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MANAOIS DATE: 3/6/2024


1. what is the primary purpose of conducting a Job Safety Analysis (JSA)?

A) To enforce safety regulations in the workplace

B) To identify potential hazards and develop control measures for job procedures

C) To assess employee performance during job tasks

D) To generate revenue for the company

2. What is the recommended approach for organizing and communicating JSAs?

A) Keep JSAs filed away in a certificate indefinitely

B) Provide each employee with a printed copy of the JSAs

C) Post copies of the JSAs at the appropriate operation locations

D) Discuss JSAs only during safety meetings with management

3. what is the primary concern regarding slogans like "Safety First" and "Safety is our priority"?

A) They discourage personal responsibility.

B) They prioritize employee well-being over productivity.

C) They promote a safer work environment.

D) They encourage employees to prioritize their safety above all else.

4. What does the speaker emphasize as the key to ensuring safety in the workplace?

A) Relying on safety slogans provided by the employer

B) Prioritizing safety over completing tasks

C) Understanding and taking personal responsibility for hazards

D) Following safety policies and procedures strictly

5. What is the primary cause of electrical injuries in Ontario, as mentioned in the video?

A) Contact with power lines

B) Accidentally running over cords while mowing the lawn

C) Renovating homes

D) Leaving hot burners unattended

6. what action is recommended if you see a downed power line?

A) Try to move the power line away from the area

B) Approach cautiously to assess the situation

C) Stay well back and call 911

D) Attempt to repair the power line yourself

7. Which of the following is NOT one of the ten commandments for workplace safety mentioned in
the passage?

A) Follow company rules, regulations, and procedures

B) Take shortcuts whenever possible

C) Be proactive about safety

D) Practice good housekeeping

8. What is the first commandment for workplace safety mentioned in the passage?

a) Everyone is responsible for their own safety and the safety of others

b) All accidents are preventable

c) Follow company rules, regulations, and procedures

d) Assess the risks, stop, and think

9. What is the recommended action if you encounter damaged electrical equipment on the job

A) Ignore it and continue working

B) Tag the item and take it out of service for repair or replacement
C) Use it cautiously until it completely fails

D) Report it to your supervisor after completing your task

10. What is the primary purpose of a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) when working with
electrical equipment?

A) To increase the flow of electricity

B) To reduce the risk of electric shock by monitoring the balance of electricity flow

C) To provide extra power to equipment in wet or moist conditions

D) To trip whenever there's a minor imbalance in electricity flow

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