해한다.

Many Finns think you cannot grasp Finland or its culture
without bathing in a sauna. A sauna is a place for physical and
C Arrange the sentences to form an appropriate dialog. Act it out with your partner.
mental cleansing. Bathing in a sauna with people is somewhat
1 I’m worried I’ve caught a cold. of a bonding process. It is said that in Finland, more important
decisions get made in saunas than in meetings.
Since yesterday afternoon.
a sauna in Finland
I’m sorry to hear that. What are your symptoms?
A report says that drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as
Okay. Thank
as drinking plenty of water and the British get the reported
I have a runny benefits
nose and soreasthroat.
they enjoy tea. The average U.K. citizen
consumes nearly 2 kilograms of tea each year. The word “tea” can
How long have you had the symptoms?
also mean a meal. Afternoon tea is a light meal typically served
Take this with
cold medicine.
tea between You3 should go see
and 4 p.m. a doctor
High tea isafter school.
an early evening meal,
typically to be had between 5 and 6 p.m. afternoon tea in Britain
Healthy Living, Happy Life 29

On the web Search for activities that promote health in other countries and
tell the class about them.

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 충고하기:

걱정 표현하기:

Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

It is a normal reaction that almost everyone experiences.

Many teens also suffer from a high level of stress, often without even knowing that
they do.

Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


Healthy Living, Happy Life 31

5버전.indb 9 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49


Healthy Living,
Happy Life

Ready to Communicate Communication Task

Lesson Flow 충고하거나 걱정을 표현하는 대화를 듣고 최근에 어떤 증상으로 보건실이나 병원에
말해 봅시다. 갔는지 써 봅시다.

5버전.indb 10 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:49

Study Points

Topic 건강한 삶

Communicative Functions
• ‌충고하기 You should do your homework.
• ‌걱정 표현하기 I’m worried about my health.

Language Forms
• ‌It is a normal reaction that almost everyone
• ‌Many teens also suffer from a high level of
stress, often without even knowing that they

Before You Begin

What do you do for your health? Think
about how to lead a healthy life.

Read Think and Write Project

스트레스와 그 대처법에 대한 인터뷰 글을 전문가에게 조언을 받고 싶은 건강 문제나 고 설문 조사를 위해 건강과 관련된 주제를 써
읽고, 자신이 받는 스트레스와 이를 대처하 민거리를 써 봅시다. 봅시다.
는 방법을 생각해 봅시다. : :

5버전.indb 11 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Ready to Communicate • You should do your homework.
• I’m worried about my health.

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.

A: According to the news, the flu A: You don’t look good. What’s
is going around. the matter?
B: ‌Yeah. B: 
as soon as you come home. It often hurts.

B Listen and Answer

Dialog 1 1. What are the speakers talking about?
how to feel better
what to do for friends
when to do something fun

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• The boy advises the girl to to her friends.

Dialog 2 1. What is the boy’s problem?

He gets tired easily.
He studies too long hours.
He doesn’t have time to exercise.

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• The girl suggests that the boy exercise at least a week.

12 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 12 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Listen and Write
1. Why does the boy worry about the girl’s health?
She doesn’t eat a lot of lunch. She lost too much weight.
She skipped breakfast again. She has a habit of oversleeping.

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

Eric: ‌I’m worried about your .

Yuna: ‌Don’t worry. I’ll eat a lot of lunch to make
up for it.

‌ ‌Haven’t you heard? Many health experts

say you should eat to help
your body and brain start working.
Yuna: ‌Okay. I’ll try not to skip breakfast.

Small Talk ‌What do you usually eat for breakfast? Talk with your partner.

D Write and Speak

Think about your bad health habits. Talk about them with your partner and give
each other advice.

Bad Health Habits Advice

do my homework at night, so I go do your homework right after

to bed late school
use my smartphone too much use it only at certain hours
eat too quickly eat slowly and enjoy the taste
Your Own

e.g. A: I’m worried about my health and want to change my More Expressi
bad habit. • ‌I’m concerned about ....
B: What habit do you mean? • ‌You’d better ....

A: I do my homework at night, so I go to bed late.

B: ‌You should do your homework right after school.
A: You’re right. Thanks for your advice.

Healthy Living, Happy Life 13

5버전.indb 13 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Communication Task Advice from a School Nurse

STEP 1 Listen to a dialog between a student and a school nurse and complete the form.

Symptoms: have , not sleep well

Cause of the symptom: stress and anxiety
Treatment: take a now
Advice: and get some rest

STEP 2 Match each symptom with the advice and talk about them with your partner.

have a cold feel dizzy have trouble sleeping

Your Own

have a stiff neck have a sore throat

gargle with warm salty water

take a rest and get more sleep
sit and rest until it goes away
stretch and apply heat or ice
do something relaxing, such as reading, before bed

e.g. A: ‌You don’t look good.

B: I have a cold. Do I need to take a rest?
A: Sure. You should take a rest and get more sleep.

14 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 14 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

STEP 3 In pairs, make a dialog between a school nurse and a student talking about
symptoms of an illness and giving advice. Discuss and complete the table.

Example Your Own

What is the symptom? Kevin has a sore throat.

How long has he / she He has had it since he woke

had it? up this morning.

What is the school nurse’s

He should gargle.
treatment or advice?

What does he / she need

He should go see a doctor.
to do?

e.g. A: ‌Let’s make the situation.

B: Okay. What symptom will be good for the dialog?
A: I’m thinking of “the student is worried about his or her sore throat.”

STEP 4 Act out the dialog.

Hello, what can I do for you?

Hello, Ms. Adams. I have a sore throat.

How long have you had it?

Since I woke up this morning.

Open your mouth wide. Let’s have a look.

Say “Ah....”


Your throat is swollen. Gargle with warm

salty water several times a day. You should
go see a doctor if it doesn’t get better soon.

Okay. Thank you.

Plus Write down some symptoms that you heard in the students’ dialogs but are not familiar with.
Search for treatments for them on the Internet.

Self-check 학생과 보건 교사 간의 대화를 듣고, 세부 내용을 파악할 수 있다.

증상을 설명하는 말과 충고하는 말을 할 수 있다.

Healthy Living, Happy Life 15

5버전.indb 15 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Before A Do you feel stressed? Check your stress level.

Read Are you...?

feeling depressed, guilty, tired, or nervous

having headaches or trouble sleeping
laughing or crying for no reason
blaming other people for bad things that happen to you
only seeing the downside of a situation
feeling like things that you used to enjoy aren’t fun
having difficulty in concentrating

How many boxes have you checked?

The more stressed out you find yourself, the more attention you should
pay to your health.

B Guess the meaning of the word under each picture. Then complete each
sentence with the appropriate word.

emergency predator


1. ‌A(n) is an animal that eats other animals.

2. There is a large trade between China and the U.S.
3. Some people feel when they get stressed.
4. ‌‌The students got instructions on what to do in a(n) such as a fire.

16 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 16 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Help! Reading Strategy
• ‌Predict what the

I Am
interview is about after
reading the questions to
the doctor.

Dear Teens Today ,

I keep having dreams about getting chased or taking a

test where I don’t know any answers. I often wake up in a Q1ㅣWhat problems
does “a worried
cold sweat in the middle of the night. On some mornings, I teenager” have?
5 feel so tired that I don’t think I’ll be able to lift my feet.
What’s wrong with me? Help! 
 – A worried teenager

Dear worried teenager,

We have good news and bad news for you. The good news is Q2ㅣWhat is the good
news for “a worried
10 that you don’t sound like you are ill. The bad news is that it is highly teenager”?

likely that you are stressed out. Although the word “stress” brings
up images of tired adults, many teens also suffer from a high level of Talk about It
When you have a very
stress, often without even knowing that they do.
difficult problem, who
At least, now you know that you are under stress. It is a big step do you rely on for help?

15 forward because only you, no one else, can control your stress level,
but to wisely manage your stress, you need to have a good • chase
understanding of the issue. To help you with that, Teens Today had • sweat
• suffer
an informative talk on stress and its management with a doctor • manage
• informative
specializing in mental health. As the saying goes, “Know your • mental
20 enemy, and you will fight better!” • specialize in

Healthy Living, Happy Life 17

5버전.indb 17 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Q&A with the Doctor: Stress and Its Management

Q: What is the first thing we should know about stress?

You need to understand that stress is not a disease. It is a normal

reaction that almost everyone experiences. In fact, stress is a natural
alarm system in your brain and body, going back to the primitive 5

days. This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a

way to protect them from predators and other threats. Imagine you
Q3ㅣWhy did stress meet a tiger in the jungle. You have to fight it or run fast to save your
develop in our
life, so your body turns on its emergency system, releasing into the
blood the hormones that speed up your heart rate, increase your 10

blood pressure, boost your energy, and prepare you to deal with
Q4ㅣWhat happens the problem. Experts call this the “fight-or-flight response,” and
when the body turns on
its emergency system?
the human race could not have survived in its early, tough natural
environment without it.

• disease • primitive • involuntary • ancestor

• predator • emergency • hormone

18 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 18 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Q: Then, is stress not bad?

No. Not always. A little stress is essential to push

you to get things done. It prepares you to meet
a tough situation with focus, strength, and
5 alertness. Without stress, you would not
be able to gather enough energy to face
difficulties, meet deadlines, and achieve
Q5ㅣWhy is a little
stress essential?

Q: Why, then, does everybody think it’s a big problem?

10 The problem is, times have changed, but the stress reaction
remains the same. Stress hormones burn away when you get rid of
the stress source. Back in the old days, it was a matter of either death
or survival, and then the crisis came to an end. Now, however, many
of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you Q6ㅣWhat happens
15 used to bump into tigers. You might have an exam tomorrow and an when the stress
hormones stay in the
assignment due the day after tomorrow. The danger signs are almost body and build up?

always on, and the stress hormones stay in your body and build up.
Blood rushes to your face. Your stomach stops working and feels
upset or as if it is tied up in knots. You feel restless in your legs and Talk about It
When you get stressed,
20 have difficulty going to sleep. None of this helps you with doing what kind of symptoms
your homework, and when it keeps happening, it can harm your do you have?


• alertness • deadline • survival • crisis

• instantly • resolve • restless • get rid of
• bump into

Healthy Living, Happy Life 19

5버전.indb 19 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Q: W
‌ hat do we need to do to deal
with it?

Q7ㅣWhat is the best We all know that the best response is

response to deal with
to fight and solve the problem, but it’s
not always easy to do so. In that case, the 5

hormones might make you want to run away,

but running away from your problems is one
of the worst ways to deal with stress. For
example, skipping school may feel good at
the time, but it will drag you into even deeper 10

trouble afterward.
A better way to deal with stress is physical
exercise, for what the stress hormones really
tell you to do is to literally move your body
and run. Exercise burns away extra stress 15

hormones and replaces them with others

that make you happy. Then your body will
be refreshed and ready to meet the next
Finally, strike a balance between work 20

and play. School is important, but it is not

Q8ㅣWhat is the way ever ything. W hen you plan your week,
to strike a balance schedule time to get schoolwork done, but
between work and play
when you plan your also schedule time to have fun. When it’s
time to enjoy yourself, try not to worry about 25

school or homework. Focus on having fun.

• drag • literally • refresh

• schoolwork • strike a balance

20 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 20 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Q: I‌ s there anything special about teenage stress,
compared with that of adults?

I believe so because growing up is not easy. Teenage experiences Q9ㅣWhat is important

for teenagers to know
vary, and everyone experiences different emotions and concerns. about stress?
5 The one thing that unites you all, however, is that you are changing,
from being a youth to becoming an independent adult. During this
Thinking Critically‌
time of transition you live with a lot of uncertainties and imbalances,
Do you think the tips
which create huge anxieties. It is important to know that it is natural here are helpful to deal
for you to feel stressed, and that it is okay. Just keep in mind that with your stress? Why
or why not?
10 whatever stresses you out now will eventually pass.

More Tips to Keep Stress under Control

1. ‌Avoid overscheduling. Be realistic and do not try to be perfect.

2. ‌Learn to relax. When you feel extreme stress, get quiet and
take a few deep breaths. This brings oxygen to your brain and
• vary
helps you relax. • transition
3. ‌Treat your body well. Watch what you eat. Under stressful • uncertainty
• imbalance
conditions, the body needs vitamins and minerals more than • eventually
ever. A good night’s sleep will relieve stress as well. • oxygen
• mineral
4. ‌Get help. Stress can be overwhelming. Do not hesitate to ask • hesitate
for help from a trustworthy adult or a school counselor. • trustworthy

Earl Hipp, Fighting Invisible Tigers: Stress Management for Teens

Nicola Morgan, The Teenage Guide to Stress
Trevor Romain & Elizabeth Verdick, Stress Can Really Get on Your Nerves!

Self-check Reading Time: 1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

인터뷰 질문을 읽고 예상한 내용이 본문과 일치했는지 확인해 봅시다.

본문에 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

Healthy Living, Happy Life 21

5버전.indb 21 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

After A Review the text and fill in the blanks.

You Q & A on Stress

Read Q A

What is the first thing to It is a(n) reaction and natural

know about stress? alarm system.

always. It prepares you to meet a

Is stress bad?
tough situation with focus.

The danger signs are almost always on and the

Why is it a big problem?
stress stay in your bodies.

Do physical and strike a balance

How do we deal with it?
between work and play.

During this time of transition you live with

What is special about a lot of uncertainties and imbalances, which
teenage stress? create huge anxieties. It is for you
to feel stressed, and it is okay.

B Choose a tip that the doctor would NOT give for how to deal with stress.

Eat as much food

as you want, and have
fun until late at night
When you feel when you are under
extreme stress, take stress.
Feel free to ask for
deep breaths and try to help from your parents
relax. or a school counselor
to relieve stress.

22 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 22 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Think and Talk
Think about stress. Talk about one of the following questions with your group

How often do you What causes you What do you

feel stressed? the most stress do to deal with
and why? stress?

D Listen and Share

1. ‌Listen to a health report about how to relax and complete the note.

• Relaxing yourself is a great way to stress!

• Some ways to relax
1. Listen to and soft music.
2. Take a(n) .
3. ‌Start a diary or journal. Write down what’s you and how you

2. ‌What is your preferred way to reduce stress? Write the specific things you do,
and tell your group members about them.

Preferred ways: Exercise regularly Get enough sleep

Talk with friends Other:

Specific things to do:

Healthy Living, Happy Life 23

5버전.indb 23 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Language in Use

A Word Formation

Verb ‒ment → Noun Verb -ure → Noun

manage − management press − pressure

assign − assignment please − pleasure

• Teens
‌ Today had an informative talk on stress and its management with a
• ‌You might have an assignment due the day after tomorrow.
• ‌The hormones increase your blood pressure.
• ‌Some people know the pleasure of reading, but others don’t.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word.

1. The students raised questions about the giant sea . (create)

2. The physicist was careful not to touch the lab . (equip)
3. The rain spoiled our of the meal at the picnic. (enjoy)
4. Success or is caused more by attitude than by capacity. (fail)
5. The accident caused the complete of the department store. (close)

B Useful Expressions

• ‌We had an informative talk on stress with a doctor specializing in mental

• ‌Stress hormones burn away when you get rid of the stress source.
• ‌Many of your worries are not as instantly resolved as they were when you
used to bump into tigers.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression. Change the word forms
if needed.

1. ‌Stretching can help headaches.

2. Her mother encouraged her to business management.
3. I my chemistry teacher when I was in the cinema.

24 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 24 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Structures
1 • ‌It is a normal reaction that almost everyone experiences.
• ‌The Nile is a river that has played an important role in the history of Egypt.
• ‌Follow these steps that help you create a healthy life.

Write It Look at the pictures below and complete the sentences.

e.g. 1. 2. 3.

warns people of has the shape of a

has yellow flesh people wear to
a fire by ringing a ball with a map of
and tastes sweet protect their head
bell the world on it

e.g. This is a fire alarm. It is a device that warns people of a fire by ringing a bell .
1. ‌This is sweet potato. It is food .
2. ‌This is a globe. It is an object .
3. This is a helmet. It is a product .

2 • ‌Many teens also suffer from a high level of stress, often without even knowing
that they do.
• ‌We don’t know for sure if animals dream just like we do.
• ‌The best way to avoid getting sick is to keep your hands clean, but it’s not
always easy to do so.

Write It ‌ hange the underlined part with one or two words.


These days many people ask for advice on how to keep good health.
However, they already know how to keep themselves healthy even though they
don’t realize they know how to keep themselves healthy. They have heard so
many times that they should eat right and exercise regularly to keep healthy,
but it is difficult to eat right and exercise regularly.

Healthy Living, Happy Life 25

5버전.indb 25 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Think and Write Writing an Email to Ask for Advice

A Brainstorm
Think about your health problems. Make notes in the box, writing down any
problems and questions that you want to get advice on.

Your Problems Your Questions

• e.g. sleep problem • e.g. ‌How can I get a

good night’s sleep?

• Ask for •
• •

B Organize Ideas
Answer the following questions to prepare to write an email.

1. Introduce yourself.

e.g. I’m a student in the second year of high school.

2. Why are you writing to the person?

e.g. I’m writing to ask for advice on my sleep problem.

3. What is the problem or situation that you need to solve?

e.g. I go to bed on time, but often I can’t fall asleep.

4. What is the question that you want to ask?

e.g. What should I do to get a good night’s sleep?

26 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 26 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Study the Writing Sample
Read the email asking for advice on a health problem.

Dear Advice Giver,

I’m a student in the second year of high school. I’m writing to ask for your advice
Introduce yourself Purpose
on my sleep problem. I go to bed on time, but often I can’t fall asleep. I find myself
lying awake, thinking about everything from my homework to repairing my bike. I’ve
tried to take my mind off any thoughts that keep me awake and relax myself, but it
doesn’t work. What should I do to get a good night’s sleep? Thank you for your time.
Question Closing comment
Best regards,
Kim Mina Sender’s name

D Write on Your Own

Write an email to ask for advice on one of your problems.

Dear Advice Giver,

I’m . I’m writing to ask for your advice on


Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


■Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the whole paragraph. YES NO
1. 자신의 고민이나 문제 상황을 전달하고 있다.
2. 글의 흐름이 자연스럽고 말하고자 하는 바가 명확하다.
3. 글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

Healthy Living, Happy Life 27

5버전.indb 27 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Reporting Health Survey Results

1 Choose a topic that your group wants to survey others about.

what to do for your health how to deal with stress

the cause of your stress, if any other:

e.g. A: How about surveying students on the causes of teen stress?

B: I am worried the survey question is too difficult to make.
C: I don’t think it is. We can find sample questions on the Internet.

2 Create a questionnaire and survey the students.

What are the top three things that cause you the most stress?

Career Path

e.g. A: Brian, what are the top three things that cause you the most stress?
B: ‌I feel stressed from schoolwork, problems with friends, and my health.

3 Make a chart based on the survey responses. Then present the chart, reporting
the survey results to the class.
What is causing you the most stress right now?

Friends Other
10% 7.5% Career Path
My g ro u p su r veye d 20 h ig h scho ol
1.5% students to explore what causes them
the most stress. The survey found that
Lack of Sleep Health
13% 15%

35 percent of students report schoolwork

35% is the main cause of their stress. ...

Group-check YES NO

• 그래프를 이용하여 설문 조사 결과를 효과적으로 발표했다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다.
• 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다.

28 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 28 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is the boy’s problem?

He forgot to get his vision tested.
He was too busy to read the words.
He cannot see distant things clearly.
His eyesight is weak but he refuses to wear glasses.

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• The girl advises the boy to get his checked.

B Listen and choose the quote that best describes what the speaker says.

Hard work should be rewarded Always laugh when you can. It is

with good food. cheap medicine.

Never work before breakfast;

Having a healthy mind is just as
if you have to work early in the
important as a healthy body.
morning, eat your breakfast first.

C Arrange the sentences to form an appropriate dialog. Act it out with your partner.

1 I’m worried I’ve caught a cold.

Since yesterday afternoon.

I’m sorry to hear that. What are your symptoms?

Okay. Thank you.

I have a runny nose and sore throat.

How long have you had the symptoms?

Take this cold medicine. You should go see a doctor after school.

Healthy Living, Happy Life 29

5버전.indb 29 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50


D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Stress is a normal reaction that almost everyone experiences. In fact, stress is

a natural alarm system in your brain and body, going back to the primitive days.
(A)This involuntary response developed in our ancestors as a way to protect them
from predators and other threats. Imagine you meet a tiger in the jungle. You have
to fight it or run fast to save your life, so your body turns on its emergency system,
releasing into the blood the hormones that speed up your heart rate, increase your
blood pressure, boost your energy, and prepare you to deal with the problem.
Experts call this the “fight-or-flight response,” and the human race could not have
survived in its early, tough natural environment without it.

1. What is the tone of the above passage?

critical humorous persuasive informational

2. What does the underlined (A) refer to? Find the word in the passage.

E Write an email to ask for advice on a problem that you have in your school life.

Dear ,

I’m . I’m writing to ask for your advice on


I’ll be looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

e.g. friendship grade club activity homework

30 Lesson 1

5버전.indb 30 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Different Culture and
Different Health Promotion

Many Finns think you cannot grasp Finland or its culture

without bathing in a sauna. A sauna is a place for physical and
mental cleansing. Bathing in a sauna with people is somewhat
of a bonding process. It is said that in Finland, more important
decisions get made in saunas than in meetings.
a sauna in Finland

A report says that drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as

good as drinking plenty of water and the British get the reported
health benefits as they enjoy tea. The average U.K. citizen
consumes nearly 2 kilograms of tea each year. The word “tea” can
also mean a meal. Afternoon tea is a light meal typically served
with tea between 3 and 4 p.m. High tea is an early evening meal,
typically to be had between 5 and 6 p.m. afternoon tea in Br

On the Web Search for activities that promote health in other countries and
tell the class about them.

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 충고하기:

걱정 표현하기:

Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

It is a normal reaction that almost everyone experiences.

Many teens also suffer from a high level of stress, often without even knowing that they do.

Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


Healthy Living, Happy Life 31

5버전.indb 31 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50


Origins of
Everyday Things

Ready to Communicate Communication Task

Lesson Flow 궁금증을 표현하고 주제를 바꾸는 대화를 관심 있는 분야 가운데 자신이 알고 있는
듣고 말해 봅시다. 역사적 사실을 써 봅시다.

5버전.indb 32 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Study Points

Topic 생활 속 사물의 역사적 기원

Communicative Functions
• ‌궁금증 표현하기 I wonder where chess was first
• ‌주제 바꾸기 By the way, do you know the rules
of chess?

Language Forms
• ‌Potatoes were at first less favored than
sweet potatoes by Europeans.
• I‌ mported from South India and nearby
islands, black pepper was an expensive

Before You Begin

Do you know the origin of anything
that you use in your daily life? What
is the item and what is its origin?

Read Think and Write Project

음식의 세계화를 설명하는 글을 읽고, 음식의 중요하다고 생각하는 역사적 사건 하나를 써 일상생활 속 사물 가운데 역사적 기원이
기원과 이동의 역사를 생각해 봅시다. 봅시다. 궁금한 것을 써 봅시다.
: :

5버전.indb 33 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Ready to Communicate • I wonder where chess was first played.
• By the way, do you know the rules of chess?

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.

A: Wow, this building is gorgeous. A: I’d love to see this movie.

B: ‌Yes. how B: Me, too. ,
it was built. do you know that this movie
is based on a historical event?

B Listen and Answer

Dialog 1 1. What are the speakers talking about?
spices in world history
ways to use spices when cooking dishes
a documentary about recipes from around the world

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• ‌The girl wonders why spices were the cause of and the reason for

Dialog 2 1. What are the speakers doing?

doing an outdoor activity
watching a sport game on TV
studying the history of Asia

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• Table tennis originated in in the 19th century.

34 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 34 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Listen and Write
1. Which is NOT correct according to the dialog?
The boy has been to the restaurant and tried its food.
The boy thought the hamburger originated in America.
The restaurant is famous for its tasty hamburgers and fries.
Chopped steak cooked in the Hamburg style developed into hamburgers.

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

Lisa: ‌Its hamburgers and fries are .

Leo: I wonder what makes them so .

