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High School


교과서를 만드는 일은 참 보람 있고 자랑스러우면서도 막중한 책임감이 뒤따르는 작업인 것 같습니

다. 학생들이 영어 실력의 기본기를 다지고 더 큰 세상에서 각자의 재능과 능력을 펼치는 데, 자양분이
되는 것이 바로 영어교과서라고 생각하기 때문입니다.

재미있는 교과서
학생들의 눈높이에서 좀 더 좋은 소재를 고르고, 교과서에 실린 이야기가 재미있도록 단어 하나하나
를 고르고, 내용을 다듬었습니다. 좋은 씨앗을 고르는 농부의 마음으로, 매 단원에 다양한 소재를 아우
르는 대주제를 담고, 학생 여러분이 한 번쯤 생각해 봐야 할 주제 의식을 함께 제시했습니다. 각 단원의
대주제와 주제 의식은 다음과 같습니다.

Potential. 여러분이 좋아하는 일, 잘하는 일은 무엇인가요? 거창한 것일 필요는 없어요.

Respect. 상대가 나와 다르다고 해서 틀린 것은 아니죠.
다른 사람을 존중하려면 우리의 태도는 어떠해야 할까요?
Live Together. 더불어 살아갈 때 필요한 가치, 마음가짐에는 어떤 것이 있을까요?
Contribute. 더 좋은 세상을 만들기 위해 우리는 무엇을 할 수 있을까요?
Inspiration. 문제를 해결하고 새로운 것을 만들어 내는 영감은 어디에서 오는 걸까요?
영감은 어떻게 얻을 수 있을까요?
Mentor. 여러분의 삶에 영향을 미친, 귀감이 되는 롤모델이 있나요?

Big Question
위의 주제 의식을 각 단원의 Big Question으로 제시하였습니다. 단원을 관통하는 하나의 주제에 대
해 깊이 생각해 봄으로써, 학생들은 종합적・ 통합적 사고를 신장할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 문제 해결 능력
을 높이는 통찰력까지 겸비할 수 있습니다. 더불어, 학생들이 자기 주도적으로 학습할 수 있는 교재를
만들고자, 학생들 스스로 학습을 계획하고 학습 결과를 성찰해 보는 단계를 제시했습니다.

건강한 배움의 즐거움을 선사하는 교과서가 되길

학생 여러분에게 건강한 배움의 즐거움을 선사하는 교과서가 되길 바라며, 여러분이 각자의 꿈을 이
루는 데, 이 교과서가 조금이라도 보탬이 되면 좋겠습니다. 또한, 선생님들께는 이 교과서가 현장에서
아이들을 가르치는 데, 최상의 교재가 되길 바랍니다.

저자 일동

Lesson 1 A Spark in You 008

Lesson 2 Embracing Our Differences 034

Lesson 3 We Are All Connected 060

Lesson 4 Build a Better World 086

Lesson 5 Look, Think, and Create! 112

Special Lesson Coach Carter 138


Answer Keys 151

Transcripts & Subtitles 159

Sources 166
Scope and Sequence
Lesson Big Question Listen & Speak 1 Listen & Speak 2 Read

1 What can we
do to reach
Believe in Your
Never Too Late
- 모르고 있음 표현하기
Can I Swim?
LITERATURE 펭 귄 과 수 영 한
A Spark in our potential? - 낙담 위로하기 I haven’t got a 경험을 계기로 자신의 재능을
찾은 소년에 관한 글 읽기
You Don’t be clue.

2 How can we
respect each
Deserves Respect
It’s Nice to Be
Personalities, Great
Embracing other? - 의견 표현하기 - 알고 있음 표현하기 Partnerships
Our In my opinion, we I heard that it PSYCHOLOGY 성격이 다른 사
should say thank tastes good. 람들이 함께 할 때 가져올 수 있
Differences 는 긍정적인 결과에 관한 글 읽
you as often as


3 How can
we live
No One Can Live
Learn How to
Live with Nature
Turn Off the Lights
and Save a Tiger
We Are All together? - 동의하기 - 설명 요청하기 ENVIRONMENT 멸 종 위 기 에
처한 야생 호랑이에 관한 글 읽
Connected I agree with you. Could you explain

what that is?

4 How can we
contribute to
You Can Make a
The Power of
One Passionate
A Protector of Our
National Heritage
Build a our society? - 제안하기 Person HISTORY 우리나라의 문화재
를 지키는 데 헌신한 간송 전형
Better Why don’t you use - 감탄 표현하기
your talent? What a great 필에 관한 글 읽기

5 Where do we
get good
Inspiration Is
Inspired to
Nature: The Great
Inspiration of
Look, Think, ideas? - 충고 구하기 - 놀람 표현하기 Architects
and Create! Can you give me It’s surprising that ARCHITECTURE 자연에서 영
some advice? people can find 감을 받은 건축물에 관한 글 읽
useful ideas from 기


Special Coach Carter

Lesson 영화 <코치 카터>의 대본 읽기
Discovering Grammar Write Inside Culture Project

● Diego’s early education had not My Big Reaching Your Interview Your
prepared him well for life at his new Achievement Potential Future Self
school. 노력 끝에 무언가를 성취 through 30년 후 자신의 모습을
● Suddenly Diego was not the sad little 한 경험에 관한 글 쓰기 Education 가정하여 인터뷰에 응하
boy we had become used to. 기
나라의 학습 방법에 관한
글 읽고 대화하기

● Then the driver ordered her to give Dear Friend Etiquette around Make Rules for a
her seat to a white passenger. 친구에게 사과 편지 쓰기 the World Happier
● It was these features of his introverted SOCIAL STUDIES 여 러 Classroom
personality that enabled him to focus 나라의 예절에 관한 내용 화목한 학급을 만들기 위
on inventing things. 듣고 말하기 한 규칙 만들기

● Imagine how ancient people must The Impact of Green Cities We Share, We
have felt when encountering tigers in Your Daily Life around the Care
the wild! 전기 생산과 온실가스 배 World 공유 프로젝트를 기획하
● As a result, the other species …, are 출에 관한 도표를 묘사하 여러
SOCIAL STUDIES 고 홍보 포스터 만들기
는 글 쓰기 나라의 친환경 도시에 관
protected too, as if there were a large
umbrella being held over them. 한 글 읽고 대화하기

● Last week, I visited an exhibition of Introducing a Written Make a Better

artwork and ancient items selected Historical Site in Memories of the World
from the Kansong Art Museum’s Korea World 더 나은 사회를 만들기 위
collection. 우리나라의 사적을 소개 SOCIAL STUDIES 유 네 해 할 수 있는 일을 계획
● Without it, the origins and 하는 블로그 게시 글 쓰기 스코 세계기록유산에 관 하고 실천하기

fundamentals of Hangeul would have 한 글 읽고 대화하기

been lost to history.

● Inspired by trees, Gaudi gave the Inspirations Inspired by Art Be a Product

columns a single base that splits off behind Movies ART 예술 작품에서 영감 Designer
into branches near the top. 영화를 소개하는 신문 기 을 받아 창작한 예술 작품
DESIGN 창의적으로 제
사 쓰기 에 관한 글 읽고 대화하기 품 디자인하기
● …, the Eastgate Centre uses far less
energy than other buildings, which
saves money and helps protect the
environment from pollution.

Believe Extends
in Your Our Lifestyles
C Use It

Listen & Speak Read Listen & Speak 1
LITERATURE Step 1 Listen to the lecture and answer the questions.
낙담 위로하기 Don’t be discouraged.

A Warm Up

A Spark in You
Look at the comic strip below. Put the pictures in the correct order.

a I want to bury b I’ve got tons of c Then why don’t you

it deep inside potential! ever use it?
● Believe in Your Potential myself!
● Never Too Late Can I Swim?


Big Small Talk Guess what the girl will say in the next scene. Share your idea with your
1st What is the best title for the lecture?
a Don’t Get Trapped in a Routine

Question b Believe That You Can Improve

c Work Together to Overcome Challenges
What can we do to reach
our potential?
2nd Listen again. Fill in the blanks based on the lecture.
“Firework,” sung by Katy Perry
My Big Achievement 1 The grade “ ” implies that your abilities can still be developed.
2 The student with a “ ” becomes more confident and steadier when
they have difficulties.
Watch the music video above.
What do you think the message of the song is?
B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. How have the boy’s feelings changed?
Share your answer with your partner.
SOCIAL a peaceful → confused
Project Inside Culture STUDIES
Now think about the Big Question. b nervous → relieved Step 2 Write down some encouraging comments that we can say to others when they
c depressed → encouraged face challenges. Then say them to your partner.

Encouraging Comments

Language Points
● I can see you are trying your best at your
2nd Listen again. What is the girl’s advice for the boy? own pace.
● 낙담 위로하기 ●
● Diego’s early education had not prepared him a Discover what you’re good at.
Don’t be discouraged. well for life at his new school. b Don’t give up on your potential.
Reaching Your Potential ●

Listen & Speak 1, 2

● 모르고 있음 표현하기 ● Suddenly Diego was not the sad little boy we Interview Your Future Self through Education

Lesson Map
c Seek ways to motivate yourself.
I haven’t got a clue. had become used to.
10 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 11

● 동영상, 시, 마인드맵 등 다양한 자료를 활용한 활동으로 Warm Up ▶ Learn It ▶ Use It

흥미를 유발한다.
● 본격적인 듣기, 말하기 활동에 앞서 흥미를 유발한다.
● 단원에서 학습할 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 확인한다.
● 강의, 광고, 만화 등 실생활에서 접할 수 있는 자료를 듣거
● Big Question에서 출발하는 단원의 흐름도를 보고 단원
나 읽은 뒤, 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기가 통합된 활동을 한다.
에서 학습할 내용을 파악한다.
Monitor Your Learning
활동 후 학습 목표를 달성하였는지 스스로 점검한다.


Before You Read Can I Swim? C Share Your Opinion

Imagine you are Diego Gonzales. You’ve won first prize in a national swimming
Discovering Grammar
competition and been asked to give a speech. What kind of speech would you give?
Share your answer with your partner. Point Read and Notice Read the travel essay below, paying attention to the structures in bold.
A Topic Preview
Read the following stories and talk with your partner about what they have in common.
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he Reading Strategy Example 1
worked at an English language boarding school in Predicting helps you I had always dreamed of going to Jordan, in the Middle East,
read in a more active First, I want to thank the penguin, Juan Salvado. He was the one who and last year I finally got the chance to go. I had wanted to go
Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found a way and with greater made me who I am. Thanks to him, I realized I had so much potential.
interest. Look at the
there to see Petra, a city carved out of rock. When I saw it, I felt a
penguin that was injured and alone. Michell decided title, pictures, and text connection with its distant past. The ancient people of Jordan,
to guess how the story the Nabataeans, built Petra long ago, but it is still well known
5 to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and even gave
will unfold.
it a name—Juan Salvado. From that day on, Juan today. Seeing the city in real life was a terrific experience.
Your Own
Salvado lived on the terrace of his room in the school
Practice Complete the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above. Use
dormitory. The following is part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about the
Susan Boyle: one of the most the given words.
talented singers in the UK penguin and a boy at the school.
J. K. Rowling: the author of Thomas Edison: one of the
1 They arrived at the station and found that the train .
one of the most celebrated greatest inventors in history (leave, already)
novels in the world When she walked onto the
10 From the first day that I brought a penguin to live at the school, one 2 I had a strange feeling that I . (meet, her, before)
stage, people thought she
didn’t stand a chance. His teacher said he couldn’t student in particular wanted to help with his care. His name was Diego 3 Suddenly Angela realized that she . (lose, her hat)
Her book was rejected by
follow the curriculum.
12 publishing houses. Gonzales. Diego was a shy boy who Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.18, 19]
seemed to be frightened of his own D Broaden Your View
The story “Can I Swim?” is from the book The Penguin Lessons . The following is a Point Listen and Notice Listen to the song, paying attention to the structures in bold.
B Word Preview
Read the story and complete it using the given words from the dictionary. Change the
shadow. He struggled with his classes, and review of this book. Think of a book you read recently and write a review of it. Then
share it with your classmates.
15 none of the after-school activities seemed For all those times you stood by me
form if necessary. For all the truth that you made me see
to suit him. He was neither strong nor
For all the joy you brought to my life
athletic. On the rugby field, nobody The Penguin Lessons
Harry was a lonely boy. He didn’t get along with his classmates For all the wrong that you made right
passed the ball to him or involved him in Author Tom Michell
and 1) conversation. For every dream you made come true
Review This is a unique and moving real-life story of the
the game, except to make fun of him. For all the love I found in you
extraordinary bond between people and a rescued
I’ll be forever thankful baby
penguin. The penguin, Juan Salvado, becomes the center
One day in music class he revealed his 2)
singing ability. You’re the one who held me up
of attention at a school and a friend to a shy boy.
Never let me fall
Check Your Understanding Rating ★★★★☆
Q1. Circle T for true or F for false.
You’re the one who saw me through, through it all
His classmates were 3)
. Harry 4)
as Diego showed no interest in any activities at school except rugby. (T / F) Title “Because You Loved Me,” sung by Celine Dion
a different person. Author
Use the Strategy
Review Practice Combine the two sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
Q2. Based on the information you have now, predict what will happen to Juan Salvado and
Diego Gonzales. 1 I drank the milk. I bought it this morning.
astonished: very surprised
avoid: to keep yourself from doing something 2 The new employee is very enthusiastic. We hired him.
extraordinary: extremely good or impressive injured [ feed [ ] dormitory [ ] in particular be frightened of
emerge: to become known or regarded as something struggle [ ] suit [ ] athletic [ ] involve ~ in … except [ ] ☆☆☆☆☆

Discovering Grammar
make fun of Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.21, 22]

16 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 17 24 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 25

Before You Read ▶ Reading ▶ After You Read Read / Listen and Notice ▶ Practice ▶ Find More

● 본격적인 읽기 활동에 앞서 소재에 대한 흥미를 유발하고 ● 읽기 활동에서 제시한 언어 형식을 기행문, 이메일, 대화
배경 지식을 활성화한다. 내용 등 다양한 실생활 자료에서 다시 확인하고, 실제로
● 교과 간 연계를 실현한 지문을 읽으며 융합적 사고력을 기 활용할 수 있게 연습한다.
르고, 읽기 중 활동으로 제시한 질문에 답하며 지문을 종 ● 읽기 지문에서 해당 언어 형식의 예를 찾아보며 반복 학습
합적으로 이해한다. 을 한다.
● 지문을 읽은 후에 글의 내용을 얼마나 이해하였는지 점검
하고, 심화 활동으로 비판적 사고를 강화하며, 지문에서
배운 내용을 내면화해 본다.
Build Knowledge, Reading Strategy
읽기 자료와 관련한 배경 지식을 확장하고, 읽기 전략을 활
용하여 자기 주도 학습 능력을 기른다.
이 책의 특징 ● 단원 전체를 관통하는 Big Question을 중심으로 단원 내에서 인문, 사회, 과학 등 다양한 영역의 소재
를 다룸으로써 교과 간 통합 실현 및 창의 융합적 사고 촉진
● 학습자 스스로 학습을 계획, 실행, 점검, 성찰해 보는 자기 주도적 학습서
● 실생활 중심의 재미있는 소재와 다양한 시청각 자료를 활용하여 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기를 통합적으로
학습함으로써 실질적인 의사소통 능력 신장
● 제시한 내용을 학습하는 데 그치지 않고 학습자가 직접 정보를 수집하고 이를 이용해 의사소통함으로
써 영어 정보 처리 역량과 학습 몰입도 강화

My Extends Our Lifestyles
Big Achievement
Step 2 Develop Your Ideas Inside Culture Reaching Your Potential through Education STUDIES

Write Answer the questions below to develop your ideas.

Writing a Narrative A narrative paragraph tells a story that explains what happened to the narrator. You are going
1 What was your goal?
B Talk about Culture
Of the three learning methods in A, which do you think would be the most helpful for
Paragraph to write a narrative paragraph about a time when you achieved a goal.
Before You Begin you? Talk about it with your partner.
2 What was your situation like at first?
How do you study? Check your study methods and share them with your partner.
A Sample Analysis
3 What did you do to improve yourself?
Drawing mind maps to connect ideas
Which method do you think is the most effective for
Speaking aloud instead of reading silently reaching your potential?
In high school, I achieved my goal of becoming a skilled My Goal
Trying to teach what I have learned to someone else
soccer player. When I was a first-year student, I joined my 4 What did you achieve in the end?
(A) Studying in a group to share resources and discuss ideas Well, each of them has its own merits, but havruta sounds
school’s soccer team. At first, I wasn’t a fast runner or a good
the most helpful to me.
kicker. However, I didn’t let my limitations hold me back. I Others:
practiced every day, and I was always the last student to leave (B)
Why do you feel that way?
the field. It was hard work, but I kept believing that I would
Step 3 Write Your Story
reach my goal. As a result, I got better and better. By the end (C)
Write your own narrative paragraph based on your answers in Step 2 . Havruta values learning with others. I think I could learn
of my junior year, I was the team’s top scorer. This experience
a lot by discussing and debating things with friends.
helped me believe in my own potential. Now I believe I can What I Learned
achieve my goals if I try my hardest. I achieved my goal of .
When I was . A Read about Culture
Read how people in different countries study to reach their potential. Match each one
∙ Fill in the boxes above with the appropriate subtopics. At first, . However, I didn’t let my
with the picture that best describes the learning method. C Find More and Share
Search for information about one of the following learning methods or find another
limitations hold me back.
My Achievement My Efforts to Do Better How I Used to Be one on your own. Share it with your partner.
1 Some common ways to boost the reading and writing capabilities of Chinese
students include reading out loud, writing characters, and even singing.
As a result, .

B Write Your Own

This experience helped me . 2 A practice called havruta (“fellowship”) is used in Israel. Students read Jewish Your Own
Step 1 Generate Ideas writings in pairs, work through analysis of passages, and discuss them together.
Think about what you have achieved in your life and write it down.
Checklist Examine your paragraph and then ask your partner to check it using the list below.
Example 1 Example 2 Yours Self Peer 3 In France, philosophy is one of the most essential subjects of the education Harkness Table Spaced Learning
● This paragraph effectively explains what steps you took and how you have changed. system. Students study notions such as consciousness and existence. The •What is a Harkness table? •What is spaced learning?
Soccer English ● This paragraph is written using correct grammar and vocabulary. aim of this is to develop the ability to think and reason.
I became the top scorer I became able to chat ● Peer’s comments:
on my team. with my foreign friends a b c
Rewrite your paragraph based on the feedback. •What effect does it have? •What effect does it have?
in English.

Monitor Your Learning Yes Not Sure No

Search Keywords
Now I can write a narrative paragraph about one of my achievements. unique learning methods
learning methods around the world

Write Inside Culture

26 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 27 28 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 29

Sample Analysis ▶ Write Your Own Read about Culture, Listen to Culture, Talk about Culture
자료를 읽거나 들으며 세계의 다양한 문화를 접함으로써 시
단계별 작문 활동으로 스스로 글을 완성할 수 있다.
야를 넓히고 다른 문화에 열린 태도를 갖게 되며, 우리 문화
● 예시 글을 보며 해당 장르를 이해하고 관련 표현을 익힌다.
를 더 깊이 이해한다.
● 자신의 경험과 생각을 적용하여 해당 장르의 글을 직접 써
Find More and Share
스스로 다른 사례를 찾고 소개해 보며 정보 활용 능력과 의
● 짝과 함께 점검한 뒤 이를 바탕으로 글을 수정해 본다.
사소통 능력을 함께 기른다.
Monitor Your Learning
활동 후 학습 목표를 달성하였는지 스스로 점검한다.

Project Interview Your Future Self

Wrap Up
Your Task
Step Pretend it is 30 years from now. Take turns recording each group member’s interview.
You are going to make an interview video with your group for a class reunion in 30 years.
3 A 1 Listen to the dialogue. Which is true about the speakers?
① The boy asked the girl to appear as a guest at the performance.
1 Choose the correct order for (A), (B), and (C).
① (A)- (C)- (B) ② (B)- (A)- (C) ③ (B)- (C)- (A)
Please tell your classmates about your life now.
② The girl failed to win the contest held in the district.
Step Imagine yourself in 30 years. Think about what your life will be like. Draw a ③ Despite the boy’s encouragement, the girl refused his request.
1 self-portrait and write about your future self. 2 Choose the one that is NOT grammatically correct among ⓐ - ⓒ and correct it.
2 Number the sentences in the correct order. Then act out the completed conversation ( )
Your Job (Achievements) Long time no see. I’ve really missed you guys. I’m with your partner.
working as a composer. Do you know the recent hit
song “Romantic Rainy Days”? I wrote it. I really love
Don’t be discouraged. The first step in reaching our potential is to believe in our 3 How did the writer’s attitude about Diego’s swimming ability change?
what I do now. I live in a small, charming village in
own possibilities.
Gangwon-do with my wife and two lovely daughters.
The Place You’re Living In You’re always welcome at my house! I feel like I’m not good at anything.
Okay, but I really can’t think of anything that I do well.
Tip 4 How about trying things you love to do? In the end, you’ll find what you are really
Write a script before you get interviewed.
When you write, try to be as specific as possible. good at.
Your Family Remember, you can be whatever you want! 5 I think you’re right. Thanks for cheering me up.
C Pretend you are Diego Gonzales and write a narrative paragraph. Use the given information.

My achievement: I won a swimming competition.
Read and answer the questions. How I used to be: I couldn’t adapt to my new circumstances.
Other Step Transfer the videos of all the groups to the classroom computer and watch them
My turning point: a swim with a penguin named Juan Salvado
4 together. Choose a student for each award below. How I changed: I became more confident and won every race I participated in.
Draw yourself in 30 years. I ⓐ have never seen Diego so excited before. His eyes were shining with joy, and he
seemed to be truly alive for the first time. Without hesitating, he dived into the cold water.
The Most Unique Job The Funniest Video The Most Exciting Life
I was ready to jump in and rescue him if he could not swim. One of my biggest achievements was winning a swimming competition. When I first
Winner: Winner: Winner: (A) It was like a duet written for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan Salvado took the lead
came to this school, . However,
and Diego followed after him.
became the turning point in my school life.
Step Make a group of four and decide on a role for each group member in each round. Tip (B) However, I soon realized that I did not have anything to worry about. Not only ⓑ could
2 Sa the videos on a USB drive or put
Diego swim, but he swam magnificently! He chased after Juan Salvado, and they swam
Director Cameraperson Interviewer Interviewee them on the Internet. It will be fun to
watch them in 30 years at your real in perfect harmony. After that day,
1st round class reunion! . This experience helped me earn respect. Now I am no longer shy to
(C) At other times Diego went ahead and the penguin swam around the boy. Occasionally
2nd round they swam so close ⓒ that they almost touched. speak English and have made many friends.
3rd round
Monitor Your Work Yes Not Sure No
4th round
1 All the group members actively participated in the project.
1 Answer the Big Question . 2 Reflect on what you’ve learned in this lesson.

Tip Q. What can we do to reach our potential? * What was the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?
2 Now I can picture myself 30 years from now.
T director manages the whole process of recording. Example Example Yours
•The cameraperson
p records the video. 3 What I learned from the task: * Which activities did you find challenging and why?
•The interviewer asks the interviewee questions. We need confidence in We need to check what we
•The interviewee answers the questions of the interviewer.

Wrap Up
ourselves. like and what our interests * What do you want to improve?

