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Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1

Medical virology: - science that deal with the study of the medically viruses
which infect human.
.‫ العلم الذي يتعامل مع دراسة الفايروسات الطبية التي تصيب اإلنسان‬- : ‫علم الفايروسات الطبية‬

Virus: - broad general term for any aspect of the infectious agent and includes:-
:‫ مصطلح عام واسع ألي جانب من جوانب العامل المعدي ويشمل‬: ‫الفايروس‬

1-The infectious or inactivated virus particle. ‫ جسيم الفايروس المعدي او المعطل‬2-Viral

nucleic acid, protein in the infected cell.
‫الحامض النووي الفايروسي والبروتين في الخلية المصابة‬

Virion (virus particle):- physical particle in the extra-cellular phase.

.‫ الجسيم الفيزيائي في الطور خارج الخلية‬-(:‫الفايرون )جسيم الفايروس‬

❖ Able to spread to new host cells. ‫القادر لالنتشار إلى خاليا مضيفة جديدة‬

General properties of viruses ‫الخصائص العامة للفايروسات‬

1. Smaller than bacteria, range in size between 20-300 (nm) nanometer.
(.‫ نانومتر )نانومتر‬300-20 ‫ يتراوح حجمها بين‬، ‫أصغر من البكتيريا‬

2. Contain DNA or RNA. ‫تحتوي على‬

3. Nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat, some viruses have additional
lipoprotein envelope.
‫ تحتوي بعض الفيروسات على غالف بروتيني شحمي إضافي‬، ‫الحامض النووي محاط بغالف بروتيني‬
4. lack: ‫تفتقد‬
1- mitochondria ‫المايتوكوندريا‬
2- ribosomes. ‫الرايبوسومات‬
5. Obligate cellular parasites, replicate only inside living cells.
.‫ تتكاثر فقط داخل الخاليا الحية‬،‫طفيليات خلوية ملزمة‬
6. Replicate through: ‫النسخ المتماثل من خالل‬
1- Replication of their nucleic acid ‫النسخ المتماثل للحمض النووي‬
2- Synthesis of the viral protein ‫تخليق البروتين الفايروسي‬
7. Don’t multiply in chemically defined media, don't undergo binary fission.
.‫ وال تخضع لالنشطار الثنائي‬، ً ‫ال تتكاثر في الوسائط المحددة كيميائيا‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1

Table (1): Comparison between viruses and bacteria

No property Viruses Bacteria

1 Size 20 – 300 nm 1000 nm

2 Genome (type of nucleic acid DNA or RNA but not DNA and RNA
3 Cell wall Envelope present in some Cell wall

4 Ribosomes No Ribosomes Ribosomes

5 Multiplication by binary _ +
6 Sensitivity to antibiotics _ +

7 Growth in culture media Growth only in the living Grow in culture media
host cell

The structure of viruses ‫هيكل الفيروسات‬

1-Viral nucleic acid: ‫حمض نووي فيروسي‬

The viral nucleic acid is located internally and can be either single or double-stranded
RNA or DNA. The nucleic acid can be either linear or circular. The DNA is always a
single molecule, the RNA can exist either as a single molecule or in several pieces
(segmented) Some RNA viruses are positive polarity and others are negative polarity
:‫ وتكون الجزيئة اما‬RNA ‫ او‬DNA ‫هنا الزم تعرفون انو الفايروسات كلنا لو تحتوي على‬
‫مفردة او مزدوجة او خطية او دائرية‬
‫ يعني على شكل قطع بعدها‬segmented ‫ اما يكون جزيئة واحدة او على شكل‬RNA‫ هو جزيئة واحدة اما ال‬DNA‫ال‬
)-(‫) او تكون قطبيتها سالبة‬+(‫ تكون اما قطبيتها موجبة‬RNA‫يكول بعض فايروسات الحامض الرايبي‬

Positive polarity: RNA with same base sequence as the mRNA.

.mRNA ‫ تسلسل أساسي مكمل لـ‬: ‫القطبية السالبة‬
.mRNA‫بالقطبية السالبة هنا الحامض الرايبي يكون هو التسلسل االساسي المكمل لل‬

Negative polarity: base sequence that is complementary to the mRNA.

.mRNA ‫ تسلسل أساسي مكمل لـ‬: ‫القطبية السالبة‬
.mRNA‫بالقطبية السالبة هنا الحامض الرايبي يكون هو التسلسل االساسي المكمل لل‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1
2- Capsid ‫كابسد‬
1- The protein shell, or coat, that encloses the nucleic acid genome
.‫ أو الغالف يحيط بجينوم الحامض النووي‬، ‫غالف البروتين‬:‫الكابسيد‬
2- mediates the attachment of the virus to specific receptors on the host cell
surface. .‫يتوسط في ارتباط الفايروس بمستقبالت محددة على سطح الخلية المضيفة‬
3- Capsomeres ‫القفيصة‬
Morphologic units seen in electron microscope.
.‫الوحدات الشكلية التي تظهر في المجهر اإللكتروني‬
Each capsomere, consisting of one or several proteins.
‫كل كبسولة تتكون من بروتين واحد او عدة بروتينات‬
Naked viruses are composed of 1 nucleic acid +2 capsid (nucleocapsid)
)‫ واثنين من كابسيد (نوكليوكابسيد‬+ ‫تتكون الفايروسات العارية من حامض نووي واحد‬

