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P reface 들어가는 말

여러분이 활동할 무대는 시간상으로 현재에 있지 않고 미래에 있습니다. 미래 사회는 거

대한 국제 네트워크 사회가 될 것입니다. 과학과 정보 통신 기술의 발전으로 지구는 하나의
문화, 경제 공동체로 묶일 것입니다. 이러한 새로운 지구 공동체의 핵심적 의사소통 수단이
영어가 될 것은 너무나 자명합니다. 이미 영어는 세계 공용어(lingua franca)의 역할을 충
분히 하고 있기 때문입니다.

‘새 시대에 맞는 영어 교과서는 어떠한 모습일까’를 고민하며 이 책을 집필하였습니다. 영

어에 대한 막연한 두려움을 안고 있는 학생이 너무 많기 때문입니다. 하지만 영어도 우리말
처럼 의사소통을 위한 하나의 도구일 뿐입니다. 생활에서 직접 사용되는 기본 영어 표현은
생각보다 그렇게 많지 않습니다. 그래서 우리 집필진은 ‘쉬운 영어 표현을 부담 없이 즐겁
게 공부하게 하자. 그리고 이러한 바탕 위에 학생들의 창의성과 인성과 협동성을 키워 미래
사회가 요구하는 인재가 되도록 하자.’라는 목표 아래 이 교과서를 만들었습니다. 또한, 하
나의 표현이 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기 어느 한 영역에 치우치지 않고 유기적으로 통합되도
록 설계하여, 여러분이 영어를 자유롭게 활용하는 데 어려움을 느끼지 않도록 하였습니다.
이 책을 통해 영어의 기본 표현을 착실히 익히고 활용하는 데 있어 두려움을 갖지 않는다면
여러분의 실력은 놀라울 정도로 향상될 것이라고 믿습니다.

그러함에도 불구하고 이 교과서는 불완전합니다. 그것은 이 교과서를 제대로 활용하는

것이 바로 여러분의 손에 달려있기 때문입니다. 여러분이 영어를 배우고 익히는 즐거움이
이 교과서를 통해 완전해지기를 바라마지 않습니다. 여러분의 행복한 영어 시간을 소망합

지은이 일동

Lesson 1
Opening a New Chapter 10
Lesson 2
The Power of Creativity 34
Lesson 3
Living Together 58
Lesson 4
The Door to the World 82
Lesson 5
Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 106
Lesson 6
Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 130
Lesson 7
Science Everywhere 154
Lesson 8
Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 178

진단 평가 204
총괄 평가 206
Scripts 210

Answers 225
Words & Phrases 236

Sources 238
Scope & Sequence
Lesson Folder 1
Theme Topic 1 Topic 2 Real-Life Action!


My Interests in My Goals as a Filling Out an •질문하고 답하기

High School Life Freshman Application Form Which club do you
Opening Enjoying High •뮤지컬 동아리 지원자의 자기 want to join?
소개 - I’d like to join the
a New School Life
•자기소개하기 debate club.
Chapter •의도 표현하기
I’m planning to ....

Problem Solving Fun Creative Creative Problem Solving •확실성 정도 표현하기
Ideas •공연 후 발생한 쓰레기 문제에 Are you sure that ...?
관한 뉴스 - Of course.
Thinking •쓰레기 문제를 창의적으로 해결 •능력 여부 묻고 답하기
하는 방법에 관한 대화 나누기 Do you know how
Differently and
The Solving Problems to ...?
Power of - Yes, ....

Caring for Others Volunteering SNS Etiquette •불허하기

•SNS 예절에 관한 라디오 방송 They’re not supposed
•SNS 규칙 만들고 대화하기 to ....
•요청하고 답하기
Making a Better Would you mind ...?
Community - Of course not. /
I’m sorry. I can’t.

Learning Another Fun with In the Headlines •충고 요청하고 답하기
Language Language •기사 제목 작성에 관한 선생님 What do you think I
과 학생의 대화 should do?
Learning •신문 기사의 제목 추측하기 - I think you should ....
•반복 요청하기
The Languages and
Would you say that
Door to Cultures
again, please?
the World
Folder 2 Folder 3

Reading Further Reading Language in Use Creative Writing Project Workshop

A Secret Mentor in Mentor Becomes a •I felt nervous and worried Resolutions for the Create a New Club!
the Locker Mentor because I was about to jump Year
into a new world.
•I was not sure if I could adapt
to the new environment.

Thinking the Fun Why Riddles? •She used water itself - water An Ad for a Creative Use Ordinary Items in
Way pressure - instead of scrubbers. Product Clever Ways!
•What Gutenberg did was view
the two devices in a new way.

A Noisy Neighbor Burnt Bread •I remembered a pair of A Thank-You Letter Make a Storyboard!
slippers that I had received as
a present.
•If I had had the ability myself,
I would have been quieter.

More Than Just Analyzing Personal •Koreans call something easy An Advice Column Create a Proverb
Words Language “cold gruel” whereas native Puzzle!
speakers of English call it “a
piece of cake.”
•You may not know as many as
native speakers.
Scope & Sequence
Lesson Folder 1
Theme Topic 1 Topic 2 Real-Life Action!


The Planet in Action for a TV Program Guide •걱정, 두려움 표현하기

Danger Cleaner Planet •환경의 날 기념 방송 프로그램 I’m worried about ....
에 관한 대화 •강조하기
Our Earth, Ways to Protect
the Environment
•환경 TV 프로그램 구성하기 It’s important to ....
Our Future,
Our Choice

Art Everywhere Art and Fame on the Internet •선호 표현하기
Technology •인터넷에 노래 영상을 올려 화 I prefer ... to ~.
제가 된 학생에 관한 뉴스 •알고 있는지 묻고 답하기
•인터넷에서 노래 찾고 의견 나 Have you heard
Art, Technology, 누기 about ...?
Enjoy Art, and Us - Yes, I have. /
Connect No, I haven’t.

Science in Our Science and Up, Up, and Away •궁금증 표현하기

Lives Transportation •하늘을 나는 자동차에 관한 과 I’m curious about ....
학자 인터뷰 •의견 표현하기
•창의적으로 자동차 구상하기 It seems to me that ....
Science in Our
Daily Lives

Surprising Traditional Korean Manners •놀람 표현하기
Korean Culture Korean Culture •한국을 방문하는 외국인에게 I was surprised that ....
유용한 조언 •제안・권유하기
•추가 조언을 생각하고 그 조언 Why don’t we ...?
Interesting 에 적절한 대화를 만들어 발표 - That’s a great idea.
Korean Korean Culture 하기

The Mirror
of Our Hearts
Folder 2 Folder 3

Reading Further Reading Language in Use Creative Writing Project Workshop

•Not just meat-eating animals

Keystones in Nature Interesting Facts but also plant-eating animals The School Create a Poster for
About Whales can be keystone species. Magazine the Environment!
•When the sea stars were
present, the ecosystem where
they lived remained properly

The Virtual Choir: Playing for Change •Inspired by the video, Whitacre Our Class Song Imagine a Story from
Sing Alone, Sing decided to make a virtual a Painting!
Along choir.
•Little did he know that
people would go to any length
to connect with each other.

The Science of Flight Birds, Kites, and •There are four main forces Personal Thoughts Create a Science Quiz
Power Lines involved in flight. on Science Show!
•To make a kite fly, it is
sometimes necessary to run
with it behind you.

Tug for Harmony Was Tug of War an •You all must have played this The Best Korean Dish Make a Town Leaflet!
Olympic Event? game at least once.
•Even though both teams tried
their best, it was my team that
S tructure & F eatures

Topic 1
Fol der 1
1 Big Question
What do you think a meaningful high school life is? ● Get Started
A. What are the students doing in the pictures? What high school club
My Interests in High School Life
Warming Up Choosing Your Club
▶Can you talk about

Opening a New
would you like to join? your interests What interests you as a high school freshman? 1. What clubs are there in your school? Write them in the blanks.
B. Watch the video and answer the question. and school club
What do you expect to get out of high school life?

Adapted from Starting High School (, 2015)
soccer sports Clubs other

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.
LINK Life & Ethics Social Studies study
Theme Enjoying High School Life building friendships joining a club

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing
My in A Secret Resolutions for the
High School Life in the Locker Year

Topic 2
My Goals as a 2. Which club do you want to join and why? Talk with your partner.
finding a future career
Club Reason
Communicative Functions
▶ 질문하고 답하기: Which club do you want to join? debate club I’m really interested in thinking logically.
— I’d like to join the debate club.
▶ 의도 표현하기: I’m planning to leave my cell phone at home.
School Activities
Language in Use 1. Listen and answer.
A: Which club do you want to join?

Model Dialog
▶I felt nervous and worried because I was about to jump into a new world.
(1) Fill in the blank. B: I’d like to join the debate club.
▶I was not sure if I could adapt to the new environment.
The boy will join an event where he can meet his favorite A: Why do you want to join it?
. B: I’m really interested in thinking logically and talking persuasively.

(2) Listen again. What will the girl do for the boy?
3. What clubs are your classmates interested in? Ask them and find out.
She will get some information about a (book / club) for him.
Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3
2. Listen. What is the purpose of the talk?
Real-Life Action! Project Workshop ▶To figure out the a. to encourage freshmen to join clubs
speaker’s intention,
Folder 2 Culture Discovery listen for opinions b. to give advice on how to improve grades I can ask and answer questions about personal interests. Color
Self ▶
the face that
or suggestions.
c. to stress the importance of making friends
Check ▶ I can talk with classmates about school club activities.
matches your
Language Focus Wrap Up

10 11 12 Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 13

자기 주도 학습 설계 Lesson Preview 주제 중심 통합 활동 Folder 1

질문의 답을 찾으면서 단원의 주제를 파악합니다. 주제를 중심으로 ‘듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기’ 기능
단원과 관계있는 타 교과를 알 수 있습니다. 이 통합된 다양한 활동을 하며 의사소통 역량을 기릅니다. 특
시청각 자료를 활용한 단원 준비 활동을 합니다. 히, 짝 활동 및 모둠 활동을 통해 협동심과 바른 인성을 기를
단원 내용을 훑어보면서 학습할 내용을 확인합니다. 수 있습니다.
스스로 학습 계획을 세웁니다.

Fol der 2 Before Reading Fol der 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. How was your first day of high school? T
Fol der 2 Reading
A. Complete the statements.
You will have to fill out many application forms in your life. Can you introduce classmates.
You will read a story about a boy’
you read, find out how his feelings changed and what tips he
Further Reading
yourself and complete application forms well? The First Morning
received. The Previous Day
I was late for school. I brought the
How did you worried you? I felt
and (4)

Filling Out an Application Form feel? (2)

, so I
textbooks and could
in class. Mentor Becomes a Mentor
Do you know how the word “mentor” has
A. Listen to the talk and correct the TWO mistakes in the application form.
After Reading the Notebook In the Afternoon come to refer to a person who gives a younger

I felt
and I was assigned a
, and or less experienced person help and advice?
Application Form (9)
. I found a
there. The word originates from Homer’s Odyssey.
for Star High School Musical Club
5 Odysseus, King of Ithaca, had to leave home
Name Rachel Barry School Year 10th nervous notebook warm hardly worried to fight in the Trojan War. Before he left, he
Address 34 College Point Rd, Queens, NY 11371 B. Look at the pictures and guess the meanings of the wor confident wrong locker concentrate asked an old, wise, trusted friend, Mentor, to
I felt nervous and worried be
Phone 212-646-2738 Email the sentences using the words. Change the form if necessary take care of his son, Telemachus. While King
to jump into a completely new w Telemachus
1. Why are you applying to our club? Odysseus was away, Mentor was a friend and a
B. Fill in the blanks by rewriting the secret mentor’s advice using your own
Being a musical actor has been my goal since seven. friends and I had hoped to g
words. Then number them according to how important you think they are. 10 teacher to Telemachus. Thus, Telemachus grew up to be a fine young man.
school, but I was the only one w
2. What are your strengths? After the war, King Odysseus tried to return home, but he was forced to
I am confident about my dancing and singing skills. different one. I was not sure if I cou
wander for years. Athena, Goddess of War, assumed the form of Mentor and
Get a good night’s sleep.

I am easygoing and good with people. environment. I was on the phone with m

appeared to Telemachus. She performed the same role as Mentor. With the

concentrate assign

3. Which role are you most interested in? We talked about what life in high school w

Do not be afraid to ask questions.

help of Athena, Telemachus was able to protect himself in times of difficulty

I am hoping to get the main role, but I would be hardly slept at all.

15 and succeed in finding his father.

grateful for any role.
The next morning I got up late and wa Adapted from Mentoring (Rev. Ed.) (Shea, Gordon F., 1997)
Be yourself and do not pretend to be someone else.
* Interviews will be held in the club room on Saturday, March 24.
Please arrive at least 10 minutes early. homeroom teacher looked very strict, and a

looked unfriendly. Even worse, I brought t 1. Why did King Odysseus leave his son in the care of Mentor?
Be positive and enjoy your high school life.
and I could not concentrate in clas
1. Enjoying a hobby is a great way to 2. What did the Goddess of War do for Telemachus?
slept enough.
B. Introduce yourself. 2. The man was injured but that he was fi

1. Decide on a school club you want to join. 3. I could not because someone’s phone was ringing. 3. What do you think is the most important quality of a mentor?
2. Prepare a good introduction that will impress your interviewers. 4. His parents wanted him to be a vet, but he
While-Reading Questions
3. Present your introduction to the class, including your plans for the year. 5. The team had many tasks to do, so the leader Find out what tips your partner thinks are very important and why he or she thinks so.
Q1 Why was the writer late for school?
Q2 How did you feel the day before you started high school? the face that
Self ▶ I can understand the main text and explain what to do for matches your

Self ▶I can complete an application form. Color

the face that
22 Lesson 1 Check a happy high school life.
L1 be about to L4attend L5 adapt to L6 environment
Check ▶I can introduce myself to others.
matches your
feelings. ▶ I can explain the origin of the word “mentor.”
L6 be on the phone L8 hardly L10 strict L12 concentrate

16 Lesson 1 18 Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 23

실생활 기반 통합 활동 Real-Life Action! 다양한 주제의 읽기 중심 통합 활동 Folder 2

실생활에서 자주 접하는 방송, 광고, 인터 본문을 이해하는 데 필요한 배경지식과 단어를 미리 알아봅니다.
뷰 등을 듣고 자신의 경험을 공유하면서 다양한 글을 읽고 내용을 파악합니다.
확장된 의사소통을 합니다. 본문 내용의 이해 정도를 파악합니다.
Performance Assessment: 다른 사람과 짝 또는 모둠과 함께 비판적・창의적 사고 활동을 합니
의견을 나누며 확장된 의사소통을 하고 다. 다른 사람의 의견을 이해하고 존중하면서 토론 연습을 할 수 있습니다.
해당 형식을 자신에게 적용합니다. 추가 읽기 자료를 통해 타 교과와 연계된 확장 읽기 활동을 합니다.

듣기 활동 짝 활동 모둠 활동 수행 평가 Web Quest 인터넷 활동 동영상 보기

말하기 활동 읽기 활동 쓰기 활동 내 생각 말하기 스스로 하기

Fol der 3 Creative Writing
Language in Use Step 2 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Resolutions for the Year

I felt nervous and worried because I was about to jump into a new world. p. 18 L1
Word-Building Skills
They will stay late at Tom’s house to finish their project. Resolutions for the Year
The veterinarian seemed surprised at the robot animal.
Study the phrases and talk with your partner about what they mean.
I feel ner vous as I begin high school. To have a successful
How do you
attend school pursue interests survive high school think you can first year, I have set goals in two areas: schoolwork and
I was not sure if I could adapt to the new environment. p. 18 L5

a class a career an accident make the most of

Could you tell me where the city library is? friendship. For schoolwork, my goal is to get good grades. I am
a meeting perfection the winter this year?
She wonders how big the famous art center is. going to review my lessons every day. For friendship, I hope to achieve them

keep my old friendships. So, I will try to call or text my old friends

Fill in each blank with a word from above. Change the form if necessary. Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook. regularly. I want to make the most of my first year in high school.

(1) She the accident thanks to the safety helmet.

(2) I will a cooking class because I want to be a chef. 1. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
You are going to write your resolutions for the year that will help you stay on the right track. 2. Write your resolutions for the year using the information in Step 1 .
(3) They perfection every time they work on something.
(1) Keep silent / silently in the library.
Self-Study Create similar tables using involve , impress , and assign . Share them with your partner.
Step 1 Generate Ideas
1. Choose TWO areas of life that are important to you.
(2) Look careful / carefully before you cross the street. Step 3 Get Peer Feedback
schoolwork habit Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.
hobby friendship
Multi-Word Units in Context Yes No Ways to improve
(3) Smile and look happy / happily for a great photo. community service preparation for the future
Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary. Peer 1. Are the goals and ways to achieve them realistic?
2. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
I set a goal to So, my goal is to make 3. Is the language fluent and accurate?
my time in high Good. What’s some foreign friends
school. your goal? . (4) Remain calm / calmly in case of an emergency.
2. Think of your goals for the chosen areas and select the most important
one. Then decide on the best ways to achieve them.
2. Complete the dialog by writing THREE words in each blank.
Areas Goals Ways to achieve the goals Step 4 Revise and Present
That A: Have you met the new exchange student, James? 1. Revise your writing based on the feedback from your partner.
Actually, I (1)
get good grades review lessons every day
don’t have any if you want B: No. Do you know where ?
be the top student in art ask many questions in class 2. Present your final version to the class.
foreign friends to work A: Yes. He comes from Canberra, Australia. schoolwork
. overseas. get 100 % in math make a study group with friends
B: Does he speak Korean?
A: I’m not sure if . I talked to him in English.
for life make the most of make sense at all
B: How old is he? Color
(3) Self ▶ I can follow the steps to write about my resolutions. the face that
A: I don’t know how . I’ll ask him next time. Check ▶ I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.
matches your
Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates. feelings.

24 Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 25 26 Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 27

유용한 어휘•문장 학습 Language Focus 창의적 쓰기 활동 Folder 3

어휘, 표현, 문법을 확인하고 배운 내용을 활용하여 다양한 형식 단계적인 글쓰기 훈련을 통해 자신의 경
의 문제를 해결합니다. 험과 생각이 담긴 글을 다양한 주제와 형식에 맞게 작성합니다.

What clubs are there in your school? Your mission is to create a new
club that will give you and your classmates the opportunity to enjoy
Check what you have learned in this lesson.
shared interests together.

Fun School Clubs

Create a New Club!
Step 3 Present your new club to the class.

1. Listen. Which is NOT true about Willy?

Hungry Tasters a. He is an exchange student from Australia.
High school students from around the world join school clubs or b. He is very interested in sports.
Step 1 Work in groups of four. Find one interest that everyone in your sometimes make their own clubs. Find out what interesting clubs c. He is planning to join the tennis club.
We’re planning to visit there are. d. He usually spends his weekends meeting his new friends.
group shares. Make a new club based on it.
good restaurants We’re also going to
regularly. make a map of the
best places.
The Baking Club
Do you want to express yourself 2. Listen. Which after-school class is each student going to take?
creatively or explore different
cultures through cakes and bread?
playing basketball
eating delicious food Then join our club and learn all the
I’m planning to take I’m going to take
basics of baking. Also, remember . .
that good cooks never lack friends.
Goals:•to enjoy delicious food together
Adapted from The Baking Club
•to find good restaurants for students (, 2016)
•to make a map of good restaurants around the
Team Shatterdome
school math science
singing and dancing Are you interested in how robots will help shape
Chinese English
Rules: 1. We should elect a new leader every month. the future? Give your curiosity a go by joining our
Step 2 Make plans for the new club. Create your club’s name, goals, and rules. 2. After we visit a restaurant, we should write club. We learn how to make robots and regularly
take part in robotics competitions. Explore the
Name a review.
world of robotics with us.
3. Complete the dialog in your own words and talk with your partner.
Adapted from Team Shatterdome (, 2016)
Which subject are you
Rules Web Quest most interested in?
Step 4 Put a sticker under the club you would like to join. Visit the websites of some high schools around the world and find out what
A: First, let’s talk about what would be a good name for our club. Do interesting clubs they have. Share your findings with your classmates.
you have any ideas?
Model Dialog

Country School name Special clubs What do you plan to

B: All of us like eating delicious food. So how about “Food Lovers”? do so that you can do
“high school clubs” around the world
C: That’s good, but I think “Hungry Tasters” is better because I feel very Were other students interested in your club? Color better in that subject?

the face that
How to get information online
hungry now. Check ▶ Did all group members actively participate?
matches your
1. Use proper words to search for the right kind of information.
D: Oh, that’s a great name.
▶ Were the requirements of the project fully met?
2. Narrow down the search results by using quotation marks around the words.

28 Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 29 30 Lesson 1 Opening a New Chapter 31

협력 학습 Project Workshop 문화 탐구 Culture Discovery 단원 평가 정리 Wrap Up

모둠을 지어 서로의 지식과 경험을 바탕으로 결과물을 창의적으 단원의 주제와 관계있는 다양한 문화 학습한 내용을 종합적으로 확인
로 완성하며, 그 과정에서 공동체 역량을 기릅니다. 정보를 습득합니다. 하고, 성취 정도를 파악합니다.

& Talk
자기 주도 단원 정리 Lesson Review
What would make your high school life more exciting?
Share your ideas with your classmates.

단원 내용에 관한 생각과 의견을 자유롭게 주고받습니다.

Reflect on Your Own Learning
•What I have learned in this lesson:
학습한 내용을 되짚어 보고 개선해야 할 점을 생각해 봅니다.
•What I want to learn more about:
Lesson Preview에서 작성한 학습 계획대로 단원 학습을 진행했는지 스스로
•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

진단하고 평가합니다.
Che ck r
You r Pla nne
ied this lesso
I have stud y Planner
to My Stud
on page 11.

Opening a New Chapter 33

이 책에 사용된 다양한 장치들 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기 전략이나 활동에 도움이 되는 정보를
학습에 필요한 정보를 확인하여 자기 주도 학습을 준비할 수 있습 얻을 수 있습니다.
니다. 활동과 관계있는 확장 표현을 알 수 있습니다.
학습 성취도를 스스로 평가하고, 자기 관리 역량을 기를 수 있 배경지식을 얻을 수 있습니다.
습니다. 자신만의 단어장을 만들 수 있습니다.
짝과 함께 활동의 중간 평가 또는 마지막 평가를 합니다. 인터넷 기반 활동을 하면서 지식 정보 처리 역량을 기를 수
모둠 활동을 평가하고, 공동체 역량을 기를 수 있습니다. 있습니다.
1 Big Question
What do you think a meaningful high school life is?

Opening a New
LINK Life & Ethics Social Studies

● Get Started
A. What are the students doing in the pictures? What high school club
would you like to join?
B. Watch the video and answer the question.

What do you expect to get out of high school life?

Adapted from Starting High School (, 2015)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Enjoying High School Life

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

My in A Secret Resolutions for the
High School Life in the Locker Year

Topic 2
My Goals as a

Communicative Functions
▶ 질문하고 답하기: Which club do you want to join?
— I’d like to join the debate club.
▶ 의도 표현하기: I’m planning
ot to leave my cell phone at home.
Language in Use
▶I felt nervous and worried because I was about to jump into a new world.
▶I was not sure if I could adapt to the new environment.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 My Interests in High School Life
Warming Up
you talk about
your interests What interests you as a high school freshman?
and school club

building friendships joining a club

finding a future career

School Activities
1. Listen and answer.
(1) Fill in the blank.

The boy will join an event where he can meet his favorite

(2) Listen again. What will the girl do for the boy?

She will get some information about a (book / club) for him.

2. Listen. What is the purpose of the talk?

▶To figure out the a. to encourage freshmen to join clubs
speaker’s intention,
listen for opinions b. to give advice on how to improve grades
or suggestions.
c. to stress the importance of making friends

12 Lesson 1
Choosing Your Club
1. What clubs are there in your school? Write them in the blanks.

soccer sports Clubs other



2. Which club do you want to join and why? Talk with your partner.

Club Reason

debate club I’m really interested in thinking logically.

A: Which club do you want to join?

Model Dialog

B: I’d like to join the debate club.

A: Why do you want to join it?
B: I’m really interested in thinking logically and talking persuasively.

3. What clubs are your classmates interested in? Ask them and find out.

Self ▶I can ask and answer questions about personal interests. Color
the face that

Check ▶I can talk with classmates about school club activities.

matches your

Opening a New Chapter 13

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 My Goals as a Freshman
Warming Up
you talk about
plans to achieve What goals do you think these people have? Match the pictures with
your goals?
their goals and think about how they are going to achieve them.

1. 2. 3.

b. to pay more c. to improve foreign

a. to stay in shape
attention in class language skills

Goals for the Year

1. Listen and complete the summary.

Goal: to learn about Korean

Plans: 1. to learn Korean
2. to make Korean friends
3. to visit many local

2. Listen. Why is the girl planning to take a baking class?

a. to test her possible career
b. to make a cake for the boy
c. to prepare for a baking contest

What is your talent? How did you find it out?

14 Lesson 1
Plans for a Happy School Life
1. Read the story and complete the table.

I have always liked reading. This year, I want to be

the champion of the school reading contest. So, I am
planning to read at least two books a week and keep
a reading journal. I will make sure to read books in
different fields to expand my horizons.

Yebin’s Goal


2. Think about your most important

goal this year and make plans to My Goal:
achieve it.

3. Talk with your partner about your goal and plans.

A: What’s your most important goal this year?

▶Use “I’m going to ...”
Model Dialog

B: My goal is to spend less time on my cell phone.

or “I’m planning to ...”
A: What are you going to do to achieve your goal? when talking about
your plans.
B: I’m planning to leave my cell phone at home when I go
to school.

Self ▶I can share ideas with classmates about my personal goals. Color
the face that

Check ▶I can talk about what I plan to do.

matches your

Opening a New Chapter 15

You will have to fill out many application forms in your life. Can you introduce
yourself and complete application forms well?

Filling Out an Application Form

A. Listen to the talk and correct the TWO mistakes in the application form.

Application Form
for Star High School Musical Club

Name Rachel Barry School Year 10th

Address 34 College Point Rd, Queens, NY 11371
Phone 212-646-2738 Email
1. Why are you applying to our club?

Being a musical actor has been my goal since seven.

2. What are your strengths?

I am confident about my dancing and singing skills.

I am easygoing and good with people.
3. Which role are you most interested in?

I am hoping to get the main role, but I would be

grateful for any role.

* Interviews will be held in the club room on Saturday, March 24.

Please arrive at least 10 minutes early.

B. Introduce yourself.
1. Decide on a school club you want to join.
2. Prepare a good introduction that will impress your interviewers.
3. Present your introduction to the class, including your plans for the year.

Self ▶I can complete an application form. the face that

Check ▶I can introduce myself to others.

matches your

16 Lesson 1
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. How was your first day of high school? Take notes and talk with your
How did you worried you? What were you
feel? hoping for?

B. Look at the pictures and guess the meanings of the words. Then complete
the sentences using the words. Change the form if necessary.

concentrate assign relieve

pretend pursue

1. Enjoying a hobby is a great way to stress.

2. The man was injured but that he was fine.
3. I could not because someone’s phone was ringing.
4. His parents wanted him to be a vet, but he a career in engineering.
5. The team had many tasks to do, so the leader one to each member.

Opening a New Chapter 17

Fo l d e r 2 Reading You will read a story about a boy’s first day of high school. As
you read, find out how his feelings changed and what tips he

I felt nervous and worried because I was about

to jump into a completely new world. All my best
friends and I had hoped to go to the same high
school, but I was the only one who would attend a
different one. I was not sure if I could adapt to the new 5

environment. I was on the phone with my friends till late.

We talked about what life in high school would be like, and I
hardly slept at all.
The next morning I got up late and was late for school. The
homeroom teacher looked very strict, and all my new classmates 10

looked unfriendly. Even worse, I brought the wrong textbooks

and I could not concentrate in class because I had not
slept enough.

While-Reading Questions
Q1 Why was the writer late for school?
Q2 How did you feel the day before you started high school?

L1 be about to L4 attend L5 adapt to L6 environment

L6 be on the phone L8 hardly L10 strict L12 concentrate

18 Lesson 1
At the end of the day, the
15 homeroom teacher assigned
each of us a locker. I got locker
number thirteen! I have always
hated this number. I thought my
high school life would not be
20 easy. When I opened the locker,
I fou nd a sma l l notebook
with some words written on
the cover: “To an Unknown
Freshman.” I felt curious and
25 opened the notebook.

Hello. You must be nervous and worried about how to

survive your first year of high school, right? That is exactly how
I felt on my first day, so I made this as my final term project in
English class. I hope it will help you make the most of your high
30 school years.
▶To understand
the whole story,
summarize each
paragraph while you
Q3 Choose what can be inferred from p. 19. read.

a. The writer will like the number “thirteen.”

b. The writer knows who wrote the notebook.
c. There will be some tips in the notebook.

L15 assign L27 survive L27 exactly L28 final term

L29 make the most of

Opening a New Chapter 19

Top Four Tips
● Get enough sleep. If you do, you can stay fully awake and concentrate was a famous
Chinese thinker,
better in class.
political figure,
● Learn to say no. Sometimes things will keep you from focusing on your and educator.
studies, but you have to learn to say no to them to be a successful 35

● Ask questions. Confucius once said, “The man who asks a question is a fool
for a minute, but the man who does not ask is a fool for life.”
● Remain humble and open-minded. When someone gives you advice, listen to
it and follow it if it makes sense. 40
Adapted from 10 Tips for Incoming Freshman in High School (, 2015)

Show Your True Colors

When I started high school, I was caught up in popularity contests. I often
spent all my pocket money buying snacks for my classmates. To make friends
with the “cool kids,” I often acted as if I were the kind of person they wanted
me to be. I was afraid to show my true self. However, it did not take long to 45

learn that all the effort was useless. When I was

in the hospital for two weeks, not one of the kids
I had tried to impress visited me. To my surprise,
the two quiet boys I had barely talked to came
and cheered me up. I learned an important lesson: 50

pretending to be someone else does you no good. It

is better to be yourself and show your true colors.

Q4 Check T (true) or F (false). T F

Showing your true colors means pretending to be someone else.

L34 keep ... from ~ L38 for life humble

L39 L40 make sense L42 be caught up in
L42 popularity L48 impress L49 barely L51 pretend

20 Lesson 1
Get Involved
High school is more than just schoolwork, so
55 find your interests and pursue them by joining
school clubs. This offers many benefits. For instance,
club activities can relieve stress from schoolwork.
They also help you meet people who share the same
interests and make it easier to become friends with
60 them. Moreover, some of these new friends may be
students from the upper grades who can tell you how to deal with classes and
teachers. You could instantly learn tips that took them a year to learn.

A Poem for You

Here is a poem that I would like to share with you. I hope you keep
65 its message in mind: high school happens only once, so try to stay
positive and make the most of it. Good luck!

Life is like a piece of art.

Don’t be afraid. Follow your heart.
Choose your paint and your brush.
70 Take your time; avoid the rush.

As I closed the notebook, I felt warm and confident.

Thank you, my secret mentor!
Adapted from Paint Your Life (, 2015)

Q5 What are the benefits of joining a club?

Q6 What is the message of the poem?

L55 pursue L56 benefit L57relieve L60 moreover

L62 instantly L63 poem L64 keep ... in mind L71 confident

Opening a New Chapter 21

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the statements.

The First Morning

The Previous Day
(1) I was late for school. I brought the
I felt and (4)
(2) textbooks and could
, so I (5)
(3) not in class.