‌ ‌By the way, do you know that the

hamburger is to Hamburg,
a city in Germany?
Leo: ‌I didn’t know that.

Small Talk ‌Do you know the history of any food? Tell your partner about it.

D Write and Speak

Choose a topic and talk about it with your partner.

Topic Things to Ask Answer

• where chess was first played • It was first played in India.

• the rules of chess
• who first invented tofu • The Chinese first invented tofu.
• the most popular tofu dish
Your Own

e.g. A: ‌I wonder where chess was first played. More Expressi
B: It was first played in India. •‌‌I’m curious about ....
• I‌’d like to say something else ....
A: ‌By the way, do you know the rules of chess?
B: Of course, I do. / No, I don’t.

Origins of Everyday Things 35

5버전.indb 35 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Communication Task History Quiz

STEP 1 Listen to a quiz show and fill in the chart.


People Places Cities Sports

10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50

the first Western explorer to reach the city where the 1996
Olympics were held

STEP 2 Match each image with an appropriate sentence and talk more about them with
your partner.

Your Own

The Leaning
Yi Sunshin salt
Tower of Pisa

He was a famous Korean general and made geobukseon.

Galileo dropped two objects from the top of here for an experiment.
It is an important part of the human diet and served as money in the past.

e.g. A: ‌I wonder where Galileo dropped two objects for an experiment.
B: It was from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

36 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 36 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

STEP 3 In groups, choose a category and make five questions for a history quiz game.
Questions for more points should be harder.

Category Questions Answers Points

People 1. 10
Food 2. 20
Sports 3. 30
Buildings 4. 40
Cities 5. 50

e.g. A: ‌How about Cleopatra for People?

B: That’s good. She is famous as she was a powerful queen of Egypt.
A: ‌She is also known as one of the most beautiful women in history. I wonder how
beautiful she was.

STEP 4 Quiz Show

1. D
‌ ecide which team goes first, second, etc. The team going first chooses a
topic and a point value for a question.
2. ‌If someone on that team answers the question correctly, the team gains that
number of points. If they get it wrong, they lose that number of points.
Each team cannot answer the questions made by its team members.
3. ‌At the end of the game, the team that earns the most points wins.

e.g. A: I will take People for 10 points.

B: ‌She is known as one of the most beautiful women in history and she was
a powerful queen.
 
A: Team 3! Queen Elizabeth? C: Team 2! Cleopatra!
B: That’s wrong. You lose 10 points. B: ‌Correct! 10 points for your team.
A: ‌I wonder what the correct answer is. By the way, what else do you know
about Cleopatra?

Plus Choose a quiz item that you want to know more about and search for more information about
it on the Internet.

Self-check 퀴즈 쇼를 듣고, 세부 정보를 파악할 수 있다.

역사적 사실을 설명하고, 궁금증을 표현하는 말을 할 수 있다.

Origins of Everyday Things 37

5버전.indb 37 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Before A Look at the pictures and guess which route each food took: (A) or (B). Then
talk with your partner about the origin of each food.
You chili grape potato tomato sweet potato wheat






B Look at the picture and fill in the blanks of the paragraph using the given
words. Change the word forms if needed.


It is believed that rice in China about 12,000 years ago. Since

the introduction of rice , rice has appeared at almost every meal for
Asians. Rice is the food for most Asians. The Asian
produces and consumes the most rice worldwide. These days, countries in
Africa have shown an increase in rice consumption and have a
considerable amount of rice.

38 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 38 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Chilies, Potatoes, and Tomatoes: Reading Strategy

The Globalization of
• ‌Look in the text for local
dishes that have been
influenced by chilies.

Look at your evening meal. You might find rice, a bean paste Q1ㅣWhat do chilies,
potatoes, and tomatoes
stew with potatoes, a few dishes of vegetables, and of course Gimchi, have in common?
which contains a lot of spicy chili. Since chilies, in particular, are an
essential ingredient for many spicy Korean dishes, you would hardly
5 suspect that they originated in another country. You would not be
the first person to make that mistake. Ask a Chinese or an Indian
or a Mexican, and most will argue that chilies are native to their Talk about It‌

homeland. Sorry for them, but they are all wrong. Chili peppers Who do you think
the “single person”
originated in South America. Not just chili peppers, but many of mentioned in line 12 is?
Talk with your partner.
10 the foods we consume today, including potatoes and tomatoes,
originated in the same region and spread to the rest of the world
because of the work of a single person. This story is an interesting
part in the history of the globalization of food.

• contain • ingredient • hardly • suspect

• originate • argue • native • consume
• region • in particular

Origins of Everyday Things 39

5버전.indb 39 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

In 1492, when Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer,
set sail from Spain to find a new route to India, the purpose of his
journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper from Asia and
Q2ㅣWhy was black secure the kitchens of Europe. Europeans had used black pepper as
pepper important to
a medicine and a spice since ancient times. Imported from South 5
Europeans in the 15th
century? India and nearby islands, black pepper was an expensive spice.
When the Ottoman Empire took over Asia Minor and the eastern
Mediterranean, it effectively blocked routes to India, and the price
of black pepper shot up. As a result, European traders had to look
for new ways to trade with India for pepper and other spices. 10

Q3ㅣWhat did Columbus headed west and, upon reaching the islands of the
Columbus find in
the islands of the Caribbean, believed he had found the route to India that he was
Caribbean? seeking. He was mistaken, of course. Instead of black pepper, he
found other plants that he believed to be another type of pepper.
Christopher Columbus
(1451-1506) Those plants were later called chilies or chili peppers. 15
이탈리아 출신의 탐험가로 에스
파냐 여왕 이사벨의 후원으로 항 Europeans at first hesitated to try chilies, just the way many
해를 떠났다. 콜럼버스는 쿠바,
아이티 등을 발견했는데 인도에 people today do not like to try new foods. When Portuguese traders
도착했다고 오인해서 이곳의 원
주민을 인디언(Indian)이라고 불 carried chilies to other parts of the world, however, including Africa

소아시아(Asia Minor)
아시아대륙의 서쪽 끝에 있는 반
도로 오늘날 튀르키예 영토에 해 • route • purpose • journey • secure
당한다. 아시아와 유럽을 잇는 중 • import • trade • seek • take over
요한 통로 역할을 하였다. • shoot up • as a result • instead of

40 Lesson 2

고등영어(1) 2단원(032-053)-1.indd 40 2022. 10. 12. 오후 4:17

and Southeast Asia, it revolutionized local kitchens. People loved 훠궈(hot pot)
중국식 샤브샤브로 고기, 해산물,

chilies so much that they put them into every dish possible. The 야채, 면류 등을 넣어 데쳐 먹는
전통 음식

speed of the chili pepper’s spread was exceptional. Within a half 똠얌(tom yum)
태국의 수프로 맵고 신 국물 맛이
century after arriving in Spain, it was being used across much of 특징인 전통 음식

5 Asia, along the coast of Africa, in the Middle East, and in Eastern 굴라시(goulash)
헝가리의 대표 음식으로 고기와

Europe. 야채를 넣고 파프리카로 진하게

양념을 한 스튜

Chilies spread quickly, in part because they were easy to grow Q4ㅣWhy did chilies
in a wide range of climates and conditions, which made them an spread quickly?

abundant crop. From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much

10 less valuable than rice, corn, or potatoes. By making even plain food
Q5ㅣWhat change
rich in flavor, however, chilies were the one luxury item the poor
happened in local
could afford to eat every day. Many local dishes, popular among kitchens after the
spread of chilies?
common people, were transformed into hot, spicy, and unique
foods, thanks to chilies. Curry in India, hot pot in South China, tom
15 yum in Thailand, and goulash in Hungary are just a few of the foods Thinking Critically‌

that were reborn with chilies. What are some of

the effects of food

• revolutionize • exceptional • abundant • nutritional

• valuable • plain • afford • transform
• in part • a wide range of • from a point of view • thanks to

Origins of Everyday Things 41

5버전.indb 41 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

When returning to Spain, Columbus took other new crops
that he expected would capture the attention of Europeans. They
Q6ㅣWhy did included potatoes and tomatoes. While chilies improved ordinary
cultivation of potatoes
quickly spread to food by adding spice to them, potatoes greatly improved the
Northern and Eastern
nutrition of the populations of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Potatoes 5
were at first less favored than sweet potatoes by Europeans. After it
was revealed that potatoes were not only nutritious but also grew
Q7ㅣWhy was the
well on poor soils and in hostile climates, their cultivation quickly
tomato grown as a
decorative plant rather spread to Northern and Eastern Europe. In Ireland, for example, the
than as a food at first?
potato became the staple food, with adults consuming an average of 10

ten potatoes a day. According to one estimate, the introduction of

the potato was responsible for a quarter of the population growth in
• attention
• ordinary Europe, Africa, and Asia between 1700 and 1900.
• reveal
• hostile
• cultivation Among the crops that Columbus introduced to Europe,
• staple tomatoes had to wait longer than the others, nearly two hundred 15
• estimate
• poisonous years, before becoming part of everyday meals. There were two
• decorative
• decade reasons for this. The first was that the tomato looked a lot like the
• according to fruit of certain poisonous plants that were well known to Europeans.
• be responsible for
Because of this, they were at first grown only as a decorative plant
rather than as a food. Several decades passed before they began to 20

be consumed as a food, and then, during the 1500s, they spread

slowly to Spain, Italy, and France.

42 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 42 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Up until the late 1700s, however,
a large percentage of Europeans
still feared the tomato. Another
name for the fruit was “poison
5 apple” because it was thought that
the nobles got sick and sometimes
died after eating them. That was the
second reason that tomatoes were
slow to spread as a food. The truth
10 was that wealthy Europeans at that
time ate off plates made of heavy metals including considerable
amounts of lead. Because tomatoes are high in acidity, when placed
on such plates, the fruit would release the lead, resulting in the
poisoning of the diner. No one at the time made the connection
15 between the plate and the poison, so the tomato was blamed. The
tomato was later cleared of its false charge, and the invention of
pizza in Naples in the 1880s kicked off the tomato’s popularity in
Q8ㅣWhen and why
Europe. did the tomato get
popular in Europe?
For thousands of years chilies, potatoes, and tomatoes had been
20 consumed only in certain regions in South America before they
crossed the Atlantic Ocean five hundred years ago. They spread
to other continents and, when blended with local foods, created Talk about It‌
unique dishes. The globalization of chili peppers, potatoes, and How would our life
tomatoes completely changed the kitchens of the world. be different if chilies,
potatoes, and tomatoes
Journal of Economic Perspectives. 24: 2 (Spring 2010): 163-188.
had not spread around
863735/?no-ist> the world?

• noble • considerable • lead • acidity

• blame • charge • continent • blend
• kick off

Self-check Reading Time: 1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

고추의 영향을 받은 세계의 음식을 써 봅시다. :

본문에 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

Origins of Everyday Things 43

5버전.indb 43 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

After A Review the text and complete the summary.

You Christopher Columbus

Read •H
‌ e intended to find a route to to get black
•H ‌ e reached the Caribbean Islands instead and brought
other new foods back to Europe.

• ‌It made plain food rich in .

→ hot and foods such as curry, hot pot, tom
chili yum, and goulash

• ‌It improved the of the food Europeans ate.

→ the growth in many parts of the world
potato between the 18th and 20th century

• ‌It was feared by Europeans for almost 200 years because of

its shape and false charge of being .
• ‌It got popular with the invention of .

B Choose what each person is likely to have said based on the text.

1. 2. 3.

These plants could be another kind of black pepper.

These crops grow well even on poor soils and in hostile climates.
We grow these only as a decorative plant rather than as a food.

44 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 44 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Listen and Share
1. ‌Watch a short video clip about the Columbian Exchange and complete the

• Th
‌ e Columbian Exchange: the exchange of goods and ideas between
and the Americas
•C ‌ hanges in American ways of life because of the Columbian Exchange
(1) Plant: became an essential food crop for Americans.
(2) ‌Animal: The horse changed native Americans’ ways of life and they began
on horseback.
(3) ‌ : the death of almost 90 percent of native Americans between
1492 and 1650

2. ‌What do you think about the changes in the Americas after the Columbian
Exchange? Write your opinion and talk about it with your group members.

‌It was good in that

However, it was bad in that

D Think and Talk

Look at the table and think about how different the world would be now without
Columbus’ voyage. Talk about it with your partner.

from Europe to America from America to Europe

rice coffee potatoes sweet potatoes

Crops olive wheat chili peppers tomatoes

Origins of Everyday Things 45

5버전.indb 45 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Language in Use

A Word Formation

Noun -al → Adjective Noun -ous → Adjective

nutrition – nutritional poison – poisonous

magic – magical marvel – marvelous

• From a nutritional point of view, chilies are much less valuable than rice.
• Crystal was thought to have magical power in the past.
• The tomato looked a lot like the fruit of certain poisonous plants.
• His performance at the musical was marvelous and I almost cried.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word.

1. Floods and storms are disasters. (nature)

2. The new engineering firm will create 300 jobs. (addition)
3. I’d like to visit the museum and see the works of the painters. (fame)
4. ‌The applicant was so that he forgot everything he had memorized.
5. ‌The analyst wrote a review on energy efficiency in the manufacturing
industry. (critic)

B Useful Expressions

• The Ottoman Empire took over Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean.
• Chilies were easy to grow in a wide range of climates and conditions.
• ‌The invention of pizza in Naples in the 1880s kicked off the tomato’s
popularity in Europe.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression. Change the word forms
if needed.

1. ‌The show will next month at the Central Art Center.

2. ‌The fans of the winning team the streets last night.
3. The committee discussed issues at the conference.

46 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 46 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Structures
1 • ‌Potatoes were at first less favored than sweet potatoes by Europeans.
• ‌The second team’s performance was a lot less enthusiastic than the first team’s.
• ‌When you study, sitting in one place for a long time is less effective than
changing places.

Say It Look at the pictures and talk about them with your partner.

‌ :
e.g. A Which do you prefer, living in rural areas or living in urban areas?
B: I prefer living in rural areas because it is less expensive than living in urban areas.

1. 2.

living in rural areas reading a book taking a traditional class

• e‌ xpensive
•b ‌ oring
• demanding
living in urban areas watching TV taking an online class

2 • Imported
‌ from South India and nearby islands, black pepper was an expensive
spice. Because it was imported ....

• Invented
‌ by a woman in 1886, the first dishwasher was driven by a steam
engine. When it was invented ....

• Built
‌ about 50 years ago, the airport still looks noble and modern.
Although it was built ....

Write It ‌ ewrite the sentences to have the same meaning.


e.g. ‌Jennifer went to bed early because she was exhausted after a long day.
 Exhausted after a long day , Jennifer went to bed early.
1. My brother bought the books because he was attracted by their fantastic titles.
 , my brother .
2. If it is used properly, the computer game can help students improve their English.
 , the computer game .

Origins of Everyday Things 47

5버전.indb 47 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

Think and Write Describing an Important Event in History

A Brainstorm
Think about an important event in history and talk about it with your partner.

e.g. invention of Hangeul

An Event in History

e.g. created by King Sejong in 1443, a writing system that

could be easily learned by all people

Things you know

about the event

B Organize Ideas
Answer the following questions to describe the important event in history.

1. When did it happen?

e.g. Hangeul was created during the Joseon Dynasty in 1443.

2. Who is the most important figure in the event?

e.g. ‌King Sejong, who was the 4th king of the Joseon Dynasty, created Hangeul with the
help of a team of scholars.

3. What happened?

e.g. ‌King Sejong distributed a writing system, which was less difficult to learn than Chinese
characters and could be easily learned by all people.

4. What effects does this event have?

e.g. ‌Almost all Koreans can read and write now. Koreans mark the 9th of every October as
a national holiday celebrating the creation of Hangeul.

48 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 48 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:50

C Study the Writing Sample
Read the description of an important event in history.

Invention of Hangeul
Hangeul was created during the Joseon Dynasty in 1443. King Sejong, who
When Who
was the 4th king of the Joseon Dynasty, created Hangeul with the help of a team
of scholars. King Sejong distributed this writing system that was less difficult to
learn than Chinese characters and could be easily learned by all people.
Thanks to Hangeul, almost all Koreans can read and write now.
Koreans mark the 9th of every October as a national
holiday celebrating the creation of Hangeul. King Sejong
is regarded as a national hero in Korea.

D Write on Your Own

Write your own description of an important event in history.


■Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the whole paragraph. YES NO
1. 역사적 사건의 정보를 충분히 전달하고 있다.
2. 글의 흐름이 자연스럽고 말하고자 하는 바가 명확하다.
3. 글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

Origins of Everyday Things 49

5버전.indb 49 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Making a Slide Show on the
History of Everyday Things
1 Choose one category for your group.

food music sports other:

2 Choose three items in your category and do research on the history of them.

e.g. A: I wonder where fried chicken started.

B: Me, too. By the way, what is the origin of seedless watermelon?

3 Make a slide show on the history of one item. Present your group’s slide show.

Chickens were first

domesticated in Southeast
Asia around 5,000 B.C.
and spread to other parts
of the world by trade.
The history of fried ch

African slaves in
the United States
weren’t able to Today, than
raise expensive largely to o
meats but were company in
allowed to have U.S., peop
chickens. Chickens were less expensive around the
can enjoy A world
than other meats, so frying chickens merican sty
le fried chic
became common throughout black
communities in the south.

e.g. Our group made a slide show on the history of fried chicken.

Group-check YES NO

• 모둠에서 정한 대상의 역사적 기원을 이미지를 활용하여 효과적으로 소개했다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다.
• 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다.

50 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 50 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. What are the speakers talking about?

recipes for pizza products of Italy
the origin of the tomato the location of South America

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• ‌A new pizza is located near the subway station.

B Listen and choose what the speakers are doing.

C Complete the dialog with the sentences. Act it out with your partner.

A: Wow, this Gimchi is so hot.

B: That’s because of the hot chilies in it.
B: I’ve heard it first came to Korea in the 16th century.
B: I don’t think it did.
B: I recommend Bossam and tofu.

Then red Gimchi didn’t exist before that, did it?

I wonder when Koreans started to use hot chilies for food.
That’s interesting. By the way, what food goes well with Gimchi?

Origins of Everyday Things 51

5버전.indb 51 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51


D Read the passage and answer the questions.

In 1492, when Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain to find a new route
to India, the purpose of his journey was to find a way to safely bring black pepper
from Asia. (A) Europeans had used black pepper as a medicine and a spice since
ancient times. (B) Imported from South India and nearby islands, black pepper
was an expensive spice. (C) When the Ottoman Empire took over Asia Minor and
the eastern Mediterranean, it effectively blocked routes to India, and the price of
black pepper shot up. (D) Columbus headed west and, upon reaching the islands
of the Caribbean, believed he had found the route to India that he was seeking.
He was mistaken, of course. Instead of black pepper, he found other plants that he
believed to be another type of pepper. Those plants were later called chilies.

1. Where does the following sentence best fit in the passage?

As a result, European traders had to look for new ways to trade with India for
pepper and other spices.

2. ‌Complete the sentence based on the passage.

• ‌Columbus intended to go to to get which
was valuable as a medicine and a spice. However, he reached the Caribbean and
found .

E Complete the text that describes the Samil Movement with appropriate expressions.

The Samil Movement

The Samil Movement occurred on March lst, 1919. It is sometimes referred

to as the Manse Demonstrations. The Samil Movement was
by Korean people for their freedom from Japanese rule. Ryu Gwansun was one of
in this movement. It was an important turning point in the
Korean Independence Movement. It influenced nonviolent resistance in India and
many other countries. In 1949, March 1st became in Korea.

a national holiday a peaceful protest the best known participants

52 Lesson 2

5버전.indb 52 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

The History of Everyday Things

The numbers that are used worldwide nowadays were
developed by ancient mathematicians in Arabia who
revised the Indian version of numbers.
Richard Bulliet, The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume 1

The world’s oldest toothpaste was created by Egyptians. They
crushed rock salt, dried flowers, and pepper and mixed them
together to create a cleaning powder. The first commercially
produced toothpaste was sold in a jar in 1873.

Chewing Gum
Northern Europeans were chewing sticky substance from a
tree 9,000 years ago for enjoyment as well as for medicinal
purposes. In 1848, an American named John B. Curtis
developed and sold the first commercial chewing gum.

On the Web Search for information about the origins of everyday things and talk about them with your

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 궁금증 표현하기:

주제 바꾸기:

Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

Potatoes were at first less favored than sweet potatoes by Europeans.

Imported from South India and nearby islands, black pepper was an expensive spice.

Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


Origins of Everyday Things 53

5버전.indb 53 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51


in Your Life



Words kill wars.

Ready to Communicate Communication Task

Lesson Flow 주변에서 볼 수 있는 광고에 대한 대화를 듣 자신이 좋아하는 광고를 써 봅시다.
고 말해 봅시다. :

5버전.indb 54 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Study Points

Topic 광고와 생활

Communicative Functions
• ‌동의나 이의 여부 묻기 Don’t you agree?
• ‌부정적 생각의 이유 묻기 What’s the matter?

Language Forms
• ‌In a TV drama, there was a scene in which
a blind girl applied lipstick on her own.
‌ ever can traditional funding support the
increased cost.

Before You Begin

Can you recall an advertisement
that you saw or heard today? Where
did you see or hear it and what was
being advertised?

Your heart
has more
than one life.

Read Think and Write Project

간접 광고를 주제로 한 토론을 읽고, 간접 지면 광고를 통해 광고하고 싶은 제품을 간접 광고가 등장하는 영화나 드라마의 제목
광고의 장단점을 생각해 봅시다. 써 봅시다. 을 써 봅시다.
: :

5버전.indb 55 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Ready to Communicate • Don’t you agree? • What’s the matter?

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.
K Shop

AZ Store

T Bank

A: ‌You don’t look excited to be A: ‌I think those signboards are

here. distracting.
B: ‌We’ve been waiting ten minutes B: I agree. Their different colors
for the movie, but all they have and sizes bother me.
shown us is commercials.

B Listen and Answer

Dialog 1 1. What is the girl doing?
reading news online
making an advertisement
subscribing to a newspaper

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• The girl feels annoyed by ads on the website.

Dialog 2 1. What are the speakers looking at?

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• The man thinks there must be stricter on road signs.

56 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 56 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

C Listen and Write
1. What are the speakers talking about?
using video-sharing sites
listening to radio commercials
purchasing movies on their TV
watching commercials before online videos

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

Kami: What’s the matter with the ads?

Eric: ‌They put too many ads before one short
online video and the ads are too .

Eric: ‌Maybe, but in this case I think it’s too

much. Don’t you agree?
Kami: Yes, I see what you mean. Sometimes I
get by all these ads, too.

Small Talk ‌What do you think about watching commercials before you watch a video online?

D Write and Speak

Choose a type of commercial that you don’t like and talk about it with your partner.

Types of Commercials Your Opinions

commercials during TV shows long

pop-up ads on web pages big
radio commercials annoying
signboards on streets distracting
Your Own Your Own

e.g. A: ‌I don’t want to see〔listen to〕 these commercials More Expressi

during TV shows. • ‌What’s wrong?

• ‌What do you think?
B: What’s the matter?
A: They are so long. Don’t you agree?
B: I agree. / Well, I’m not bothered by them.

Advertising in Your Life 57

5버전.indb 57 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Communication Task My Favorite Advertisement

STEP 1 A student is telling the class about an advertisement he likes. Listen and complete
the note.

• Title: Like a Girl

•R‌ eason: It made me realize we use the phrase “like a girl” in the way.
•S ‌ tory: ‌W hen asked to show what it is like to run like a girl, some men and women
made gestures. However, when young girls were asked, they
ran as as they could.

STEP 2 Choose your favorite ad poster and talk about it.

Lights off. Green on. You are what you Design your home
wear. the way you want.

ad poster the one that says “ ”

show the message clearly be inspiring
use humor well Your Own

A: ‌Which is your favorite ad poster?
B: I like the one that says “Lights off. Green on.”
A: ‌Why do you think it’s better than the others?
B: I like it because it shows the message clearly. What do you think?
 
if you agree if you don’t agree
A: ‌I agree. It definitely A: ‌Well, I don’t think that
• be not creative
shows the message poster is the best. • be not impressive
clearly. B: What’s the matter with it? Your Own
A: ‌Well, it is not informative.