30 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 31
32 Lesson 1 A Spark in You 33

모둠을 이루어 자료를 만들고 발표하는 과제를 수행하며 협 단원에서 배운 내용을 평가하는 문제를 풀어 보며 학습 결과
동심을 기르고 실생활의 문제를 창의적으로 해결하는 능력 를 진단해 본다.
을 높인다. Self-Reflection
Monitor Your Work ● 단원 앞머리에서 제시한 Big Question에 답하며 단원 전
과제를 완성한 후 활동 과정과 결과를 평가하고 배운 점을 체의 주제를 환기한다.
성찰한다. ● 단원을 마무리하며 자신의 학습 과정을 성찰한다.

듣기 말하기 읽기 쓰기 동영상 짝 활동 모둠 활동
Lesson 1
A Spark in You

“Firework,” sung by Katy Perry

Watch the music video above.

What do you think the message of the song is?
Share your answer with your partner.
Now think about the Big Question.

Functions Language Points

● 낙담 위로하기 ● Diego’s early education had not prepared him

Don’t be discouraged. well for life at his new school.
● 모르고 있음 표현하기 ● Suddenly Diego was not the sad little boy we
I haven’t got a clue. had become used to.
Listen& Speak Read LITERATURE

● Believe in Your Potential

● Never Too Late Can I Swim?



My Big Achievement

Project Inside Culture STUDIES

Reaching Your Potential

Interview Your Future Self through Education
Technology Extends
Believe in Your Our Lifestyles
Listen & Speak 1 낙담 위로하기 Don’t be discouraged.

A Warm Up
Look at the comic strip below. Put the pictures in the correct order.

a I want to bury b I’ve got tons of c Then why don’t you

it deep inside potential! ever use it?

Small Talk Guess what the girl will say in the next scene. Share your idea with your

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. How have the boy’s feelings changed?
a peaceful → confused
b nervous → relieved
c depressed → encouraged

2nd Listen again. What is the girl’s advice for the boy?
a Discover what you’re good at.
b Don’t give up on your potential.
c Seek ways to motivate yourself.

10 Lesson 1
C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the lecture and answer the questions.

1st What is the best title for the lecture?

a Don’t Get Trapped in a Routine
b Believe That You Can Improve
c Work Together to Overcome Challenges

2nd Listen again. Fill in the blanks based on the lecture.

1 The grade “ ” implies that your abilities can still be developed.
2 The student with a “ ” becomes more confident and steadier when
they have difficulties.

Step 2 Write down some encouraging comments that we can say to others when they
face challenges. Then say them to your partner.

Encouraging Comments

● I can see you are trying your best at your

own pace.

A Spark in You 11
Step 3 Write down something you don’t do well now but hope to do well in the future.
Then think of ways you can improve. Complete the box with your partner.

Now Now
I want to sing well, but I’m not good
at it.

What to do to improve What to do to improve

I should practice breathing
properly while singing.

Partner’s advice Partner’s advice

Find free voice training
videos on the Internet.

Step 4 Talk with your partner about what you wrote in Step 3 .

A: Lisa, you look down. What’s the matter?

B: I want to sing well, but I’m not good at it.
A: Don’t be discouraged. You’ll get better if you try to improve.
B: Yeah, you are right. Maybe I should practice breathing properly while
A : That sounds like a good idea. I think you can also find free voice training
videos on the Internet.
B : All right. I’ll try that, too.

1 Now I can understand others when they say encouraging words.

2 Now I can say encouraging words.

12 Lesson 1
Technology Extends Our Lifestyles
Never Too Late
Listen & Speak 2 모르고 있음 표현하기 I haven’t got a clue.

A Warm Up
Read the sayings below. Choose the most suitable word for each blank.

1 3
Don’t be afraid of
In the garden of life,
2 going slowly.
bloomers are
I believe that success Only be afraid of
especially beautiful.
can happen at any time standing .
- Susan Gale
and at any . - Chinese saying

- Salma Hayek

still late age

Small Talk Of the three sayings above, which do you like the most? Talk with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
a the life of the author of Don Quixote
b the most famous lines in Don Quixote
c the reason Don Quixote is considered a masterpiece

2nd Listen again. Which is true about Cervantes?

a He was in his fifties when Don Quixote was published.
b He gained fame early in his life.
c Don Quixote was the first novel that he wrote.

A Spark in You 13
C Use It
Step 1Read the movie review Jenny prepared for her “Recommend a Good Movie”
homework. Predict what phrase will fit in the blank.

One Chance, the Incredible True Story of Paul Potts!

Paul used to be a member of ① church choirs, and he
aspired to be an opera singer. One day, he was told by a
world-famous opera singer that ② he was talented enough.
Although ③ he had suffered from cancer and had been in a
bicycle accident, he auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent when
he was 37. He won the show with his impressive
singing. This is a heart-touching movie about a man
who !

Now listen to part of a TV show and answer the questions.

1st Which phrase best fits in the blank?
a dedicated his life to helping people
b was eager to become a conductor
c pursued his dream in spite of adversity

2nd Listen again. Among ①- ③, find and correct the mistake Jenny needs to fix.
( )

Step 2 Read some quotes by Paul Potts and talk with your partner about the one you
like the most.

You need to learn If you’re doing what you

where you go wrong love, and that’s your career,
in order to improve. then that is success.

Enjoy what you do Just keep going and don’t

and take each day evaluate yourself on other
as it comes. people’s expectations.

14 Lesson 1
Step 3 There are people who reach their potential late in life. Read about two late
bloomers and find one more on your own.

This beautiful picture This funny picture book

was painted by Paul was written and illustrated
Cezanne. He started by William Steig. He began
painting when he was 20 writing when he was 61
years old. He painted years old. He wrote the
most of his masterpieces famous story Shrek! when
at the end of his career. he was 83 years old.

Search Keywords
late bloomers

Step 4 Talk with your partner about the people in Step 3 .

A: This picture is beautiful. Who painted it?

B: It was painted by Paul Cezanne. Do you know when he started painting?
A: I haven’t got a clue.
B: He was 20 years old.
A: Really?
B: Yeah. The amazing thing is he painted most of his masterpieces at the end of
his career.
A : He was a real late bloomer!

1 Now I can understand when others say they don’t know something.

2 Now I can express that I don’t know something.

A Spark in You 15
Before You Read

A Topic Preview
Read about the people below and talk with your partner about what they have in common.

Susan Boyle: one of the most

talented singers in the UK
J. K. Rowling: the author of Thomas Edison: one of the
one of the most celebrated greatest inventors in history
novels in the world When she walked onto the
stage, people thought she
didn’t stand a chance. His teacher said he couldn’t
Her book was rejected by
follow the curriculum.
12 publishing houses.

B Word Preview
Read the story and complete it using the given words from the dictionary. Change the
form if necessary.

Harry was a lonely boy. He didn’t get along with his classmates
and 1) conversation.

One day in music class he revealed his 2)

singing ability.

His classmates were 3)

. Harry 4)
a different person.

astonished: very surprised

avoid: to keep yourself from doing something
extraordinary: extremely good or impressive
emerge: to become known or regarded as something

16 Lesson 1

Can I Swim?
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he Reading Strategy
worked at an English language boarding school in helps you
read in a more active
Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found a way and with greater
interest. Look at the
penguin that was injured and alone. Michell decided title, pictures, and text
to guess how the story
5 to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and even gave
will unfold.
it a name—Juan Salvado. From that day on, Juan
Salvado lived on the terrace of his room in the school
dormitory. The following is part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about the
penguin and a boy at the school.

10 From the first day that I brought a penguin to live at the school, one
student in particular wanted to help with his care. His name was Diego
Gonzales. Diego was a shy boy who
seemed to be frightened of his own
shadow. He struggled with his classes, and
15 none of the after-school activities seemed
to suit him. He was neither strong nor
athletic. On the rugby field, nobody
passed the ball to him or involved him in
the game, except to make fun of him.

Check Your Understanding

Q1. Circle T for true or F for false.
Diego showed no interest in any activities at school except rugby. (T / F)

Use the Strategy

Q2. Based on the information you have now, predict what will happen to Juan Salvado and
Diego Gonzales.

injured [ feed [ ] dormitory [ ] in particular be frightened of

struggle [ ] suit [ ] athletic [ ] involve ~ in … except [ ]
make fun of

A Spark in You 17
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well for life at his new
school. His knowledge of English was limited, so he avoided conversation.
However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan Salvado. Indeed, on the
terrace, Diego could relax. He had some friends who also had trouble fitting
in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for those boys. They fed him fish, 5

swept the terrace, and spent time with him.

One day, I took Juan Salvado to the school swimming pool with the
boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we brought Juan Salvado to the
water to see if he would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the school
for several months by then. However, in all that time, he had never been 10

able to swim because his feathers had been damaged.

Check Your Understanding

Q3. Why did Diego avoid talking with others?

What Do You Think?

Q4. Why do you think Diego enjoyed being with Juan Salvado?

limited [ ] avoid [ ] company [ ] have trouble v-ing fit in look after

sweep [ ] as soon as feather [ ] damaged [ ]

18 Lesson 1
“Go on!” I said. The penguin stared at me and then at the pool, like he
was asking, “Ah! Is this where the fish come from?” Without further
encouragement, he jumped in. With a single movement of his wings, he
flew like an arrow across the water and knocked into the wall on the
5 opposite side. Luckily, he was not hurt!
I had never had the opportunity to study a penguin in the water before.
I was familiar with the awkward way that Juan Salvado walked on land, but
now I watched in awe. Using only a stroke or two, he f lew at great speed
from one end of the pool to the other, turning swiftly before touching the
10 sides. It was amazing! Everyone could see how much he was enjoying
“Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though they were watching a fireworks
display. After a while, Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I swim,

Check Your Understanding

Q5. How was Juan Salvado different when he was on land and in the water?

stare at encouragement [ ] knock into on the opposite side

opportunity [ ] be familiar with awkward [ ] in awe stroke [ ]
swiftly [sw ftli ] fireworks display

A Spark in You 19
I was astonished. He had never gone near the pool before. I was not even
sure if he could swim.
“The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you sure you want to go in?”
I asked.
“Please!” 5

“All right then,” I said, “but be quick!”

I had never seen him so excited before. His eyes were shining with joy,
and he seemed to be truly alive for the f irst time. Without hesitating, he
dived into the cold water. I was ready to jump in and rescue him if he could
not swim. 10

However, I soon realized that I did not have anything to worry about.
Not only could Diego swim, but he swam magnif icently! He chased after
Juan Salvado, and they swam in perfect harmony. It was like a duet written
for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan Salvado took the lead and Diego
followed after him. At other times Diego went ahead and the penguin swam 15

Check Your Understanding

Q6. Fill in the blank using a word from the paragraphs above.
Diego could not only swim, but he swam .

What Do You Think?

Q7. What do you think is implied by the sentence “It was like a duet written for violin and

astonished [ ] hesitate [ ] rescue [ ] magnificently [ ]

chase after duet [ ] take the lead

20 Lesson 1
around the boy. Occasionally they swam so close that they almost touched.
I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not the sad little boy we
had become used to. He was a very normal boy with a very special talent.
“Diego! You can swim!”
5 “Yes, I can swim.”
“I mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly, in fact!”
“Do you think so?” He asked without looking directly at me, but I saw a
smile on his face.
As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told me that his father had
10 taught him how to swim in the river by their home. It was the f irst time he
had talked about his life. I listened in silence, without making any
corrections to his English, as he talked nonstop all the way back to the

What Do You Think?

Q8. Guess how the writer might have felt when Diego talked about himself for the first

Use the Strategy

Q9. Based on the information you have now, predict how Diego will change.

occasionally [ ] speechless [ ] become used to normal [ ]

brilliantly [ ] in silence make a correction all the way

A Spark in You 21
The events of that day were extraordinary. A child had gone down to the
water to swim with a penguin, and shortly afterward, a young man had
emerged. The ugly duckling had become a swan.
It was def initely a turning point. Diego’s conf idence grew quickly after
that day. When the school had a swimming competition, he won every race 5

he participated in. The encouragement and acknowledgement given by the

other boys was genuine. He had earned the respect of his classmates. Over
the next few weeks, his grades improved and he became more popular.
Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a lonely boy’s life was changed forever.

The Penguin Lessons,
Tom Michell (p. 166 참조)

What Do You Think?

Q10. What has been the biggest turning point in your life so far?

extraordinary [ ] emerge [ ] duckling [ ] definitely [ ]

confidence [ ] competition [ ] participate in
acknowledgement [ ] genuine [ ] earn [ ] improve [ ]

22 Lesson 1
After You Read

A Summarize the Text

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box. Change the form if necessary. Then put
the sentences in order based on the main text.

After his feathers recovered from the 1) , Juan
showed his amazing 2) skills.

When Tom Michell was working as an English teacher, he
saved an injured penguin and 3) it Juan Salvado.

Diego and Juan swam magnificently in 4)
; it was
like a musical duet.

Diego proved his superb talent in swimming and was
by his classmates.

Diego Gonzales had trouble 6)
at his school and
avoided 7) .

damage fit in harmony name respect swimming conversation

Order: → e → → →

B Check Out the Details

Read the statements and check T for true or F for false based on the main text.
1 At first, Diego Gonzales was reluctant to look after Juan Salvado.
2 Unfortunately, Juan couldn’t recover his natural talent for swimming.
3 Having the opportunity to swim with Juan was the turning point in
Diego’s school life.
4 Diego won all of his races at the school swimming competition.

A Spark in You 23
C Share Your Opinion
Imagine you are Diego Gonzales. You’ve won first prize in a national swimming
competition and been asked to give a speech. What kind of speech would you give?
Share your answer with your partner.

First, I want to thank the penguin, Juan Salvado. He was the one who
made me who I am. Thanks to him, I realized I had so much potential.

D Broaden Your View

The story “Can I Swim?” is from the book The Penguin Lessons . The following is a
review of this book. Think of a book you read recently and write a review of it. Then
share it with your classmates.

Title The Penguin Lessons

Author Tom Michell
Review This is a unique and moving real-life story of the
extraordinary bond between people and a rescued
penguin. The penguin, Juan Salvado, becomes the center
of attention at a school and a friend to a shy boy.
Rating ★★★★☆


Rating ☆☆☆☆☆

24 Lesson 1
Discovering Grammar

Point Read and Notice Read the travel essay below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

1 I had always dreamed of going to Jordan, in the Middle East,

and last year I finally got the chance to go. I had wanted to go
there to see Petra, a city carved out of rock. When I saw it, I felt a
connection with its distant past. The ancient people of Jordan,
the Nabataeans, built Petra long ago, but it is still well known
today. Seeing the city in real life was a terrific experience.

Practice Complete the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above. Use
the given words.
1 They arrived at the station and found that the train .
(leave, already)
2 I had a strange feeling that I . (meet, her, before)
3 Suddenly Angela realized that she . (lose, her hat)

Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.18, 19]

Point Listen and Notice Listen to the song, paying attention to the structures in bold.

2 For all those times you stood by me

For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through, through it all
“Because You Loved Me,” sung by Celine Dion

Practice Combine the two sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
1 I drank the milk. I bought it this morning.

2 The new employee is very enthusiastic. We hired him.

Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.21, 22]

A Spark in You 25
Technology Extends Our Lifestyles
My Big Achievement

Writing a Narrative A narrative paragraph tells a story that explains what happened to the narrator. You are going
Paragraph to write a narrative paragraph about a time when you achieved a goal.

A Sample Analysis

In high school, I achieved my goal of becoming a skilled My Goal

soccer player. When I was a first-year student, I joined my

school’s soccer team. At first, I wasn’t a fast runner or a good
kicker. However, I didn’t let my limitations hold me back. I
practiced every day, and I was always the last student to leave (B)
the field. It was hard work, but I kept believing that I would
reach my goal. As a result, I got better and better. By the end (C)
of my junior year, I was the team’s top scorer. This experience
helped me believe in my own potential. Now I believe I can What I Learned
achieve my goals if I try my hardest.

∙ Fill in the boxes above with the appropriate subtopics.

My Achievement My Efforts to Do Better How I Used to Be

B Write Your Own

Step 1 Generate Ideas
Think about what you have achieved in your life and write it down.

Soccer English
I became the top scorer I became able to chat
on my team. with my foreign friends
in English.

26 Lesson 1
Step 2 Develop Your Ideas
Answer the questions below to develop your ideas.

1 What was your goal?

2 What was your situation like at first?

3 What did you do to improve yourself?

4 What did you achieve in the end?

Step 3 Write Your Story

Write your own narrative paragraph based on your answers in Step 2 .

I achieved my goal of .
When I was .
At first, . However, I didn’t let my
limitations hold me back.

As a result, .

This experience helped me .

Checklist Examine your paragraph and then ask your partner to check it using the list below.
Self Peer
● This paragraph effectively explains what steps you took and how you have changed.
● This paragraph is written using correct grammar and vocabulary.
● Peer’s comments:

Rewrite your paragraph based on the feedback.

Now I can write a narrative paragraph about one of my achievements.

A Spark in You 27
Inside Culture Reaching Your Potential through Education

Before You Begin

How do you study? Check your study methods and share them with your partner.
Drawing mind maps to connect ideas
Speaking aloud instead of reading silently
Trying to teach what I have learned to someone else
Studying in a group to share resources and discuss ideas

A Read about Culture

Read how people in different countries study to reach their potential. Match each one
with the picture that best describes the learning method.

1 Some common ways to boost the reading and writing capabilities of Chinese
students include reading out loud, writing characters, and even singing.

2 A practice called havruta (“fellowship”) is used in Israel. Students read Jewish

writings in pairs, work through analysis of passages, and discuss them together.

3 In France, philosophy is one of the most essential subjects of the education

system. Students study notions such as consciousness and existence. The
aim of this is to develop the ability to think and reason.

a b c

28 Lesson 1

B Talk about Culture

Of the three learning methods in A, which do you think would be the most helpful for
you? Talk about it with your partner.

Which method do you think is the most effective for

reaching your potential?

Well, each of them has its own merits, but havruta sounds
the most helpful to me.

Why do you feel that way?

Havruta values learning with others. I think I could learn

a lot by discussing and debating things with friends.

C Find More and Share

Search for information about one of the following learning methods or find another
one on your own. Share it with your partner.

Harkness Table Spaced Learning

•What is a Harkness table? •What is spaced learning?

•What effect does it have? •What effect does it have?

Search Keywords
unique learning methods
learning methods around the world

A Spark in You 29
Project Interview Your Future Self

Your Task You are going to make an interview video with your group for a class reunion in 30 years.

Step Imagine yourself in 30 years. Think about what your life will be like. Draw a
1 self-portrait and write about your future self.

Your Job (Achievements)

The Place You’re Living In

Your Family


Draw yourself in 30 years.

Step Make a group of four and decide on a role for each group member in each round.
Director Cameraperson Interviewer Interviewee
1st round

2nd round

3rd round

4th round

T director manages the whole process of recording.
•The cameraperson
p records the video.
•The interviewer asks the interviewee questions.
•The interviewee answers the questions of the interviewer.

30 Lesson 1
Step Pretend it is 30 years from now. Take turns recording each group member’s interview.
Please tell your classmates about your life now.

Long time no see. I’ve really missed you guys. I’m

working as a composer. Do you know the recent hit
song “Romantic Rainy Days”? I wrote it. I really love
what I do now. I live in a small, charming village in
Gangwon-do with my wife and two lovely daughters.
You’re always welcome at my house!

Write a script before you get interviewed.
When you write, try to be as specific as possible.
Remember, you can be whatever you want!

Step Transfer the videos of all the groups to the classroom computer and watch them
4 together. Choose a student for each award below.

The Most Unique Job The Funniest Video The Most Exciting Life

Winner: Winner: Winner:

Sa the videos on a USB drive or put
them on the Internet. It will be fun to
watch them in 30 years at your real
class reunion!

1 All the group members actively participated in the project.

2 Now I can picture myself 30 years from now.

3 What I learned from the task:

A Spark in You 31
Wrap Up

A 1 Listen to the dialogue. Which is true about the speakers?

① The boy asked the girl to appear as a guest at the performance.
② The girl failed to win the contest held in the district.
③ Despite the boy’s encouragement, the girl refused his request.

2 Number the sentences in the correct order. Then act out the completed conversation
with your partner.

Don’t be discouraged. The first step in reaching our potential is to believe in our
own possibilities.
I feel like I’m not good at anything.
Okay, but I really can’t think of anything that I do well.
4 How about trying things you love to do? In the end, you’ll find what you are really
good at.
5 I think you’re right. Thanks for cheering me up.

B Read and answer the questions.

I ⓐ have never seen Diego so excited before. His eyes were shining with joy, and he
seemed to be truly alive for the first time. Without hesitating, he dived into the cold water.
I was ready to jump in and rescue him if he could not swim.
(A) It was like a duet written for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan Salvado took the lead
and Diego followed after him.
(B) However, I soon realized that I did not have anything to worry about. Not only ⓑ could
Diego swim, but he swam magnificently! He chased after Juan Salvado, and they swam
in perfect harmony.
(C) At other times Diego went ahead and the penguin swam around the boy. Occasionally
they swam so close ⓒ that they almost touched.

1 Big Question .

Q. What can we do to reach our potential?

We need confidence in We need to check what we

ourselves. like and what our interests

32 Lesson 1
1 Choose the correct order for (A), (B), and (C).
① (A)- (C)- (B) ② (B)- (A)- (C) ③ (B)- (C)- (A)

2 Choose the one that is NOT grammatically correct among ⓐ - ⓒ and correct it.
( )

3 How did the writer’s attitude about Diego’s swimming ability change?

C Pretend you are Diego Gonzales and write a narrative paragraph. Use the given information.

My achievement: I won a swimming competition.

How I used to be: I couldn’t adapt to my new circumstances.
My turning point: a swim with a penguin named Juan Salvado
How I changed: I became more confident and won every race I participated in.

One of my biggest achievements was winning a swimming competition. When I f irst

came to this school, . However,
became the turning point in my school life.

After that day,

. This experience helped me earn respect. Now I am no longer shy to
speak English and have made many friends.

* What was the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?

* Which activities did you find challenging and why?

* What do you want to improve?

A Spark in You 33
Lesson 2
Embracing Our Differences

Read the sayings above.

What does it mean to respect others?
Share your opinion with your partner.
Now think about the Big Question.

Functions Language Points

● 의견 표현하기 ● Then the driver ordered her to give her seat

In my opinion, we should say thank you to a white passenger.
as often as possible. ● It was these features of his introverted
● 알고 있음 표현하기 personality that enabled him to focus on
inventing things.
I heard that it tastes good.
Listen& Speak Read PSYCHOLOGY

● Everyone Deserves Respect Opposite Personalities,

● It’s Nice to Be Different
Great Partnerships



Dear Friend

Project Inside Culture STUDIES

Make Rules for a Happier Classroom Etiquette around the World

Technology ExtendsRespect
Everyone Deserves Our Lifestyles
Listen & Speak 1 의견 표현하기 In my opinion, we should say thank you as often as possible.

A Warm Up
Look at the pictures below. Choose all the words that describe each picture and write
them in the boxes.
1 2

friendly warm upset hostile respectful uncomfortable

Small Talk What do you think the people in each picture are saying? Share your guesses
with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. Why is Dylan angry with the girl?
a because she made his new shoes dirty
b because she teased him about his shoes
c because she ate all of his bananas

2nd Listen again. Which saying is the most relevant to the dialogue?
a Haste makes waste.
b Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
c There is no accounting for taste.