4- Viral Envelope ‫المغلف الفايروسي‬

The envelope is a lipoprotein membrane composed : ‫غشاء بروتيني شحمي يتكون من‬
1: lipid derived from the host cell membrane ‫دهون مشتقة من غشاء الخلية المضيفة‬
2: protein that is virus- specific.‫وبروتين خاص بالفايروس‬
- The presence of an envelope confers instability on the virus.
‫غالف البروتين يجعل الفايروس غير مستقر‬
- Nucleic acid + capsid + envelope = enveloped Viruses
)‫ غالف = فيروسات مغلفة (مهمة‬+ ‫ كابسيد‬+ ‫حامض نووي‬
Types of symmetry of virus particles
) ‫انواع تناظر جزيئات الفايروس تعداد وشرح ( االمثلة لكل نوع تناظر مطلوبة ومهمة‬

1. Helical symmetry ‫التناظر الحلزوني‬

The virus particle is elongated or pleomorphic (not spherical), and the nucleic
acid is spiral.
.‫ ويكون الحمض النووي حلزوني‬، )‫يكون جسيم الفيروس ممدودًا أو متعدد األشكال (غير كروي‬
- Example: Rabies virus ‫داء الكلب‬

2. Icosahedral (Cubic) symmetry : )‫تناضر ايكوسهايدرا (مكعب‬

Composed of 12 vertices, has 20 faces (each an equilateral triangle) with the
approximate outline of a sphere.
.‫ وج ًها (كل منها مثلث متساوي األضالع) المخطط التقريبي للكرة‬20 ‫ ويتكون من‬، ‫سا‬
ً ‫ رأ‬12 ‫يتكون من‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1
- Example: Virus that cause yellow fever and Poliovirus
‫فايروس يسبب الحمى الصفراء وفايروس شلل األطفال‬

3. Complex structures ‫الهياكل المعقدة‬

The virus particle does not confirm either cubic or helical symmetry
ً ‫تناظرا تكعيبيا ً أو حلزونيا‬
ً ‫ال يؤكد جسيم الفيروس‬
- Example: Poxviruses ‫فايروس الجدري‬

Reaction to physical and chemical agents

) ‫التفاعل مع العوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية ( تحفضوهة تعداد وفهم‬
1. Heat and cold ‫الحرارة والبرودة‬
Viral infectivity is generally destroyed by heating at 50-60°C for 30 mint. Viruses
can be preserved at -90°C or - 196°C (liquid nitrogen).

2. PH ‫درجة الحموضة‬
Viruses can be preserved at physiological PH 7.3.

3. Ether susceptibility ‫حساسية االثير‬

Ether susceptibility can be used to distinguish viruses that possess an envelope from
those that do not.

4. Detergents ‫المنظفات‬
Nonionic detergents solubilize lipid constituents of viral membranes.The viral proteins
in the envelope are released. Anionic detergents also 1- Solubilize viral envelopes; in
2- They disrupt capsids into separated polypeptides.

5. Salts ‫االمالح‬
Many viruses can be stabilized by salt in concentrations of 1 mol / L
Example: MgCL2, MgSO4, Na2SO4

6. Radiation ‫االشعاع‬
Ultraviolet, X-ray, and high-energy particles inactivate viruses

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

‫‪Viruses‬‬ ‫‪General properties of viruses‬‬ ‫‪Lecture 1‬‬
‫الفورمالين ‪7. Formaldehyde‬‬
‫‪Destroys viral infectivity by reacting with nucleic acid.‬‬

‫المضادات الحيوية ‪8. Antibiotics‬‬

‫‪Antibacterial antibiotics have no effect on viruses.‬‬
‫التسخي ‪ +‬درجة االنجماد‪.‬‬ ‫والبودة تقرون درجة‬
‫‪ -١‬بالحرارة ر‬
‫ه ‪7.3‬‬ ‫‪ -٢‬بالحموضة تقرون نسبة ال‪ ph‬ي‬
‫ال ي‬
‫الت ال تمتلك غالف)‪.‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ر‬
‫الت تمتلك غالف عن ي‬
‫‪ -٣‬حساسية االيب مهمة( تميب الفايروسات ي‬
‫نوعي وكل نوع شنو عمله‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -٤‬المنظفات بيها‬
‫ركب االمالح ( ‪ )mol1‬وانواع االمالح ‪ ٣‬عدنا ال ت ن‬
‫ركبها (‪.)mol1‬‬ ‫‪ -٥‬االمالح (للتثبيت) وت ن‬
‫‪ -٦‬االشعاع تقرون انواعه عدنا ‪ ٣‬وهاي االشعة راح تعطل الفايروس‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٧‬الفورمالديهايد‪ :‬ن‬
‫يقض عىل العدوى الفايروسية بالتفاعل مع الحامض النووي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٨‬بالمضادات الحيوية‪:‬بالنسبة للمضادات البكتبية ال تؤثر عىل الفايروسات‪.‬‬

‫تصنيف الفيروسات ‪Classification of Viruses‬‬

‫‪1- Virion morphology: including‬‬
‫‪(Size, shape, type of symmetry, presence or absence of enveloped).‬‬
‫مورفولوجيا الفيروس ‪ ،‬بما في ذلك الحجم والشكل ونوع التماثل ووجود أو عدم وجود مغلف‪.‬‬

