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Harvest International School, Ludhiana

09 April 2024
Inter-House English Drama Competition – 2024-25
The House Masters
Air, Earth, Fire and Water Houses.
Event Date: 27th April 2024. Venue: School
Category: Groups 3, 4 and 5 (Classes CP1-A2). Time: 11:15 -12:45
Participation guidelines (Team Event):
# Auditions for selection of participants shall be conducted and documented by the house
masters to avoid discrepancies.
# Each house shall have a minimum of 7(at least one participant from each class from PP6-
IG2 and one from A1&A2) and no more than 20 participants
# Names can be updated in the following link:
# Deadline for submitting the final list of participants to the Event In-charge is 12th of
April 2024*. (*thereafter no changes will be entertained)
# Time limit for each house shall be on a whole 22 minutes (Including setting up of
necessary props in the beginning, during change of scene and removing them after
# Time will start after the announcement of the emcee.
(No dark stage throughout 22 minutes unless it is required for the play)
# House Masters are free to choose any English play-scripts, including musicals.
Judging Criteria*:
Evaluation of each drama will be based on the following criteria:
~ Content and Creativity - 20%
~ Acting (Vocal projection and Body language) – 20%
~ Costumes and Props (Including symbols and motifs) – 20%
~ Theatrical Production (Use of stage and appropriately playing the selected situational
music) – 20%
~ Overall Impression (Team coordination and cleanliness of performance with backstage
management) – 20%

* Lighting is out of evaluation but using the available devices is encouraged.

General Instructions:
1. Order of performance will be chosen by lot, which is drawn around 13:30 pm on 24th
April 2024 in the presence of all house masters by CCA Coordinator.
2. Light design and operation will be handled by the Drama Teacher assisted by one
house member, either a student or a teacher, whoever is interested. This involvement is
voluntary and not included in the list of participants of the performing house.
3. In case of any technical glitch from microphones, audio, or light during the
performance, the duration of setting right the glitch will be exempted on the basis of
4. Audio/ Background music of the play will be handled by a House Student with the
guidance of a House Teacher.
5. Backstage Management – Either the house master or a house teacher can lead.
6. Exclusive drama practice spaces will be equally distributed among all the houses with
appropriate permission from the authority. Practice Schedule will be shared with the house
masters on or before 15th of April 2024.
7. Every house will get two technical rehearsals (25th & 26th of April) on stage, out of
which one will be with light and sound. Makeup and costume time for each house will be 45
minutes - 1 hr. before the starting of the event. (Subject to discussion)
8. Drama Teacher will be available to help all the houses.

Event In-charge:
Mr. Benzvi Karthar Singh, Mr. Sumesh and Mr. Ajai Rai

Sd. Principal

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