36 Lesson 2
C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1st What is the relationship between the speakers?

a parent and child
b counselor and student
c interviewer and interviewee

2nd Listen again. What does the woman advise the boy to do?
a to quit playing computer games
b to balance study and leisure
c to have a conversation with his father

Step 2 How would you feel if you were in the same situation? Could you express your
feelings and wishes respectfully? Role-play the situation with your partner.

I felt frustrated because 1)

I got upset because I thought
. you were ignoring me.
I hope you will 2) I hope you will 3)

. .
Son Father

Embracing Our Differences 37

Step 3 Think about what we should and shouldn’t do to show respect to people around
us. Then write down your ideas.

What to do What to do
Say thank you as often as possible.

● Reason ● Reason

These words express appreciation.

What not to do What not to do

Don’t judge people by their appearance.

● Reason ● Reason

It will make people feel bad.

Step 4 Talk with your partner about the dos and don’ts in Step 3 .

A: What should we do to show respect to people around us?

B: In my opinion, we should say thank you as often as possible.
A: Why do you think so?
B: It’s because these words express appreciation.
A: I see. Then what do you think we shouldn’t do?
B: We shouldn’t judge people by their appearance. It will make them feel bad.
A: I see your point. We should start by considering others’ feelings.

1 Now I can understand others when they express their opinions.

2 Now I can express my opinion.

38 Lesson 2
Technology Extends
It’s Nice to Be Our Lifestyles
Listen & Speak 2 알고 있음 표현하기 I heard that it tastes good.

A Warm Up
What are the similarities and differences between you and your partner? Write them

Think about
Me My Partner these things:

P liti

Small Talk Share your answers with your partner. Compare and discuss them.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
a ways to enhance science knowledge
b why it’s crucial to be creative
c how differences helped the team succeed

2nd Listen again. What was the boy’s role in the science contest?
a to come up with ideas
b to create presentation slides
c to give a presentation

Embracing Our Differences 39

C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the news report and answer the questions.

1) 21

2) from Around the World 13

More Dynamic Communities 10

3) 6

0 10 20 30

1st Choose the best title for the survey and write it in the box at the top.
a Why Are You Fond of Traveling?
b Why Is It Good to Be Culturally Diverse?
c How Can We Be Respectful of Other Cultures?

2nd Listen again. Complete the graph using the words from the box below.

Delicious Foods Broader Perspective Various Festivals

Step 2 Which one of the four responses in Step 1 do you agree with the most and
why? Or do you have another idea of your own? Talk about it with your partner.

40 Lesson 2
Step 3 Read about delicious foods from different countries below. Find one more food
from a different country.

Name: tom yam kung Name: Turkish delight Name:

eg o o
Region of o g Thailand
origin: Region
g g Turkey
of origin: Region
g of origin:
p soup made Description:
p a chewy Description:
with shrimp and vegetables candy filled with dried
Taste: hot and a bit sour fruits, honey, or nuts
Taste: sweet Taste:

Search Keywords
delicious food around the world

Step 4 Talk with your partner about the foods in Step 3 .

A: What is your favorite food from a different country?

B: My favorite food is tom yam kung, which is from Thailand.
A: Oh, I heard that it tastes good. Can you describe the food in more detail?
B: It is a kind of soup made with shrimp and vegetables.
A: Sounds delicious. What does it taste like?
B: It tastes hot and a bit sour. I’m sure you will love it, too!

1 Now I can understand others when they say they know something.

2 Now I can talk about what I know.

Embracing Our Differences 41

Before You Read

A Topic Preview
Read the descriptions and circle the numbers that apply to you.

Descriptions Never Always

● I get bored when I am by myself. 0 1 2 3
● I am exhausted after being at a social gathering. 3 2 1 0
● I like doing many things at the same time. 0 1 2 3
● I tend to think before I speak. 3 2 1 0
● I do my job better under pressure. 0 1 2 3
● I tend to make decisions very cautiously. 3 2 1 0

Add up the numbers you have circled. Mark your total on the scale below.
Introvert Extrovert
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between?

B Word Preview
Guess the meanings of the underlined words from the context.

Carrie is a 3) sociable person,

so she loves being with
people. She gets along
with everyone.

When Daniel needs to Jonathan is a bold

1) 4)
recharge himself, he entrepreneur. He doesn’t
takes a walk alone. mind 5) taking risks and
Walking around a quiet investing vast amounts of
place, he can 2) concentrate money.
on his thoughts.

42 Lesson 2

Opposite Personalities,
Great Partnerships
Everybody is unique. However, there have been many attempts to
categorize people’s personalities. One of the most common methods
divides people into two types, introverts and extroverts. According to
this division, introverts tend to be drawn to the internal world of
5 thoughts and feelings, while extroverts are drawn to the external
world of people and activities. Introverts recharge their
batteries by spending some time alone; extroverts need
to recharge when they do not socialize enough.
Extroverts are good at performing tasks under
10 pressure and coping with multiple jobs at once. Introverts,
on the other hand, like to focus on one task at a time and can concentrate Reading Strategy
very well. Extroverts tend to do assignments quickly. They make fast
helps you
decisions and are comfortable with taking risks. Introverts often work more better grasp differences
between two things. In
slowly and deliberately. They think before they act, give up less easily, and these paragraphs, linking
words such as “however,”
15 work more accurately. “in contrast,” “on the other
hand,” “while,” and
“whereas” are often used.

Use the Strategy

Q1. Write E if the statement describes extroverts and if the statement describes introverts.
1) They feel recharged after spending time with people.
2) They work more slowly and carefully.

What Do You Think?

Q2. Give an example of someone around you who is a typical extrovert or introvert.

attempt [ ] categorize [ z ] introvert [ ] extrovert [ ]

internal [ ] external [ ] recharge [ ] socialize [ ] cope with
concentrate [ ] assignment [ ] take risks deliberately [ ]

Embracing Our Differences 43

Based on all this information, you might think that introverts and
extroverts do not get along. However, they actually work well together
because their personalities complement each other. Sometimes they can even
accomplish great things when they collaborate. Let’s take a look at some
famous examples! 5

Case One: Working Together for Civil Rights

On December 1, 1955, in the American city of Montgomery, Alabama, a
black woman named Rosa Parks got on a bus. At that time in Montgomery,
buses were divided into two zones: one for black people and the other for white
people. She took a seat in the black zone and watched quietly as more and more
passengers got on the bus. Soon, all the seats in the white zone were taken. 10

Then the driver ordered her to give

her seat to a w
white passenger. Rosa
Parks was a shy, mild-mannered
introvert. She avoided standing
out iin public or drawing 15

attention to herself.
However, she had
the courage to resist
injustice, so she answered
calmly with a single word—
“No.” The furious driver 20

called the police, and she

was arr

Check Your Understanding

Q3. Why was Rosa Parks arrested?

What Do You Think?

Q4. Imagine you were Rosa Parks. Would you do the same thing she did?

complement [ ] accomplish [ ] collaborate [ ] civil rights

passenger [ ] stand out resist [ z ] injustice [ s] furious [ ]
arrest [ ]
44 Lesson 2
Parks’s calm response to the situation impressed many people. Soon after,
Build Knowledge
her quiet resistance came together with the inspirational speechmaking of
Martin Luther King Jr. When 5,000 people assembled at a rally to support was an American civil
rights activist who
Parks’s act of courage, King made a speech to the crowd. He was an fought against racial
discrimination in the US
5 extrovert—assertive, sociable, and good at motivating people. “There comes in a nonviolent way. He
was awarded the Nobel
a time when people get tired of being trampled,” he told them. “There Peace Prize in 1964
and is known for his “I
comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the sunlight.” Have a Dream” speech.

King was an amazing speaker, and his words filled the people with pride and
hope. He then praised Parks’s bravery and hugged her. She stood silently.
10 Her mere presence was enough to strengthen the crowd.

Check Your Understanding

Q5. What was the purpose of the rally?
Q6. What was the effect of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech on the crowd?

resistance [ z ] inspirational [ ] assemble [ ] rally [ ]

assertive [ v ] sociable [ ] motivate [ ] get tired of trample [ ]
bravery [ ] mere [ m ] presence [ ] strengthen [ ]
Embracing Our Differences 45
Rosa Parks’s act and Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech inspired
Montgomery’s black community to boycott the buses, a crucial turning
point in the struggle for civil rights. The boycott lasted for 381 days. It was
a difficult time for everyone, but eventually the buses were integrated. Think
about how the partnership of these two people accomplished this. A 5

powerful speaker refusing to give up his seat on a bus would not have had
the same effect. Similarly, Rosa Parks could not have excited the crowd at
the rally with her words. When their introverted and extroverted traits were
combined, however, his charisma attracted attention to her quiet bravery. In
the end, this partnership had a huge impact on society. 10

Check Your Understanding

Q7. Circle T for true or F for false.
Rosa Parks was a powerful public speaker. (T / F)

inspire [ ] boycott [ ] crucial [ ] integrate [ ]

trait [ ] combine [ n] charisma [ ] have an impact on

46 Lesson 2
Case Two: A Business Partnership
On June 29, 1975, Steve Wozniak tapped a few keys on his keyboard,
and letters appeared on a screen. He had just created a personal computer
that allowed people to type on a keyboard and see the results on a monitor
simultaneously. At the sight of the brilliant device, Steve Jobs suggested to
5 Wozniak that they start a business.
Wozniak was a great inventor. When he partnered with Jobs, however,
he was able to do much more. In fact, the two men formed one of the most
famous partnerships of the digital era. Wozniak would come up with a
clever engineering idea, and Jobs would find a way to polish, package, and
10 sell it.

Check Your Understanding

Q8. What did Steve Jobs propose when he saw the device Steve Wozniak invented?

tap [ ] simultaneously [ ] at the sight of device [ ] era [ ]

come up with engineering [ ] polish [ ]

Embracing Our Differences 47

The two men had opposite personalities. Wozniak hated small talk and
often worked alone. It was these features of his introverted personality that
enabled him to focus on inventing things. Jobs, on the other hand, had
outstanding social skills. According to Wozniak, he was good at
communicating with people. Wozniak was a shy inventor, whereas Jobs was 5

a daring entrepreneur, but they were alike in that neither was afraid to face
challenges that seemed impossible.
So which personality type is better? Obviously, the answer is neither. The
world needs both introverts and extroverts, and they often make a terrific
Source team. We simply need to respect different personalities as well as our own. 10
- Quiet, Susan Cain
- The Innovators, Then, when we have a chance to work together, we might be able to do
Walter Isaacson 외
다수 사이트 (p. 166 참조) great things!

Use the Strategy

Q9. Fill in the blanks using words from the paragraphs above.
Wozniak didn’t like and focused on inventing, while Jobs had superb
and was good at communication.

small talk feature [ ] enable [ ] outstanding [ ] daring [ ]

entrepreneur [ ] obviously [ ]

48 Lesson 2
After You Read

A Summarize the Text

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box to summarize the main text.

Introverts Extroverts

- drawn to the 1) world of - drawn to the 3) world of

thoughts and feelings people and activities
- feel recharged after 2) - feel recharged after 4)
- focus on one task at a time - good at doing many things at once
- work carefully - comfortable with taking risks

Rosa Parks Martin Luther King

g Jr.
- 5) - 6)
- had quiet courage - good at inspiring people

Steve Wozniak Steve Jobs

- an 7) - an 8)
- had the ability to come up with - had outstanding social skills
clever ideas

Since their personalities 9)

each other, introverts and extroverts
can make great 10) .

external internal entrepreneur inventor being alone socializing

shy and mild-mannered assertive and sociable partnerships complement

B Check Out the Details

Read the statements and check T for true or F for false based on the main text.
1 Rosa Parks was forced to give up her seat even though there were still
empty “whites only” seats.
2 Martin Luther King Jr. supported Parks’s act by making a speech.
3 Steve Jobs created a personal computer that connected a keyboard
to a monitor.
4 Steve Wozniak preferred working with other people to working alone.

Embracing Our Differences 49

C Share Your Opinion
Read the comments and check the one the writer of the main text might agree with. Then
write down your own comment about the main text and share it with your partner.

a b
Your Comment
Someday I would like to In my opinion, different
work with someone whose personalities are more
personality complements likely to cause conflict than
mine. great partnerships.

D Broaden Your View

Search for information about a partnership that enabled two people to accomplish
something great. Then share it with your classmates.

Who are the two people? Who are the two people?
Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright

What did they accomplish together? What did they accomplish together?
They invented the world’s first
successful fixed-wing aircraft.

What made their partnership successful? What made their partnership successful?
They had different personalities and
abilities. Orville was creative and had
lots of energy. Wilbur was calmer and
more persistent
about his work.

Search Keywords
great partnerships
best pairs

50 Lesson 2
Discovering Grammar Supplementary Materials

Point Read and Notice Read the email below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

To whom it may concern:

Last month, I asked you to deliver a printer by June 10. However, it arrived a
week late. What’s more, when I opened the box, I saw that the printer was damaged.
In fact, it appeared to have been used before. I want you to explain why these
problems occurred. Moreover, I expect you to replace the delivered printer with a
new one.

Edward Johnson

Practice Combine the two sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
1 The weather was chilly and foggy. That wasn’t what I expected.
I didn’t expect .
2 “Exercise regularly,” the doctor advised him.
The doctor advised .

Find More Find the sentence from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.44]

Point Read and Notice Read the comic strip below, paying attention to the structure in bold.

2 It was you that You’d better I’m telling you

There’s a witness
who saw you there
stole the cash be honest. —it wasn’t me! on Tuesday.
from the store,
wasn’t it?

I didn’t go there
No, I swear! on Tuesday! It
I’ve never even was on Monday
been there. that I went there!

PracticeRewrite each sentence to emphasize the word or phrase in bold. Use the same
grammatical structure as above.
1 My sister spread the rumor. It .
2 Bill wants to go to Europe for a holiday. It .
3 She bought a skirt as a gift for her aunt. It .

Find More Find the sentence from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.48]

Embracing Our Differences 51

Dear FriendExtends Our Lifestyles

Writing an Apology You are going to learn how to write a letter of apology and then write your own. You will write
Letter about what you feel sorry for and what your hope is for the relationship.

A Sample Analysis

Dear Mia, Receiver’s Name

I would like to apologize for what I did yesterday. I yelled
at you and said you were not putting enough effort into the (A)

The reason I acted that way was because you didn’t speak
much during the discussion and I thought that meant you
weren’t focusing. However, I was embarrassed to see how (B)
much research you had done. As a careful person, you needed
time to organize your thoughts before expressing them.
However, I didn’t give you that chance. I feel really sorry.
I regret my thoughtless actions as the group leader, and I
promise nothing like this will ever happen again. Our team (C)
needs your competence. I hope you will forgive me and keep
up the excellent work.
Your friend,
Sender’s Name

∙ Fill in the boxes above with the appropriate subtopics.

Explanation and Apology Description of the Situation Promise and Wish

B Write Your Own

Step 1 Generate Ideas
Think about a time when you wanted to apologize to a friend.

Friend’s name: Friend’s name:

What happened: What happened:
I used his phone without asking.

52 Lesson 2
Step 2 Develop Your Ideas
Answer the questions below to develop your ideas.

1 What happened between you and your friend?

2 Why did you act that way?

3 What do you regret, and what are your wishes for this relationship?

Step 3 Write Your Letter

Write a letter based on your answers in Step 2 .

Dear ,

I would like to apologize for .

The reason I acted that way was because


I regret . I promise nothing like this

will ever happen again.

Your friend,

Checklist Examine your letter and then ask your partner to check it using the list below. Self Peer
● This letter adequately describes your feelings and what you are sorry for.
● This letter is written using correct grammar and vocabulary.
● Peer’s comments:

Rewrite your letter based on the feedback.

Now I can write a letter of apology.

Embracing Our Differences 53

Inside Culture Etiquette around the World

Before You Begin

Read the question posted on the Internet. Think of some advice
and write a reply.

Q Tell me some dos and

d don’ts in Korea.

RE: Use both of your hands when you hand something to the elderly.

A Listen to Culture
The following explanations are about gestures you should avoid in certain countries.
Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.

In Italy, do not touch your in front of someone. It can be interpreted
as insulting the person.

In Argentina, hitting the of your left hand with your right fist
means “I don’t believe what you are saying” or “That’s silly.”

In Malaysia, do not point at people with your forefinger. It is rude. Instead,
use the of your right hand with your four other fingers folded.

In Dubai, do not show the soles of your . It is offensive.

54 Lesson 2

B Find More
Search for other cultural tips that are useful around the world. Complete the box below.

Country: Country:

Cultural tip: Cultural tip:

When you’re eating fish, do not flip it
on the plate.

Why you should (not) do this: Why you should (not) do this:
It is considered unlucky because turning
over the fish reminds people of a boat

Search Keywords
etiquette around the world
cultural tips
dos and don’ts in Spain/Australia/...

C Talk about Culture

Be a teacher of etiquette. Tell the class about one rule of etiquette from the country
you researched in B.

In China, you should not flip fish on the plate when you’re eating.
People avoid this because turning over the fish reminds them of a
boat flipping and therefore is considered unlucky.

Embracing Our Differences 55

Project Make Rules for a Happier Classroom

Your Task You are going to make classroom rules with your group to create a more respectful
atmosphere in your class.

Step Think about how you can treat your classmates with respect.
- Don’t cut in line at lunch.
- Ask for permission before using others’ belongings.
- Your Own

Think of actions that can make your classmates happy or unhappy.

Step Make a group of four. Share your idea with the other members of your group. Choose
2 the best rule in your group.

Name: Name:
Suggestion: Suggestion:

Name: Name:
Suggestion: Suggestion:

56 Lesson 2
Step Write your group’s rule on a large piece of paper. Give a presentation about how
3 your group’s rule can help make a happier classroom.

My group suggests “Don’t cut in line at lunch” as a

classroom rule. Everybody is hungry after morning
classes and wants to eat lunch as soon as possible.
If someone cuts in line, others will get annoyed. We cut in line
can show respect for each other by lining up properly. at lunch.

Step Gather the rules of all the groups and attach them to a big board.


Don’t cut in line Don’t say bad things Turn off your phone
at lunch. to each other. during class.

Ask for permission

Don’t write or draw
before using others’ Don’t hit others.
on the desks.

Put the board on the wall and try to follow the rules from now on!

1 All the group members actively participated in the project.

2 My group’s rule can help make our classroom happier.

3 What I learned from the task:

Embracing Our Differences 57

Wrap Up

A 1 Listen to the dialogue. What does the girl advise the boy to do?
① to print a picture taken in an amusement park
② to go to an amusement park with his friends
③ to take a picture down from social media

2 Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box. Then act it out with your

A: ⓐ
B : Hmm… In my opinion, it is important to pay attention to what our friends are
saying and thinking. ⓑ
A: ⓒ
B Also, by listening sympathetically, we can show that we respect them.
A : All right. Thanks for your opinion.

① Oh, I see what you mean.

② Just listening can sometimes be helpful for our friends.
③ What do you think is important for keeping good relationships with friends?

B Read and answer the questions.

On December 1, 1955, in the American city of Montgomery, Alabama, a black woman

named Rosa Parks got on a bus. At that time in Montgomery, buses were divided into two
zones: one for black people and the other for white people. (ⓐ) She took a seat in the black
zone and watched quietly as more and more passengers got on the bus. (ⓑ) Soon, all the
seats in the white zone were taken. (ⓒ) Rosa Parks was a shy, mild-mannered introvert.
She avoided standing out in public or drawing attention to herself. However, she had the
courage to resist injustice, so she answered calmly with a single word—“ ” The
furious driver called the police, and she was arrested.

1 Big Question

Q. How can we respect each other?

We can start by thinking Embracing diversity is

about what people don’t important.

58 Lesson 2
1 Choose the best place for the following sentence among ⓐ - ⓒ .

Then the driver ordered her to give her seat to a white passenger.

①ⓐ ②ⓑ ③ⓒ

2 Which is the most appropriate for the blank?

① Yes. ② No. ③ When?

3 Complete the sentence based on the passage.

Although Rosa Parks was a quiet introvert, she .

C Think of an occasion when you unintentionally hurt a family member’s feelings. Complete
an apology letter to the family member.

Dear ,

I would like to apologize for .

I regret my thoughtless actions, and I promise nothing like this will ever happen again. I
hope you will forgive me.

Your loving ,

* What was the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?

* Which activities did you find challenging and why?

* What do you want to improve?

Embracing Our Differences 59

Lesson 3
We Are All Connected

Song of Harmony

Buzzing bees hurrying from flower to flower

In the falling drops of a passing shower

Birds’ songs floating on a gentle breeze

Accompanied by the sounds of whispering trees

No better symphony exists

When all of nature makes music like this

Read the poem above.

What do you think the message of the poem is?
Share your opinion with your partner.
Now think about the Big Question.

Functions Language Points

● 동의하기 ● Imagine how ancient people must have felt

I agree with you. when encountering tigers in the wild!
● 설명 요청하기 ● As a result, the other species …, are protected
Could you explain what that is? too, as if there were a large umbrella being
held over them.
Listen& Speak Read ENVIRONMENT

● No One Can Live Alone

● Learn How to Live with Nature Turn Off the Lights and Save a Tiger



The Impact of Your Daily Life

Project Inside Culture STUDIES

We Share, We Care Green Cities around the World

No One Can Extends Our Lifestyles
Live Alone
Listen & Speak 1 동의하기 I agree with you.

A Warm Up
Are you considerate to others in your daily life? Check the things that you usually do.

I hold the door for people I help people who ask I give my seat to those
behind me. for directions. who need it more.

Small Talk Think of a time when a considerate person made you feel good. Share the
experience with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. Why is the boy irritated?
a Someone stepped on his foot.
b Someone spilled tea on his jeans.
c Someone bumped into him.

2nd Listen again. Why does the girl think people should be more thoughtful of one
a because people live together in a community
b because people want to be treated fairly
c because people’s privacy should be respected

62 Lesson 3
C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the news report and answer the questions.

Live Broadcast

NEWS Unique Partnership Benefits Both Sides

1st According to the news story, which facilities have joined together?
a a hospital and a preschool
b a nursing home and a preschool
c a nursing home and a library

2nd Listen again. What benefits does each group get by joining together? Fill in
the blanks using words from the box.

They can learn to 1)

They can learn 2) .

They feel good about being 3) to others.

The Elderly
They become 4) .

core values read sing

healthier dependent helpful

We Are All Connected 63

Step 2 Look at the examples of how we can solve problems by forming a community.
What benefits will the people below experience? Think about it and fill in the blanks.

Living Together


provide him with a room

a college student looking to stay in
for a house a senior citizen living alone

Farming Together
on Weekends


a family that wants healthier
a farmer who is short-handed vegetables

Step 3 Talk with your partner about the ideas in Step 2 .

A : Look at this! A college student and a senior citizen are living together.
B : Really? Why are they doing that?
A : It’s because they can help each other. The senior citizen provides the student
with a room to stay in, and the student helps him feel less lonely.
B : Wow. That sounds good. By living together, they both can be happier.
A : Exactly. I think it’s important to understand that we can live better if we help
each other.
B : I agree with you.

1 Now I can understand others when they express agreement.

2 Now I can express agreement.

64 Lesson 3
Technology Extends
Learn How to OurNature
Live with Lifestyles
Listen & Speak 2 설명 요청하기 Could you explain what that is?

A Warm Up
Look at the posters below and match them with the appropriate phrases.