58 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 58 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

STEP 3 Choose one favorite video advertisement in groups. Prepare to tell the class about it.

What product or message is It is a commercial for

advertised? .

What happened in the scene? In the commercial,

How were the scenes shown? .

What words does it use?

• ‌I think this commercial is

Why do you like it?
• ‌For me, this commercial seems

e.g. A: ‌I think this commercial is very creative and inspiring. Don’t you agree?
B: I agree with you. Let’s choose this one for our presentation.

STEP 4 Using the information gathered in STEP 3, tell the class about your group’s favorite


e.g. I’m going to tell you about our favorite advertisement. It is a commercial for a battery
brand. In the commercial, on a snowy day, the battery company installed a special heater
at a bus stop. The heater works only when more than two people hold hands together.
The message, “We have cold winters. But we also have each other,” appears. For me, this
commercial seems very creative and inspiring. What do you think?

Plus Among the ads you heard about in class, which do you think is the most impressive one? Why?

Self-check 광고 소개를 듣고, 필요한 정보를 파악할 수 있다.

좋아하는 광고를 소개하며, 동의나 이의 여부를 물어볼 수 있다.

Advertising in Your Life 59

5버전.indb 59 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Before A Think of a movie or TV show that you have watched recently. Was there any
scene that showed a product and its logo? Talk about it with your partner.
Read TV show or movie title
e.g. Movie The Forgotten Secret Agent

the product and the e.g. a car made by the German car brand LUX

e.g. the
‌ hero managed to escape from the bad guys in a
the situation in which
new sports car
it appeared

very very
your impression on its
distracting distracting okay natural natural

B Guess the meaning of the word under each picture. Then complete each
sentence with the appropriate word.

invisible contents cosmetic


1. Jessica put some powder on her face.

2. This colorful drink is ideal for traveling or taking to the gym.
3. ‌Scientists have finally invented a material that can make small objects
4. ‌Congress recently voted to the use of animal testing for cosmetic
5. ‌New digital technology is allowing a rapid expansion in the mobile

60 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 60 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

The High School Reading Strategy

Debate Show:
• ‌Summarize Team Haneul’s
first point.

Product Placement
Moderator Welcome to The High School Debate Show! Today’s Q1ㅣUnderline the
definition of product
debate topic is product placement. The resolution is “Product placement in the
placement should be banned from television shows.” For your
information, product placement is a form of advertising that involves
5 inserting products in movies or TV programs with the intention of
promoting the products or brands. While proven to be an effective 우리나라의 PPL(Product
way to advertise products, product placement has pros and cons, Placement) 도입
2005년 이전에는 주로 불법 간접
stirring arguments over whether or not it should be kept under 광고의 규제에 초점을 맞추었고,
그 후 간접 광고의 양성화 방안에
control. Now we will hear the main arguments from both sides. 대한 논의가 활발해져, 2010년에
처음으로 지상파 방송에 간접 광
고가 등장하였다.

• ban • insert • intention • pros and cons

• stir • under control

Advertising in Your Life 61

5버전.indb 61 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Q2ㅣWhose rights do Team Haneul We argue that product placement in TV shows
Team Haneul defend
in this debate? should be banned. We maintain our position in order to defend the
rights of the general public, mainly television viewers, who are also
product consumers. Product placement does not extend benefits to
the general public but interferes with their interests. In this light, we 5

offer three arguments against product placement�the quality of the

shows, the deprived choice of viewers, and the problem of invisible
marketing costs.
Q3ㅣWhat is the main Our first point in argument is that product placement defeats
purpose of dramas?
the very purpose of TV shows, especially those in dramatic 10

forms. The primary purpose of dramas is to deliver a story,

through which meaningful messages on society and the people
living in it are delivered. Viewers watch dramas planning to take
their stories seriously and respond to the messages they deliver.
Product placement, on the other hand, aims to sell products. These 15

• maintain competing goals clash on the screen. With random commercial

• defend
• deprive brands popping out to steal the focus from the plot, the show
• invisible
• defeat
quality suffers.
• primary A hero in a K-drama was seen to take both his hands off the
• deliver
• pop out wheel while driving a car and kiss a girl in the passenger seat. It 20

62 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 62 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

was a product placement promoting an automatic pilot function Q4ㅣWhat is Team
Haneul’s second point?
of a new car. The absurdity of the scene, totally out of the context,
ruined what emotional sincerity the characters retained up to that
point. Who could take a drama seriously when it is obviously more
5 interested in selling products than in telling truthful stories? Q5ㅣWhat effect does
product placement
Our second point is that product placement doesn’t give viewers have on the product’s
a choice. Unlike commercials during breaks, there is no way for the consumer price?

viewer to avoid product placement. The viewer is not given a choice

over whether to watch it or not. Product placement is advertising
10 “embedded” in the program. It is integrated in the show, meaning
Thinking Critically‌
that it is not possible to turn off the TV or switch the channel to
Do you think Team
avoid it. Haneul provided
enough evidence on
Our last point is that product placement is enormously why product placement
expensive and costs companies that use it a lot of money. These should be banned?
What other points can
15 days, Korean TV shows have a global reach that hits billions of you think of to support
the argument?
people, so inserting products in them has become costly. In the end,
the extra marketing costs for product placement are added to the
product’s consumer price, with the products promoted by product
placement becoming more expensive. Q6ㅣWhom do
Team Bada take
20 Based on these points, we believe that product placement should
into consideration in
be banned from all media, but at a minimum from TV shows. their approach to the

Moderator Thank you for your excellent presentation. Now we’re

going to hear from the opposing side, Team Bada.

Team Bada We, as the opposing team, are going to argue that • automatic
• absurdity
25 product placement should not be banned. We also prepared three • ruin
supporting arguments�the production funding in the new media • sincerity
• retain
environment, the better quality of program content, and other • embed
• integrate
benefits of product placement in context. Unlike Team Haneul, we • promote
would like to approach the issue from a slightly different perspective, • content
• perspective
30 taking content creators and product companies into consideration. • take ~ into consideration

Advertising in Your Life 63

5버전.indb 63 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

First, product placement is inevitable
in the age of the new media environment.
Today many people enjoy programs
through mobi le streaming ser v ices
and video downloads. The profit share 5

from T V commercials is constantly

declining, and production companies and
broadcasting networks are compensating
for the loss by attracting more product
placements. From an idealistic point 10

of view, the storytelling of TV dramas

should not be interrupted by commercial
advertising. From a realistic point of view,
however, it is product ‌p lacement that
Q7ㅣHow do the
broadcasting brings the programs to viewers. 15

companies try to Second, product placement does not harm but actually ensures
compensate for a
decreasing profit share the quality of TV shows. The “quality” of a TV show is not only
from TV commercials?
about storytelling. Today’s media content creation is nothing like
writing a novel. Nowadays, high-quality media content requires a lot
Q8ㅣWhat example
more elements such as expensive computer graphics, experienced 20

did Team Bada use to directors, and even hallyu stars, but never can traditional funding
illustrate that product
placement can support the increased cost. Such high-quality content can only be
enhance the quality of achieved with product placement.
Product placement ruins the story only when it fails. When
properly done, it may actually enhance the quality of sponsored 25

programs. For instance, in a K-drama about a blind girl’s romance,

• inevitable
• profit there was a scene in which she applied lipstick on her own. It was a
• decline
• compensate
product placement sponsored by a cosmetic company, but the scene
• idealistic was also essential to illustrate the girl’s character�independent,
• interrupt
• cosmetic attractive, and wealthy. Not only was the scene the talk of the 30

• stereotype
• establish
town for breaking a media stereotype of blind people, but it also
• be the talk of the town succeeded in establishing the character in the story.

64 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 64 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Our last point is that
product placement is helpful
because it shows how the
product is used in real life
5 situations. Suppose that I
wanted to buy a skirt, but Increase of Sales

I couldn’t find one exactly to my taste. While watching

a drama, I saw an actress wearing a skirt with a design
that I had always wanted. In this case, product placement
10 helped me understand what I wanted by providing more
information in context on a product I wanted to buy. This
also explains how K-dramas introduce Korean products to
foreign consumers, which often results in global shopping
sprees. For example, a recent drama that became a huge
15 hit in China was sponsored by a ginseng company. The
hero was frequently seen to drink ginseng extract from Q9ㅣHow can hallyu
a small pouch. The product became so popular among promote Korean
Chinese people that it instantly went out of stock. With
hallyu contents spreading all over the world, Korean products are
20 being introduced to global consumers through product placement.
Based on these points, we argue that product placement should
not be banned. • spree
• ginseng
• extract
• pouch
Moderator: Thank you for your presentation. Now that we’ve heard
• result in
from both teams, we are going to have a free debate session. • out of stock

Self-check Reading Time: 1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

다음은 Team Haneul의 첫 번째 주장을 요약한 문장입니다. 빈칸을 채워 완성해 봅시다.

•‌Team Haneul’s first point is that product placement can disrupt the delivery of dramatic
stories because the of PPL isn’t the same as that of dramas.
본문에서 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

Advertising in Your Life 65

5버전.indb 65 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

After A Review the text and complete the summary.

You Yes, PPL should be banned. No, PPL shouldn’t be banned.

Read 1. ‌PPL distracts viewers from focusing 1. ‌PPL provides production funding
on (TV) shows. in the new media environment.
2. ‌PPL doesn’t give a 2. ‌PPL does not harm but ensures the
to watch or not watch of TV shows.
advertisements. 3. ‌PPL offers about
3. ‌The extra costs of PPL products to its viewers.
have to be included in the product’s

B Read the following comments about PPL and identify whether each comment is
for the pros or cons side. Add each person’s name to the table.

Product placement in TV shows should be banned.

Yes, it should be banned. No, it shouldn’t be banned.

It creates a greater
The money from those Having excessive awareness of the
sponsorships brings the levels of advertising products that are
stories to the consumers. in a TV show can positively associated
Without it, there would interfere with the plot with a good TV show.
be fewer stories. of the story.
Anthony Sandra

Advertising through Product placements

product placement is likely that appear natural in
to increase the price of the context of the story
a product because of can help to enhance the
increased marketing costs. viewing experience.


66 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 66 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

C Think and Talk
Ask the people around you their opinions about advertisements. Follow the
directions below.

Step 1 Choose one survey question among the questions below.
Do you think PPL should be banned from TV shows?
Do you think we should have fewer commercials before a movie?
Do you think we are exposed to advertisements too much these days?
Step 2 ‌Ask the question to the people around you. The more people you ask,
the better.
Step 3 Summarize the answers and present the findings to the class.

Your Question:
Yes No

D Listen and Share

1. ‌Listen to the lecture about product placement in movies and complete the summary.

• PPL is becoming more and more .

• Movies today cost about million dollars to make.
• How to raise the money for production? � The answer is PPL.
• Companies pay more for a product in the foreground.
• Companies pay less for a product in the .
• It is becoming an unavoidable part of the movie industry in the 21st century.

2. ‌Do you think PPL is making your experience of watching movies better or
worse? Tell your ideas to your group members.

• ‌I think PPL makes my experience of watching movies because


Advertising in Your Life 67

5버전.indb 67 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Language in Use

A Word Formation

in-, im-, ir-, il- Adjective (the opposite meaning of the adjective)
visible − invisible / possible − impossible / rational − irrational / legal − illegal

• ‌Product placement can cause the problem of invisible marketing costs.

• ‌It’s almost impossible to arrive on time for the appointment.
• ‌It is irrational for scientists to believe in ghosts.
• ‌In most locations, lost pet signs are illegal despite their harmlessness.

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. My professor only accepts (complete / incomplete) assignments.

2. This silver cart is fixed to the floor and (movable / immovable).
3. Business letters shouldn’t be informal and (personal / impersonal).
4. (Regular / Irregular) sleeping habits can lead to headaches.
5. She lost the debate because of her (logical / illogical) arguments.

B Useful Expressions

• ‌We would like to approach the issue from a different perspective, taking
content creators into consideration.
• ‌This also explains how K-dramas introduce Korean products to foreign
consumers, which often results in global shopping sprees.
• ‌The product became so popular among Chinese people that it instantly went
out of stock.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression.

1. ‌The steady seller is currently , but we have already reordered

the book.
2. ‌Poorly designed products are faulty and can health risks to
3. ‌We will all factors when making decisions.

68 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 68 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

C Structures
1 • ‌In a TV drama, there was a scene in which a blind girl applied lipstick on her
• ‌Different levels of schools have different times at which schools begin and end.
• ‌There are many things by which people judge restaurants: food, location, and

Write It Combine the two sentences of each question into one.

1. He clearly remembers the day. He first met his spouse on that day.

2. This is the pond. Jason spoke of the pond last week.

3. I recently bought a new bike. I can go to school by bike every day.

2 • Never
‌ can traditional funding support the increased cost.
• Not
‌ only do I understand your point, but I actually support it.
• Little
‌ did she dream that she would meet her favorite actor in person.

Say It ‌ omplete the dialogs by rearranging the given words and practice the
dialogs with your partner.

(after an Olympic game) (at a news interview)

A: ‌ Congratulations on your victory! A: ‌What do you remember about

B: ‌Thank you so much. the accident?
A: ‌ Did you expect to win the gold B: ‌ .
medal? I lost consciousness right after I
B: ‌ I felt pretty good, but never heard a loud noise.
to win the A: ‌ What was the noise like?

gold this year. B: ‌ It sounded like something exploded.

I / expect / did remember / little / I / can

Advertising in Your Life 69

5버전.indb 69 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Think and Write Making a Print Advertisement

A Choose the Item

Choose or come up with an item for a print advertisement.

the lightest sneakers a foldable smartphone


a bike without a chain Your Own

B Organize Ideas
Prepare to make a print advertisement by filling in the table.

Example Your Own

waterproof notepad – Idea Splash


Don’t let your genius shower ideas

be washed away!

This is a notepad on which you can

write your brilliant ideas whenever
you want, even during a shower.

 shower on the wall, the notepad

Ideas for
beside the shower, a handwritten
note on the pad


70 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 70 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

C Study the Writing Sample
Read the print advertisement.

Idea Splash Pad


Don’t let your genius shower ideas be washed away!


Scientists say that we get our best ideas in the shower.

This is a waterproof notepad on which you can write your
Sales copy
brilliant ideas whenever you want, even during a shower.
Never will you lose your ideas again!

If you buy one, you get the second one at half price!

D Write on Your Own

Write your print advertisement. Add a few designs on it.

Your Image


■Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the advertisement. YES NO

1. 광고하는 제품의 중요한 정보를 제공했다.
2. 광고하는 제품을 흥미롭고 창의적으로 표현하였다.
3. 글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

Advertising in Your Life 71

5버전.indb 71 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Acting out a Product Placement Scene

1 Read the script from a movie.

(In a library group study room) Ethan and his friends are having a study meeting.

Ethan: Okay, why don’t we take a break?

Christine: Sounds good.
Ethan: Does anyone know where Angela is? She should be here by now.
Christine: I don’t think she will be here soon.
Ethan: What’s the matter?
Christine: (looking at her watch) She just texted me and said she was walking to the
bus stop near her home.
Joey: (surprised) How can you read her text message without looking at your
Christine: ‌(showing her smart watch) This is a new smart watch with which you can
call or text as well as check the time.
Ethan: That’s amazing! By the way, does she know where we are?
Christine: Yes, she does. I just texted her.

2 In groups, recall a short scene you saw in a movie or TV show and think of ways
to incorporate a product placement in the scene like the above script.

e.g. A: ‌I think we can put a product placement here. What do you think?
B: I like your idea! Let’s put it there.

3 Assign roles to each member and practice the scene. Then act out the scene in
which you have put a product placement.

Group-check YES NO

• 간접 광고가 자연스럽게 등장하도록 영화 대본을 썼다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다.
• 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다.

72 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 72 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. What problem does the girl say online news has?

Online news lacks accuracy.
Many news sites deal with limited subjects.
There are too many articles to choose from.
There are too many ads that distract readers.

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• ‌The boy thinks ads on websites are a(n) part of the news.

B Listen and choose the purpose of the girl’s speech.

to persuade people to rely less on advertisements

to urge the media to limit the number of commercials
to introduce her favorite advertising campaign
to inform people about the basic elements of an advertisement

C Complete the dialog with the phrases. Act it out with your partner.

A: ‌It’s so ugly around here because of all the signs on the sides of the buildings.
B: What’s the matter with them?
A: ‌They are all different sizes, shapes, and colors. We need .
Don’t you agree?
B: I agree. Look at that building!
A: Wow, it is .
B: ‌That definitely doesn’t look good. Signs on the sides of buildings need to be
A: That’s .

exactly what I mean

stricter regulations on signs
completely covered with signs

Advertising in Your Life 73

5버전.indb 73 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51


D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Product placement ruins the story only when it fails. When properly done,
it may actually enhance the quality of sponsored programs. For instance, in a
K-drama about a blind girl’s romance, there was a scene in which she applied
lipstick on her own. It was a product placement sponsored by a cosmetic company,
but the scene was also essential to illustrate the girl’s character�independent,
attractive, and wealthy. Not only was the scene the talk of the town for breaking
a media stereotype of blind people, but it also succeeded in establishing the
character in the story.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

PPL is mainly used to establish characters in a story.
PPL is expensive and extra costs are added to the product’s price.
PPL doesn’t ruin the story; PPL can improve the quality of programs.
PPL doesn’t give viewers a choice as viewers cannot avoid it.

2. ‌What does the underlined it refer to? Write it using the words in the passage.

E Complete the commercial script based on the table.

Item Concorde Cars

Sales Copy 1 cars of all shapes and sizes including SUVs and sports cars
Sales Copy 2 a huge parking lot on which you are sure to find a real treasure

Are you looking for a new set of wheels? Check out Concorde Cars, the
number one buyer and seller of used automobiles.
, including SUVs and sports cars!
Whether you’re trading in an old one or buying for the first time, we have a
huge parking lot a real treasure.

74 Lesson 3

5버전.indb 74 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Different Meanings of Colors
Color is one of the most influential factors that impacts perceptions in advertising,
branding or marketing. Therefore, companies consider the meaning of each color in
different cultures, when designing advertising and product packaging.

For example, one fast food restaurant company changes the colors on its
website to conform to their cultural symbolism within certain countries. In
Europe, it is promoting a more environmentally friendly image through
its green background instead of the traditional red one the company

Another example, brides in China don’t traditionally wear white.

Rather, the color most often associated with brides and weddings is
red, which symbolizes blooming, joy, and vitality. Although white
can indicate a sense of purity similar to western marriages, it surrounds
death and grief in certain Chinese contexts. This is probably not the
message a wedding ad campaign would want to convey.

On the Web Search for more information about the meanings of colors in
different countries. Tell your partner what you learned.

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 동의나 이의 여부 묻기:

부정적 생각의 이유 묻기:

Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

In a TV drama, there was a scene in which a blind girl applied lipstick on her own.

Never can traditional funding support the increased cost.


Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


Advertising in Your Life 75

5버전.indb 75 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Becoming Active

as Consumers and

Ready to Communicate Communication Task

Lesson Flow 새로운 경제 현상 및 소비 경향에 대한 대화 벼룩시장에서 팔거나 사고 싶은 물건을 써
를 듣고 말해 봅시다. 봅시다.

5버전.indb 76 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Study Points

Topic 경제생활

Communicative Functions
• ‌알고 있음 표현하기 I heard that group buying is
popular nowadays.
• ‌의견 묻기 What do you think about it?

Language Forms
• ‌What they started was a whole new
business model providing a platform for the
sharing economy.
‌ ut for the sharing service, one more car
would be made only to stay still in her
garage most of the time.

Before You Begin

What items do you spend the most
money on every month? Where do
you usually buy them?

Read Think and Write Project

공유 경제를 소개하는 글을 읽고, 공유 생활에 많은 변화를 가져다준 서비스, 또는 제품 기업을 운영한다면, 어떤 제품이나 서비
경제의 특징을 생각해 봅시다. 을 써 봅시다. 스를 제공하고 싶은지 써 봅시다.
: :

5버전.indb 77 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Ready to Communicate • I heard that group buying is popular nowadays.
• What do you think about it?

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.

A: Do you know what kind of sale A: 

Amy’s Ice Cream is having? B: I
think it is very convenient. I
B: ‌Yeah. , do it from time to time.
you get a second one free.

B Listen and Answer

Dialog 1 1. What are the speakers talking about?
buying used bikes
going to a repair shop
checking the bikes’ prices

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• ‌The girl tells the boy that the bikes are all by the repairmen.

Dialog 2 1. What does the girl think about social marketing?

It costs a lot.
It is totally new.
It is very effective.

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• The boy says that social marketing can be and fun.

78 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 78 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

C Listen and Write
1. What is the boy doing on his smartphone?
buying new clothes ordering a delivered meal
doing a banking transaction sending a gift card

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

Lisa: ‌W hat do you think about SNS business

Jiho: ‌I think they are and worth doing
lations! because we can use electronic money.

Lisa: ‌I heard that there might be some problems

with security.
Jiho: ‌Yes, but solutions for security issues are
constantly being .

Small Talk ‌Have you ever used social networking to buy things? Share your experience
with your partner.

D Write and Speak

Think about the meaning of each term and talk about them with your partner.

Term Meaning Advantage

getting goods at reduced prices if a minimum

group buying economical
number of consumers purchase as a group

social marketing using social media for marketing interesting

electronic money money which is exchanged electronically convenient
Your Own

e.g. A: ‌I heard that group buying is popular nowadays. More Expressi

B: What does group buying mean? • I’ve been told that ....
• ‌How do you feel about
A: ‌It means getting goods at reduced prices if a minimum
number of consumers purchase as a group.
B: What do you think about it?
A: I think it is economical.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 79

5버전.indb 79 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:51

Communication Task School Flea Market

STEP 1 Listen to a dialog between two students and complete the poster.

The 1st Rainbow High School Flea Market

Date: , August 7th

Place: in front of the main
Sellers: ‌students who submit the
application form and
pay the fee of dollars
Buyers: students

STEP 2 Discuss what items you can sell at a flea market in groups.

books school supplies shoes

Your Own

sporting goods clothes

e.g. A: ‌I heard that many students want to buy used books at low prices.
What do you think about selling the books we don’t use anymore?
B: Sounds great. I have some books in good condition.

80 Lesson 4

고등영어(1) 4단원(076-097)-1.indd 80 2020. 10. 16. 오후 2:47

STEP 3 Plan to run a booth at the flea market in groups. Complete the table.

Example Your Own

Items to Sell books

Price Range from 1,000 to 5,000 won

students who need to buy books

Target Customers
for the new school year

e.g. A: ‌I heard that there are many students who need to buy books for the new school year.
B: Right. What do you think about selling used books for 1,000 to 5,000 won?
A: ‌Good. I think they won’t buy any books if their prices are too high.

STEP 4 Make a conversation as a seller and a customer based on the plan your group

Welcome to our booth. Can I help you?

I heard that you’re selling used books.

Right. We have a wide selection. What do

you think about the books in this stand? We
offer them at half of their original price.

Oh, that’s a bargain. They are in quite good

condition. I’ll take these two.


Plus Among the booths introduced to the class, which one would you like to visit most? Why?

Self-check 벼룩시장에 대한 대화를 듣고, 세부 정보를 파악할 수 있다.

벼룩시장에서 판매자와 구매자가 되어 알고 있음을 표현하고 의견을 물을 수 있다.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 81

5버전.indb 81 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Before A Think about ways to get necessary things and talk about them with your

rent share

borrow other:



e.g. I can buy blue jeans at the shopping mall.

B Guess the meaning of each colored word in the sentences. Then choose the
meaning from the box.

1. Hotel accommodations are included in the travel package. 

2. The state’s natural assets include mountains and beautiful lakes.
3. ‌The explanation helps people appreciate sculptures better.
4. S‌ ustainable living is a way of life that attempts to reduce the use of
5. Don’t forget to take a few spare batteries.

able to last or continue for a long time

kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed
something valuable that is owned by a person, company, government, etc.
a place where travelers can sleep and find other services
to recognize and enjoy the good qualities of something

82 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 82 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Reading Strategy
• ‌Underline any part that
explains something

the Sharing Economy

associated with your own

The sharing economy is an economic system based on sharing

assets or services, for free or for a fee, directly from and between
individuals. Named in 2011 by TIME Magazine as one of the 10
ideas that would change the world, the economic model is now
5 transforming the landscape of the world economy. There are five
key concepts of the sharing economy. Here you can read about Q1ㅣWhat did two
young men in San
them, along with appropriate case stories casting light on what the Francisco decide to do
to earn money?
sharing economy is and how it works.

