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Possible Questions and Answers for Research Defense:

1. **Question:** How did you select the participants for your study, and why did you choose Senior High
School students exclusively?
**Answer:** We employed purposive sampling, focusing on Senior High School students at Mariano Untal
High School who exclusively watch Korean dramas. This specific selection criteria allowed for a focused
investigation into the impact of these dramas on academic performance, social interactions, and cultural
perspectives among this particular group.
2. **Question:** Can you elaborate on the ethical considerations in your research, especially concerning
voluntary participation and informed consent?
**Answer:** We emphasized the importance of voluntary participation, ensuring that respondents engaged
willingly. Informed consent was obtained by providing comprehensive information about the research's
purpose, potential implications, and effects on students, their families, and the broader school community.
3. **Question:** How did you ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants in your study?
**Answer:** The identity and privacy of participants were safeguarded by handling any data or information
that could lead to identification with utmost confidentiality. This approach was crucial given the potentially
sensitive nature of the research.
4. **Question:** Why did you choose a Phenomenological approach, and how does it contribute to
understanding students' experiences with Korean dramas?
**Answer:** Phenomenology, as a research method, allows for an in-depth exploration of students' lived
experiences with Korean dramas. It aligns with the study's objective of gaining profound insights into the
subjective dimensions of students' engagement with these dramas, focusing on their academic performance,
social interactions, and cultural perspectives.
5. **Question:** How did you ensure the reliability of your data, particularly in the interview process?
**Answer:** Rigorous validation and reliability of interview guides were maintained through thoughtful
design, meticulous planning, and ongoing refinement grounded in qualitative research principles. The semi-
structured interviews provided flexibility while maintaining a focus on key themes.
6. **Question:** What are the limitations of your study, and how do they impact the generalizability of your
**Answer:** The study is limited to Senior High School students at MUHS and may not capture the
experiences of other age groups. It also does not consider the influence of other forms of media beyond
Korean dramas. While providing valuable insights, the research does not assess the long-term effects of Korean
dramas but focuses on their immediate impact on students' lives.
7. **Question:** How do you plan to disseminate your research findings responsibly?
**Answer:** We commit to presenting the findings responsibly, emphasizing positive aspects while
addressing challenges. Our goal is to avoid sensationalizing or misrepresenting the experiences of students
who watch Korean dramas, ensuring a fair and accurate portrayal of the outcomes.
Semi-structured interview
-the interview has a pre-determined set of questions or schedule but as a researcher you can explore other
information. The participant is free to answer the questions tons. However, needs longer time to conduct
allowing the participant to discuss experiences or perspectives on a particular topic.