1 2

a Let’s Stop the World from Melting!

b ACT NOW! We’re Running Out of Time
c Save Paper, Save the Planet

Small Talk Which poster impressed you the most? Compare your response with your

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
a their favorite places to travel
b a responsible way of traveling
c positive and negative effects of tourism

2nd Listen again. What did the boy NOT do on his trip?
a stay in a hostel that uses eco-friendly energy
b travel around by bicycle
c ride an elephant in the mountains

We Are All Connected 65

C Use It
Step 1 Read the talk show advertisement below and guess the answers to the questions
in the advertisement.

ofessor W
right talks
ks ab

ogical F
ootprints On TV

What is an ecological footprint?

What is the situation in Korea?

What are the main reasons for the situation?

Don’t miss this on Hello Korea at noon on Sunday.

Now listen to the show and answer the questions below.

1st What is the man’s main point? Choose the correct word.
We need to try to make our ecological footprints (bigger / smaller).

2nd Listen again. Choose the graph that describes the ecological footprint of the
average Korean over time.

a b c


Time Time Time

Step 2 Check to answer each question and figure out how much you are impacting Earth.

Always Often Sometimes Rarely or Never

(3 points) (2 points) (1 point) (0 points)

•How often do you eat meat?

•How often do you throw away food?

•How often do you buy new stuff?

•How often do you travel by airplane?

•How often do you use plastic bags?

Now add up your points and check the results.

•0-5: You’re a good Earth citizen!
•6-10: Reduce your impact a bit more!
•11-15: You’re causing too much damage to nature. Change your lifestyle!

66 Lesson 3
Step 3 Read the ways we can reduce our impact on the environment and write one
more of your own.

We can buy seasonal and We can try to have our

local fruits and vegetables. things repaired rather than

Why? Why? Why?

Seasonal and local foods A lot of energy and
require less energy and resources are used when
packaging when they’re we manufacture products
stored and transported. or dispose of waste.

Step 4 Talk with your partner about the methods in Step 3 .

A: Our modern lifestyles are damaging the environment.

B: You’re right. We should take action.
A: Do you have any ideas about what we can do?
B: Well, we can buy seasonal and local fruits and vegetables.
A: Could you explain how that helps reduce our impact on the environment?
B: Yes. Seasonal and local foods require less energy and packaging when they’re
stored and transported. Therefore, they’re better for the environment.
A : I see. I’ll keep that in mind when I go grocery shopping.

1 Now I can understand others when they ask for an explanation.

2 Now I can ask for an explanation.

We Are All Connected 67

Before You Read

A Topic Preview
Watch the video. According to the video, what do the animals below have in common?
How do you feel after watching the video?


Black Spider Monkey


B Word Preview
Fill in the blanks using the words from the box.

The number of wild animals and plants is 1)

every year. In other words, many of them are in danger of
going 2) .

is all around us and is used in almost
everything, from cell phones to air conditioners. We get
much of it by burning 4) .

All members of a society are 5)

. We give and
receive help and 6) one another for our

rely on fossil fuels extinct electricity interconnected shrinking

68 Lesson 3

Turn Off the Lights

and Save a Tiger
You can protect tigers simply by switching off the lights. This
may sound strange, but it is actually true. An everyday action that
helps us save energy can also help save an endangered species. How does this
work? Let’s take a look.

A Species in Danger
5 Tigers, one of the world’s largest *feline species, have long been the kings
of Asia’s forests. Despite being the dominant predators of their habitats, they
move silently and remain unseen most of the time. Imagine how ancient
people must have felt when encountering tigers in the wild! It is no
surprise that tigers have been feared
10 and worshipped by humans for
centuries, standing as symbols of
power and courage. The fact that
ancient rock paintings feature
images of tigers shows how closely
15 tigers have been related to humans
throughout history.

*feline 고양잇과의

Check Your Understanding

Q1. What do tigers symbolize?
an ancient Chinese rock painting
depicting a tiger

endangered [ ] species [ ] despite [ ] dominant [ ]

predator [ ] habitat [ ] ancient [ ] encounter [ ]
worship [ ] depict [ p kt ]

We Are All Connected 69

At one time, tigers were found all across Asia, from Korea to Turkey.
However, the world’s tiger population has been shrinking rapidly. Illegal
hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons behind this decrease. At the
start of the 20th century, it was estimated that there were approximately
100,000 wild tigers. In recent years, however, three of the nine subspecies of 5

tigers have become extinct. In fact, it is now estimated that there are fewer
than 4,000 tigers living in the wild. Some experts even predict that the last
of the world’s wild tigers will disappear within the next 10 years.

Check Your Understanding

Q2. Why is the tiger population decreasing?

What Do You Think?

Q3. Why do you think the tiger’s habitat is shrinking?

shrink [ ] illegal [ ] decrease [ ] estimate [ ]

approximately [ ] subspecies [ ] extinct [ ] predict [ ]

70 Lesson 3
Our Interconnected World
It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. Would it really Reading Strategy

matter, though? After all, we could still see them in zoos or watch programs
helps you understand two
about them on TV. Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human important things: what
beings? The fact is, however, that we need to protect tigers in order to happens and why. Writers
often use “as a result,” “be
5 protect ourselves. This is because all of Earth’s species are interconnected. caused by,” and other
expressions to indicate a
Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct. Existing at the cause-and-effect relationship.

top of the food chain, they maintain the populations of animals they prey
on, such as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species would rapidly
increase in number. As a result, their food source, vegetation,
10 would begin to disappear. This would cause birds
and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals
that prey on them would soon run out of food.
Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be
affected. Humans are no exception, as we rely
15 on nature for everything we need to survive,
including air, food, and water. This is how
the disappearance of a single species can
threaten the whole planet.

What Do You Think?

Q4. How do you think the writer feels about the tiger’s extinction?

Use the Strategy

Q5. Fill in the blanks using words from the paragraphs above.
Cause: Disappearance of tigers
Effect: The number of deer and boar . Vegetation begins to
. The entire is affected.

interconnected [ ] maintain [ ] prey on boar [ ]

vegetation [ ] run out of affect [ ] exception [ ] rely on
threaten [ ]

We Are All Connected 71

Now imagine what would happen if we made the effort to save tigers.
Tigers are considered an “umbrella species.” This is an ecological term
referring to species that live in a large area containing a variety of different
ecosystems. If we choose to protect these species, we must conserve their
habitat. As a result, the other species that share this habitat, including trees 5

and insects, are protected too, as if there were a large umbrella being held
over them.

Check Your Understanding

Q6. Circle T for true or F for false.
An umbrella species is a species that needs protection from tigers. (T / F)

make an effort ecological [ ] term [ ] refer to conserve [ ]

72 Lesson 3
Small Efforts with Big Results
Now, it is obvious that we must protect tigers. You may, however, still
wonder how switching off the lights helps. Well, the lights in our homes
require electricity, and more than half of the world’s electricity is created by
burning fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is released
5 into the air, and this contributes to climate change. Climate change has a
number of negative effects, including rising sea levels that threaten many
parts of the world. One of these places, called the Sundarbans, is an area on
the coast of Bangladesh inhabited by a large number of tigers. If Earth’s
oceans continue to rise, this
10 area could be wiped out and
its tiger population could be
reduced by as much as 96%.
By conserving energy, however,
we can slow climate change,
15 and this will slow the rise of
the oceans. So keep switching
off the lights whenever you’re
the last person to leave a room!

Check Your Understanding

Q7. Fill in the blanks using words from the paragraph above.
Most of the world’s electricity is made by burning .

Use the Strategy

Q8. Fill in the blanks using words from the paragraph above.
Cause: Generating electricity
Effect: is released into the air. speeds up.
rise. The habitat of diminishes.

obvious [ ] require [ ] electricity [ ] fossil fuel carbon dioxide

release [ ] contribute to climate change inhabit [ ] wipe out

We Are All Connected 73

You can also protect tigers when
shopping. Many popular products,
including chocolate, instant noodles,
and soap, are made with palm oil.
Unfortunately, forests where tigers 5

live are being destroyed to build

more and more palm oil plantations. Some palm oil, however, is produced
in a more sustainable way. Products that use this environmentally friendly
a palm oil bottle palm oil usually have a special mark on the label. Look for it the next time
with a sustainable
production mark you go shopping! 10

Get Involved
There are many other things you can do to protect tigers and other
endangered species. You could volunteer at a nonprof it organization or share
important information on social
networking sites. However small your
actions may seem, they can help make a 15

big difference. Most importantly, you

Source must remember that we all share the same
http://www.worldwild 외 다수 사이트 planet. If a single species disappears, every
(p. 166 참조)
other living creature, including human beings, could be affected.

Check Your Understanding

Q9. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?

What Do You Think?

Q10. Have you ever seen any kind of public promotion about protecting endangered species?
Do you think it was an effective way to protect the animals?

instant [ ] plantation [ ] sustainable [ ] volunteer [ ]

nonprofit [ ] organization [ ]

74 Lesson 3
After You Read

A Summarize the Text

Fill in the blanks using the words or phrases from the box to summarize the main text.

D ecr
e se
e of the
he ttiig
geer po
p pu
lati on

- feared and a) by humans - caused by

illegal hunting and
for centuries b)
- symbols of power and courage - about 100,000 wild tigers in the early
20th century; now fewer than 4,000


- Because the world is c)

, the extinction of tigers can threaten the
whole planet.
- Because tigers are a(n) d)
, conserving their habitat helps protect many
other species as well.

W hat
at we can
an do
do to pr
ct tige
ti ge

- switch off the lights save electricity slow down e)

protect the habitat of tigers

- buy products made with f)

friendly palm oil fewer forests are

hy we
we nee
eed to
eed to pro
tectt tig
te gerrs interconnected climate change
environmentally umbrella species
rs in h
s or
oryy an
andd cu
u e worshipped habitat

B Check Out the Details

Read the statements and circle the appropriate words or phrases based on the main
1 Six of the nine subspecies of tigers have gone extinct still remain .
2 Without tigers, the amount of vegetation would increase decrease .
3 Currently, a small large number of tigers live in the Sundarbans.
4 The rise of the sea levels conserves threatens the habitat of tigers.

We Are All Connected 75

C Share Your Opinion
In the main text, the writer says that there are many other things we can do to protect
tigers. What could those other things be? Share your answers with your partner.

I think we can hold an event to raise funds and donate

the profits to organizations that work to protect tigers.

That’s a great idea. We can also create videos

about the importance of saving tigers and post
them on the Internet.

D Broaden Your View

What other endangered species are there around the world? Search for another
endangered species and tell your classmates about it.

Mountain Gorillas

Where do they mainly live? Where do they mainly live?

Most of them live in the mountains of
central Africa.

How many are left? How many are left?

Less than 1,000 of them are left.

What are the main threats? What are the main threats?
Humans have cleared the mountain
gorillas’ habitat for agriculture. Also, the
mountains where they live are being ruined
due to the illegal harvesting of trees.

Search Keywords
endangered species

76 Lesson 3
Discovering Grammar

Point Read and Notice Read the recipe below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

Baked Pork Chops Recipe
g boneless pork chops, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper
Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. While waiting for your
oven to heat up, smash the garlic and mix it with the olive oil. Put the m
in an oven-safe pan. Add the trimmed pork chops to the mixture. Season the pork
chops with some salt and pepper. When seasoning, make sure you don’t use too
much salt. Bake them for 25 minutes, turning the chops twice while cooking.

Practice Rewrite the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
1 Be careful when you are turning on the stove.

2 While I was wandering along the street, I saw a band playing music.

Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.69, 74]

Point Read and Notice Read the chat window below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

2 jay95: Did you have an argument with David?

kw_lee: No, I just get annoyed with him sometimes. He talks as if he knew
jay95: What were you guys talking about?
kw_lee: It was related to our homework. He kept explaining the problems to me
as if I didn’t know how to do them myself.
jay95: Oh. I guess that’s just his personality.
kw_lee: Yeah. Anyway, we’re fine now.

Practice Complete the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
Use the given words.
1 Riding roller coasters makes me feel as if I fly. (can)
2 The doll looked as if it alive. (be)

Find More Find the sentence from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.72]

We Are All Connected 77

Technology Extends
The Impact of Our Lifestyles
Your Daily Life

Describing Graphs are used to make comparisons or show trends. They help you understand statistics
a Graph quickly. You are going to describe a graph about sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

A Sample Analysis

World Electricity Production by Fuel Type, 2014

(Source: International Energy Agency)

2.1% 4.2%

10.6% fossil fuels

*hydroelectric plants
16.4% nuclear plants
biofuels and waste

This graph shows how electricity was generated globally in (A)

2014. According to the graph, the primary source of electricity
was fossil fuels, accounting for 66.7%. Next was hydroelectric (B)
plants at 16.4%, followed by nuclear plants at 10.6%. Biofuels
and waste produced only 2.1%. From this graph, we can see
that fossil fuels are the world’s main power source, producing (C)
much more electricity than renewable sources, such as
hydroelectric plants and biofuels.
* hydroelectric plant 수력 발전소

∙ Fill in the boxes above with the appropriate subtopics.

Description of the Graph Findings from the Graph Topic of the Graph

78 Lesson 3
B Write Your Own
Step 1 Prepare to Write
Read the graph and fill in the blanks.

US Greenhouse Gas Emissions

1 Topic of the Graph
by Economic Sectors, 2014
(Source: US Environmental Protection Agency)
0.7% 2 Description of the Graph
- the largest source of greenhouse
gas emissions:
- the second-largest source:
- other sources:

3 Findings from the Graph

electricity production transportation industry
commercial & residential areas agriculture others

Step 2 Write Your Paragraph

Write your own paragraph based on the information in Step 1 .

This graph shows

. According to the graph, the largest source of
greenhouse gas emissions was .
The second-largest source was , followed
by . made up 12.3%, followed
by . From this graph, we can see that

Checklist Examine your paragraph and then ask your partner to check it using the list below. Self Peer
● This paragraph clearly describes the main information in the graph.
● This paragraph is written using correct grammar and vocabulary.
● Peer’s comments:

Rewrite your paragraph based on the feedback.

Now I can write a paragraph describing a graph.

We Are All Connected 79

Inside Culture Green Cities around the World

Before You Begin

Look at the pictures and think about what we need to make a city green. Think
of one more factor and fill in the blank.

Renewable Energy Waste Management Public Transportation

A Read about Culture

Read the descriptions of cities and match them with the correct pictures.

1 Curitiba, Brazil
This city’s bus system is one of the most efficient in the world, with easy access to
stations, prepayment of fares, and bus-only lanes. The system has helped reduce traffic
and pollution.

San Francisco, USA
In 2007, this city became the first in the US to prohibit the use of plastic shopping bags.
All disposable plastic bags have been banned, so shoppers use their own reusable bags.

Freiburg, Germany
This city is in an area of Germany that gets a lot of sunshine. Numerous solar panels are
installed on public buildings such as schools and train stations. Because of this, the city
generates a large amount of solar energy.

a b c

80 Lesson 3

B Talk about Culture

Choose the city whose policy impressed you the most. Talk about it with your partner.

Curitiba San Francisco Freiburg

Which policy is the most impressive to you?

I’m most impressed with the policy of banning plastic bags in

San Francisco.

Can you tell me why?

Plastic can take hundreds of years to decompose and releases

toxic chemicals into the soil and water in the process. By banning
the use of plastic bags, we can protect the environment.

C Find More and Share

Search for information about another green city. Share it with your classmates.

City, Country City, Country

Copenhagen, Denmark

Green Policy Green Policy

This city is connected to its suburbs by
bike trails. The trails are smoothly paved
and well maintained.

Effects Effects
Bikes are the main transportation mode
for more than one-third of the city’s residents.

Search Keywords
the greenest cities around the world
the world’s eco-friendly cities

We Are All Connected 81

Project We Share, We Care

Your Task You are going to plan a project to encourage sharing and make a poster to introduce the

Step Think about items that can be shared in your class. Write them down.

notes that I took pens that I rarely use

during English class

Think of items you have that can be valuable to someone else.

Step Make a group of four and decide on a role for each group member.
Role Group Leader Copywriter Poster Designer Presenter

•The group
g p leader directs the whole project. •The poster
p designer
g draws and colors the poster.
•The copywriter
pyy creates and writes the phrases on •The presenter
p makes a presentation about the
the poster. poster.

Step Choose the best item to share and discuss how to share it.

● Item to share ● Item to share

pens that I rarely use
● How to share it ● How to share it
make a pen exchange box
● Details of the idea ● Details of the idea
– When you put a pen into the box,
you get three stickers.
– You can use one sticker to borrow
one pen from the box.
– You should return the pen after you
use it so others can use it later.
● Why it is good to share it ● Why it is good to share it
– We can save money.
– It is good for the environment.

82 Lesson 3
Step Design a poster for your group’s project. Draw it on a large piece of paper.

Do you have a pen you rarely use?

How to Exchange
1. Put a pen into the box
and get three stickers.
2. Use one sticker to
borrow one pen.
3. Return the pen after
Lend one and borrow three.

Save money and protect the environment!

Think of a way to effectively introduce your project.

Step Present your group’s poster in front of the class. Vote for the best poster.

My group decided to make a pen exchange box to share pens we

rarely use. Please look at the poster. If you put one pen into the box,
you get three stickers. Later, you can use them to borrow pens from
the box. I hope you take a good look at my group’s poster and vote
for it. Thank you.

1 All the group members actively participated in the project.

2 My group’s poster effectively conveyed our idea.

3 What I learned from the task:

We Are All Connected 83

Wrap Up

A 1 Listen to the dialogue. Which is NOT true according to the dialogue?

① Immense amounts of electronic devices are dumped.
② Urban mining is the process of finding coal mines in cities.
③ Urban mining can help save money.

2 Number the sentences in the correct order. Then act out the completed conversation
with your partner.

1 Have you heard of “e-waste”?

It’s because e-waste causes many harmful chemicals to be released into the environment.
No, I haven’t. Could you explain what that is?
I see. Thanks for telling me.
It is electronic waste, such as dumped computers, TVs, and mobile phones. It has
become a serious problem.
4 Why is that?

B Read and answer the questions.

Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct. Existing at the top of the
food chain, they maintain the populations of animals they prey on, such as deer and boar.
Without tigers, ⓐ these species would rapidly increase in number. As a result, their food
source, vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would cause birds and insects to lose their
homes, and bigger animals that prey on ⓑ them would soon run out of food. Eventually,
the entire ecosystem would be affected. Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for
everything we need to survive, including air, food, and water. This is how the disappearance
of a single species can .

1 What do ⓐ and ⓑ refer to respectively?

ⓐ ⓑ

1 Big Question .

Q. How can we live together?

We must not forget that we We should try to live with

are sharing our planet with others in harmony by
other species. helping one another.

84 Lesson 3
2 Which one is the most appropriate for the blank in the passage?
① cause an economic crisis
② threaten the whole planet
③ help find new species

3 According to the passage, why do we need to protect tigers?

C Complete the paragraph that describes the following graph.

How Waste Was Managed in Korea, 2014

(Source: Korean Ministry of Environment)


burying in *landfills
84.8% burning
dumping into the sea

* landfill 매립지

This graph shows . According to the graph,

the primary method of managing waste in Korea was , accounting for .
The second-most common method was at , followed
by . accounted for 0.3%. From the graph, we
can see that

* What was the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?

* Which activities did you find challenging and why?

* What do you want to improve?

We Are All Connected 85

Lesson 4
Build a Better World

Watch the video above.

What do you think about the message of the video?
Share your opinion with your partner.
Now think about the Big Question.

Functions Language Points

● 제안하기 ● Last week, I visited an exhibition of artwork

Why don’t you use your talent? and ancient items selected from the Kansong
● 감탄 표현하기 Art Museum’s collection.

What a great person!

● Without it, the origins and fundamentals of
Hangeul would have been lost to history.
Listen& Speak Read HISTORY

● You Can Make a Difference

● The Power of One Passionate A Protector of Our
Person National Heritage



Introducing a Historical Site

in Korea

Project Inside Culture STUDIES

Make a Better World Written Memories of the World

Technology Extends
You Can Make Our Lifestyles
a Difference
Listen & Speak 1 제안하기 Why don’t you use your talent?

A Warm Up
Think about what you can learn or gain from volunteer
nteer work. Fill in the leaves in the



Small Talk Have you ever done any volunteer activities? What did you learn or gain from
them? Share your experiences with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. For whom will the girl do volunteer work?
a people who have trouble walking
b people with hearing problems
c people who can’t read well

2nd Listen again. What is the boy likely to do after the conversation?
a inquire about singing classes
b study for the math exam
c look for a place to volunteer at

88 Lesson 4
C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1st Where is the conversation most likely taking place?

a at a school
b at a bus stop
c at a cell phone store

2nd Listen again. Which is NOT true about the inventor?

a He was a university student when he made the app.
b He invented the app to avoid being late for school.
c He let people use the app for free.

Step 2 Do you know another example of someone helping others with his or her talents?
Write it down and share it with your partner.

● Who is he/she?

● What did he/she do?

● How did his/her work help others?

Build a Better World 89

Step 3 How can you use your talents for others? Read the following and write down
what you’re good at. Then ask your partner to suggest a possible volunteer activity.

Talent: taking pictures Talent: singing and dancing Talent:

Possible activity: take pictures Possible activity: give a free

Possible activity:
of elderly people in nursing end-of-the-year concert for your
homes neighbors

Step 4 Talk with your partner about what you read or wrote in Step 3 .

A: What volunteer activity are you going to do this year?

B: I don’t know. Do you have any suggestions?
A: Why don’t you use your talent? I know that you are good at taking pictures.
B: Yes, but what can I do?
A: You can take pictures of elderly people in nursing homes.
B: Great idea! Why didn’t I think of that before? Thanks!

1 Now I can understand others when they make suggestions.

2 Now I can make suggestions to others.

90 Lesson 4
Technology Extends
The Power of Our Lifestyles
One Passionate Person
Listen & Speak 2 감탄 표현하기 What a great person!

A Warm Up
Look at the pictures below and match them with the correct descriptions.

Benjamin Franklin Felix Hoffmann Wallace Carothers

1 2 3

Lightning rod: Aspirin: Nylon:

a This is a pill that helps relieve pain.

b This protects people and buildings from lightning.
c This is a strong fiber widely used to make clothes, tires, ropes, etc.

Small Talk Of the three things above, which one do you think has influenced people’s
lives the most? Share your opinion with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. Which picture is the most relevant to the dialogue?

a b c

2nd Listen again. Which word best describes the girl’s attitude towards Songam?
a suspicious b admiring c responsible

Build a Better World 91

C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the monologue and answer the questions.

1st What is the purpose of the monologue?

a to criticize eating habits of modern people
b to encourage people to sign a petition
c to thank the supporters of a charity

2nd Listen again. Which statement best describes the speaker’s opinion?
a We should restrict the sale of fast food near schools.
b We should prevent students from skipping meals.
c We should educate students about food and health.

Step 2 What can we do to make our school a healthier place? Share your ideas with your

We can take turns dusting

the classroom.

92 Lesson 4
Step 3 Read about the following two people who have improved our lives. Do some
research to find one more great person.

Yu lhan Rachel Louise Carson

(1895 - 1971) (1907 - 1964)
● Korean entrepreneur ● American ecologist and
● He was devoted to
improving people’s health ● She wrote the book Silent
through the medicine Spring to warn about the
manufacturing industry. dangers of pesticides.
● He donated all of his wealth ● The book prompted a global
to a public foundation. environmental movement.