The Internet Made All the Difference

10 Two young men in San Francisco were so poor they could not
pay their rent, so they thought to rent out three air mattresses
on their floor to people and serve them breakfast. They made • asset
• fee
a simple website to promote their little bed and breakfast, and • landscape
• along with
three people showed up, each paying $80. After the guests left, • cast light on
15 they thought this could be a big idea. Now their website offers
250,000 rooms in 30,000 cities in 192 countries. What they
started was a whole new business model providing a platform for
the sharing economy.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 83

5버전.indb 83 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

The advance of technology brought sharing into economy.
Q2ㅣWhat was Thanks to the Internet and digital technology, now there is much
Hyeonwoo’s problem?
more data about people and things, which makes sharing cheaper
and easier than ever. You were able to rent a private room before
the Internet, but it was usually more trouble than it was worth. For 5

example, without the Internet, how can you know that somebody
has a spare room to your taste in a simple family house? Now,
finding a room and booking it is simply a click away. All you need
to do is to download an app. The website deals with all the rest,
locating the right space and dealing with safety issues, reservations, 10

and payment.

Access Is As Good As Ownership

Hyeonwoo needed to install a new lighting fixture on his

ceiling, but a power drill was too expensive to buy only for
the occasion. In Hyeonwoo’s neighborhood, however, there 15

lived someone that had a power drill but hadn’t needed to

use it for a long while. A sharing website that matches owners
and borrowers in the same area connected the two of them.
Hyeonwoo could borrow a power drill from his neighbor, paying
a reasonable fee for using it. Without the service, Hyeonwoo 20

would have had no choice but to buy the expensive tool. Now
you can access what you need, even when you don’t own it, all
thanks to the sharing economy.

Why pay a lot of money for something when you can rent it
more cheaply from other people online? Why own something 25

• advance • digital • spare • download

• access • install • ceiling

84 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 84 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

when you can have access to it without owning it? That is the Q3ㅣWho does the
business model of
principle behind a sharing economy that enables people to share a sharing economy
cars, accommodations, and other items because now they can get
whatever they need whenever they want. The business model of a
5 sharing economy instantly connects owners of underused assets
with others willing to pay to use them. Easy access, made possible Talk about It
by Internet technology, is now as good as ownership. Is there any item you
have used only a few
times after you bought
it for a high price?

Produce Less, and You Will Waste Less

Seonwha is a computer programmer who works mostly at Q4ㅣWhat does

Seonwha think about
10 home but sometimes goes to the office to have meetings. She the sharing economy?
doesn’t own a car, but rents one through a sharing platform
whenever she needs a ride to work. But for the sharing service,
one more car would be made only to stay still in her garage most Q5ㅣWhat did the
“studies” mentioned in
of the time. In order to use her car more often, she would drive line 22 find?
15 to places where she usually goes on foot now. She thinks the
sharing economy contributes to saving the environment since
less car use means reduced CO2 emissions.

Though not primarily driven by environmental goals, the

sharing economy brings considerable benefits to the environment.
20 Resources are used more efficiently, which helps save on materials
and energy. For example, car sharing services are proven to yield
environmentally friendly results. Studies have found that car sharing
helped reduce CO 2 emissions significantly. What the sharing
economy aspires to is a more sustainable way of utilizing limited
25 resources.

• accommodation • underused • emission • resource

• efficiently • aspire • sustainable • utilize
• limited

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 85

5버전.indb 85 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Experience Matters, Not Possession
Q6ㅣWhat did Jimmy
do through a website?
Jimmy had newly decorated his room and wanted a piece of
artwork that fit into the space. Through a website sharing works
Q7ㅣHow does the art of art, he picked an artwork to his taste from a wide variety
sharing benefit artists? of artists and rented it monthly. When he paints his room a 5

different color, he can return the current piece and rent another.

공유 경제의 여러 형태
He is not interested in permanent ownership of particular
● 제품
‌ 서비스: 사용자가 제품 혹 artworks. He simply wants to enjoy art in his daily life.
은 서비스를 소유하지 않고 사
용하는 방식으로, 자동차 공유
나 장난감 대여, 도서 대여 등이
Studies show that experience increases satisfaction far more
● 물물
‌ 교환: 필요하지 않은 제품
을 필요한 사람에게 재분배하는
than acquisitions do, and the new generation that embraces the 10

방식으로 주로 중고 물품 거래
가 있다.
sharing economy understands it better. For instance, art lovers used
● 협력적
‌ 커뮤니티: 커뮤니티 내
사용자 간의 협력을 통한 방식
to find satisfaction in collecting artworks. Now they have begun
으로 공간이나 여행 경험, 지식
등을 공유한다.
to place value on the experience of enjoying them. There are many
who appreciate artworks, but have no interest in owning them for
good. This benefits the artists as well because they get 15

a monthly income for their artworks that otherwise

might be in storage or waiting for their next exhibition.
The sharing economy is the experience economy. It
is a powerful cultural trend in which people value
experiences more than possessions. 20

Thinking Critically‌
What items are not suitable for a sharing economy? Why?

• possession • artwork • permanent

• appreciate • storage

86 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 86 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

People Build Trust and Make Connections
Q8ㅣWhat helped
Stella recover from her
Stella is a retired designer who started a second life as a host to grief?
international travelers. When her husband passed away, she came
down with depression. She started to share the room her husband
Q9ㅣWhat measures
5 used to occupy. Meeting new people from all over the world helped
can be taken to
her recover from her grief. Now she enjoys telling her guests address safety issues
associated with a
stories about the neighborhood and preparing them delicious local sharing economy?
breakfasts, trying to make them feel at home. She has made friends
with many guests and stays in touch with some of them.
Thinking Critically‌
10 For sociable souls, meeting new people is a big part of the charm. What kinds of safety
issues do you think can
In the age of “virtual” everything, more and more things are possible result from a sharing
without ever meeting face to face with other people. But sharing economy?

assumes human interaction by its definition and appeals to the basic

human needs for community. The core of a sharing economy is • depression
• grief
15 people directly dealing with each other, so trust between the parties • sociable
involved is essential. Social network services play an important • virtual
• pass away
role, giving information on participants. Safety issues are important • come down with
• make friends with
when dealing with strangers. Along with the background checks • stay in touch
carried out by platform providers, online reviews and ratings are
20 usually posted by both parties. The remarkable thing is how well the
system usually works.

Self-check Reading Time: 1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

본문에 서술된 상황과 비슷한 경험을 했거나, 알고 있는 사례가 있으면 말해 봅시다.

본문에 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 87

5버전.indb 87 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

After A Review the text and complete the summary with the given words.

You Five Key Concepts of the Sharing Economy

Read 1. ‌Thanks to the advance of , people can share things

more cheaply and easily.
2. ‌People can get to what they need even though they
don’t own it.
3. ‌The sharing economy is by saving materials and
4. ‌The sharing economy is growing because people value more
than possessions.
5. The sharing economy can facilitate .

easy access    technology    environmentally friendly

experiences    human interaction

B Think about what each participant does in the system of a sharing economy.
Choose the appropriate role for each of them.


owner seeker

offer an item pay a fee for using an item

request the use of an item match the owner and the seeker
make a list of owners and seekers ‌pay a platform a fee and get some
money for lending an item

88 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 88 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

C Think and Talk
Think about the shared services below. Choose one and talk about it with your

vehicles accommodations others

(cars, bicycles, etc.) (houses, rooms, etc.) (clothes, books, etc.)

e.g. I want to rent a bicycle.

What you want to rent

e.g. ‌When I travel in Jeju-do with my friend, I want to use it.

When you want to use it

e.g. I think it can make my trip more exciting.

Why you want to use it

D Listen and Share

1. ‌Listen to the advantages and disadvantages of a sharing economy and complete
the note.

A Sharing Economy

Advantages Disadvantages

• goods and services • / safety concerns

• stronger • outcomes

2. ‌What do you think about the sharing economy? Write your opinion and tell your
group members.

• I think a sharing economy is good because .

• I think a sharing economy might be harmful because .

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 89

5버전.indb 89 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Language in Use

A Word Formation

Verb ‒able → Adjective Verb -ent → Adjective

sustain − sustainable differ − different

remark − remarkable depend − dependent

• ‌What the sharing economy aspires to is a more sustainable way of utilizing

limited resources.
• The remarkable thing is how well the system usually works.
• ‌When he paints his room a different color, he can return the current piece and
rent another.
• Humans are mostly dependent on their sense of sight.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word.

1. ‌The major goal is ambitious, but for students. (attain)

2. effort was involved in accomplishing the task. (persist)
3. I have some matters to discuss with Ms. Kim. (urge)
4. The remedy is more in women than in men. (notice)
5. Renting a boat at Palm Beach has become more . (afford)

B Useful Expressions

• ‌Here you can read about them, along with appropriate case stories casting
light on what the sharing economy is and how it works.
• ‌When her husband passed away, she came down with depression.
• ‌‌She has made friends with many guests and stays in touch with some of them.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression.

1. ‌I think that you may a terrible fever.

2. ‌The research is eager to the root cause of numerous diseases.
3. ‌With the Internet, people can with friends and relatives
regardless of time and location.

90 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 90 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

C Structures
1 • What
‌ they started was a whole new business model providing a platform for
the sharing economy.
• What
‌ babies need is love and affection.
• What
‌ I intended to do was to travel overseas and stay in remote areas.

Write It Rewrite each sentence like the given example.

e.g.‌‌The poster emphasizes the necessity of car sharing for the environment.

 What the poster emphasizes is the necessity of car sharing for the environment .
1. The Internet has altered the way we buy things such as pants, socks, and gloves.
 What is .
2. The new economic policy aims at reducing unemployment.
 What is .

2 • But
‌ for the sharing service, one more car would be made only to stay still in
her garage most of the time.
• But
‌ for electric light, we would live in total darkness.
• Without
‌ your support, our success would not be possible.

Say It Look at the pictures and talk with your partner.

banking second-hand
an express bookstores

wait a long time to go to a bank pay too much for

receive our orders in person new books

e.g. A: ‌What would our lives be like if we didn’t have an express delivery service?
B: ‌Without 〔But for〕 an express delivery service, we would have to wait a long time to
receive our orders.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 91

5버전.indb 91 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Think and Write Describing Real and Imaginary Situations

A Brainstorm
Choose or come up with one service and discuss its benefits with your partner.
Then think about what would happen if we didn’t have it.

Your Own

free shipping mobile shopping rental services

B Organize Ideas
Answer the following questions about the service you chose.

1. What service has changed our lives?

e.g. Free shipping has changed our lives.

2. Can you describe it more in detail?

e.g. ‌Many online shopping malls offer free worldwide delivery.

3. What benefit(s) has it brought us?

e.g. ‌We can buy a product from the country of its origin more cheaply.

4. What would our lives be like if we didn’t have it?

e.g. ‌Without it, it would cost us a lot more to buy the same product.

5. Why do you think it is important? What makes it significant for us?

e.g. ‌What free shipping ultimately gives consumers is greater selection of products.

92 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 92 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

C Study the Writing Sample
Read the description of real and imaginary situations.

What If We Didn’t Have Free Shipping

I think free shipping has changed our lives significantly. Nowadays, many
Introducing a topic Describing a current situation
online shopping malls offer free worldwide delivery. Thanks to that, we can buy
a product from the country of its origin more cheaply. Without free worldwide
Describing an imaginary situation
shipping, it would cost us a lot more to buy the same product. What it ultimately
gives consumers is greater selection of products.

D Write on Your Own

Write your own description of real and imaginary situations.

Our Lives Without

I think is one of the trends that has changed our

lives dramatically. Nowadays, .

Its primary benefit is that .

But for it, .

What makes significant for us is


■Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the whole paragraph. YES NO
1. ‌서비스가 가져온 변화와 그 서비스가 없을 때 일어날 수 있는 상황을 묘사하고 있다.
2. 글의 흐름이 자연스럽고 말하고자 하는 바가 명확하다.
3. ‌글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 93

5버전.indb 93 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Planning Your Own Business

1 Research new businesses and what changes they have brought about.

What changes it has

New business field What it does
brought about
e.g. SNS service e.g. ‌It provides a social e.g. ‌It has changed the
networking service. way people interact.

2 In groups, propose business ideas and choose one.

e.g. A: What do you think about establishing a company that provides pet care services?
B: ‌I think it is a good idea. I heard that many people are unwilling to go on vacation and
leave their pets behind.

3 Complete a business plan and present it in class. Then vote for the best one.

Company’s name

What items or services it provides

Who are the target customers

What benefits or values it can offer to our society or people

e.g. We would like to present our business plan. We thought about establishing a company
named Your Pet at Home. ... What it intends to offer people is the freedom to go out
without worrying about their pets too much.

Group-check YES NO

• 사업의 취지와 특징을 사업 계획서에 명확하게 기술했다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다.
• 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다.

94 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 94 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. What does the girl suggest to the boy?

visiting stores buying used books
borrowing textbooks reading book reviews

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• ‌The girl is going to recommend some that are popular
with students.

B Listen and choose the purpose of the speech.

to advise on buying items

to introduce a school event
to advertise a retail store
to ask for participation in a survey

C Complete the dialog with the sentences. Act it out with your partner.

A: ‌I heard that this Saturday is Tony’s birthday. Why don’t we give him a birthday
B: That’s a good idea.
A: What do you think about giving an electronic gift card?
B: Is it really useful?
A: ‌Definitely. If we send him an electronic gift card by phone, he can use it in the
same way as money or a gift card at a mobile shopping mall.
B: Wow.

Do you have anything special in mind?

I bet he will like it.
Oh, I’ve heard that many people send and receive electronic gift cards nowadays.

Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 95

5버전.indb 95 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52


D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Studies show that experience increases satisfaction far more than acquisitions
do, and the new generation that embraces the sharing economy understands it
better. , art lovers used to find satisfaction in collecting artworks. Now
they have begun to place value on the experience of enjoying them. There are
many who appreciate artworks, but have no interest in owning them for good. This
benefits the artists as well because they get a monthly income for their artworks
that otherwise might be in storage or waiting for their next exhibition. The sharing
economy is the experience economy. It is a powerful cultural trend in which people
value experiences more than possessions.

1. Which one best completes the blank?

Instead For instance In addition In contrast

2. Complete the sentence based on the passage.

• ‌The sharing economy is growing because people put more emphasis on
something than it.

E Look at the information about a service and complete the paragraph.

Service price comparison services

Benefit we can stay within our budget by spending less
Significance they give consumers accurate information

Nowadays, many of us enjoy using . With

these services, we can compare prices among sellers. It helps us to
because we can buy things at
the lowest price. Without the services, we would probably buy things
at a higher price. What makes the services significant for us is that

96 Lesson 4

5버전.indb 96 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

The Rise of the Sharing Economy

Willing to lend their own assets

With services like Uber, Airbnb
Willing to borrow something from others
and countless local bike and car sharing
% of online consumers willing to participate in sharing communities
schemes taking off, sharing is quickly
gaining acceptance as an alternative way 70%
73% 71%
of thinking about property. Whether
52% 54%
the motives are associated with money, 43% 44%

the environment, or society, sharing

has certainly created a bit of publicity
The chart, based on Nielsen data, Asia- Latin Middle East / North Europe
Pacific America Africa America
shows how accepting people in different
(Source: Nielsen, 2014)
par ts of the world are of sharing
communities. Interestingly, consumers in emerging regions seem to be more open to sharing
than those in Europe and North America. However, the overall acceptance of sharing schemes is
pretty high. <>

On the Web Search for more information about the sharing economy and tell your partner about it.

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 알고 있음 표현하기:

의견 묻기:

Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

What they started was a whole new business model providing a platform for the sharing

But for the sharing service, one more car would be made only to stay still in her garage most
of the time.

Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


Becoming Active as Consumers and Sellers 97

5버전.indb 97 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52


Cultures Around
the World

Ready to Communicate Communication Task

Lesson Flow 관심을 묻고 진술하는 대화를 듣고 말해 봅 관심 있는 나라와 그 나라의 대표적인 전통문
시다. 화를 써 봅시다.

5버전.indb 98 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Study Points

Topic 세계의 전통문화

Communicative Functions
• ‌관심 묻기 Do you have an interest in
traditional Korean culture?
• ‌진술하기 It’s a kind of Korean folk song
with various verses.

Language Forms
• ‌This is why namsadangnori is considered a
fun and comprehensive form of entertainment.
• ‌The local gypsy cultures are known to
have played a great role in developing the
performing art.

Before You Begin

What are the performers doing in the
pictures, and where do you think the
performing arts come from?

Read Think and Write Project

세계 무형 문화유산을 소개하는 글을 읽고, 세계 문화유산으로 지정된 우리나라의 문화재를 알리고 싶은 우리나라의 전통문화를 써
무형 문화유산이 우리의 삶에 주는 의미를 하나 써 봅시다. 봅시다.
생각해 봅시다. : :

5버전.indb 99 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Ready to Communicate • Do you have an interest in traditional Korean culture?
• It’s a kind of Korean folk song with various verses.

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.

A: ‌I really want to go to the A: ‌W hat is that?

Mexican Culture Festival. B: ‌That is nongak.
B: ‌ ‌

B Listen and Answer

Dialog 1 1. What are the speakers talking about?
kinds of Gimchi
a recipe for Gimchi
an event related to Gimchi

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• ‌The girl wants to how to make Gimchi.

Dialog 2 1. What are the speakers talking about?

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• The Saman dance is a traditional dance performed with the .

100 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 100 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

C Listen and Write
1. Why does the girl recommend the boy to visit the Korean Folk Village?
He likes playing games.
He wants to learn how to cook Korean dishes.
He is interested in traditional Korean culture.
He can build traditional Korean houses.

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

Yuna: ‌Do you have an interest in

Korean culture?
Leo: ‌Of course, I do.

Leo: ‌What is yutnori?

Yuna: ‌It’s a kind of traditional game
played especially during the Korean New
Year holiday.

Small Talk ‌Where do you think is a good place to experience traditional Korean culture?
Tell your partner about it.

D Write and Speak

Choose a topic on traditional Korean culture and talk about it with your partner.

Category Activity Short Explanation

music listen to arirang folk song with various regional verses

sports play ssireum traditional sport which is similar to wrestling
Your Own

e.g. A: ‌Do you have an interest in traditional Korean culture? More Expressi
B: Yes, I’d like to learn about traditional Korean music. •A
‌ re you interested in ...?
A: Then I recommend you to listen to arirang .
B: What is that?
A: ‌It’s a kind of Korean folk song with various regional verses.

Cultures Around the World 101

5버전.indb 101 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:52

Communication Task Culture Day

STEP 1 Listen to the announcement about African Culture Day and complete the poster.

African Culture Day

Place: The Student Center

Time: , October 3rd

Events: • Information booths

• A(n) of African artworks
• Photo zone with traditional African clothes
• A jembe

African food will be available during the festival.

STEP 2 Match each image with its explanation and talk about them with your partner.

sombrero fondue alphorn


‌A Mexican accessory; a hat that looks like a cowboy hat

Swiss food; a dish with hot, melted cheese, into which you dip food
‌Mexican food; a sandwich made with thin corn bread
‌A Swiss musical instrument; a wooden horn used by people living in the mountains

e.g. A: What is a sombrero?

B: ‌It’s a kind of Mexican accessory. It’s a hat that looks like a cowboy hat.

102 Lesson 5

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STEP 3 In groups, choose a country and plan a culture day for that country.



e.g. A: ‌Which country are you interested in?

B: How about India?
A: Okay. Then what do you know about India?
B: A sari. It’s a traditional Indian dress.

STEP 4 Make an announcement about your group’s culture day based on your plan.

Indian Culture Day

exercise: yoga

food: curry traditional dress: sari

e.g. Do you have an interest in Indian culture? Then you can come to our group’s Indian
Culture Day. You can try on a traditional Indian dress called a sari.

Plus Which group’s culture day do you want to visit? Search for information about other cultural
activities or items of the country you chose.

Self-check 다른 나라의 문화의 날을 안내하는 말을 듣고, 세부 정보를 파악할 수 있다.

다른 나라의 전통문화를 소개하는 행사를 설명하며 관심을 물어볼 수 있다.

Cultures Around the World 103

5버전.indb 103 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Before A Think about what the pictures represent and match each picture with its

1. It is a Korean traveling clown show.

2. It is a kind of traditional Mexican music.
3. It is a performing art that represents Spain.
4. It is a shadow puppet show performed in Turkey.
5. It is a partner dance that originated in Argentina.
6. It is an opera regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China.

B Guess the meaning of the colored words in the sentences below. Then write
the correct word for each definition.

• Electrical energy is intangible.

• The architect fuses the best of Eastern and Western structures.
• The television drama depicts the life of Korean high school students.
• There are many different ethnic groups in Africa, and Zulu is one of them.
• ‌Changdeokgung and Jongmyo are World Heritage Sites you can visit in Seoul.

1. : to combine to form something new

2. : not able to be touched or measured
3. : to describe someone or something using words or pictures
4. : ‌relating to a group of people who have the same culture and
5. : ‌the art, buildings, traditions, and beliefs that a society considers
important to its history and culture

104 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 104 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Intangible Reading Strategy
Guessing the meaning of
words from context

Cultural Heritage
• ‌Guess the meaning of
the word, “monuments”
in line 2 using the

When we talk about a country’s cultural heritage, we tend United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural

to view it only as monuments such as the pyramids in Egypt Organization (UNESCO)

교육, 과학, 문화 등 지적 활동 분

or Gyeongbokgung in Korea. In fact, it also includes the living 야에서의 국제 협력 증진을 목적

으로 설립되었으며, 인류의 번영

traditions of people such as oral storytelling, performing arts, 에 기여하는 세계유산 보호와 문
화 발전, 정보 격차 해소를 위해
5 rituals, and festivals. These are a country’s intangible cultural 일하는 유엔전문기구이다.

heritage. An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of

different societies will promote cultural diversity and encourage
Q1ㅣWhat does
respect for other ways of life. That is why UNESCO is devoted
intangible cultural
to preserving important intangible cultural traditions around the heritage mean?
10 world. The following cases of intangible cultural heritage, designated
by UNESCO, share two common features: They are all performing Thinking Critically‌

arts and they are related to the lives of ordinary people. Why do you think
promoting cultural
diversity is important?
• intangible • heritage • monument • oral
• ritual • diversity • designate • feature
• be devoted to • related to

◀ Human
‌ Towers
in Spain

Cultures Around the World 105

5버전.indb 105 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Flamenco – Gypsy Dance of Spain

Have you happened to watch a lady in a long red dress dancing

passionately to the tunes of musical instruments? That’s flamenco,
one of the cultural symbols that represent Spain. It began in
Andalusia in southern Spain, where the local gypsy cultures are 5

known to have played a great role in developing the performing art.

Flamenco is an artistic expression fusing song, dance, and
musicianship. Singers express all kinds of feelings and situations
through expressive words. The art of guitar playing is also an
스페인 남부 지역으로 올리브와
포도를 재배하며, 중심 도시는 세
essential element in flamenco. It requires excellent guitar skills. But 10

비야이다. the most exciting part of flamenco is dancing. Flamenco dancing

is a very emotional dance style, with the dancer always trying to
Q2ㅣWhat played
express his or her emotions through movement. Sharp movements
an important part in and facial expressions play a greater role in this style of dance than
developing flamenco?
in many others. The dancers may clap their hands, tap their feet, 15

snap castanets, or move their body suddenly to show the desired

Q3ㅣWhen is flamenco emotion.
performed? Flamenco is performed during religious festivals, rituals, and
at private celebrations. It is the most important display of the
intangible cultural heritage of southern Spain. 20

Talk about It‌

Have you seen
flamenco dancing? If • fuse • musicianship • emotional • snap
so, do you like it? • religious • play a role

106 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 106 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Karagöz – Turkish Shadow Puppet Theater

You are familiar with puppet shows, aren’t you? Puppet shows
have always been popular across the world. There is, however,
something special about puppet shows in Turkey. In the popular
5 puppet theater in Turkey, the puppets are not clearly visible. Rather,
they are shadowy. Shadow puppet theater is known to have been
very popular with the public between the 17th and 19th centuries
in Turkey. Puppet figures in the shadow theater are made of camel
hide in the shape of people or things. They are held on rods in front
10 of a light to cast their shadows onto a cotton screen.
Karagöz is a good example of shadow puppet theater in the
country. It depicts the history of Turkey and its people who have Q4ㅣWhat is special
about the Turkish
diverse social and ethnic backgrounds. The stories of Karagöz are puppet show called
usually comic and feature the two main characters: Karagöz, an Karagöz?