‫تشمل خصائص جينوم الفيروس ‪2. Virus genome properties: including‬‬

‫نوع الحامض النووي )‪1- Type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA‬‬
‫حجم الجينوم ‪2- Size of genome‬‬
‫الخيط مفرد او مزدوج )‪3- Strandedness (single or double‬‬
‫خطي او دائري ‪4- Whether linear or circular‬‬
‫إيجابي او سلبي )القطبية) )‪5- Positive or negative sense (polarity‬‬
‫مقطع (العدد والحجم) )‪6- Segments (number, size‬‬

‫تشمل الخصائص الفيزيائية للفيرون ‪3. Physicochemical properties of the virion: including‬‬
‫ثبات درجة الحموضة ‪1- PH stability‬‬
‫االستقرار الحراري ‪2- Thermal stability‬‬
‫‪3- Susceptibility to physical and chemical agents especially ether and detergents.‬‬
‫وقابلية التعرض للعوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية وخاصة األثير والمنظفات‪.‬‬

‫‪T.M‬‬ ‫‪Zahraa Kadhim‬‬ ‫‪@i_v2o‬‬

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1

4. Virus protein properties: including ‫تشمل خصائص بروتين الفيروس‬

1- number, size and functional activities of structural and non-structural proteins
‫بما في ذلك العدد والحجم واألنشطة الوظيفية للبروتينات الهيكلية وغير الهيكلية‬
2- amino acid sequences ‫وتسلسل األحماض األمينية‬
3- special functional activities (transcriptase , reverse transcriptase,
neuraminidase, fusion activities).
.)‫ وأنشطة االندماج‬، ‫ والنورامينيداز‬، ‫ والنسخة العكسية‬، ‫واألنشطة الوظيفية الخاصة (إنزيم المنتسخة‬

5. Genome organization and replication: including ‫تنظيم الجينوم وتكراره يشمل‬

1- Gene order ‫ترتيب الجينات‬
2- Strategy of replication (patterns of transcription, translation)
)‫ والترجمة‬، ‫واستراتيجية النسخ (أنماط النسخ‬
3- Cellular sites (accumulation of proteins, virion assembly, and virion release).
. )‫ وإطالق الفيريون‬، ‫ وتجميع الفيروسات‬، ‫والمواقع الخلوية ( تراكم البروتينات‬

6. Antigenic properties : ‫خصائص المستضد‬

7. Biological properties: including ‫تشمل الخصائص البيولوجية‬
1- natural host range ‫النسبة الطبيعية للمضيف‬
2- mode of transmission ‫طريقة االنتقال‬
3- vector relationships ‫عالقات النواقل‬
4- pathogenicity ‫االمراضية‬
5- tissue tropisms ‫ومناطق األنسجة المدارية‬
6- pathology. ‫علم االمراض‬

Baltimore classification: ‫تصنيف بالتيمور‬

1- Double strand DNA (ds-DNA viruses) for example (adenovirus ،herpes virus)
2- Single strand DNA (ss-DNA viruses) for example (Parvoviruses).
3- ds- RNA viruses (e.g. Reo viruses).
4- (+) ssRNA viruses (+) sense RNA (e.g. Picornaviruses، Togaviruses).
5- (-) ssRNA viruses with (-) sense RNA (e.g. Orthomyxoviruses).

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1

6- ssRNA-Reverse Transcriptase viruses (+) sense RNA with DNA intermediate

7- dsDNA-RT viruses (e.g. Hepadnaviruses)

Post test :
Q1:- Answer true or false?
1- Viruses contain both types of nucleic acid (DNA and RNA). F
2- Spike found on the envelope surface in some viruses. T

Q2:- Which the viruses contain single strand negative sense?

A- Adenoviruses
B- Reo viruses
C- Orthomyxo viruses
D- Hepadna viruses

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1
1- ———— are the smallest infectious agents (ranging from about 20 to 300 nm in
A. Viroids B. Virus C. Virion D. Viruses E. Prions
2- The range size of viruses are————:
A. 500-1000m B. 20-300 nm C. 50-100 um D. 20-300 Mm E. 1-10 um
3-What are the structural component that is found in all————
viruses :
A. Mitochondria B. ribosomes C. lipoprotein envelope D. capsid E. DNA
4. When the virus has a base sequence that is complementary to the mRNA in its
genome this genetic material of the virus called———— :
A Positive-strand RNA B. Negative strand RNA C. segmented D. non-segmented
E. Enveloped
5- Which of the following is the genome of the virus ?
Q/ the nucleic acid content of viruses ?
6- Which of the following has a Icosahedral symmetry?
A. polio virus B. rabies virus C. Poxviruses D. All of the above
E. none of the above
7- The nucleic acid is encased in a———— :
Q/ Or viruses consist of nucleic acid surrounded by a————:
A. Lipid coat B. protein coat C. Glycoproteins coat D. Protein or lipid coat
E. Lipoprotein coat
8- The entire infectious unit is termed a———— :
A. Viroids B. Virus C. Virion D. Viruses E. Prions
9- ———The science that deal with the study of the medically viruses which infect human:
A. Virus B. Medical Virology C. Virion D. Prions E. Defective virus
10- ———is a broad general term for any aspect of the infectious agent:
A.Virus B. Virion C. Prions D. Viroids E. Medical Virology
11- ——— is the physical particle in the extra-cellular phase which is able to spread to
new host cells; complete intact virus particle.
A. Viroids B. Virus C. Virion D. Viruses E. Prions
12- The whole virus particle is called———— :
A. Virus B. Viroids C. Virion D. Prions E. Defective virus