Search Keywords
people who have made our lives better

Step 4 Talk with your partner about the people in Step 3 .

A : Have you heard of Yu Ilhan?

B : I’ve heard the name before, but I’m not sure who that person is.
A : He was a Korean entrepreneur who was devoted to improving people’s health
through the medicine manufacturing industry.
B : Oh, I didn’t know that.
A : He also donated all of his wealth to a public foundation.
B : Wow. What a great person!

1 Now I can understand others when they express admiration for a person.

2 Now I can express admiration for a person who did something great.

Build a Better World 93

Before You Read

A Topic Preview
Look at the search results below and guess what the main text will be about. Share your
prediction with your partner.

Related Searches: Kansong Art Museum ancient Korean artwork Goryeo celadon
Hunminjeongeum Haerye collecting art Japanese occupation period national treasure







B Word Preview
Fill in the blanks with the given words from the dictionary.

The Most Anticipated Book of the Year: The Painting

The Painting is a novel by Jeong Yuri. It is about a young woman
who tries to protect a painting which is considered an important part
Painting of Korean 1) . With the country under 2)
rule, the painting is under threat of being destroyed. Can she defend
it until the 3) of Korea? Don’t miss out on this

breathtaking: very exciting, impressive, or surprising

heritage: the art, traditions, and beliefs that a society considers important to
its history and culture
independence: freedom from outside control
colonial: relating to a system or period in which one country rules another

94 Lesson 4

A Protector of Our
National Heritage
Yunju, a high school student, went to a Korean
art exhibition. She wrote a report about her
experience to share with her class.

Last week, I visited an exhibition of artwork and ancient items selected

Reading Strategy
5 from the Kansong Art Museum’s collection. The exhibition included
means guessing logically
information about the man who gathered all of the artwork displayed there. about what is not directly
stated. Based on the
His name was Jeon Hyeongpil, but he is better known by his pen name, information from the text
and your own
Kansong. He was born into a rich family in 1906 and lived through the background knowledge,
you can figure out
Japanese occupation of Korea. At the age of 24, he inherited a massive additional information
that is not written.
10 fortune. After carefully thinking about what he could do for his country, he
decided to use the money to protect Korea’s cultural heritage from the
Japanese. This decision was greatly influenced by his mentor, Oh Sechang,
who was an independence activist and had keen insight into Korean art.
With Oh’s guidance and his own convictions, Kansong devoted most of his
15 fortune to acquiring old books, paintings, and other works of art. He
considered these items the pride of the nation and believed they represented
the national spirit. Without his actions, they would have been destroyed or
taken overseas.

Use the Strategy

Q1. What can you infer about Kansong from the phrase “After carefully thinking about what
he could do for his country”?

Check Your Understanding

Q2. What did Kansong buy with most of his fortune?

heritage [ ] exhibition [ ] occupation [ ] inherit [ ]

massive [ ] independence [ ] keen [ ] insight [ ]
conviction [ ] devote [ ] represent [ ]

Build a Better World 95

As soon as I walked in, I could not help but admire some ink-and-
water paintings by Jeong Seon, a famous Korean artist also known as
Gyeomjae. These paintings were kept in an album called the *Haeak
jeonsincheop. They depict the beautiful scenery of Geumgangsan
Mountain and its surrounding areas. The way Gyeomjae painted the 5

mountains, rivers, and valleys makes them look very inviting. I was
shocked when the museum tour guide said that the album was almost
burned as kindling. Fortunately, it was rescued at the last minute and
later purchased by Kansong. Knowing that these beautiful paintings
were nearly turned to ashes made me feel very sad. I am thankful that 10

these paintings are still around so that future generations can also
appreciate them.
*Haeak jeonsincheop 해악전신첩

paintings from the Haeak jeonsincheop

Check Your Understanding

Q3. What do the paintings in the Haeak jeonsincheop depict?

What Do You Think?

Q4. Why do you think the Haeak jeonsincheop was almost burned as kindling?

cannot help but scenery [ ] surrounding [ ] inviting [ ]

kindling [ ] rescue [ ] purchase [ ] ash [ ] appreciate [ ]

96 Lesson 4
The next item that impressed me was a gorgeous porcelain
vase called the *Celadon Prunus Vase with Inlaid Cloud and
Crane Design. It is a pleasant shade of green, with a lovely
pattern of clouds and cranes encircling the entire vase.
5 The cranes seem to be alive and stretching their wings in
search of freedom. Kansong bought the vase from a
Japanese art dealer in 1935. With the money he spent
on it, Kansong could have bought 20 nice houses! Later,
a different Japanese collector offered double the price
10 Kansong had paid for the vase. However, Kansong refused
to part with it because he knew that it was the most
magnif icent vase of its kind. Today it is listed as one of
Korea’s National Treasures. Seeing it in person was an
absolutely breathtaking experience!
*Celadon Prunus Vase with Inlaid Cloud and Crane Design 청자 상감운학문 매병

Celadon Prunus Vase with

Inlaid Cloud and Crane Design

Use the Strategy

Q5. What can you infer about the vase from the sentence “With the money he spent on it,
Kansong could have bought 20 nice houses!”?

gorgeous [ ] porcelain [ ] celadon [ ] inlaid [ ] crane [ ]

shade [ ] encircle [ ] in search of part with breathtaking [ ]

Build a Better World 97

Finally, I saw the one item in the museum that I will never forget — an
original copy of the * Hunminjeongeum Haerye. This ancient book was
written in 1446, and it explains the ideas and principles behind the creation
of Hangeul, the writing system of the Korean language. It was found in
Andong in 1940. At that time, however, Korea was still occupied by Japan. 5

The Japanese colonial government intended to get rid of the Korean language.
Schools were forbidden to teach lessons in Korean, and scholars who studied
Korean were arrested.
*Hunminjeongeum Haerye 훈민정음 해례본

What Do You Think?

Q6. Why do you think the Japanese wanted to get rid of the Korean language?

occupy [ ] colonial [ ] intend [ ] get rid of forbid [ ]

scholar [ ]

98 Lesson 4
From the moment he heard that the Hunminjeongeum Haerye had been
discovered, Kansong couldn’t stop thinking about it. He knew he had to
protect it at all costs. After years of waiting, he was finally able to obtain the
book. He purchased it at ten times the price the owner was asking and
5 carefully hid it in his house. When the Japanese were finally defeated, he
was able to share it with the rest of Korea. The guide said that the
Hunminjeongeum Haerye is the museum’s most precious treasure. Without it,
the origins and fundamentals of Hangeul would have been lost to history. It
has since been designated a National Treasure of Korea and included in the
10 UNESCO Memory of the World Register. Looking at the ancient book, I
could feel Kansong’s strong commitment to preserving Korean history.

Check Your Understanding

Q7. Fill in the blank using a word from the paragraph above.
It was not until the Japanese were that Kansong could share the
Hunminjeongeum Haerye with the public.

at all costs obtain [ ] defeat [ ] origin [ ] fundamental [ ]

designate [ ] register [ ] commitment [ ] preserve [ ]

Build a Better World 99

Standing in the middle of the
exhibition hall, surrounded by Korean
art, I could not stop thinking about
Kansong. He was an amazing
person! He did not collect art for 5

his personal enjoyment. He did it

to protect Korea’s cultural identity
during the harsh Japanese colonial
period. After Korea regained its
independence, he stopped collecting 10

art, as he knew it would safely remain in Korea. During our country’s worst
time, a single man was able to defend Korea’s national spirit and pride.
Thanks to him, we are still able to experience an essential part of Korean
culture today.

Founded in 1938, the Kansong Art Museum

was Korea’s first private museum. When
Kansong built it, he named it Bohwagak.
He used the building as a place to store all
of the important cultural items he had
collected over the years. Kansong died in
1962, and Bohwagak was renamed the
Source Kansong Art Museum in 1966. It now holds about 5,000 items, including 외 다수
사이트 (p. 166 참조)
12 Korean National Treasures.

Check Your Understanding

Q8. Circle T for true or F for false.
In 1966, Kansong renamed Bohwagak the Kansong Art Museum. (T / F)

What Do You Think?

Q9. What words come to mind when you think about Kansong?

identity [ ] harsh [ ] regain [ ] defend [ ] essential [ ]

found [ ]

100 Lesson 4
After You Read

A Summarize the Text

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box to summarize the main text.

Haeak jeonsincheop Celadon Prunus Vase

with Inlaid Cloud
- a collection of
and Crane Design
paintings by
- has a pattern that
- shows beautiful shows clouds and
Korean landscapes flying 3)
- nearly 2) - the most magnificent
as kindling vase of its kind
- listed as a

Hunminjeongeum Haerye Bohwagak

- written in 1446 (Jeon Hyeongpil) - the first 6)
- explains the ideas in Korea
and principles behind - 7) by
the 5) Kansong in 1938
- found in Andong in - a place to store the
1940 cultural items
Kansong collected

cranes Jeong Seon private museum founded

burned creation of Hangeul National Treasure

B Check Out the Details

Read the statements and check T for true or F for false based on the main text.
1 Kansong believed old books and paintings symbolize the national spirit.
2 Kansong paid very little for the Celadon Prunus Vase with Inlaid Cloud and
Crane Design because it wasn’t considered valuable at that time.
3 When the Hunminjeongeum Haerye was found, Korea was still occupied
by Japan.
4 Kansong continued gathering artwork even after Korea’s independence.

Build a Better World 101

C Share Your Opinion
What are the benefits of retaining and developing our cultural heritage? Read the
following and share your opinion with your partner.

Cultural heritage can make us It provides a sense of unity

feel proud of our country. and belonging within our

It helps
h us learn about our
historical roots and older

D Broaden Your View

Search for another example of a cultural item Kansong preserved. Share it with your

● What is the name of the item?

Its name is .

● What kind of cultural item is it?

It is a(n) .
(for example, ancient document, book, painting, sculpture, etc.)

● When and by whom was the item created? (if known)

It was created in by .

● What else is special about the item?

Search Keywords
cultural properties collected by Kansong

102 Lesson 4
Discovering Grammar

Point Read and Notice Read the movie poster below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

1 Beautiful Heart is a new movie produced by Twin Pictures.

● A movie inspired by a true story
● A tale of true love that will make you laugh and cry
● The third movie directed by Andrew Holmes
● Starring Charlie Pitt and Lisa Wade

Practice Complete the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
Use the given words.
1 I saw of steel. (a tall tower, make)
2 Most of from this land are exported. (the crops, harvest)
3 this month will face significant challenges. (the president,

Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above.
[p.95, 96]

Point Listen and Notice Listen to the speech, paying attention to the structures in bold.

2 I am honored to receive this year’s school volunteerism award. I want

to thank my teacher, Mr. Johnson. Without his encouragement, I
would not have started volunteering at local libraries. I also want to
ask my fellow students to volunteer in our community. Without
volunteers, our community could not have become such a lovely place.
Thank you so much for this award, and I hope that you will all join me
in volunteering in our community.

Practice Complete the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
Use the given words.
1 Without the map, we would yesterday. (get lost)
2 Without his assistance, I could not last week’s project. (complete)
3 Without your cooperation, we would not so successful. (be)

Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above.
[p.95, 99]

Build a Better World 103

Introducing Extends OurSite
a Historical Lifestyles
in Korea

Writing a You are going to learn how to write a blog post to share information and your experiences.
Blog Post Then you will write your own blog post about a historical site that you have visited.

A Sample Analysis

Hom e | About
Ab out | Histor
tor y of
of Kore
K orea
ore a | Contact
Co ntact
nta ct Me

A Historical Site in Korea: Dasan Chodang House (A)

Today, I want to tell you about Dasan

Chodang House, a historical site in Korea. (B)
It is located in Gangjin-gun, Jeollanam-do.
It is the place where Jeong Yakyong
lived during his ten-year exile. He was a
scholar of the late Joseon Dynasty who
contributed to the development of Silhak. He dedicated himself to
studying and teaching young students at Dasan Chodang House.
He also wrote more than 500 books there, including Mongminsimseo,
which provided local officers with governing guidelines.
When I visited Dasan Chodang House, I felt moved by Personal Feelings
Jeong Yakyong’s great passion for education. Why don’t you about the Site
visit it sometime?

∙ Fill in the boxes above with the appropriate subtopics.

Introducing the Historical Site Title of the Post Details of the Historical Site

B Write Your Own

Step 1 Generate Ideas
Think about a historical site you have visited and write it in the box.

Former Seodaemun Navy Headquarters of

Prison, Seoul Three Provinces,
Gungnamji Pond, Tongyeong
*서울 구 서대문형무소 Buyeo
*통영 삼도수군통제영
*부여 궁남지

104 Lesson 4
Step 2 Develop Your Ideas
Answer the questions below to develop your ideas. Search for information if

1 Which historical site do you want to introduce? Where is it located?

2 What was it used for? Why is it well known?

3 How did you feel when you visited it?

Step 3 Write Your Blog Post

Write your own blog post based on your answers in Step 2 .

Add New Post

← Enter title


Today, I want to tell you about .

It’s located in .
It is the place where .

When I visited , I felt

. Why don’t you visit it sometime?

Checklist Examine your blog post and then ask your partner to check it using the list below. Self Peer
● This post provides correct information about the historical site.
● This post is written using correct grammar and vocabulary.
● Peer’s comments:

Rewrite your blog post based on the feedback.

Now I can write a blog post about a Korean historical site.

Build a Better World 105

Inside Culture Written Memories of the World

Before You Begin

Read the extract from the Hunminjeongeum Haerye below.
Think about how things would be different without this document.

The 28 letters of the Hunminjeongeum have been created

based on the shapes of the vocal organs. ㄱ comes from the
shape of the tongue when it blocks the throat. … ㅁ comes from the shape of the
mouth; ㅅ, the shape of the teeth. …

Without it, we would not know how scientific Hangeul is.

Your Own

A Read about Culture

The following items are listed in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. Match
each item with its correct explanation and think of its value to the world.

1 2 3

Nikola Tesla’s Archive Dongui bogam The 1893 Women’s

Suffrage Petition

a This document was signed by almost a quarter of New Zealand’s female adult population.
Because of this document, New Zealand became the first country in the world to give women
the right to vote.

This collection holds over 160,000 scientific papers, documents, and drawings by Tesla.
He helped design the modern alternating current electricity system.

This medical book published in 1613 was compiled by Heo Jun. This book was an important
resource in the early development of traditional Korean medicine.

106 Lesson 4

B Talk about Culture

Choose the item in A that you think is the most meaningful and talk about it with your

Which item do you think is the most meaningful?

I think the 1893 Women’s Suffrage Petition is the most meaningful.

Can you tell me why?

It’s because it contributed to the rights of women. Without it,

it might have been more difficult for women to get the right to

C Find More and Share

Search for another item in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. Answer the
questions below and share it with your classmates.

What is the name of the item?

What country is it from and when was it listed in the UNESCO Memory of the World

Why is it included in the register?

What else is special about the item?

Search Keywords
UNESCO Memory of the World

Build a Better World 107

Project Make a Better World

Your Task You are going to plan a project that will help make the world a better place, and then put
the plan into action.

Step Make a group of four. Come up with as many ideas as possible to help make the
1 world a better place.

collecting and sending

books to children’s

cleaning up the

Think of the people or things that you care about.

Step Choose the best idea and then make a plan for the project.


Best idea: collecting When: October 10th Expected outcome:

and sending books to Where: Angel Children in the center
children’s centers Children’s Center will get more access
How: First, we will to books.
collect books at
school from students.
Then we will send
them to the center.

Th more detailed the plan is,
the more successful you will be.

108 Lesson 4
Step Decide on a role for each group member.
Role Group Leader Photographer Recorder Presenter

•The group
g p leader directs the whole project.
•The photographer
p g p takes photos during the project.
•The recorder takes notes of what happens during the project.
•The presenter
p presents and shares how the project went.

Step Put the plan into action. Keep records and take photos while doing the project so
4 that you can share them with your class.

Step Present your group’s project in front of the class.


Sending Books
to Angel Children’s Center Our group decided to send books to the
local children’s center. We know that the
Group A center doesn’t have enough books for
Yunju, Hyojin, Jiyeon, Minho the children. So we tried to collect books
for them. Then, …

In the presentation, include information
about the challenges you faced and
what you learned from the activity.

1 All the group members actively participated in the project.

2 Our actions were helpful to those in need.

3 What I learned from the task:

Build a Better World 109

Wrap Up

A 1 Listen to the dialogue and choose the most relevant picture.

① ② ③

2 Number the sentences in the correct order. Then act out the completed conversation
with your partner.

1 What can I do to contribute to our society?

Then why don’t you write an article introducing Korean movies to foreigners?
Well, I’m interested in Korean movies, so I know a lot about them.
Think about what you like to do and what you do well.
5 That’s a good idea.

B Read and answer the questions.

From the moment he heard that the Hunminjeongeum Haerye had been discovered,
Kansong couldn’t stop thinking about it. ⓐ He knew he had to protect it at all costs. After
years of waiting, he was finally able to obtain the book. ⓑ He purchased it at ten times the
price the owner was asking and carefully hid it in his house. When the Japanese were finally
defeated, he was able to share it with the rest of Korea. ⓒ Schools were forbidden to teach
lessons in Korean, and scholars who studied Korean were arrested. The guide said that the
Hunminjeongeum Haerye is the museum’s most precious treasure. Without it, the origins
and fundamentals of Hangeul would have been lost to history.

1 Big Question .

Q. How can we contribute to our society?

We can share our talents We can spread the

and knowledge with other importance of protecting
people. our cultural heritage.

110 Lesson 4
1 Choose the sentence that is NOT relevant to the flow of the paragraph.
①ⓐ ②ⓑ ③ⓒ

2 Choose the word that has a similar meaning to “obtain.”

① acquire ② subscribe ③ restore

3 Why is the Hunminjeongeum Haerye considered valuable?

C Imagine you visited Hahoe Folk Village and complete a blog post to introduce it. Use the
information below and search for more information if you want.

Destination: Hahoe Folk Village

Location: Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, bordered by the Nakdonggang River
Main Feature: well-preserved traditional houses
Activities: making traditional masks, watching mask dances
Appreciation: surprised to see how well the old houses were preserved

A Historical Site in Korea:

Today, I want to tell you about Hahoe Folk Village, a traditional village from the
Joseon Dynasty. The village, bordered by , is located in
. It is famous for .
The village offers activities such as .
When I visited this village, .
Why don’t you visit it sometime?

* What was the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?

* Which activities did you find challenging and why?

* What do you want to improve?

Build a Better World 111

Lesson 5
Look Think and Create!




Complete the mind map above.

Share your map with your partner.
Now think about the Big Question.

Functions Language Points

● 충고 구하기 ● Inspired by trees, Gaudi gave the columns a

Can you give me some advice? single base that splits off into branches near the
● 놀람 표현하기 top.

It’s surprising that people can find useful ideas

● More importantly, the Eastgate Centre uses far
from nature! less energy than other buildings, which saves
money and helps protect the environment
from pollution.
Listen& Speak Read ARCHITECTURE

● Inspiration Is Everywhere Nature: The Great Inspiration

● Inspired to Invent of Architects



Inspirations behind Movies

Project DESIGN Inside Culture ART

Be a Product Designer Inspired by Art

Technology Extends
Inspiration Is Our Lifestyles
Listen & Speak 1 충고 구하기 Can you give me some advice?

A Warm Up
The pictures below show situations in which you need to think creatively. Check the
boxes if you have ever been in these situations.

decorating your classroom making a video clip

writing an essay

Small Talk Do you know any creative people? What do you think is the secret to their
creativity? Talk with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. What did the boy do last weekend?
a He relaxed at home.
b He attended a book signing.
c He created a blog to post photos.

2nd Listen again. What does the boy advise the girl to do?
a to go out and observe people
b to try to be as adventurous as possible
c to have conversations about the topic

114 Lesson 5
C Use It
Step 1 Listen to the lecture and answer the questions.

1st What is the main idea of the lecture?

a Inspiration is vital to successful design.
b Bias is the biggest barrier to creativity.
c We all need inspiration, and it is all around us.

2nd Listen again. According to the lecture, which is NOT true about inspiration?
a It usually happens unexpectedly.
b It cannot be triggered by an object.
c Daily experiences can be the source of it.

Step 2 Think about a time when you needed to be creative to solve a problem. Answer
the questions below about your experience and talk about it with your partner.
1 What problem did you have?

2 How did you solve the problem?

3 Where did the idea that solved the problem come from?

Look, Think, and Create! 115

Step 3 Read the following and think about what you can do to get new ideas. Then fill
in the blanks.

Pu pose: to write a poem

Purpose: Purpose: to design an Purpose: to paint a painting
for a writing contest invention for a science fair for an art competition
p Listen to music. Tip: Write down things that Tip:
Reason: It can help stimulate you feel are inconvenient.
your imagination. Reason: It can help you Reason:
come up with an idea for
what to invent.

Step 4 Talk with your partner about the topics in Step 3 .

A: Look at this poster! There is going to be a writing contest.

B: I saw it yesterday. I’m going to write a poem and submit it.
A: Do you have any ideas for your poem?
B: I’m trying to think of one, but it is difficult. Can you give me some advice?
A: Have you tried listening to music? I think it can help stimulate your
B Okay, I will give it a try.

1 Now I can understand others when they ask for advice.

2 Now I can ask for someone’s advice.

116 Lesson 5
Technology Extends Our Lifestyles
Inspired to Invent
Listen & Speak 2 놀람 표현하기 It’s surprising that people can find useful ideas from nature!

A Warm Up
Guess and match each invention with its inspiration.


1 2 3

painless needle ski chairlift snap-off blade


a the bite of a mosquito

b a chocolate bar divided into squares
c hook-equipped banana conveyor systems

Small Talk Guess what characteristics of a, b, and c inspired each invention above. Share
your guesses with your partner.

B Learn It
1st Listen to the dialogue. Which picture is the most relevant to the dialogue?

a b c

2nd Listen again. Which is NOT true about John Hetrick?

a He had a car accident in 1952.
b His daughter died in the accident.
c He invented a life-saving device.

Look, Think, and Create! 117

C Use It
Step 1 Read the following comic strip and guess what words fit in the blanks.

Jinho, look at my Wow, they have Yeah, it is. Did you know
new sneakers! Velcro on them! That that Velcro was inspired by
must be convenient. ?

What do you mean?

In the 1940s, a Swiss engineer went for a walk to the Afterwards, he noticed burrs clinging
woods with his dog. to his clothes and the dog’s fur.

He studied the burrs and discovered that tiny It’s surprising that people can
enabled them to grab onto clothes. He find useful ideas from nature!
then used this knowledge to invent Velcro.

1 Listen and check if you guessed right. Correct your answers if they’re wrong.

2 Check T for true or F for false based on the comic strip.

1) The girl bought new shoes that have Velcro on them.
2) Velcro was inspired by the soft fur of dogs.

3 Role-play the dialogue with your partner.

118 Lesson 5
Step 2 We can get new ideas from animals and plants. Read the following and write
down another possible application based on the unique feature of each animal or plant.

fleas lotus leaves

● Unique feature: Fleas can leap more ● Unique feature: Drops of water roll off
than 100 times their height. the leaves, and the leaves stay dry.
● Thanks to: the elastic material in their ● Thanks to: tiny bumps on the leaves
legs ● Possible applications:
● Possible applications: - paint for wood furniture to prevent
- shoes to enable athletes to jump it from getting wet
higher -

Step 3 Talk with your partner about the topics in Step 2 .

