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S.Y. 2017-2018
• Social Networking Sites are very useful
nowadays. People, especially teenagers are
already engaged in this at their very young age.

• With the use of Social Networking Sites, we can

easily communicate to the others and with the
use of it, we can easily get information about
the social happenings.
• According to Ahn(2011), some of the bad
influences of Social Networking Sites include
being exposed to cyber-bullying, sexting, and
Facebook depression
• It also has its good benefits to the individual,
such as development of self-confidence, and it
helps us to have a socially and communicably
enhanced learning opportunities, as well as
the ability to access health information.
Background of the Study
• Social network sites are web-based services allowing
individuals to construct a semi-public or public profile in
a bounded system. And according to a poll, 22% of
teenagers log in more than 10 times a day on their
favorite Social Networking Sites, and more than a half
percentage of adolescents log more than once a day
( James, 2009). In line with this, the researchers want to
help the G11- ICT students of Recto Memorial National
High School to become aware about the influence of
Social Networking Sites to their behavior.
Research Questions
1. What are the reasons of G11-ICT students of
Recto Memorial National High School on using
Social Networking Sites in their daily lives?
2. What are the major influences of Social
Networking Sites to the behavior of Grade 11- ICT
students of Recto Memorial National High School?
3. How does Social Networking Sites influence
the behavior of G11- ICT students of Recto
Memorial National High School?
Statement of the Problem/Objectives
• To determine how the Social Networking Sites influence
the G11-ICT of Recto Memorial National High School.
• To know what are the risk of using Social Networking
Sites to the behavior of G11-ICT of Recto Memorial
National High School.
• To identify how Social Networking Sites benefitted to
the G11-ICT of Recto Memorial National High School.
• To identify how Social Networking Sites affect the
lifestyle of the students specifically the G11-ICT of
Recto Memorial National High School.
Significance of the Study
• The G11-ICT students of Recto Memorial National High
School. The students will be more aware about the influence
of Social Networking Sites to their behavior and it will help
them to know their limitations as a user of it.
• The Teachers of Recto Memorial National High School.
This study will help the teachers for them to give warning
about the usage Social Networking Sites and the influence
of it to the of G11-ICT students of Recto Memorial National
High School. And also, for them to give alternatives on how
their students will limit their usage of Social Networking
• The researchers themselves. This will serve as guide to the
researchers for them to identify and gather information
about the study and for them to inform the G11-ICT
students of Recto Memorial National High School about
the influences of Social Networking Sites to their behavior.

• The Future researchers. This study may help the future

researchers who were on the same nature and field and for
them to have credible sources that this research provides
Scope and Limitations
• This study will focus on the influence of Social
Networking Sites on the behavior of G11-ICT
students of Recto Memorial National High School.
The behavior is all about school and their behavior
of a student on their house. Also, the researchers,
respondents are only the G11-ICT students of
Recto Memorial National High School because
their track is connected on this research.
Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Influence of Social Behavior of G11-ICT of

Networking Sites Recto Memorial
National High School
• Facebook
• Instagram • Lifestyle
• Twitter • Study Habit
  • Socialization
Related Literature
• Livingstone(2008) stated that for teenagers, the online
realm may be adopted enthusiastically because it
represents their space and visible to the peer group.
• According to Lee(2009), teens are consistently seeking
for identity and Social Networking Sites assisting in
teens' search for identity.
• Erickson(1959) believes that finding identity is
necessary for adolescents because if one fails in their
search for identity, teen may experience self-doubt, role
diffusion, and role confusion.
Related Studies
• Benefits on using Social Networking Sites
Ahn (2011) states that the benefits of Social Networking Sites
for teens include having socially and communicably enhanced
learning opportunities, as well as the ability to access health
information. Social Networking Sites participation can also offer
adolescents deeper benefits that extend into their view of self,
community, and the world
• Risks on using Social Networking Sites
A Qualitative study on the impact of social media on our teens
and families stated that once “SNS depression” has set in, the
teen may become more at risk for social isolation and turn to
risky internet sites and blogs for “help” that may promote
substance abuse, unsafe sexual practices, or aggressive or self-
destructive behaviors (Clarke-Pearson, 2011).

Lee (2009) suggested that the internet and time spent on Social
Networking Sites weakens adolescents’ existing relationships with
families. This happens due to the lack of time spent with family in
the evenings and on weekends. She concludes that teens are
spending their time on Social Networking Sites instead of face-to-
face time with family.