13- ———lack cellular organelles mitochondria ribosomes

A. Bacteria B. Viruses C. Parasites D. Fungi E. Entero bacteriaceae

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1

14- Viruses lack cellular ———

A. organelles, B. mitochondria C. ribosomes. D. All of the above E. Non all above
15- Viruses reproduce ———
A. inside the cell B. outside the cell C. inside and outside the cell
D. inside the cytoplasm E. inside the mitochondria
16-Virus growth in the culture media————
A. Growth only in the living host cell B. Growth in the culture media
C. Growth in the chocolate agar D. Growth in the colony
17- ———The protein shell, or coat, that encloses the nucleic acid genome and mediates
the attachment of the virus to specific receptors on the host cell surface.
A. Capsomeres B. Capsid C. Capsule D. Envelope
18- ———is a lipoprotein membrane composed of lipid derived from the host cell
membrane and protein that is virus- specific.
A. Capsid B. Capsomeres C. Envelope D. All of the above
19- Phagocytosis (Naked virus), or by fission between viral envelope and cell
A. Transcription B. Attachment C. Penetration D. None of the above
20- Most RNA virus and some DNA virus take————
A- Icosahedral Symmetry B- Helical symmetry C- Complex symmetry
D. None of the above
21-particles are sensitive to antiviral therapy and unaffected to antibiotic————
A- Bacteria B- fungi C- Parasite D- virus
22- Composed of 12 vertices, has 20 faces (each an equilateral triangle) E.g. poliovirus
A. Helical symmetry B. Icosahedral symmetry C. Complex structure
D. None of the above
23- Example for icosahedral symmetry————
A. Rabies virus B. Pox virus C. retro virus D. Poliovirus
24- ———The virus particle is elongated or pleomorphic (not spherical) nucleic acid is
spiral. Caposomeres are arranged round the nucleic acid. e.g. Rabies virus.
A. Icosahedral symmetry B. Helical symmetry C. Complex structure
D. None of the above
25- Example for Helical symmetry————
A. Pox virus B.Retro virus C. Rabies virus D. Poliovirus
26- ———The virus particle does not confirm either cubic or helical symmetry e.g.
A. Icosahedral symmetry B. Helical symmetry C. Complex structure
D. All of the above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1
27- Example for complex structure: ————
A. Pox virus B. Retro virus C. Rabies virus D. Poliovirus
28- Viruses can be preserved at physiological PH ———
A. 6.7 B. 7.8 C. 7.3 D. 6.8
29- Nonionic ——— solubilize lipid constituents of viral membranes.
A. Salts B. Detergents C. Radiation D. Formaldehyde E. Antibodies
30- ———can be used to distinguish viruses that possess an envelope from those that do
A. Salts B. Detergents C. Radiation D. Ether susceptibility E. Antibodies
31- Many viruses can be stabilized by————
A. Salts B. Detergents C. Radiation D. Ether susceptibility E. Formaldehyde
32- Viruses are disabled by———
A. Salts B. Detergents C. Radiation D. Ether susceptibility E. Antibodies
33- ———Destroys viral infectivity by reacting with nucleic acid
A. Salts B. Detergents C. Radiation D. Ether susceptibility E. Formaldehyde
34- Classification of viruses is based on the Virion morphology including :
A. PH stability B. cellular sites C. mod transmission D. Size and shape
35- The Baltimore classification divides viruses on the basis of———
A. morphology B. genome structure C. Nucleic acid E. strategies of replication
36-Universal system of virus taxonomy on the basis of ———
A. Genome structure B. Nucleic acid C. mRNA D. All of them
37- Which the viruses contain single strand negative sense .
A. Adenoviruses B. Reo viruses C. Orthomyxo viruses D. Hepadna viruses
38- Which the viruses contain Double standard DNA sense————
Q/ Example of (D.S-DNA Viruses) ————
A. Parvovirus B. Adenovirus C. Reo virus D. Retrovirus
39- Which the viruses contain single standard DNA sense————
Q/ Example of (S.S-DNA Viruses) ————
A. Parvovirus B. Adenovirus C. Reo virus D. Retrovirus
40- Which the viruses contain Double standard RNA sense————
Q/ Example of (D.S-RNA Viruses) ————
A. Picoronavirus B. Retro virus C. Reo virus D. Orthimyxovirus
41- Which the viruses contain single standard RNA (positive sense)————
Q/ Example of (+S.S-RNA Viruses)+ sense ————
A. Picoronavirus B. Retro virus C. Reo virus D. Orthimyxovirus
42- Which the viruses contain single standard RNA (negative sense)————
Q/ Example of (-S.S-RNA Viruses)-sense ————
A. Adenovirus B. Retro virus C. Toga virus D. Orthimyxovirus

