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I chose to fully disconnect with my phone for a day.

I did this challenge while I was on a

trip to Shimoda with my family so I decided to do it there. My experience with having no phones
for a day in Shimoda was unexpected. The first thing I realized was that I couldn’t take pictures
of the trip. When I go to these kinds of trips, I have an urge to take really good pictures and look
at them in the long term instead of enjoying the experience. When I didn’t had my phone in my
pocket, it eliminated that urge of taking a good photo and instead enjoy the moment.
Surprisingly, I still remember the experience and the thoughts I had on that day and also the
small thing I did. Another thing was checking time. Every now and then I would open my phone
just to only check the time because I would do set things like taking a bath, brushing your teeth,
eat your meals, at set time and seems like days feel longer. Having no phones, I felt like some of
the things I did went past like a breeze and I did the set things whenever I felt like it. Of course
there were some disadvantages of not carrying a phone around and we miss phone calls,
messages, but that didn’t matter to me. I didn’t need to show my friends what I was doing on that
spot. I just simply enjoyed the moment that was around me and it made me forget that I had a
phone in the first place.

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