15 uneducated but trustworthy man, and Hacivat, an educated, gentle

friend of Karagöz. Other characters also appear depending on the Q5ㅣWhat contribution
does Karagöz make to
themes of the play. The puppets are manipulated by a puppet master. Turkish people?

He skillfully turns the puppets into real persons through performing

the roles of all the characters with songs
20 and spoken parts.
Once performed widely at public
squares, Karagöz is found today mostly
in performance halls. The traditional
puppet theater strengthens the cultural
25 identity of the Turkish people and
brings them closer together through

• puppet • shadowy • figure • rod • cotton

• depict • ethnic • theme • manipulate • strengthen

Cultures Around the World 107

5버전.indb 107 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Mariachi – Emotional Music of Mexico

When you travel to Mexico, you

will easily come across a group of
musicians wearing traditional local
costumes and special hats called 5

“sombreros.” These musicians are

mariachi performers.
Mariachi is traditional Mexican
music and a basic element of Mexican
culture. It dates back to the beginning 10

Q6ㅣWhat do mariachi of the 19th century. A traditional mariachi group is made up of

musicians wear?
two or more members, playing a wide range of songs on musical
instruments. The mariachi band uses violins, trumpets, guitars,
Q7ㅣWhat value and traditional Mexican instruments. Their performance includes
does mariachi music
typical Mexican songs with various themes, including love affairs 15

and stories of heroic battles.

Mariachi is the music of the common people, and the skill
of playing mariachi is usually passed down from fathers to sons
through performance at festivals and at religious and civil events.
Mariachi music emphasizes the value of respect for the natural 20
마리아치는 멕시코 북서부에 위 heritage of the regions of Mexico including local history.
치한 할리스코주의 도시 과달라
하라에서 결혼식이나 마을의 행
사 때 널리 연주하던 음악이었으
며, 19세기 초반 스페인과의 독립
전쟁을 거치면서 멕시코 국민들
의 대표 음악으로 발전하였다. Namsadangnori – Traveling Clown Theater of Korea
• costume
• heroic In any Korean folk village, if you are lucky, you can enjoy
• civil
• emphasize the cheerful and exciting sounds of traditional Korean musical
• clown
• cheerful
instruments, like gongs and drums, played by a group of professional 25

• come across entertainers dressed in farmers’ clothes. It is one of the parts of

• date back to
• be made up of namsadangnori.

108 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 108 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Namsadangnori, meaning a “male traveling clown theater,” is Q8ㅣWhat are the
six components of
a folk performance tradition practiced by traveling entertainers. namsadangnori ?

It is not known exactly when namsadang entertainers and their

performances came into being. People generally agree that it began
5 late in the Joseon Dynasty.
Talk about It‌
Namsadangnori is entertainment for the commoners. It is
What do you think could
comprised of six components: farmers’ music, a mask dance, be the modern version
tightrope walking, a puppet play, acrobatics, and plate spinning. of namsadangnori ?

The show fascinates the audience with lively music, cheerful dance, • dynasty
10 delicate acrobatic performances, skillful puppet plays, and comic • component
• acrobatic
speeches. This is why namsadangnori is considered a fun and • spin
• comprehensive
comprehensive form of entertainment. • come into being
In addition to entertaining audiences, traditionally namsadangnori • be comprised of
• in addition to
carried an important social message. The mask dance and puppet • on behalf of
15 plays in particular depicted the difficult lives of ordinary people
during the Joseon Dynasty. Through comic performances, the
entertainers raised issues on behalf of ordinary people and tried to
realize the ideals of equality and freedom.
Representing the joyful excitement of the Korean people,
20 namsadangnori keeps its tradition alive through the performances of
professional entertainers across the country.


Self-check Reading Time: 1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

본문을 읽으면서 추측한 어휘의 뜻과 실제 어휘의 뜻이 일치했는지 확인해 봅시다.

본문에 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

Cultures Around the World 109

5버전.indb 109 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

After A Review the text and complete the summary.

You Intangible Cultural Heritage

Read living traditions: oral storytelling, performing arts, rituals, and festivals

Flamenco Karagöz
• ‌greatly influenced by a gypsy dance • Turkish shadow theater
of Spain •m ‌ ain characters: Karagöz and
• ‌fusing song, , and Hacivat
musicianship • p‌ uppets by a puppet
• ‌h and clapping, feet tapping, and master
castanet snapping • i‌ n performance halls
• ‌at festivals, rituals, and

Mariachi Namsadangnori
• t‌ raditional music •K ‌ orean
•m ‌ usicians in local costumes and theater
hats called • s‌ ix components: farmers’ music,
• v‌ iolins, trumpets, guitars, and a mask dance, tightrope walking,
traditional Mexican instruments a puppet play, acrobatics, and plate
• a‌ t festivals and at religious and civil spinning
events • s‌ ocial message about the difficult
lives of people

B Read the following comment on the text and write your own comment.

Your Own
I hope many young
people participate in their
traditional performing
arts as often as possible
and understand their
culture better.

110 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 110 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

C Listen and Share
1. ‌Listen to a short lecture about juldarigi and take notes.

• ‌It is performed in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the

Philippines to ensure good harvests and the
of the community.
• ‌There are two teams and each team pulls one end of a
to tug it from the other.
• ‌It reminds participants of the importance of .

2. ‌Have you ever participated in juldarigi? Tell your group members about your

I participated in juldarigi during .

I felt . It reminded me of .

D Think and Talk

Check the heritages you are familiar with below and explain your experience with
each one to your group members.

UNESCO Cultural Heritages of Korea

jultagi juldarigi gimjang
ganggangsullae nongak arirang
gagok pansori other:

Example Your Own

What did you experience? I saw jultagi.

When, where, and with I saw it when I went to the

whom did you experience Korean Folk Village in Yongin
it? with my family.

I was thrilled to watch the

tightrope walker perform a
How did you like it?
variety of acrobatic moves
on the rope.

Cultures Around the World 111

5버전.indb 111 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Language in Use

A Word Formation

Noun -en → Verb Noun -ize → Verb

strength − strengthen emphasis − emphasize

height − heighten computer − computerize

• ‌The traditional puppet theater strengthens the cultural identity of the Turkish people.
• ‌How can we heighten our senses to enhance our life experiences?
• ‌Mariachi music emphasizes the value of respect for the natural heritage of the
• ‌The government has spent a lot of money to computerize the system.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word.

1. The pupil wonders whether exercises can her neck. (length)

2. ‌W hat’s the difference between “I am sorry” and “I ”? (apology)
3. ‌The lawyer has been for three days after the accident. (hospital)
4. ‌W hen I was home alone, a sudden knock on the door me. (fright)
5. ‌This product is designed to and soften your skin naturally. (moisture)

B Useful Expressions

• ‌It dates back to the beginning of the 19th century.

• ‌A traditional mariachi group is made up of two or more members.
• ‌Through comic performances, the entertainers raised issues on behalf of
ordinary people.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression. Change the word forms
if needed.

1. The ear three parts: the outer, middle, and inner ear.
2. The secretary sent the letter of appreciation his boss.
3. ‌Some research shows that human influence on the climate
the 1930s.

112 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 112 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

C Structures
1 • ‌This is (the reason) why namsadangnori is considered a fun and comprehensive
form of entertainment.
• ‌We want to make a difference. That is (the reason) why we have this campaign.
• ‌Do you know the reason why the clerk was late for the meeting?

Write It Rewrite the sentences to show cause and effect clearly.

e.g. I have been busy lately. I missed the concert.
 I have been busy lately. That is why I missed the concert.

1. The mayor donates a lot of money to the poor. People admire him.
 The mayor donates a lot of money to the poor.

2. The supervisor was in the hospital yesterday. She was absent from work.
 The supervisor was in the hospital yesterday.

2 • ‌The local gypsy cultures are known to have played a great role in developing
the performing art.
• ‌He seems to have had a problem with his factory.
• ‌A dog is said to have saved the child left alone in his house.

Write It ‌ omplete the sentences using the given sentence in the picture.

e.g. 1. 2.


John spent all his money Lisa suffered from a cold

Ms. Brown was a doctor.
shopping. for a week.


e.g. Ms. Brown is retired now but is known to have been a doctor .
1. John seems to . He has no money with him.
2. Lisa is said to , but she is all right now.

Cultures Around the World 113

5버전.indb 113 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Think and Write Writing about a Cultural Heritage

A Brainstorm
Think about the world cultural heritages of Korea and make notes in the boxes
about one.

what cultural its history

heritage it is

its features reason it is listed
as a world heritage site

B Organize Ideas
Answer the following questions for your introductory writing.

1. What is the title for your writing?

e.g. Changdeokgung in Beautiful Harmony with its Surroundings

2. Can you describe the cultural heritage in one sentence?

e.g. ‌Changdeokgung is one of the five royal palaces of the Joseon Dynasty, located in

3. What is the history of the heritage?

e.g. ‌It was built in 1405 as a royal residence.

4. What are the features of the heritage?

e.g. ‌Its layout made the most of the geographical features of Bugaksan.

5. What is the reason UNESCO listed the heritage as a world cultural heritage?

e.g. ‌It blended harmoniously with the surrounding landscape.

114 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 114 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

C Study the Writing Sample
Read the model writing that introduces Changdeokgung.

Changdeokgung in Beautiful Harmony with its Surroundings

Changdeokgung is one of the five royal palaces of the Joseon Dynasty,

Introducing a topic
located in Seoul. It was built in 1405 as a royal residence. It has the original palace
structures and a beautiful traditional garden preserved well. Its layout made the
most of the geographical features of Bugaksan, blending harmoniously with the
surrounding landscape. That is why Changdeokgung was listed as a UNESCO
Reason to be listed as a world heritage
World Heritage Site in 1997.

D Write on Your Own

Write a paragraph introducing the cultural heritage that you have chosen.

That is why .


■Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the whole paragraph. YES NO
1. 문화유산의 정보가 충분히 담겨 있다.
2. 글의 흐름이 자연스럽고 말하고자 하는 바가 명확하다.
3. 글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

Cultures Around the World 115

5버전.indb 115 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Planning a Day to Celebrate
Traditional Korean Culture
1 Discuss and decide what part of traditional Korean culture your group wants to

Gimjang   Hangeul   Ganggangsullae   Other:

e.g. A: ‌What part of traditional Korean culture are you interested in?
B: ‌I’m interested in Jeju haenyeo. Jeju is said to have had lots of women. That’s why
diving became the work of women.

2 Create a flyer for the part of traditional Korean culture that you have chosen to
celebrate. Decide the events that will help you celebrate it.

Visual Image:

3 Show the class your group’s flyer.

Meet the Female Divers of Jeju

Place Jeju Haenyeo Museum
Date Friday, September 25th
Events • a diving competition
• haenyeo song performances
• catching fish with bare hands

e.g. We planned Jeju Haenyeo Day and made a flyer to celebrate the day. The events for
the day include a diving competition and haenyeo song performances.

Group-check YES NO

• 모둠에서 정한 우리나라의 전통문화를 흥미롭게 소개했다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다.
• 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다.

116 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 116 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. Which is NOT mentioned in the announcement?

a traditional costume
a taekwondo performance
a student talent show
a cooking contest

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• ‌Korean will be held on Thursday, November 17th
at the Hangang Hall.

B Listen and choose what the girl is going to do.

to play a musical instrument

to recommend a good restaurant
to cook traditional Mexican dishes
to make a reservation for a show

C Arrange the sentences to form an appropriate dialog. Act it out with your partner.

1 Do you have any plans for the winter vacation?

Really? Do you have an interest in Indian culture?

That is a sari. It’s a traditional Indian dress.

Yes, I do. Also, I have a friend who is studying there.

It’s beautiful. I would like to try one on someday.

I’m planning to visit India and stay there for one month.

Great! Oh, is this a picture of your friend? What is she wearing?

Cultures Around the World 117

5버전.indb 117 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53


D Read the passage and answer the questions.

When we talk about a country’s cultural heritage, we tend to view it only as

monuments such as the pyramids in Egypt or Gyeongbokgung in Korea.

(A) ‌That is why UNESCO is devoted to preserving important intangible cultural

traditions around the world.
(B) ‌In fact, it also includes the living traditions of people such as oral storytelling,
performing arts, rituals, and festivals. These are a country’s intangible cultural
(C) ‌An understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of different societies will
promote cultural diversity and encourage respect for other ways of life.

1. Which of the following is the most appropriate order?

(A) � (B) � (C) (B) � (A) � (C)
(B) � (C) � (A) (C) � (A) � (B)

2. Complete the sentence based on the passage.

• ‌The passage is about intangible cultural heritage is and
UNESCO tries to preserve it.

E Complete the paragraph about Hwaseong Fortress based on the given information.

its name Hwaseong Fortress

the reason to be listed as a
its beautiful layout and dynamic defense facilities
world heritage site

its purpose to make Suwon the second capital city

how it was built used advanced technology

Hwaseong Fortress has a beautiful layout and dynamic defense facilities.

it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. It is
located in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do. In 1796, it was built by King Jeongjo in an
effort to . King Jeongjo is known to have
used to build it.

118 Lesson 5

5버전.indb 118 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

World Heritage Sites in Korea

The UNESCO World Heritage List includes both cultural and natural heritage sites. Korean
cultural sites are registered on the list of World Cultural Heritage Sites including the three sites

Jongmyo is the place where memorial services for the kings and queens
were performed. Jongmyo Jerye, a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage,
was held for the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty within the site.
Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon Hall is an
official archive built to safely store the 13th-century Goryeo Palman
Daejanggyeong, a priceless world treasure. Janggyeong Panjeon Hall is
often compared to the Egyptian Pyramids in terms of the mystery of the
Haeinsa Temple
Janggyeong Panjeon ancient technology used in its construction.

Seokguram and Bulguksa were built in the mid-8th century during the
golden era of the United Silla. These two heritages represent the highly
developed architectural skills of the Silla people.
and Bulguksa
On the Web Search for information about World Heritage Sites in Korea and
talk about them with your partner.

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 관심 묻기:


Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

This is why namsadangnori is considered a fun and comprehensive form of entertainment.

The local gypsy cultures are known to have played a great role in developing the performing art.

Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


Cultures Around the World 119

5버전.indb 119 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53


The Future of
Space Exploration

Ready to Communicate Communication Task

Lesson Flow 소망하거나 가능성을 나타내는 대화를 듣고 우주 비행사가 되어 가보고 싶은 곳을 써 봅
말해 봅시다. 시다.

5버전.indb 120 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Study Points

Topic 우주 과학

Communicative Functions
• ‌가능성 묻기 Is it likely that we can look at
Earth from there?
• ‌바람, 소원 표현하기 I wish I could explore
the moon.

Language Forms
• With
‌ many countries participating in those
projects, scientists are making progress.
• ‌We have much more to learn about
Mars, although much has already been

Before You Begin

If humans could live in space in the
future, what would our life be like?

Read Think and Write Project

화성 탐사에 대한 글을 읽고, 화성에 정착 감명 깊게 본 공상 과학 영화를 써 봅시다. 우주 과학 영화 중 인상 깊었던 예고편의
하려는 인류의 노력을 생각해 봅시다. : 한 장면을 떠올려 써 봅시다.

5버전.indb 121 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Ready to Communicate • Is it likely that we can look at Earth from there?
• I wish I could explore the moon.

A Guess and Listen

Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.

A: ‌ A: ‌
my holidays on Mars. aliens really exist?
B: ‌Oh, that would be a lot of fun. B: ‌Yes, I think they exist. ‌

B Listen and Answer

Dialog 1 1. What is the boy writing about?
spacecraft technology
traveling abroad
our future life

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• ‌The boy thinks it is likely that we can fly into space at a(n) price.

Dialog 2 1. What are the speakers looking at?

a picture of space trash
planets of the solar system
a poster of a space science lecture

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• ‌The girl wishes we could space trash back to Earth.

122 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 122 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

C Listen and Write
1. What are the speakers going to do after the conversation?
to make a travel plan to read movie reviews
to buy a science fiction book to reserve movie tickets

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

Kami: ‌Oh, is it really likely that a human could

travel through space alone?
Jiho: ‌The movie is set in 2050, so it might be

Kami: ‌But I wish I could go into space now. I

have always wanted to see Earth from the
window of a spacecraft.
Jiho: ‌Well, I you will like the
movie then.

Small Talk ‌Talk about movies set in space or on other planets with your partner. What is
your favorite space movie? Why?

D Write and Speak

Think about where you want to visit in space and what you want to do there.

Dream Destinations in Space Dream Activities in Space

• the moon • look at Earth from there

• Mars • float in space there
• Saturn • s‌ end a message to people
Your Own on Earth from there
Your Own

e.g. A: ‌Space tourism will be possible soon.

B: But it will be dangerous and expensive.
A: ‌So my family won’t let me do it. I wish I could explore the moon.
B: Is it likely that we can look at Earth from there? More Expressi

A: I think it is possible. •‌‌I hope to ....

• I‌s it possible that ...?
B: I hope to do it then.

The Future of Space Exploration 123

5버전.indb 123 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Communication Task Becoming an Astronaut

STEP 1 Listen to the interview and complete the form.

• came back to Earth last month

Career • stayed in space for days
• went on two space
• have knowledge
Michael Hopkins Qualification • be responsible
Job: • be strong

STEP 2 Read what an astronaut does in space. Then discuss what qualifications are
necessary to become an astronaut.

An Astronaut’s Duties Qualifications of An Astronaut

maintenance | routine
maintenance and safety
checks • ‌knowledgeable about
• cautious
experiments | scientific
experiments in the space • responsible
environment to learn more • physically fit
about space exploration
• ‌adventurous and
a visit to the gym | exercise
Your Own
to stay healthy and learn
about the effects of zero
gravity on our bodies

e.g. A: Astronauts do routine maintenance and safety checks for the space station.
B: Then, is it likely that a person who is knowledgeable about science can be a good
A: ‌Yes, I think so. And I guess he or she should be a highly responsible person with their
work because the lives of the crew depend on them.

124 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 124 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

STEP 3 Suppose you apply to be an astronaut. Complete the application form and then
interview your partner.


Example Your Own

Name Kim Somi

Reasons for
dream to travel to Mars

Missions you are see whether it is likely that

interested humans can live on Mars

Qualities you
emotionally strong

e.g. A: Why do you want to be an astronaut?

• Why do you want to be an astronaut?
B: I want to be an astronaut because I wish
• ‌What activities would you like to do as
I could travel to Mars. an astronaut?
• ‌What talent or skill of yours would be
most helpful for this job?

STEP 4 Tell the class why you would be a good astronaut based on your application form.

e.g.My dream is to travel to Mars, so I applied for

being an astronaut. I’d like to find the answer to
the question: “Is it likely that humans can really live
on Mars?” I have studied science very hard. Also,
I am emotionally strong so I can stand being away
from my family and friends for several months.

Plus Based on your presentation, make an ideal plan for your trip to space as an astronaut,
including the destination, the main missions, and the length of your stay in space.

Self-check 우주 비행사의 인터뷰를 듣고, 세부 내용을 파악할 수 있다.

우주 비행사가 되고 싶은 바람을 표현하고, 가능성을 묻는 말을 할 수 있다.

The Future of Space Exploration 125

5버전.indb 125 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Before A What do you think the living conditions on Mars are like? For each aspect of
life on Mars below, circle your opinion and compare it with your partner’s.
Read breathable air
likely likely unlikely

very very
drinkable water likely likely unlikely unlikely

very could be never

farming possible possible possible

temperature cold cool moderate warm very hot

gravity low low moderate high very high

B Choose the word that fits in both blanks.

astronaut orbit

exploration planet

1. ‌Earth moves around the sun in a(n) .

The satellite went into Earth’s just as planned.
2. ‌The first on the moon’s surface was Neil Armstrong.
‌Becoming a(n) is not easy and takes many years of training.
3. ‌The largest in the solar system is Jupiter.
Earth is a(n) and it goes around the sun, which is a star.
4. ‌The moon landing marked a new step in space .
Human of Mars will examine the possibility of humans being
able to live on other planets.

126 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 126 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

A Martian Reading Strategy

• ‌Think about whether
spending money to
go to Mars is a good

In 1969, the spacecraft Apollo 11 landed Q1ㅣWhat are the

two reasons humans
humans on the moon for the very first time have had to wait for
half a century before
in history. The world has had to wait for considering going to
half a century since then before seriously Mars?

5 considering going to Mars. The delay

has been because Mars is simply too far 인류 최초의 달 착륙
1969년 7월 20일 전 세계인이 텔
from Earth, and we have had only limited 레비전을 통해 지켜보는 가운데 미
국의 아폴로 11호가 달에 착륙하
knowledge about it. With the development 며 역사적인 첫발자국을 남겼다.

of science and technology over the last several decades, projects

10 involving landing a human on Mars have
begun. With many industrialized countries
• Martian
participating in those projects in one form or • spacecraft
• delay
another, scientists are making progress, but big • industrialized
challenges still remain. • progress

The Future of Space Exploration 127

5버전.indb 127 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Going to Mars
Because Mars is more than 100 times farther than the moon
from Earth, reaching Mars requires serious hardware including a
powerful rocket equipped with extremely fast computers. For this
purpose, a new generation of spacecraft is being designed and built 5

Q2ㅣWhy does reaching

Mars require a more
at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
powerful rocket than of the United States. Even with such powerful rockets, however,
that for the moon?
a round trip to Mars would be difficult because it would take six
months to go there. Even when the two planets are closest in their
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA)
비군사적 목적의 우주 개발을 관
orbits, a round trip would take at least one year. Today’s rockets and 10

할하고 기획하는 미국의 항공 우

주 연구 기관으로, 1958년 설립
spacecraft cannot hold enough fuel for such an extended journey.
되었으며 달 착륙에 성공한 아폴
로 계획을 추진하였다.
While scientists are working to get around this problem, a European
company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip with
four astronauts to Mars, with additional crews joining them every
Q3ㅣWhat is the most
exciting finding about two years to form a colony. The world will have to wait several years 15
Mars for human
survival? to see if the plan works.

Living on Mars
• aeronautics
• planet Humans need water, food, and oxygen to survive. We have
• orbit
• launch much more to learn about Mars, although much has already been
• astronaut discovered. The most exciting finding about Mars is water, one of 20
• crew
• colony the most vital ingredients for life. NASA scientists have confirmed
• vital
• polar that Mars once had more water than the Antarctic Ocean and to this
• ice cap day some of it is locked up in Martian polar ice caps. Scientists are
• equipped with
• come up with trying to find effective ways to get water from the ice.

128 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 128 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

The next thing humans require is food. To produce food on International Space Station
Mars, we need special farming technologies. We can apply a special 러시아의 우주 정거장 미르(Mir)
가 수명을 다하면서 건설하기 시
growing system that has been tested on the International Space 작한 우주 정거장으로, 미국과 러
시아 등 16 개국이 건설에 참가
Station (ISS). Of course, farming in space is not easy. Plants can 하였다. 국제 우주 정거장은 우주
실험이나 우주 관측, 우주의 산업
5 be grown in space, but they require very careful management of 적 활용 외에도 우주인의 장기 체
류에 관한 연구를 수행한다.
gases, water, and dirt. On Mars, the challenge will be more complex
than on the ISS. In addition to recovering water that is locked up
in ice, the poor quality of the soil and the weak gravity of Mars
need to be overcome. Therefore, success in farming on Mars
10 might take decades or even centuries. Until then, food could be
printed by three-dimensional (3D) food printers. With proteins
Q4ㅣWhat makes
and carbohydrates from various sources such as insects and leaves, farming on Mars more
3D food printers can print pizzas and bread, among other foods. challenging than on
the ISS?
A scientist at NASA predicts that there will be 25 to 50 basic food
15 items. “We’re not planning for food at fancy restaurants, but just
healthy and nutritious meals,” he says.
As for oxygen, plants might be used to produce it, and human Q5ㅣWhat does NASA
plan to use until there
waste might be recycled to provide nutrients for the plants. Until are enough plants
there would be enough plants to produce sufficient amount of to produce sufficient
20 oxygen, NASA plans to use specially designed machines to convert
the carbon dioxide in the Martian air into oxygen.