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses General properties of viruses Lecture 1
43- Example of ssRNA-Reverse Transcriptase viruses (+) sense RNA with DNA
A. Adenovirus B. Retro virus C. Toga virus D. Orthimyxovirus
44- Example of (dsDNA-RT viruses ) ————
A. Hepadna virus B. Toga virus C. Orthimyxovirus D. herpes virus
45- obligate cellular parasites———
A. Viruses B. Bacteria C.fungi D.virion E. Mucorales
46- does not undergo binary fission
A. Bacteria B. Viruses C. Fungi D. Cocci E. Parasites
47- they range in size 1000nm
A. Bacteria B. Viruses C. Fungi D. Cocci E. Parasites
48- the ———is a protein shell or caot
A. Virion B. Capsid C. Virus D. Capsomeres E. Genome
49- The ——— is a morphologic units see in electron
A. Capsomeres B. Virion C. Capsid D. Virus E. Envelope
50- Each Capsomeres consisting of———?
A. Fats B. Lipoprotein C. Sugar D. One or several protein E. Enzymes
51- ———are composed of nucleic acid + Capsid (nucleo capsid).
A. Enveloped viruses B. Naked versus C. Reoviruses D. Papovaviruses E.
Papilloma virus
52- Nucleic acid + capsid + envelope =
A. Enveloped viruses B. Naked versus C. Herpes viruses D. Toga viruses
E. Pi corona viruses
53- viral infectivity generally destroy by heating at ——— for 30 mint.
A. 50-60 c B. 30- 50 c C. 20-60 c D. 10-40 c E. 50-70 c
54- viruses can be preserved at ———
A. 80c or 190 c B. 70c or 180 c C. 90c or 196 c D. 50c or 170 c
E.40c or 190 c
55- salts that stabilize many viruses , whose corfentration is 1 mol .
A. MgCL2 , MgSO4 , Na2SO4 B. NaCL , H2CO3 , NaHCO3
C. Na2CO3 , Na2 CO4 D. C34H28N6O16S4 , C2H3NaO2 .E. C2 H5ONa , C6H7NaO6
56- ultraviolet x- ray ,high- energy particles
A. Inactive viruses B. Active viruses C. Multiply viruses D. Virus stimulation
E. Release viruses
57- including : size , shape ,type of symmetry , presence or absence of envelope
A. Baltimore classification B. Antigenic properties C. Biological properties
D. Virus protein properties E. Virion morphology
58- they are found on the surface of envelope in some viruses?
A. DNA B. RNA C. Spike D. Virion E. Interferon
T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o
Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Atypical virus –like agent (prion, defective viruses,

pseudovirion and Viriods)

PRE-TEST : ‫االختبار االولي‬

Define Pseudovirion, Defectve virus ‫عرف الزائفة والفيروس المعيب‬

Defective virus: virus composed of nucleic acid & proteins but cannot replicate
without a helper virus. For example Hepatitis D virus, adenovirus. They have a
mutation or a deletion of part of their genetic material, they produced during the
growth of many human viruses.
‫ على‬.‫ فيروس يتكون من الحمض النووي والبروتينات ولكن ال يمكن أن يتكاثر بدون فيروس مساعد‬: ‫الفيروس المعيب‬
‫ أنتجوا أثناء نمو‬، ‫ لديهم طفرة أو حذف جزء من مادتهم الجينية‬.‫ الفيروس الغدي‬، D ‫سبيل المثال فيروس التهاب الكبد‬
.‫ العديد من الفيروسات البشرية‬.‫العديد من الفيروسات البشرية‬

Pseudovirions: virus contain host cell DNA instead of viral DNA within the
capsid. They are formed during infection with certain viruses when the host cell
DNA is fragmented and pieces of it are incorporated within the capsid protein.
Pseudovirions can infect cells, but they do not replicate.
‫ تتشكل أثناء‬.‫ال من الحمض النووي الفيروسي داخل القفيصة‬ ً ‫ الخلية المضيفة بد‬DNA ‫ يحتوي الفيروس على‬: ‫الزائفة‬
. ‫اإلصابة بفيروسات معينة عندما يتم تجزئة الحمض النووي للخلية المضيفة ويتم دمج أجزاء منه في بروتين القفيصة‬
.‫ لكنها ال تتكاثر‬، ‫يمكن للفيريونات الكاذبة أن تصيب الخاليا‬

Viroids: very small infectious agents composed of ss RNA circular genomes

(~300 nucleotides) with no protein coat or envelope, replicate but the mechanism
is unclear, can cause diseases in plants but doesn't cause human or animal
‫ نيوكليوتيد( بدون غالف‬300 ‫ )حوالي‬ss RNA ‫ عوامل معدية صغيرة جدا ً تتكون من جينوم دائري‬: ‫أشباه الفيروسات‬
‫ يمكن أن تسبب أمراضًا في النباتات ولكنها ال تسبب أمراضًا‬، ‫ تتكاثر ولكن اآللية غير واضحة‬، ‫أو غالف بروتيني‬
.‫لإلنسان أو الحيوان‬
Prion: prions are infectious particles that are composed of only proteins i.e. they
contain no detectable nucleic acid, can cause human or animal disease called
spongiform encephalopathies.
، ‫ أي أنها ال تحتوي على حمض نووي يمكن اكتشافه‬، ‫ البريونات هي جزيئات معدية تتكون من بروتينات فقط‬: ‫البريون‬
.‫ويمكن أن تسبب مرضًا لإلنسان أو الحيوان يسمى اعتالل الدماغ اإلسفنجي‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