A: Look at this magazine. It’s about animals and plants that have special features.
B: Did you find anything interesting?
A: Yeah. Fleas can leap more than 100 times their height.
B: Wow. It’s surprising that they can jump so high.
A: It’s thanks to the elastic material in their legs. I think it could be applied to
shoes to enable athletes to jump higher.
B : That’s a great idea.

1 Now I can understand others when they express surprise.

2 Now I can express surprise.

Look, Think, and Create! 119

Before You Read

A Topic Preview
Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.

a b

1 What do you think the architect of each building got inspiration from?

2 Suggest a name for each building and write it below the picture. Share your ideas
with your classmates.

B Word Preview
Guess the meanings of the underlined words from the context.

There have been 1) remarkable advances in technology

over the past few years. It is amazing how fast technology
has developed.

The large room has a high 2) ceiling with an opening at the

top. This allows natural light to 3) beam into the room
during the daytime.

The 4) construction of the hotel is steadily progressing.

Workers have been busy all day long.

120 Lesson 5

The Great
Inspiration of Architects
Nature is all around us. It impresses us with its
beauty and supplies us with everything we need to
survive. It also provides some people with the
inspiration to create things in a new way. The act
5 of creating things based on nature is called
“biomimicry.” This term is derived from the Greek
words bios, meaning “life,” and mimesis, meaning
Architects who use biomimicry look at nature as an incredibly successful
10 engineer who has already come up with answers to some of the problems
they now face. They carefully study plants, animals, and other aspects of
nature to learn how they work. As a result, they have been able to find some
innovative solutions to engineering and architectural challenges.

Check Your Understanding

Q1. What is biomimicry?

inspiration [ ] architect [ ] supply ~ with … biomimicry [ ]

term [ ] be derived from imitation [ ] incredibly [ ] come up with
aspect [ ] innovative [ t ] architectural [ ]

Look, Think, and Create! 121

The Curving Beauty of Nature
The Sagrada Familia is an enormous church in Barcelona, Spain. Designed
by the world-famous architect Antoni Gaudi, the church is one of the most
Build Knowledge

Some of Gaudi’s works,

prominent buildings in the world. Construction of this remarkable building
including the Sagrada began in 1882, and Gaudi took over responsibility for its design in 1883.
Familia, Park Guell, and
Casa Mila, were declared Believe it or not, the building is still under construction. Some people love 5
World Heritage Sites by
UNESCO. the Sagrada Familia and others hate it, but nearly everyone is fascinated by
its unique design.
Gaudi believed that all architects should look to nature for inspiration.
He preferred the curves found in natural objects to the straight lines
found in artificial ones. This preference can be seen in all his 10

buildings, including the Sagrada Familia. Many parts of the church

incorporate images and forms from nature. For example, the church’s
spires are topped with spheres that resemble fruits. There are also
turtles carved into the stone bases of columns and spiral stairs
that resemble the shells of sea creatures. 15

Check Your Understanding

Q2. What do the spheres on the church’s spires resemble?

What Do You Think?

Q3. Why do you think Gaudi believed architects should look to nature for inspiration?

enormous [ ] prominent [ ] construction [ ]

remarkable [ ] take over look to prefer ~ to … artificial [ ]
incorporate [ ] spire [ ] sphere [ ] column [ ] spiral [ ]

122 Lesson 5
Perhaps the most impressive feature of the Sagrada Familia is the ceiling. Reading Strategy

Gaudi designed the columns inside the church to resemble trees and
allows you to understand
branches, so visitors who look up can feel as if they were standing in a great a text even when there
are unfamiliar words. If
forest. The light that comes through the small holes all over the ceiling even
you see a new word, use
5 resembles the light beaming through leaves in a forest. These tree-like the sentence the word is
in and other nearby
columns are not just for decoration, though. Inspired by trees, Gaudi gave sentences to figure out
what the word probably
the columns a single base that splits off into branches near the top. This means.

allows them to support the roof better by distributing its weight evenly.
Because Gaudi recognized the superiority of natural forms, he was able to
10 design a building that is both beautiful and functional.

Use the Strategy

Q4. Guess the meaning of “functional” in line 10. Choose the word that has a similar meaning.
① decorative ② practical ③ original

ceiling [ ] beam [ ] split off distribute [ ] evenly [ ]

recognize [ ] superiority [ ] functional [ ]

Look, Think, and Create! 123

A Lesson from Insects
The Eastgate Centre is an office building and shopping complex in
Harare, Zimbabwe. Built in 1996, it might not be as visually impressive as
the Sagrada Familia. However, the building is an excellent example of
biomimicry. Due to the hot climate of Harare, air conditioning systems can
be very costly to install, run, and maintain. To solve this problem, the 5

building’s architect, Mick Pearce, turned to * termite mounds for an

Termite mounds are large structures built by certain termite species.
Scientists believe that the mounds stay cool due to a constant flow of air.
Each mound has a network of holes referred to as chimneys. It has a large 10

central chimney and smaller outer chimneys that are close to the ground.
The heat generated by the daily activity of the termites rises up through the
central chimney, eventually escaping through the top of the mound. In the
meantime, cooler air is pulled in
through the smaller chimneys, keeping 15

the termites’ home at a comfortable

temperature during the hot day.
*termite 흰개미

a termite mound air flow inside a termite mound

Check Your Understanding

Q5. Circle T for true or F for false.
Pearce turned to nature because it was impossible to install air conditioning systems
at the Eastgate Centre. (T / F)

visually [ ] install [ ] turn to mound [ ] alternative [ ]

constant [ ] chimney [ ] generate [ ] escape [ ]

124 Lesson 5
Also, the soil surrounding the mound absorbs heat in the hot daytime
hours. Therefore, the temperature inside the mound does not increase
greatly and stays relatively cool. At night, when the outside temperature
goes down, the heat is f inally released. This process inspired Pearce to design
5 an innovative climate control system.
The Eastgate Centre was constructed without a conventional cooling
system. Instead, Pearce used building materials that can store large amounts
of heat. The f loors and walls of the building absorb heat during the day, just
like the soil of a termite mound. The heat is released at night, and the walls
10 cool down, ready to store heat again by the next morning.
The structure of the building also helps keep the building cool. There are
openings near the base of the building, and outside air comes into the
building through them. This air is moved through the building by a system
of automatic fans. Eventually, the air, along with heat generated by human
15 activity during the day, rises upward through the building’s internal
open spaces and is released through chimneys on the roof. As a result,

air flow inside the Eastgate Centre

the Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe

Use the Strategy

Q6. Guess the meaning of “conventional” in line 6. Choose the word that has a similar
① innovative ② temporary ③ typical

absorb [ ] relatively [ ] conventional [ ] automatic [ ]

Look, Think, and Create! 125

the building has not only cool temperatures but also fresh air. More
importantly, the Eastgate Centre uses far less energy than other buildings,
which saves money and helps protect the environment from pollution.
Without the inspiration Pearce received from tiny termites, none of this
would have been possible. 5

Using biomimicry in architecture is just one way that humans are

utilizing the lessons of nature to improve the way we do things. Biomimicry
Source is also being used to solve problems in the fields of robotics, agriculture, and
http://www.projects. 외 다수 many others. Imitating the ideas of nature not only helps solve problems,
사이트 (p. 166 참조)
but it also makes us feel closer to nature. As a result, humans are more likely 10

to stop destroying the environment and start becoming part of it instead.

Check Your Understanding

Q7. Fill in the blanks using words from the paragraphs above.
Pearce’s cooling system allows the building to maintain temperatures and
provides it with air.

pollution [ ] utilize [ ] robotics [ ] agriculture [ ]

126 Lesson 5
After You Read

A Summarize the Text

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box to summarize the main text.

Nature: The Great Inspiration Another example is the Eastgate

of Architects Centre, which was designed by Mick
Pearce. Inspired
The process of using nature’s shapes by 4) ,
and structures to solve human problems he designed the
is called 1) . building to keep
Some architects use it when designing the internal air
buildings. One example is Gaudi’s 5)
Sagrada Familia. Gaudi, who favored fresh without
the 2) lines of nature, air conditioners.
designed many parts of the church to W h a t ’s m o re ,
resemble nature’s because the building doesn’t have air
images and forms. conditioners, it saves 6)
These shapes are and is good for the 7) .
not only visually Biomimicry is being used in many
appealing, though. other fields as well and helps humans
They are also feel closer to nature.

environment functional curved biomimicry

money cool termite mounds

B Check Out the Details

Read the statements and circle the appropriate words based on the main text.
1 The construction of the Sagrada Familia is finished unfinished .
2 Gaudi was inspired by fruits trees for the design of the columns inside the Sagrada
3 The warm air inside termite mounds sinks rises up through the central chimney.
4 The Eastgate Centre has no conventional innovative air conditioning to keep it cool.

Look, Think, and Create! 127

C Share Your Opinion
Imagine you are given a chance to visit one of the two buildings in the main text. Which
one would you visit and why? Share your answer with your partner.

I would visit the Eastgate Centre. I’m really impressed by its cooling
system, and I want to feel how cool and fresh the air inside the
building is in person.

D Broaden Your View

Search for an example of biomimicry in another field and write it down. Then tell your
classmates about it.

What is it? What is it?

RoboBee, a tiny drone
What is it inspired by? What is it inspired by?
the biology and behavior of a bee
What special features does it have? What special features does it have?
- It weighs only 84 mg—as light as or
even lighter than a real bee.
- It can rest on surfaces during flight
so that it can conserve energy and
stay in the air longer.

Search Keywords
biomimicry inventions
biomimicry in agriculture

128 Lesson 5
Discovering Grammar

Point Read and Notice Read the story below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

1 Tired from flying around, a thirsty crow landed in a park. It saw a pitcher of water
on a small table, so it flew over and tried to drink. Unfortunately, the pitcher was only
half full, so the crow couldn’t reach the water. Frustrated, it was about to accept its
fate, but then it had an idea. It began picking up rocks and dropping them into the
pitcher. The water level got higher and higher, until the crow could finally drink!

Practice Complete the sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
Use the given words.
1 of rubber, the ball bounces high off the ground. (make)
2 by such spectacular scenery, I kept looking at the lake. (amaze)
3 from working, she fell asleep quickly. (drain)

Find More Find the sentences from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.123]

Point Read and Notice Read the story below, paying attention to the structures in bold.

2 One day, a girl was playing in the park. She saw a photograph
on the ground and picked it up. She saw a cute boy in the
photograph, which made her cheeks turn red. She took the
photograph home and put it in a box. Eventually, she forgot
about it. Twenty years later, she got married. One day, her husband
a d
opened the box and found the photograph. He asked, “Who is the little boy in this
picture?” She answered that it was her first love, which made her husband smile. He
said, “I lost this photograph when I was nine years old.”

Practice Combine the two sentences using the same grammatical structure as above.
1 The flight was delayed again. This made me upset.

2 She retired from her job. This allowed her to have more free time.

3 Tom goes jogging every day. This keeps him healthy.

Find More Find the sentence from the main text with the same structure as above. [p.126]

Look, Think, and Create! 129

InspirationsExtends Our Lifestyles
behind Movies

Writing a You are going to learn how to write a newspaper article. Then you will write your own article
Newspaper Article about a movie and what it was inspired by.

A Sample Analysis

June 20, 2015

Inside Out Director Talks about Date,

the Movie’s Inspiration Headline,
By Don Kaye Reporter

Time and Place

The premiere for the movie Inside Out was of the Premiere
held in New York on June 19. It is an American Director
movie directed by Pete Docter. It is set inside of the Movie

the mind of a girl named Riley. Five personified

Plot of the Movie
emotions — Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust — lead Riley
through life after she moves to a new city. At the premiere,
Docter said he was inspired to produce the movie by his own
Inspiration behind
parenting experiences. He first began developing Inside Out
the Movie
after noticing changes in his daughter’s personality as she
grew older. He said, “Trying to figure out what’s going on in
our kids’ heads is what led to this movie.” People who have seen
Source People’s Reaction
the movie say it is one of the most imaginative masterpieces
Screen Rant,
2015. 06. 19. they’ve ever seen.
중에서 (p. 166 참조)

∙ Complete the outline according to the article above.

Movie Title:
Director: 2)
Place: New York
Date: June 19
Plot A young girl’s five lead her through life.
Inspiration the director’s own experiences
People’s Reaction one of the most movies ever

130 Lesson 5
B Write Your Own
Step 1 Prepare to Write
Listen to the interview and complete the reporter’s notes below.

Movie Title: Interstellar Director: Christopher Nolan

Premiere Place: Los Angeles Date: October 26
A group of travel through space in search of a
Plot 2)
new home for .
M. C. Escher’s Relativity
“The work of art made me think of a(n)
Inspiration 4)
world that could exist outside
normal time and space.” – Christopher Nolan Relativity

People’s Reaction one of the most movies ever

Step 2 Write Your Article

Write your own article based on the information in Step 1 .

October 27, 2014


The premiere for the movie was held in

on . It is an American movie
directed by . It is about

. At the premiere, the director said

. He said,
“ .” People who have seen
Interstellar say .

Checklist Examine your article and then ask your partner to check it using the list below. Self Peer
● This article explains the movie and its inspiration clearly.
● This article is written using correct grammar and vocabulary.
● Peer’s comments:

Rewrite your article based on the feedback.

Now I can write a newspaper article about a movie.

Look, Think, and Create! 131

Inside Culture Inspired by Art

Before You Begin

Look at the painting and listen to the first part of the song. Guess the relationship
between the painting and the song.

The Starry Night (1889) by Vincent van Gogh Vincent (1971) by Don McLean

A Read about Culture

Read the examples of how art inspired art. Match each one with the correct picture.

1 Girl with a Pearl Earring is a novel written by American writer Tracy Chevalier. The novel
was inspired by Johannes Vermeer’s painting Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Scheherazade is an orchestral suite by Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. He
was inspired by the collection of Middle Eastern and Indian tales known as The Thousand
and One Nights (or The Arabian Nights).

Where, in What Form, Shall We Meet Again? is a painting by Korean painter Kim Whanki.
Inspired by Kim Gwangseop’s poem “In the Evening,” he filled a whole canvas with dots while
thinking of family and friends. The title of the painting comes from the last line of the poem.

a b c

132 Lesson 5

B Talk about Culture

Choose the work that interests you the most and talk about it with your partner.

Girl with a Pearl Earring Scheherazade

Where, in What Form, Shall We Meet Again?

Tell me which work impresses you the most.

Scheherazade is the most interesting to me.

What makes you say that?

I read The Arabian Nights years ago and found it exciting. I want
to hear the suite Scheherazade and think about how the
original tales provided inspiration.

Find More and Share

C Search for another example in which one work of art inspired another. Complete the
box below and share it with your classmates.

The work that gave inspiration The work that was inspired

Title: Title:

Genre: Genre:

Creator: Creator:

Year created: Year created:

Country or region: Country or region:

Anything else you found out: Anything else you found out:

Search Keywords
art inspired by art

Look, Think, and Create! 133

Project Be a Product Designer

Your Task You are going to design a product with your group that is inspired by something else.
Then you will present your design to the class.

Step Make a group of four and decide on a role for each group member.
Role Group Leader Researcher Designer Presenter

T group
g p leader directs the whole project. •The designer
g draws and colors the design.
•The researcher searches for relevant information. •The p
presenter makes a presentation about the

Step Search for examples of creative design that were inspired by something else.
2 Decide on an item that your group wants to design.

lamp dress chair

Your group’s item: Ot
Other possible products:
mug, table, umbrella, etc.

Step Think of keywords that describe the product your group wants to make. Draw a
3 mind map to come up with something that you could get inspiration from.


chair painting

frame picture frame

134 Lesson 5

Step Design your group’s product by drawing it on a big piece of paper. Then color it.

Step Present your group’s product to the class. Vote for the best design.

This is the chair my group designed. Thinking about

what to design, we remembered that the chairs in
the art classroom of our school are too old. So we
designed a new kind of chair. As you may have
noticed, it was inspired by a picture frame. It is
convenient as well as artistic. When it’s not in use, we
can fold it to better use the space.

Wh you present, include …
- why your group chose to design the product
- what gave you inspiration
- what is special about the product

1 All the group members actively participated in the project.

2 My group’s design is creative and attractive.

3 What I learned from the task:

Look, Think, and Create! 135

Wrap Up

A 1 Listen to the dialogue. Which is NOT mentioned as a way to get inspiration?

① ② ③

2 Number the sentences in the correct order. Then act out the completed conversation
with your partner.

1 I want to create a catchy advertising phrase to promote my club.

Well, why don’t you look through newspapers and magazines? They are full of words
and ideas.
Not yet. Can you give me some advice?
That sounds great. I will try that. Thank you.
Do you have any ideas for it?

B Read and answer the questions.

The Eastgate Centre was constructed without a conventional cooling system. Instead,
Pearce used building materials that can store large amounts of heat. The floors and walls of
the building absorb heat during the day, just like the soil of a termite mound. The heat is
released at night, and the walls cool down, ready to store heat again by the next morning.
The structure of the building also helps keep the building cool. There are openings near
the base of the building, and outside air comes into the building through them. This air
is moved through the building by a system of automatic fans. (A) , the air, along
with heat generated by human activity during the day, rises upward through the building’s
internal open spaces and is released through chimneys on the roof. (B) , the building
has not only cool temperatures but also fresh air.

1 Big Question .

Q. Where do we get good ideas?

We can borrow ideas from We can get ideas from

nature. everyday objects.

136 Lesson 5
1 What is the passage mainly about?
① architectural problems of the Eastgate Centre
② the way the Eastgate Centre’s cooling system works
③ differences between the Eastgate Centre and termite mounds

2 Choose the best words for (A) and (B).

(A) (B)
① In brief …… However
② Nevertheless …… For instance
③ Eventually …… As a result

C Complete the newspaper article about the movie. Use the given information.

Title: Trolls
Directors: Mike Mitchell, Walt Dohrn
About: A group of trolls who must save their village from danger. The
trolls are small, happy creatures with colorful hair. When larger creatures
invade their village to eat them, the trolls try to find a way to survive.
Inspired by: the dolls that Danish woodcutter Thomas Dam made for his daughters as Christmas gifts
People’s reaction: a funny and imaginative movie with incredible music

Trolls is a popular American, 3D computer-animated, musical-adventure film directed
by .
The trolls are small, happy creatures with
colorful hair. When larger creatures invade their village to eat them, the trolls try to find a
way to survive. The characters
. Many
people who have seen Trolls say that .

* What was the most interesting thing you learned in this lesson?

* Which activities did you find challenging and why?

* What do you want to improve?

Look, Think, and Create! 137

Lesson Coach Carter
“I came to coach basketball players,
and you became students.
I came to teach boys,
and you became men.”

Do you have a mentor in your life?
Before You Read

Topic Preview

A Read the quotes about life below. Talk with your partner about which one you like the
most and your own thoughts about life.

All life is an experiment.

The more experiments you
make, the better. However difficult life may
– Ralph Waldo Emerson seem, there is always something
you can do and succeed at.
– Stephen Hawking

Growth is the only evidence

of life. Your Own
– John Henry Newman

B Read the introduction of the main characters and talk with your partner about what
will happen between the characters.

Ken Carter
Carter was a former basketball MVP at Richmond High School. Now he has
been appointed as the new basketball coach there.

Timo Cruz
Cruz is a troubled teenager and basketball player at Richmond. His home
environment is unstable, and he has not had any good mentors in his life.

Principal Garrison
Ms. Garrison is the principal of Richmond High School. She and Coach
Carter have different views about coaching.

140 Special Lesson

Coach Carter
Coach Ken Carter takes over the head coaching job for the Richmond
High School basketball team. The school is located in a poor
neighborhood. Many students at the school drop out and end up living difficult
lives. The team has had a losing record for several years, and the team members
5 keep blaming each other for losing. Carter finds out that their problem is Q1.
not how they play basketball, but that they lack respect for themselves. He What did Carter
think the team’s
comes up with an idea.
problem was?

Carter: Good afternoon, gentlemen. I’m your new basketball coach, Ken
10 (The players ignore him and chat with each other.)
Maybe I should speak louder. I’m Ken Carter, your new basketball
(One of the players tosses a ball to another player, ignoring Coach Carter.)
You, what’s your name, sir?
15 Lyle: Jason Lyle, but I’m not a sir.

drop out end up blame ~ for … lack [ ] ignore [ ] toss [ ]

Coach Carter 141

Carter: Starting today, you are a sir. You all are. “Sir” is a term of respect. All
of you will have my respect until you abuse it. (He gives out some
pieces of paper.) These are contracts. If you sign and honor this, we’ll
Q2. be successful. It states that you will attend all of your classes and
What did the maintain a 2.3 grade point average. 5
contract Carter
handed out Cruz: This is crazy! By the way, why are you wearing a suit and tie?
Carter: What’s your name, sir?
Cruz: Timo Cruz, sir.
Carter: Well, Mr. Cruz, when we treat ourselves with respect …
Q3. (Cruz does not listen and starts bouncing the ball.) 10

How did Cruz

react to Carter?
All right, Mr. Cruz, leave the gym right now.
Q4. Cruz: Fine. I don’t need to listen to you anymore. I quit. (He walks out of
Why do you think
Cruz reacted that
the gym.)
way? Carter: Is there anybody else who doesn’t want to sign this contract?
(Students look at each other. Two more students leave the gym and the 15

others stay.)

abuse [ ] contract [ ] honor [ ] state [ ] grade point average(GPA)

quit [ ]

142 Special Lesson

Carter teaches the players to stay focused and play together as a
team. Cruz realizes how tough life is off the court and how much
basketball means to him. Later, the team wins an inspiring victory while Cruz
watches from the crowd. Eventually, he decides to come back.

5 (Cruz comes into the gym.)

Cruz: How can I get back on the team?
Carter: If you want to rejoin the team, you need to do 1,000 push- Q5.
What did Carter
ups and 1,000 laps around the gym— by Friday.
tell Cruz to do to
Other players: That’s impossible! get back on the
10 (Cruz starts doing push-ups. Carter continues coaching.)

(On Friday)
Carter: It’s Friday, but you still have 100 push-ups and 100 laps to
go. It’s time to give up, Mr. Cruz.
Lyle: I’ll do them for him, Coach. You said we’re a team. When one
15 person struggles, we all struggle. When one player triumphs,
we all triumph, right? Q6.

Kenyon: I’ll do some, too. Come on, guys, let’s help him out! Why do you think
Carter gave Cruz
(Other players do push-ups together with Cruz. Carter seems such a hard task?


rejoin [ n] lap [ ] triumph [ ]

Coach Carter 143

With Cruz back on the team, they go undefeated for the rest of the
season, and they even win a big tournament. However, Carter later
discovers that some of the students have been skipping classes and getting
failing grades. He decides to do something.

(In front of the gym door) 5

Kenyon: What’s up, Cruz?

Cruz: I don’t know. This note says
that practice has been
canceled and the coach is
waiting in the school library. 10

Kenyon: The library? I don’t even know

where the library is!

(In the school library)

Q7. Carter: Gentlemen, in this hand, I have the contracts you signed. In this
Why did Carter
decide to lock the
hand, I have academic progress reports from your teachers. The gym 15

gym? will stay locked until we all satisfy the terms of this contract.
Cruz: But why? We’re undefeated, and we won the tournament. Didn’t
you want us to win?
Q8. Carter: That’s not the point. What’s more important than winning is
What did Carter
tell the students is
respecting the rules and taking responsibility for your behavior. If 20

more important you don’t realize that, you’ll never succeed or even adjust to the real
than winning
games? world. I believe honoring this contract is the first step for you to
take responsibility in your life. Now, I want you to go home, look at
your lives tonight, and ask yourself, “Do I want a better life?” If the
answer is yes, then I promise you I will do everything in my power 25

to get you to a better life.