• complex • gravity • protein • carbohydrate

• sufficient • carbon dioxide • convert ~ into ...

The Future of Space Exploration 129

5버전.indb 129 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:53

Protecting Ourselves
Q6ㅣWhy does the Another important issue involved in going to and living on Mars
human heart have to
work harder on Mars is our health. Our bodies work differently in space. On Earth, gravity
than on Earth? drags bodily fluids downwards, but in space this does not happen.
The heart has to work harder during space travel and on Mars to 5
우주 비행사의 중력 적응
무중력 상태인 우주 정거장에서 compensate for the weak or zero gravity. In addition, weightlessness
오랫동안 근무한 우주 비행사가
지구로 돌아오면 걷기나 계단 오 in space weakens bones and muscles. Astronauts on the ISS do a lot
르기 등 지구 중력에 적응하기 위
한 훈련을 받는다. 또한 비행사들 of exercise to avoid these problems, with additional help from drugs
의 신체는 우주 환경에서 겪은 변
화를 간직하고 있기 때문에 지속 and artificial gravity from a spinning device. Similar measures will
적인 연구 대상이 된다.
be used on Mars. 10

Q7ㅣWhat harm does One great threat to our body in space and on Mars is cosmic
cosmic radiation bring
to the human body?
radiation. When we are outside the protection of Earth’s air and
magnetic field, we are exposed to cosmic radiation that damages
our DNA and increases our risk for cancer. The plan proposed so far
• fluid
• weightlessness
is to cover space vehicles with radiation blocking materials and to 15

• artificial build shelters beneath the surface of Mars.

• cosmic radiation
• magnetic field
• expose
• shelter

130 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 130 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Reasons for Going There
The final question is this: Do we really have to go to Mars, Q8ㅣWhat are the two
kinds of benefits of
spending such enormous resources and risking people’s lives? That exploring Mars?
is a reasonable question. Experts answer by mentioning two kinds
5 of benefits Martian exploration may bring: practical benefits and
a sense of our shared destiny as the human race. Practical benefits
are economic, educational, and political. Space travel stimulates
industry and draws people into careers in science and engineering.
And while space exploration is a collaboration between countries
Thinking Critically‌
10 to cover its high cost, having a space program raises any country’s
Have you ever heard
standing on the world stage. about the human
race’s “shared destiny”
A sense of our shared destiny as the human race can be understood before? What does it
when considering the resources that are being depleted on Earth. have to do with this
We humans need to find ways to survive before we consume all the
15 available resources on Earth. That is our shared destiny. Martian • exploration
• destiny
exploration can be seen as a step toward a human presence on another • the human race
• stimulate
planet. It is not an easy but a worthy dream for humanity. • collaboration
“You can’t really measure the value,” says a scientist involved in • deplete
• humanity
a Martian project. “If money is our only concern, everyone would • draw ~ into ...
• appeal to
20 study business. But we also want to give meaning to our lives. That’s
why dreams and passion appeal to humanity.”
Jo Carlowe, “Can We Survive on Mars?”, Asia Reader’s Digest.
Stephen L. Petranek, How We’ll Live on Mars.

Self-check Reading Time: 1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

화성 탐사에 대한 자신의 견해를 두 시각 중 하나를 택해 써 봅시다.

•positive: It is a worthy investment because .

•negative: I think it’s a waste of money because .
본문에 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

The Future of Space Exploration 131

고등영어(1) 6단원(120-141)-1.indd 131 2020. 10. 16. 오후 5:14

After A Review the text and complete the summary.

You Problems with Martian Exploration Efforts to Solve

Read Distance
Mars is much farther than the to launch a one-way trip with four
moon. astronauts to Mars

Water on Mars is locked up

to find effective ways to get water
Water in
from the ice

to use
Food Farming in space is not easy.
to produce food

to use machines that convert the

There are not enough plants to
Oxygen into
produce sufficient oxygen.

Weightlessness in space weakens to create

bones and muscles. with a spinning device

B Read each FAQ below and choose the correct answer given by an expert.

1. How
‌ long might it take to be able to farm on Mars? 
A 2. Has
‌ it been confirmed that there is water on Mars?
Q 3. ‌Why is weak or zero gravity bad for human body?
4. ‌Why do humans need to find ways for survival on another planet? 

Weak or zero gravity weakens bones and muscles because bodily fluids
A are not dragged downwards.
n ‌Yes, NASA scientists have confirmed that Mars once had more water than
s the Antarctic Ocean and some of it is locked up in polar ice caps.
e ‌Since there are many problems such as water, soil, and gravity, it might
r take decades or even centuries.
s ‌Considering that resources on Earth are being depleted, we need to find
ways for survival before we consume all the resources on Earth.

132 Lesson 6

고등영어(1) 6단원(120-141)-1.indd 132 2020. 10. 16. 오후 2:57

C Think and Talk
Among the challenges scientists face to go to Mars, which do you think is the
biggest one? Why do you think so?

Distance: It takes six months to go to Mars.

Oxygen: There are not enough plants to produce sufficient oxygen.
Food: Farming on Mars has many problems.

e.g. ‌I think it is the food problem because there would be limited kinds of plants which
could be farmed.

D Listen and Share

1. ‌Listen to the lecture and complete the note.

Facts about the Planet Mars

• called the Red Planet
• ‌the average temperature: similar to winters in

• ‌a day on Mars: slightly than one on

• ‌Both Mars and Earth have because they
are tilted.
• ‌The polar caps on Mars contain frozen carbon
dioxide as well as .

2. ‌Among the facts about Mars that you have learned so far, what interests you
most? Tell the fact to your partner.

The Future of Space Exploration 133

5버전.indb 133 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Language in Use

A Word Formation

Noun -ful → Adjective Noun -ic → Adjective

power − powerful base − basic

help − helpful magnet − magnetic

• ‌Even with such powerful rockets, a round trip to Mars would be difficult.
• The innovative technology can be helpful particularly in space.
• A scientist at NASA predicts that there will be 25 to 50 basic food items.
• ‌When we are outside the protection of Earth’s air and magnetic field, we are
exposed to cosmic radiation.

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the given word.

1. The basis of a state is liberty. (democracy)

2. The chef uses fruits and vegetables for his dishes. (color)
3. ‌The biologist received awards for his achievements. (academy)
4. ‌The beach was great and my dad had a time there. (wonder)

B Useful Expressions

• ‌Reaching Mars requires a powerful rocket equipped with extremely fast

• ‌A European company has come up with a plan to launch a one-way trip.
• ‌‌That’s why dreams and passion appeal to humanity.

Complete each sentence with the appropriate expression. Change the word forms
if needed.

1. ‌After the meetings, the ambassador a brilliant idea.

2. His wife agreed to rent a house modern furniture.
3. ‌The publishing company said their new book would the
young generation.

134 Lesson 6

고등영어(1) 6단원(120-141)-1.indd 134 2022. 10. 13. 오전 10:14

C Structures
1 • With
‌ many countries participating in those projects, scientists are making
• ‌The biography was returned to the library, with the first two pages missing.
• With
‌ sales declining for three months, the company announced a plan for a

Write It Complete each sentence by changing the form of the given word.

1. ‌With more people smartphones, it’s no wonder that more people

are playing mobile games. (buy)
2. ‌The reviews of the hotel were very positive, with most consumers
it a five star hotel. (rate)
3. ‌Our last charity campaign was hugely successful, with many people
in the campaign. (participate)
4. ‌Yoga is a very effective way of staying flexible, with many doctors
it to their patients. (recommend)

2 • ‌We have much more to learn about Mars, although much has already been
• ‌The museum says the two stolen paintings have been found by a police officer.
• ‌To avoid the conflict, two solutions have been suggested by the club leader.

Write It Complete the paragraph by changing the form of the given words.

Now I understand how much I owe to my parents. Since the day I was born,
my safety has been secured (secure) thanks to their care, and my
mistakes (forgive) by their kindness. The best photos
in my life have been taken by my father because he has always been with me. My
achievements so far (make) possible because of their
guidance. I cannot thank them enough.

The Future of Space Exploration 135

5버전.indb 135 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Think and Write Writing a Sci-Fi Movie Review

A Choose the Movie

Write the titles of two or three sci-fi movies that you have seen and choose the
best one.



e.g. The Martian (2015)


B Organize Ideas
Complete the template for your movie review.

Example Your Own

Movie Title (year) The Martian (2015)
Director directed by Ridley Scott
Main Actor(s) starring Matt Damon
An astronaut is left alone on Mars
after a storm. The movie depicts
his struggle to survive while others
are making efforts to rescue him.
Matt Damon successfully portrays
Acting the lonely character’s struggle for
Rating ★★★★☆
The movie shows the environment
Strong Point
on Mars well.
The story helps us appreciate the
Comment value of ordinary things that has
often been ignored.

136 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 136 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

C Study the Writing Sample
Read the sci-fi movie review.

A Space Adventure Like No Other

The Martian (2015), starring Matt Damon, is a sci-fi movie about space
Movie title Actor
directed by Ridley Scott. Mark Watney, an astronaut, is left behind on Mars after
Director Summary
a storm. The movie depicts his struggle to survive while others are making efforts
to rescue him. Matt Damon successfully portrays the lonely character’s struggle
for survival on Mars. I want to give this movie four stars because it shows the
Rating Strong point
environment on Mars well. Overall, the story helps us appreciate the value of
ordinary things that has often been ignored.

D Write on Your Own

Write your movie review.


■Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the whole paragraph. YES NO
1. 감상문에 영화감독, 주연, 줄거리 등을 기술했다.
2. 영화의 평점이나 감상 의견을 포함하고 있다.
3. 글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

The Future of Space Exploration 137

5버전.indb 137 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Making a Space Movie Trailer

1 In groups, choose one of the three situations below or create your own situation.
Decide the main plot of your group’s movie.

Your Own

Your spacecraft You meet aliens on Your spacecraft is

makes an emergency the moon. launched into space to
landing on Mars. save the human race.

e.g. We Wish We Could Return


e.g. two astronauts who have been forced to stay on Mars


e.g. Two astronauts are trying to get back to Earth when their
Main events spacecraft’s fuel runs out.

2 Discuss what images and music are appropriate for your group’s movie trailer.
Also, make catchphrases to be put in the trailer as captions.

e.g. A: ‌Is it likely that we can find appropriate images on the Internet?
B: ‌Yes, it is. Then we can make catchphrases for the images.

3 Make a movie trailer. Then show your movie trailer to the class.

Group-check YES NO

• 이미지와 음악을 활용하여 영화의 예고편을 흥미롭게 제작했다.

• 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 적극적으로 수행했다.
• 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다.

138 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 138 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. Which is NOT correct about space trash?

It is composed of man-made things. Much of it orbits Earth.
It is not found on the moon. It can hit a satellite or spacecraft.

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• ‌The boy feels about space trash and hopes that we can find ways to
space trash.

B Listen and choose the most appropriate response to the boy’s last statement.
In that case, you’d better exercise regularly.
Why don’t you think about being an astronaut?
Oh, I’m sure you’re looking forward to meeting him.
Wow, you are carefully preparing for your future job.

C Complete the dialog with the sentences. Act it out with your partner.

A: Can you recommend a book I can read during the holidays?

B: H
‌ olidays on Mars is a science fiction novel about people traveling to Mars for
their holidays.
B: Yeah, it would be awesome. In the book, the people meet aliens there.
B: ‌Yes, I think they exist. If you read the novel, you might have the same thoughts
as I have.
B: I can lend you the book if you want.
A: Really? Thanks a million!

Aliens? Is it likely that aliens really exist?

Oh, I’m becoming more curious about the novel.
Sounds interesting! I wish I could spend my holidays on Mars, too.

The Future of Space Exploration 139

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D Read the passage and answer the questions.

Another important issue involved in going to and living on Mars is our

health. Our bodies work differently in space. On Earth, gravity drags bodily fluids
downwards, but in space this does not happen. The heart has to work harder
during space travel and on Mars to compensate for the weak or zero gravity.
, weightlessness in space weakens bones and muscles. Astronauts on
the International Space Station do a lot of exercise to avoid these problems, with
additional help from drugs and artificial gravity from a spinning device. Similar
measures will be used on Mars.

1. Which one best completes the blank?

In addition For instance In other words On the contrary

2. What causes health problems in space or on Mars?

• ‌Because of the weak or zero in space or on Mars, the heart has to
work harder and and weaken.

E Complete the movie review based on the table.

Movie Title (year) Interstellar (2014)

Director Christopher Nolan
A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an
attempt to ensure humanity’s survival.
For accurate depictions of wormholes, the director worked with
Strong Point
The movie explores the relationships between science and the
human race successfully.

Interstellar is a 2014 science fiction movie by Christopher

Nolan. In the movie, a team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space
in an attempt to ensure . The director
worked with scientists to . The movie
explores the relationships between science and the human race successfully.

140 Lesson 6

5버전.indb 140 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Things That Were
Invented for Astronauts
Freeze-dried meals
NASA developed freeze-drying technology for the food of the
Apollo missions. After the process, the product retains 98% of its
nutritional value and weighs just 20% of its original weight.

Faster racing cars

Carbon fiber was invented by the British
in the 1960s but was given a boost by its use in space
flight. Strong, light, and heat resistant, it is found in everything
from bicycle frames to Formula One racing cars.

Life support for patients

For the first U.S. human space flight program in the 1960s, scientists
developed monitoring systems to check the health condition of its
astronauts. The same technology is used today in the intensive care
units of hospitals.

On the Web Search for other inventions from the space program being used today. Tell your
partner about them.

Communicative ●이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.
Functions 가능성 묻기:

바람, 소원 표현하기:

Language Forms ●이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

With many countries participating in those projects, scientists are making progress.

We have much more to learn about Mars, although much has already been discovered.

Reflection ●이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.

● 어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.


The Future of Space Exploration 141

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Special Lesson


5버전.indb 142 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

enny Carter is a former high school and college basketball
player, now running a successful business selling sporting goods
in Richmond, California. The basketball team of Richmond High
School, where he played long ago, however, is in deep trouble.
5 Undisciplined both in the classroom and on the court, they register Q1ㅣHow would you
describe Richmond
disappointing seasons year after year. It is not just their problem, High basketball
players’ attitude
though. Their attitude toward basketball and studying reflects that toward basketball and
of the other students and teachers at the school: Hopelessness. studying?

Richmond High graduates only fifty percent of its students, of

10 whom only a small number go on to college.
Upon repeated requests from the exhausted coach to take over
Thinking Critically‌
the team, Carter accepts the offer, but his plan is to teach more
What do you think of
than basketball. He wants to send the players to college because schools having sports
he believes a college education is the most effective stepping stone teams and coaches?

15 toward a better future for them. The first thing he does to carry out • undisciplined
his plan is having the players sign contracts, his idea of inspiring • register
• contract
discipline and commitment. • commitment
• abuse
• disbelief
Carter: ‌G ood afternoon, young men. I’m your new basketball • carry out

coach, Ken Carter. (Players do not seem to be listening.) I

20 guess I need to speak louder so you can hear me. I’m Ken
Carter, your new basketball coach. (One of the players keeps
shooting the ball.) You, shooting the ball. What’s your name,
Lyle: Jason Lyle, but I am not a sir.
25 Carter: ‌A s of now, you are a sir. So are the rest of you.
“Sir” is a term of respect. And you will have my
respect until you abuse it. I’m going to give you
contracts. If you sign and honor your side of
them, we are going to be successful.
30 (Students look at each other with a look of disbelief.)
Worm: ‌Do I get a signing bonus for signing this
Coach Carter 143

5버전.indb 143 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Carter: Y
‌ es, sir. You get to become a winner. Starting today, you will
play like winners, act like winners, and most importantly,
you will be winners. If you listen and learn, you will win
basketball games. And, gentlemen, winning in here is the
key to winning out there. This contract states that you will 5

Q2ㅣWhat do the maintain a 2.3 grade point average. You will attend all your
players have to do to
keep the contract they
classes and you will sit in the front row of those classes.
The players do not like the idea of the contract, and two of the
leading scorers leave the team, while the others reluctantly sign the
contract and start to practice under Carter’s direction. With hard 10

training and new strategies, the team wins a game for the first time
in a long while.
Now that his plan on the court is on track, Carter checks his
plan in the classroom. To his regret, the players are not keeping
their contracts in that area. Some rarely attend classes, and others 15

who attend do not make an effort to keep up with the class. Carter
decides to enforce the contract.
Q3ㅣWhat is the
Carter: I‌ have four seniors on this team, Junior, Lyle, Kenyon and
reason the Richmond
Oilers are invited to a Worm, all of whom I think can play basketball at the college
level. College. That’s an available option for all of you, but 20

you have to perform in the classroom to have that chance.

You have to have a vision. You signed a contract. You made
a commitment. If you don’t perform in the classroom, you
• row will not play.
• reluctantly
• enforce
• undefeated One of the players leaves the team in protest, but after realizing 25

• tournament
• now that
he cannot give up basketball, returns with a promise to honor the
• keep up with contract. The Richmond Oilers begin to write a new history for
themselves: an undefeated season. As a result, they are invited to
a tournament during the Christmas holidays. To the
surprise of all, they win the tournament. 30

144 Special Lesson

5버전.indb 144 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Back at the school, however, their academic progress reports
have been waiting on Carter’s desk and he does not like what he
finds in them. They are filled with failing grades and poor records.
Carter realizes that the players still do not fully understand the
5 reason why they have to study. They are just happy with winning
games and few of them believe they can really go to college. With
their attitude, the more games they win, the farther away college
gets from them. Carter decides to take severe measures that no one
has ever tried: Lock the gymnasium and cancel their scheduled
10 games until they achieve the target grades.

Carter: ‌(raising his right hand) Gentlemen, in this hand, I hold Q4ㅣWhat are the
measures that Carter
contracts signed by me and signed by you. (raising his takes after he sees
left hand) In this hand, I hold academic progress reports his players’ academic
progress reports?
prepared by your teachers. We have six players failing at
15 least one class, eight players getting “incompletes” based
on attendance. Gentlemen, you have failed to... No, I’m Q5ㅣWhat are the
responses to Carter’s
sorry. We have failed. We have failed each other. Now, there severe measures?

are some of you who have upheld this contract, but we

know that we are a team. Until we all meet the terms of this
20 contract, the gym will remain locked.

• academic
Players complain, parents protest, and Principal Garrison orders • progress
Carter to open the gym, thinking his action has gone too far. Carter • gymnasium
• incomplete
refuses. • uphold

• Carter checking players’ progress reports and canceling their scheduled games.

Coach Carter 145

5버전.indb 145 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

• Carter telling players to have a vision

The lock up of the gym and cancelation of the games draw

the attention of the local media. After answering questions from
reporters, Carter tells the disappointed players to accept the harsh
reality of their lives and come up with a vision for their future.

Carter: ‌L et’s take this time to say what we want, whatever it is, 5

while the doors are closed. This is about us.

Battle: This is not about us. This is all about Coach Carter.
Lyle: ‌We’re the basketball team. All I see is you on TV, getting
Carter: Is that all you see? 10

Worm: It’s all I see.

Carter: ‌Well, let me tell you what I see. I see a system that’s designed
for you to fail. Richmond High only graduates 50 percent of
its students, and of those who do graduate, only six percent go
to college. “Well, Coach Carter, if I am not going to college, 15

where am I going to go?” Now, that’s a great question. The

answer is this: Probably to prison. In this county, 33 percent
Q6ㅣWhat does Carter
of black males between 18 and 24 get arrested. So look at the
promise the players? guy on your left. Now look at the guy on your right. One of
you is going to get arrested. Now, I want you to go home, and 20

look at your lives tonight, and look at your parents’ lives, and
ask yourself, “Do I want better?” If the answer is yes, I’ll see
• harsh you here tomorrow. And I promise you. I will do everything
• prison
• arrest in my power to get you to college and to a better life.

146 Special Lesson

5버전.indb 146 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

• Carter and parents giving their opinions at the education board meeting

Despite media reports that criticize the lock up of the gym,

there are growing voices that approve of Carter’s effort to improve
the players’ academic performance. At the education board meeting
held at the angry parents’ request, parents demand that the gym be Q7ㅣWhat do the
players’ parents
5 opened and the basketball team resume playing. demand at the
education board
Woman: ‌This whole school, this whole community, is behind this
team. Everybody goes to every game. Basketball is the
only thing that these boys have. Are we going to let Coach
Carter come in here and take that away from them?
10 Carter: ‌You need to consider the message that you’re sending
these boys. I’m trying to teach them the discipline that will
inform their lives and give them choices. If you approve of
the fact that 15-, 16-, and 17-year-olds don’t have to honor
the simple rules of a basketball contract, how long do
15 you think it’ll be before they’re out there breaking laws? I
took this job because I wanted to effect change in a special
group of young men, and this is the only way I know how
to do that.

Despite Carter’s sincere request, the board decides to take the

20 lock off the gym. Disappointed, Carter decides to quit and packs his • criticize
things. When he enters the gym, however, he finds that his players • approve
• demand
have turned the gym into a classroom, ready to study there. • resume

Coach Carter 147

5버전.indb 147 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Lyle: ‌Sir, they can cut the chain off the door, but they can’t make
us play.‌
Stone: We’ve decided we’re going to finish what you started, sir.
Worm: ‌Yeah, so leave us be, coach. We got things to do, sir.

Due to their efforts and teachers’ help, everyone reaches their 5

target grades, and they get back to their games. They keep winning,
and finally are invited to the California State Tournament, the
championship of which is the highest honor for a California high
school basketball team.
Unfortunately, their first opponent is the number one team in 10

Q8ㅣWhy does Carter

the state, and after a tight game, they lose by one point. To Carter,
feel proud of the however, they are not losers. They are winners who beat their own
weaknesses. After the game, Carter tells the players that they grew
up more than he expected.

Carter: Y
‌ ou played like champions. You never gave up. You’ve 15
Talk about It
achieved something that some people spend their whole
Have you ever achieved
anything after making lives trying to find: a victory within. And, gentlemen, I am
a lot of effort? What did
you achieve? How did so proud of you. Four months ago, when I took the job at
you do it? Richmond, I had a plan. That plan failed. I came to coach
basketball players, and you became students. I came to 20

teach boys, and you became men. And for that, I thank you.
• opponent
• scholarship The Richmond Oilers did not win the State Championship, but
they won five college scholarships and six members of the team
went on to college.
Coach Carter directed by Thomas Carter, Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Rick
Gonzales, Robert Richard. MTV Films, 2005.

148 Special Lesson

5버전.indb 148 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

After You Read
A Review the text and complete the introduction of the movie.

Coach Carter

When former Richmond High School basketball player Ken

Carter accepts the job of basketball coach at his old high school, he
wants to send the players to for a better life. He has the
players sign a that demands good grades and perfect
class attendance. With Coach Carter, the team wins games. But
when the coach learns that some members of his team are failing in
their studies, he locks them out of the . This measure
leads to the anger of the players, the parents, and the school.

B Read the lines from the text and match each one to the appropriate situation.

1. “Now, I want you to go home, and 2.

look at your lives tonight, and look at “Basketball is the only thing that
your parents’ lives, and ask yourself, these boys have.”
‘Do I want better?’”

3. 4.
“I came to coach basketball players,
“‌Sir, they can cut the chain off the
and you became students. I came to
door, but they can’t make us play.”
teach boys, and you became men.”

‌After the board decides to take the lock off the gym, the players turn the gym into a
classroom, ready to study there.
‌After the game in the California State Tournament, Carter tells the players that they
grew up more than he expected.
‌At the education board meeting, parents demand that the gym be opened and the
basketball team resume playing.
‌After he locks up the gym, Carter tells the players to come up with a vision for their

On the Web Search for more films dealing with sports. Share what you find with your class.