Ahn(2011) stated that even though Social Networking Sites has

a positive effects to the behavior of teens, it also has a negative
Research Design
• The researchers utilized a descriptive research
design. The researchers made student-constructed
questionnaires about the most common Social
Networking Sites that they are using. This
includes the influence of Facebook, Instagram and
Twitter specifically.
Research Procedure
• First, the researchers choose the common
activities of teenagers that influence their
behavior. After that, the researchers choose the
respondents of their study. They end up on
choosing the G11-ICT students of Recto
Memorial National High School because the
researchers can connect ICT strand to their
topic which is all about Social Networking Sites.
Respondents of the study
• The researchers choose the ICT strand because it is somehow
connected to their topic. The total numbers of G11-ICT of
Recto Memorial National High School are one hundred thirty-
six (136) students. The ICT strand of Recto Memorial National
High School is consists of three (3) sections. The section S.A.
which consists of forty five (45) students, the section M.J.M.
Which consists of forty six (46) students and lastly, the section
M.M. Which consists of forty five(45) students. The
researchers used the whole population as their respondents for
their research to be more valid and credible and also the
researchers used selected students for the interview.
Research Instruments
• The main instrument of the researchers is the
student-constructed survey questionnaire that
they made. The survey questionnaires are
consists of fifteen (15) questions which are all
about the influences of Social Networking Sites
to their behavior. And also, they have three (3)
questions for the interview.
Chapter IV
Table 1. The Influence of Social Networking Sites to
the Behaviour of the students in their study habits.
In table 1, it is very evident that Social Networking Sites have good
and bad influences to the behavior of the student’s study habits based
on the two statements above. The first statement has a good influence
on their behavior because majority of the respondents agreed that
Social Networking Sites can encourage them to study harder by
means of communicating to their classmates and teachers.
On the other hand, the second statement has a bad influence to
their behavior because the 41.58 % of the respondents agreed that
they spend more time chatting using Social Networking Sites that
doing better things like reading. And according to Bandura(1997),
reading is essential for every individuals success. So, we should
prioritize it first rather than chatting with friends using jargons and
"jeje" words.
Table 2. The Influence of Social Networking Sites to the
Behavior of the students in their lifestyle
Social Networking Sites are very helpful in a way that many people can
interact, communicate with their friends, family, and with the other people.
And also, many people used this to be updated to different social issues. But
many teenagers really abused their power on using Social Networking Sites
without even thinking about their limitations as a user. And in statement
number 2 up to 6, it is very evident that Social Networking Sites affect their
lifestyle negatively. Some negative effects of it are the students end up
wasting their time just because of this, it turns people to be addicted and
lastly, it make teenagers lazier.
However, the statement number 1 contradicts the rest of the statements
because it shows a very positive effect that can help teenagers to cope up
with this society. And as we can see in table number 2, the equivalent scales
of the weighted means are all agree. So, despite the fact of knowing the bad
effects of Social Networking Sites, it is very clear that the students still using
this. But still, we cannot deny that it has a positive effect also.
Table 3. The Influence of Social Networking Sites to the
Behaviour of the students in their socialization.
Socialization and communication is important in a way that it can help
teenagers became more talkative. Talkative not because they just only want
to talk but they doing this purposely (Raymund, 1998). In table number 3,
Social Networking Sites affects the behavior of the students in two different
ways also. But unlike the previous tables, majority of the respondents agreed
about the positive effects of Social Networking Site to their behavior.
And as we can see in the table, the students really agree about the
negative and positive effects of it. Some positive effects of using Social
Networking Sites to their behavior are first, they become more updated
about the social issues and happenings in our country and the other one is
that it can improve one's social skills.
Also in this table, one of the major influences of Social Networking Sites
to the behavior of the students is that it can steal the attention of them that
are supposed to interact with their families. We all know that family has a
big role on developing who and what we are.
• Social media further makes planning easier as the
students communicate through various platforms
provided in it. They can either post messages on each
other‘s walls in Facebook or send direct messages to
mobile phones via Facebook or Messenger. However,
the findings further showed that it made the student
lazy and most of them admitted to a waste of time that
would otherwise have gone to doing other better things
like reading as is indicated in table 1 statement 2 which
is about on their study habit behavior.
• In table 2 the study revealed that social networking sites
had various influences on the lifestyle behavior of the
respondents. The students become lazier because their
attention is always on their phone and using social
networking sites. Students are also became addict
because Social Networking Sites have become very
addictive such that it is very hard for students to live
without it and it urges the users to invest money for
gadgets and data or Wi-Fi connection. Despite the bad
influences in the students lifestyle there is still good
influence like Social Networking Sites can improve the
self-confidence of an individual.
• Also the study further revealed that Social Networking
Sites had various influences on the behavior of the
respondents. For instance in table 3 it is indicated that,
respondents agreed to a large extent or to a very large
extent that social networking sites has influence them in
good and bad in the way of socialization. By spending so
much time working with new technologies, students
develop more familiarity with computers and other
electronic devices, this will help students build skills that
will aid them throughout their lives but also it will yields
students in different aspects of behaviour in their study
habit, lifestyle and socialization.
1.The researchers found out that Social Networking Sites has
good and bad influences in the lifestyle of every student
particularly in G11-ICT of Recto Memorial National High
School. Social Networking Sites can influence on how the said
students interact to the other people and on how they live every
2.The researchers found out that the risks on using Social
Networking Sites can be in study habits, lifestyle and
socialization. And also, the researchers found out that the said
variables can affect their behavior negatively. Some bad
influences of it to their behavior are first, it can steal the
attention of the students that are supposed to interact with their
families. Second, it can increase cyber bullying that can really
3. The researchers found out that the Social Networking Sites have
many benefits. Students will be benefitted on using Social
Networking Sites in a way that they can easily connect to their
families, friends and other people. It can improve their socializing
skills, self-confidence and self-esteem. And as a student, it can also
help them to study harder by means of communicating with their
teachers and classmates using Social Networking Sites.
4. The researchers found out that the Social Networking Sites have
a positive effect and negative effect in everyday lifestyle of every
student. They noticed that engaging on it is easy to socialize in
other people and it is easy to search information about the current
issues in our country. And also, it influences their behavior in a way
that they prefer to use it in their everyday life without even
thinking about its impact to their behavior.
1. Students should educate themselves about the
influences of Social Networking Sites to their
behavior on their study habits, lifestyle and
socialization by limiting their usage of it.
2. Students should be monitored by their teachers
and parents whenever they are using Social
Networking Sites..
3. Social Networking Sites should be expanded and new
pages should be created to enhance academic activities
and avoid setbacks in the students’ behavior.
4. The use of Social Networking Sites network by
students should focus on the positive and good relevance
of those sites instead of using them for negative
5. Students need to be trained on better usage of the
social media so as to minimize time wastage on chatting
and other irrelevant engagements that are not of major
importance on their lives
S.Y. 2017-2018

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