(The athletes are deep in thought.)

undefeated [ ] tournament [ ] skip [ ] cancel [ ]

academic [ ] progress [ ] satisfy [ ] adjust to athlete [ ]

144 Special Lesson

(In Carter’s office)
Principal: You locked the gym? Are you crazy?
Carter: Nobody expects them to go to college, Ms. Garrison. Nobody
even expects them to graduate from high school. We need to stop
5 neglecting them and make them realize that they can do more.
Principal: So you take away the one thing that they’re good at? We both
What did the
know that for some of these boys, this basketball season will be principal think of
Carter’s idea of
the best part of their lives. locking the gym?
Carter: Don’t you think that’s the problem?

graduate from neglect [ ]

Coach Carter 145

The coach’s act angers the parents who expected the team to keep
winning. Eventually, the school board confronts Carter.

Parent 1: Basketball is all these boys have. Should Carter be allowed

to take that away from them?
Other parents: (shouting) No! 5

Board Chairman: Quiet! Let’s hear from Coach Carter.

Carter: You really need to consider the message that you’re
Q10. sending these boys: that they are above the law. I’m trying
What was Carter
trying to teach the
to teach them discipline. If these kids don’t honor a
players? simple contract, it won’t be long before they’re out there 10

in society breaking laws.

school board confront [ ] chairman [ ] discipline [ ]

146 Special Lesson

Despite Carter’s speech, the board votes to unlock the gym. Carter is
about to resign, but he decides to visit the gym one last time. There,
he sees something shocking. All the players are studying together. Q11.
What were the
players doing
Cruz: Sir, they can open the doors of the gym, but they can’t make us play.
when Carter came
5 We’re going to fulfill the contract, sir. Now we know what’s important back to the gym?

in life, and it’s all because of you. Thank you, sir.

Carter: Gentlemen, there’s only one way to say this: We’ve achieved our Q12.
What do you
goal. think Carter meant
when he said
“We’ve achieved
The team members study hard and raise their grades enough to fulfill the our goal”?
10 contract. Later, the team competes in the state basketball tournament.
The players fail to win the final, but they achieve something far more
important: belief in themselves, as well as hope for a brighter future in life
beyond the basketball court.

vote [ ] resign [ ] fulfill [ ] compete [ ]

Coach Carter 147

After You Read

A Summarize the Text

Fill in the blanks using the words from the box. Then put the story in order based on
the main text.

Coach Carter accepts the job as the Richmond High School’s basketball team coach.

a Carter finds out that some students aren’t honoring their contract, so he decides
to 1) the gym to teach them the importance of following rules and
taking .

b Through Carter’s teaching and coaching, the team continues 3)


c He approaches the students by calling them “sir” to teach them how to 4)

each other. He also has the students sign a contract requiring them to 5)
classes and 6) certain grades.

d Confronted by the parents and the school board, Carter is about to 7)

from his job. The students realize what Carter is trying to teach them, and they
finally 8) the contract.

respect winning resign attend fulfill responsibility lock maintain


B Check Out the Details

For each quote, write down the name of the character who said it.

Carter Cruz Garrison

1 : Starting today, you are a sir. You all are. “Sir” is a term of respect.
2 : So you take away the one thing that they’re good at?
3 : Sir, they can open the doors of the gym, but they can’t make us play.
4 : I’m trying to teach them discipline.

148 Special Lesson

C Share Your Opinion
What do you think about Coach Carter’s leadership? Do you agree with his decision to
lock the gym? Share your opinion with your partner.

I think Carter made the In my opinion, Carter took

right decision and an approach that was too
showed strong, effective inflexible. He locked the
leadership. Respecting gym without listening to
the rules is more his players. I think it would
important than winning have been better if he had
games. talked with the players

Your Own

D Broaden Your View

Think of a good movie you want to recommend to your friends. Tell your partner about
a memorable quote from that movie.

Example Your Own

Title: Freedom Writers Title:

Memorable quote: Memorable quote:
Even ordinary teenagers can, in their
own small ways, turn on a small light
in a dark room.

Coach Carter 149

Answer Keys 151

Transcripts & Subtitles 159

Sources 166
Answer Keys old violin. Since then, I’ve been learning how to
play and practicing a lot. Now playing the violin is
my favorite hobby.

Lesson 1 After You Read pp.23-24

A Spark in You A 1) damage 2) swimming 3) named 4) harmony

5) respected 6) fitting in 7) conversation
Order: b → e → a → c → d
Listen & Speak 1 pp.10 -12
B 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T
A b→ c→ a
B 1st c 2nd b Discovering Grammar p.25

C Step 1 Point 1
1st b 2nd 1. Not Yet 2. growth mindset
1. had already left [had left already]
Listen & Speak 2 pp.13-15
2. had met her before
A 1. late 2. age 3. still
3. had lost her hat
B 1st a 2nd a
Find More
C Step 1
p.18, L1 Diego’s early education had not prepared
1st c
him well for life at his new school.
2nd ②, he was talented → he wasn’t talented
p.18, L10 However, in all that time, he had never been
able to swim because his feathers had
Before You Read p.16 been damaged.
A [sample] They were considered failures at first, p.19, L6 I had never had the opportunity to study a
but they attained recognition in the end. penguin in the water before.
B 1) avoided 2) extraordinary 3) astonished Point 2
4) emerged Practice
1. I drank the milk I bought this morning.
Reading pp.17-22
2. The new employee we hired is very enthusiastic.
Q1 F Find More
Q2 [sample] I think Diego and Juan Salvado will p.21, L2 Suddenly Diego was not the sad little boy we
become good friends. had become used to.
Q3 He avoided talking with others because his p.22, L5 …, he won every race he participated in.
knowledge of English was limited.
Q4 [sample] I think he enjoyed it because he felt Write pp.26-27
lonely and the penguin looked lonely, too.
A (A) How I Used to Be
Q5 He walked in an awkward way on land, but he
swam amazingly in the water. (B) My Efforts to Do Better
(C) My Achievement
Q6 magnificently
Q7 [sample] I think it implies that Diego and the B Step 1
penguin swam together well. [sample] Marathon
I ran a full marathon.
Q8 [sample] I think the writer was surprised and glad
to see Diego change. Step 2
Q9 [sample] I think Diego will become more confident
1. My goal was to run a full marathon.
and active.
2. I couldn’t even run three kilometers.
Q10 [sample] Two years ago, my uncle gave me an 3. I ran for one hour every day, even when it was

Answer Keys 151

raining. However, a swim with a penguin named Juan
4. I ran a full marathon. Salvado became the turning point in my school
Step 3 life. My teacher and my friends saw my swimming
[sample] abilities. After that day, I became more confident
I achieved my goal of running a full marathon. and won every race I participated in. This
When I was 15, I decided to compete in a experience helped me earn respect. Now I am no
marathon. At first, I couldn’t even run three longer shy to speak English and have made many
kilometers. However, I didn’t let my limitations hold friends.
me back. I ran for one hour every day, even when
it was raining. No matter how tired I got, I tried to
stick to my plan. As a result, I succeeded in
running a full marathon after months of training.
Lesson 2
This experience helped me realize that I can
accomplish anything as long as I keep trying and Embracing Our Differences
never give up.

Listen & Speak 1 pp.36-38

Inside Culture pp.28-29
A 1. friendly, warm, respectful
A 1. b 2. a 3. c
2. upset, hostile, uncomfortable
Harkness Table
B 1st b 2nd c
•What is a Harkness table? C Step 1
1st b 2nd c
It’s a learning method in which students sit in a
circle to talk about ideas freely, with the teacher Step 2
having little input. [sample]
•What effect does it have? 1) you didn’t understand me
Students learn how to think logically and make 2) try to listen to me
strong arguments. They also become more 3) talk to me with more respec t
confident in discussions.

Spaced Learning Listen & Speak 2 pp.39 - 41

•What is spaced learning? B 1st c 2nd c

It is a lear ning method where one concept is C Step 1
covered three times in a row. Between learning 1st b, Why Is It Good to Be Culturally Diverse?
periods are two 10-minute breaks during which
2nd 1) Broader Perspective
students refresh their brains. 2) Delicious Foods
•What effect does it have? 3) Various Festivals
Students do intense repetition separated by short
resting periods. This increases their ability to
remember information for a long time.
Before You Read p.42

B 1) (재)충전하다 2) 집중하다 3) 사교적인

Wrap Up pp.32- 33 4) 사업가 5) 위험을 감수하다

A 1. ② 2. 2, 1, 3
Reading pp.43-48
B 1. ② 2. ⓐ, have never seen → had never seen
3. At first he doubted if Diego could swim, but later Q1 1) E 2)
he realized Diego could swim magnificently. Q2 [sample] My brother is a typical introvert. He is
C [sample] reserved and thoughtful.
One of my biggest achievements was winning a Q3 She was arrested because she refused to give
swimming competition. When I first came to this her seat to a white passenger.
school, I couldn’t adapt to my new circumstances. Q4 [sample] I don’t think I could disobey the order

152 Answer Keys

because I would be afraid of getting arrested. Step 2
Q5 The purpose was to support Rosa Parks’s act of [sample]
courage. 1. I read my friend’s diary without her permission.
2. I thought we were really close. So I didn’t
Q6 It filled the people with pride and hope.
respect her privacy.
Q7 F 3. I regret betraying her trust. I hope she will
Q8 He proposed that they start a business together. forgive me and try to trust me again.
Q9 small talk, social skills Step 3
After You Read pp.49-50 Dear Jina,

A 1) internal 2) being alone 3) external 4) socializing I would like to apologize for the mistake I made
5) shy and mild-mannered the other day. I read your diary without your
6) assertive and sociable
The reason I acted that way was because I
7) inventor 8) entrepreneur thought we were really close. So I didn’t respect
9) complement 10) partnerships your privacy. I shouldn’t have behaved that way,
B 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F and I realized the closer I am to others, the more I
should respect them.
C a
I regret betraying your trust. I promise nothing
like this will ever happen again. I hope you will
Discovering Grammar p.51
forgive me and try to trust me again. Once again,
Point 1 I’m truly sorry.
Practice Your friend,
1. the weather to be chilly and foggy Hyeri
2. him to exercise regularly
Find More Inside Culture pp.54-55

p.44, L11 Then the driver ordered her to give her seat Before You Begin
to a white passenger.
[sample] Take off your shoes when you enter a house.
Point 2 A 1. ear 2. palm 3. thumb 4. feet
1. was my sister that [who] spread the rumor Wrap Up pp.58 - 59

2. is Europe that Bill wants to go to for a holiday A 1. ③ 2. ⓐ ③, ⓑ ②, ⓒ ①

3. was a skirt that she bought as a gift for her aunt B 1. ③ 2. ② 3. [sample] had the courage to
Find More resist injustice

p.48, L2 It was these features of his introverted C [sample]

personality that enabled him to focus on Dear Mom,
inventing things.
I would like to apologize for speaking so rudely
to you last night. I was so obsessed with my
Write pp.52- 53
friend’s birthday present that I didn’t really know
A (A) Description of the Situation what I was saying. Even so, I should have been
(B) Explanation and Apology more considerate with my words. I regret my
thoughtless actions, and I promise nothing like this
(C) Promise and Wish
will ever happen again. I hope you will forgive me.
B Step 1
[sample] Friend’s name: Jina Your loving daughter,
What happened: I read her diary without Yeji
her permission.

Answer Keys 153

was a good way to help because many people
Lesson 3 could see it.

We Are All Connected

After You Read pp.75-76

A 1) Tigers in history and culture

Listen & Speak 1 pp.62- 64
2) Why we need to protect tigers
B 1st c 2nd a a) worshipped b) habitat c) interconnected
C Step 1 d) umbrella species e) climate change
1st b f) environmentally
2nd 1) read 2) core values 3) helpful 4) healthier B 1. still remain 2. decrease 3. large 4. threatens
Step 2
[sample] 1) help him feel less lonely Discovering Grammar p.77
2) give them fresh vegetables Point 1
3) help him run the farm Practice
1. Be careful when turning on the stove.
Listen & Speak 2 pp.65 - 67
2. While wandering along the street, I saw a band
A 1. c 2. a 3. b playing music.
B 1st b 2nd c Find More
C Step 1 p.69, L7 Imagine how ancient people must have felt
1st smaller 2nd c when encountering tigers in the wild!
p.74, L1 You can also protect tigers when shopping.
Before You Read p.68
Point 2
A [sample] The animals are endangered species. I Practice
feel sad and sorry that the animals are in danger of 1. could 2. were
Find More
B 1) shrinking 2) extinct 3) Electricity 4) fossil fuels
p.72, L5 As a result, the other species …, are protected
5) interconnected 6) rely on too, as if there were a large umbrella being
held over them.
Reading pp.69 - 74

Q1 They symbolize power and courage. Write pp.78 -79

Q2 It is decreasing because of illegal hunting and A (A) Topic of the Graph

habitat loss. (B) Description of the Graph
Q3 [sample] I think it is shrinking because humans (C) Findings from the Graph
are destroying the forests.
B Step 1
Q4 [sample] I think the writer feels worried about it 1. Topic of the Graph
and responsible for it.
how much greenhouse gas was emitted by each
Q5 increases, disappear, ecosystem [planet] source in the US in 2014
Q6 F 2. Description of the Graph
Q7 fossil fuels - the largest source of greenhouse gas
emissions: electricity production
Q8 Carbon dioxide, Climate change,
- the second-largest source: transportation
Sea levels [Earth’s oceans], tigers
- other sources: industry, commercial and
Q9 Its purpose is to encourage readers to get residential areas, agriculture
involved in protecting endangered species.
3. Findings from the Graph
Q10 [sample] I saw one on social media. It was [sample] Electricity production and transportation
about illegally killed rhinos in Africa. I think it accounted for over half of greenhouse gas

154 Answer Keys

emissions in 2014. Listen & Speak 2 pp.91- 93
Step 2
A 1. b 2. a 3. c
This graph shows how much greenhouse gas
B 1st a 2nd b
was emitted by each source in the US in 2014. C Step 1
According to the graph, the largest source of 1st b 2nd c
greenhouse gas emissions was electricity
production, accounting for 30.3%. The second- Before You Read p.94
largest source was transportation at 26.3%,
followed by industry at 21.3%. Commercial and B 1) heritage 2) colonial 3) independence
residential areas made up 12.3%, followed by 4) breathtaking
agriculture at 9.1%. From this graph, we can see
that electricity production and transportation Reading pp.95 -100
accounted for over half of greenhouse gas
emissions in 2014.
Q1 [sample] I can infer that he loved his country and
had a sense of duty.
Q2 He bought old books, paintings, and other works
Inside Culture pp.80 - 81
of art.
A 1. b 2. c 3. a Q3 They depict the beautiful scenery of Geumgangsan
Mountain and its surrounding areas.
Wrap Up pp.84 - 85
Q4 [sample] I think its owner wasn’t aware of the
A 1. ② 2. 5, 2, 6, 3 value of protecting our cultural heritage.
B 1. ⓐ animals that tigers prey on, such as deer and Q5 [sample] I can infer that the vase was very expensive
boar ⓑ birds and insects and Kansong thought it was worth the high price.
2. ② Q6 [sample] I think they wanted to destroy Korea’s
3. [sample] Without tigers, the ecosystem would identity and spirit by destroying its language.
become unbalanced, and this would negatively
Q7 defeated
affect our lives.
Q8 F
C [sample]
Q9 [sample] respectable, great, devoted, wise, etc.
This graph shows how waste was managed in
Korea in 2014. According to the graph, the primary
method of managing waste in Korea was recycling, After You Read pp.101-102

accounting for 84.8%. The second-most common A 1) Jeong Seon 2) burned 3) cranes
method was burying in landfills at 9.1%, followed 4) National Treasure 5) creation of Hangeul
by burning at 5.8%. Dumping into the sea
accounted for 0.3%. From the graph, we can see
6) private museum 7) founded
that most waste was recycled, but some waste B 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
was still managed in ways that harm the
environment. Discovering Grammar p.103

Point 1
Lesson 4 1. a tall tower made
Build a Better World 2. the crops harvested
3. The president elected
Find More
Listen & Speak 1 pp.88 - 90
p.95, L4 Last week, I visited an exhibition of artwork
B 1st c 2nd c
and ancient items selected from the Kansong
C Step1 Art Museum’s collection.
1st b 2nd a

Answer Keys 155

p.95, L5 The exhibition included information about the Inside Culture pp.106 -107
man who gathered all of the artwork displayed
A 1. b 2. c 3. a

p.96, L1 As soon as I walked in, I could not help but

admire some ink-and-water paintings by
Wrap Up pp.110 -111

Jeong Seon, a famous Korean artist also A 1. ② 2. 4, 3, 2

known as Gyeomjae. B 1. ③ 2. ①
p.96, L3 These paintings were kept in an album called 3. It is because we wouldn’t know the origins and
the Haeak jeonsincheop. fundamentals of Hangeul without the
Hunminjeongeum Haerye.
Point 2
C [sample]
A Historical Site in Korea: Hahoe Folk Village
1. have got(ten) lost
Today, I want to tell you about Hahoe Folk
2. have completed
Village, a traditional village from the Joseon
3. have been Dynasty. The village, bordered by the Nakdonggang
Find More River, is located in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do. It
p.95, L17 Without his actions, they would have been is famous for well-preserved traditional houses.
destroyed or taken overseas. T h e v i l l a g e o ff e r s a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s m a k i n g
traditional masks and watching mask dances.
p.99, L7 Without it, the origins and fundamentals of
When I visited this village, I was surprised to see
Hangeul would have been lost to history.
how well the old houses were preserved. Why
don’t you visit it sometime?
Write pp.104 -105

A (A) Title of the Post

(B) Introducing the Historical Site
Lesson 5
(C) Details of the Historical Site
B Step 1
Look, Think, and Create!
[sample] Yeongneung
Step 2 Listen & Speak 1 pp.114 -116
B 1st b 2nd c
1. I would like to introduce Yeongneung. It is
located in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do. C Step 1
2. It is the place where the tomb of King Sejong 1st c 2nd b
and his wife, Queen Soheon, is located.
3. I felt thankful to King Sejong. Listen & Speak 2 pp.117-119

Step 3 A 1. a 2. c 3. b
B 1st c 2nd b
Today, I want to tell you about Yeongneung. It’s
located in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do.
C Step 1
It is the place where the tomb of King Sejong 1. 1) nature 2) hooks
and his wife, Queen Soheon, is located. King 2. 1) T 2) F
Sejong is considered one of the most outstanding
kings of the Joseon Dynasty. He made many Before You Read p.120
scientific, technological, artistic, and administrative
innovations, the most notable of which was the A 1. [sample] a. a mushroom b. a lotus flower
invention of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. 2. [sample] a. The Mushroom House
When I visited Yeongneung, I felt thankful to b. The Floating Flower
King Sejong. Why don’t you visit it sometime?
B 1) 놀라운 2) 천장 3) 비추다 4) 건설, 공사

156 Answer Keys

Reading pp.121-126
4) fantasy 5) amazing
Step 2
Q1 It is the act of creating things based on nature.
Q2 They resemble fruits.
October 27, 2014
Q3 [sample] I think it’s because he thought nature is Interstellar Director Talks about the Inspiration
full of beauty and marvels.
for the Movie’s Mind-Blowing Scenes
Q4 ② By Min Ayeong
Q5 F The premiere for the movie Interstellar was held
Q6 ③ in Los Angeles on October 26. It is an American
movie directed by Christopher Nolan. It is about a
Q7 cool, fresh
group of astronauts who travel through space in
search of a new home for humanity. At the premiere,
After You Read pp.127-128
the director said he was inspired by M.C.
A biomimicry 2) curved 3) functional 4) termite
1) Escher’s work of art Relativity. He said, “The work
mounds 5) cool 6) money 7) environment of art made me think of a fantasy world that could
exist outside normal time and space.” People who
B 1. unfinished 2. trees 3. rises up
have seen Interstellar say it is one of the most
4. conventional
amazing movies ever.

Discovering Grammar p.129

Inside Culture pp.132 -133
Point 1
A 1. b 2. c 3. a
1. Made 2. Amazed 3. Drained Wrap Up pp.136 -137
Find More
A 1. ① 2. 4, 3, 5, 2
p.123, L6 Inspired by trees, Gaudi gave the columns
B 1. ② 2. ③
a single base that splits off into branches
C [sample]
near the top.
September 30, 2018
Point 2 Trolls: An Imaginative Story Inspired by a Toy
Practice By Lee Juyeon
1. The flight was delayed again, which made me Trolls is a popular American, 3D computer-
upset. animated, musical-adventure film directed by Mike
Mitchell and Walt Dohrn. It is about a group of
2. She retired from her job, which allowed her to have
trolls who must save their village from danger. The
more free time.
trolls are small, happy creatures with colorful hair.
3. Tom goes jogging every day, which keeps him When larger creatures invade their village to eat
healthy. them, the trolls try to find a way to survive. The
Find More characters were inspired by the dolls that Danish
p.126, L1 More importantly, the Eastgate Centre uses woodcutter Thomas Dam made for his daughters
far less energy than other buildings, which as Christmas gifts. Many people who have seen
saves money and helps protect the Trolls say that it is a funny and imaginative movie
environment from pollution. with incredible music.

Write pp.130 -131

A 1) Inside Out 2) Pete Docter

3) personified emotions 4) parenting
5) imaginative
B Step 1
1) astronauts 2) humanity 3) work of art

Answer Keys 157

Special Lesson
Coach Carter

Before You Read p.140

A [sample] Life is a journey, not a destination.