Coach Carter 149

5버전.indb 149 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

150 Scripts

5버전.indb 150 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Scripts 152
Answers 161

Sources 170

5버전.indb 151 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Yuna: No, no... that doesn’t sound good.
Lesson 1 ‌Healthy Living, Happy Life
Eric: Haven’t you heard? Many health experts say

Ready to Communicate pp. 12 - 13 you should eat breakfast to help your body
A. Guess and Listen and brain start working.
1 B: According to the news, the f lu is going Yuna: Okay. I’ll try not to skip breakfast.

G: Yeah. You should wash your hands with soap Communication Task p. 14
Step 1
as soon as you come home.
2 G: You don’t look good. What’s the matter? W: Hello, what can I do for you?
B: ‌Good afternoon, Ms. Adams. I don’t feel well.
B: I’m worried about my back. It often hurts.
W: What are your symptoms?
B: ‌I get a lot of headaches these days. And at night
B. Listen and Answer I don’t sleep well.
Dialog 1 W: ‌How long have you had these symptoms?
G: What do you do when you feel down? B: Since last week. They began a few days after I
B: I talk to my friends and do something fun. became a school festival organizer.
What about you? W: ‌Have you worked long hours on the festival?
G: Honestly, I don’t know what to do. B: Yes, but I still have a lot of work to do and I’m
B: You should find a way to feel better. Why don’t worried I won’t be able to finish it.
you talk to your friends like I do? W: I see. This pain reliever will ease your headache.
G: I guess it’s worth trying. Thanks. B: Thanks. Do I need to take it right now?
Dialog 2 W: ‌Yes. I think your stress and anxiety could be
B: I’m worried about my health these days. I get causing your headache. You should relax and
tired easily. get some rest.
B: Okay, I will.
G: Do you work out regularly?
B: No.
After You Read p. 23
G: I heard it’s necessary to exercise at least three
D. Listen and Share
times a week to stay healthy.
W: Hello and welcome to Teen Health. Some
B: I see. I’ll give it a try.
experts say relaxing is a great way to reduce
stress. Do you know how to relax to deal with
C. Listen and Write stress? Here are some ways. First, listen to calm
Yuna: Eric, do you have anything to eat? I’m so and soft music. Music really gets you relaxed
hungry. and happy. Try listening to piano or violin
Eric: You skipped breakfast again? music. Second, take a warm bath and relax your
Yuna: Yeah, I didn’t have time to eat. I overslept. body. Finally, start a diary or journal. You don’t
Eric: Here’s a banana. I’m worried about your have to write in it every day. Writing down
health. what’s bothering you and how you feel may
Yuna: Don’t worry. I’ll eat a lot of lunch to make help you relax your mind.
up for it.
Eric: That’s not a good idea. Skipping breakfast Review p. 29
affects your eating habits and it will affect A.
your weight. G: Why are you making a face?

152 Scripts

5버전.indb 152 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

B: Am I? I was just trying to read the words on the G: Spices? Do you mean the ones we use when
board. I can’t see them clearly. cooking?
G: When did you last get an eye examination? B: Yes. According to the documentary, spices
B: I’m not sure but probably two years ago when I were the cause of wars and the reason for
had a health examination. exploration.
G: Were there any problems with your eyes? G: I wonder why.
B: No, there weren’t. But these days I’m worried Dialog 2
about my vision. I can’t see distant things
G: Eric, come and watch this table tennis match
between Korea and China.
G: Well, you should go to get your vision checked.
B: Okay. It must be an exciting game. By the way,
I guess your eyesight is bad enough to wear
do you know where table tennis started?
G: I think it started in Asia. Asian countries are
B: I think I should. Thank you for the advice.
very good at table tennis.
B: Actually, it came from England in the 19th
M: Do you want to stay healthy? Eating breakfast
is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy.
C. Listen and Write
Many studies show that breakfast eaters tend
Lisa: Wow, look at the long line in front of the
to be healthier than breakfast skippers. It is
because skipping breakfast affects our eating
Leo: Why is the restaurant so popular?
habits and can lead to weight gain and other
Lisa: Its hamburgers and fries are famous.
health problems. Some studies also show that
Leo: I wonder what makes them so special.
breakfast eaters have better concentration
Lisa: I’ve heard they are very tasty and they use
during school hours and get better grades.
only good quality meat.
That’s why many experts say we should eat
Leo: I’ll try their hamburger sooner or later.
breakfast. So, never go to school without eating
Lisa: By the way, do you know that the hamburger
is related to Hamburg, a city in Germany?
Leo: I didn’t know that. I thought the hamburger
came from America.
Lesson 2 ‌Origins of Everyday Things Lisa: No. Chopped steak cooked in the Hamburg
style became today’s hamburger.
Ready to Communicate pp. 34 - 35 Leo: Really? That’s interesting.
A. Guess and Listen
1 B: Wow, this building is gorgeous. Communication Task p. 36

G: Yes. I wonder how it was built. Step 1

2 B: I’d love to see this movie. W: Here are the five categories you’re going to
G: Me, too. By the way, do you know that this be dealing with in this round: People, Food,
movie is based on a historical event? Places, Cities, and Sports. Let’s start with Alex.
B. Listen and Answer B: Yes. I’ll take People for 40 points.
Dialog 1 W: Here is the clue. The first Western explorer to
B: Today I watched a documentary about spices. reach China. (Beep) Alex!

Scripts 153

5버전.indb 153 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

B: Marco Polo. G: I wonder where the tomato came from.
W: Correct! By the way, I heard you recently went B: I’ve heard it originated in Peru.
to China. What impressed you most about G: Peru in South America? I thought it came from
China, Alex? Italy.
B: The Great Wall! B: Many people think so because of pizza but it’s
W: Yeah, that’s the symbol of China. Now you can originally from Peru.
choose the next question. G: I see. By the way, have you been to the new
B: Cities, 40 points. pizza restaurant near the subway station?
W: The city where the 1996 Summer Olympics B: Yes. The pizza there is really great.
were held. (Beep) Okay, Sera!
G: Atlanta.
W: Correct! Now I really wonder who is going to be
M: Here are the four categories for this round:
today’s winner!
People, Food, Sports, and Cities. Let’s start with
B: I’ll take Cities for 30 points.
After You Read p. 45 M: The city in Italy where the 2006 Winter
C. Listen and Share Olympics were held. (Beep) Mina!
W: Columbus’ arrival in North America is one of G: Torino.
the most important events in history. It caused M: Correct! By the way, do you know which
the exchange of goods and ideas between country held the first Winter Olympics?
Europe and the Americas. This exchange is G: France?
called the Columbian Exchange. New plants M: Right. They were held in Chamonix, France in
and animals changed American ways of life. 1924. Now you can choose the next question,
For example, before 1492, there was no wheat Mina.
in America. Wheat from Europe eventually G: People, 50 points.
became an essential food crop for people in
the Americas. The horse was introduced by
Europeans and changed native Americans’
ways of life. They began hunting on horseback.
At the same time, the introduction of new Lesson 3 ‌Advertising in Your Life
diseases had a horrible effect on the Americas.
Between 1492 and 1650, almost 90 percent of Ready to Communicate pp. 56 - 57
native Americans died from diseases brought A. Guess and Listen
from Europe. 1 G: You don’t look excited to be here. What’s the
B: We’ve been waiting ten minutes for the
Review p. 51 movie, but all they have shown us is
A. commercials.
G: Pizza, spaghetti, hamburgers.... All the dishes I 2 B: I think those signboards are distracting.
love have tomatoes in them. Don’t you agree?
B: You’re right. I can’t imagine a world without G: I agree. Their different colors and sizes
tomatoes. bother me.

154 Scripts

5버전.indb 154 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

B. Listen and Answer lasting impact on my mind. The advertisement
Dialog 1 I want to tell you about is part of an advertising
G: Look! This news website is so annoying. campaign entitled “Like a Girl.” I like this ad
B: What’s the matter with it? because it made me realize that we use the
G: I’m reading this news article, but pop-up ads phrase “like a girl” in the wrong way. In the
keep appearing. commercial, several men and women were
B: They are distracting. Do you know about pop- asked to show the interviewers what it is like to
up blocking software? run like a girl. All of them made funny gestures.
G: Really? Is there such a thing? Could you But when young girls were asked, they ran
recommend one program? as fast as they could. This short commercial
B: Sure. helped me to think that we sometimes use
Dialog 2
words or phrases based on misconceptions.
M: Where do we turn? It’s hard to get around in
this area. After You Read p. 67
W: Yeah, there are too many traffic signs and they D. Listen and Share
are all different sizes, shapes, and colors. W: I’d like to talk about product placement. Product
M: Yes. We need stricter regulations on road signs. placement is something that is becoming more
Don’t you agree? and more common in movies as movies cost
W: I agree. For road safety, signs need to be more and more money to make. Movies made
uniform. in the 1970s or 80s cost about 12 or 13 million
M: By the way, should we make a left turn here? dollars. Today, movies cost about 100 million
W: Why don’t we ask someone for directions? dollars to make. How can movie producers raise
M: Okay, let’s do that. that kind of money? Product placement! If
companies see their product in the foreground,
C. Listen and Write they pay more. If it is in the background, they
Kami: Eric, check out this video clip. It’s very pay less. This kind of marketing is becoming
funny. an unavoidable part of the movie industry,
particularly in the 21st century.
Eric: Wait! Do we have to see these ads every
time we watch an online video?
Kami: Yes. What’s the matter with the ads? Review p. 73
Eric: They put too many ads before one short A.
online video and the ads are too long. B: Lisa, check this news out. It’s so interesting.
Kami: Ads are everywhere and watching ads is like G: I don’t usually read news articles online.
paying the price for the video. B: What’s the matter with online news?
Eric: Maybe, but in this case I think it’s too G: There are too many ads on each web page and
much. Don’t you agree? some of them are irrelevant to the news.
Kami: Yes, I see what you mean. Sometimes I get B: Come on! Ads are everywhere.
annoyed by all these ads, too. G: But too many ads on a web page distract us.
Don’t you agree?
Communication Task p. 58 B: I agree, but having those ads is a necessary part
Step 1 of the news because ads enable us to read the
B: There are many advertisements that have left a news for free.

Scripts 155

5버전.indb 155 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

B. B: Yeah, it is called social marketing. What do you
G: There are many advertisements that have left think about it?
a lasting impact on my mind. My favorite G: I think it is probably very effective because
advertisement is an advertising campaign more and more people are using social media.
entitled “Green On.” I like this ad because it B: Yes, and social marketing can also be interesting
inspires people to use less fuel such as coal or and fun.
oil. In the commercial, every time the main
character turns lights on, all the green around C. Listen and Write
him disappears. Then the f inal message Lisa: Hi, Jiho. What are you doing on your
appears: “Lights Off. Green On.” With beautiful smartphone?
images and music, it shows how we can save Jiho: I’m sending a gift card to my cousin through
energy and go green creatively. a social networking site.
Lisa: It sounds interesting. Actually, I saw on the
news that many people do business through
social network services.
Lesson 4 ‌Becoming Active as Consumers Jiho: Yeah, I often use SNS to buy products such as
and Sellers
books and clothes, do banking transactions,
and even order groceries.
Ready to Communicate pp. 78 - 79
Lisa: Oh, I haven’t done any of those yet. What do
A. Guess and Listen
you think about SNS business transactions?
1 B: Do you know what kind of sale Amy’s Ice
Jiho: I think they are convenient and worth doing
Cream is having?
because we can use electronic money.
G: Yeah. I heard that if you buy one ice cream,
Lisa: Yes, but I heard that there might be some
you get a second one free.
problems with security.
2 W: What do you think about online shopping?
Jiho: Yes, but solutions for security issues are
B: I think it is very convenient. I do it from
constantly being developed, so I don’t think
time to time.
we have a lot to worry about.
B. Listen and Answer
Dialog 1
Communication Task p. 80
B: I need a bike. I want to ride it to school. Step 1
G: I heard about some online shops for used bikes. B: Hi, Cathy. I heard that we are going to have a
Why don’t you look for them there? flea market at school.
B: Oh, sure. Used bikes must be cheap, but G: Oh, sounds interesting. Can you tell me more
I’m worried that they might not be in good about it?
condition. B: We’ll have it on Friday, August 7th in front of
G: Don’t worry about that. The bikes are all the main library.
checked by the repairmen. They leave their G: Great. What do you think about going together
comments on the bikes’ conditions. So you can and running a booth?
check them in advance. B: I think it is a good idea. We can submit the
Dialog 2 application form online and pay the application
G: Nowadays, many businesses are using social fee in advance.
media for marketing. G: How much is the fee?

156 Scripts

5버전.indb 156 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

B: Three dollars. B: It sounds wonderful. Can you recommend some
G: And then we can sell to students, right? online sites?
B: Exactly. Let’s download the application form G: Sure. I’ll find some online bookstores for you
right now. that have good reviews from students.

After You Read p. 89
B: Hello, Rainbow High School students. This
D. Listen and Share
is the president of the school board. I heard
M: A sharing economy has advantages and
that many students want to sell or buy second-
disadvantages. The primary advantage of a
hand goods at low prices. The school board
sharing economy is that we can get goods or
conducted a survey asking our students,
services at cheaper prices because we rent
“What do you think about having a school flea
rather than own a product. Second, a sharing
market?” We found that almost all students
economy will contribute to building stronger
agree with this idea. So I’m very pleased to
communities by facilitating communication and
announce to you that the first Rainbow High
cooperation between people. One disadvantage
School Flea Market will be held next week. If
is that many people still worry that it cannot
you want to be a seller, submit an application
deal completely with privacy or safety issues.
form online. The flea market opens next Friday
Online buyers and sellers are not totally
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in front of the Student
protected. Also, there is always a possibility of
Council Building. For more information, visit
unpredictable outcomes. When you share your
the school board website.
items with others, you may not get paid and the
items you share could get damaged.

Review p. 95 Lesson 5 ‌Cultures Around the World

G: You look a bit worried. What’s the matter? Ready to Communicate pp. 100 - 101
B: I need to buy several books for my history A. Guess and Listen
project. It will cost a lot. 1 G: I really want to go to the Mexican Culture
G: Oh, I heard that the increasing cost of books is Festival.
affecting students. B: Oh, do you have an interest in Mexican
B: It’s true. Buying many books all at once is a culture?
financial burden. 2 B: What is that?
G: Then, what do you think about buying used G: That is nongak. It’s a kind of community
books? band music.
B: Used books?
G: Yeah. There are some online bookstores for B. Listen and Answer
used books. Why don’t you look for them there? Dialog 1

B: Used books would be cheaper, but I’m worried G: Did you see the flyer about the Gimchi Festival?
that they might not be in good condition. It’s next Friday.
G: Don’t worry about it. You can check the B: Yes, I did. Do you have an interest in that event?
condition online in advance. Also, you can G: As you know, I love Gimchi. I’d like to learn
compare different sellers’ prices. how to make it.

Scripts 157

고등영어(1) 스크립트(150-160)-1.indd 157 2020. 10. 16. 오후 2:57

B: Then you will have a great time there. You can After You Read p. 111
also taste many different kinds of Gimchi. C. Listen and Share
Dialog 2
W: Today I want to introduce to you one of the
UNESCO cultural heritages. It is a tug of
B: Hey, Jennifer! What are you looking at?
war called juldarigi in Korean. Juldarigi is
G: The pictures from my trip to Indonesia.
performed not only in Korea but also in other
B: Oh, let me see! What is this in the picture?
cultures of East Asia and Southeast Asia such
G: This is the Saman dance. It’s a kind of traditional
as Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines.
Indonesian dance.
People perform it to ensure good harvests and
B: It must be a dance performed with the hands.
the well-being of the community. It provides
All the dancers are seated in a row.
entertainment and marks the start of a new
C. Listen and Write agricultural cycle. Tugging rituals have two
teams. Each team pulls one end of a rope to
Leo: I’d like to learn a lot about Korea.
Yuna: Do you have an interest in traditional Korean tug it from the other. These traditions remind
culture? participants of the importance of unity.
Leo: Of course, I do.
Yuna: Then I recommend that you visit the Korean Review p. 117
Folk Village. A.
Leo: What can I do there? M: Do you have an interest in Korea? Garam,
Yuna: You can see traditional Korean villages and the Korean culture club, will hold its annual
play traditional games like yutnori. Korean Culture Day on Thursday, November
Leo: What is yutnori? 17th at Hangang Hall. Korean Culture Day is
Yuna: It’s a kind of traditional board game played going to feature several traditional games and
especially during the Korean New Year information booths. You can try on the beautiful
holiday. Korean traditional costume, hanbok, and take
Leo: Sounds great! I can’t wait to go. photos. At 2 p.m., there will be a taekwondo
performance. Taekwondo is a kind of martial
Communication Task p. 102 art. Also, you can see a student talent show
Step 1 of Korean pop music and dance. Korean food
G: Do you have an interest in African culture? such as Bulgogi, Gimbap, and Bibimbap will be
Jambo, the African culture club, will hold its available. Have fun at Korean Culture Day!
annual African Culture Day on Friday, October
3rd at the Student Center. African Culture Day is B.
going to feature information booths and an art G: I’d like to experience many things on this trip.
exhibition. You can try on beautiful traditional B: Do you have an interest in traditional Mexican
African costumes and take photos of yourself. music?
At 4 p.m., there will be a jembe performance. G: Of course, I do.
Jembe is a kind of drum played with your bare B: Then I recommend the Mexican Culture Show
hands, originally from West Africa. Also, you at 8 p.m. this Friday.
can taste African food during the festival. Come G: What can I experience there?
and have a meaningful experience at African B: You can see a mariachi band perform with
Culture Day! various traditional Mexican instruments.

158 Scripts

5버전.indb 158 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

G: What is mariachi? crashes and explosions.
B: It’s a kind of traditional Mexican music played B: Oh, it sounds like a big problem. I wish we
by a group of musicians. could find a way to reduce space trash.
G: Sounds interesting. How can I make a G: You’re telling me! I wish we could take space
reservation? trash back to Earth.
B: You can make a reservation by phone.
G: Please tell me the phone number. I’ll make it C. Listen and Write
right now. Jiho: How about watching a movie together this
Kami: Why not? Do you have a movie in mind?
Jiho: How about Me in Space? It got good reviews
Lesson 6 ‌The Future of Space Exploration from critics as well as from the public.
Kami: Sounds interesting. What is the movie
Ready to Communicate pp. 122 - 123 about?
A. Guess and Listen Jiho: It is a science fiction movie about a man who
1 G: I wish I could spend my holidays on Mars. by himself goes off to explore outer space.
B: Oh, that would be a lot of fun. Kami: Oh, is it really likely that a human could
2 B: Is it likely that aliens really exist? travel through space alone?
G: Yes, I think they exist. Jiho: The movie is set in 2050, so it might be
possible then.
B. Listen and Answer Kami: But I wish I could go into space now. I
Dialog 1 have always wanted to see Earth from the
G: You look quite focused. What are you doing? window of a spacecraft.
B: I’m writing an essay. It’s homework for my Jiho: Well, I bet you will like the movie then. We
English writing class. can reserve tickets online.
G: What is the topic of the essay? Kami: Great. Let’s do it right away.
B: I’m writing about our life in 50 years. My idea is
that space travel will be a common thing.
Communication Task p. 124
G: Sounds interesting. Is it likely that space travel Step 1
will be affordable? W: We are lucky to have an astronaut available
B: Yeah, I think it is quite likely. Advanced
to chat with us! Michael Hopkins returned
technology will help reduce the cost of space
to Earth last month after staying 150 days in
space. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Hopkins.
Dialog 2 M: My pleasure.
B: What are you looking at? Is it a picture of W: Many people wish they could go into space.
planets in space? What qualities are needed to become an
G: No, this is a picture of space trash made by astronaut?
humans. M: Astronauts should have scientific knowledge.
B: Space trash? I didn’t know there is so much They should be responsible and physically
trash in space. It’s shocking. strong.
G: Yeah, much of it f loats in space in an orbit W: What do astronauts do all day in the space
around Earth. It has caused serious space station?

Scripts 159

5버전.indb 159 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

M: There are daily maintenance operations and B: Oh, that’s too bad. Is it likely that a satellite or
scientific experiments. spacecraft might hit some space trash?
W: What’s the most interesting part about being in G: Actually, that is the main problem with space
space? trash. It has caused serious space crashes and
M: I went on two space walks and I will never explosions.
forget them. B: Oh, I’m so worried. I wish we had a way to
W: Is it likely that you will go back out into space? reduce space trash right now.
M: I really want to, but I probably won’t go. All the
other astronauts want to have an opportunity B.
to experience space, too. G: Have you chosen the topic of your essay for
English writing class?
After You Read p. 133 B: Yes, I’ve decided to introduce a remarkable
D. Listen and Share person doing the job I want to have in the
W: Here are some interesting facts about the planet future. I’m writing about an astronaut named
Mars. Mars is often called the “Red Planet” Michael Hopkins.
because it appears in the sky as an orange-red G: Oh, I didn’t know you want to be an astronaut.
star. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, B: I hope to find somewhere humans can live
so the temperature there is much colder than instead of Earth.
on Earth. The average temperature on Mars is G: I wish Earth were not polluted so we wouldn’t
similar to that of winters in Antarctica. Despite need to live on another planet. Is it likely we
the difference in temperature, Mars is the most can even live on another planet?
earthlike of all the planets in many ways. A B: Many astronauts are exploring and investigating
day on Mars is only slightly longer than one on Mars because it is very similar to Earth, so I
Earth. Mars is also tilted just like Earth, so it believe it’ll be possible in the future.
has seasons. Both Mars and Earth have white G: Sounds interesting. I guess astronauts need to
polar caps. They contain frozen carbon dioxide have scientific knowledge.
as well as frozen water. B: Right. That’s why I study science hard.
Astronauts should be physically strong, too. So
I exercise regularly.
Review p. 139
G: Wow, you are carefully preparing for your future
B: What are you looking at? Is it a picture of
G: No, this is a picture of space trash.
B: Space trash? What is it?
G: It’s a collection of nonfunctional man-made
objects in space, and much of it floats around
B: Really? I didn’t know there is so much of space
trash. It’s shocking.
G: You can also find it on the surfaces of Venus and
Mars and twenty tons of it is actually parked on
the moon!

160 Scripts

5버전.indb 160 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

boost your energy, and prepare you to deal with
Lesson 1 Healthy Living, Happy Life
the problem.
Before You Begin p. 11 Q5 It is essential to push you to get things done.
sample I work out almost every day to lead a healthy Q6 Blood rushes to your face. Your stomach stops
life. / I get enough sleep. / I go jogging every morning working and feels upset or as if it is tied up in
and go swimming on Saturdays. knots. You feel restless in your legs and have
difficulty going to sleep.
Ready to Communicate pp. 12-13 Talk about It
sample I feel irritated. / I don’t feel like eating anything
A Guess and Listen
1. You should wash your hands with soap and can’t sleep. / I feel awful and sad.