After Reading the Notebook In the Afternoon

(8) (6)
I felt and I was assigned a , and
(9) (7)
. I found a there.

nervous notebook warm hardly worried

confident wrong locker concentrate

B. Fill in the blanks by rewriting the secret mentor’s advice using your own
words. Then number them according to how important you think they are.

Get a good night’s sleep.


Do not be afraid to ask questions.


Be yourself and do not pretend to be someone else.

Be positive and enjoy your high school life.

Find out what tips your partner thinks are very important and why he or she thinks so.

22 Lesson 1

Further Reading

Mentor Becomes a Mentor

Do you know how the word “mentor” has
come to refer to a person who gives a younger
or less experienced person help and advice?
The word originates from Homer’s Odyssey.
5 Odysseus, King of Ithaca, had to leave home
to fight in the Trojan War. Before he left, he
asked an old, wise, trusted friend, Mentor, to
take care of his son, Telemachus. While King
Odysseus was away, Mentor was a friend and a Telemachus

10 teacher to Telemachus. Thus, Telemachus grew up to be a fine young man.

After the war, King Odysseus tried to return home, but he was forced to
wander for years. Athena, Goddess of War, assumed the form of Mentor and
appeared to Telemachus. She performed the same role as Mentor. With the
help of Athena, Telemachus was able to protect himself in times of difficulty
15 and succeed in finding his father.
Adapted from Mentoring (Rev. Ed.) (Shea, Gordon F., 1997)

1. Why did King Odysseus leave his son in the care of Mentor?

2. What did the Goddess of War do for Telemachus?

3. What do you think is the most important quality of a mentor?

the face that
Self ▶I can understand the main text and explain what to do for matches your

Check a happy high school life.


▶I can explain the origin of the word “mentor.”

Opening a New Chapter 23

Word-Building Skills

Study the phrases and talk with your partner about what they mean.

attend school pursue interests survive high school

a class a career an accident
a meeting perfection the winter

Fill in each blank with a word from above. Change the form if necessary.
(1) She the accident thanks to the safety helmet.
(2) I will a cooking class because I want to be a chef.
(3) They perfection every time they work on something.

Self-Study Create similar tables using involve , impress , and assign . Share them with your partner.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

I set a goal to So, my goal is to make

my time in high Good. What’s some foreign friends
school. your goal? .

Actually, I That
don’t have any if you want
foreign friends to work
. overseas.

for life make the most of make sense at all

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

24 Lesson 1
Language in Use

I felt nervous and worried because I was about to jump into a new world. p. 18 L1

They will stay late at Tom’s house to finish their project.

The veterinarian seemed surprised at the robot animal.

I was not sure if I could adapt to the new environment. p. 18 L5

Could you tell me where the city library is?

She wonders how big the famous art center is.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

(1) Keep silent / silently in the library.

(2) Look careful / carefully before you cross the street.

(3) Smile and look happy / happily for a great photo.

(4) Remain calm / calmly in case of an emergency.

2. Complete the dialog by writing THREE words in each blank.

A: Have you met the new exchange student, James?

B: No. Do you know where ?
A: Yes. He comes from Canberra, Australia.
B: Does he speak Korean?
A: I’m not sure if . I talked to him in English.
B: How old is he?
A: I don’t know how . I’ll ask him next time.

Opening a New Chapter 25

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

Resolutions for the Year

How do you
think you can
make the most of
this year?

You are going to write your resolutions for the year that will help you stay on the right track.

Step 1 Generate Ideas

1. Choose TWO areas of life that are important to you.

schoolwork habit
hobby friendship
community service preparation for the future

2. Think of your goals for the chosen areas and select the most important
one. Then decide on the best ways to achieve them.

Areas Goals Ways to achieve the goals

get good grades review lessons every day
be the top student in art ask many questions in class
get 100 % in math make a study group with friends

26 Lesson 1
Step 2 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Resolutions for the Year

I feel ner vous as I begin high school. To have a successful

first year, I have set goals in two areas: schoolwork and
friendship. For schoolwork, my goal is to get good grades. I am
going to review my lessons every day. For friendship, I hope to achieve them

keep my old friendships. So, I will try to call or text my old friends
regularly. I want to make the most of my first year in high school.

2. Write your resolutions for the year using the information in Step 1 .

Step 3 Get Peer Feedback

Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.

Yes No Ways to improve

Peer 1. Are the goals and ways to achieve them realistic?
2. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
3. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Present

1. Revise your writing based on the feedback from your partner.
2. Present your final version to the class.

Self ▶I can follow the steps to write about my resolutions. the face that

Check ▶I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.

matches your

Opening a New Chapter 27

What clubs are there in your school? Your mission is to create a new
club that will give you and your classmates the opportunity to enjoy
shared interests together.

Create a New Club!

Step 1 Work in groups of four. Find one interest that everyone in your
group shares. Make a new club based on it.

playing basketball
eating delicious food

singing and dancing

Step 2 Make plans for the new club. Create your club’s name, goals, and rules.




A: First, let’s talk about what would be a good name for our club. Do
you have any ideas?
Model Dialog

B: All of us like eating delicious food. So how about “Food Lovers”?

C: That’s good, but I think “Hungry Tasters” is better because I feel very
hungry now.
D: Oh, that’s a great name.

28 Lesson 1
Step 3 Present your new club to the class.

Hungry Tasters

We’re planning to visit

good restaurants We’re also going to
regularly. make a map of the
best places.

Goals:•to enjoy delicious food together

•to find good restaurants for students
•to make a map of good restaurants around the

Rules: 1. We should elect a new leader every month.

2. After we visit a restaurant, we should write
a review.

Step 4 Put a sticker under the club you would like to join.

▶Were other students interested in your club? Color
the face that

Check ▶Did all group members actively participate?

matches your

▶Were the requirements of the project fully met?

Opening a New Chapter 29

Fun School Clubs
High school students from around the world join school clubs or
sometimes make their own clubs. Find out what interesting clubs
there are.

The Baking Club

Do you want to express yourself
creatively or explore different
cultures through cakes and bread?
Then join our club and learn all the
basics of baking. Also, remember
that good cooks never lack friends.

Adapted from The Baking Club

(, 2016)

Team Shatterdome
Are you interested in how robots will help shape
the future? Give your curiosity a go by joining our
club. We learn how to make robots and regularly
take part in robotics competitions. Explore the
world of robotics with us.

Adapted from Team Shatterdome (, 2016)

Web Quest
Visit the websites of some high schools around the world and find out what
interesting clubs they have. Share your findings with your classmates.

Country School name Special clubs

“high school clubs” around the world

How to get information online
1. Use proper words to search for the right kind of information.
2. Narrow down the search results by using quotation marks around the words.

30 Lesson 1
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. Which is NOT true about Willy?

a. He is an exchange student from Australia.
b. He is very interested in sports.
c. He is planning to join the tennis club.
d. He usually spends his weekends meeting his new friends.

2. Listen. Which after-school class is each student going to take?

I’m planning to take I’m going to take

. .

math science
Chinese English

3. Complete the dialog in your own words and talk with your partner.

Which subject are you

most interested in?

What do you plan to

do so that you can do
better in that subject?

Opening a New Chapter 31

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Going to high school means more than just doing schoolwork. It

also involves pursuing interests, and one good way to do that is by
joining a school club. Joining a club that seems interesting to you offers
important benefits. First, it can help you deal with the stress from
schoolwork. It also lets you meet and make friends with people who
share the same interests. , you should join a club that
suits your interests. If you do, you will realize that high school is not a
painful experience but an enjoyable part of your life.

(1) What is the passage mainly about?

a. tips for getting good grades
b. ways to focus on schoolwork
c. the advantages of joining clubs
d. the importance of making friends

(2) Which word best fits in the blank?

a. However b. Therefore
c. Additionally d. Surprisingly

5. Write about your most important interest and TWO plans to pursue
it in high school.

As a first-year high school student, I am most interested in

. I plan to pursue this interest
in two ways. First, I am going to .
I am also planning to . I hope that
pursuing my interest will .
I want to remain excited about school.

32 Lesson 1
What would make your high school life more exciting?
Share your ideas with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about:

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
stud ied this lesson
I have
My S tu dy Planner
on page 11

Opening a New Chapter 33

2 Big Question
What do you think creativity is?

The Power of
LINK Science History Social Studies

● Get Started
A. Who is the most creative person in history? Why do you think so?

B. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. What does the video say is the key to problem solving?

2. If you were in the room, how would you solve the problem?
Adapted from “Reasoning in Humans: II. The Solution of a Problem and Its Appearance in Consciousness”
(Norman Maier, 1931, pp. 181-194)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Thinking Differently and Solving Problems

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

Problem Solving Thinking the Fun An Ad for a Creative

Topic 2

Communicative Functions
▶ 확실성 정도 표현하기: Are you sure that boxes will help solve my space problem?
— Of course.
▶ 능력 여부 묻고 답하기: Do you know how to make delicious Ramyeon ?
— Yes, you can put some green tea leaves in the water.

Language in Use
▶ She used water itself — water pressure — instead of scrubbers.
▶ What Gutenberg did was view the two devices in a new way.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 Problem Solving
Warming Up
you ask how
certain a person is What is the boy’s problem in the comic strip? How would you solve it?
about something?

Oh, no.
I’m late

Everyday Problems
1. Listen and complete the chart.

Effective Problem Solving Process

▶To understand
better, listen for ② Evaluate ③ Put the
sequencing words possible solution into
① Understand action and ④
like first , then ,
finally , etc. the problem. the result.
and choose the
best one. how it works.

2. Listen and choose the picture that shows the girl’s suggestion.
a. b. c.

What are some other ways of solving this problem? Share your ideas with your

36 Lesson 2
Practical Solutions
1. Look at the pictures and think about the proper solution for each situation.

Situation 1 Situation 2

I can’t fit all my clothes in my closet. I can’t arrive on time.

Situation 3 Situation 4

I didn’t get a gift for my friend’s I can’t keep the cables tidy.

Possible solutions
put some in boxes take the subway
use binder clips give your friend flowers

2. Talk about the problems and solutions with your partner.

A: I can’t fit all my clothes in my closet.
Model Dialog

B: How about putting some of them in boxes?

A: Are you sure that boxes will help solve my space problem?
B: Of course. Give it a try.

Self ▶I can express how certain I am about something. the face that

Check ▶I can offer creative solutions to problems.

matches your

The Power of Creativity 37

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Fun Creative Ideas
Warming Up
▶Can you ask
whether one has 1. Choose one card and draw a picture creatively.
the ability to
solve problems

2. Share your picture with your partner. In what ways are the pictures

Looking from Different Angles

1. Listen. What can be inferred from the dialog?

a. The girl feels she is very creative.
b. Making a poster is stressful for the boy.
c. The boy thinks creativity can be developed.

Do you know how to develop creativity? Share your ideas with your classmates.

2. Listen and answer.

(1) When were potato chips first invented?

(2) Listen again and complete the summary.

A chef became angry because of a difficult

and ended up inventing a new .

38 Lesson 2
Creative Ideas
1. Talk about creative ways of doing the tasks with your partner.

make delicious protect personal stay awake while

Ramyeon information online studying

A: Do you know how to make delicious Ramyeon ?

Model Dialog

B: Yes, you can put some green tea leaves in the water before you
▶Try to
add the noodles. paraphrase
A: Are you sure it’ll work? when you
cannot think of
B: Of course. Trust me! an adequate

2. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Do you know how to invent new things? ( ⓐ ) One important

method is inventing by addition. ( ⓑ ) For example, Hyman Lipman
became a great U.S. inventor by attaching an eraser to the top of
a pencil. ( ⓒ ) Other examples include smartphones with multiple
functions, furniture that combines a desk and a chair, and countless
Adapted from <발명의 10계명 -
others. One plus one may lead to many new inventions. 1. 더해(+) 보자> (www.dvnnews.
com, June 8, 2016)

(1) Choose the best place for the sentence in the box.

This means inventing something by adding a new element to

something that already exists.

(2) Think about other examples of invention. Share your ideas with
your classmates.

Self ▶I can ask whether one is able to do something. the face that

Check ▶I can talk about creativity and creative ideas.

matches your

The Power of Creativity 39

The media covers many problems in our communities.
What can you do to solve them creatively?

Creative Problem Solving

A. Listen to the news and complete the news article. Then talk about the
main idea with your partner.

Riverside Park was covered with after a(n)

. The city has suffered from this problem for a long
time. It is asking residents to post their ideas to solve
the problem on its website.

B. Talk with your partner about how to solve the trash problem in a creative

A: Do you know how to solve this problem?

B: I think people should get some money back when they return their
Model Dialog

cups and plates.

A: Are you sure it’ll work?
B: I’m not sure, but it’s worth a try.

Self ▶I can understand the message of a news report. the face that

Check ▶I can come up with creative solutions.

matches your

40 Lesson 2
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions with your partner.

1. Are these devices outcomes of creative thinking?

2. What do you think “creative thinking” is?

B. Guess the meanings of the underlined words and write the words in the

I am looking for the proper scrubber to wash the dishes.

They decided to combine both materials to improve their invention.
The candidate tried to approach the political issue from different

1. : to join together
2. : a cleaning tool made of rough material
3. : to deal with or think about a situation or problem in a
particular way

Web Quest
C. Find out who said each quote. Then find one more quote about creativity
and share it with your classmates.

Creativity takes courage.

You cannot use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

quotes about creativity

The Power of Creativity 41

Fo l d e r 2 Reading How creative are you? Find out how to be more creative as you
read the passage.


How creative are you? To find out, try to answer a very simple question.

You may think that the question has only one answer and say “4.” If
you think outside the box, however, you will realize that there may be
more than one answer, like this:

Or like this: 5

While-Reading Questions
Q1 What are some other possible answers to the question?

L1 creative L3 think outside the box L3 realize

42 Lesson 2
Every day we face a lot of questions. We often try to find
one correct answer. However, there can be many different
answers. Your answers
answer depends
depend on how you view the questions.
Throughout the ages, many people have shaped human history
10 by viewing things differently and thus developing ideas that
were unique and useful.
One such
such person
is Johannes
Gutenberg. In
In Gutenberg’s
world, two devices were in common use: the wine press and
the coin punch. The first one pressed grapes to make wine, and
15 the other made images on coins. One day, Gutenberg playfully
asked himself: “What if I took a bunch of these coin punches
and put them under the wine press so that they left images on
paper?” In the end, his idea of linking the two devices led to
the birth of the modern printing press. This changed history
20 forever.


Q2 What are the two devices that Gutenberg used to invent the printing press?
Q3 What is a problem you have solved creatively in your own life? How did you solve it?

L8 depend on L8 view L9 throughout the ages L10 thus

L13 device L13 be in common use L14 punch L16 what if
L16 bunch L18 lead to

The Power of Creativity 43

Gutenberg did not pull his idea out of thin air. He knew about the two
devices of his era. He knew how they worked and what they could do. In
other words, the roots of the invention were already there. What Gutenberg
did was view the two devices in a new way and combine them. In this
way, Gutenberg exemplifies what the modern inventor Steve Jobs noted, 25

“Creativity is just connecting things.”

Creative thinking was also behind Josephine Cochrane’s invention of
the modern dishwasher. Before her time, people used to place dishes in
a dishwasher, add water, and let scrubbers clean the dishes. There was
a problem, though. The scrubbers sometimes badly damaged dishes. 30

Cochrane approached the process of dishwashing differently. She used water

itself — water pressure — instead of scrubbers. She thought that high water
pressure would do the job of scrubbers and damage the dishes less. Her
machine, which pumped hot, soapy water onto dishes, became successful in
restaurants and, later, in homes. This example again shows that creativity is 35

the result of thinking differently.

Q4 Choose the correct one.

In her dishwasher, Cochrane used (scrubbers / water pressure) to clean dishes.
Q5 Do you know of any other devices that use water pressure?

L21 pull ... out of thin air L22era L24 combine L25 exemplify
L29 scrubber L31 approach L34 pump L34 soapy

44 Lesson 2
35 Can we learn to think differently or more creatively like these famous
inventors? Luckily, the answer is “yes.” Creative thinking is a skill, and we
can improve it. To think more creatively, look for many possible answers, not
40 just one. Ask yourself, “What if ...?” or say to yourself, “Imagine ....” Also, do
not be afraid of making mistakes. When you do make mistakes, try to learn
40 from them. As Albert Einstein once said, “Anyone who has never made a
mistake has never tried anything new.” Most importantly, do not forget that
creativity is based on knowledge and experience. You need to keep learning
45 new things. That way, you will have the tools for creativity. Who can imagine
Shakespeare without his understanding of poetry or Beethoven without his
45 ability to play the piano?

Now let’s go back to the first question. How creative are you? Read
50 the questions below and try to think outside the box. Good luck!

1. Which of these numbers is different from the rest? Can you think
of more than one answer? Give reasons for your answers.

17462 15183 13491 11780

2. Which word is different from the others? Can you think of more
55 than one answer? Compare your answers with your partner.

plane horse bike train

Adapted from A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative (Roger von Oech, 1985, pp. 6–13)

Q6 Check T (true) or F (false). T F

The writer believes that people are born creative.

L39 improve L40 imagine L41 be afraid of L45 tool

L46 poetry

The Power of Creativity 45

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the summary chart.

Many people have shaped human history by things
differently and thus innovative ideas.


Inventor Gutenberg Cochrane

Invention the modern printing press the modern

Method by two things by using water differently

In order to improve creative thinking

1. Look for many possible , not just one.
2. Do not be afraid of making mistakes and try to learn from them.
3. Remember that creativity is based on and experience.

B. Check T (true) or F (false).

1. There can be different answers to a problem.
2. Gutenberg’s idea came from his knowledge about existing devices.
3. Cochrane’s dishwasher was used only in restaurants, not homes.
4. It is important to keep learning in order to improve your creativity.


46 Lesson 2

Further Reading

Why Riddles?
Lots of people enjoy riddles because they offer a chance to think in fun
ways. The answers to riddles are rarely obvious. To solve a riddle, you have
to think creatively. You need to collect clues and think outside the box. Try
this riddle, for example: “I am lighter than a feather, but no one can hold me
5 for long. What am I?” Do you know the answer? There are two useful clues:
something lighter than a feather and possible meanings of the word “hold.”
If you combine the clues and think hard, you may be able to figure out the
answer, “breath.” Your breath is obviously lighter than
a feather, and you cannot hold or stop it for long.
10 Now, see if you can solve another riddle: “There
is a green house. Inside the green house there is a
white house. Inside the white house there is a red
house. Inside the red house there are lots of babies.
What is it?”

1. How will you answer the “house” riddle?

2. What is the main idea of the passage?

Web Quest
3. Find some riddles online and ask your classmates to answer them.

interesting riddles

Self ▶I can understand what creativity is and how to improve it. the face that
Check ▶I can share interesting riddles with classmates.
matches your

The Power of Creativity 47

Word-Building Skills

Study the words and figure out the meanings or functions of “-ify” and “-ity.”

Words Meaning/ Words Meaning/

exemplify Functions creativity Functions
-ify -ity
unify personality
notify possibility

Fill in each blank with a word from above.

(1) I am rather shy, but I want to have a more active .
(2) The store will you when your order has been shipped.
(3) The weather forecast said there is a(n) of rain tonight.
(4) It was difficult to the team since the players had different opinions.
Self-Study Think of more words containing these word parts and share them with your classmates.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

What do Well, I can’t

I can’t solve you mean?
this problem. pull an answer

I mean
the answer
Try to your Keep asking
. creativity. yourself,
“ ...?”

depend on out of thin air what if think outside the box

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

48 Lesson 2
Language in Use

She used water itself — water pressure — instead of scrubbers. p. 44 L31

The mayor herself thanked him for his heroic act.

Junho himself tried to solve the problem because no one else volunteered.

What Gutenberg did was view the two devices in a new way. p. 44 L23

What impresses me the most about Newton is the way he worked.

Learning from failure is what really matters.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Complete each dialog by using -self .

(1) A: Who fixed the computer for you?
B: Nobody. I fixed it .

(2) A: Where did you buy this skirt?

B: I didn’t buy it. It was a gift from my sister. She designed all these skirts

(3) A: How was the movie last night?

B: I didn’t like the movie , but I had fun with my friends.

2. Choose the correct words and complete the story.

Jasmine is painting the room (1) herself / itself

because she has a limited budget. In fact, she is glad
(2) that / what she is taking care of her room by herself.
(3) That / What makes her especially happy is the
beautiful room (4) that / what she will have when the
work is over. She is sure (5) that / what she is doing will
please her parents, too.

The Power of Creativity 49

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

An Ad for a Creative Product

How would you
improve a product that
high school students
use almost every day?

You are going to produce an ad introducing a creative product for high school students.

Step 1 Generate Ideas

1. Work in pairs. Choose one everyday product and decide on one creative
feature that will make it more attractive to teens.

Product a backpack

a see-through function: allows
you to see what is inside without
opening it

How to use
press a red button on the
shoulder strap

When to use
to find something in your bag

2. Think of two other features that will appeal to teen customers.

light cheap
cute easy to use

50 Lesson 2
Step 2 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

A Fantastic Product for You

What every high school student needs is a backpack. Are you
tired of yours? Check out this backpack! It has a great feature: a attract interest

see-through function. If you press the red button on the shoulder

strap, you can see what is inside without opening the backpack. how and when to use

This fantastic product will be very useful when you need to find
something in your bag quickly. Besides, the product is beautifully
designed and reasonably priced. Try it yourself! features

2. Make your ad using the information in Step 1 .

Step 3 Get Peer Feedback

Work with another pair. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each
Yes No Ways to improve
Peer 1. Is the ad attractive?
2. Is the special feature creative?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Present

1. Revise your work based on the feedback from your classmates.
2. Display your ad on the classroom wall.

Self ▶I can think creatively to design a new product. the face that

Check ▶I can make an ad in cooperation with my partner.

matches your

The Power of Creativity 51

Have you ever used a familiar item in a different way? Your mission is
to create new uses for everyday items.

Use Ordinary Items

in Clever Ways!
Step 1 Work in groups of four. Think about how these ordinary items can
be used in creative ways.

A: What can we make out of these ordinary items?

B: I think we can make a flower pot, pencil case,
Model Dialog

or bird feeder using plastic bottles.

C: Those sound good, but what I want to
make is a money container.
D: Really? Do you know how to make one?
C: Of course. It’s very easy.

52 Lesson 2
Step 2 Choose the most creative idea from Step 1 and write a plan for how
to make it.

Item money container

Materials two plastic bottles, a zipper, glue

1. Cut off the bottoms of two plastic bottles.
2. Place one bottom on top of the other.
3. Glue a zipper around the middle.
4. Decorate the container any way you like.




Step 3 Present your plans to the class and vote for the most creative idea.

▶Were your plans creative and realistic? Color
the face that

Check ▶Did all group members actively participate?

matches your

▶Were the requirements of the project fully met?

The Power of Creativity 53

Unique Buildings
Around the World
Around the world, there are many amazing buildings
that look unusual and creative. Find out what unique
buildings there are in different parts of the international

Turning Torso, Sweden

This wonderful building, which looks like a twisting human
body, is the tallest one in Sweden. The 54-story tower reaches a
height of 190 meters and contains apartments and offices.
Adapted from Turning Torso Building (Sweden’s official website for tourism and travel information, 2016)

Lotus Temple, India

As a popular attraction for tourists, this temple looks
like a flower. This beautiful temple, often called the
Taj Mahal of the 20th century, is a place of worship for
people of all religions.
Adapted from Lotus Temple (, 2016)

London City Hall, U.K.

This eye-catching building is situated on the south
bank of the River Thames. Why does it look like an
egg? It was designed to reduce the surface area and
thus improve energy efficiency.
Adapted from About our building (, 2016)

Web Quest
Search for other unusual and creative buildings around the
world. Share your findings with your classmates.

Building name Location Special features

unusual and creative buildings

54 Lesson 2
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. What advice does the girl give?

a. Work hard. b. Be on time.
c. Use an alarm. d. Buy a new phone.

2. Listen. Which picture shows what the Polish nurse did?

a. b.

c. d.

3. Think about creative solutions to the following problems. Then role

play the dialog with your partner.

make our classroom more attractive
help every classmate feel included and accepted

A: Do you know how to ?

B: Well, we could .

A: Are you sure that would work?

B: I’m not sure, but it’s worth a try.

The Power of Creativity 55

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Creative thinking is a skill that you can develop and become better
at. What you should do first is consider more than one answer when
you have a problem. Ask questions such as “What if ?” or “How?” Then
you may be able to come up with many possible answers. Another thing
to remember is that everyone who tries new things makes mistakes.
Einstein himself encouraged acceptance of mistakes and said that we
should learn from them. The last thing to remember is that you need
knowledge. Inventions and creative solutions do not just appear out of
thin air. They are based on knowledge.
Adapted from A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative (Roger von Oech, 1985, pp. 6-13)

(1) What is the best title for this passage?

a. Considering All Answers
b. Einstein’s Advice to People
c. Learning to Think Creatively
d. Creative Skills Based on Knowledge

(2) Fill in each blank with a word from the passage. Change the form
if necessary.

We should mistakes and from them.

5. Think of an everyday item and suggest creative uses for it.

What do you usually do with ? If you

, you are perhaps the average
person. Remember that there are lots of things you can do with it. For
instance, you could .
You could also . You
can make a lot of things yourself. Just think creatively!

56 Lesson 2
Which invention or discovery has affected our way of life the most?
Share your opinion with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about: Good

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
s t u d ie d this lesson er
I hav e lann
in g t o M y Study P
on page 35

The Power of Creativity 57

3 Big Question
How can we live in harmony with others?

Living Together
LINK Ethics Social Studies

● Get Started
A. Have you ever helped people you did not know? If so, how did you feel?
B. Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. What are the people doing in the video?

2. What is the message of the video?

Adapted from Kindness Boomerang (, 2016)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Making a Better Community

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

Caring for Others A Noisy A Thank-You

Topic 2

Communicative Functions
▶ 불허하기: They’re not supposed to talk loudly in the library.
▶ 요청하고 답하기: Would you mind answering some questions about your
volunteering experience?
– Of course not. / I’m sorry. I can’t.

Language in Use
▶I remembered a pair of slippers that I had received as a present.
▶ If I had had the ability myself, I would have been quieter.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 Caring for Others
Warming Up
you talk
about how to be
Look at each sign and choose its meaning.
considerate of
others in public
1. 2. 3. 4.

a. Don’t block the door. b. Don’t kick the seat in front of you.
c. Don’t damage library books. d. Cover your mouth when you cough.

What will happen if you ignore the signs?

Being Considerate
1. Listen and answer.
(1) Where are the speakers? (2) Listen again and complete the
a. at the beach sign.
▶To infer where the
speakers are, listen b. in an aquarium
for words describing c. in a pet shop
what actions are or
are not allowed.

2. Listen. What are you not supposed to do?

a. b. c.
May I help
you? How cute!

Turn left at
the third door.

What etiquette do we need when we come across a person with a disability?

60 Lesson 3
Etiquette Matters
1. Talk with your partner about the people who are not following the
library rules.

For the Comfort of All

•Do not talk loudly.
•Set your cell phones to
silent mode.
•Do not bring food or drinks.
※ Thank you for your cooperation.

A: I’m so upset. Some students don’t follow the library rules.

Model Dialog

B: Yeah, look! The students in the corner are talking loudly. ▶Use “be (not)
A: They’re not supposed to talk loudly in the library. supposed to ...”
when you talk
B: You’re right. It disturbs other people. about what
someone should
(not) do.
2. Choose one place and make a sign with rules to follow. Explain your
sign to the class.
Places Your Sign

park theater

bus street

Self ▶I can talk about the do’s and don’ts of public places. the face that

Check ▶I can talk about ways to live in harmony with others.

matches your

Living Together 61
Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Volunteering
Warming Up
▶Can you
talk about Where would you like to do volunteer work? Talk with your classmates.

animal shelter nursing home


community center
children’s museum

Being a Volunteer
1. Listen and fill out John’s volunteer application form.

You can make a difference!

Name: John Wilson

Please check the place and work you are interested in.
Senior Citizens’ Center Children’s Center
reading books reading books
preparing meals cleaning toys
teaching computer skills teaching computer skills

2. Listen. Which statement is true?

a. The girl is helping a visitor.
b. The girl will take the man to the festival.
c. The girl will buy a festival pamphlet.

62 Lesson 3
Sharing Volunteering Experiences
1. Make a list of questions about your classmates’ volunteering

2. Interview your classmates.

A: Hi, Sujin. Would you mind answering some questions ▶Use “Would you
mind ...?” when
about your volunteering experience? you want to be
B: Of course not. Please go ahead. more polite.
Model Dialog

A: When and where did you volunteer?

B: I volunteered at the children’s museum last year.
A: What kind of work did you do there?
B: I greeted and directed visitors.

Name When Where Work

children’s greeted and

Sujin last year
museum directed visitors

Self ▶I can make and respond to a request politely. the face that

Check ▶I can talk about my volunteering experiences.

matches your

Living Together 63
Nowadays, social networking services (SNS) have become a big part of
our lives. What etiquette is necessary so as not to be a rude SNS user?

SNS Etiquette
A. Listen to the radio talk and complete the guide to the program.

Teens’ Voices on the Radio On Air 09:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

DJ: Sally Brown PD: Robert Harris

Today, we have a special talk about SNS etiquette.

We can quickly and
through SNS. But do you know about SNS etiquette?
If you have your own for being a(n)
SNS user, please don’t hesitate to
leave your comments below.

Leave Your Opinion

↳ We are not supposed to post information that is not true. — Sally Brown, DJ

B. Work in groups of four. Talk about other SNS rules with your group members
and write them down.
We’re not supposed
What rules should to use harmful
we follow when language.
using SNS?

Self ▶I can understand why SNS etiquette is necessary. the face that

Check ▶I can brainstorm SNS rules with my group members.

matches your

64 Lesson 3
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. Look at the picture. What problems would you have if you lived here?
Talk with your classmates.

B. Look at the pictures. Guess the meanings of the underlined words and
share your ideas with your partner.

They planted the trees

in cooperation with
each other.

It was inconsiderate of She thought the price of

you to take a seat and the bag was reasonable,
let the old person stand. so she bought it.

As the food ran out and the Mr. Brown decided to

water ran low, he became replace the old tires
desperate. with new ones.

Living Together 65
Fo l d e r 2 Reading As you read the story, think about what we should do to be
good neighbors.

I was resting on my couch after a

long day. Helping needy people
all day is not easy, but it gives me joy.
4V I0 D0
Suddenly, the terrible noise from the apartment
above started again. I had heard (that) some thoughtless, 5
V 시제주의 ←>
inconsiderate mothers let their children ride bicycles
사역V 0 0 (
동 원-

and skateboards inside their homes these days, and I

imagined what was going on up there. I picked up
the intercom to call the apartment manager again.
0 in Order, SO AS
“May I help you?” he said. His voice seemed 10

impatient. “Is this about the noise upstairs again?
Do you want me to tell her to be quiet?” I
tov ↓
hung up and waited. 5V 0 to V
매달다 ( 교수형에 처하다 )

In a moment, my intercom rang, and the

apartment manager said, “The woman upstairs says 15

she’s being very careful about the noise, and she says
she’s sorry.” He hung up.

While-Reading Questions : 강조
Q1 Why did the writer call the apartment manager?
Q2 Have you ever had a problem with your neighbors?