Chapter I: Introduction
Background of the Study:
1. **Question:** Why have Korean dramas become extremely popular worldwide, especially among students?
- **Answer:** Korean dramas are known for their storytelling, cultural themes, and entertainment value,
contributing to their global popularity.
2. **Question:** What gap in knowledge does this research aim to fill regarding the impact of Korean dramas
on students?
- **Answer:** The study seeks to provide detailed insights into how Korean dramas specifically affect
students, addressing the lack of in-depth research in this area.
#### Statement of the Problem:
1. **Question:** What specific aspects of academic performance are targeted by the research?
- **Answer:** The study aims to understand how watching Korean dramas affects students' study habits,
time management, and grades.
2. **Question:** How does the research plan to explore the social effects of Korean dramas on students?
- **Answer:** The study will investigate the impact of Korean dramas on students' friendships, social
interactions, and communication skills.
3. **Question:** In what areas does the research intend to examine the cultural impact of Korean dramas on
- **Answer:** The study aims to explore how Korean dramas influence students' perceptions of different
cultures and their cultural awareness.
#### Objectives of the Study:
1. **Question:** What are the primary goals of the research regarding academic performance?
- **Answer:** The study aims to investigate how Korean dramas influence students' academic performance,
including study habits, time management, and overall success.
2. **Question:** What social effects of Korean dramas will the study focus on?
- **Answer:** The research will examine the influence of Korean dramas on interpersonal relationships,
communication abilities, and cultural awareness among students.
3. **Question:** How will the study approach the examination of cultural impact?
- **Answer:** The research plans to assess the qualitative aspects of Korean dramas' cultural impact on
students, focusing on shaping perceptions of diverse cultures and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
#### Significance of the Study:
1. **Question:** Who are the main stakeholders addressed in the study's significance?
- **Answer:** The study holds significance for students, teachers, and parents at Mariano Untal High School
2. **Question:** What insights does the study aim to provide for students?
- **Answer:** It seeks to explore how Korean dramas influence students' study habits, time management,
and academic success, offering valuable insights for students to optimize their balance between studies and
3. **Question:** How will the study benefit teachers?
- **Answer:** The research aims to shed light on how teachers perceive the impact of Korean dramas on
students' performance and behavior, guiding educators in creating a conducive learning environment.
4. **Question:** What perspective of parents does the study aim to address?
- **Answer:** The research will examine how Korean dramas influence parent-child relationships and
communication dynamics, assisting parents in making informed decisions about their children's media
#### Scope and Limitation of the Study:
1. **Question:** What is the main focus of this qualitative study?
- **Answer:** The study focuses on examining students' subjective experiences regarding the effects of
Korean dramas on academic performance, social interactions, and cultural perspectives.
2. **Question:** What are the key limitations of the study?
- **Answer:** The research is limited to students at Mariano Untal High School (MUHS) and may not capture
experiences of other age groups. It also excludes the influence of other media forms beyond Korean dramas
and does not assess long-term effects, providing insights only into immediate impacts.
#### Definition of Terms:
1. **Question:** What does the term "Korean Dramas" refer to in this study?
- **Answer:** In this study, "Korean dramas" refer to television series from South Korea known for their
storytelling, cultural themes, and entertainment value.
2. **Question:** What does the term "Academic Performance" encompass?
- **Answer:** "Academic performance" includes students' subjective experiences and perceptions of grades,
study habits, time management, and overall success in school.
3. **Question:** How are "Social Effects" defined in this study?
- **Answer:** "Social effects" refer to how students subjectively perceive Korean dramas' impact on their
relationships, communication skills, and cultural awareness.
4. **Question:** What does "Cultural Impact" signify in this study?
- **Answer:** "Cultural impact" signifies how students subjectively perceive Korean dramas shaping their
perceptions of cultures and promoting cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of diversity.
5. **Question:** What is the reference point for "Mariano Untal High School (MUHS)" in the study?
- **Answer:** In this study, "Mariano Untal High School (MUHS)" refers to a public high school in Baranggay
Bagontapay, M'lang North Cotabato, Mindanao, Philippines, serving as the setting for data collection and

- **Background of the Study:** Provides context on the global popularity of Korean dramas and highlights the
lack of in-depth research on their specific impact on students. It emphasizes the significance of understanding
the influence of Korean dramas on academic performance, social interactions, and cultural perceptions among
- **Statement of the Problem:** Identifies the need to investigate how watching Korean dramas affects
students, posing three specific research questions related to academic performance, social interactions, and
cultural awareness.
- **Objectives of the Study:** Outlines three main goals: examining the academic impact, exploring social
effects, and assessing cultural influence of Korean dramas on students.
- **Significance of the Study:** Describes the importance of the study for students, teachers, and parents at
Mariano Untal High School (MUHS) by providing insights into the influence of Korean dramas on study habits,
teacher perceptions, and parent-child relationships.
- **Scope and Limitation of the Study:** Clarifies the focus on students' subjective experiences, limitations
regarding age groups and other forms of media, and the reliance on qualitative data. It also notes that the
study will not assess long-term effects but aims to provide immediate insights.
- **Definition of Terms:** Defines key terms such as "Korean Dramas," "Academic Performance," "Social
Effects," "Cultural Impact," and "Mariano Untal High School (MUHS)" to ensure clarity and consistency in the
This introduction sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the impact of Korean dramas on students in
various aspects of their lives.

Possible questions for each part of the Chapter III:

