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Buatlah narasi percakapan ketika berinteraksi dengan rekan kerja

menggunakan kalimat sapaan, ramah tamah, meminta maaf, dan
perpisahan! (narasi minimal 500 kata)

Andi: “Hello, Lisa! How are you today?

Lisa: “Hi, Andi! I’m doing well, thank you. How about you?”

Andi: “I’m also fine, thanks for asking. What are you working on?”

Lisa: “I’m preparing the end-of-month report for the team. It’s a bit busy, but
hopefully, I’ll finish it before the deadline.”

Andi: “That sounds challenging. Is there anything I can help with?”

Lisa: “Oh, that’s very kind of you, Andi. Maybe you could help review some data
before the report is sent out.”

Andi: “Of course, I’ll make time to assist. I’m sorry I couldn’t offer help earlier.”

Lisa: “No worries, Andi. I understand we all have our own tasks. Thank you for your
offer to help.”

Andi: “No problem, Lisa. We’re here to help each other, right? So, can we schedule a
time to review the data together?”

Lisa: “Sure, how about tomorrow morning around 10?”

Andi: “Sounds good! Tomorrow morning at 10 works for me. Thanks for your

Lisa: “Alright, I’ve noted it down. So, we’ll meet tomorrow morning at 10 in the
meeting room, right?”
Andi: “Exactly, Lisa. See you tomorrow morning!”

Lisa: “See you tomorrow, Andi! Thanks again for your help.”

Andi: “You’re welcome, Lisa. I hope the final report goes smoothly.”

2.Buatlah narasi percakapan ketika melaporkan status pekerjaan kepada atasan!

(narasi minimal 400 kata)

It was a crisp Monday morning, and as I entered the office, I could feel the
anticipation building up inside me. Today was the day I would be reporting the
progress of our project to my supervisor, Mr. Johnson. With my notebook in hand
and a sense of determination, I made my way to his office.

As I knocked on the door, I could hear Mr. Johnson’s booming voice inviting me in.
Stepping inside, I was greeted by the familiar sight of his cluttered desk and the
smell of freshly brewed coffee.
“Good morning, Mr. Johnson,” I greeted him with a smile.
“Good morning, Pebi,” he replied, gesturing for me to take a seat. “What brings you
here today?”

Taking a deep breath, I began to report on the status of our project. I started by
providing an overview of the project timeline and objectives, ensuring that Mr.
Johnson was up to speed with the overall scope of our work.

“As of now, we have completed the initial research phase and have begun the
development stage,” I explained, referring to the detailed project timeline I had
prepared beforehand. “Our team has been working diligently to meet the deadlines,
and I’m pleased to report that we are currently ahead of schedule.”

Mr. Johnson nodded, his expression thoughtful as he processed the information.

“That’s good to hear. What challenges have you encountered so far?”

I took a moment to reflect on the hurdles we had faced during the project. “We did
encounter some obstacles during the research phase, particularly with gathering
relevant data. However, we were able to overcome these challenges by leveraging
our network and exploring alternative sources.”

Mr. Johnson listened intently, occasionally interjecting with insightful questions or

suggestions. It was clear that he was not only interested in the progress of the
project but also invested in our success.

“As we move forward, I believe our main focus should be on quality assurance and
ensuring that we meet the project objectives within the allocated budget,” Mr.
Johnson remarked, his tone firm but encouraging.I nodded in agreement, grateful for
his guidance. “Absolutely, Mr. Johnson. I’ll make sure to keep you updated on our
progress and address any issues that may arise along the way.”

With the meeting coming to a close, I left Mr. Johnson’s office feeling a sense of
accomplishment. Reporting the status of our project had not only allowed me to
showcase our team’s hard work but had also reinforced the importance of
communication and transparency in achieving our goals. As I returned to my desk, I
couldn’t help but feel motivated to tackle the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that
I had the support and guidance of a dedicated supervisor like Mr. Johnson.

3.Buatlah narasi percakapan ketika berinteraksi lewat telepon dengan rekan kerja
untuk meminta informasi, mengatur janji, dan mengkonfirmasi janji! (narasi minimal
500 kata)
Conversation 1: Requesting Information

[Phone rings]

Andi: Hello, how are you?

Budi: Hello, Andi! I’m good, thank you. How can I assist you?
Andi: Well, I actually need some information regarding the project we’re working on.
Do you have a moment?

Budi: Of course, I have some time now. What do you need to know?
Andi: Great, thank you. First off, I need an update on the progress of this project.
Could you provide a general overview of what has been happening so far?

Budi: Sure. So far, we’ve completed the initial research phase and are preparing the
interim report. We’ve also started coordinating with the design team to move on to
the next phase.

Andi: Alright, thank you for the update. Next, I need to know if there are any
obstacles or challenges you’re facing in this process?

Budi: Currently, there are no major obstacles hindering our progress. However, we
are experiencing some minor challenges regarding team coordination, but we’re
working to resolve them.

Andi: I see. Thank you for providing clear updates. Could you provide an estimated
timeline for completing the interim report?

Budi: We hope to complete the interim report within the next two weeks, but we’ll
confirm with the team and keep you informed.

Andi: Alright, I’ll wait for further updates. Thank you very much, Budi!

Budi: You’re welcome, Andi. Feel free to contact me if you have any further

Andi: I will. Goodbye!

Budi: Goodbye!
Conversation 2: Scheduling an Appointment

[Phone rings]

Citra: Hello, this is Citra. Am I speaking with Rani?

Rani: Hello, Citra! Yes, this is Rani. How can I assist you?

Citra: I’m interested in discussing the project we talked about last week. Do you have
time to meet and discuss it?

Rani: Certainly, I have some time. When can you meet?

Citra: How about we meet tomorrow morning? 10 a.m. at the café near the office?

Rani: Alright, tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the café near the office. I’ll note it down. Is there
anything that needs to be prepared beforehand?
Citra: I think just bringing notes from our previous conversation and any additional
ideas that may have come up would be sufficient.

Rani: Okay, I’ll prepare that. Would you like me to invite Sara to join us as well?
Citra: Sure, that would be great. I think Sara’s additional perspective would be very

Rani: Okay, I’ll send an invitation to Sara as well. See you tomorrow, Citra!

Citra: See you tomorrow, Rani! Thank you very much.

Rani: You’re welcome. Goodbye!

Citra: Goodbye!
Conversation 3: Confirming an Appointment

[Phone rings]

Rizky: Hello, this is Rizky. Am I speaking with Aulia?

Aulia: Hello, Rizky! Yes, this is Aulia. How can I assist you?
Rizky: I just wanted to confirm our appointment for the meeting tomorrow morning. Is
it still on?

Aulia: Yes, that’s correct. I still remember the appointment. 9 a.m., right?

Rizky: Yes, 9 a.m. in the main meeting room. Are you ready with your presentation?

Aulia: Yes, I’ve prepared all the materials and documents needed.

Rizky: Alright, thank you. So, we’ll meet tomorrow at 9 a.m. in the main meeting
room. Is there anything that needs to be prepared beforehand?

Aulia: I think we’re all set. I’ll send out invitations to the team members to ensure
everything needed is available.

Rizky: Great. See you tomorrow morning, Aulia!

Aulia: See you, Rizky! Thank you.

Rizky: You’re welcome. Goodbye!

Aulia: Goodbye!

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