L1 couch L2 needy L5 thoughtless inconsiderate


L9 intercom L11 impatient L14 in a moment

66 Lesson 3
Sorry? Wasn’t the annoying sound the same as
←> conSiderate
before, and why was she being so inconsiderate?
20 Since I was determined to end the matter once and 상당한
As Because ~ 하기로 확고하다 영원히
for all, I grabbed the intercom again and asked him
to connect me to Apartment 909.
After many rings, a young woman’s voice
answered. I spoke strongly, “Listen, I live
stem M
25 downstairs — unfortunately right below you — and
I’ve had just about enough of your rudeness. There
N가 질렸어 , 지겨워
are do’s and don’ts when we live in an apartment, aren’t there? The noise from your
해야할 것들과 하지 말아야할 것들 dont ( X )
apartment has pushed me to the point where I’m almost ill.”
“Look,” responded the young woman, “if I had had the ability myself, I’d have
<가정법과거완료 >
30 been quieter. Can’t I just move around normally in my own home? You’ve gone way
too far with this, and I’m becoming nervous
since you complain almost every day.” Her
voice became desperate. “What do you
= 1
asididnthavetheabilitymyself .

want me to do?” 2 < if 생략 >

35 I stood up a little straighter, and I held Had I had then
the intercom even more tightly. I made my
= Much , Still , Far, A10t
voice calm and polite. “I want what any
reasonable person would want,” I said. “For
Of (X )
you to be understanding and considerate. I
thoughtU11 =

40 wish you’d been quieter, that’s all.”

be10 )
= I'm Sorry that You were not

Q3 What does the writer think of the woman upstairs?

Q4 What are some do’s and don’ts for being a good neighbor?

L18 annoying L20 determined L20 once and for all L21 grab

L26 rudeness L30 way too far L33 desperate L36 tightly
L38 reasonable L39 considerate

Living Together 67
I firmly put the phone down. How shameless! I couldn’t stop
= which
thinking about her rudeness. Yet the wisdom that comes with
to Think ( X ) 주관 대 '

age told me(that!the angrier I became, the more I needed to calm
myself down and act carefully. Suddenly, I remembered a pair
of slippers that I had received as a present but had not used. 45
) 목관대교 과거완료
n의 역할을
A present can be a good way to communicate. The slippers
could represent my suffering and at the same time serve as
Show ← 동시에
a constant reminder to soften the sound of her steps. I’d
상기시켜주는 물건
teach her in this quiet way how to live with others as a
윗집여자 I0 The (x )
considerate neighbor. 50

I placed the slippers in an almost new gift bag and

added a small, used ribbon. Then I walked upstairs and
using (✗ )
rang the bell. No one answered. I could hear someone
inside, so I waited. With her cooperation, I’d have already
had have PP
delivered the gift along with a kind greeting such as, 55
better understand
a story, visualize “We’re neighbors, but we haven’t exchanged hellos yet ....”
what the characters
are doing and saying But now I was being made to wait.
and how they might

Cooperation ) , The Gift
Q5 What did the writer bring upstairs?

L41 firmly L41 shameless L44 a pair of L47 represent

L47 suffering L48 reminder L48 soften

L54 cooperation L55 greeting

68 Lesson 3

Finally, the noise became louder as it approached the door. The lock turned once
향에 따라
halfway, then again completely, and the door slowly opened. A young lady looked
60 up at me from the doorway. She was seated in a big, metal wheelchair. Far from
△ and △
angry, her face looked tired worn, and I hid the slippers behind me as quickly nr

hide의 과거 as -
as 구문
and naturally as I could. :

“Actually, I was just about to replace the
☆ 막 ~ 하려고 하다
wheels. I’d have done it earlier if it hadn’t
taken so long to order new ones online.
가정법 과거 → = I did n t (couldn't )

to Order New on es Online


Anyway, I’m sorry, and I can’t even

offer you some tea because my
helper isn’t here right now.”
My eyes ran away from her
70 face and fell instead on her lap
and then her legs resting under a 00 F
colorful blanket. The noise had
아랫집 사람이 윗집 사람이 내는 소음 때문에 짜증이 남 경비아저씨를 통해 여러 번
→ 이야기 함 →

ended, and now there was only

윗집 휠체어를 타고 있었음 →

silence. My slippers felt heavy in

결국 찾아 올라감 → 여자는
그럼에도 불구하고 소음은 계속됨 →

75 the cheap bag as I looked back 소음의 원인은 휠체어 →

윗집 여자는 휠체어를 바꾸려던 참이였다고 함 → 아랫집 사람은 윗집

at her face and tried to f ind

사람을 이해하게 됨

something to say.

Adapted from <소음 공해>, 오정희, 1993

Q6 Check T (true) or F (false). T F

The writer gave a pair of slippers to the woman upstairs.
Q7 Why did the writer say nothing after seeing the woman upstairs?

L59 halfway L60 doorway L60 far from L61 worn

L63 replace L69 run away from L72 blanket L74 silence

Living Together 69
Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Match the sentences with the correct location on the plot graph.

climax e


io n



introduction c conclusion a

a. The noise ended and then there was only silence between the two
b. WD called WU to talk about the noise. WD became angrier because of
WU’s response and went upstairs with the slippers as a present.
c. The annoying noise upstairs started again and WD got upset.
d. WU explained why she could not replace the wheels and apologized.
e. When the door opened, WD found out what had caused the noise and
hid the slippers.

▶WD: the woman downstairs ▶WU: the woman upstairs

B. Discuss the questions with your partner.

1. What does the writer want to tell us through the story?

2. How do the feelings of the woman downstairs change from the

beginning to the end of the story?

What do you think the intercom and the slippers symbolize in the story?

70 Lesson 3

Further Reading

Burnt Bread
–Former Indian President Dr. Abdul Kalam’s Story

One evening my mother prepared dinner for the family after a long, hard
day’s work. She placed a vegetable dish and burnt bread on the table. I was
waiting to see if my father would say something about the burnt bread. To my
surprise, my father just enjoyed the bread as usual and asked me how school
5 was.
I do not remember what I told him that night. However, I remember I
heard my mother saying sorry to my father for the burnt bread.
More importantly, I clearly remember him saying, “Honey,
I love burnt bread.” Later that night, before I went to bed,
10 I asked my father if he had really liked the burnt bread. He
wrapped me in his arms and replied, “Son, your mother put in
a long, hard day at work, and she was exhausted. Sometimes
we forget that, don’t we? Besides, burnt bread never hurts
anyone, but harsh words do.” I will never forget what he said.

Adapted from Abdul Kalam’s Father’s Inspiring Story (Official Kalam, 2016)

1. What is the tone of the writer?

a. humorous b. regretful c. thoughtful

2. Check T (true) or F (false).

(1) The writer’s mother was very tired that night.
(2) The writer’s father was upset about the food.
i. T F

3. What lesson did you learn from the story? Talk with your partner.

the face that
Self ▶I can infer the writer’s intention. matches your

Check ▶I know how to be considerate in my daily life.


Living Together 71
Word-Building Skills

Study the words and figure out what the word parts in RED and BLUE mean.

inconsiderate inexpensive careless shameless

impolite impatient useless thoughtless

Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

(1) I think it is (thoughtless / useless) to talk loudly on the bus.
(2) One of the most (impolite / inexpensive) behaviors is cutting in line in public places.
(3) I did not intend to damage the work, but I was too (careless / shameless) with it.
(4) After several weeks of delays, I became (impatient / inconsiderate) and decided to
visit him myself.

Self-Study Think of more words containing these word parts and share them with your classmates.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

You’ve gone What’s this?
Will you be . I can’t Well, I have an idea
quiet, please? stand it. that will solve the
problem .

Okay. I’ll turn

off the music


in a moment way too far a pair of once and for all

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

72 Lesson 3
Language in Use

I remembered a pair of slippers that I had received as a present. p. 68 L44

She did not want to leave the town because she had lived there all her life.
The concert had started before we reached the hall.

If I had had the ability myself, I would have been quieter. p. 67 L29

I would have called you earlier if my phone battery had not died.
cf . I wish you had been kinder to my friends.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Choose the one that best completes each sentence.

(1) She did not tell anybody .
(2) Sally only understood the musical .
(3) The girl solved the problem .

a. because she had read the book

b. that had troubled her for weeks
c. that she had already donated her money to the charity

2. Look at each picture and fill in the blank with TWO words. Hamburger

(1) I just caught the bus. If I had dropped by the fast food
restaurant, I might it.

(2) There was a strong wind outside. If the wind had not
been so strong, we could tea outside.

(3) I could not buy the new shoes. I would have bought
them if the store open.

Living Together 73
Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

A Thank-You Letter
How do you express
thanks to someone
who has helped you?

You are going to write a thank-you letter to someone who has recently shown you a small act of kindness.

Step 1 Generate Ideas

1. Decide who you would like to write a thank-you letter to.

mother father grandmother grandfather

teacher friend neighbor

2. Think about the questions and take notes.

(1) What kind of situation were you (2) What did the person do for you?
in before help was offered? showed me how to write a
not finishing the science science report
assignment in time

(3) What happened as a result? (4) What might have happened

met the deadline without the person’s help?
not received a passing grade
without help

74 Lesson 3
Step 2 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Dear Kevin,
main body:
Thank you very much for helping me last Thursday. I was afraid
I would not be able to finish the science assignment in time. Then
you kindly showed me how to write a science report. Thanks to
your help, I was able to meet the deadline. I feel I would not have
received a passing grade if you had not helped. How can I ever
thank you enough?

Best wishes,

2. Write your thank-you letter using the information in Step 1 .

Step 3 Get Peer Feedback

Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.

Yes No Ways to improve

Peer 1. Is a proper letter format used?
2. Is thankfulness expressed with supporting details?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Send

1. Revise your letter based on the feedback from your partner.
2. Send the letter to the person you have in mind.

Self ▶I can express thanks by writing a letter. the face that

Check ▶I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.

matches your

Living Together 75
We come across various problems in the community and need to solve
them. Your mission is to create a storyboard for a public advertisement
that shows a way to live in harmony with our neighbors.

Make a Storyboard!
Step 1 Work in groups of four. Talk about the problems that can easily
happen in the community.

noise, bad smells, rudeness, use of harmful language, indifference to

neighbors, ...

Step 2 Discuss what should be done to solve the problems.

We’re supposed to
care about others It’s good to greet
and be considerate. neighbors.

Step 3 Make an outline for your public advertisement.

Topic / Main idea

Overall flow

Number of scenes


Music / Sound effects

76 Lesson 3
Step 4 Make a storyboard for your public advertisement.

How to Get Along Well with Your Neighbors

1 We lived next 2 We annoyed each 3 What we had 4 We didn’t know

door to each other with the written on the how to get along
other, but we noise we made. Internet hurt well with each
didn’t say hello. each other. other.

5 If we had been 6 If we had been 7 If we had cared 8 Now I know being

more considerate, kinder, we would about each other, considerate, kind,
we would have not have been we would have and caring makes
become friends strangers. enjoyed our lives everyone happy.
sooner. more.

the face that

Group ▶ Was the storyboard creative and imaginative? matches your

Check ▶ Did all group members actively participate?

▶ Were the requirements of the project fully met?

Living Together 77
A Barrier-Free Environment
A barrier-free environment refers to a space or a set of services that
is equally accessible to everyone. Find out how the idea of a barrier-free
environment has been implemented around the world.

Seoul Barrier-Free Film Festival, Korea

The festival allows everyone to enjoy watching movies.
Every scene of a movie is orally described for those who
cannot see, and all the sound information is presented as
subtitles for those who cannot hear.
Adapted from KOBAFF (

Barrier-Free Travel, Austria

Salzburg is one of the most famous travel destinations
in Austria. The city guarantees a barrier-free vacation
for those who are physically challenged. With a concise
guide to the barrier-free city, anyone can explore
Salzburg without barriers.
Adapted from Barrier-free vacation in Salzburg, Official Salzburg Travel Guide

Web Quest
Search for examples of barrier-free environments around the world.
How to get information online Share your findings with your classmates.
For reliable information, visit
Example Location Design features
websites that have addresses
with the domain extensions such barrier-free environment
as org , edu , and gov .

78 Lesson 3
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. Why was the girl late?

a. She woke up too late.
b. She missed her bus stop.
c. She fell asleep on the bus.
d. She had to buy concert tickets.

2. Listen. What will the boy do right after the dialog?

a. b.

c. d.


3. Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box. Then role play the
dialog with your partner.

A: Hello, may I help you?

B: Yes.
A: How about this one?
B: It’s pretty, but isn’t it difficult to keep healthy?
A: Not really.
B: Okay, I’ll take it.
A: Of course not.

a. Would you mind sending it to the children’s center?

b. I’m looking for a potted plant.
c. Just remember that you’re not supposed to water it too often.

Living Together 79
4. Read the diary and answer the questions.

Tuesday, April 15

It was a long day. (ⓐ) I got a call from the apartment manager. He
said the woman downstairs wanted me to be quiet. I said I was sorry
and would be very careful. ( ⓑ) Later, I got a call from the woman
herself. I was a little upset because I had already said I was sorry. I have
been nervous since she constantly complains about the noise. (ⓒ) I told
her about my wheelchair whose wheels needed to be replaced. I said
sorry again. Fortunately, she did not seem to be angry. (ⓓ) I am glad
that she seems to understand my situation now.
Adapted from <소음 공해>, 오정희, 1993

(1) How did the writer probably feel after she wrote the diary?
a. upset b. relieved c. excited d. embarrassed

(2) Where is the best place for the sentence in the box?

Then she came to my apartment!

a. ⓐ b. ⓑ c. ⓒ d. ⓓ

5. Write a thank-you letter to someone who helped you in middle school.

Dear ,

Thank you for helping me when .

If you had not at that time,
I would . Because of your help, I
was able to . I still remember how
thankful I was, and I would like to thank you again for your kindness.
I look forward to .


80 Lesson 3
Why is being considerate of others important?
Share your ideas with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about:

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
s t u d ie d this lesson er
I hav e lann
in g t o M y Study P
on page 59

Living Together 81
4 Big Question
How will foreign languages help you live a better life?

The Door
to the World 안녕하세요.
LINK English Korean
In how many
languages can you
say “Hello”?

● Get Started
A. Do you think it is important to learn foreign languages?
B. Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. How many reasons for learning English do you remember?

2. Why are you learning English?

Adapted from Five Reasons to Learn English (, 2016)

● Set a Goal
Xin chào. Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Learning Different Languages and Cultures

Dobrý den.
Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing
Guten Tag. Learning Another More Than Just An

Topic 2
Fun with Language

Communicative Functions
▶ 충고 요청하고 답하기: What do you think I should do?
— I think you should worry less about making mistakes.
▶ 반복 요청하기: Would you say that again, please?

Language in Use
▶ Koreans call something easy “cold gruel” whereas native speakers of

English call it “a piece of cake.”

▶ You may not know as many as native speakers.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 Learning Another Language
Warming Up
you ask for
and give advice
What problems do you experience when you study other languages?
for learning
languages? Talk with your partner.

too many unfamiliar words

long and complex sentences

fear of talking in front of others

lack of chance to practice in real life

Language Learning Tips

1. Listen. What is the best expression for each blank?
▶To figure out the
topic, listen for
How about
I don’t have participating
repeated words enough chances
and phrases. in a ?
to . It’ll help.

meet foreigners practice speaking

language exchange conversation club

2. Listen. What does the girl think?

Language and are closely related.

84 Lesson 4
Advice from a Mentor
1. Imagine you have the problems below and ask for advice from your

Problems I worry too I don’t know what

much about I want to be
I feel nervous how I look. I easily forget in the future.
when I speak in a what I learn
foreign language. in class.

review right after class

talk to a career counselor Tips
worry less about making mistakes How to give advice
think about who you are ▶Why don’t you ...?
▶It’d be useful to ....
▶I think it’s a good
A: I feel nervous when I speak in a foreign language.
idea to ....
Model Dialog

B: You do? I used to feel the same way. ▶It might be useful

A: What do you think I should do? to ....

B: I think you should worry less about making mistakes. It’ll help you feel
less nervous.

2. What is your own problem? Ask for advice from your partner.

My problem Advice ▶When giving

advice, explain
why it will be
helpful. Plus, use
polite language.

Self ▶I can ask for and give advice about what to do. the face that

Check ▶I can talk about learning languages.

matches your

The Door to the World 85

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Fun with Language
Warming Up
▶Can you ask for
repetition when Look at the pictures and discuss what the expressions in RED mean
you fail to
understand with your partner.

During rush hour, the street was

I am the black sheep of the class.
a parking lot.

Figures of Speech

1. Listen. Who is Lucy complaining about?

▶To understand
a new concept,
pay attention to a. c.
explanations and

2. Listen and answer.

(1) What is the purpose of the talk? a. to make complaints
b. to explain concepts
c. to ask for repetition
(2) Listen again and complete the notes.

Meaning of “a cold fish”

▶ Literal a fish that is cooked but is now

▶ Figurative someone who is and does

not talk much with others

86 Lesson 4
Tongue Twisters
1. Read the description and practice the tongue twisters with your

What is a tongue twister?

It is a sentence or phrase that is difficult to pronounce quickly and


How to make a tongue twister

1. Pick a sound.
2. Write down as many words as possible that start with that sound.
3. Make up a sentence that uses as many of these words as possible.

A: Can you say this? “Clowns grow glowing crowns.”
How to ask for
Model Dialog

B: What? Would you say that again, please? repetition:

A: “Clowns grow glowing crowns.” ▶I’m sorry. I didn’t
get that.
Clowns grow glowing crowns.”
▶Could you repeat
A: That’s good. / Try it again. that, please?
▶Excuse me? Please

say that again.

2. Work in groups of four. Make three tongue twisters and try them out
on another group. ▶When asking
for repetition,
remember to be

Self ▶I can ask for repetition for better understanding. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can understand the literal and figurative meanings

matches your

of expressions.

The Door to the World 87

A student reporter is asking her teacher about how to write good
news headlines. What are some qualities of good headlines?

In the Headlines

A. Listen and complete the notes. Then talk about the main idea with
your partner.

Tips for Writing News

1. Be accurate and .
no for too many words
2. Use words in the tense.
express events more economically
3. Be careful about small things.
use letters properly and avoid using periods

B. Examine the headlines and guess what the articles will be about.

Soldier rescues women

Exchange students
o weeks and children from fire
learn Korean for tw

C. Work in groups of four and do the activity.

1. Print out four short English news articles from the Internet.
2. Cut off the headlines and put them in an envelope.
3. Exchange the articles with another group.
4. Read the articles and write headlines for them.
5. Compare your headlines with the originals in the envelope.

Self ▶I can guess what a news article is about based the face that

Check on its headline.

matches your

▶I can write a proper headline for a news article.

88 Lesson 4
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. What comes to mind as you look at each word? Write as many ideas as
you can, and think about which idea best represents the word.

B. Look at the pictures and guess the meanings of the words. Then complete
the sentences using the words.

lyrics destination conquer

comparison coward

1. Seoul is a popular for many tourists.

2. Napoleon Bonaparte failed to Russia.
3. Emma got the song’s from the Internet.
4. They made a of the functions and designs of the two devices.
5. He is not a ; he jumped into the water to save them as soon as
he saw the boys drowning.

The Door to the World 89

Fo l d e r 2 Reading As you read the passage, think about why people use metaphors
and how language and culture are related.

Have you ever wondered how singers and poets express so much
with so few words? Consider, for example, the lyrics below. They are
from a famous song by the American group, Gym Class Heroes.

My heart’s a stereo.
It beats for you, so listen close. 5

Hear my thoughts in every note.

Make me your radio,
And turn me up when you feel low.

The lyricist wishes that his heart were a stereo and that he himself
were a radio. Everybody knows that these wishes cannot come true. 10

However, the lyrics sound natural, don’t they? The comparisons are
made to convey feelings of love in a more concise but memorable way.
In other words, the metaphors of “a stereo” and “a radio” are used to
express the singer’s intense feelings using as few words as possible.

While-Reading Questions
Q1 What is the main function of a metaphor?
Q2 What metaphors would you use to express intense feelings of love?

L2 lyrics L9 lyricist L11 comparison L12 convey

L12 concise L12 memorable L14 intense

90 Lesson 4
15 What Is a Metaphor?
A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a
comparison is made between two different things. The word
metaphor itself comes from a Greek word meaning “to carry
across.” Metaphors carry meaning from one word,
20 image, or idea to another. In the “stereo” metaphor,
for example, the stereo’s ability to recreate the beat
of music is compared to the heartbeat of someone in love.
Some people think of metaphors as just the sweet stuff of songs and
poems. In fact, however, we use metaphors every day. They are baked
25 right into our language. Dr. Gregory House from the TV series
House M.D. says metaphorically, “I’m a night owl. Wilson’s an
early bird.” A night owl is someone who loves working late at night,
whereas an early bird is someone who loves working in the morning.

Metaphors: A Source of Difficulty? ▶House M.D. is an

30 There are thousands of metaphors native speakers of English use American medical TV
series. Dr. Gregory
in everyday situations. You may not know as many as native speakers. House is the main
character in the
Plus, you may find some of them difficult to understand. Consider the series.

examples below.

Life is a roller coaster.

35 The slide on the playground was a hot stove.
Her angry words were bullets to him.
My dad always says to me, “You’re the apple of my eye.”

Q3 Check T (true) or F (false). T F

A metaphor shows a common element between two different things.

Q4 Which metaphor is the most interesting to you, and why?

L16 figure of speech L24 bake L37 the apple of one’s eye

The Door to the World 91

Think carefully about the comparisons made and what
▶Visualize you already know about the world. Then you may be able
Picture the kind of
life that would be to understand what the metaphors mean. If you k now 40
referred to as a
roller coaster. that a roller coaster goes up and down, you can guess that
life also has lots of ups and downs. However, you may not always
be able to guess correctly. For instance, you may fail to see what “the
apple of my eye” means even though you understand all the words
that make up the metaphor. 45

Almost Universal Metaphors

Learners of English should not despair. Many
metaphors are almost universal. In many cultures, for
example, life is often compared to a journey. Since
life is regarded as a purposeful journey, we think 50

of it as having departures, paths, and destinations.

The young can “get off to a good start” in life. The
aged regard themselves as being “at the end of the
road.” In an old Korean popular song, the lyrics
begin with, “Life is a wanderer’s path. Where 55

did I come from? Where am I going?” This

clearly shows that life as a journey is not a
metaphor unique to English.

92 Lesson 4
Culturally Unique Metaphors
60 Of course, there are cultural differences in metaphors. These can
pose a learning problem for you. Koreans call something easy “cold
gruel” whereas native speakers of English call it “a piece of cake.” An
old person with an old way of thinking may be called “a dinosaur”
in English. The same word can mean “a very big person” in Korean.
65 If you call a man “a chicken” in America, he will be extremely upset
because it means “a coward.” On the other hand, a chicken may refer
to an inexperienced person in Korean.
In As You Like It William Shakespeare says, “All the world’s a stage,
and all the men and women merely players.” We cannot conquer the
70 stage full of metaphors, but we do not need to have stage fright. We
can become better players if we are ready to learn as much as we can.
Source: Lyrics from Stereo Hearts (Gym Class Heroes, 2011)
As You Like It (William Shakespeare, 1623)

▶As You Like It is one

of Shakespeare’s
romantic comedies.
The quote in the
text was said by the
traveler Jaques.

Q7 Circle the metaphors in the quote from As You Like It.

Q8 Why do you think there are cultural differences in metaphors?

L61 pose L62 gruel L65 extremely

L66 coward L66 refer to L67 inexperienced
L69 merely L69 conquer L70 fright

The Door to the World 93

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the graphic organizer with the given words.

a figure of speech that makes a

1. Definition
between two things

to express concisely
2. Purpose
and memorably

Some metaphors
3. life as a
are .

Other metaphors the meaning of “chicken” in

are . English and Korean

universal comparison journey meanings unique

B. Check T (true) or F (false). T F

1. The “stereo” metaphor is used to express feelings of love.

2. Dr. Gregory House describes himself as someone who likes to work
late at night.
3. The expression “at the end of the road” can be used literally or

Create your own metaphors and share them with your classmates.


94 Lesson 4

Further Reading

Analyzing Personal Language

Language makes communication possible because its users share the
same code. This does not mean, however, that the code is exactly the same
for everyone. One user is different from another. Language users themselves
may not be aware of it, but differences still exist. Some experts are interested
5 in studying these differences. They analyze the language used by different
individuals. This analysis is possible because every person shows unique
language characteristics.
One person might use a certain word or phrase very often or have
a different writing style from another person. In some cases, this
10 personal language is so unique that experts can identify the writer of
documents within a group of suspects. In a criminal investigation,
the police can turn to these experts to analyze documents. Their
analysis often leads to the arrest of the guilty suspect.
Adapted from Identifying Someone’s Personal Language, Crime Museum (, 2016)

1. What is the purpose of the passage?

a. to warn b. to explain c. to complain

2. Complete the main idea with words from the passage.

Experts can a person based on his

or her preferred ways of using .

3. What unique language habits do you have?

Self ▶I can explain what a metaphor is and provide examples. the face that
Check ▶I can relate the passage to my daily use of language.
matches your

The Door to the World 95

Word-Building Skills

Study the words and find more in the main text that belong to each category.

Animals People Journey Feelings

owl poet destination despair
dinosaur lyricist departure fright

Fill in each blank with a word from above.

(1) Though our
(2) The poor cat ran away in as it saw a big dog approaching.
(3) He started his career as a

Self-Study Create your own categories and find words that belong to them. Then share your work with
your classmates.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

The producer says I’ll Yes. The other actors

the most also me
important character. all the time. Really?
What’s your
Forty scenes Are you name?
this ?

Sam! They’re waiting

for me until the end.

the apple of his eye refer to make up be regarded as

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

96 Lesson 4
Language in Use

Koreans call something easy “cold gruel” whereas native speakers of

English call it “a piece of cake.” p. 93 L61

teacher to repeat her explanation.
I joined the event though I was tired after a long day at work.

You may not know as many as native speakers. p. 91 L31

I have not read as many novels as my brother.

The teacher tried to explain the concept as clearly as she could.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

(1) When / Though

whereas / since an early bird is a morning


(3) I want to master English since / though it is my dream to work for the U.N.

2. Look at the table and fill in each blank with ONE word.

This table shows how many red and yellow cards soccer referees give
each game on average.

Name Reds Yellows (1) Wiley gives

yellows Mason.
Wiley 1 1
Mason 0 1 (2) Webb is strict
Webb 1 3 Wiley in terms of reds.
Foy 3 3
(3) Webb does not give
as Foy.

The Door to the World 97

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

An Advice Column
What kind of
did you have while
learning another

You are going to write an advice column that gives useful tips to Korean language learners.

Step 1 Generate Ideas

1. Identify an important element of learning Korean and think about why it

is important.

Possible Element: Reason:

2. Brainstorm useful tips for learning Korean, and choose TWO.

3. Describe how your tips will help people who are learning Korean.

speak Korean well make Korean friends more easily

Step 2 Write Your Draft

1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Korean 101
Politeness is one element you should remember in learning
Korean. It is important because politeness will make the other
person want to talk more with you. Here are two tips for showing
politeness. First, you should talk up to people who are older than
you. Also, it is important to use titles instead of first names. I hope
my advice will help you speak Korean well and make as many
Korean friends as possible.

2. Write your advice column using the information in Step 1 .

Step 3 Get Peer Feedback

Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.

Yes No Ways to improve

Peer 1. Is the column logically organized?
2. Are the suggestions clear and useful?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Present

1. Revise your advice column based on the feedback from your partner.
2. Share your work with your classmates by posting it on the classroom wall.

Self ▶I can write useful tips for Korean learners. the face that

Check ▶I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.

matches your

The Door to the World 99

Your mission is to create a “proverb” puzzle. You should choose a proverb
and make clear clues for it.

Create a
Proverb Puzzle!
Step 1 Work in groups of four. Examine the sample below.

The clues must be used to correctly identify an English proverb. The first

letters of the answers will help you figure out the proverb.

Clues Answers

You can buy it at a bakery. Bread

What you do when you are hungry Eat
Another word for “say” Tell
What you see at the station Train
Not difficult Easy
It has centimeters on it. Ruler
Opposite of “short” Long
Your mother’s sister Aunt
Where you see movies Theater
Capital of Scotland Edinburgh
The river in London Thames
Things in the past History
Past tense of “eat” Ate
Opposite of “south” North
It is in the middle of your face. Nose
A word meaning “all” Every
When you have no school in summer or winter Vacation
Opposite of “full” Empty
Capital of Italy Rome
※ The proverb is “Better late than never.”

100 Lesson 4
Step 2 Brainstorm English proverbs. Choose one and think about what it

Your group’s proverb What it means

Step 3 Write clues for your proverb.

Clue You may catch THIS if you do not dress warmly in winter.
Answer Cold

Step 4 Have the class look at your puzzle and guess your group’s

Guess what the proverb is!

1. You may catch THIS if you do not
dress warmly in winter.

the face that

Group ▶ Did you have fun while making the clues? matches your
Check ▶ Did all group members actively participate?

▶ Were the requirements of the project fully met?

The Door to the World 101

Fun Language Facts
Have you noticed that the language your grandparents use and the one you
use are different? Language changes over time. Here are some examples.

In Chaucer’s time Today

Be a good girl. Yes. Father. Be a good girl.

I will. Whaaa ...?

In Shakespeare’s time Today

You’re nice. What? You’re nice. Oh, thanks. You, too.

Am I foolish?

Web Quest
Search online and find additional examples of language change. Share your findings
with your classmates.

Word Original meaning New meaning

changes in word meaning

102 Lesson 4
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. Which statement about the girl is true?

a. She really hates dancing.
b. She has an uneasy feeling.
c. She has caught a bad cold.
d. She competes in a contest in two days.

2. Listen. What does the woman recommend?

a. b.

c. d.

3. Work in pairs. Imagine you are in the situations below. Role play with
your partner.
Situation 1

You had an argument with your mother over something small. You

Situation 2

you very clearly and asks for repetition.

The Door to the World 103

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

What do you do when you come across unfamiliar words while

reading? You should not look them up in a dictionary because it will
slow you down. Instead, copy what good readers do. If an unfamiliar
word is not essential for understanding the text, simply ignore it and
keep reading. If it is essential, however, you can to make
an informed guess about its meaning. For one thing, you can infer its
meaning from the context. If you examine the context carefully, you
may be able to find useful clues. Also, since you can sometimes guess
the meaning based on the parts that make up the particular word, try
that. If all else fails, you can look it up in a dictionary.

(1) What is the writer’s purpose?

a. to advise b. to criticize
c. to complain d. to announce

(2) Which one best fits in the blank?

a. consult a dictionary b. ask someone for help
c. ignore the context d. use conscious strategies

5. Write about TWO Korean expressions that would be useful to

someone visiting Korea for the first time.

I think you should learn two Korean expressions as fast as you can
because they will be very useful for your survival in Korea. The first
expression you should learn is . It means
in English. Another expression is
. We use it to mean .
I hope that these two expressions will help you
and .

104 Lesson 4
Will knowing a second language remain an important skill in the future when we
have more advanced translation technology? Discuss this with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about: Good

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
stud ied this lesson
I have
My S tu dy Planner
on page 83

The Door to the World 105

5 Big Question
How can we preserve nature?

Our Earth,
Our Future,
Our Choice
LINK Science Environment

● Get Started
A. What has happened to the River Thames in the pictures? Are there
any lessons we can learn from this change?

B. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. What message does the exhibition try to give?

2. What other things can you save when you save paper?
Source: See What You Save , WWF & NCPA (, 2015)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Ways to Protect the Environment

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

The in in The School
Danger Nature

Topic 2
for a
Cleaner Planet

Communicative Functions
▶ 걱정, 두려움 표현하기: I’m worried about the polar bears.
▶ 강조하기: It’s important to cut down on plastic garbage in landfills.

