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Cambridge Program - Weekly report


Current week
This week we compared cities in the past and present using past simple forms. We watched a spooky film and wrote a description of the setting using

Next week
Next week we will read a story called the Lost City to focus on vocabulary, parts of a fictional story, past tense verbs and comparatives. As a final project we will
then create a fictional city and present to the class using key language (this is not graded on SO).

Current week
This week we reviewed Unit 3 + 4. Then we took the Unit 3 + 4 test which was graded for SO. Then we started our new unit adding and subtracting decimals.

Next week
Next week we will continue to explore methods of solving addition and subtraction problems with decimals including number lines, column methods and
partitioning. We will then use realistic situations to solve word problems and money problems to practice methods and strategies.

Current week
This week we learned about Unit 2.2 Volume and pitch. The students can describe sounds in terms of high or low pitch and loud or quiet volume.

Next week
Next week we will learn about Unit 2.3 Changing the volume of sound and 2.4 Changing the pitch of sound. The students will plan a fair test to investigate sound
volume and identify the independent, dependent and control variables.

Global Perspectives
Current week
This week students will discuss issues that affect health and relate them to our class through a survey. They will then turn this data into a graph with all of the
key graph features including title, labels, even distribution and scale.

Next week
Next week there is a holiday on the Friday so we will not do GP.

Current week
This week in ICT the students continued their new unit in which they learned about how computers make decisions using binary. This week the students started
to explore branching questions and how these provide computers with different decisions to make.

Next week
Next week in ICT the students will start to plan their end of unit projects in which they will create a branching quiz in Scratch. In their plan they will note down the
questions they will ask, the sprites and backdrops they will use and the code they will need to create.


Myimaths tasks. Razkids reading.

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