**1. Methodology:**
- **Question:** Why did you choose a Phenomenological approach for this study?
- **Answer:** The Phenomenological approach was chosen to explore in-depth the lived experiences of
students with Korean dramas, aiming to unravel the intricate ways these dramas influence academic
performance, social interactions, and cultural perspectives.
**2. Sources of Data:**
- **Question:** Why focus on Senior High School students at MUHS as the primary sources of data?
- **Answer:** Senior High School students at MUHS were chosen to capture the specific experiences and
perceptions of students in that particular context regarding the influence of Korean dramas on various aspects.
**3. Data Gathering Instrument:**
- **Question:** How will the interview process ensure flexibility while maintaining a focus on key themes?
- **Answer:** The interview process will unfold organically, allowing participants to freely share their
experiences, and the focus on key themes will be maintained through thoughtful design and ongoing
refinement grounded in qualitative research principles.
**4. Population and Sampling Technique:**
- **Question:** Why employ purposive sampling and criterion-based sampling for participant selection?
- **Answer:** Purposive sampling ensures representation of students actively engaging with Korean dramas,
and criterion-based sampling ensures a focused investigation based on specific criteria such as age range,
exclusivity, educational level, willingness to participate, and availability for interview.
**5. Procedure of the Study:**
- **Question:** What steps will be taken to obtain permissions and informed consent?
- **Answer:** Permissions will be obtained from the school administration, and informed consent
emphasizing voluntary participation and confidentiality will be sought from Senior High School Korean Drama
fans at MUHS.
**6. Ethical Considerations:**
- **Question:** How will you ensure voluntary participation and avoid coercion?
- **Answer:** The research team will create an environment that encourages participants to engage
willingly, emphasizing the importance of voluntary participation and avoiding any form of coercion.
**7. Data Analysis:**
- **Question:** Why choose thematic analysis for data analysis?
- **Answer:** Thematic analysis is chosen due to the qualitative nature of the study, allowing for the
identification of patterns and themes emerging from interviews related to academic performance, social
effects, and cultural impact.
**Methodology Explanation:**
The methodology chapter outlines the approach taken in the research study, titled “A Closer Look: How Korean
Dramas Affect Students’ Academic Performance.” It covers various aspects, including the research design,
sources of data, data gathering instrument, population and sampling technique, procedure of the study, ethical
considerations, and statistical treatment.
**Method Used:**
The research adopts a qualitative research design, specifically utilizing a Phenomenological approach. This
approach focuses on interpreting and understanding phenomena based on the meanings people attribute to
them. Qualitative in nature, it involves exploring students’ lived experiences with Korean dramas to gain
profound insights into their academic performance, social interactions, and cultural perspectives.
**Sources of Data:**
The primary data source is Senior High School students of MUHS. Through interviews and qualitative analysis,
the study aims to capture students’ subjective experiences and perceptions regarding the influence of Korean
dramas on academic performance, social interactions, and cultural perspectives.
**Data Gathering Instrument:**
Semi-structured interviews following a Phenomenological approach will be conducted. Participants will freely
share their experiences, exploring the impact of Korean dramas on study habits, time management, social
interactions, and cultural awareness. Rigorous validation and reliability of interview guides will be maintained
through thoughtful design and ongoing refinement.
**Population and Sampling Technique:**
The study focuses on Senior High School Korean Drama fans at MUHS, selecting 10 participants through
purposive sampling. Criteria include age range, exclusivity to Korean dramas, educational level, willingness to
participate, and availability for interviews.
**Procedure of the Study:**
The research begins with obtaining permissions and informed consent. Interviews will be conducted in a
conducive environment, and collected data will undergo content analysis. Member checking and debriefing
contribute to the thorough evaluation of the study.
**Ethical Considerations:**
Ethical standards emphasize voluntary participation, informed consent, confidentiality, avoiding stereotyping,
and responsible dissemination of results. The researchers commit to safeguarding participants’ well-being and
**Data Analysis:**
Thematic analysis will be employed for the qualitative data, identifying patterns and themes related to
academic performance, social effects, and cultural impact. The findings will be presented in a narrative format
to offer a comprehensive understanding of how Korean dramas impact students.

1. **Why did you conduct this study? Purpose?

- This study will be conducted to bridge the gap in understanding the specific impact of Korean dramas on
students’ lives. With their increasing popularity, especially among students, there’s a need to explore how
these dramas influence academic performance, social interactions, and cultural perceptions.
2. **Why did you choose this topic?**
- The choice of this topic stemmed from the noticeable rise in Korean drama viewership among students.
Recognizing the lack of in-depth studies on the subject, I aimed to contribute valuable insights into how these
dramas shape the lives of students at Mariano Untal High School (MUHS).
3. **What picked your interest in choosing this topic?**
- The prevalence of Korean dramas in the lives of students intrigued me. I wanted to delve into the reasons
behind their popularity and, more importantly, explore how these dramas affect various aspects of students’
academic and social experiences.
4. **How will you conduct this study?**
- Adopting a qualitative research design with a Phenomenological approach, I will conduct in-depth
interviews with Senior High School Korean Drama fans at MUHS. Through this method, I aim to capture the
subjective experiences and perceptions of students, providing a nuanced understanding of the impact of
Korean dramas on academic performance, social interactions, and cultural perspectives.

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