Language in Use
▶ Not just meat-eating animals but also plant-eating animals can be keystone
▶ When the sea stars were present, the ecosystem where they lived remained
properly balanced.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 The Planet in Danger
Warming Up
you express
your worries
Read the quotes and talk about their messages with your partner.
about the
The greatest threat to our
planet is the belief that
someone else will save it.
- Robert Swan

We are living on this

planet as if we had
another one to go to.
- Terri Swearingen

Environmental Dangers
1. Listen and answer.
(1) How does the boy feel about sea turtles?
a. concerned b. relieved c. indifferent

(2) Listen again and choose the incorrect point in the graph.

▶To read a graph

correctly, read the
title first. Then
read the labels of
the X and Y axes, a.
and finally look at
the shape of the

Source: H.C. Liew, (KUSTEM, Malaysia), International Leatherback Survival Conference 2002 presentation

2. Listen and check T (true) or F (false). T F

(1) Both speakers are wearing masks.
(2) Both speakers know that fine dust is toxic.
(3) Some schools in China were closed due to fine dust.

What could be the title of the TV program the speakers mentioned?

108 Lesson 5
Environmental Problems

1. Read the article and answer the questions.

Nowadays, many people are really

E-Waste Generation and
Recycling Data in the U.S. worried about electronic waste (e-waste).
The graph shows that in 2013, when the
recycling rate was the highest, about 40
percent of e-waste was recycled. Although
the increase in recycling is encouraging,
we should also think about the actual
amount of e-waste we produce. It is
important to reduce the total volume

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2015)

of e-waste as well as push for
more recycling.

(1) What does the graph show about e-waste?

(2) What can you do to reduce e-waste?

2. Work in groups of four. Think about some environmental problems

and talk about them.

A: I’m really worried about the polar bears.

B: So am I. The ice at the North Pole is melting, and polar
Model Dialog

bears are losing their homes.

C: Right. What can we do for the polar bears?
D: I think the problem is global warming, so we have to
reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Self ▶I can express my worries and concerns. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about environmental issues.

matches your

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 109

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Action for a Cleaner Planet
Warming Up
▶Can you talk
about actions Fill out the survey and talk with your classmates.
we should
take for the
environment? How Eco-friendly Are You?

Score: T GREEN
Mainly a mental
n environ
You are a
’s: PALE
Mainly b really
rt is not
Your hea
ough you
in it, alth right
es do the
’s: DEEP
Mainly c m ember
lease re
Oh my! P net to
got a pla
you have

Adapted from SURE Intermediate Student’s Book (Helbling Languages, 2015, p. 104)

Taking a Positive Action

1. Listen. Where are the speakers?


2. Listen and answer.

(1) Complete the main point of the news.

that eat .

(2) Listen again and answer the questions.

Making an Action Plan
1. Decide on an action plan for the environment and think about how it
will help protect the planet. Then share your ideas with your partner.

Action Plan Why

take a canvas bag to the grocery store to cut down on plastic garbage

use both sides of paper to protect the forest

use public transportation to reduce air pollution

recycle old cell phones to reduce e-waste

A: What’s your action plan for the environment?

Model Dialog

B: I’ve decided to take a canvas bag to the grocery store. ▶To decide on what
to say about a
A: Why are you going to do that? topic, relate to
B: Because it’s important to cut down on plastic garbage in landfills. the situation by
imagining yourself
A: I couldn’t agree more. in it.

Web Quest
2. Write down your action plan for the environment and present it to
the class. If necessary, do some online research first.

action plan for the environment

Self ▶I can emphasize what I want to talk about. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about actions which help the environment.

matches your

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 111

A TV program guide tells us what programs are about. What would
you include in a guide for a TV show about the environment?

A. Listen and complete the TV guide. Then talk about the main idea with
your partner.

E-TV Program Guide

H Tonight Tomorrow

30 Endangered Animals: Giving Them a 00 Important to Act Now

Future Find out what you can do today
This is a featuring a to save the environment. This is
21 well-known professor, Dr. Alice Biggs. a practical show with creative
Find out which animals are solutions.
and how we can them.

B. Work in groups of four. Design a program about the environment and

introduce it in a TV guide.
Step 1. Choose a topic and add details such as the following.

type of show length host & guests content date title

Step 2. Write a TV guide description.

Title: Date / Time:

This program is a featuring .
Find out .

Step 3. Introduce your program to the class.

Self ▶I can design a TV program and make a guide about it. the face that

Check ▶I actively participated in the group activity.

matches your

112 Lesson 5
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. Look at the picture and discuss the questions with your partner.

grass rabbits mice

grains elephants antelopes
Plants zebras

Food Plant-
Chain animals


snakes foxes
lions hyenas

1. What is the message of the picture?

2. What would happen if lions were removed from the food chain?

B. Look at the pictures. Guess the meanings of the underlined words and
share your ideas with your partner.

The curious cat is observing The park is famous for

a mouse. its diversity in animals.

The structure is about

to collapse.
Before you drive, remove The Serengeti plains are
snow from your car. home to many zebras.

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 113

Fo l d e r 2 Reading As you read the interview, think about why some species are
called “keystone species” and how we can protect them.

Host Welcome to Student Science Show. Today, we’ll be discussing an important

topic — keystone species, and our special guest is an expert on ecosystems
and the environment. Dr. Walters, welcome!
Dr. Walters It’s my pleasure to be here.
Host Dr. Walters, let’s get right to the point. What exactly is a keystone species? 5

Dr. Walters Well, it’s one species that has a huge effect on the ecosystem where it lives.
Host What do you mean?
Dr. Walters Well, have you ever noticed the keystone on a stone arch? It’s only one
stone of many, but without it, the whole arch would fall.
Host The keystone makes the whole arch stay strong even though it’s only one 10

small stone?
Dr. Walters It’s the same in an ecosystem. An animal might not be the biggest in size
or number, but without it, the ecosystem would collapse.
Host Oh, you mean that sometimes one stone, or one species, can be especially
important? 15

Dr. Walters Exactly.

Host Is this a new term?

While-Reading Questions
Q1 Why are certain species named “keystone species”?

L2 ecosystem L5 get to the point L6 have an effect on

L8 arch L13 collapse L17 term

114 Lesson 5
Dr. Walters Actually, the term “keystone species” was first used
by Dr. Robert Paine, a zoology professor, in 1969. He examined food
chains on Tatoosh Island in the U.S. state of Washington. He observed 20

that diversity decreased during periods when the number of predators

decreased. In other words, when fewer predators hunted in the system,
there were fewer other living things in the ecosystem, too.
Host Did he focus on one particular species?
Dr. Walters Yes, he saw that purple sea stars were very important because they hunt 25

mussels on Tatoosh Island. When the sea stars were removed, the number of
mussels increased greatly. The mussels took over the area and left little room
for other species. When the sea stars were present, however, the ecosystem
where they lived remained properly balanced. Many species could live well
together. This is why he called purple sea stars a “keystone species.” 30

Host So, a keystone animal eats other animals, right?

Dr. Walters Yes, but not always. Not just meat-eating animals but also plant-eating
animals can be keystone species. Elephants, for instance, play this role in
the Serengeti plains of Tanzania. Elephants eat small trees on the plains.
Because they’re able to knock over 35

the trees and pull the roots out,

elephants prevent the trees from
growing big and taking over
the area.

▶To understand the

Q2 What happened on Tatoosh Island when the purple sea stars were removed?
logical relation
between sentences,
Q3 Are all keystone species meat-eating animals? pay special attention
to words such as
L19 zoology L20 observe L21 diversity L21 period “because,” “when,”
L21 predator L26 mussel L26 remove L34 plain “why,” and “in other
L37 prevent ... from ~ words.”

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 115

Host Well, Dr. Walters, I don’t get it. How does removing the 40

trees help the ecosystem?

Dr. Walters OK, here’s what removing the trees does. It helps the grass grow freely
and become food for animals such as antelopes and zebras. Smaller
animals such as mice can also make their homes in the dry soil warmed by
sunlight. In turn, predators such as lions and hyenas depend on all these 45

animals for food. The ecosystem is balanced and able to maintain many
species. In this situation, the elephants are the keystone species because
without them, the ecosystem would change.
Host Are there keystone species all around the world?
Dr. Walters The term was first used in the U.S., and the elephants I mentioned live in 50

Africa. But these species are everywhere. For instance, in Europe, rabbits
are a keystone species.
Host Rabbits?
Dr. Walters Yes, scientists have discovered that the European rabbit is a very important
species in southern Europe. 55

Host How so?

Dr. Walters They keep the ecosystem balanced in many ways. First, they affect it by
eating plants and spreading their seeds.

Q4 Where are the keystone species?

Q5 How do European rabbits help maintain the ecosystem’s balance in southern Europe?

L43 such as L43 antelope L45 in turn L45 hyena

L46 maintain L58 spread

116 Lesson 5
This not only creates open spaces but also helps maintain plant diversity.
Host Do the rabbits also eat other animals to help maintain balance? 60

Dr. Walters Actually, in this case, it’s the opposite. Many other animals in the system
hunt the rabbits for food. In other words, rabbits help many other animal
species survive.
Host Then, is there anything people can do to protect keystone species?
Dr. Walters Yes, there are many things, but the most important one is to avoid 65

hunting them or disturbing the ecosystem significantly. Many elephants

in Tanzania, for example, have disappeared because people have hunted
them. We must also do much more research. This is as important as not
hunting. We must identify the animals and plants that are keystone species
so that we can better preserve them in the future. 70

Host Doing that work sounds very interesting and rewarding.

Dr. Walters Yes, but it’s not easy, and I think this poses a great challenge for today’s
Host I’m sure you’ve been a great inspiration to our listeners. Thank you for
being on our show, Dr. Walters. 75

Dr. Walters You’re welcome. And feel free to email me with more questions!
Adapted from “The Key to it All: Understanding the Role of Keystone Species” (Eric Munscher, Summer 2013, pp. 10-11)

Q6 Underline what we can do to protect keystone species.

Q7 What would you ask Dr. Walters if you were the host?

L66 disturb L66 significantly L71 rewarding

L74 inspiration L76 feel free to

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 117

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the chart.

Keystone Species
a species that has a huge effect on the , and
without which the ecosystem would collapse

Animals What they do

purple sea stars on Tatoosh

- hunt
Island in the U.S.

elephants in the Serengeti

- remove
Examples plains of Tanzania

European rabbits in southern - eat plants and spread seeds

Europe - are hunted as

B. Look at the comments and identify TWO students who misunderstood the
main text.

Earthwatch 2 minutes ago

I heard about “keystone species” for the first time. It’s surprising the
term has been used for about 50 years. 2 Reply

Bio-wang 5 minutes ago

It’s interesting that the more mussels there are, the better it is for the
ecosystem. Reply

Lionking 11 minutes ago

It’s amazing that mice and other animals owe so much to what
elephants do in Tanzania! 5 Reply

Ecokeeper 23 minutes ago

I didn’t know European rabbits ate so much and had bad effects on
plant diversity. Reply

Web Quest Experts use terms like “foundation species” and “umbrella species.”
Do online research about them and share your findings with your classmates.

118 Lesson 5

Further Reading

Interesting Facts About Whales

Whales, the largest animals on earth, swim to the deepest parts of the
sea to feed and come up to the surface to breathe. While they are near the
surface, they release waste from their body. This way, they bring essential
nutrients from the deep sea to the surface waters. These
5 nutrients form the base of all marine food chains and keep
the marine ecosystem running.
Whales are also really important after they die. The dead
body, also called “whale fall,” sinks toward the bottom of the sea
and becomes food for many fish species that live in the harsh conditions
10 of the sea floor. In addition, the dead body is good for the environment. As it
has a lot of carbon in it, by sinking to the sea floor, it keeps the carbon out of the
atmosphere. According to marine scientists, the amount of carbon that whales
take to the bottom of the sea is about 190,000 tons annually, which equals the
amount of carbon produced by 80,000 cars.
Adapted from Why you should care about whale poo (Asha de Vos, TED, 2014)

1. How does the writer organize the information?

a. by listing ideas b. by comparing ideas
c. by presenting problem-solution chains

2. What is another good title for the passage? Fill in the blank with one word.

Whales as Ecosystem

3. The number of whales is decreasing. What do you think we can do about it?

the face that
Self ▶I can explain what keystone species are. matches your

Check ▶I can talk about the roles of plants and animals in the


Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 119

Word-Building Skills

Examine the dictionary definitions of the words that have different meanings.
plant n. ① a living organism such as trees or grass
② a building or factory where something is made
pose n. ① a particular way of standing or sitting
v. ② to present a danger, problem, or difficulty
term n. ① a word used to describe a thing or an idea
② a fixed period of time for which something lasts

Choose the meaning of each word in RED from the box and write the number.
(1) The president is now serving his second term in office.
(2) This plant is an essential food for smaller animals on the plains.
(3) Extreme weather conditions pose a threat to the survival of humans.

Self-Study Look up “collapse” and “maintain” in a dictionary and find out what the words mean.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.
Oh, paper cups I’m saving the
on I didn’t think of that. earth. This, , Good.
have some water. the environment. From now on, I won’t will improve life
use products for everyone.
paper cups and
plastic bottles.

have a bad effect such as feel free to in turn

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

120 Lesson 5
Language in Use

Not just meat-eating animals but also plant-eating animals can be keystone
species. p. 115 L32

The building is not only beautiful but also environmentally friendly.

The new policy not only makes the economy strong but also helps unite the

When the sea stars were present, the ecosystem where they lived remained
properly balanced. p. 115 L28

We found a great place where we could hang out together in our leisure time.
cf . The animals live in an area which is green and warm.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Find TWO mistakes and correct them.

Do you want to do something about street cats? You can

donate not only money and also time. Every coin and minute
counts. With your help, we can provide homeless cats with not
food and shelter, but also treatment for disease. Please make a
difference not by being an indifferent person but by being an
active donator.

2. Recommend a place by writing which or where in each blank.

(1) I know of a new place you can not only

play sports but also relax.

(2) I would recommend a cinema old movies

are shown regularly.

(3) There is a great amusement park you can

reach in half an hour.

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 121

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

The School Magazine

problems affect the
quality of our lives.
What do you think we
can do to solve them?

You are going to write a school magazine article that calls for action on a serious environmental problem.

Step 1 Listen and Take Notes

1. Listen and talk about the main idea with your partner.

2. Listen again. Choose the TWO reasons why the problem is serious.
a. It wastes a lot of electricity.
b. It disturbs our sleep cycles.
c. It makes life difficult for wildlife.

Step 2 Generate Ideas

1. Brainstorm ideas for solving the problem.

At the individual level At the societal level

use light only when necessary make laws against lighting late at night
install motion detector lights raise public awareness

2. Describe the positive effects of the solutions.

122 Lesson 5
Step 3 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Light Pollution: Not a Light Problem!

Light pollution is a serious problem because it disturbs our
sleep cycles and hurts wildlife. Measures can be taken not only
at the individual level but also at the societal level to solve the
problem. Individually, we can use light only when it is necessary or
install motion detector lights. As a society, we can make laws
against lighting late at night and raise public awareness. If we take
action, we can reduce the amount of artificial light and live in a
world where the light problem is less serious.

2. Write your school magazine article using the information in Steps 1 and 2.

Step 4 Get Peer Feedback

Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.

Yes No Ways to improve

Peer 1. Are the problem and solutions clearly presented?
2. Are the solutions creative and realistic?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 5 Revise and Present

1. Revise your article based on the feedback from your partner.

2. Share your work with your classmates.

Self ▶I can suggest useful ideas for addressing light Color

the face that

Check pollution.
matches your

▶I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.

Human beings are totally dependent on the environment. Your mission
is to make a poster that can raise people’s awareness of the need to
protect the environment.

Create a Poster for

the Environment!
Step 1 Work in groups of four. Decide on an environmental problem you
want to address.

light p
n ollutio
pollutio n

soil pollution noise po

air pollutio

124 Lesson 5
Step 2 Come up with an image and a slogan to raise environmental awareness.
A: What kind of image do you want on our poster?

Model Dialog
B: How about ocean animals? I’m worried about them.
C: So am I. I saw a picture where a sea turtle was caught in a plastic
container. I felt so sorry for the turtle.
D: Okay. Let’s put that image on our poster.

Step 3 List three things you want people to do to help solve the problem.

Step 4 Make a poster using the information in Steps 2 and 3 .


to draw attention

Protect the to surprise the public

1. Do not throw away ▶Actions

plastic products. to solve the problem
2. Use more environmentally safe cleaning
3. Clean the marine environment regularly.

Step 5 Display your posters on the board and vote for the best one in your

the face that
Group ▶Were the illustrations and phrases eye-catching? matches your

Check ▶Did all group members actively participate?


▶Were the requirements of the project fully met?

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 125

Let’s Go Green!
Many cities are now going green in many ways.
Which of the following cities would you like to visit?

Reykjavik, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland, runs almost totally on renewable clean
energy from the earth. Only 0.1 percent of the city’s electricity
comes from fossil fuels. Adapted from Reykjavik geothermal energy (, March 2012)

The country has set a goal of “zero landfill,” and hopes to
achieve it by reducing waste and recycling more.
Adapted from Top 10 Greenest Cities in the World (, Oct. 24, 2014)

Web Quest
Search for eco-friendly cities around the world. Talk about them
with your classmates.

City Country Features

eco-friendly cities around the world

126 Lesson 5
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. Which can be inferred from the dialog?

a. The girl will change one of her habits.
b. The girl will throw away her own cup.
c. The boy will go to a convenience store.
d. The boy will buy the girl a water bottle.

2. Listen. What will the girl probably do after the dialog?

a. b.

c. d.

3. Complete the dialog in your own words and talk with your partner.

A: What are you most worried about?

A: Why do you say that?
A: What do you think you can do about the problem?

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 127

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Elephants are a keystone species in Africa. Thanks to their eating

habits, they play an important role in the ecosystem where they live.
ⓐThey benefit not only plant-eaters but also meat-eaters in the wild.

ⓑ Elephants eat small trees, which helps grass and smaller plants

grow freely. ⓒThis, in turn, attracts animals which live on grass, such
as antelopes and zebras. ⓓMany elephants in Tanzania, for example,
have disappeared because people hunt them. These grass eaters then
become food for meat-eating predators such as lions and hyenas.
Adapted from “The Key to it All: Understanding the Role of Keystone Species” (Eric Munscher, Summer 2013, pp. 10-11)

(1) Which sentence does NOT belong in the passage?

a. ⓐ b. ⓑ c. ⓒ d. ⓓ

(2) What is the writer’s main claim?

a. Elephants are an endangered animal in Africa.
b. Elephants can keep the ecosystem balanced.
c. The role of elephants has not been researched much.
d. Elephants are a symbol of Africa.

5. Choose an environmental problem and suggest ways to solve it.

is an environmental problem which needs to be

seriously addressed. I think there are at least two things we can do to
help solve the problem. First, it is important to .
We can also . If we do these things,
perhaps .

128 Lesson 5
What human habits can harm or protect the environment?
Share your ideas with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about:

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
stud ied this lesson
I have
My S tu dy Planner
on page 10

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice 129

6 Big Question
What is the role of art in our lives?

Enjoy Art,
LINK Art Science

Connect Hearts

● Get Started
A. What kinds of art do you like?

B. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. How did you feel as you watched the video?

2. Why do you think the airport chose the work?

Source: Kinetic Rain at Terminal 1 , Changi Airport (, 2012)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Art, Technology, and Us

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

The Our
Everywhere Choir: Sing Alone, Sing Song
Topic 2
Art and

Communicative Functions
▶ 선호 표현하기: I prefer Sand Art to Balloon Art.
▶ 알고 있는지 묻고 답하기: Have you heard about Paik Nam June?
– Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Language in Use
▶ Inspired by the video, Whitacre decided to make a virtual choir.
▶ Little did he know that people would go to any length to connect with each other.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 Art Everywhere
Warming Up
▶Can you express
your preference
Do you enjoy art, and why? Check below and talk with your partner.
in art?

listen to music paint pictures


to relieve stress to make friends

to understand others to focus on studying
to entertain myself to express myself
to cheer myself up

I enjoy listening to music because it calms me down.

My Favorite Art
1. Listen and choose the photo the boy is going to buy.
a. b. c.

If you were the boy, which photo would you choose?

▶To get detailed 2. Listen and choose the correct words.

information, take
notes quickly (1) Jimmy prefers to listen to (dance / classical) music in the morning.
while you listen.
(2) Jimmy usually listens to (cheerful / sad) music when he is sad.

132 Lesson 6
At a Festival
You are going to a cultural festival with your partner. Look at the
program and map, and then make plans.

Cultural Festival Island Stage

Time Island Stage Forest Stage
11:00 a.m. Sand Art Balloon Art

12:00 p.m. Break Time

1:00 Folk Music Movie OST Forest Stage

of the World Concert Food
Harmony Village
3:00 What of Beautiful
Dance, Dance!
Happened at
- From the 1990s Colors: Paul
the Bus Stop? Klee
4:00 to Now -

5:00 Break Time

6:00 Let’s Rock Welcome to

Together Hip-hop World Market Place

8:00 Fireworks Display

※ Food is available at Food Village and Market Place. Art


A: There are so many things we can enjoy at this cultural festival.

B: Yes. So, we need to plan carefully.
Model Dialog

A: You’re right. At 11 o’clock, there are Sand Art and Balloon Art. Which
do you prefer?
B: I prefer Sand Art to Balloon Art. It’ll be fantastic.
A: Okay, we’ll go to Sand Art at 11. Then at 1 o’clock, which do you
prefer, Folk Music of the World or Movie OST Concert?

Self ▶I can express my preferences when discussing a schedule. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about what art means to me.

matches your

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 133

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Art and Technology
Warming Up
▶Can you talk
about art that Look at the pictures. Guess which type of technology was used to
uses technology?
make each one.
1. 2.

The Erudition (by Kelly Richardson)


Dadaikseon (by Paik Nam June)

motion TV hologram

Hammering Man (by Jonathan Borofsky)

Getting Closer to Art
1. Listen and fill in the blanks.

The exhibition was special because it was a combination of

and .

2. Listen and number the steps to show the correct order.

Make Your Own Music!

How to use this app
To make a melody, add notes.
Select a music genre and a beat.
Choose an instrument.
4 Save your work.
Warning If you do not save, you will lose all your work.

134 Lesson 6
Doing an Information Gap Activity
Talk with your partner about the artists and take notes.

Decide who will

How to Play be A or B .

A, turn to page 231, and

B, turn to page 235.

If you don’t have the information about

the artists, ask your partner.

Take notes and complete

the table.

A: Have you heard about Paik Nam June?

Model Dialog

B: Sure. He was a famous video artist. ▶To answer questions

about specific
A: Can you tell me more? information, learn
B: He’s called the father of video art. He worked with a variety of the facts and use
accurate wording.
media. Dadaikseon is one of his most famous works.

Diego Velá zquez Evelyn Glennie

Paik Nam June

Andy Warhol
Billie Holiday

Self ▶I can ask whether someone knows about something. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about art and artists.

matches your

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 135

Ordinary people can become famous on the Internet overnight.
What do you think of this new trend?

Fame on the Internet

A. Listen and complete the online guide to the news. Then talk about the
main idea with your partner.

A Version Brings Fame to a Korean Girl

A Korean high school student

who became through
her SNS posting appeared on a TV
show. She sang the
“Let It Go” on stage, and she said she
wants to be a good .

B. Search online for a cover version of your favorite song. Which do you like
Web Quest
better? Share your ideas with your partner.
A: What song did you listen to?
B: I listened to the cover version of “Love.”
Model Dialog

A: How was it? Which do you like better, the cover version or the original?
B: I prefer the cover version. It was really great.
A: What makes you say so?
B: I was really impressed by the gentle, calm voice of the singer.

Self ▶I can understand the message of the news report. the face that

Check ▶I can express my ideas about the new trend.

matches your

136 Lesson 6
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions with your classmates.

1. What is important for a successful performance?

2. How can each member benefit from his or her experience?

B. Read the passage and find the word that matches each definition.

Eric Whitacre is one of the most famous musicians in the world.

As a composer, he has written many beautiful pieces of music
such as “Sleep.” He attained worldwide fame as conductor of

Photo by Marc Royce

his “Virtual Choir” projects, which united singers from all over
the world and inspired the audience with wonderful choral

Adapted from Eric Whitacre Biography (

: a person who writes music

: a group of people who sing together

: a group of people who attend a performance

: a person who directs the performance of musicians or a piece of

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 137

Fo l d e r 2 Reading As you read the passage about a new form of choir, imagine
how music will change as technology develops.

The Virtual Choir:

Sing Alone, Sing Along
A red curtain slowly opens. Rows them are zoomed in to show different
of little screens, showing people of all faces. There is neither an orchestra nor
ages and colors, fill the stage against a an audience. The singers have never met 10

dark background. In the center appears each other or practiced together. Yet
5 a man. He soon begins conducting and a song called “Lu x Aurumque” is
disappears. Then the singing images performed by a beautiful mix of voices.
move slowly to the music. Some of This is a “virtual choir.”

Web Quest ▲ Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 1: “Lux Aurumque”

Search for the virtual choir and watch a video with your classmates. Share your feelings with each other.

While-Reading Questions
Q1 What is the role of the man in the center?
Q2 Why do you think the choir is called a “virtual choir”?

L1 row [rou] L5 conduct L8 zoom in L9 neither ... nor ~

L14 virtual L14 choir

138 Lesson 6
Special Feature: The Virtual Choir October 10

The virtual choir was Eric Whitacre’s

Photo by Marc Royce


idea. One day in 2009, the modern

music composer was told by a friend
about a young fan. She had videoed
herself singing the soprano part of his
20 composition “Sleep” and posted it for
him online. In the video, her voice
sounded sweet and pure. Inspired by
the video, Whitacre decided to make a
virtual choir. He thought, “If I can get
▲ Eric Whitacre
25 50 people to sing their parts and post
their videos, I can put them together
and create something beautiful. Those “Lux Aurumque.” Then he posted a
who love to sing don’t have to be in the video where he conducted along with
same place to perform a choral work piano music. The singers watched the
30 together.” Whitacre soon sent out a call video and learned their parts on their
to his online fans to record themselves own. Soon 185 singers from 12 countries 40

singing and upload their videos. uploaded their videos. Thanks to the
To make his idea a reality, Whitacre help of Scott Haines, a participant who
went through several steps. First, he offered to edit the work, the videos were
35 asked the fans to download his work put together into a single performance.

Q3 Choose the correct one.

Whitacre wanted singers to learn their parts by (playing the piano / watching a video).

L17 composer L20 composition L20 post L22 pure

L22 inspire L29 choral L34 go through L39 on one’s own

L44 performance

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 139

Special Feature: The Virtual Choir October 10

45 After months of hard work, this said, “My sister and I used to sing in 60

first virtual choir performance was choirs together when we were younger.
released in March 2010. Whitacre felt We now live in different parts of the
strong emotions about the video. “I was world. Without the virtual choir, we
actually moved to tears when I first wouldn’t have been able to sing together
50 saw it. These souls, all on their own again and renew our bond.” Another 65

desert island, sent electronic messages said, “When I told my husband that I
in bottles to each other,” he said. Little was going to do this, he told me that I
did he know that people would go didn’t have the voice for it. But I wanted
to any length to connect with each to participate despite what he said. I
55 other, no matter where they were. The live in the Great Alaskan Bush, far away 70

virtual choir was a marriage of art, from everyone. The virtual choir is what
connectivity, and technology. connects me with the world. Being
A little later, singers posted stories part of this choir is as good as meeting
about their experiences. One singer old friends.” Many others appreciated
the experience, saying 75

it was great to know

they were par t of a
worldwide community
of people. Some even
met each other in 80

person and became

▲ Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 2: “Sleep”

Q4 How did Whitacre feel about his first virtual choir performance?
Q5 What do you think a “desert island” means?

L47 release L48 be moved to tears L50 soul L51 electronic

L53 go to any length L57 connectivity L65 renew L65 bond

L74 appreciate L80 in person

140 Lesson 6
Special Feature: The Virtual Choir October 10

▲ Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir 3: “Water Night”

The virtual choir idea has continued the performance by a virtual youth
to grow since that first performance. choir. It featured 2,292 young singers
85 Thousands of people have participated from 80 countries, including four from 95

in several big projects. One of them Korea. These singers again showed
was the 2013 performance of “Fly to how technology could be used to bring
Paradise.” It was shown at Buckingham people together.
Palace to mark Elizabeth II’s 60th Perhaps you can take part in the
90 year as Queen of the U.K. It contained next virtual choir. It could be a great 100

about 8,400 videos from 101 different way to connect with our global village.
countries. Also among the projects was

Adapted from All together now (on YouTube): Last chance to join virtual choir (Washington Post, December 26, 2010)
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong , TED (, March 2011)
About the Virtual Choir (, 2016)
Q6 On what occasion was the virtual choir shown at Buckingham Palace?
Q7 Would you like to join a virtual choir? Why or why not?

L85 thousands of L94 feature L97 bring ... together L99 take part in

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 141

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the chart.

where she sang “Sleep.”

1. his music
2. watch his video and practice
3. record themselves singing and the video

together into one performance.
in 2010.

Elizabeth II’s 60th year

as Queen of the U.K.
choir featured four singers from Korea.

B. Check T (true) or F (false). T F

1. Participants in the virtual choir should meet at least twice to


3. Participants in the virtual choir appreciated the opportunity of

building bonds with others.
4. The virtual youth choir was composed of singers from 80 countries.

1. Watch other virtual choir videos and share your feelings with your classmates.
2. In what other ways can art and technology be combined?

142 Lesson 6

Further Reading

Playing for Change

One morning, Mark Johnson, a producer and movie director, was
on his way to his studio and stopped to listen to a street musician. He
realized that the greatest music is not in the studio but on the
street. That morning, he decided to bring the recording studio
5 to the street. He joined forces with dancer and actress Whitney
Kroenke and started a project called “Playing for Change.” They
have traveled the world with a mobile studio and recorded street
musicians in the places where they worked.
Johnson and Kroenke hope that “Playing for Change” can make the
10 world a better place to live in through music. They help set up music schools
that offer free lessons. They do this because they know that learning to make
music takes resources, teachers, and instruments, which are not always easy
to find in the developing world. Even more importantly, they help
barriers between people by inspiring and connecting the world through music.
Adapted from Playing for Change (, 2016 /

1. What does the underlined part mean?

2. Which one best fits in the blank?

a. build up b. maintain c. break down

3. Search for a music video produced by “Playing for Change.” Watch the
video and share your impression with your classmates.

playing for change songs

Self ▶I can explain the history of the virtual choir. the face that
Check ▶I can understand creative attempts to unite people through
matches your

music and technology.

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 143

Word-Building Skills

Study the definitions of “virtual” and “global” and put the words in the correct

virtual global: involving the whole world

virtual choir global market

reality village

cash issue library trend warming classroom

Self-Study Think of more words that can come after “virtual” or “global” and share them with your

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

Yeah. You know An event where we Look at this pamphlet. We

What a fantastic what? After can meet the need to some steps.
performance! its national singers and
take pictures. I really First, we should write a
I tears. tour, the band What want to go. concert review on SNS.
will a event? What should
special event. we do?

be moved to in person take part in go through

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

144 Lesson 6
Language in Use

Inspired by the video, Whitacre decided to make a virtual choir. p. 139 L22

saying that she would look for a more

challenging job.
Being kind and considerate people, they stopped to help the lost boy find his

Little did he know that people would go to any length to connect with each
other. p. 140 L52

Never had the acting student dreamed of meeting the star of the show.
Among the countries she visited were Canada and South Africa.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Fill in the blanks so that each pair of sentences has the same meaning.
(1) Tom never imagined that his book would become so popular.
→ Never that his book would become so popular.