2. I’m worried about my back. Q7 It is to fight and solve the problem.

B Listen and Answer Q8 It is to schedule time to get schoolwork done, but

also schedule time to have fun.
Dialog 1 1. 2. talk
Q9 It is important to know that it is natural for you to
Dialog 2 1. 2. three times
feel stressed, and that it is okay.
C Listen and Write
Thinking Critically
1. 2. health, breakfast
sample I think the tips are helpful because they show
Small Talk
me how to deal with my stress.
sample I eat rice and some side dishes for breakfast.
/ I eat scrambled eggs with a glass of milk. / I just
grab some cookies.
After You Read pp. 22-23
A normal / Not / hormones / exercise / natural
Communication Task p. 14
C sample
Step 1 headaches, pain reliever, relax
Q: What causes you the most stress and why?
Step 2 have a cold: feel dizzy:
Whenever I take a test, I feel nervous and stressed.
Step 2 have trouble sleeping: have a stiff neck:
It’s because I’m worried about my grades.
Step 2 have a sore throat:
D 1. reduce, calm, warm bath, bothering
D 2. sample
Before You Read p. 16
Preferred ways: Exercise regularly
B 1. predator 2. imbalance 3. restless
Specific things to do:
4. emergency
•Exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
•Drink a cup of water while exercising.
Read pp. 17-21
Q1 He/She keeps having bad dreams, often wakes
Language in Use pp. 24-25
up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, and
A 1. creature 2. equipment 3. enjoyment
feels so tired on some mornings.
4. failure 5. closure
Q2 He/She doesn’t sound ill.
B 1. get rid of 2. specialize in 3. bumped into
Talk about It
C1 1. that has yellow flesh and tastes sweet
sample I visit a school counselor. / I talk to my aunt.
2. ‌that has the shape of a ball with a map of the
Q3 It developed as a way to protect them from
world on it
predators and other threats.
3. that people wear to protect their head
Q4 It releases into the blood the hormones that speed
C2 do, do so
up your heart rate, increase your blood pressure,

Answers 161

5버전.indb 161 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Think and Write pp. 26-27
Lesson 2 Origins of Everyday Things
B sample
1. I’m a high school junior who is outgoing and active.
Before You Begin p. 33
2. I’m writing to ask for advice on a friendship problem.
sample Canning is used to preserve food for long
3. I usually get along well with most of my friends, but
periods of time. It was first developed in the late 18th
I am having trouble dealing with one of them now.
century as a way to provide a stable food source for
He is nice to me but very jealous.
soldiers at war.
4. What can I do without hurting his feelings?

Ready to Communicate pp. 34-35

D sample
A Guess and Listen
Dear Advice Giver,
1. I wonder 2. By the way
I’m a high school junior who is outgoing and active. I’m
B Listen and Answer
writing to ask for your advice on a friendship problem.
Dialog 1 1. 2. wars, exploration
I usually get along well with most of my friends, but I
Dialog 2 1. 2. England
am having trouble dealing with one of them now. He
C Listen and Write
is nice to me but very jealous. He sometimes speaks
ill of my best friend that does nothing wrong to him. 1. 2. famous, special, related

What can I do without hurting his feelings? Thank you Small Talk
sample Curry originated in India and now there are
in advance.
Best regards, various kinds of curry dishes worldwide.

Communication Task p. 36
Step 1 Food, China, Summer
Review pp. 29-30
Step 2 The Leaning Tower of Pisa:
A 1. 2. vision [eyesight]
Step 2 Yi Sunshin: salt:
C 1–5–2–7–3–4–6
D 1. 2. stress Before You Read p. 38

E sample A (A), (B), (A), (A), (A), (B)

Dear Advice Giver, B originated, cultivation, staple, continent, imported
I’m in the second grade in high school. I’m writing to
ask for your advice on a jealousy problem. I have a Read pp. 39-43
friend who helps me with homework and volunteers Q1 They originated in the same region and spread to
with me at an animal shelter. I know she is a good the rest of the world.
friend but sometimes I find myself jealous of her. I Talk about It
sample I think the person must be Columbus. He
am embarrassed that I feel bothered by the attention
that she gets from teachers. How can I handle this discovered the “New World” of the Americas.
problem? I’ll be looking forward to your reply. Thank Q2 It’s because it was used as a medicine and a
you in advance. spice.
Best regards, Q3 He found other plants that he believed to be
Erica another type of pepper which were later called
chilies or chili peppers.
Q4 It’s because they were easy to grow in a wide
range of climates and conditions.

162 Answers

5버전.indb 162 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Q5 Many local dishes, popular among common bought the books
people, were transformed into hot, spicy, and 2. ‌Used properly, can help students improve
unique foods. their English
Thinking Critically
sample I think the globalization of food makes dishes Think and Write pp. 48-49
similar all around the world. B sample
Q6 It’s because potatoes were not only nutritious 1. The Second World War lasted from 1939 till 1945.
but also grew well on poor soils and in hostile 2. The most important figure was Hitler who invaded
climates. many countries.
Q7 It’s because it looked a lot like the fruit of certain 3. Almost 30 countries and more than 100 million
poisonous plants that were well known to Europeans. people were involved in this war.
Q8 It got popular with the invention of pizza in Naples 4. The global economy collapsed, industrialization fell,
in the 1880s. people died in great numbers, and lots of nations
Talk about It had to reform their governments.
sample We would not be able to eat hot Gimchi,
potato pizza, nor tomato spaghetti. D sample

Self-check curry in India, hot pot in South China, History of the Second World War
tom yum in Thailand, and goulash in Hungary The Second World War lasted from 1939 till
1945. There have been many wars but they were
After You Read pp. 44-45 less widespread than World War II in world history.
A India, pepper / flavor, spicy / nutrition, population / There are many events that led to World War II but
poisonous, pizza the most important figure was Hitler who invaded
B 1. 2. 3. many countries. Almost 30 countries and more than
C 1. Europe, Wheat, hunting, Disease(s) 100 million people were directly involved in this war.
2. sample It was good in that people in the As a result of this war, the global economy collapsed,
Americas had more things to eat because of new industrialization fell, people died in great numbers, and
crops and could hunt on horseback. However, it lots of nations had to reform their governments.
was bad in that many people died due to diseases
from Europe. Review pp. 51-52
D sample Brazil would not be famous for coffee. A 1. 2. restaurant
Language in Use pp. 46-47 C , ,
A 1. natural 2. additional 3. famous 4. nervous D 1. (D) 2. India, black pepper, chilies
5. critical E The Samil Movement
B 1. kick off 2. took over 3. a wide range of The Samil Movement occurred on March 1st,
C1 1. ‌‌A: ‌Which do you prefer, reading a book or 1919. It is sometimes referred to as the Manse
watching TV? Demonstrations. The Samil Movement was a peaceful
• B: ‌I prefer watching TV because it is less boring protest by Korean people for their freedom from
than reading a book. Japanese rule. Ryu Gwansun was one of the best
2. A: ‌Which do you prefer, taking a traditional known participants in this movement. It was an
class or taking an online class? important turning point in the Korean Independence
• B: ‌I prefer taking an online class because it is Movement. It influenced nonviolent resistance in
less demanding than taking a traditional class. India and many other countries. In 1949, March 1st
C2 1. ‌‌Attracted by their [the books’] fantastic titles, became a national holiday in Korea.

Answers 163

5버전.indb 163 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

doesn’t give viewers a choice.
Lesson 3 Advertising in Your Life
Q5 The extra marketing costs for product placement
are added to the product’s consumer price.
Before You Begin p. 55
Thinking Critically
sample I saw a medical clinic advertisement and it
sample I don’t think Team Haneul provided enough
was on the bus that I rode this morning.
evidence. The viewers who are constantly exposed
to product placement would buy the product even
Ready to Communicate pp. 56-57
though they don’t need it.
A Guess and Listen
Q6 Team Bada take content creators and product
1. What’s the matter? 2. Don’t you agree?
companies into consideration.
B Listen and Answer
Q7 They try to compensate for the loss by attracting
Dialog 1 1. 2. pop-up more product placements.
Dialog 2 1. 2. regulations Q8 They used a scene in which a blind girl applied
C Listen and Write lipstick on her own.
1. 2. long, annoyed Q9 As hallyu contents are spreading all over the
Small Talk world, Korean products are being introduced to
sample I think it’s okay to watch commercials before
global consumers through product placement.
watching a video because I can enjoy the video for free. Self-check purpose [goal]

Communication Task p. 58
After You Read pp. 66-67
Step 1 wrong, funny, fast
A Yes viewers, choice, marketing
No quality, information
Before You Read p. 60
B PROS: Helen, Jason CONS: Anthony, Sandra, Ruth
A sample
C sample
•TV show or movie title: Football Magazine (a show
Q: Do you think PPL should be banned from TV shows?
that deals with recent soccer matches)
My survey shows that only six out of fifteen said
•the product and the brand: Green Food
PPL should be banned from TV shows while nine
•the situation in which it appeared: On the table,
students said it should not be banned. In other words,
every reporter in the program had a cup showing
more students were against the idea of banning PPL
the Green Food logo on it.
from TV shows than those who were for the idea.
•your impression on its appearance: very natural
D 1. common, 100, background
B 1. cosmetic 2. pouch 3. invisible 4. ban
2. ‌ sample I think PPL makes my experience of
5. contents
watching movies worse because seeing various
products with their logos blurred in scenes
Read pp. 61-65
makes the movie harder to watch.
Q1 Product placement is a form of advertising that
involves inserting products in movies or TV
programs with the intention of promoting the Language in Use pp. 68-69
products or brands. A 1. complete 2. immovable 3. personal
Q2 Team Haneul defend the rights of the general 4. Irregular 5. illogical
public, mainly television viewers. B 1. out of stock 2. result in
Q3 It is to deliver a story, through which meaningful 3. take, into consideration
messages on society and its people are delivered. C1 1. ‌He clearly remembers the day on which he first
Q4 The second point is that product placement met his spouse.

164 Answers

5버전.indb 164 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

2. ‌This is the pond of which Jason spoke last week. Ready to Communicate pp. 78-79
3. ‌I recently bought a new bike by which I can go A Guess and Listen
to school every day. 1. I heard that if you buy one ice cream
C2 did I expect / Little can I remember 2. What do you think about online shopping?
B Listen and Answer
Think and Write pp. 70-71
Dialog 1 1. 2. checked
B sample
Dialog 2 1. 2. interesting
•Item: TLSE (The Lightest Sneakers Ever)
C Listen and Write
•Headline: I know how to run light.
1. 2. convenient, developed
•Sales Copy: These are the lightest sneakers in the
Small Talk
world with which you can run long distance without
sample I have bought electronic movie tickets and
getting hurt.
sent them to one of my friends as a birthday gift. I
•Ideas for Graphics: A man wearing the shoes is
thought it was very convenient.
running up to the clouds.

D sample The Lightest Sneakers Ever Communication Task p. 80

I know how to run light! Step 1 Friday, library, online, three
These are the lightest sneakers in the world with
which you can run long distance without getting hurt. Before You Read p. 82
Try TLSE today, and you will feel like you are running A sample When I need books for a group project at

up to the sky! school, I can borrow them from the school or local
Review pp. 73-74 B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A 1. 2. necessary
B Read pp. 83-87
C , , Q1 They decided to rent out three air mattresses on
D 1. 2. product placement their floor to people and serve them breakfast.
E sample Q2 He needed a power drill, but it was too expensive
Are you looking for a new set of wheels? Check to buy only for the occasion.
out Concorde Cars, the number one buyer and seller Q3 It connects owners of underused assets with
of used automobiles. We’ve got cars of all shapes others willing to pay to use them.
and sizes, including SUVs and sports cars! Whether Talk about it
you’re trading in an old one or buying for the first time, sample I bought a portable DVD player, but I have
we have a huge parking lot on which you are sure used it only three or four times.
to find a real treasure. Drive your dream car today at Q4 She thinks it contributes to saving the environment.
Concorde Cars. Q5 Studies have found that car sharing helped
reduce CO2 emissions significantly.
Q6 He picked an artwork to his taste from a wide
variety of artists and rented it monthly.
Lesson 4 ‌Becoming Active as Consumers Q7 Artists get a monthly income for their artworks.
and Sellers
Thinking Critically
sample I think medicine is not appropriate for sharing
Before You Begin p. 77
sample I spend the most money on clothes. I usually
because the prescription for each person may not be
the same even if he/she has the same disease.
buy them online.

Answers 165

5버전.indb 165 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

Q8 It was sharing the room her husband used to 3. Its primary benefit is that we do not have to visit
occupy and meeting new people. stores in person.
Q9 ‌Along with the background checks carried out by 4. But for it, we would have to spend a lot more time
platform providers, online reviews and ratings are to find the proper products and services.
usually posted by both parties. 5. What makes mobile shopping significant for us is
Thinking Critically its convenience and efficiency.
sample Personal information might be unintentionally D sample
disclosed and misused. Our Lives Without Mobile Shopping
I think mobile shopping is one of the trends that
After You Read pp. 88-89 has changed our lives dramatically. Nowadays, we can
A technology, easy access, environmentally friendly, buy products and order services by using our mobile
experiences, human interaction phone. Its primary benefit is that we do not have to
B owner: , platform: , seeker: , visit stores in person. But for it, we would have to
D 1. cheaper, communities, privacy, unpredictable spend a lot more time to find the proper products and
2. ‌ sample I think a sharing economy is good services. What makes mobile shopping significant for
because it makes people buy things at us is its convenience and efficiency.
affordable prices. / I think a sharing economy
might be harmful because it sometimes causes Review pp. 95-96
people to disclose their personal information A 1. 2. online bookstores [sites]
unintentionally. B
C – –
Language in Use pp. 90-91 D 1.
A 1. attainable 2. Persistent 3. urgent 2. experiencing, possessing
4. noticeable 5. affordable E sample
B 1. come down with 2. cast light on Nowadays, many of us enjoy using price
3. stay in touch comparison services. With these services, we can
C1 1. ‌the Internet has altered, the way we buy things compare prices among sellers. It helps us to stay
such as pants, socks, and gloves within our budget by spending less because we can
2. ‌the new economic policy aims at, reducing buy things at the lowest price. Without the services,
unemployment we would probably buy things at a higher price. What
C2 •A: ‌What would our lives be like if we didn’t have makes the services significant for us is that they give
online banking? consumers accurate information.
•B: ‌Without [ But for] online banking, we would
have to go to a bank in person.
•A: ‌What would our lives be like if we didn’t have
second-hand bookstores? Lesson 5 Cultures Around the World
•B: ‌But for [Without] second-hand bookstores,
we would pay too much for new books. Before You Begin p. 99
sample The man is playing a traditional musical
Think and Write pp. 92-93 instrument. It’s from Scotland.
B sample
1. Mobile shopping has changed our lives. Ready to Communicate pp. 100-101
2. We can buy products and order services by using A Guess and Listen
our mobile phone. 1. Oh, do you have an interest in Mexican culture?

166 Answers

5버전.indb 166 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

2. It’s a kind of community band music. walking, a puppet play, acrobatics, and plate
B Listen and Answer spinning.
Dialog 1 1. 2. learn Talk about It
Dialog 2 1. 2. hands sample I think B-boying could be its modern version

C Listen and Write because it has acrobatic moves and is usually

1. 2. traditional, board performed by male dancers.
Small Talk
sample You can visit Jeonju Hanok Village where After You Read pp. 110-111
you can see traditional Korean houses and pansori A Flamenco: dance, religious
performances. Karagöz: puppet, manipulated
Mariachi: Mexican, sombreros
Communication Task p. 102 Namsadangnori: traveling, clown, ordinary
Step 1 Friday, exhibition, performance B sample It is amazing to have a chance to learn
Step 2 sombrero: taco: fondue: about the traditional music and dancing of many
Step 2 alphorn: different cultures.
C 1. well-being, rope, unity
Before You Read p. 104 2. ‌ sample I participated in juldarigi during the
A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sports day at my school last year. I felt very
B 1. fuse 2. intangible 3. depict 4. ethnic excited. It reminded me of the joy of unity.
5. heritage
Language in Use pp. 112-113
Read pp. 105-109
A 1. lengthen 2. apologize 3. hospitalized
Q1 It means the living traditions of people such as oral
4. frightened 5. moisturize
storytelling, performing arts, rituals, and festivals.
B 1. is made up of 2. on behalf of
Thinking Critically
3. dates back to
sample I think it improves our understanding of other
C1 1. ‌That is why people admire him.
cultures and helps people accept the differences and
2. ‌That is why she was absent from work.
respect them.
C2 1. have spent all his money shopping
Q2 The local gypsy cultures of Spain did.
2. have suffered from a cold for a week
Q3 It is performed during religious festivals, rituals,
and at private celebrations. Think and Write pp. 114-115
Talk about It B sample
sample I’ve seen it in the movies. I like it much. It is
1. Baekje Historic Areas: Treasures of the Baekje
so beautiful and fascinating. Kingdom
Q4 The puppets are not clearly visible but shadowy. 2. Baekje historic areas show the most flourishing
Q5 It strengthens the cultural identity of the Turkish times of the Baekje Kingdom.
people and brings them closer together through 3. The capital of Baekje was originally built in Wirye,
entertainment. but it was later transferred to Ungjin (Gongju) and
Q6 They wear traditional local costumes and special then eventually to Sabi (Buyeo).
hats called “sombreros.” 4. They are made up of eight sites that spread across
Q7 It emphasizes the value of respect for the natural the neighboring cities of Gongju, Buyeo, and Iksan.
heritage of the regions of Mexico including local 5. They represent the trade and cultural exchanges
history. among the East Asian ancient kingdoms of Korea,
Q8 They are farmers’ music, a mask dance, tightrope China, and Japan from the 5th to 7th century.

Answers 167

5버전.indb 167 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

D sample Small Talk
Baekje Historic Areas: Treasures of the Baekje Kingdom sample My favorite space movie is Gravity because it
Baekje historic areas show the most flourishing made me feel as if I were in space.
times of the Baekje Kingdom. The capital of Baekje
was originally built in Wirye, but it was later transferred Communication Task p. 124

to Ungjin (Gongju) and then eventually to Sabi (Buyeo). Step 1 Job: astronaut Career: 150, walks

They are made up of eight sites that spread across the Step 1 Qualification: scientific, physically

neighboring cities of Gongju, Buyeo, and Iksan. They

Before You Read p. 126
represent the trade and cultural exchanges among
B 1. orbit 2. astronaut 3. planet 4. exploration
the East Asian ancient kingdoms of Korea, China, and
Japan from the 5th to 7th century. That is why the Read pp. 127-131
Baekje historic areas were listed as a UNESCO World Q1 It’s because Mars is too far from Earth, and
Cultural Heritage Site in 2015. humans have had only limited knowledge about it.
Q2 It’s because Mars is more than 100 times farther
Review pp. 117-118 than the moon.
A 1. 2. Culture Day Q3 The most exciting finding about Mars is water, a
B vital ingredient for human life [survival].
C 1–3–6–4–7–2–5 Q4 Recovering water that is locked up in ice, the poor
D 1. 2. what, why quality of the soil, and the weak gravity of Mars
E Hwaseong Fortress has a beautiful layout and make farming on Mars more challenging.
dynamic defense facilities. That is why it was listed Q5 NASA plans to use specially designed machines
as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. It is to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen.
located in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do. In 1796, it was Q6 The heart has to work harder to compensate for
built by King Jeongjo in an effort to make Suwon the weak or zero gravity.
the second capital city. King Jeongjo is known to Q7 It damages our DNA and increases our risk for
have used advanced technology to build it. cancer.
Q8 Martian exploration may bring practical benefits and
a sense of our shared destiny as the human race.
Thinking Critically
Lesson 6 ‌The Future of Space Exploration
sample I have read about our shared destiny while
reading about global warming. I think global warming
Before You Begin p. 121
and space exploration have in common that they both
sample My family members would not live in the
are based on the fear that we are destroying Earth
same places. For example, my parents would live on
and it may not sustain us some day.
Mars, but my grandparents would live on Earth.
sample I think it’s a waste of money because the
Ready to Communicate pp. 122-123
economic benefits mentioned here are not clear.
A Guess and Listen
1. I wish I could spend 2. Is it likely that After You Read pp. 132-133
B Listen and Answer A polar ice caps, three-dimensional (3D) food printers,
Dialog 1 1. 2. affordable carbon dioxide, artificial gravity
Dialog 2 1. 2. take B 1. 2. 3. 4.
C Listen and Write C sample I think the distance is the biggest challenge.
1. 2. possible, bet Since it takes six months to go there, astronauts will

168 Answers

5버전.indb 168 2019. 10. 18. 오후 5:54

face unique difficulties such as physical and mental B
health problem. C , ,
D 1. Antarctica, longer, seasons, frozen water D 1. 2. gravity, bones, muscles
2. ‌I think the most interesting fact is that Mars has E Interstellar is a 2014 science fiction movie directed
seasons. by Christopher Nolan. In the movie, a team of
explorers travel through a wormhole in space in
Language in Use pp. 134-135
an attempt to ensure humanity’s survival. The
A 1. democratic 2. colorful 3. academic
director worked with scientists to depict wormholes
4. wonderful
accurately. The movie explores the relationships
B 1. came up with 2. equipped with 3. appeal to
between science and the human race successfully.
C1 1. buying 2. rating 3. participating
4. recommending
C2 have been forgiven, have been made
Think and Write pp. 136-137
B sample Read pp. 143-148
Movie Title (year): Star Trek Beyond (2016) Q1 It reflects [ shows] hopelessness./They are
Director: directed by Justin Lin undisciplined.
Main Actor(s): starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto Thinking Critically
‌Summary: The USS Enterprise crew explores the sample I think it is a good idea because it can help

farthest reaches of space, where they encounter students discover and develop their talents in sports.
a new enemy who has a deep hatred of the world Q2 They have to maintain a 2.3 grade point average,
government. attend all their classes, and sit in the front row of
Acting: very real and natural / Rating: those classes.
Strong Point: The movie received positive reviews, Q3 It is because the team has won all its games this
with many critics praising the performances, action season.
scenes, musical score, and visual effects. Q4 He locks the gymnasium and cancels their
Comment: This movie portrays our united efforts to scheduled games.
find hope in space when we see little hope right now. Q5 Players complain, parents protest, and Principal
D sample Fear of Death Is What Keeps Us Alive Garrison orders Carter to open the gym.
Star Trek Beyond (2016) is an American science Q6 He promises to do everything in his power to get
fiction adventure movie directed by Justin Lin, starring them to college and to a better life.
Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. It depicts the USS Q7 They demand that the gym be opened and the
Enterprise crew exploring the farthest reaches of basketball team resume playing.
space, where they encounter a new enemy who Q8 It is because they have achieved a victory within.
has a deep hatred of the world government. The Talk about It
acting in the movie was very real and natural. I want sample I made a lot of effort when I entered an English

to give this movie four and a half stars. The movie presentation contest. I practiced my presentation and
received positive reviews, with many critics praising tried to deliver my message clearly in English every
the performances, action scenes, musical score, and day. I won second prize in the contest. Even though it
visual effects. This movie portrays our united efforts to wasn’t first prize, I felt so rewarded for my hard work.
find hope in space when we see little hope right now.
After You Read p. 149
Review pp. 139-140 A college, contract, gym
A 1. 2. worried, reduce B 1. 2. 3. 4.

Answers 169

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집필진 윤병우 (전)서울시립대학교 교수 김선형 번역가•(전)서울시립대학교 교수
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단원별 집필진 전체단원 박준언 1단원 김선형, 최선영 2단원 윤병우, 최지영
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<어휘검색> 임경진 산본고등학교
<표기  표현> ‌김형배(대표) 국립국어원 오재혁(조장) 건국대학교 소재민 전북외국어고등학교
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한국교육과정평가원 박진용 검정심사관리위원회 위원장 차조일 검정심사관리위원회 기획위원 대표

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기획 및 편집 서춘식, 유효정, 이유나, 송수연, 이수연

표지 및 본문 디자인 북팩토리, 정기순
삽 화 디자인웰시, 뚜루비아, 왕인희, 이진호, 정대웅, 조혜주, 제이비, 최주석, 황정원

교육부의 위탁을 받아 한국교육과정평가원이 검정 심사를 하였음.

고등학교 영어Ⅰ

2018. 3. 1. 초판 발행 2023. 3. 1. 초판 6쇄 발행 정가 원
지은이│박준언 외 6인
발행인│㈜와이비엠 서울시 종로구 종로 104
인쇄인│평화당인쇄 서울시 종로구 견지동 60

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내용 관련 문의 (주)와이비엠 교과서팀 전화 (02) 2000–0547 전송 (02) 2000–0526

공급 업무 대행 사단법인 한국검인정교과서협회 (10881) 경기도 파주시 문발로 439–1 (신촌동 734-1)
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디지털교과서 활용 안내 및 뷰어 다운로드 앱스토어(iOS), 플레이스토어(안드로이드)
에듀넷 · 티-클리어( ≫ 디지털교과서 “디지털교과서 2018”로 검색
디지털교과서 활용 지원 콜센터: 1544-0079

ISBN 978-89-17-22620-1

뒤표지 그림: 고다현(학생 작품) YBM 표지 그림 공모전 우수상 당선작 / 고등학교 영어 부문, 2017

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