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Luz Quinonez

Rising 10th Grader

How My Name Led To My Interest In Artificial Intelligence

As someone whose name is Luz, which means "light" in Spanish, I have always been
captivated by the power of illumination to bring about transformation and innovation. Little did I
know that my name would ignite a deep interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and fuel my
eagerness to learn, even though I have no prior experience with coding or artificial intelligence.
My unwavering passion for this field and my determination to secure a full scholarship for Inspirit
AI are fueled by the connection between my name and my aspirations in this rapidly evolving
The concept of "light" has always been a source of inspiration for me, symbolizing curiosity,
knowledge, and the ability to shed light on complex problems. This idea resonates deeply with
the field of artificial intelligence, which has the potential to illuminate new possibilities,
revolutionize industries, and solve complex challenges through the power of intelligent systems.
My name, Luz, has inspired me to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and embark on a
journey of exploration and discovery in the field of computer science, particularly in coding and
Although I have no prior experience with coding or artificial intelligence, I am eager to learn and
immerse myself in this field. I have always been fascinated by the potential of technology to
create positive change and impact the world. The limitless possibilities offered by AI in areas
such as healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment have captured my imagination.
Despite not having any coding or AI experience, I am determined to overcome this limitation
through my eagerness to learn and my commitment to acquiring new skills.
I have been actively seeking out opportunities to learn about computer science, coding, and
artificial intelligence through online courses, tutorials, and workshops. I have been dedicating
my time and effort to understanding the fundamental concepts, principles, and tools used in
computer science and AI. I am excited to explore the world of coding and AI, and I am eager to
apply my creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to tackle real-world challenges.
Furthermore, my eagerness to learn is driven by the immense potential of AI to positively impact
society. I am particularly interested in the ethical implications of AI, including concerns related to
fairness, bias, and transparency. I am committed to contributing to the responsible development
and application of AI, and I believe that a computer science internship focused on coding and AI
will provide me with a valuable opportunity to make a meaningful contribution in this area.
Moreover, I recognize that a full scholarship for a computer science internship would be crucial
in supporting my learning journey. As someone with limited prior experience in coding and AI,
securing a scholarship would alleviate financial constraints and allow me to fully immerse myself
in the internship experience. It would provide me with access to resources, mentorship, and
practical experiences that would further enhance my learning and growth. I am determined to
make the most of this opportunity and leverage it to expand my knowledge, develop skills, and
contribute to real-world projects in the field of coding and AI.
In conclusion, the connection between my name, Luz, and my eagerness to learn in the pursuit
of a full scholarship for a coding and AI internship is driven by my fascination with the potential
of AI, despite having no prior experience in coding or artificial intelligence. I am determined to
overcome this limitation through my unwavering passion for learning and my. commitment to
acquiring new skills. My name, Luz, inspires me to embrace a mindset of continuous learning, to
seek out opportunities to explore the field of coding and AI, and to make a meaningful
contribution to the responsible development and application of AI in society.
I am grateful for the chance to pursue my passion for artificial intelligence and coding, and I am
committed to putting in the hard work, dedication, and perseverance required to excel in this
field. With a full scholarship for a computer science internship, I will be able to fully immerse
myself in the learning experience, gain practical skills, and contribute to real-world projects. I am
excited to take on the challenge and use this opportunity to make a positive impact in the field of
AI and coding.
I am confident that my curiosity, creativity, and determination, combined with the knowledge and
skills I will gain through the internship, will enable me to thrive in the field of artificial intelligence
and coding. I am eager to be part of the rapidly evolving world of technology, where the
potential for innovation and transformation is limitless. My name, Luz, will continue to inspire
and guide me as I pursue my passion for coding and AI, and I am committed to making a
meaningful contribution to the field.
In conclusion, my name, Luz, has ignited my interest in artificial intelligence and coding, despite
having no prior experience in the field. I am determined to overcome this limitation through my
unwavering passion for learning, my commitment to acquiring new skills, and my eagerness to
make a positive impact in the field of AI. I am eager to secure a full scholarship for InspiritAi and
I am confident that this opportunity will provide me with the resources and support I need to
excel in this field. With my name, Luz, lighting the way, I am excited to embark on this journey of
exploration, discovery, and growth in the world of artificial intelligence and coding.

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