POST TEST : ‫االختبار االحق‬

Write short notes on: Prion, viroid? ‫ فيرويد‬، ‫ بريون‬:‫اكتب مالحظات قصيرة عن‬

• Proteins ‫البروتينات‬
• No nucleic acid ‫ال يحتوي على حمض نووي‬
• Prion diseases are called spongiform encephalopathies
‫تسمى أمراض البريون اعتالل الدماغ اإلسفنجي‬
• Prion diseases in humans are probably primarily a genetic neurotoxic disorder
which include: .‫أمراض البريون التي تصيب البشر هي على األرجح اضطراب وراثي عصبي التي تشمل‬
- Creutzfldt-Jakob disease or Kuru in humans‫مرض كروتزفلت جاكوب أو كورو في البشر‬
- Scrapie in sheep ‫سكرابى فى الغنم‬
- Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle, called Mad cow in cattle
‫ ويسمى جنون البقر في الماشية‬، ‫) في األبقار‬BSE( ‫االعتالل الدماغي اإلسفنجي البقري‬
• Prions are much more resistant to inactivation by ultraviolet light and heat than
are viruses. .‫البريونات أكثر مقاومة للتثبيط باألشعة فوق البنفسجية والحرارة من الفيروسات‬
• They are resistant to formaldehyde and nucleases.‫أنها مقاومة للفورمالديهايد والنوكلييز‬
• They inactivated by hypochlorite, NaOH, and autoclaving.
.‫ والتعقيم‬، ‫ هيدروكسيد الصوديوم‬، ‫يتم تثبيطها بواسطة هيبوكلوريت‬
• Very small infectious agents .‫العوامل المعدية الصغيرة جدا‬
• ss RNA circular genomes . ‫الجينوم الدائري للحمض النووي الريبي‬ss
• No protein coat or envelope .‫ال يوجد غالف بروتين أو ظرف‬
• Cause diseases in plants . ‫تسبب األمراض في النباتات‬
• Doesn't cause human or animal diseases .‫ال تسبب األمراض لإلنسان أو الحيوان‬
• Replicate but the mechanism is unclear .‫يتكاثر لكن اآللية غير واضحة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
1- The ——— are coposed of viral nucleic acid protein but connot veplicate
without a (helper virus.
A. Defective viruses B. Pseudo viruses C. Naked viruses
D. Enveloped viruses E. herpes viruses
2- ratio of Defective to infectious particles can be high as ———?
A. 100 : 1 B. 200 : 1 C. 300 : 1 D. 50 : 2 E. 100 : 2
3- An Example a defective viruses ——— .
A. Reo viruses B. Filoviruses C. Hepatitis D viruses D. Herpes viruses E. Retro viruses
4- The ——— is contain cell DNA instead of viral DNA with the capsid .
A. Defective viruses B. Pseudo viruses C. Enveloped viruses
D. Reo viruses E. Naked viruses
5- The ——— is cnsist of a single molecule of circular RNA without protein
A. Virion B. Virus C. Capsid D. Capsomeres. E. Viroids
6- They cause several plant diseases———.
A. Prions. B. Viroids. C. Antibiotics D. Formaldehyde E. Spike
7- The ———are infectious particles that are composed of only proteins. A.
Viroids B. Defective viruses C. Prions D. Virion. E. Capsid
8- prion diseases are called ———.
A.spongiform encephalopathies B. Mad cow C. Kuru. D. CJD E. Pox viruses
9- prions are composed of a single glycoprotein with a molecule weight of—
A. 25,000 - 30,000 B. 27,000 - 30,000 C. 20,000 - 30,000
D. 10,000 - 25,000 E. 30,000 - 45,000 10-one of these
prion diseases ———.
A. Hepatitis D viruses B. Plant disease C. Mumps D. Jakob disease E. Newcastle
11- found predominantly on the surface of neurons .
A. Normal prion protein B. Abnormal prion protein C. Virion D. Capsid E. capsomers
12- abnormal accumulation of the prion protein in the brain can lead to :
A. Memory impairment B. Personality changes
C. Difficulties with movement D. All of these
13- A diseases caused by prion in the human brain
A. Creutzgeldt - Jakob disease B. Newcastle C. Mumps D. Kuru E. Hepatitis B

14- ——— very small ss RNA genomes (~300 nucleotides). No coat

A. Prions B. Viroids C. Defective virus D. Pseudo Virion E. Virions

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

15- Viroids very small ss RNA genomes size——— nucleotide

A. 100 B. 200 C. 250 D. 300 E. 450
16- Known viroids cause diseases in plants because ———
A. host cells replicate the DNA B. host cells replicate the RNA
C. host cells replicate the mRNA D. host cells replicate the DNA and RNA
E. Non all of them
17- in ——— RNA does not encode protein
A.prions B. Virions C. Viroids D. Viruses E. Pseudo Virion
18-——— (protein infectious agent) do not have a nucleic acid genome.
A. prions B. Virions C. Viroids D. Viruses E. Pseudo Virion
19- ———is a modified form of a normal cellular protein known as PrPc
(for cellular)
A. prions B. Virions C. Viroids D. Viruses E. Pseudo Virion
20- Virion attach to cell membrane through specific reseptor, in presence or
absence of virion receptor :
A- Penetrations B- Attachment C- Uncoating
21- Single Molecule of circualr RNA without protein coat or envelope is —
A .Viroid B. viruses C. prions D. virion
22- Defective viruses Result in
A. Defective in protein and Nucleic acid B. Defective in Nucleic acid
C. Defective in envelope D. Defective in Nucleic acid and protein synthesis
23- Particles that consist of only nucleic acid and surrounding by protein
A. Psuedoviruses B. Viroid C. Bacteria. D. Non of these
24- Prions can be early differentiated from virus particles because
A. lack of proteins B. lack of envelope
C. lack of Nucleic acid and protein D. Non of these
25- Is infectious particles composed of only protein
A. viroids. B. Defective viruses C. prions D. Setelitis
26- The....... Physical particles in extracellular phase
A. virus. B. Bacterial C. virion D. envelope
27- ..................usually have a mutation or a deletion of part of their genetic
A. Defective Viruses B. Pseudovirion C. Viroids D. Prion E. all of these