(2) He should in no case be left out of the show.

→ In no case be left out of the show.

(3) He can not only write lyrics but also compose music.
→ Not only but also compose music.

2. Choose the correct words to complete the story.

(1) Giving / Given a free ticket, I went to

a concert of a famous choir. (2) Recognizing /
Recognized as the best in the world, the choir sang
one beautiful song after another. I closed my eyes
and listened, (3) reminding / reminded myself of
how music had healed my soul years ago.

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 145

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

Our Class Song

Why do schools,
companies, and
countries have
special songs that
represent them?

You are going to propose a class song to your classmates.

Step 1 Generate Ideas

1. Work in groups of four. Decide on a song that your group thinks would be
a great class song.

2. Think of why the music is special.

3. Describe the best part of the lyrics and explain its meaning.

4. Think about how the song will help the class.

5. Suggest a good time to sing the class song together.

146 Lesson 6
Step 2 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Our Class Song: “True Colors”

Our class needs a song! We think the best candidate is Cyndi
Lauper’s “True Colors.” What makes this song great is that
it has a beautiful melody. The best part of the lyrics is “True
colors are beautiful like a rainbow.” It means that it is okay
to be different. This song will encourage us to show our true
colors and be ourselves. A good time to sing our song is when
we begin school or when we feel sleepy. Let’s be one, singing
the song.

2. Write about your suggested song using the information in Step 1 .

Step 3 Get Group Feedback

Work with another group. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each
Yes No Ways to improve
Group 1. Is the proposal clear and convincing?
Check 2. Are the reasons unique and interesting?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Present

1. Revise your suggestion based on the feedback from the other group.
2. Present your work to the class and vote for the best song.

Self ▶I can produce a written suggestion in cooperation Color

the face that

Check with classmates.

matches your

▶I can improve my writing based on group feedback.

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 147

A painting has many stories in it. Your mission is to imagine a story from
a painting. Use your imagination and creativity.

Imagine a Story
from a Painting!
Step 1 Work in groups of four. Choose one painting and imagine its

Complaining about her dress, the little

princess is waiting for the painter to
finish the picture.

Step 2 Imagine what the characters in the painting might be saying or

thinking. Use at least four characters.
The little princess in the center: I don’t like this dress! It’s too heavy
and makes me feel hot! I want to go
out and play with my dog!

148 Lesson 6
Step 3 Make a story based on Steps 1 and 2 .
Complaining about her dress, the little princess is waiting for
the painter to finish the picture.

I don’t like this dress! It’s too heavy and makes me

feel hot! I want to go out and play with my dog!

Princess, please. You can play in a moment, but you

should pose for the painter first. It won’t take long.

Oops. Am I supposed to make the princess smile?

She doesn’t smile at all.

I knew it’d take forever. Drawing a child is always

difficult, so I prefer painting adults. Anyway, should
I give her some candy?

Step 4 Act out the scene in front of the class. Choose the best story.

▶Was the story creative and imaginative? Color
the face that

Check ▶Did all group members actively participate?

matches your

▶Were the requirements of the project fully met?

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 149

Art Festivals
Around the World
Art is an important part of culture, and
this is evidenced by art festivals around the world.
Find out what kinds of art festivals are held in different corners of the world.

Edinburgh International Festival, U.K.

This annual event of performing arts is one of the
largest art festivals in Europe. It brings together
performers of music, theater, and dance from around
the world. It lasts for three weeks in August, providing
a chance to appreciate the world’s best art.
Adapted from Our mission and history , Edinburgh International
Festival (, 2016)

Festival Cervantino, Mexico

This festival, one of the greatest art and cultural
events in Latin America, was named in honor of
Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote . It is held
annually in October and focuses on artistic creations
in the Spanish language.
Adapted from Festival Cervantino: Cultural Mecca (, 2016)

Web Quest
Search for art festivals around the world and share your findings with your classmates.

Festival name Location Events

art festivals around the world

How to get information online
The most accurate and latest information about an art festival can be obtained from the official
website of the organization in charge.

150 Lesson 6
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. Which statement about the girl is correct?

a. She has finished her art project.
b. She is composing background music.
c. She prefers classical music to pop music.
d. She will listen to the new song the boy suggested.

2. Listen and find the mistake and

correct it. HOLOGRAM

What: Michael Jackson hologram concert

When: 7 p.m., September 7th to 30th
Where: Dream Theater

3. Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box. Then role play with
your partner.

A: Let’s see a movie together this weekend.

B: Sounds great!
A: Not really. Um, do you like sci-fi or action movies?
A: So do I.
B: Then we can see a sci-fi movie.
A: Okay.
B: No, I haven’t. I haven’t been to the movies in ages.
A: It's called The Lost Aliens . I’ve heard it’s pretty good.

a. I prefer sci-fi to action movies.

b. Do you have any particular movie in mind?
c. Have you heard about the latest sci-fi movie?

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 151

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Working with thousands of people from all over the world, Eric
Whitacre has produced beautiful virtual choir videos. His idea of a
virtual choir inspired ordinary people who love to sing but could not
join a(n) choir for different reasons. For example, a man
who is nearly blind has recently joined a virtual choir. Never had he
been able to sing in a choir because he could not see the conductor.
With the virtual choir, however, he was able to get close enough to the
screen, see the conductor, and sing beautifully.
Adapted from All together now (on YouTube): Last chance to join virtual choir (Washington Post, December 26, 2010)
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong , TED (, March 2011)
About the Virtual Choir (, 2016)

(1) Check T (true) or F (false). T F

Eric Whitacre inspired people to travel a long distance.

Physically challenged people can join a virtual choir.

(2) Which word best fits in the blank?

a. traditional b. virtual c. beautiful d. unusual

5. Complete the diary using the given expressions.

Today was my lucky day. , I heard

my name called and shouted in excitement. ,
my mother asked me what happened. I was picked as a winner and got
music concert tickets. Never did I imagine that .
I felt I was girl in the whole world.

surprise listen to the radio choose lucky

152 Lesson 6
The virtual choir shows music and technology working together.
How do you think music will develop in the future? Talk in groups.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about: Good

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
stud ied this lesson
I have
My S tu dy Planner
on page 13

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts 153

7 Big Question
How does science affect our lives?

LINK Science

● Get Started
A. “An amusement park is a huge physics classroom.” What do you think
this statement means?

B. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. Which expression do you like the most, and why?

2. If you were making this video, what expressions would you add?
Adapted from What Is Science? (, 2017)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Science in Our Daily Lives

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

in Our The Science of Personal
Lives on Science

Topic 2
Science and

Communicative Functions
▶ 궁금증 표현하기: I’m curious about why it’s blowing so hard.
▶ 의견 표현하기: It seems to me that satellites are very helpful.

Language in Use
▶ There are four main forces involved in flight.
▶ To make a kite fly, it is sometimes necessary to run with it behind you.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 Science in Our Lives
Warming Up
▶Can you express
curiosity about
Which things below are you curious about? Can you find any answers
the science
behind objects to your questions? Talk with your classmates.
around us?

I’m curious about

why fireworks have
different colors.

I really want
to know how a
3D printer works.

Why don’t touch

screens work with
normal gloves?

In Daily Life
1. Listen and complete the chart.

▶To figure out a Myth: Space shuttles make loud sounds in space.
causal relationship,
focus on information Effect: We cannot hear any in space.
around words like
Cause: There is no in outer space. Sound needs something
why , because ,
reason , etc. to through.

2. Listen. What is the boy going to do on the weekend?

a. visit a 3D printer factory
b. make a robot at a science museum
c. take part in a team project to make a robot

156 Lesson 7
Science in the City
1. Complete the comic strip about wind in the city.

I’m curious It’s because But the

about why it’s buildings should
blowing so . block the wind,
hard. right?

The wind is
so strong.
People make
When the wind building corners
hits a tall building, round, and this
helps the wind
and tends to pass through
be strong. more easily.
I see. I’m
curious about Wow,
science is
. everywhere.
Adapted from <한 컷의 과학, 39화 — 빌딩풍에
a. how tall buildings withstand strong winds 대처하는 우리의 자세> (, 2015)

b. we’re surrounded by tall buildings

c. it rapidly comes down to the lower part of the building

2. Listen and check your answers. Practice the dialog with your partner.

3. Talk with your classmates about how tall buildings withstand strong winds.

30 St. Mary Axe Shanghai World Financial Cayan Tower in Dubai,

in London, U.K. Center in Shanghai, China United Arab Emirates

Self ▶I can express what I am curious about. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about science in our daily lives.

matches your

Science Everywhere 157

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Science and Transportation
Warming Up
▶Can you express
your opinion How have people traveled throughout history? Draw a type of
about scientific
developments? transportation in the box and tell your partner why it goes there.

What scientific

developments have
led to progress
in the history of

Various Ways to Travel

1. Listen and complete the postcard.

Hi Emily,
I’m having a great time here.
Yesterday, I took a hot air balloon
ride in Cappadocia. People used hot
air balloons for
in the 1700s. Did you know that the
hot air balloon was the first successful
technology for carrying
Tomorrow, I’m ....

2. Listen. Find TWO incorrect statements and correct them.

a. The speakers will watch a musical at 5:30.
b. The speakers will take a taxi to the performance.
c. The app tells traffic situations in real time using GPS.

158 Lesson 7
Two Sides of Science and Technology
1. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of different
technologies? Share your opinion with your partner.

Satellites Robots Drones

Advantages Disadvantages

Satellites weather forecasts, GPS, ... invasion of privacy, ...


A: Satellites are being used in more and more fields. What do you
think of them?
Model Dialog

▶Use “It seems to

B: It seems to me that satellites are very helpful. They’re used for me that ...” to
weather forecasts, GPS, and so on. indicate that
what you say is
A: You’re right. But I’m concerned about privacy. Satellites are always only an opinion or
watching us.

2. Discuss the questions with your classmates.

(1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern transportation?

(2) How can we solve its problems?

Self ▶I can express my opinion. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about how transportation has developed.

matches your

Science Everywhere 159

When a new invention is introduced into the market, people try to advertise
its innovation. Do you know what features attract people?

Up, Up, and Away

A. Listen to the interview and complete the advertisement. Then talk about
the main idea with your partner.

Want to Have Both a Car and a Plane?

Aeroport flies with , like a plane.
Aeroport takes off and lands without a(n) .

With our flying car,

you can go anywhere you want!
Don’t hesitate!
Here is your ideal car, Aeroport!
Adapted from Solutions Advanced SB (Tim Falla / Paul A. Davies, 2013)

B. Work in groups of four. Talk about the questions and present your
group’s ideas to the class.

What other features

would you like to add to To whom would
the flying car? the flying car
be useful?

Self ▶I can understand the key information in the interview. the face that

Check ▶I can suggest a new feature for the product.

matches your

160 Lesson 7
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. What do you think makes planes and kites fly? Put the words in the
correct places.

(1) (3)

string wings wind engine propeller difference in air pressure

B. Look at the pictures. Guess the meanings of the words in RED and share
your ideas with your partner.

1. All things fall to the ground because of the

earth’s gravity.

2. I had to monitor the experiment constantly,

so I could not get any sleep.

3. My father always talks about grandparents,

their parents, and other ancestors.

4. Society is aging, and seniors make up a

large proportion of the population.

5. In ancient times, people exchanged things

that were equivalent in worth.

Science Everywhere 161

Fo l d e r 2 Reading What are the secrets of flying? As you read the passage, think
about what makes planes and kites fly.

Have you ever wondered what makes a

kite fly, or what a kite and an airplane have
in common? The truth is that they both rely
on the same science — the science of fl ight.

5 Basics of Flight under them. Lift is opposed by weight,

There are four main forces involved which is the force of gravity that is
in flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. constantly pulling the airplane down.
Lift is created by the difference in air If the amount of lift is greater than the
pressure between the air flowing over amount of weight, the airplane will rise. 15

10 an airplane’s wings and the air flowing At the same time, thrust is created by
the airplane’s engines and propellers
LIFT pushing the airplane forward. Opposed
to that force is drag, which is the air
pushing the airplane back. If thrust 20

is greater than drag, the airplane will

DRAG move forward. The interaction between
these four forces makes airplanes fly.

While-Reading Questions
Q1 What is the role of lift?

L2 have in common L7 lift L7 thrust L7drag L11 oppose

L12 gravity L13 constantly L17 propeller L22 interaction

162 Lesson 7
Airplanes are designed with these A Simple Experiment
25 forces in mind. The engines and You can see for yourself how the
propellers provide thrust to move force of lift works. Cut a strip of paper
airplanes for ward. The wings are about 4 cm wide. Hold one end of the 40

shaped so that air has to travel faster strip near your lips, and blow slowly
over them than under them. According and evenly over the paper. The other
30 to Bernoulli’s principle, an increase in end of the strip will rise. This is because
the speed of air results in a decrease the air blown out over the top of the
in pressure. Thus, air traveling faster paper moves quickly, so its pressure is 45

creates lower pressure above the wings, lower than the still air under the paper.
and the higher pressure under the The still air, with a higher pressure,
35 wings pushes the airplane up, creating pushes the paper upward into the lower
lift. pressure air.

Web Quest
Search for Bernoulli’s principle and share your
findings with your partner.
Bernoulli’s principle

Q2 How does pressure change when the speed of air increases?

Q3 Try the experiment above. Does the end of the strip rise as described?

L26 provide L30 principle L31 result in

L32 pressure L37 experiment L39 strip

L42 evenly L46 still L48 upward

Science Everywhere 163

50 Why a Kite Flies balance each other. Likewise, thrust
A kite flies in the same way as an and drag must also be equivalent. 65

airplane does. To make a kite fly, it is

sometimes necessary to run with it The Uniqueness of Bangpaeyeon
Bangpaeyeon, the most popular
behind you. This creates lift and pushes
Korean kite, looks simple, but is the
55 the kite up. Once the kite gets up in the
toughest of all kites flown in Korea.
sky where the wind is strong enough,
This rectangular kite is traditionally 70
you can stop running, and the kite will
made from five bamboo sticks and is
fly. Instead of engines and propellers,
covered with traditional Korean paper.
the tension from someone pulling on
It is always made so that the width
60 the kite’s string provides thrust for a
and length are in a 2-by-3 proportion.
kite. For a kite to remain flying, the
Unlike kites in other countries, it has 75
amount of lift needs to be equal to the
a circular hole in the center, with a
amount of weight so that those forces
diameter half the width of the kite.
What this hole does is control the air.
The push of air on the front of the kite
is greatly reduced because some of the 80

Q4 Fill in the blanks.

The amount of lift needs to be to the
amount of to allow a kite to remain flying.
Q5 Talk with your partner about what else you know
about Korean kites.

L59 tension L65equivalent

L66 uniqueness L70 rectangular

L71 bamboo L73 width

L74 length L74 proportion

L76 circular L77 diameter

164 Lesson 7
wind passes through the hole to the of the kite, things we use every day
back. This allows you to turn the kite often act in accordance with interesting
quickly. Without the hole, it would not principles of science. Make sure you
be easy to control. In addition, the kite think about these principles at work in 90

85 is not easily damaged by a strong wind. your daily life.

As you can see from the example

A Way to Increase Stability: A Tail

A tail is sometimes added to a kite. It can help make a kite fly more stably by
adding not just some weight but also drag to its lower end. The tail should have
95 the right length, though. Adding a short tail, for example, a 10 cm tail, will make
the kite spin and roll around a lot. Adding a longer tail, such as a 100 cm tail,
can help the kite fly well, allowing it to go high without rolling very much. Our
ancestors knew all this and made the tail the right length.

Adapted from How to Make a Kite (, 2016)

Q6 Check T (true) or F (false). T F

One key to increasing the stability of a kite is its tail.

L88 in accordance with L90 at work L92 stability L93 stably

L96 spin L98 ancestor

Science Everywhere 165

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the summary.

The Science Behind Flight

The interaction of the four main forces makes airplanes and kites .

1. The Four Main Forces


(2) (4)


2. The Interaction of the Four Main Forces

(1) When lift is greater than , airplanes and kites rise.
(2) When thrust is greater than , airplanes and kites move
(3) When lift is equal to and thrust is equal to ,
airplanes and kites remain .

B. Correct the mistakes.

1. An airplane’s engines and propellers create lift.
2. Bangpaeyeon is traditionally made with eight bamboo sticks.
3. Bangpaeyeon has a rectangular hole in the center, and its tail controls the air.
4. A long tail makes a kite spin and roll a lot.

What do you think planes will be like in the future? Share your ideas with your classmates.

166 Lesson 7

Further Reading

Birds, Kites, and Power Lines

Why can a bird stand on a power
line and not get shocked? This has
to do with how electricity works.
Electricity flows between two points
5 that differ in voltage. Since there is no voltage difference between the bird’s
feet, electricity does not flow through the bird’s body. If a bird touches two
wires that differ in voltage, however, electricity will flow through the bird
and will probably give it an electric shock.
If your kite or balloon got caught on a power line and you touched the
10 string, what would happen? Of course, electricity would travel down the
string and into your body on its way to the ground. This would mean a
serious shock! So keep in mind that you must not fly kites near power lines.
Basic science will help you stay safe near electricity and can answer puzzling
questions about electricity.
Adapted from World Treck English Communication I (桐原書店, 2013, p. 84)

1. Which bird will be safe?

a. b. c.

2. What causes electricity to flow from one point to another?

3. What other safety tips about electricity can you share with your classmates?

the face that
Self ▶I can explain the scientific principles behind planes and kites. matches your

Check ▶I can understand the scientific facts behind some everyday



Science Everywhere 167

Word-Building Skills

Study each pair of words that are opposite in meaning.

push ↔ pull constantly ↔ never oppose ↔ support

equivalent ↔ different moving ↔ still traditional ↔ modern

Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

(1) Young children find it difficult to stay (still / moving) for a photo.
(2) The annual celebration includes (traditional / modern) events such as ssireum .
(3) Men and women should be paid the same salary if they do (equivalent / different)

Self-Study Think of more opposites and share them with your partner.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

Interesting. The wings So, what do your I designed the

machine and airplanes machine
paper. Why? ? the principles Oh,
of flight. I see.

My flying
human Because other
strength. materials are too

rely on have in common be covered with in accordance with

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

168 Lesson 7
Language in Use

There are four main forces involved in flight: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. p. 162

The student raising her hand is my best friend.

Ms. Brown happened to meet a man holding a camera.

To make a kite fly, it is sometimes necessary to run with it behind you. p. 164 L52

The athlete walked along the river bank with his hands in his pockets.
Mr. White called time out with two minutes left on the clock.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Find a mistake among the underlined words and correct it.

Kevin proposed a new building designed to resist heavy winds affecting its area.
He explained the proposal with his things spreading out on the presentation
table. The audience at first rejected his proposal with their arms folded. As time
went on, however, they showed interest and accepted it.

2. Describe the picture by filling in each blank with THREE words including with .




(1) The woman is playing the violin closed.

(2) A little boy is riding his bike on.
(3) A little girl is running in her hand.
(4) The man is driving a car open.

Science Everywhere 169

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

Personal Thoughts on Science

How has science
affected the
quality of
human life?

You are going to write a paragraph that expresses your view of how science influences us.

Step 1 Generate Ideas

1. Read the statement and decide on your position.

Science has made us happier than before.

Agree Disagree

2. Brainstorm details that support your position and the opposite one.


Your position

The opposite position

better medicine greater convenience

destructive power potential ability to divide society

170 Lesson 7
Step 2 Write Your Draft
1. Read the model and analyze how it is organized.

Does Science Make Us Happier?

People have different views on the role of science, but I strongly
believe that science makes us happier. Some people argue that
science can be abused and dangerous. They say atomic bombs are
opposite position
the clearest example showing the destructive power of science.
However, I think there is a more convincing view on the topic:
science does us more good than harm. For example, science
helps make better medicine. It definitely improves the quality position

of our lives. I am convinced that science will continue to make

us happy.

2. Write your opinion paragraph using the information in Step 1 .

Step 3 Get Peer Feedback

Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.

Yes No Ways to improve

Peer 1. Is the argument convincing?
2. Is the opinion logical and clear?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Present

1. Revise your work based on the feedback from your partner.
2. Share your work with the class.

Self ▶I can write my opinions on science. the face that

Check ▶I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.

matches your

Science Everywhere 171

Although you are not scientists, you already have a lot of scientific
knowledge. Your mission is to create science questions for a quiz show,
using your knowledge.

Create a Science
Quiz Show!
Step 1 Work in groups of four and talk about interesting science facts.

Plants & Animals Scientists Stars & Planets

Weather Space Travel Computers

Sci-Fi Movies Robots

Step 2 Each group member makes two questions.

What is
the name of the True or False
first satellite Rabbits are
sent into space? born blind.

Answer: Sputnik
Answer: True

172 Lesson 7
Step 3 Collect the questions and check them in your group.
1. Does the question include scientific information?
2. Is the question interesting?
3. Is the question expressed in clear, understandable English?

Step 4 Choose the best four questions.

Step 5 Hold a quiz show activity in class.

1. One group reads a question aloud.
2. The other groups answer the question.
3. The group that gives the correct answer gets a point.
4. The group with the most points wins.

What is the force

Step 6 Choose the five most interesting that causes things
questions. to fall to the ground?

the face that
Group ▶Were the quiz questions informative and useful? matches your

Check ▶Did all group members actively participate?


▶Were the requirements of the project fully met?

Science Everywhere 173

Science Museums
Around the World
Science, as we know it today, owes its achievements
to the scientific minds of the past, and many of these
achievements are stored in science museums. There are
many interesting science museums all around the world.

Museo Galileo, Italy

You surely know of the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564 -
1642). This museum is small but contains a major collection of
scientific instruments, including those originally used by Galileo.

Adapted from Museo Galileo (

Miraikan, Japan
Miraikan, which means “Hall of the Future,” is another
name for the National Museum of Emerging Science and
Innovation. It features wonders of Earth’s environment,
space, and robots, offering a glimpse into the future.
Adapted from What is Miraikan? (

The National Museum of Natural History, U.S.A.

This is one of the most visited museums in the
world. The museum takes pride in its collection of
over 126 million samples of plants, animals, and
fossils. Make sure to drop by the Korea Gallery when
you visit the museum.
Adapted from About The Museum, Smithsonian Institution
(, 2016)

Web Quest
Choose a country that you want to visit and find out what science
museums you can find there. Share your results with your classmates.

Country Science museum Major collections

science museums to visit

174 Lesson 7
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. What is the dialog mainly about?

a. a flying suit
b. principles of flight
c. different sources of news
d. the future of the movie industry

2. Listen. What are the speakers looking at?

a. b.

Car Ra Repairin
ce g Cars

c. d.

ving Ca Car Ac
r cident

3. Choose one item from the box and talk about it with your partner.

robots schools airplanes the environment

A: Have you ever wondered what the future will be like?

B: Yes. I’m really curious about what will be like in the future.
A: It seems to me that .
B: What makes you say that?
A: It’s because .
B: Wow! We’ll be living in a very different world.

Science Everywhere 175

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

When you fly a kite, you sometimes have to run with the kite behind
you. ⓐ It is because a kite follows the same rules of flight as an airplane.
Pulling the kite creates lift and makes ⓑ it go up. If the wind is strong
enough when ⓒ it gets up in the air, you can stop running and enjoy
the wonderful sight of the kite flying on its own. ⓓ It will stay up in the
air as long as there is an amount of lift that is equal to the amount of
weight. Otherwise, your kite will either fly higher or fall to the ground.
Adapted from How to Make a Kite (, 2016)

(1) Fill in the blanks to complete the summary.

A kite needs to go up in the air, and it should be

balanced with to remain flying.

(2) Which underlined part does NOT refer to the same thing?
a. ⓐ b. ⓑ c. ⓒ d. ⓓ

5. Write about an invention that you would like to make in the future.

What I would like to invent in the future is .

It will be very useful for people who .
With this invention, people will be able to
. To make the invention, I will

176 Lesson 7
What are some future advances in technology that could affect our lives significantly?

Share your ideas with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about:

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
stud ied this lesson
I have
My S tu dy Planner
on page 15

Science Everywhere 177

8 Big Question
How much do you know about Korean culture?

The Mirror
of Our Hearts
LINK Society & Culture History

● Get Started
A. What are some characteristics of Korean culture?

B. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. Why do you think these heritage items are on UNESCO’s

2. What other Korean heritage items should be added to the

Source: Korea’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites , 한국관광공사 (, 2010)

● Set a Goal
Look through the lesson and find out what you are going to study.

Theme Interesting Korean Culture

Topic 1 Reading Creative Writing

Surprising Korean Tug for The Best Korean

Topic 2
Traditional Korean

Communicative Functions
▶ 놀람 표현하기: I was surprised that people jumped into cold water.
▶ 제안・권유하기: Why don’t we join the Korean archery program?
— That’s a great idea.

Language in Use
▶ You all must have played this game at least once.
▶ Even though both teams tried their best, it was my team that won.

Section Date Section Date

Folder 1 Folder 3

Real-Life Action! Project Workshop

Folder 2 Culture Discovery

Language Focus Wrap Up

Topic 1
Fo l d e r 1 Surprising Korean Culture
Warming Up
you talk
about various
Which aspects of Korean culture would be interesting to visitors?
aspects of Korean

many side dishes at restaurants

easy access to WiFi
food delivery services
Hangeulnal (Korean Alphabet Day)
passionate cheering at baseball games

Surprising Culture
1. Listen. What did Kevin find surprising? Choose one from Warming Up .

2. Listen and answer.

(1) What did the speaker say?

I was by the way

baseball fans for
their teams in Korea.

volunteered cheered moved surprised

(2) Listen again. Which can be inferred from the talk?

a. She used to be an athlete.
▶To make an b. She does not like noisy baseball fans.
inference, look for
specific clues. c. She relieves stress at the ballpark.

Do you like watching sports? Which do you prefer, going to see a game or
watching it on TV?

180 Lesson 8
Surprising Festivals in Korea
1. Talk about these Korean festivals with your partner.

Sancheoneo Ice Gijisi
Festival Juldarigi Festival
Jump into
It takes about a month
cold water
to make a long rope!
to catch fish!

Mud Festival

Play in the mud

and have fun!

A: What did you do over the weekend? Tips

B: I went to the Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival.
Model Dialog

How to show surprise:

A: Sounds like you had a great time. ▶What a surprise!

B: Yeah, it was really exciting! I was really surprised that people ▶I’m surprised to ....

▶It’s surprising that ....

jumped into cold water to catch fish.

2. Work in groups of four. Go online and find another festival in Korea.

Then make a presentation to the class.
▶To express surprise,
speak with feeling.
Name Dates

Web Quest
If you want to get some
more information about
Korean culture, visit

Self ▶I can express the feeling of surprise. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can describe surprising aspects of Korean culture.

matches your

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 181

Topic 2
Fo l d e r 1 Traditional Korean Culture
Warming Up
▶Can you make
suggestions to What aspect of traditional Korean culture would you want international
someone to go
and see traditional friends to experience? Share your ideas with your classmates.
Korean culture?
Arts Historical Sites Games

Making Choices
1. Listen. What will the speakers give to Ryan?
a. masks b. bookmarks c. fans

2. Listen and answer.

(1) Why did the girl make the
▶To decide whether
call? The Annual
to join an event,
listen for necessary a. to volunteer for a festival Gimchi Making
b. to sign up for an event Festival
c. to ask the boy to attend a
Saturday, December 22, 11 a.m.
Eastside Community Center
(2) Listen again and correct the Learn how to make Gimchi .
TWO mistakes on the poster. Make it and donate it!
Register by phone!

182 Lesson 8
A Good Time at a Folk Village
1. Read the leaflet from a traditional folk village. Which program do you
think will be the most interesting?

Traditional Costumes Pottery Making

Korean Archery
Experience Watch traditional
Learn how to shoot a
different types of pottery making, and
bow the traditional
clothing from the past. make your own pot to
take home with you.

2. Which program would you recommend for a visitor in Korea? Role play Tips
with your partner.
Expressions for
suggesting things
A: How about visiting a traditional folk village tomorrow? ▶Why don’t we/you
Model Dialog

B: Sounds good. What programs does it offer?

▶How/What about ...?
A: Well, here’s a leaflet. Why don’t we attend the Korean archery program?
▶Let’s ... together.
B: That’s a great idea. I want to learn how to shoot a bow the traditional

▶When invited to do
something together,
3. If you worked at the folk village, what kinds of programs would you respond politely by
adding a comment.
add? Work in groups of four and make a presentation.

Self ▶I can make suggestions to do something together. Color

the face that

Check ▶I can talk about traditional Korean culture.

matches your

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 183

Each country has its own culture. What advice would you give to an
international visitor?

Korean Manners

A. Listen to the talk and complete the slide. Then talk about the main idea
with your partner.

Essential Korean Manners

1. your head when you greet an older person.
2. Don’t look someone in the eye for too .
3. Don’t stick your straight up
in your rice bowl.

B. Work in groups of four and do the activity.

1. Think of an additional tip on how to be polite in Korea.
2. Write a script in which your tip is explained.
3. Practice the conversation in your group, and then present it to the class.

Tip Don’t blow your nose at the table.

A: I’m afraid I caught a cold.
B: Why don’t you try this tea? It’ll be good for your cold.
A: Will it help my runny nose?
C: I think so. It always works for me, anyway.
A: (blowing his nose ) I hope it does.
D: You know what? We’re not supposed to blow our nose at the
dinner table in Korea.
A: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I’m surprised there’s a rule like
that in Korea.
D: That’s okay. Live and learn.

Self ▶I can explain Korean manners to an international visitor. the face that

Check ▶I actively participated in the group presentation.

matches your

184 Lesson 8
Fo l d e r 2 Before Reading

A. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions with your partner.

1. What might our ancestors have been trying to promote through these
2. What other traditional events do you think promote the same spirit?

B. Guess the meanings of the underlined words, and write the words in the

1. They expect a good rice harvest this year.

2. I felt the tension as I waited for the interview result.
3. I guess opinions about the proposal will vary from person to person.
4. He realized he should cooperate with his classmates to do the task

: to differ in form, appearance, or character

: the amount of crops that are gathered
: to work with other people to do something
: the feeling of being nervous before an important or
difficult event

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 185

Fo l d e r 2 Reading As you read the passage, think about what traditional juldarigi
rituals meant to our ancestors and how they can serve us.

Tug for Harmony

For their final project, students in Ms. Nam’s English class are
giving group presentations about Korean culture.

Before we start, guess what this is!

Minji This is a team sport. 5

It used to be an Olympic event.

Stepping forward means your defeat.
Players use a long rope.

Yes, the answer is juldarigi or tug of war. This is the topic of

our presentation. You all must have played this game at least once 10

because it is juldarigi that often highlights a school sports day. I

still remember the tension I felt just before starting to pull. The
moments of joy and disappointment were also unforgettable.
However, this isn’t just a school sport. In 2015, juldarigi was
added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list under the 15

heading of Tugging Rituals and Games. As we researched this

cultural heritage, we learned a lot of new and interesting facts.

While-Reading Questions
Q1 What feelings about juldarigi does Minji remember?
Q2 Do you think juldarigi is a good event for a school sports day? Why or why not?

