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Dear Scholarship Team at UTA,

My name is Ahmad Abuhilal and as of recently I’ve gotten admitted into the school of business

with a plan to major in finance. I understand that once students are admitted they are

automatically signed up for scholarships. However, with me being an out of state student a

scholarship is what makes this education viable. I believe that I would be an excellent candidate

for UTA’s maverick academic scholarship (1000$) , whereas of recently I have continued to

improve my grades and increase my predicted grade which has placed me in the top 10 percent

in a highly competitive IB school.

I’m aware that I do fall short is in my SAT scores falling 80 points short of the scholarship

requirement. As my focus was directed towards the IB diploma with a high level of commitment

to my rigorous and highly demanding courses, which include some the most difficult classes in

the IB. What are the classes. With that being said UTA is my first choice and if my SAT score is

what is pulling me behind of going to UTA please inform me as I would be more than willing to

retake the SAT in June to prove my academic excellence if it’s recommended by you.

Looking forward to joining the Mavrics soon!

Any information regarding (IB predicted score, high school ranking, sat score ect) please contact


My info:


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