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

28-This is not a prion disease

A. Scrapie B. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy C. Lewy body dementia
D. All of them. E. Non of them
29- ———memory impairment, personality changes, and difficulties with
movement in a disease takes place due to this prion
A. Tetanus B. Cancer C. Kuru disease D. rabies E. paralysis
30- ——— is a type of protein that can trigger normal proteins in the brain
to fold abnormally.
A. prions B. Virions C. Viroids D. Viruses E. Pseudo Virion

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص المحاضرة الثالثة‬


T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
3 ‫ملخص‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses 4 ‫ملخص‬
Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
1- group of patients produced b human cell after viral infection.
A. virion B. Capsid C. Interferon D. Enveloped E. Copsomers
2- inhabit the growth of viruses by bloking the synthesis of viral proteins
A. Capsid B. Capsomers C. Virion D. Interferon
E. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
3-prevent further spread of viruses
A. Interferon B. Ribonuclease C. Virions D. Prions
E. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
4- Prevents uninfected cells from Kill by NK Cells
A. Virion B. Viroids C. Prions D. Capsid E. Interferon
5- cells infected with the virus are Killed
A. reLeasing proteolytic enzymes into the infected cell
B. Activating Programmed cell death C. Production al antiviraL moLecules
D. A and B E. None a fall these
6- Protection against Viruses
A. IgA , IgM , IgG B. Interferon C. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
D. Natural killer cells (NK) E. Macrophages
7-Adaptive immune response (Specific response)include:
A. interferon B. Macrophages C. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes/CD8
D. Natural killer cells (NK) E. All of these
8- ——— confers protection against viruses that enter through the respiratory
and gastrointestinal mucosa.
A. IgA B. IgA and IgM C. IgM and IgG D. IgG E. IgM
9- ———protect against viruses that enter or are spread through the blood.
A. IgA B. IgA and IgM C. IgM and IgG D. IgG E. IgM
10- innate immune-response (non-specific response)
A. interferon B. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes/CD8 C. Antiviral antibodies
D. helper T-cells E. All of these
11- Activating programmed cell death
A. Interferon B. Natural killer cellular (Nk) C. IgM , IgG , IgA. D. Apoptosis
12- releasing prteolytic enzymes called — into the infected cell, which degrade the cell
A. Lysosome B. Isoenzymes C. Paraenzymes. D. granzymes E. Lysoenzymes
13- ———important part of the innate immunity against virus infected cells.
A. Interferon B. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes CD8 C. Natural killer cellular (Nk) D.
Macrophages E. Fever

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص المحاضرة السادسة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

1- The herpes virus family contains important human pathogens
A. herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 B. varicella-zoster virus,
C. cytomegalovirus D. all above
2- The herpes virus family contains important human pathogens
A. Epstein-Bar virus B. human herpes virus (6, 7, 8) C. cytomegalovirus
D. all above
3- herpes virus symmetry
A. icosahedral B. Spherical C. complex D. no above
4- virus are surrounded by a lipoprotein envelope
A. herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 B. varicella-zoster virus,
C. cytomegalovirus D. all above
5- herpes virus genome is
A. linear ds DNA B. circular dsDNA C. circular ss RNA D. no above
6- virus virion does not contain polymerase
A. herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2 B. varicella-zoster virus,
C. cytomegalovirus D. all above
7- virus Infect epithelial cells
A. HSV 1 and 2 B. varicella-zoster virus C. cytomegalovirus D. no above
8- lesions. HSV-1 in
A. above the waist B. below the waist C. liver D. no above
9- lesions. HSV-2 in
A. below the waist B.above the waist C. liver D. no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

10- HSV-1, HSV-2 are have latent infections in .........and reactivation when occur
immunosuppressed of patient
A. sensory neurons B. liver C. brine D. no above
11- HSV-1 is transmitted by
A. saliva, B. sexual contact C. direct contact with lesions D. no above
12- HSV-2 is transmitted by
A. sexual contact B. saliva C. direct contact with lesions D. no above
13- An acute viral infection of the nerve cells and surrounding skin, which causes
A. Varicella-zoster virus B. Cytomegalovirus C. HSV-1 D. no above
14- virus causes varicella (chickenpox)
A. Varicella-zoster virus B. Cytomegalovirus C. HSV-1 D. no above
15- Varicella-zoster virus Transmission by
A. direct contact with lesions B. saliva C. sexual contact D. no above
16- virus Causes cytomegalic inclusion disease
A. Cytomegalovirus B. Varicella-zoster virus c) HSV-2 C. sexual contact
D. no above
17- Cytomegalovirus Transmitted
A. across the placenta B. saliva sexual contact C. no above
18- Causes infectious mononucleosis (sore throat, lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly)
A. EBV B. Cytomegalovirus C. HSV-1 above
19- It is associated with malignancies such as Burkett's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal
carcinoma also cause hairy leukoplakia (a whitish, nonmalignant lesions with an
irregular (hairy) on the surface of the lateral side of the tongue
A. EBV B. Cytomegalovirus C. HSV-1 D. no above
21- Kissing disease
A. EBV B. Cytomegalovirus C. HSV-1 D. no above
22- EBV Transmission via
A. Saliva B. contact with skin C. kissing D. all above
23- first isolated from the periphera blood of patient with ADIS
A. Human herpes virus - 6 B. Cytomegalovirus C. HSV-1 D. no above
24- Human herpes virus - 6 is spread by the
A. Saliva B. contact with skin C. kissing D. no above
25- first isolated from a culture of CD4T-cells that developed a cytopathic effect
A.Human herpes - 7 B. Human herpes virus - 6 C. HSV-1 D. no above
26- Human herpes - 7 has been associated with some cases of
A. exanthema subitem B. cytopathic effect C. kissing D. no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