L7 defeat ] L9 tug L11highlight ] L13unforgettable ]

L15 intangible ] L15 heritage ] L15 under the heading of L16 ritual

186 Lesson 8
The Long History of Juldarigi Jinho
Nobody k nows exactly when the juldarigi tradition
20 started in Korea, but our ancestors must have performed it
for hundreds of years. The first historical record appeared in
Donggungnyeojiseungnam (1481). The book says that it was widely
popular in the middle and southern parts of Korea where rice
farming was common.
25 Juldarigi was regarded not just as a sport but also as a ritual.
In the juldarigi ritual, a series of actions were usually performed
in the same way: making the ropes, holding ceremonies, tugging
the ropes, and staging special events after the game. Juldarigi
might have been a perfect way to help people cooperate and
30 promote the harmony and unity of the community. In Korea,
many towns have cherished this tradition, and some towns, such
as Gijisi, Yeongsan, Samcheok, Gamnae, and Uiryeong, have
developed it into exciting festivals.

Holding ceremonies Taking pieces home

Making a rope
Tugging the rope

Q3 Check T (true) or F (false). T F

Juldarigi was widely popular in the northern parts of Korea.
Q4 What other traditional Korean rituals or ceremonies can you think of?

L27 ceremony L29 cooperate L30 promote

L30 unity L31 cherish

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 187

A Tugging Rope That Is Not Just a Rope

Look at this slide. What do the ropes look like? Juldarigi ropes 35

vary in shape and design from region to region. The rope used
in Yeongsan and Gijisi juldarigi, with smaller ones attached to it,
looks like a giant centipede. The rope used in Gamnae juldarigi
is made to look like a
Sumi crab in order to express 40

the participants’ wish to

catch more crabs.
After the game is over, people in some areas cut the rope into
smaller pieces and bring them home. They throw the pieces onto
the roof or hang them on the gate of their home. Some people 45

believe that these ropes can bring a good harvest, health, and
peace to their families. Interestingly, Gijisi juldarigi ropes are
believed to help couples have a child, cure backaches, and bring
good luck to the families that own them.

Q5 Underline the sentence that expresses the main idea of the first paragraph.
Q6 If you were at the Gijisi juldarigi event, would you take a piece of the rope home with

L36 vary L36 region L37 attach L38 centipede

L40 crab L46 harvest L48 cure L48 backache

188 Lesson 8
Gijisi Juldarigi Festival: A Celebration of Tradition 50

Last April, I took part in the Gijisi Juldarigi Festival, held

in Dangjin, Chungcheongnam-do. At first, I couldn’t believe
my eyes. The size of the rope was unbelievable. It was about
200 meters long and one meter thick, weighing over 40 tons.

Dongho Thousands of people gathered and pulled the “centipede” rope to 55

Even though both teams tried their best, it was my team
that won. Actually, which team wins is not that important. By
tradition, participants are divided into two teams by township:
one team from susang, the northern area, and the other from 60

suha, the southern area. They say that the country will be
peaceful if the former team wins, and that it will have a good
harvest if the latter wins. I was happy because I learned that I
helped bring a good harvest! It was wonderful to experience
traditional Korean culture in the spirit of cooperation. Most of 65

all, it was fun.

Now, what does juldarigi mean to you? While preparing our

presentation, we learned that juldarigi isn’t unique to Korea or
other Asian countries. However, Korean juldarigi rituals reflect our Minj
70 history and culture and have contributed to the harmony and unity
of communities. What is important is for us to inherit and further
develop our traditional juldarigi for future generations.
Adapted from <줄다리기, 흥을 당기다> (국립무형유산원, December 23, 2015)
기지시 줄다리기 (, 2016)
Korea’s Mass Tug-of-War Awaits UNESCO Recognition (The Korea Herald, April 13, 2015)
Q7 Why could Dongho not believe his eyes when he saw the rope at the Gijisi Juldarigi Festival?
Q8 Fill in the blank.
People say that if the susang team wins, the country will be .

L57 try one’s best L59be divided into L59 township spirit

L69 reflect L70 contribute to L71 inherit L72 generation

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 189

Fo l d e r 2 After Reading Read along as you listen and then perform
the tasks.

A. Complete the chart about juldarigi .

In 2015, it was to Donggungnyeojiseungnam
UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural says it was widely popular in
Heritage list. the farming areas.

It is not only a
Several towns have developed
but also a which (5)
it into exciting .
consists of a series of actions.

It contributes to the
and of communities.

B. Who misunderstood the main text?

We could learn when and why juldarigi

started from Donggungnyeojiseungnam .

The rope used in Gamnae juldarigi
reflects people’s wish to catch
more crabs.

Some people believe the pieces of the

juldarigi rope will bring good health and
luck to their families.

How do you think juldarigi can be made into an even more exciting event for teens?

190 Lesson 8

Further Reading

Was Tug of War an Olympic Event?

You may think that tug of war is just a playground event for children or
an exercise for adults that helps build a team spirit. In fact, it was a team
sport in the Olympics from 1900 to 1920. Interestingly, a country could send
more than one team to the Olympics, so it could earn multiple medals in the
5 event. For example, the United States won all three medals in 1904 when the
Olympic Games were held in St. Louis. Great Britain won all the medals in
the 1908 London Olympics.
Tug of war is not an Olympic event anymore. However, there is an
international organization that is dedicated to the promotion of tug of war.
10 It holds world championships every year and
tries hard to get tug of war included again in the
Olympics. The organization hopes that tug of war
will regain its old glory. Will we soon be able to
cheer for our national tug of war team to win a
15 gold medal in the Olympics?
Adapted from Tug of War (, 2016)
Olympics History (

1. Why could one country win multiple medals in the Olympic tug of war event?

2. What is the organization’s attitude toward tug of war as a sporting event?

a. playful b. supportive c. indifferent

3. What sport do you want to be added to the Olympic Games, and why?

the face that
Self ▶I can explain the meaning of juldarigi. matches your

Check ▶I can understand the main ideas and details of the text.

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 191

Word-Building Skills
Study the words and figure out the common function of the word ending.

Words Word endings Function

disappointment development attachment

enhancement statement

tension cooperation participation

-tion / -sion
contribution promotion

Fill in each blank with a word from above.

(1) The success of a project depends on the close of team members.
(2) I opened the email but could not find the anywhere.
(3) To my , I failed to win a prize despite my best effort.

Self-Study Think of more words containing these word endings and share them with your classmates.

Multi-Word Units in Context

Complete the comic strip with the given expressions. Change the form if necessary.

We made a reservation Juldarigi participants

under the name of two teams.
Nam Suho. Is this ritual Let’s join a team
this next time.
part of Korea?

Go inside.
Sure. That’ll be
a great way to
Not really. keeping the
It’s common, at least in tradition alive.
the southern region.

be divided into contribute to unique to

Self-Study Write sentences using the expressions above and share them with your classmates.

192 Lesson 8
Language in Use

You all must have played this game at least once. p. 186 L10

She sang along to almost all the songs from the musical. She must have seen it
several times.
cf. He fell down the stairs and hurt his leg. He should have been more careful.

Even though both teams tried their best, it was my team that won. p. 189 L57

All the questions were difficult, but it was the last one that I found most
An expensive gift is nice, but it is the thought that counts.

Self-Study Think of more examples of the structures and write them down in your notebook.

1. Use must/should have and the given word to complete each sentence.
(1) A: Andrew gave a perfect presentation.
B: He very hard. (practice)
(2) A: My English teacher is funny and kind.
B: He popular in high school. (be)
(3) A: She will be late for the meeting because of traffic.
B: She earlier. (leave)

2. Complete each sentence by putting the words in order.

(1) In friendship, is most important.
(that, trust, is, it)
(2) In the match, scored the winning goal.
(it, Sue, was, that)
(3) When buying shoes, you should look for.
(quality, that, is, it)

3. Make TWO guesses about your partner and check if they are correct.
You must have gotten up late this morning because you were late for school.

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 193

Fo l d e r 3 Creative Writing

The Best Korean Dish

Which Korean dish
would you recommend
to someone from
another country?

You are going to complete a comic strip in which you recommend a Korean dish to an international

Step 1 Generate Ideas

What food would you recommend to an international visitor? Brainstorm
ideas and write them down.

Korean Dish Bibimbap

Reasons for ● good for health
Recommendation ● popular among visitors to Korea
Ingredients rice, egg, and vegetables
Taste a little hot but delicious

how to eat it: mix the ingredients

194 Lesson 8
Step 2 Write Your Draft
Complete the comic strip using the information in Step 1 .
Sure. Is
This restaurant Well, how about there any
Wow! This is What ?I
is famous for the would you special reason
my first time taste of its food. think you must you recommend
in a Korean recommend? have heard of it,
Look at the menu. it?
restaurant. right?

What are
How does the main Do you have Okay.
it taste? ingredients? any other I’m getting
questions? hungry.

Step 3 Get Peer Feedback

Work in pairs. Exchange first drafts and offer feedback to each other.

Yes No Ways to improve

Peer 1. Does the dialog flow naturally?
2. Is the information about the food accurate?
3. Is there anything that is not easy to understand?
4. Is the language fluent and accurate?

Step 4 Revise and Present

Revise your comic strip and act it out with your partner.

Self ▶I can recommend Korean food in writing. the face that

Check ▶I can improve my writing based on peer feedback.

matches your

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 195

Your mission is to create a leaflet that introduces your town’s attractions.
Try to include specific and useful information.

Make a Town Leaflet!

Step 1 Work in groups of four. Discuss the things you would like to
introduce about your town.

famous food festival famous people

historical or famous place short history

interesting story related to the town

Why don’t we
introduce historical
places? There are some
great historical places
like Soswaewon Garden Right! It’s
in our town. so beautiful.

historical place: Soswaewon Garden

Step 2 Discuss how you would like to make your leaflet.

196 Lesson 8
Step 3 Make your leaflet.

Visit Beautiful Damyang!

Experience Korean beauty and food in Damyang.

Soswaewon Garden: beautiful traditional

buildings and various
kinds of trees

Soswaewon Garden
Soswaewon Garden is one of the most famous
gardens from the Joseon Dynasty. It is the harmony
of nature and traditional Korean buildings that has
made this garden special. Walk slowly and listen to
the sounds of nature.

Location: 17 Soswaewon-gil, Nam-myeon, Damyang-gun

Adapted from 담양10경 소쇄원 (, 2016)

Step 4 Put your leaflet on the classroom wall. Vote for the most interesting

the face that
Group ▶Is the leaflet informative and attractive? matches your

Check ▶Did all group members actively participate?


▶Were the requirements of the project fully met?

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 197

UNESCO’s Intangible
Cultural Heritage
Music, dance, drama, skills, rituals, and festivals are all intangible aspects
of culture. Take the chance to appreciate them by exploring the world of
UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Arirang, Korea
“Arirang” is a traditional Korean folk song. Added
to UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in
2012, the song comes in many variations and is loved
by Koreans.
Adapted from Arirang, lyrical folk song in the Republic of Korea, UNESCO

Voladores, Mexico
In this ancient ceremony, participants pay
respect to the natural and spiritual worlds
by climbing to the top of a 30-meter pole
and flying down like birds. The ritual also
involves dancing and music.
Adapted from Ritual ceremony of the Voladores, UNESCO

Ritual Dance of the Royal Drum, Burundi

This is a ritual combining powerful drumming
with dancing, heroic poetry, and traditional
songs. The ritual dance of the royal
drum is performed during festivals to
welcome important visitors.
Adapted from Ritual dance of the royal drum, UNESCO
Web Quest
Search for UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage from different
continents of the world and share your findings with your classmates.

Country Heritage Special features Images

198 Lesson 8
Check what you have learned in this lesson.

1. Listen. What surprised the boy?

a. b.

c. d.

2. Listen. What are the speakers going to do on Saturday?

a. learn how to make a mask
b. watch a Korean mask dance
c. take traditional dance lessons
d. visit a Korean mask museum

3. Make a dialog according to the flow chart and talk with your partner.

Flow chart Dialog

A: Express surprise at how nice A: you’re wearing
your foreign friend looks. a hanbok. You look .

B: Reply with a grateful heart. B: Thank you. I feel .

A: Suggest doing something A:

B: Accept the suggestion. B: Okay. That sounds like fun.

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 199

4. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Gijisi juldarigi must have started hundreds of years ago, and it has
recently become a special festival. People make an unbelievably big and
long rope for the event using a huge amount of straw. It takes about a
month to make. On the day of the festival, anyone can participate in
this physical team effort. Both locals and tourists can come and join
the game, wishing for peace and a good harvest. All this reflects the
spirit of Korea’s agricultural regions that Koreans have
stressed for thousands of years.
Adapted from <줄다리기, 흥을 당기다> (국립무형유산원, December 23, 2015)
기지시 줄다리기 (, 2016)
Korea’s Mass Tug-of-War Awaits UNESCO Recognition (The Korea Herald, April 13, 2015)

(1) What is the best title for the passage?

a. Juldarigi : A Proud Korean Tradition
b. Secrets of Winning Juldarigi
c. Juldarigi : Our Answer to Natural Disasters
d. Our Ancestors’ Favorite Game

(2) Which word fits best in the blank?

a. colorful b. cooperative c. independent d. courageous

5. Write about a place in Korea that you would recommend to someone

from a different country.

When you come to Korea, you should definitely visit .

There are many places to , but it is this area that is the most
famous. It is well-known for . It is located .
Here you can . You can also .
I hope you have a good time there.

200 Lesson 8
Which aspects of Korean culture are you proud of?

Share your ideas with your classmates.

Reflect on Your Own Learning

•What I have learned in this lesson:

•What I want to learn more about: Good

•What I plan to do to perform better next time:

Check ner
Your Plan
stud ied this lesson
I have
My S tu dy Planner
on page 17

Korean Culture: The Mirror of Our Hearts 201

진단 평가 204

총괄 평가 206

Scripts 210

Answers 225

Words & Phrases 236

Sources 238

진단 평가

1. Listen. Which one is correct? 4. Which dialog is NOT appropriate?

① Dorothy wants to borrow an eraser from ① A Jason, thank you for doing me a favor.
Junseok. B No problem. What are friends for?
② Junseok likes using colored pencils when ② A Tim, would you like to go bowling with
taking notes. me?
③ Dorothy uses highlighters when studying. B Sounds great. I already have other plans.
④ Junseok thinks Dorothy does not need to ③ A I have no idea what to do for my science
use highlighters. project.
B It might be helpful to ask the science
teacher for a suggestion.
④ A I’m so nervous about my presentation.
B Relax. You’ll do well.

2. Listen. Why was the boy late?

① He got the time confused.
② He had a meeting before the movie.
③ He lost his phone on the bus.
④ He got up late in the morning.

3. Number the sentences in the correct order. 5. Which underlined expression is NOT
1 Julie, did you finish the book I gave you appropriate in the context?
the other day? ① You have to hand in the essay by this Friday.
I’m glad that you find it helpful. ② Mr. Smith will go to the airport to pick you
Oh yeah? How do you like it so far? up.
No, I haven’t finished it yet. I’ve read ③ They decided to put off the festival because
about half of it. of the storm.
It’s not exactly what I had expected, but ④ I looked after my keys everywhere, but I
it’s informative. could not find them.

204 진단 평가
6. Number the sentences after the given one. 8. Choose the best one for the blank.
① speak in words
Minji, the first speaker in the English speech

진단 평가
② use our body parts
contest, walked to the front as the students
③ produce many signs
gave her a big hand.
④ communicate with others

Minji saw the signal and tried to speak

She started to talk and spoke too fast.
The English teacher signaled her to slow
9. Make a sentence that fits in the blank. Use
the given words.

Are you familiar with Pablo Picasso? He

was one of the greatest painters of the 20th
If you visit Spain, you can see his most famous
painting, Guernica .

[7-8] R e a d t h e p a s s a g e a n d a n s w e r t h e
questions. well-known / unique / painting style / his / is /
He / for
When we have a conversation, we use
body language as well as speech. We all
create lots of signs using our body parts.
We may raise our eyebrows, nod our
heads, or cross our arms. We are sending
messages with our body. Without body
language, it would be much harder to 10. Write a proper sentence in the blank.
As I am a high school student, I am doing
my best to change my bad habits. I used
7. What is the main idea of the passage?
to play computer games for hours. Now I
① Each person uses unique body language.
read books or play sports. My mom used to
② Body language helps us communicate
clean my room. Now I clean my room myself.
③ Body language has a negative effect on
I go to bed early. Though I go back to my old
communication. habits sometimes, I feel much healthier and
④ Body language has different meanings more responsible.
across cultures.

진단 평가 205
총괄 평가 Lessons 1– 4

1. Listen. What is the girl’s plan for the 4. Number the sentences in the correct order.
1 I have a presentation tomorrow.
① register for a guitar course 2 So, are you worried about it?
② meet a famous journalist
Sorry? Would you say that again, please?
③ take a writing course
Be confident and practice a lot. I believe
④ go to a career exhibition
you can do well.
Stage fright. I become nervous and can’t
speak in front of many people.
Yeah. Actually, I have stage fright.
2. Listen. What is the purpose of the talk?
① to advertise some recycled products
[5–6] Choose the best one for the blank.
② to inform residents about the garbage
collection schedule
I felt because I was about
③ to persuade people to reduce waste
to jump into a completely new world. All
④ to recruit volunteers to clean the community
my best friends and I had hoped to go to
the same high school, but I was the only
one who would attend a different one. I
was not sure if I could adapt to the new
environment. I was on the phone with my
3. Which one is NOT correct?
friends till late. We talked about what life
in high school would be like, and I hardly
A A lot of students throw away trash on the
slept at all. Adapted from 10 Tips for Incoming Freshman in
ground after they enjoy snacks or drinks. High School (, 2015)

B Yeah, I can see trash in every corner of the

① pleased and excited ② shy and confused
③ relieved and calm ④ nervous and worried
A What can we do about it?
B Well, how about painting the trash cans
bright yellow? Life is often compared to a journey in
A Bright yellow trash cans? Are you sure it’ll many cultures. Since life is regarded as
work? a purposeful journey, we think of it as
B Yes. Eye-catching trash cans will help having departures, paths, and destinations.
students put their trash in them. The young can “get off to a good start”
A That sounds reasonable. in life. The aged regard themselves as
being “at the end of the road.” In an
① A and B are worried about the trash problem. old Korean popular song, the lyrics begin
② A lack of trash cans caused the trash problem. with, “Life is a wanderer’s path. Where
③ B thinks that bright yellow trash cans will did I come from? Where am I going?” This
help solve the problem. clearly shows that .
④ A thinks B ’s idea is worth a try.

206 총괄 평가
① metaphors are different from culture to 9. Which is NOT mentioned as a way to
culture improve creativity?
② people regard life as a task to complete

총괄 평가
within a set time frame Can we learn to think differently or more

③ life as a journey is not a metaphor unique creatively? Luckily, the answer is “yes.”
Creative thinking is a skill, and we can
to English
improve it. To think more creatively, look
④ life is an exciting journey filled with
for many possible answers, not just one.
struggles and happiness
Also, do not be afraid of making mistakes.
When you do make mistakes, try to learn
from them. Most importantly, do not forget
[7–8] R e a d t h e p a s s a g e a n d a n s w e r t h e
that creativity is based on knowledge and
experience. You need to keep learning new

When I started high school, I was caught things. That way, you will have the tools for

up in (A) popular contests. I often spent creativity.

Adapted from A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative
all my pocket money buying snacks for my (Roger von Oech, 1985)

classmates. To make friends with the “cool ① trying to find many possible answers
kids,” I often acted as if I were the kind of ② not worrying about making mistakes
person they wanted me to be. I was afraid to ③ memorizing many words
show my true self. However, it did not take ④ learning new things
long to learn that all the effort was (B) use.
When I was in the hospital for two weeks, 10. Complete the summary.
not one of the kids I had tried to impress
Tuesday, April 15
visited me. To my surprise, the two quiet boys
It was a very embarrassing day. I have
I had barely talked to came and cheered me
up. I learned an important lesson: pretending complained about the noise from upstairs

to be someone else does you no good. for a long time, but I have never tried to
Adapted from 10 Tips for Incoming Freshman in High School find out why the person was making the
(, 2015)
noise. Finally, I decided to visit the annoying
7. What is the writer’s advice?
woman with a pair of slippers, but soon I
① Show your true colors.
regretted it. I did not know she could not
② Try to become popular in school.
walk. I want to forget the moment when
③ Make as many friends as possible.
she opened the door and appeared in a
④ Do your best to win a contest.
wheelchair. I felt really sorry.
Adapted from <소음 공해>, 오정희, 1993

8. Write the correct forms of the underlined

I felt embarrassed when finding out the
words (A) and (B).
noise came from .
(A) (B)

총괄 평가 207
총괄 평가 Lessons 5– 8

1. Listen. Which one is NOT correct about 4. Which one can be inferred from the dialog?
① She seems to be in a good mood. A Jason, I’m on my way to Gyeongbokgung
② She has traveled Jeju Island. Palace. Why don’t you join me?
③ She prefers to travel in a group. B Oh, Minho, I’d love to. I’m really interested

④ She visited some local villages in Jeju. in Korean culture! What’s the admission
A It’s free for those who wear a hanbok .
B It seems to me that it’s an interesting thing
to do! But I don’t have a hanbok .
2. Listen. What are the speakers talking about? A Don’t worry. There are a few shops around
① the dangers of future earthquakes there where you can rent one.
② people injured in a natural disaster
③ an earthquake that occurred in Gyeongju ① Jason visited Gyeongbokgung Palace several
④ the historic buildings and structures in times before.
Gyeongju ② A variety of cultural events are held at
Gyeongbokgung Palace.
③ Gyeongbokgung Palace usually charges an
admission fee.
④ Minho will lend a hanbok to Jason for free.
3. Complete the dialog with the sentences
from the box.

A Did you know that many people abandon

their pets? [5–6] R e a d t h e p a s s a g e a n d a n s w e r t h e
B That’s terrible. (1)
A I agree. Abandoned pets are sent to
After months of hard work, this first virtual
animal shelters.
choir performance (A) released / was released
B Then they wait for new owners there?
in March 2010. Whitacre felt strong emotions
A Yeah. (2)
about the video. “I was actually moved to
B That’s a great idea. (3)
tears when I first saw it. These souls, all
A Not yet, but I’m sure that they’ll let me.
on their own desert island, sent electronic
messages in bottles to each other,” he said.
① Did you ask your parents? (B) Little / Few did he know that people
② It’s important to treat pets like family would go to any length to connect with each
members. other, no matter where they were.
③ Actually, I’m interested in getting a pet
Adapted from
from the shelter. All together now (on YouTube): Last chance to join virtual choir (Washington Post,
December 26, 2010)
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong, TED (, March 2011)
About the Virtual Choir (, 2016)

208 총괄 평가
5. Which one is correct for (A) and (B)? ropes were believed to help couples have a
(A) (B) child, cure backaches, and bring good luck to
the families that own them.

총괄 평가
Adapted from <줄다리기, 흥을 당기다> (국립무형유산원, December 23, 2015)
6. What about the video moved Whitacre to 기지시 줄다리기(, 2016)
Korea’s Mass Tug-of-War Awaits UNESCO Recognition
tears? (The Korea Herald, April 13, 2015)

→ people’s need for to each other 8. Which one is NOT correct?

① The shapes of the ropes can differ from area
7. Where is the best place for the given to area.
sentence in the box?
② All juldarigi events across the country
involve cutting the rope.
You can see for yourself how the force of
③ Some people throw pieces of the rope onto
lift works. ( ① ) Cut a strip of paper about
their roof in hope of a good harvest.
4 cm wide. ( ② ) Hold one end of the strip
④ The rope used in Gijisi juldarigi is believed
near your lips, and blow slowly and evenly
to help people who suffer from back pain.
over the paper. ( ③ ) This is because the air
blown out over the top of the paper moves
quickly, so its pressure is lower than the still 9. Which one best fits in the blank?
air under the paper. ( ④ ) The still air, with
① Interestingly ② Furthermore
a higher pressure, pushes the paper upward
③ However ④ Nevertheless
into the lower pressure air.
Adapted from How to Make a Kite (, 2016)

The other end of the strip will rise. 10. Complete the summary of the passage.

Scientists have discovered that purple sea

[8–9] R e a d t h e p a s s a g e a n d a n s w e r t h e stars are important because they keep their
ecosystem balanced by hunting mussels.
They also found out that the European
What do the ropes look like? The rope
rabbit is a very important species not
used in Yeongsan and Gijisi juldarigi , with
because they eat other species but because
smaller ones attached to it, looks like a giant
they become food for other animals in their
centipede. The rope used in Gamnae juldarigi
ecosystem and help them survive.
is made to look like a crab. Adapted from “The Key to it All: Understanding the Role of Keystone Species”
(Eric Munscher, Summer 2013)
After the game is over, people in some
areas cut the rope into smaller pieces and → Purple sea stars and European rabbits
bring them home. They throw the pieces onto
keep their ecosystems
the roof or hang them on the gate of their
in different ways: the former by
home. Some people believe that these ropes
hunting other species and the latter by
can bring a good harvest, health, and peace
to their families. , Gijisi juldarigi

총괄 평가 209

Lesson 1 Topic 2 p. 14

Opening a New Chapter B 1. M: Hi, my name is Adam Brown. I’m an

exchange student from Toronto, Canada.
I’m going to stay in Korea for a year.
Topic 1 p. 12
One of my main goals for the year is to
B 1. W: Hi, William. What are you doing here?
learn about Korean culture. First, I’m
M: Oh, hi, Mihye. I’m looking at the list of
going to learn Korean. I think learning
this week’s school events.
the language will help me understand
W: Which events are you interested in?
Korean culture better. Next, I’m going to
M: I’m interested in “Meet the Author” and
make Korean friends. From them, I’ll be
“The Club Fair.”
able to learn the Korean way of thinking
W: Look! They’re being held at the same
and doing things. Finally, I’m planning
time. You should choose one.
to go to a lot of local festivals. I guess I
M: You’re right. I guess I’ll go to “Meet the
can experience Korean culture that way. I
Author.” My favorite writer is coming,
hope I have an exciting time in Korea.
you know. Will you come with me?
2. M: Sally, what are you going to do this
W: Well, I’m thinking of going to “The Club
W: I’m planning to take a baking class.
M: Okay. Hey, I’m very interested in the book
M: Sounds interesting. But why do you want
club. Will you get some information for
to learn how to bake?
W: I’m thinking of becoming a baker.
W: No problem.
M: A baker? That’d be an exciting job.
2. W: Welcome, first-year students. I’m the
W: Yeah, but I’m not sure if I’m talented
president of the student body. People
will give different advice to you about
M: I hope the baking class will help you find
high school life. Some will say getting
good grades should be your number
W: So do I.
one goal, and others will say building
good relationships is the most important. Real-Life Action! A p. 16
Which do you think is more important? I W: Hello, my name is Rachel Barry. First of
think both are equally important. You can all, I’d like to thank you for giving me this
achieve both goals by joining a club. You opportunity to apply to the school musical
will make good friends and get useful club. I saw my first musical at the age of ten.
study tips from them. We have a variety I was so amazed and thrilled that becoming
of interesting school clubs. How about a musical actor has been my goal since then.
joining one that interests you? Actually, one of the reasons I decided to come
to this high school was this club. Of course, I’m
aiming for the main role, but I’d be grateful

210 Scripts
for any role. I’ll do my best. I’m not confident Lesson 2
about my dancing skills, but I think I’m pretty
The Power of Creativity
good at singing. I’m an easygoing person, and

I’m good with people. Those are my strengths.
Topic 1 p. 36
I can’t think of any weaknesses at the
B 1. W: How do you usually solve problems?
moment. I can’t wait to hear your decision.
There are several steps that you need to
Thank you.
follow for effective problem solving. First,
Wrap Up p. 31 look closely, identify the problem, and
1. M: Hi, I’m Willy. I’m an exchange student from then gather all the important facts about
Australia. I’m interested in a lot of different the problem. You need to understand
things, like sports, music, and art. But I’m the problem before you can solve it.
most interested in sports. I usually spend my Second, make a list of possible solutions
weekends either playing sports or watching and evaluate all the possibilities before
them on TV. My favorite sport is tennis, so you choose the best one. Then, put the
I’m thinking of joining the tennis club. I’m chosen solution into action and observe
planning to practice a lot to make it in. I what happens. Finally, evaluate the result.
hope I can enjoy my favorite sport and make I’m sure these steps will help you solve
new Korean friends while I stay in Korea. your problems.
2. M: Julie, which after-school class are you 2. M: A lot of students don’t wash their hands
planning to take? after using the restroom.
W: I’m going to take Chinese. W: I know. It can cause health problems.
M: Are you interested in Chinese? M: What can we do about it?
W: Yeah, these days I enjoy watching Chinese W: Well, we could hang soap balls above the
movies and TV programs. I also think sinks in the restrooms.
learning Chinese will be useful. What about M: Soap balls? You mean soap dispensers?
you? W: Yeah. We can fill each ball with a different
M: Well, I wanted to take math and science, kind of soap. The point is that students
but both of them are on Mondays and make a choice.
Wednesdays. M: Are you sure it’ll work?
W: That’s too bad. Oh, I heard there would be W: Certainly. Choosing which ball to squeeze
lots of fun experiments in the science class. would be fun. Fun things motivate people
M: Really? I like science experiments. I’m going to change their habits.
to go for science.
Topic 2 p. 38
W: That’s a good choice, and you can take math
B 1. M: Alice, have you finished the school festival
next time.
poster yet?
W: No. I can’t think of anything!
M: Well, don’t let yourself get too stressed.

Scripts 211
What’s the problem? clean.
W: I don’t know. I can’t think of any great W: What exactly happened, Mike?
ideas. M: Last night a hip-hop concert was held. Many
M: Oh, I’m sure you can be more creative. people had a good time, but after the event
W: Really? Do you know how to come up they left all their trash behind. So, the ground
with creative ideas? is covered with paper cups, plates, and plastic
M: I think you need to find some inspiration. bottles.
W: How? W: What a shame! This happens all the time. Do
M: Well, you could go to an art exhibit. you know what the city will do to solve this
W: That sounds good. I’ll look for a fun one. problem?
2. M: Do you know how to make potato chips? M: The city has asked people to submit their
It’s certainly very easy, so you may think creative ideas on its website. Hopefully, we
that people have been making them can find creative solutions to prevent this from
for thousands of years. However, potato happening again. Back to you, Lisa.
chips were invented only about 200 years W: Thanks, Mike.
ago. It’s commonly believed that they Wrap Up p. 55
were first made by a chef named George 1. W: Jason, you look worried. What’s bothering
Crum when he was very upset. One day, you?
George was working, and a very difficult M: I always forget appointments, and my
customer kept sending back his food, friends get upset.
saying the fried potatoes were too thick W: I used to be forgetful, too. But it’s not a
and soft. Finally, George got angry. He cut problem anymore.
the potato into extremely thin slices and M: Do you know how to solve the problem?
fried them until they were completely W: Yeah. Use your phone. I mean, set an alarm
crisp. To his surprise, the difficult customer so that it goes off one hour before every
loved the new invention! appointment.
M: Are you sure that’ll work?
Real-Life Action! A p. 40
W: Absolutely. It worked for me. Give it a try.
W: Well, the big concert is over. I heard it was M: Okay. I hope it works for me, too.
very successful, but the concert site was 2. W: Today, I want to tell you about a time when
covered with trash. Tell me more about that, creativity met courage. During World War
Mike. II, there was a nurse in Poland. She saw
M: Yes, Lisa, you’re right. Now I’m back at that Jewish people were being treated very
Riverside Park, the concert site. As you can unfairly, and she was certain that many
see, there is trash everywhere. children would die. She and her friends
W: That’s terrible. Are you sure it’s all from the found a creative way to help children
concert? escape danger. They hid the children in
M: Yes, Lisa. Until yesterday this whole area was bags, boxes, and baskets. Then they carried

212 Scripts
each child to safety. At that time other should focus on guiding their owners and
people couldn’t imagine they would do keeping them safe. You’re not supposed
that. The nurse’s name was Irena Sendler. to distract the dogs. Distracting the dogs

Because of her creativity and courage, can put their owners in danger.
about 2,500 Jewish children were saved.
Topic 2 p. 62

B 1. W: Welcome to Happy Volunteering Center!