Reading pp.141-147

Q1 He thought the team’s problem was that the

players lacked respect for themselves.
Q2 It stated that the players would attend all of their
classes and maintain a 2.3 grade point average.
Q3 He ignored Carter and was disrespectful.
Q4 [sample] I don’t think he realized how important it
was to respect the coach.
Q5 He told Cruz to do 1,000 push-ups and 1,000 laps
around the gym by Friday.
Q6 [sample] I think he wanted to see whether Cruz
had really made up his mind to follow his directions.
Q7 He found out that some of the players had been
skipping classes and getting failing grades.
Q8 He told them respecting the rules and taking
responsibility for their behavior is more important.
Q9 She disapproved of Carter’s locking the gym and
thought that he shouldn’t take basketball away
from the students.
Q10 He was trying to teach the players discipline.
Q11 They were studying together.
Q12 [sample] I think he meant that the players had
grown up enough to take responsibility for their

After You Read pp.148 -149

A 1) lock 2) responsibility 3) winning 4) respect

5) attend 6) maintain 7) resign 8) fulfill
Order: c → b → a → d
B 1. Carter 2. Garrison 3. Cruz 4. Carter

158 Answer Keys

Transcripts & Subtitles fantastic. If you get a failing grade, you think,
“I’m a loser.” However, if your grade is “Not
Yet,” you understand that you’re still on a
learning path. It gives you hope for the future. In
Lesson 1 other words, it makes you have a “growth
mindset.” With a growth mindset, you understand
A Spark in You your abilities are still growing. You become more
confident and steadier when you face challenges.
So, if you’re not good at something now, it’s
| Video| p.8
important to believe that it’s not your limit. Look
Do you ever feel / Like a plastic bag / toward the future and make an effort, and you’ll
Drifting through the wind / Wanting to start again / find yourself making progress.
Do you ever feel / Feel so paper-thin /
Like a house of cards / One blow from caving in / Listen & Speak 2 pp.13 -15
Do you ever feel / Already buried deep / Six feet
under / Screams but no one seems to hear a thing / B. Learn It
Do you know that there’s / Still a chance for you / G: What are you reading?
’Cause there’s a spark in you / B: I’m reading Don Quixote, a novel by Miguel de
You just gotta ignite the light / And let it shine / Cervantes. Have you read it?
Just own the night / Like the Fourth of July / G: Yes. I’ve read it twice. Do you know how old
’Cause baby, you’re a firework / Cervantes was when Don Quixote was published?
Come on show them what you’re worth / B: I haven’t got a clue.
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh” / G: He was 57. He earned his reputation as a writer
As you shoot across the sky / late in life.
Baby, you’re a firework / B: Aha. He was a late bloomer.
Come on let your colors burst / G: Yes. He wrote some other novels before Don
Make them go, “Oh, oh, oh” / Quixote, but they didn’t get much attention. He
You’re gonna leave them all in awe, awe, awe suffered from constant financial and physical
hardships in his thirties and forties.
Listen & Speak 1 pp.10 -12 B: But he endured those hard times and wrote this
B. Learn It
G: You’re right. I think that shows it’s never too late
G: Let’s go watch a movie. to reach our potential.
B: Sorry. I’m not really in the mood. I failed my
piano audition again. This was the third time. C. Use It
G: Don’t be discouraged. There’s always next time.
Step 1
B: Yes, but I don’t think I have any talent for music.
G: Don’t think that way. You have potential! As M: This week’s movie is One Chance. It is based on
long as you keep trying, you’ll eventually succeed. the true story of Paul Potts, who was shy and
B: Do you really think so? bullied but had a talent for singing opera. He
G: Sure. Just believe in yourself! sang in church choirs and was determined to
B: Thanks. I feel much better now. become an opera singer. However, his dream
almost ended when a world-famous opera singer
C. Use It told him that he wasn’t talented enough. After
that, he battled cancer and nearly died in a
Step 1
bicycle accident. At the age of 37, however, he
W: Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Carol Dweck, a auditioned for a TV show called Britain’s Got
professor and researcher of psychology. Recently, Talent. His singing impressed the judges, and he
I heard about a special school. In this school, if eventually won the show. One Chance will touch
students don’t pass a class, they aren’t given an your heart with the tale of a man who refused to
F. Instead, their grade is “Not Yet.” I think that’s quit despite facing difficulties and proved that

Transcripts & Subtitles 159

you should never give up on yourself. He is mad at me.
B: That’s too bad. What did you do?
Discovering Grammar p.25 G: He showed me his new shoes this morning, but
Point 2 they looked ridiculous to me.
B: You didn’t make fun of them, did you?
For all those times you stood by me
G: As a matter of fact, I did. Who wears yellow shoes?
For all the truth that you made me see
They looked like huge bananas!
For all the joy you brought to my life
B: Amy, everyone has their own taste. You should
For all the wrong that you made right
respect it. In my opinion, you should call Dylan
For every dream you made come true
right away and apologize to him.
For all the love I found in you
G: Okay. I will.
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
C. Use It
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through, through it all Step 1
W: Tell me about your problem.
Wrap Up pp.32- 33 B: Well, I had a fight with my father.
A W: What happened?
B: I was playing a computer game in my room when
my dad came in to talk to me. It was a really
B: Hello, Susan. Do you have a minute? important part of the game. So I said, “Not now,
G: Sure, David. Dad!”
B: Would you draw an advertisement poster for our W: How did your father react?
club’s performance? B: He got upset. He said I play games too often. He
G: I’m really sorry. I don’t think I have the skill to even threatened to take away my computer.
do that. You should look for a more appropriate W: Do you think he overreacted to the situation?
person. B: Yes. I had only been playing for half an hour.
B: What are you talking about? I think you’re the W: It is frustrating when your parents don’t seem to
best artist in our school. understand you. However, your father probably
G: That’s nice of you to say, but this morning I felt you were being disrespectful. In my opinion,
found out that I didn’t win the district drawing you should talk with him about the situation.
contest. Explain why you acted that way and tell him
B: Don’t be discouraged. All of us know that you how you want him to treat you.
are a talented artist. B: I see. Thank you.
G: What if my drawing doesn’t help our club attract W: My pleasure. You’re always welcome in the school
people to the performance? counseling room.
B: Don’t worry. I’m sure your drawing will be
Listen & Speak 2 pp.39 - 41
G: Okay. I’ll try. Thank you for encouraging me.
B. Learn It
G: Nick, I heard that your team won first prize in
the science contest. Congratulations!
Lesson 2 B: Thank you, Jane.
G: It must have been difficult! How did your team
Embracing Our Differences do it?
B: Well, we worked together very well! Each person
had a different strength. Patrick suggested ideas
Listen & Speak 1 pp.36 - 38
since he is creative, and Kate made presentation
B. Learn It slides since she is artistic.
B: Amy, you look concerned. What’s wrong? G: I see! You gave the presentation since you are a
G: Actually, I’m having a little trouble with Dylan. good speaker, right?

160 Transcripts & Subtitles

B: Yes. I think we did well because we all have amusement park.
different strengths and interests. G: Is there something wrong with the picture?
G: That’s true! People who are different can really B: Nothing. Bill looks really handsome in it, but he
complement one another. says he wants me to take it down.
G: It seems he hates it when his pictures are made
C. Use It public. In my opinion, you should remove the
Step 1 picture.
M: Recently, a research team surveyed 50 high
school students. The students were asked to
name a positive effect of cultural diversity. The
Lesson 3
most common response was that cultural
diversity helps us perceive the world more We Are All Connected
broadly. Twenty-one students said this was the
reason why they enjoyed interacting with other
cultures. The second-most common answer was Listen & Speak 1 pp.62- 64

getting to eat delicious foods from different B. Learn It

countries. Next, there were ten students who said B: Ouch! [Pause] Did you see that? A man bumped
cultural diversity makes the community more right into me and just kept walking.
dynamic. They said that where there are different G: How annoying! He didn’t even slow down.
cultures, there are more new things to see and B: At least he could have stopped and said, “I’m
do. Finally, six students think getting to sorry.”
experience various festivals is an advantage of G: You’re right. We should be more thoughtful of
cultural diversity. What is your opinion? one another because we’re living together in a
Whatever it is, it is important to have an open mind community.
and to respect different cultures. B: I agree with you. Well, I guess we all need to try
harder. That includes you and me.
Inside Culture pp.54-55
G: Exactly. It starts with us. I’m going to show
A. Listen to Culture more consideration from now on.
1. In Italy, do not touch your ear in front of someone.
It can be interpreted as insulting the person. C. Use It
2. In Argentina, hitting the palm of your left hand Step 1
with your right fist means “I don’t believe what W: Good afternoon. I’m standing in front of a
you are saying” or “That’s silly.” nursing home for the elderly. This seemingly
3. In Malaysia, do not point at people with your ordinary nursing home has drawn people’s
forefinger. It is rude. Instead, use the thumb of attention by joining with a preschool. At first,
your right hand with your four other fingers the goal was to make the seniors feel more lively
folded. and less isolated by placing them in programs
4. In Dubai, do not show the soles of your feet. It is shared with young students. However, both
offensive. groups have benefited. In one of the programs,
each child is matched with a senior. Then they
Wrap Up pp.58-59
read books aloud to each other. Helping the
A children read reminds the seniors that they can
1 still help others. Meanwhile, the kids benefit by
becoming better readers. Other programs include
G: Charlie, you look a little bit upset. What’s up?
physical activities. By playing with the kids, the
B: Hi, Cindy. Bill got angry with me because I
seniors can improve their health. The kids learn
posted a picture on social media.
core values, such as responsibility and respect.
G: What picture was that?
This unique partnership shows how people can
B: It was just a picture of Bill and me taken in an
help one another and live better together.

Transcripts & Subtitles 161

Listen & Speak 2 pp.65 - 67 | Video|
Endangered Species
B. Learn It
There are over 15,000 endangered species that are
G: Hey! How was your trip? on the verge of extinction, and humans are the main
B: It was fun! I went on an eco-tour. cause of their endangerment. We are taking away
G: An eco-tour? Could you explain what that is? their homes and ruining their habitats. We need to
B: It’s a kind of tourism. It helps people understand protect them and prevent their extinction.
and enjoy nature without harming it. Unfortunately, One in four mammals, one in eight birds, and one in
regular tourism often has a negative effect on the three amphibians are endangered. These innocent
environment. animals need our help. We must stop unnecessary
G: Oh, I see. Then how was your trip different from hunting and stop destroying their homes.
a regular tour?
Black Rhino / Vaquita / Black Spider Monkey /
B: I tried to make more responsible decisions. I
Blue Whale / Hector’s Dolphin / Sea Lion / Tiger
chose hostels that use renewable energy, and I
traveled around by bicycle. Also, I didn’t participate This is just a small sample of the animals on the
in programs that harm animals. endangered list. Help stop extinction. “Endangered”
G: I get it. I guess there’s more to traveling than just means there is still time.
having fun.
B: Yes. Earth is home for all of us, so we should take Wrap Up pp.84 - 85

care of it. A
C. Use It
B: Hi, Subin. What are you reading?
Step 1 G: I’m reading an article about urban mining.
W: Today, we are going to talk about ecological B: Oh, I’ve never heard of that. Could you explain
footprints with Professor Eric Wright. First, what that is?
could you explain what an ecological footprint G: According to the article, electronic products are
is? dumped in large quantities every year. However, lots
M: Certainly. An ecological footprint is an index of components in them can be reused. Urban mining
that shows how much of an impact we have on is the process of finding and making use of them.
the environment. B: That sounds great! That way, we can reduce
W: I see. So, the bigger the footprint, the bigger the waste and save the environment.
impact? G: We can also cut down on expenses from producing
M: Precisely. The average person’s ecological footprint and importing metal.
nowadays is so big that the environment can’t B: Wow, it seems like reusing resources can do a lot
recover and heal itself. of good.
W: Really? What about the footprint of the average
Korean? Is it big?
M: Yes, and it’s getting bigger every year. The main
reasons are the use of fossil fuels, higher energy
Lesson 4
consumption, and the increased demand for
meat. We need to shrink our footprints! Build a Better World
W: Yes. We should remember we share Earth with
many other species and also with future
| Video| p.86
M: That’s right! You might say that it is impossible to change the
W: Thank you for coming on the show. world or that you don’t have the power to. However,
many great things have modest beginnings, just like a
Before You Read p.68 great journey starts with the first step, like a beautiful
dress comes from a piece of thread, and the building
A. Topic Preview
of a house begins with laying a brick.

162 Transcripts & Subtitles

Start with something small, something you can do G: Minjun, have you chosen a topic for your history
today. Make the people around you happy. Plant a report?
seed that will grow into a tree of hope. Then, when B: Yes. I’ve decided to write about Songam.
you look around, you will see a whole different G: Who is Songam?
world. B: He invented the Korean Braille system, a reading
and writing system for blind people.
Listen & Speak 1 pp.88 - 90 G: Wow! What made him do that?
B. Learn It B: He taught blind students when Korea was ruled
by Japan. He didn’t want to teach them the Japanese
B: Hey, Sumi. What are you doing this weekend?
Braille system. So he developed a Korean one and
G: Hi, Junho. I’m going to do some volunteer work.
named it Hunmaengjeongeum.
B: Oh, what kind of work are you doing?
G: What a great person!
G: I get my voice recorded while reading books
B: Yes. He also offered an education to blind students
aloud. Then, people who have trouble reading
who could not afford to attend school.
can listen to the books.
G: They must have been very grateful to him.
B: That’s a brilliant way to contribute. You have
B: They were. He is sometimes called the King
such a beautiful voice.
Sejong of visually challenged people.
G: Thanks! I’m glad that I can be helpful to someone.
B: I wish I could do something like that, too.
C. Use It
G: Let me think. Why don’t you teach elementary
school students math? You like children and are
Step 1
good at math. M: I’m chef Daniel Wood. I want to make a real
B: Sounds good! I’ll have to look up some information difference, but I need your help. The world is
about where I can do that. facing a major health problem. Currently, there
are millions of children around the world under
C. Use It the age of five who are overweight. We need to
Step 1 initiate small changes to fix this urgent problem.
You can start by signing this petition. It shows
B: We’re going to be late for school!
that you advocate educating kids about food in
G: Should we run or wait for the bus?
schools around the world. All children have the
B: Why don’t we wait? This app says the bus will
right to be happy and healthy. This basic education
arrive in two minutes.
will help them lead better lives. This is something
G: Okay. I’m glad that we have this app. It’s really
that I passionately believe in. Food education
convenient and practical.
can make a big difference in millions of young
B: I heard that the inventor was a high school
lives. Please get involved. We can’t succeed
student when he made it.
without your help.
G: You mean he was our age? Wow! I wonder how
he conceived of the idea for it.
Discovering Grammar p.103
B: Just like us, he needed to know when the bus
would arrive so he could get to school on time. Point 2
He thought, “What if I used my programming G: I am honored to receive this year’s school
knowledge to make a mobile app?” So he did! volunteerism award. I want to thank my teacher,
G: That’s awesome. He used his talent to improve Mr. Johnson. Without his encouragement, I
his daily life. would not have started volunteering at local
B: Yes, and he offered the app to the public for free. libraries. I also want to ask my fellow students to
G: I’m really grateful that he did. Look, the bus is volunteer in our community. Without volunteers,
coming! The app saved us! our community could not have become such a
lovely place. Thank you so much for this award,
Listen & Speak 2 pp.91- 93 and I hope that you will all join me in
volunteering in our community.
B. Learn It

Transcripts & Subtitles 163

Wrap Up pp.110 -111 usually an unexpected event that happens like a
sudden flash. It can be caused by an object, a
person, or an ordinary experience. You can get
inspired while you’re working out or reading
G: Josh, did you hear that the children’s center books. As in the famous case of the Greek scientist
across from our school is looking for volunteers? Archimedes, inspiration can even come while
B: No. For what activity? bathing! To summarize, inspiration is everywhere.
G: Do you remember the white walls around the So, the next time you need a creative solution to
entrance? The center wants volunteers to paint a problem, why don’t you start by simply opening
pictures on them. Why don’t you apply? your eyes? The answers you need are all around
B: Sounds interesting. I like to paint. you!
G: Yeah, that’s why I’m telling you. You can help
make a lively environment for the children there.
Listen & Speak 2 pp.117 -119
B: Cool. I’ll call the center right now and get more
information. Thanks! B. Learn It
G: What are you doing, David?
B: I’m reading an article about how the airbag was
Lesson 5 G: Sounds interesting. Can you explain it to me?
B: The airbag was invented by John Hetrick. He
Look, Think, and Create! was inspired to invent it after crashing his car
while out on a drive with his wife and daughter
Listen & Speak 1 pp.114 -116 in 1952.
G: Oh, no! They weren’t hurt, were they?
B. Learn It B: Well, his daughter wasn’t seriously hurt because
B: Hey, Julie. Did you have a nice weekend? Hetrick protected her with his arms. This scary
G: Hi, Tyler. I just stayed at home and relaxed. You experience inspired him to create the airbag.
went to Stacy Barrett’s book signing, right? I saw G: Wow. It’s surprising that he turned a bad experience
the photos on your social media page. into an opportunity!
B: Yes. I read her new book and found it very B: Yes, it is. We can get ideas even from car accidents.
G: What’s it about? C. Use It
B: It’s about creativity. The author explains how to Step 1
think creatively.
G: Jinho, look at my new sneakers!
G: That sounds useful. Can you give me some
B: Wow, they have Velcro on them! That must be
advice on how to come up with good ideas?
B: Well, you can start a conversation about a topic
G: Yeah, it is. Did you know that Velcro was inspired
you’re interested in. According to the book, you
by nature?
can sometimes get unexpected ideas when
B: What do you mean?
listening to others.
G: In the 1940s, a Swiss engineer went for a walk to
G: Thanks for the tip!
the woods with his dog. Afterwards, he noticed
burrs clinging to his clothes and the dog’s fur.
C. Use It
He studied the burrs and discovered that tiny
Step 1 hooks enabled them to grab onto clothes. He then
M: When you hear the word “inspiration,” you might used this knowledge to invent Velcro.
think it’s something only artists or designers B: It’s surprising that people can find useful ideas
need. However, all of us face situations that from nature!
require new ideas, such as planning a school
event or making a poster. These are the times Write pp.130 -131
when you need inspiration. Being inspired is

164 Transcripts & Subtitles

B. Write Your Own
Step 1
W: Hello, everyone. I’m at the Horizon Theater in
Los Angeles. The premiere of the movie
Interstellar is being held here. Let’s hear from
the director, Christopher Nolan. Nice to meet
you, Mr. Nolan.
M: Nice to meet you, too. I’m happy to be here.
W: Please tell us what your movie is about.
M: It is about a group of astronauts who travel
through space in search of a new home for
humanity. The characters discover a place that
consists of five dimensions.
W: What a unique idea! How did you create the
M: I was inspired by a work of art by M.C. Escher
called Relativity. The work of art made me think
of a fantasy world that could exist outside
normal time and space.
W: I see. Audiences are saying it’s one of the most
amazing movies ever. I hope it will be a big hit.
M: Thank you.

Inside Culture pp.132 -133

Before You Begin

Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer’s day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Wrap Up pp.136 -137

B: Hi, Clara. You look worried. Is there a problem?
G: I have to write a creative essay by next week, but
I’m stuck. Can you give me some advice?
B: Well, I try several things to get inspiration. First,
I simply go outside and move to activate my
brain. Maybe you can go for a walk to a nearby
G: I’ll try that. What else can I do?
B: Books are always a good source of unique ideas.
Try reading some.
G: Okay, I’ll put that on my list too.

Transcripts & Subtitles 165


Lesson 1 •Adapted from
Tom Michell, The Penguin Lessons, Penguin Random House LLC, pp. 177-192, 2015
Lesson 2 •Adapted from
Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Penguin
Random House LLC, pp. 1-3, pp. 10-11, p. 82, p. 168, 2012
•Reprinted with the permission of
Walter Isaacson, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created
the Digital Revolution, Simon & Schuster, Inc., p. 347, p. 351, 2014
Lesson 3 •
Lesson 4 • h t t p : / / i s s u u . c o m / t h e _ k o r e a _ f o u n d a t i o n / d o c s / k o r e a n a _ s u m m e r _ 2 0 1 4 _ _
english__215792b9ea6138/1?e=6651366/14011587, The Korea Foundation, Koreana
Summer 2014 (English), pp. 32-37, 2014
•, The Korea
Times, 2015. 05. 21.
Lesson 5 •
Forbes, 2011. 05. 12.
Special Lesson


p.130 •Adapted from, Screen Rant, 2015. 06. 19.
p.131 •Adapted from
h t t p s : / / w w w. y a h o o . c o m / m o v i e s / i n t e r s t e l l a r - l a b y r i n t h - a n d - 4 - o t h e r - f i l m s -
*집필진의 직접 집필인 경우 출처를 밝히지 않았음.
166 Sources
p.78 •Adapted from
International Energy Agency, Excerpt from Electricity information 중 Figure 2: World
gross electricity production, by source, 2014, p. 3, 2016
p.79 •Adapted from
main-text.pdf, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2014 중 Table 2-10: U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allocated
to Economic Sectors, pp. 97-98, 2016
p.85 •Adapted from, 환경부, 전국 폐기물 발생 및 처리
현황 (2014년도 ) 중 표 7. 폐기물의 연도별 처리 방법의 변화, p. 23, 2015

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• h t t p : / / w w w. c h a . g o . k r / k o r e a / h e r i t a g e / s e a r c h / C u l r e s u l t _ D b _ Vi e w. j s p ? m c = N S _
•h t t p : / / w w w . c h a . g o . k r / k o r e a / h e r i t a g e / s e a r c h / C u l r e s u l t _ D b _ V i e w .
• h t t p : / / w w w. c h a . g o . k r / k o r e a / h e r i t a g e / s e a r c h / C u l r e s u l t _ D b _ Vi e w. j s p ? m c = N S _
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• h t t p : / / w w w. c h a . g o . k r / k o r e a / h e r i t a g e / s e a r c h / C u l r e s u l t _ D b _ Vi e w. j s p ? m c = N S _
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p.132 •
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*출처 표시를 안 한 사진 및 삽화 등은 저작자 및 발행사에서 저작권을 가지고 있는 경우임.

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김성곤 서울대학교 영어영문학과 윤진호 동덕여자고등학교 구은영 前 동덕여자고등학교
전형주 선린인터넷고등학교 서정환 여의도고등학교 이후고 용산고등학교
김윤자 구일고등학교 김지연 ㈜ NE능률 교과서개발연구소 백수자 ㈜ NE능률 교과서개발연구소
* 교과서 전체 단원 공동 집필

•심의위원장: 유범(충북대학교)
•간사 : 정채관(한국교육과정평가원)
•연구위원 : <내용조사> 노윤오(인천원당고등학교) 변정희(창원중앙고등학교) 이지연(총신대학교)
홍현경(청주여자고등학교) Amy Ahn(서울과학기술대학교) Gregory Thompson(서울과학기술대학교)
Jo-Anna Lynch(서울과학기술대학교) 홍지희(일신여자중학교)
<어휘검색> 임경진(산본고등학교)
<표기・ 표현> 오재혁(건국대학교) 소재민(전북외국어고등학교) 정수현(건국대학교)
정유남(서울교육대학교) 최선영(곤양고등학교) 하영우(카이스트)
•검정위원 : 김태국(인제고등학교) 민병천(서울대학교) 박보라미(온양용화고등학교)
이석재(연세대학교) 이해동(동국대학교사범대학부속여자고등학교)
정규태(한남대학교) 정보선(광주문정여자고등학교) 홍신철(부산외국어대학교)

박진용 검정심사관리위원회 위원장 김종윤 검정심사관리위원회 기획위원 이준석 검정심사관리위원회 심사운영팀장
차조일 검정심사관리위원회 기획위원 대표 전훈 검정심사관리위원회 기획지원 이상준 검정심사관리위원회 운영위원
이근호 검정심사관리위원회 기획위원 정학준 검정심사관리위원회 운영위원 대표 허재영 검정심사관리위원회 운영위원
안종욱 검정심사관리위원회 기획위원 피교철 검정심사관리위원회 심사지원팀장 임동주 검정심사관리위원회 운영위원
윤지훈 검정심사관리위원회 기획위원 양미경 검정심사관리위원회 심사진행팀장

기획 및 편집 박효빈, 이윤주 디자인 디자인샐러드 맥편집 ㈜이츠북스

일러스트레이션 조명은, 홍승표, 하선경, 유환영, 강승원, 박응식
교육부의 위탁을 받아 한국교육과정평가원이 검정 심사를 하였음.

High School English

2018. 3. 1. 초판 발행 2023. 3. 1. 제6쇄 발행 정가 원
지은이 김성곤 외 8인
발행인 ㈜엔이능률 (서울시 마포구 월드컵북로 396 누리꿈스퀘어 비즈니스타워 10층)
인쇄인 매일경제신문사 (서울시 중구 퇴계로 190)
ISBN 979-11-253-1926-9

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