How may I help you?
M: I’d like to volunteer, and I’m wondering
if there are any programs where I could
help out.
Lesson 3
W: Of course. Here is a brochure of our
Living Together volunteer programs.
M: Oh, thank you. Um ... I’m interested in
Topic 1 p. 60 teaching computer skills.
B 1. M: Look at those fish. Aren’t they beautiful? W: You can work at either a senior citizens’
W: Yes, they’re really colorful and cute. I center or a children’s center.
want to take a picture of them. M: Let me think ... I love working with
M: Wait a minute. Did you turn off your children.
camera’s flash? W: That’s great. Would you mind filling out
W: No. Why? this application form, please?
M: Look at the sign. We can take photos, but M: Of course not.
we’re not supposed to use the flash inside 2. M: Excuse me, are you working here?
the aquarium. W: Yes, I’m a volunteer helping visitors. How
W: I didn’t see the sign. But do you know may I help you?
why we shouldn‘t use the flash? M: Yes. How can I get to the Tulip Festival?
M: I’ve heard that it can hurt some animals. W: Go to the traffic light and make a right
Furthermore, it can disturb other visitors. turn. You’ll see the entrance to the festival.
W: Oh, I see. M: Turn right at the traffic light?
2. M: Do you know polite ways to help someone W: Yes, that’s right.
who can’t see? Today, I’d like to give you M: Thank you. Also, do you have a festival
three tips. First, if you want to help them, pamphlet?
first ask whether they need help. When W: Sure. I’ll bring you one right away. Would
asking, give them a chance to say yes or you mind waiting for a minute?
no. Second, when you give directions, M: No, not at all. Thanks.
be specific. For example, tell the exact
number of streets to cross. Finally, don’t Real-Life Action! A p. 64

touch or play with guide dogs. These dogs W: Good evening and welcome to Teens’ Voices

Scripts 213
on the Radio. Today, we’re going to talk about me until the rescue arrived.
social networking services, or SNS. SNS has M: Wow! How nice! Is there anything I can do
become a valuable and powerful tool in our for you, Grandma?
lives. It allows us to create and share content W: Of course. Would you mind taking out the
with one another. We can communicate trash?
quickly and creatively through SNS. We can M: Not at all.
connect with others who would normally be
hard to reach. But there are many people
who don’t know SNS etiquette. For example,
we’re not supposed to post information that
isn’t true. What are your own rules for being
a considerate SNS user? Would you mind
Lesson 4
sending us your opinion online or by text?
The Door to the World
Wrap Up p. 79

1. W: I’m so sorry for being late. Topic 1 p. 84

M: That’s okay. Didn’t you say you were coming B 1. M: How is it going with your speaking class?
by bus? W: I’m doing my best, but I’m afraid I’m not
W: Yeah, but I missed my stop. making much progress.
M: How come? M: What do you mean?
W: People were standing by the door, and I W: Well, I don’t have enough chances to
couldn’t get off! speak English outside of class. What do
M: What a shame! They’re not supposed to you think I should do?
block the door. Why didn’t you ask them to M: I t h i n k y o u s h o u l d d o a l a n g u a g e
step aside? exchange.
W: I did, but the door closed before I could get W: A language exchange? What’s that?
off. M: You teach someone Korean, and you
M: I see. Let’s hurry. We’re supposed to be in learn English from that person.
the concert hall by 5. W: Oh, that’s a cool way to learn a language.
2. M: Are you okay, Grandma? Thanks for the tip.
W: Not really. My leg hurts, and I can’t walk. 2. W: What foreign language class are you
M: Oh, no! What happened? going to take next year?
W: Well, I wasn’t careful enough. I fell down M: I haven’t decided yet. Would you recommend
the stairs. one, please?
M: That was a close call! W: Well, it depends. What are you going to
W: Right! But it was also a very impressive do with the language you’ll learn?
experience. All the people helped me. They M: I’d like to travel to South America after I
called 119, comforted me, and took care of graduate.

214 Scripts
W: What about Spanish, then? In South and didn’t socialize well with others
America, Spanish is spoken almost at the party. You may have a problem
everywhere. understanding figurative meanings. If

M: Really? What do you think I should do you do, you can say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t
before taking a Spanish class? get that. Could you repeat that, please?”
W: It’d be useful to do some reading about Then the other person will probably
South American countries and their explain the intended meaning.
Real-Life Action! A p. 88
M: Is culture important in learning languages?
W: I don’t know how to write good headlines.
W: Of course. They say language is a mirror
Will you help me please, Mr. Simpson?
of culture.
M: Sure. You can grab your readers’ attention by
writing good headlines.
Topic 2 p. 86
W: I know. But how can I do that?
B 1. M: Lucy, you look upset. What’s up?
M: First, you should make your headlines accurate
W: Hi, Minho. Well, I had a school club
and short. You don’t have space for too many
meeting, and ....
M: You mean the debate club? You really like
W: I see. What else should I do?
your club, don’t you?
M: You should use present tense words in your
W: Yeah. But there was a new member
today. He acted like the top dog.
W: I’m sorry. Would you say that again, please?
M: I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Could you
M: Use present tense words in your headlines.
please say it again?
It’s true that most news stories deal with past
W: I said he acted like the top dog. He
events, but use present tense words to express
behaved like he was the king.
events more economically.
M: You mean he did all the talking?
W: Okay.
W: Right. What do you think I should do next
M: Finally, it’d be useful to mind the small things.
W: Small things? What do you mean?
M: It’s not a bad idea to explain to him how
M: Well, capitalize the first letter of the first word
a debate should go.
and any proper nouns in the headline. Also,
2. M: In any language, expressions can be used
don’t put a period at the end of the headline.
either literally or figuratively. Take the
W: Thanks for the tips, Mr. Simpson.
expression “a cold fish,” for example. If
it is used literally, it refers to a fish that Wrap Up p. 103

is perhaps cooked but is now cold. The 1. M: Hey, Lisa. What are you doing?
same expression can be used figuratively. W: Oh, hi. I’m working on my new dance
For example, someone might say, “He was moves.
a cold fish at the party.” In this case, the M: Is the dance contest the day after tomorrow?
message is that the man was unfriendly W: No. It’s going to be tomorrow, and I have

Scripts 215
cold feet. balance.
M: I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Would you say M: Yeah, but now they’re endangered. I’m
that again, please? really worried about them.
W: I have cold feet. I mean, I’m very nervous. W: Endangered? Is the population declining
M: That’s an interesting expression. Well, take rapidly?
it easy. You’ve practiced really hard. M: Yes. I saw one study about sea turtles in
W: I have, but I’m still afraid I might make a a region of Malaysia. In 1986, there were
mistake. 600 leatherback turtle nests, but by 2000
2. W: Do you feel that you’re not making much there were almost none. And there have
progress in English? If you do, perhaps been no signs of recovery since then.
you’re not studying the language very W: That’s really terrible.
effectively. People might recommend doing 2. M: Why are you carrying a mask?
a language exchange or reading easy W: Because I’m worried about fine dust in
books. However, I think you should think the air. I want to be ready.
about how you study in the first place. I’d M: That’s probably a good idea. Maybe I’ll
recommend you keep a learning journal. buy a mask, too. I’m also worried about
Write about what you learn, what problems fine dust.
you have, how you deal with them, and W: Do you know that it’s toxic? It can really
how you feel. Keeping a learning journal hurt your lungs.
will help you see whether you’re on the M: Yeah, I saw a report about it on TV
right track. yesterday.
W: Maybe we saw the same report. It said
that breathing in fine dust can cause
serious diseases.
M: Right. And I heard schools in Beijing were
closed a few days ago because of it.
Lesson 5 W: Indeed, fine dust causes a lot of problems.

Our Earth, Our Future, Our Choice Topic 2 p. 110

B 1. M: What are you looking for, Linda?

Topic 1 p. 108 W: I need a present for Amy. It’s her birthday
B 1. M: Have you ever learned about sea turtles? tomorrow.
W: Yes. They’ve been around since the M: Here’s a nice bag. It’s just $15. What do
dinosaur age, haven’t they? you think?
M: That’s right. They’ve been with us for a W: Hmm. I think it’s good. Oh, the one next
long time. to it says it’s recycled.
W: I know they play an important role in M: That’s great. What a clever design, too!
the ocean by keeping the ecosystem in W: Yes. I’ll buy it. I remember Amy said she

216 Scripts
needed a canvas bag like this. W: Yes. It says we can find out which animals are
M: Good for Amy. In addition, it’s important endangered and how we can save them.
to care about the environment. M: Cool. Let’s watch it together.

W: I agree. I’m sure Amy will love something
Creative Writing Step 1 p. 122
W: Most of us are familiar with air, water, and
2. W: Finally, there’s some good news about
soil pollution. But did you know that artificial
the environment! Scientists have recently
light can also be a pollutant? Artificial light is
identified bacteria that eat plastic.
used too often when it isn’t really necessary,
The scientists say the bacteria break
causing light pollution. It may harm human
down plastic products that are found
health by destroying the natural rhythm of
in the environment. This news comes
light and dark. It can also make things difficult
at a good time because scientists also
for wildlife. For example, because of too
say that by 2050, there will be more
much artificial light, birds wander off course
plastic than fish in the oceans! Can you
when they migrate, and turtles have trouble
imagine that? Clearly, the earth is facing
finding nesting places. We should try to solve
a critical situation. It’s important to find
the problem of light pollution not only at the
many creative ways, such as using these
individual level but also at the societal level.
bacteria, to help save the planet before
it’s too late. Wrap Up p. 127

1. M: Jisu, do you drink bottled water often?

Real-Life Action! A p. 112 W: Yes, I drink it all the time. Why do you ask,
M: Is there anything interesting in the TV guide? Sam?
W: Yes. In honor of Environment Day, they’re M: I’m worried about the environment. Plastic
broadcasting programs about the environment bottles create a lot of waste.
this week. W: Oh, I see your point. But bottled water is
M: Which program are you interested in? convenient.
W: The one at 9:30 tonight. It’s about endangered M: Come on. It’s important to think about the
animals. future.
M: What kind of show is it? W: You’re right. But what can I do?
W: It’s a discussion featuring a well-known M: You could carry your own cup. See mine?
professor, Dr. Alice Biggs. W: All right. I’ll try to carry a cup from now on.
M: A discussion? That sounds interesting. I’ve 2. W: Here we’re at last!
never heard of her, but I’m worried about the M: Wow! The scenery is great, and the air is so
environment. fresh in the mountains.
W: I am, too. It’s important to learn about W: I’m going to take pictures and send them to
environmental issues. my friends. Oh, no!
M: I agree. Does the TV guide give any details M: What’s the problem?
about the program? W: My battery is almost dead.

Scripts 217
M: Don’t worry. You can charge your battery music preference varies depending on the
over there. time and place. In the morning, I prefer
W: Do they have electricity in the mountains? lively dance music because it wakes me
M: Yes. They have a charger powered by the up and gets me ready to start the day.
sun. While I study, I listen to classical music,
W: How do you know that? especially piano music. I think it helps me
M: Look here. The brochure says so. concentrate better. Music is also a good
way to cheer me up. When I’m angry, I
listen to loud rock music. When I’m sad, I
usually prefer sad music to cheerful music.
I wonder what music you listen to when
you’re stressed. Please text your music
Lesson 6 recommendations now.

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts Topic 2 p. 134

B 1. M: How was your weekend?

Topic 1 p. 132 W: Great. I went to a special art exhibition.
B 1. M: Minha, would you help me choose a Have you heard about Monet?
photo? M: Sure, he was a great impressionist painter.
W: A photo? For what? By the way, why was the exhibition
M: To hang on my wall. I’d like to change the special?
mood of my room. What do you think of W: Monet’s paintings were shown on a huge
this photo of the seaside with boats? screen with matching music. Some images
W: It looks cool. Oh, I think you’d also like were even moving.
this photo of a car. You’re interested in M: Wow, it must have been fantastic.
cars. W: Yes. Because the exhibition used modern
M: That’s right. But I think a landscape photo technology, I was able to enjoy his
could bring a dramatic change to my paintings better.
room. M: I think I should go there.
W: I see. Then how about this mountain photo? W: Yo u s h o u l d . T h e e x h i b i t i o n w a s a
M: Wow, the scenery is amazing. beautiful combination of art and
W: Which do you prefer? technology.
M: Actually, I like both photos, but I prefer 2. W: Andy! Have you heard about the new app
the mountains to the sea. for making music? I made some music
2. M: Welcome back to Jimmy’s Channel. using it.
Today, I’m going to tell you the kinds M: Wow, great! Can you show me how to
of music I listen to. As you know, I love use it?
listening to pop music. However, my W: Sure. It’s not difficult. First, choose a music

218 Scripts
genre and a beat. M: Oh, that sounds interesting. What can I do?
M: Okay. I want hip-hop and a four-beat W: I can’t decide on the background music. I
cycle. One – two – three – four. prefer pop music to classical music.

W: Now, let’s create a melody. Choose an M: Then, um, do you know Emily Anderson’s
instrument. new song, “Eyes of the Jungle”?
M: Can I go for the electric guitar? W: No, I don’t.
W: Sure. Now put different notes like do – mi M: I have her CD somewhere. Hmm ... oh, here
– sol – do on the music sheet. it is. Listen. You’ll like it.
M: After finishing, save it, right? W: Okay.
W: That’s right. Now you have your own 2. W: Hi, what’s up? You look very excited.
music. M: I’m going to a Michael Jackson concert.
W: Michael Jackson? How is that possible? He

Real-Life Action! A p. 136 passed away years ago.

W: The Internet has changed our lives so much. M: That’s right. Haven’t you heard of a hologram

For example, it can turn even an ordinary concert?

girl into a star overnight. Have you heard W: No, I haven’t. I guess it’s a concert using

about cover versions of songs? They’re new hologram technology.

performances or recordings of previously M: Exactly. The concert is being held at Dream

released songs by someone other than the Theater.

original artist. A teenage girl thrilled the W: Really? I’d like to go. Is today the last day?

world with her cover version. Min Nayeong, M: No. The concert will be held daily for a

a Korean high school student, posted her week, from September 7th to 13th.
singing videos on SNS, and suddenly her cover W: That’s great. I’ll visit the website and book a
version of “Let It Go” became popular. Within ticket.
a week, it got more than one million views M: Well, I should hurry. The concert starts at 7.
and made her a star. She was even invited to W: Okay. Have a good time.
a TV talk show. She was given a big hand in
the studio after she sang her cover of “Let It
Go” on stage. She said it was an unbelievable
experience and that she’d work hard to be a Lesson 7

good singer.
Science Everywhere

Wrap Up p. 151 Topic 1 pp. 156-157

1. W: Minsu, can you help me with my art project? B 1. W: Did you know there are some scientific
M: Sure, Lucia. mistakes in sci-fi movies?
W: Well, I’m making a video about Gaudi’s M: Are there? Like what?
buildings. W: Well, for example, in sci-fi movies, space

Scripts 219
shuttles make loud sounds when they are W: Wow, science is everywhere.
flying in space. However, we can’t hear
Topic 2 p. 158
anything in space.
B 1. M: Wow! There are so many beautiful hot air
M: I’m curious about why we can’t hear any
balloons in the sky. Where is this place,
sound in space.
W: It’s because there’s no air there. Sound
W: Cappadocia in Turkey. My aunt is traveling
needs something to travel through.
in Turkey, and she sent me this postcard.
M: Interesting!
M: It seems to me that she’s having an
2. W: Do you have any special plans for this
exciting time flying in a hot air balloon.
W: I think so, too. You know what? The hot
M: Yeah. I’m going to the Gwacheon National
air balloon was a means of transportation
Science Museum.
in the 1700s.
W: Wow, I’ve heard about that place. Can I
M: That’s interesting, but how do you know
join you?
M: Of course. I’m planning to make a small
W: My aunt said so in the postcard. And the
robot with a 3D printer there.
hot air balloon was the first successful
W: What? Is that possible? I’m really curious
manned flight technology.
about what else you can do with 3D
M: Wow. I really want to take a hot air
balloon ride myself.
M: Well, you can produce almost anything,
2. W: Jamie, when does the magic show start?
like shoes, musical instruments, and
M: It starts at 5:30. We’d better hurry, Kelly.
artificial bones.
W: Okay. Which is faster, taking a taxi or the
W: That’s amazing. I’m really looking forward
to trying a 3D printer myself.
M: Let me see. It seems to me that taking the
C 2. W: Wow! The wind is so strong. I’m curious
subway is faster. The traffic is bumper to
about why it’s blowing so hard.
bumper on the road.
M: It’s because we’re surrounded by tall
W: Really? How do you know that?
M: I have an app that tells me about traffic
W: But the buildings should block the wind,
situations in real time. This app uses GPS,
so the information is very accurate.
M: When the wind hits a tall building, it
W: That’s useful. I’ll download that app, too.
rapidly comes down to the lower part of
M: Good, but let’s hurry to the subway
the building and tends to be strong.
W: I see. I’m curious about how tall buildings
withstand strong winds. Real-Life Action! A p. 160

M: People make building corners round, and W: Good evening. This is Sarah Jones from The
this helps the wind pass through more Science Show . Tonight, we’ll be talking about
easily. flying cars. Dr. William, do you think flying

220 Scripts
cars are really possible? M: Wow, that’s amazing. I’d love to try that
M: It seems to me that flying cars will be available sometime.
in the near future. 2. W: Hey, James. What are you doing?

W: That’s great news. I heard that several M: Oh, hi, Liz. I’m reading some technology
companies are developing them. news.
M: You’re right. Flying cars will fly with wings, W: Is there anything exciting?
like airplanes. Also, they’ll run on the road if M: Yeah. Look at this car. It can drive itself.
necessary. However, they’ll be very expensive. W: Yes, I‘ve heard about that. But why is it so
W: Ha ha. Well, they’ll be cheaper later, right? exciting?
M: Of course. M: It seems to me that no one will need to
W: By the way, I know your team is actually drive in the future.
making a flying car. Could you tell us about it? W: But will it be safe?
M: We’re working on our flying car, Aeroport. M: Definitely. These cars don’t make dangerous
It’s supposed to take off and land without a mistakes like people do.
runway, just like flying cars in sci-fi movies. W: Well, I’m not so sure about that.
W: Sounds great. I’m really curious about when I’ll
be able to take a trip in a flying car.
M: There are still some problems to solve. But all
of us are doing our best. I think you’ll be able
to buy one in a few years.
Lesson 8
W: I’m looking forward to seeing one soon.
Korean Culture:
Wrap Up p. 175 The Mirror of Our Hearts
1. M: Have you seen any of the Iron Man movies?
W: Yes. I love the wonderful technology in Topic 1 p. 180

those movies. The flying suit is especially B 1. W: Kevin, what are you doing?
awesome. M: Hi, Jisu. I’m sorting all these photos
M: I couldn’t agree more. But I’m curious about before I leave.
whether such a suit would be possible in W: Any interesting ones?
real life. M: Look at this. One of my Korean friends
W: Perhaps you’ll be able to buy one in the ordered Jajangmyeon for everyone at our
near future. picnic by the riverside.
M: Why do you think so? To me, that seems W: Hmm. How did you like the noodles?
very unlikely. M: They were delicious, and I was really
W: I read in the newspaper about a man who surprised that the food was delivered so
flew wearing a jet pack. quickly.
M: A jet pack? Like in the movies? W: Yeah. Many restaurants in Korea offer
W: Yeah. It’s a winged suit with a jet propeller. delivery service.

Scripts 221
M: Now I know that. I’m taking all these Gimchi making festival this Saturday?
memories back home. M: A Gimchi making festival?
2. W: I love baseball, and I often watch baseball W: Yeah. It’s going to be in Room 11 at the
games at the ballpark on the weekend. community center this Saturday.
When I moved to Korea last year, I M: Great. When does it start?
thought I’d have to do something else W: Um, it starts at 10 a.m.
on the weekend. But I soon learned that M: Wonderful. I really want to learn how to
baseball is a very popular sport in Korea. make Gimchi before I return home.
Everyone talks about it. One weekend, I W: You know what? You can make Gimchi
visited a ballpark to enjoy a game. I was and even donate it to a charity.
really surprised that everyone cheered so M: Fantastic. Do I have to sign up?
eagerly for their team. All the fans sang, W: Yes, we can do that online now.
screamed, and waved their hands as they M: I’m really looking forward to tasting my
watched the game. I felt that they were own Gimchi . Hey, I’ve got to run to gym
relieving their stress by cheering. These class.
days, I scream away my stress at the W: Okay. I’ll talk to you later.
ballpark, too.

Topic 2 p. 182 Real-Life Action! A p. 184

B 1. W: Jinho, Ryan is going back home next M: Hello, everyone. As someone who has lived in
week, right? Korea for some time, I’d like to give you some
M: Yeah, Hyemi. Why don’t we give him a tips on how to be polite in Korea. First, when
traditional gift? you greet an older person, bow your head.
W: That’s a great idea. So, what would be a I was surprised that shaking hands isn’t that
great gift? common in Korea. You can shake hands with
M: Well, look at this magazine. There are people your own age or someone younger
many Korean gifts. than you. But when you greet an older
W: Oh, I love this mask. Why don’t we get it person, bow your head and wait until the
for him? older person offers to shake hands. Second,
M: Hmm, it’s a little too big. He’s got a lot to Koreans tend to feel uncomfortable if you
pack, I guess. look them in the eye, so make sure not to look
W: Then how about these bookmarks? They someone in the eye for too long. Finally, don’t
look like fans. They’d be great souvenirs. stick your spoon straight up in your rice bowl.
M: Yeah. Ryan would love them. He loves to That’s for dead people. Koreans only do this at
read, you know. memorial services. Why don’t you follow my
2. [The phone rings. ] three tips while you’re in Korea? They’ll help
M: Hello? you manage your Korean life more easily and
W: It’s me, Miso. Dean, why don’t we go to a naturally.

222 Scripts
Wrap Up p. 199
진단 평가 p. 204
1. W: Jason, how’s your life in Korea going?
M: It’s been two months since I got here, and

1. M: Dorothy, can I borrow an eraser?
I’m still surprised by Korean culture.
W: Sure, Junseok. Pick one in my pencil case.
W: You are? Are you having any problems?
M: Wow, look at all these colorful highlighters!
M: No, no! Everything’s okay. Things just
W: I use them when I underline new words and
surprise me sometimes.
important points.
W: What kinds of things?
M: I see. Now I understand why you’re such a
M: Well, the way people eat. There are many
good student. Maybe I should try your way.
plates and bowls.
2. W: Why are you late? We’ve been waiting for
W: You mean like when you eat at a restaurant?
M: Yeah, exactly. The other day I was so
M: Am I really late?
surprised. There were so many dishes!
W: Yes, you’re 30 minutes late. Why didn’t you
W: Well, things are changing, but it sounds like
answer your phone?
you visited a very traditional restaurant.
M: Oh, I left it on silent. Sorry about that, but I
M: I did. And I really enjoyed it.
thought we were meeting at 10. It’s 10 now.
2. M: Hey, Marie, are you free this Saturday
W: That’s the time the movie starts, so we were
supposed to meet 30 minutes early.
W: Yes, I don’t have any special plans. What do
M: Oh, I didn’t know that. Sorry for keeping
you have in mind?
you guys waiting.
M: Well, there’s going to be a talchum festival
at the city park. Why don’t we go together?
W: Talchum ? What is that?
M: It’s a traditional Korean mask dance. It’s
going to be fun.
W: That sounds interesting. I’ve never seen a
mask dance. 총괄 평가 Lessons 1–4 p. 206
M: Great. Here’s the website. Have a look.
W: Wow! I’m surprised there are so many 1. M: Sumi, a guitar course will be available
different masks. during summer vacation. How about taking
M: Yeah. I bet you’ll like the festival. it with me?
W: Sorry, I’m planning to take a writing course.
M: A writing course? Do you want to be a
W: Maybe a writer or a journalist? I’m not sure,
but I like reading and writing.
M: Then the course will help you test a possible

Scripts 223
W: I hope so. Anyway, thank you for asking. M: I’m sorry to hear that. I’m curious whether
M: No problem. the historic buildings and structures from
2. W: Good afternoon, residents. We have an the Shilla Dynasty are okay.
important announcement. The garbage W: Well, some structures were a little damaged
pickup schedule has been changed from and are now being repaired, I heard.
Tuesdays to Thursdays. The recycling pickup M: I see. I hope there’s no further damage.
service hasn’t changed. So, every Wednesday
your recycling will be collected. Again, your
garbage bags will be collected on Thursdays
and recycling on Wednesdays. You’re not
supposed to put out your garbage or
recycling on other days. Thank you for your

총괄 평가 Lessons 5–8 p. 208

1. M: Hi, Jenny. You look cheerful today.

W: Hi, Jihun. I’m on my way back from a trip to
Jeju Island.
M: Oh, Jeju has a lot to offer tourists. Did you
take some guided tours?
W: No. I prefer traveling alone to taking a
group tour.
M: I see. So, what did you do there?
W: I mostly walked around local villages. It was
M: Good to hear that.
2. W: Have you heard about the earthquake in
M: Yes. I’m worried that some people may have
been seriously hurt.
W: Luckily, no one is dead, but a few people
were injured.

224 Scripts

Lesson 1 phone with his friends late the night before.

Q2. I felt excited to start a new school
Opening a New Chapter Sample


Topic 1 p. 12 Q3. c
Q4. F
B 1. (1) author / writer (2) club
Q5. We can relieve stress from schoolwork, meet
2. a
people who share the same interests, become
Topic 2 pp. 14-15
friends with them, and learn tips from some
A 1. a 2. c 3. b new friends from the upper grades.
B 1. culture, festivals 2. a
Q6. Sample Try to live your life as you want to,
Sample My talent is listening to other people’s but do not hurry.
problems. I found that out while doing an activity
After Reading p. 22
in class. My friends told me that I’m good at
A (1) nervous (2) worried (3) hardly (4) wrong
listening to their problems and giving advice.
(5) concentrate (6) locker (7) notebook
C 1. •Yebin’s Goal: to be the champion of the
(8) warm (9) confident
school reading contest
B Sample Say no to distracting things.
•Plans:•to read at least two books a week
Be open-minded and follow good advice.
•to keep a reading journal
Join school clubs and make friends.
2. Sample •My Goal: to spend less time on my
[Reflections & Creative Thinking]
cell phone
Sample My partner’s top tip is “Do not be afraid to
•Plans: •to leave my cell phone at home
ask questions.” She thinks that asking questions is
when I go to school
the surest way to learn.
•to turn off my cell phone at night
Further Reading p. 23
Real-Life Action! p. 16
1. Because he had to leave home to fight in the
A 1. seven → ten Trojan War.
2. dancing and → 삭제 2. She helped him protect himself and find his
Before Reading p. 17 father.
A Sample • I felt nervous because I was thrown 3. Sample I think wisdom and a warm heart
into a new environment. are the most important qualities of a mentor.
•I am not very sociable, so I was really worried Language Focus pp. 24-25

about making friends. A (1) survived (2) attend (3) pursue

•I was hoping that I could meet many good B make the most of, at all, for life, makes sense
teachers and friends. C 1. (1) silent (2) carefully (3) happy (4) calm
B 1. relieve 2. pretended 3. concentrate 2. (1) he comes / is from (2) he speaks Korean
4. pursued 5. assigned (3) old he is

Reading pp. 18-21 Wrap Up pp. 31-32

Q1. Because he got up late due to talking on the 1. d 2. science, Chinese

Answers 225
3. Sample A: Which subject are you most interested computer to TV.
in? Real-Life Action! p. 40
B: I’m most interested in Korean history. A trash, (hip-hop) concert, creative
A: What do you plan to do so that you can do
Before Reading p. 41
better in that subject?
A Sample 1. Yes, they are.
B: I’m planning to read interesting books
2. I think it is thinking differently.
about history and visit some historical sites.
B 1. combine 2. scrubber 3. approach
4. (1) c (2) b
C Henri Matisse, Maya Angelou
5. Sample As a first-year high school student, I am
Sample An essential aspect of creativity is not
most interested in the drums. I plan to pursue
being afraid to fail. – Dr. Edwin Land
this interest in two ways. First, I am going to
Reading pp. 42-45
join the school band. I am also planning to
Q1. Sample The two hungry bears fight, and
practice the drums in my free time. I hope that
the winner eats both fish.
pursuing my interest will make my high school
Q2. the wine press and the coin punch
life more exciting. I want to remain excited
Q3. Sample When I had no paper to write on, I
about school.
took notes on my hand.
Q4. water pressure

Lesson 2 Q5. Sample There are toilets, showers, and

The Power of Creativity Q6. F
[Quiz] Sample

Topic 1 p. 36
1. 17462. All the others have two 1’s.
A Sample If I were him, I’d put several alarm clocks 2. Horse. It is the only living thing.
in different places around the room.
After Reading p. 46
B 1. solutions, observe, Evaluate
A (1) viewing (2) developing (3) dishwasher
2. a
(4) combining / linking / connecting (5) answers
Sample We can put posters or signs that
(6) knowledge
encourage students to wash their hands in
B 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T
the restroom. We can also draw a map from
[Reflections & Creative Thinking]
each toilet to the sinks.
Sample • It would not be easy to read books
Topic 2 pp. 38-39 because they would be very expensive.
B 1. c •Creativity improves the quality of our lives by
Sample Try to look at problems from making it possible to invent innovative tools
different points of view. that save time.

2. (1) About 200 years ago. Further Reading p. 47

(2) customer, food 1. A watermelon.

C 2. (1) ⓑ 2. You need to think creatively to solve riddles.
(2) Sample Smart TV was invented by adding a 3. Sample Q: What cannot be used until it is

226 Answers
broken? Topic 2 pp. 62-63

A: An egg. A Sample I would like to volunteer at an animal

Language Focus pp. 48-49 shelter. I can feed the animals and clean their

A •-ify: forming verbs meaning “to become”
•-ity: forming nouns referring to a state, B 1. Children’s Center, teaching computer skills
quality, or degree 2. a
(1) personality (2) notify (3) possibility C 1. Sample How did you feel when you volunteered?
(4) unify Real-Life Action! p. 64

B think outside the box, depends on, out of thin A communicate, creatively, rules / etiquette,
air, What if considerate
C 1. (1) myself (2) herself (3) itself B Sample We are not supposed to say things we
2. (1) herself (2) that (3) What (4) that shouldn’t say to others face to face.
(5) what Before Reading p. 65
Wrap Up pp. 55-56 A Sample If I lived here, the loud music would
1. c 2. b bother me. I also would not like it if someone
3. Sample make our classroom more attractive, put jumped rope above me.
some plants and flowers by the window Reading pp. 66-69
4. (1) c (2) accept, learn
Q1. Because of the noise from upstairs.
5. Sample What do you usually do with a plastic
Q2. Sample Yes, I have. A neighbor played loud
bottle? If you just throw it away, you are
music early one Sunday morning and woke
perhaps the average person. Remember that
me up.
there are lots of things you can do with it.
Q3. Sample She thinks the woman upstairs is rude.
For instance, you could make a flower pot.
Q4. Sample Do’s: Be willing to return a favor
You could also use it as a pencil box or a bird
to a neighbor who helps you.
feeder. You can make a lot of things yourself.
Don’ts: Have a loud party without at least
Just think creatively!
talking to your neighbors first.
Q5. A pair of slippers.
Lesson 3 Q6. F
Living Together Q7. Sample Because she felt embarrassed by
the unexpected situation.

Topic 1 p. 60 After Reading p. 70

A 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c A •introduction: c •climax: e
Sample If I damage a library book, other •conclusion: a

users cannot read it. B 1. Sample We have to be considerate of our

B 1. (1) b (2) FLASH neighbors.
2. c 2. Sample In the beginning, she felt tired but
Sample When we talk with people who satisfied after helping others. Later, she
have hearing loss, speak slowly and clearly. felt angry and upset because of the noise

Answers 227
upstairs. At the end of the story, she felt Best,
surprised and embarrassed. Maybe she Jinsu
would have felt sorry for being angry at the
woman upstairs.
[Reflections & Creative Thinking] Lesson 4

Sample They symbolize the absence of communication The Door to the World
between neighbors.

Further Reading p. 71 Topic 1 pp. 84-85

1. c B 1. practice speaking, language exchange

2. (1) T (2) F 2. culture

C 2. Sample My problem: feel sleepy in class
3. Sample I think we should be more careful
about what we say. Advice: do some stretching

Topic 2 pp. 86-87

Language Focus pp. 72-73
B 1. b
A Sample • in- / im-: meaning “not”
2. (1) b (2) cold, unfriendly
• -less: meaning “without something”
C 2. Sample Can you can a can as a canner can can
(1) thoughtless (2) impolite
a can?
(3) careless (4) impatient
B way too far, in a moment, once and for all, A Real-Life Action! p. 88

pair of A Headlines, short, space, present, past, capital

C 1. (1) c (2) a (3) b
Before Reading p. 89
2. (1) have missed (2) have had
B 1. destination 2. conquer 3. lyrics
(3) had been
4. comparison 5. coward
Wrap Up pp. 79-80
Reading pp. 90-93
1. b Q1. It is to express something in a more concise
2. d but memorable way.
3. b, c, a Q2. Sample Love is an angel from heaven.
4. (1) b (2) c Q3. T
5. Sample Dear Minho, Q4. Sample A roller coaster is the most
Thank you for helping me when I was in the interesting metaphor because the comparison
hospital. If you had not visited me and helped is very direct and visually appealing.
me with my homework at that time, I would Q5. To show some metaphors are almost universal.
have failed some of my courses. Because of Q6. Sample A journey of a thousand miles
your help, I was able to get passing grades begins with a single step.
that year. I still remember how thankful I was, Q7. a stage, players
and I would like to thank you again for your Q8. Sample There are cultural differences in
kindness. I look forward to seeing you again metaphors because they reflect the way
soon. people live and think, which can vary.

228 Answers
After Reading p. 94 A: Well, I’d like to have some milk.
A 1. comparison 2. meanings 4. (1) a (2) d
3. universal, journey 4. unique 5. Sample I think you should learn two Korean
B 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F expressions as fast as you can because they

[Reflections & Creative Thinking] will be very useful for your survival in Korea.
Sample • High school is a book because it helps The first expression you should learn is
you learn a lot. gamsahamnida . It means “Thank you” in
• A friend is a ship because he or she can keep English. Another expression is mianhamnida .
you safe in times of trouble. We use it to mean “I am sorry.” I hope that
these two expressions will help you be polite
Further Reading p. 95
and enjoy your stay in Korea.
1. b
2. identify, language
3. Sample I tend to use a lot of fillers like “you Lesson 5

know” or “let me see.”

Our Earth, Our Future, Our
Language Focus pp. 96-97 Choice
A (1) destination (2) fright (3) lyricist
B make up, be regarded as, the apple of his eye,
Topic 1 pp. 108-109
refer to
B 1. (1) a (2) c
C 1. (1) Though (2) whereas (3) since
2. (1) F (2) T (3) T
2. (1) as, many, as (2) as, as (3) as, many, reds
Sample Fine Dust: It Can Kill You!
Wrap Up pp. 103-104 C 1. (1) Sample The total amount of e - waste is
1. b increasing.
2. c (2) Sample I can stop changing my cell
3. Sample •Situation 1 phone so often.
A: You look worried. What’s the problem?
Topic 2 pp. 110-111
B: Well, I had an argument with my mom. I
B 1. a
don’t know how to apologize.
2. (1) bacteria, plastic
A: Why don’t you text her and say sorry?
(2) •There will be more plastic than fish in
B: Hmm, that’s easier than calling and saying
the oceans.
sorry. Thanks.
•It is important for us to find many
•Situation 2
creative ways to help save the planet.
A: Can I have a hamburger and French fries?
C 2. Sample I’ve decided to take a canvas bag
B: I’m sorry. I didn’t get that. Would you say
to the grocery store when I go shopping.
that again, please?
I chose this action because it is important
A: I’d like to have a hamburger and French fries,
to cut down on plastic waste in landfills.
Plastic bags don’t break down and really
B: Okay. Anything to drink?
harm the environment. I hope my example

Answers 229
inspires others to do the same because it is Language Focus pp. 120-121

important to protect the environment. A (1) ② (2) ① (3) ②

B Feel free to, have a bad effect, such as, in turn
Real-Life Action! p. 112
C 1. and also → but also
A discussion, endangered, save
not food → not only food
B Step 2 Sample Title: Eco Quiz!
2. (1) where (2) where (3) which
Date / Time: Fridays at 8 p.m.
This program is a quiz show featuring well- Creative Writing p. 122

known entertainers. Find out how much you Step 1 1. Sample Light pollution is serious and
know about environmental issues. requires solutions at different levels.
2. b, c
Before Reading p. 113
Wrap Up pp. 127-128
A 1. Sample How the ecosystem is all connected.
1. a
2. Sample The ecosystem would not function
2. c
3. Sample B: I’m most worried about my health.
Reading pp. 114-117 B: Because I’m gaining weight.
Q1. Sample Because the species plays a key role in B: I think it’s important to eat less and exercise
the ecosystem, just as a keystone on a stone more.
arch does in a building. 4. (1) d (2) b
Q2. Sample Mussels increased greatly in number 5. Sample Air pollution is an environmental problem
and put other species in danger. which needs to be seriously addressed. I think
Q3. No. Plant-eating animals also can be keystone there are at least two things we can do to help
species. solve the problem. First, it is important to use
Q4. Keystone species are everywhere. public transportation wherever we go. We
Q5. They keep the ecosystem balanced by eating can also impose a heavy fine on people who
plants and spreading their seeds. pollute the air. If we do these things, perhaps
Q6. avoid hunting them or disturbing the ecosystem we might be able to enjoy cleaner air very
significantly, do much more research soon.
Q7. Sample Are there any keystone species in
Lesson 6
After Reading p. 118

A ecosystem, mussels, small trees, food

Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts
B Bio-wang, Ecokeeper
Topic 1 p. 132
Further Reading p. 119
B 1. c
1. a Sample If I were the boy, I’d choose the
2. Sample Keepers / Protectors / Engineers photo of the seaside. I prefer the sea to
3. Sample I think we should stop eating whale mountains.
meat and using whale oil. 2. (1) dance (2) sad

230 Answers
Topic 2 p. 134 Q3. watching a video
A 1. TV 2. hologram 3. motion Q4. He was actually moved to tears when he first
B 1. art, technology saw it.
2. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 Q5. It means people feel isolated from


one another.
Real-Life Action! p. 136
Q6. It was shown to celebrate Elizabeth II’s 60th
A Sample Cover, famous, song, singer
year as Queen of the U.K.
Before Reading p. 137 Q7. Sample Yes. I could meet many people
A 1. Sample It is important for the members of a from other countries from my own room.
choir to try to sing in harmony.
After Reading p. 142
2. Sample Each member of a choir can enjoy a
A (1) video (2) download (3) upload (4) put
feeling of togetherness and have a chance
(5) released (6) youth
to make friends.
B 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T
B composer, choir, audience, conductor
Further Reading p. 143
Reading pp. 138-141
1. Sample It means that he decided to record great
Q1. He is a conductor.
street musicians where they worked.
Q2. Sample Because the people in the choir
2. c
have never met each other or practiced

Lesson 6 Topic 2 Doing an Information Gap Activity

A ’s Information p. 135

Artist Information

Paik Nam June He was a famous video artist. He is called the ”father of video art.” He worked with a
(1932 – 2006) variety of media, such as TV and video. Dadaikseon is one of his most famous works.

She is the first person to successfully create and sustain a career as a solo percussionist.
Evelyn Glennie
Though she lost nearly all of her hearing by age 12, she did not give up music. She plays
(1965 – )
percussion, without wearing shoes, to feel the music better.

He was a . Pop artists were inspired by

Andy Warhol
sources in . Andy Warhol was famous for
(1928 – 1987)
, such as Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein.

He was an outstanding portrait painter and possessed an amazing gift for conveying a
Diego Velázquez
sense of truth. In the 19th century, his paintings had an enormous impact on artists, and
(1599 – 1660)
to this day, Velázquez is remembered as “the painters’ painter.”

Billie Holiday She was an . She had a great influence on and

(1915 – 1959) .

Answers 231
Language Focus pp. 144-145 transportation. This is because people have
A •virtual: cash, library, classroom developed faster and safer transportation with
•global: issue, trend, warming engines.
B was moved to, take part in, in person, go B 1. transportation, flight
through 2. a. musical → magic show
C 1. (1) did Tom imagine (2) should he b. a taxi → the subway
(3) can he write lyrics C 2. (1) Sample Modern transportation is faster
2. (1) Given (2) Recognized (3) reminding and safer. On the other hand, it is less
environmentally friendly.
Wrap Up pp. 151-152
(2) Sample We can solve the problems of
1. d
modern transportation by using less fossil
2. 30th → 13th
fuels and cleaner energy.
3. b, a, c
4. (1) F, T (2) a Real-Life Action! p. 160

5. Sample Today was my lucky day. Listening to the A wings, runway

radio, I heard my name called and shouted in B Sample The function our group would like
excitement. Surprised, my mother asked me to add is the ability to run on clean energy
what happened. I was picked as a winner and instead of fossil fuels. It’ll be good for our
got music concert tickets. Never did I imagine environment and, therefore, for all people.
that I would be chosen. I felt I was the luckiest
Before Reading p. 161
girl in the whole world.
A (1) wings, engine, propeller
(2) wind, difference in air pressure
(3) string
Lesson 7
Reading pp. 162-165

Science Everywhere Q1. It makes the airplane rise.

Q2. The pressure of the air decreases.
Topic 1 pp. 156-157 Q4. equal, weight
B 1. sound / thing, air, travel 2. b Q5. Sample I heard that Yi Sunsin used kites as
C 1. b, c, a a means of communication during war.
3. Sample The big hole near the top of buildings Q6. T
lets strong winds pass easily without causing After Reading p. 166
pressure on the entire structure. The
A fly
building’s twisted shape reduces wind forces
1. (1) lift (2) thrust (3) weight (4) drag
on the tower because it allows the wind to
2. (1) weight (2) drag
easily travel upward or downward.
(3) weight, drag, flying
Topic 2 pp. 158-159 B 1. lift → thrust
A Sample I think the development of engines 2. eight → five
has had an influence on the history of 3. rectangular → circular, tail → hole

232 Answers
4. long → short Lesson 8
[Reflections & Creative Thinking]
Korean Culture:
Sample I think future planes will be able to fly at
much higher speeds than now, using eco-friendly
The Mirror of Our Hearts

Topic 1 p. 180
Further Reading p. 167
B 1. food delivery services
1. a
2. (1) surprised, cheered (2) c
2. A difference in voltage.
Sample I like basketball. I love to go to
3. Sample Keep electric devices away from
basketball games and cheer for my team
because it’s more exciting than watching the
Language Focus pp. 168-169
games on TV.
A (1) still (2) traditional (3) equivalent
Topic 2 p. 182
B relies on, are covered with, have in common,
B 1. b
in accordance with
2. (1) c
C 1. spreading → spread
(2) 11 a.m. → 10 a.m., by phone → online
2. Sample (1) with her eyes (2) with his helmet
(3) with a cap (4) with the windows Real-Life Action! p. 184

Wrap Up pp. 175-176 A Bow, long, spoon

1. a Before Reading p. 185

2. c A 1. Sample A sense of cooperation.

3. Sample schools, there will be no human teachers, 2. Sample Nongak , Pumasi , Dure
we’ll be taught by machines B vary, harvest, cooperate, tension
4. (1) lift, weight (2) a
Reading pp. 186-189
5. Sample What I would like to invent in the future
Q1. S h e r e m e m b e r s t e n s i o n , j o y , a n d
is a translation machine. It will be very useful
for people who travel to a country where
people speak a different language. With this Q2. Sample I think it is a good event because
all students can join it.
invention, people will be able to communicate
Q3. F
with one another without barriers. To make
the invention, I will study software engineering Q4. Sample There are weddings, funerals,
memorial services for ancestors, and so on.
in college.
Q5. Juldarigi ropes vary in shape and design from
region to region.
Q6. Sample Yes, because it would be a good
souvenir. I think it would bring good luck to
my family, too.
Q7. Because the rope was very long, thick, and

Answers 233
Q8. peaceful among visitors to Korea.
W: How does it taste?
After Reading p. 190
M: It’ll be a little hot but delicious. You can
A (1) added (2) rice (3) sport (4) ritual
control how hot it is.
(5) festivals (6) harmony (7) unity
W: What are the main ingredients?
B Hyeonsu
M: Rice, egg, and different kinds of vegetables.
[Reflections & Creative Thinking]
Do you have any other questions?
Sample Teens will perhaps find the event more exciting
W: How do I eat Bibimbap ?
if they can decide on the color and shape of the
M: Just mix the ingredients together.
tugging rope and the rules for winning.
W: Okay. I’m getting hungry.
Further Reading p. 191
Wrap Up pp. 199-200
1. Sample Because multiple teams could represent 1. d 2. b
a country. 3. Sample

2. b A: I’m surprised that you’re wearing a hanbok .

3. Sample I want baseball to be added to the You look great.
Olympics. It is my favorite sport. B: Thank you. I feel very special in this dress.
Language Focus pp. 192-193 A: Why don’t we take some photos together?
A Sample Forming nouns B: Okay. That sounds like fun.

(1) cooperation (2) attachment 4. (1) a (2) b

(3) disappointment 5. Sample When you come to Korea, you should

B unique to, are divided into, contribute to definitely visit Insa - dong. There are many

C 1. (1) must have practiced places to shop, but it is this area that is the

(2) must have been most famous. It is well -known for shops and

(3) should have left restaurants. It is located in the center of Seoul.

2. (1) it is trust that Here you can buy traditional Korean products.

(2) it was Sue that You can also enjoy all kinds of Korean dishes. I

(3) it is quality that hope you have a good time there.

Creative Writing p. 195

Step 2 Sample

W: Wow! This is my first time in a Korean restaurant.

M: This restaurant is famous for the taste of its
진단 평가
pp. 204-205
food. Look at the menu.
W: What would you recommend? 1. ③ 2. ①
M: Well, how about Bibimbap ? I think you must 3. 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 4. ②
have heard of it, right? 5. ④ 6. 3 – 1 – 2
W: Sure. Is there any special reason you recommend 7. ② 8. ④
it? 9. He is well-known for his unique painting style.
M: It’s good for your health. It’s also very popular 10. Sample I used to stay up late at night.

234 Answers
총괄 평가 Lessons 1- 4 총괄 평가 Lessons 5- 8
pp. 206-207 pp. 208-209

1. ③ 2. ② 1. ③ 2. ③
3. ② 3. (1) ② (2) ③ (3) ① 4. ③
4. 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3 5. ④ 5. (A) was released (B) Little
6. ③ 7. ① 6. Sample connection 7. ③
8. (A) popularity (B) useless 8. ② 9. ①
9. ③ 10. Sample balanced, becoming food for other
10. Sample the wheelchair the lady upstairs was animals

Lesson 6 Topic 2 Doing an Information Gap Activity

B ’s Information p. 135

Artist Information

Paik Nam June He was a famous video artist. He is called the “father of video art.” He worked with a
(1932 – 2006) variety of media, such as TV and video. Dadaikseon is one of his most famous works.

She is the first person to successfully create and sustain a as a

Evelyn Glennie solo percussionist. Though she by age 12, she

(1965 – ) did not . She plays percussion, without wearing shoes, to

He was a leading artist of the 1960s pop art movement. Pop artists were inspired by
Andy Warhol
sources in popular and commercial culture. Andy Warhol was famous for silkscreen
(1928 – 1987)
portraits of some famous people, such as Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein.

He was an and possessed an amazing gift for conveying

Diego Velázquez
. In the 19th century, his paintings had an enormous impact
(1599 – 1660)
on artists, and to this day, Velázquez is remembered as “ .“

Billie Holiday She was an American jazz musician. She had a great influence on jazz music and pop
(1915 – 1959) singing.

Answers 235
Words & Phrases 단원별 주요 어휘 및 표현 * 표시가 있는 단어는 외래어임.

Lesson 1 * team 17 Lesson 3

Opening a New Chapter * video 11

Living Together
* website 30
adapt to 18 a pair of 68
after-school 31 aquarium 60
be about to 18 barrier-free 78
be caught up in 20 brainstorm 64
be on the phone 18 brochure 62
* cake 14 climax 70
* champion 15 Lesson 2 concise 78
chapter 10 The Power of Creativity deadline 74
classmate 13 doorway 69
* course 16 * apartment 54 downstair 67
easygoing 16 backpack 50 etiquette 60
* event 12 * bag 50 far from 69
feedback 27 be afraid of 45 halfway 69
* festival 14 be in common use 43 headphone 72
first-year 12 * box 35 in a moment 66
fluent 27 card 38 indifference 76
for life 20 closet 37 intercom 66
freshman 11 cup 40 once and for all 67
helmet 24 depend on 43 pamphlet 62
homeroom 18 dishwasher 44 run away from 69
humble 20 dispenser 36 skateboard 66
* interview 16 eco-friendly 50 storyboard 76
jump 11 exemplify 44 thank-you 59
keep … from ~ 20 eye-catching 54
* ticket 79
keep … in mind 21 feather 47 upstair 66
make sense 20 hip-hop 40 way too far 67
make the most of 19 * image 43 wheelchair 69
* member 17 * issue 41

mentor 18 noodle 39

* message 21 pull … out of thin air 44 Lesson 4

online 30 riddle 47
The Door to the World
open-minded 20 see-through 50

* program 31 smartphone 39 be regarded as 92

* project 19 strap 50 clown 87

* robot 25 think outside the box 42 conquer 89

schoolwork 21 throughout the ages 43 coward 89

* service 26 trash 40 dinosaur 93

* snack 20 what if 43 figurative 86

* sport 13 zipper 53 * game 97

236 Words & Phrases

gruel 83 such as 116 have in common 162
headline 88 turtle 108 in accordance with 165

Words & Phrases

heartbeat 91 well-known 112 kite 155
lyrics 89 wildlife 122 phenomena 167
make up 92 postcard 158
metaphor 90 propeller 161
owl 91 Lesson 6 rectangular 164
playground 91 runway 160
Enjoy Art, Connect Hearts
proverb 92 shuttle 156
refer to 93 be moved to tears 140 thrust 162

* sample 100 bring … together 141 voltage 167

* technology 105 choral 137 withstand 157

the apple of one’s eye 91 download 139
dramatic 132
firework 133 Lesson 8
Lesson 5 four-beat 134 Korean Culture: The Mirror
Our Earth, Our Future, go through 139 of Our Hearts
Our Choice go to any length 140
archery 179
hologram 134
antelope 113 backache 188
in person 140
bacteria 110 ballpark 180
melody 134
carbon 119 be divided into 189
neither … nor ~ 138
ecosystem 107 bookmark 182
on one’s own 139
e-waste 109 centipede 188
percussion 135
feel free to 117 ceremony 187
sci-fi 151
fossil 109 cherish 187
soprano 139
garbage 107 contribute to 189
take part in 141
get to the point 114 crab 188
thousands of 141
have an effect on 114
upload 139 * drum 198
hyena 113
worldwide 137 * highlight 186
in turn 116 inherit 189
zoom in 138
keystone 107 intangible 186
landfill 107 leaflet 183
lung 108 Lesson 7 * medal 191

* mask 108 ritual 186

Science Everywhere
meat-eating 107 riverside 180
mussel 115 ancestor 161 script 184
nutrient 119 bamboo 164 souvenir 182
plant-eating 107 diameter 164 try one’s best 189
prevent … from ~ 115 drone 159 tug 179
problem-solution 119 equivalent 161 under the heading of 186
slogan 125 gravity 161 unity 187

Words & Phrases 237

Lesson Page Source
1 20, 206, 207 ikinz101, 10 Tips for Incoming Freshman in High School , Teen Ink, 2015 (
21 Paint Your Life ,, 2015 (
23 Shea, Gordon F., Mentoring (Rev. Ed.) , Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, 1997
30 The Baking Club , Santa Monica High School, 2016 (
Team Shatterdome , Bugil Academy, 2016 (
2 39 왕연중, <발명의 10 계명 - 1. 더해(+) 보자>, dvnnews, June 8, 2016 (

42-45, 56, 207 Roger von Oech, A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Creative , Warner Books, 1985, pp. 6-13
54 Turning Torso Building , Sweden’s official website for tourism and travel information, 2016 (
Lotus Temple , Telhi Tourism, 2016 (
London City Hall, About our building , Greater London Authority, 2016 (
3 66-69, 70, 80, 오정희, <소음 공해>, 술꾼의 아내, 작가 정신, 1993, pp. 175-179
71 Abdul Kalam, Official Kalam, 2014 (
Barrier-free vacation in Salzburg , Official Salzburg Travel Guide (
4 90-93 Gym Class Heroes, Stereo Hearts , The Papercut Chronicles II, 2011
William Shakespeare, As You Like It , First Folio, 1623
95, 206 Identifying Someone’s Personal Language , Crime Museum, 2016 (
5 108 H.C. Liew, (KUSTEM, Malaysia), International Leatherback Survival Conference 2002 presentation (
downloads/marine_turtles_ap.pdf, p. 4)

109 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, E-Waste Generation and Recycling Data in the U.S. (2015)
110 Martyn Hobbs / Julia Starr Keddle, SURE Intermediate Student’s Book , Helbling Languages, 2015, p. 104
114-117, 118, Eric Munscher, “The Key to it All: Understanding the Role of Keystone Species”, The Wire , SWCA, Summer 2013 (Vol. 13, No. 2), pp. 10-11
128, 209,
119 Asha de Vos, Why you should care about whale poo , TED, 2014 (
126 Reykjavik geothermal energy , WWF, March 2012 (
Anastasia Pantsios, Top 10 Greenest Cities in the World, EcoWatch , Oct. 24, 2014 (
6 231, 235 Evelyn Glennie Biography , Evelyn Glennie (
Andy Warhol , Tate, 2016 (
Diego Velázquez , The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2016 (
Billie Holiday , Bicycle Music, 2016 (
137 Eric Whitacre Biography , Eric Whitacre, 2016 (
138-141, 142, Lonnae O’Neal Parker, All together now (on YouTube): Last chance to join virtual choir , The Washington Post Company, December 26, 2010
152, 208 (
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong , TED, March 2011 (
About the Virtual Choir , Eric Whitacre, 2016 (
143 Playing for Change (, 2016 /
150 Our mission and history , Edinburgh International Festival, 2016 (
Festival Cervantino: Cultural Mecca , Mexico Tourism Board, 2016 (
7 157 <한 컷의 과학, 39화 - 빌딩풍에 대처하는 우리의 자세>, EBS, Nov. 28, 2015 (
160 Tim Falla / Paul A, Solutions Advanced SB 2nd Edition , Oxford University Press, 2013
162-165, 166, How to Make a Kite , Home Training Tools, 2016 (
176, 209
167 望月正道 외 6명, World Treck English CommunicationⅠ, 桐原書店, 2013, p. 84

174 Museo Galileo (

What is Miraikan? , Miraikan – The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, 2016 (
About The Museum , The National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 2016 (

238 Sources
8 186-189, 190, <줄다리기, 흥을 당기다>, 국립무형유산원, December 23, 2015 (
200, 209 TR_000000000105&pageIndex=1&searchtitle=&searchcont=&searchkey=&searchwriter=&searchWrd=&mn=KO_04_01)
기지시 줄다리기, 2016 (
Rumy Doo, Korea’s Mass Tug-of-War Awaits UNESCO Recognition , The Korea Herald, April 13, 2015 (

191 Olympics History , The Tug of War Association, 2016 (
Tug of War , Olympic Games, IOC, 2016 (
197 담양10경 소쇄원, 담양군, 2016 (
198 Arirang, lyrical folk song in the Republic of Korea, UNESCO, 2016 (
Ritual ceremony of the Voladores, UNESCO, 2016 (
Ritual dance of the royal drum, UNESCO, 2016 (

유료 사이트 p. 3, p. 4, p. 5, p. 6, p. 7, p. 8, p. 9, p. 10, p. 11, p. 12, p. 13, p. 14, p. 15, p. 16, p. 17, p. 18, p. 22, p. 23, p. 24, p. 25, p. 27, p. 28,
p. 29, p. 30, p. 31, p. 33, p. 34, p. 35, p. 36, p. 37, p. 38, p. 39, p. 40, p. 41, p. 42, p. 46, p. 47, p. 48, p. 49, p. 50, p. 51, p. 52, p. 53,
p. 54, p. 55, p. 57, p. 58, p. 59, p. 60, p. 61, p. 62, p. 63, p. 64, p. 65, p. 66, p. 70, p. 71, p. 72, p. 73, p. 74, p. 75, p. 76, p. 77, p. 78,
p. 79, p. 81, p. 82, p. 83, p. 84, p. 85, p. 86, p. 87, p. 88, p. 89, p. 90, p. 94, p. 95, p. 96, p. 97, p. 98, p. 99, p. 100, p. 101, p. 102,
p. 103, p. 105, p. 106, p. 107, p. 108, p. 109, p. 110, p. 111, p. 112, p. 113, p. 114, p. 118, p. 119, p. 120, p. 121, p. 122, p. 123,
p. 124, p. 125, p. 126, p. 127, p. 129, p. 130, p. 131, p. 132, p. 133, p. 134, p. 135, p. 136, p. 137, p. 138, p. 142, p. 143, p. 144,
p. 145, p. 146, p. 147, p. 148, p. 149, p. 150, p. 151, p. 153, p. 154, p. 155, p. 156, p. 157, p. 158, p. 159, p. 160, p. 161, p. 162,
p. 163, p. 166, p. 167, p. 168, p. 169, p. 170, p. 171, p. 172, p. 173, p. 174, p. 175, p. 177, p. 178, p. 179, p. 180, p. 181, p. 182,
p. 183, p. 184, p. 185, p. 186, p. 187, p. 188, p. 189, p. 190, p. 191, p. 192, p. 193, p. 194, p. 195, p. 196, p. 197, p. 198, p. 199,
p. 201, p. 203, p. 204, p. 206, p. 208, p. 210, p. 225, p. 236, p. 238 p. 10, p. 15, p. 28, p. 31, p. 40, p. 62, p. 65, p. 85, p. 106, p. 107, p. 130, p. 131, p. 134, p. 135, p. 137, p. 146, p. 148, p. 149,
p. 150, p. 157, p. 158, p. 159, p. 160, p. 174, pp. 178-179, p. 180, p. 182, p. 197, p. 198, pp. 202-203 p. 23, p. 40, p. 47, p. 71, p. 89, p. 95, p. 119, p. 143, p. 158, p. 167, p. 191 p. 17, p. 30, p. 34, pp. 58-59, p. 74, p. 160, p. 161, p. 180, p. 182, p. 183, p. 185, p. 194, p. 196 p. 30, p. 174, p. 181, p. 183 p. 181, p. 182 p. 106 p. 198


p. 23 Pablo E. Fabisch, “Telemachus and Mentor,” Les Adventures de Telemaque, 1699 p. 26
p. 34 Frida Kahlo de Rivera, “Diego on My Mind” (Self-portrait as Tehuana, 1943), Banco de Mexico Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico DF
p. 41 p. 78 (사)배리어프리영화위원회 (
p. 134 Paik Nam June, Dadaikseon , 국립현대미술관 소장, 1988
Kelly Richardson, The Erudition, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia 소장, 2010
Jonathan Borofsky, Hammering Man , 세화미술관 소장, 2002
p. 137, p. 139 Marc Royce, Shots of Eric ( p. 140, p. 141 Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir (
p. 148 Diego Velázquez, Las Meninas , Museo del Prado 소장, 1656 김홍도, <서당>, 국립중앙박물관 소장, 18세기


Lesson Page Source

1 11 Adapted from Starting High School , TeensHealth, 2015 (
2 35 Adapted from Norman Maier, “Reasoning in Humans: Ⅱ. The Solution of a Problem and Its Appearance in Consciousness,” Journal of Comparative
Psychology, Vol 12 , 1931, pp. 181-194.
3 59 Adapted from Kindness Boomerang , Life Vest Inside, 2016 (
4 83 Adapted from Five Reasons to Learn English , Learn Talk, 2016 (
5 107 Source: See What You Save , World Wildlife Fund & NCPA, 2015 (
6 131 Source: Kinetic Rain at Terminal 1 , Changi Airport, 2012 (
7 155 Adapted from What Is Science? , Understanding Science, University of California Museum of Paleontology, 3 January 2017 (
8 179 Source: Korea’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites , 한국관광공사, 2010 (
※집필진의 직접 집필인 경우 출처를 밝히지 않았음.
※출처 표시를 안 한 사진 및 삽화 등은 저작자 및 발행사에서 저작권을 가지고 있는 경우임.

Sources 239
검정심의회 위원장: 송희심(서경대학교)

간사: 김소연(한국교육과정평가원)

▶ 내용조사: 권수옥(포항공과대학교), 송민영(고려사이버대학교), 이수열(세종국제고등학교), 이현창(부곡고등학교), 전보영(경기여자고등학교),
정지영(금호중앙여자고등학교), Adam Turner(한양대학교), Antony Jackson(부산외국어대학교), Kevin Thomas Were(국민대학교),

▶ 어휘검색: 임경진(산본고등학교)

▶ 표기 ・ 표현: 김형배(대표/국립국어원), 오재혁(조장/건국대학교), 소재민(전북외국어고등학교), 정수현(건국대학교), 정유남(서울교육대학교),

최선영(곤양고등학교), 하영우(카이스트), 황선희(중앙대학교)

검정위원: 고현우(혜광고등학교), 김현주(단국대학교), 박주경(호남대학교), 성기완(경희대학교), 오정은(인천진산과학고등학교),

임성은(분당고등학교), 정양수(충남대학교), 허옥형(여수중앙여자고등학교)

한국교육과정평가원 위원장: 박진용

기획위원: 차조일(대표), 이근호, 안종욱, 윤지훈, 김종윤

운영위원: 정학준(대표), 이상준, 허재영, 임동주

기획지원: 전훈

심사지원팀장: 피교철
심사진행팀장: 양미경
심사운영팀장: 이준석

편집 및 디자인 편집 디자인
장경률, 강신아, 양현옥, 고영희 표지: 윤주파트너스, 김희정, 김선형, 윤순미, 안채리
내지: 림어소시에이션(이인영, 윤현이), 이은정

삽화 사진
표지: 서유태 남궁신, 양창모, 조희태, 박정수, 송영신, 김태우
내지: 김선희, 남정우, 박우진, 성혜현, 유현수, 조옥경,
조재희, 최윤라, 최지예, 한효선, 김세영, 정기현 조판

※ 교육부의 위탁을 받아 한국교육과정평가원이 검정 심사를 하였음.

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