27- Kaposi's sarcoma - associated herpes virus) known as human herpes 8, Kaposi's
sarcoma associated with herpesviruses, the most cancer in-patient with AIDS
A.Human herpes – 8 B. Human herpes-7 HSV-1 D. no above
28- All herpes viruses are structurally similar. They are large—— in diameter
A. 250-300 nm B. 100-120 nm C. 120-200 nm D. 200-300 nm
29- genome of herpes virus———.
30- ————Causes nasopharyngeal carcinoma
A. Epstein - Bar virus (EBV) B. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
C. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) D. HSV-2
31- Causes Genital herpes .
A. originate from contact with vesicular lesions within the birth canal
B. painful vesicular lesions of the male and femalegenitals and anal area
C. direct contact with lesions, by inhalation, open sores of shingles rash
D. blood transfusion and organ transplants
32- causes neonatal herpes.
A. originate from contact with vesicular lesions within the birth canal
B. painful vesicular lesions of the male and femalegenitals and anal area
C. direct contact with lesions, by inhalation, open sores of shingles rash
D. blood transfusion and organ transplants
33- cause hairy leukoplakia.
A. Epstein - Bar virus (EBV) B. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
C. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) D. HSV-2

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص السابعة والثامنة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
MCQ 7+8
1- The........ Differ from characteristic of enteroviruses Because it replicate in
intestine and they attatch in liver
A_ HBV B_ HAV C_HEV D_HSV E_ Retroviruses
2- All of Hepatitis viruses take Single Stranded RNA except of
A_ Hepatitis E B_ Hepatitis B C_ Hepatitis C D_ Hepatitis D
3- Jaundice are frequently sign in:
A_ Hepatitis C B_ Hepatitis E C_ Hepatitis A
4-One type of Hepatitis that is no envelope which Take Single Serotype and cause
only Acute infection, Transmmision by Contaminator food and water:
A. Type B. B. Type C C. Type A D. Type E E. Both A and E
5- Chronic infection can occur in
A_ Hepatitis E virus B_ Hepatitis B virus C_ Hepatitis C virus
D_ Both A and C
6- Hepatitis D virus is Defective viruses can be found with
A- Virus Hepatitis A only B- Both Hepatitis A and C C- Hepatitis B only
D- Non of these
7- Primary Site of Hepatitis virus is
A- hepatocyte. B- hepatoma C- stomach cell. D- Non of these

8- Hepatitis A Transmmision by
A_Needle injection B_ orally C_Body fluid D_Sexually
9- Hepatitis Type A gene is
A-Double Stranded DNA B-Single Stranded RNA C-Double Stranded RNA
D-Non of these
10- Hepatitis B Transmmision by
A-Needle injection. B-Blood Transfusion. C-Sexually D- Both A and B
11- Gene properteis of Hepatitis B virus include following properteis except:
A_ Circular B_ Douple Stranded C_ Both DNA and RNA D_DNA
12- Acute and chronic infection occur in
A- HAV B- HBV C- HCV D- Non of these
13-The HCV could be transmitted by:
A. Blood transfusion B. Sex with an intravenous drug user
C. Pierced ears or body parts D. Sex with an intravenous drug user E. All of them
16- One type of Hepatitis B virus antigens that Found in the surface of
Nucleotcapaide, and are not detect in sera for some patient

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

A_S Antigen B_ Core antigen C_E antigen

17- In case which infection occure without symptoms occur in
A- Acute Non persistent infection B- Chronic persistent infection
C- Cell transformation D- viral Pathogenicity
18- An example of Defective viruses
A- Herpis viruses B- Retroviruses C- Falviviruses D- Hepatitis D virus
19- Alawys one type of Hepatitis Type B important for another to replicate this
A_ Type B need Type C B_ Type D need Type B C_ Type B need Type D_
Type A need Type D
20- Which form of hepatitis can be passed on through contaminated food or
а- Туре E b- Type B c- type A d-type C e- all of these
21- Hepatitis is an inflammation;
a-Lung b-Heart c-Liver d-Mouth e-Protein
22- The seasonal including(HAV):
a-Autumn and winter b-Autumn and summer c-Winter and summer
d-Spring and winter e-Spring and summer
23-Which of the following virus affects the liver:
24-The hepatitis consists of———genome
and RNA
25- Patient with inflammation of the liver including liver cirrhosis and cancer,
this patient may be infected
A- Hepatitis A B- Hepatitis B C- Hepatitis C D. Hepatitis D E. All types

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
1- one genus of retrovirus
a)Lentivirus b) rotavirus c) Hepatitis D virus d) no above
2- Lentivirus, includes the sub-species
a) HIV-1 b) HIV-2 c) a+b d) no above
3- one genus of retrovirus, Lentivirus, includes the sub-species that cause AIDS
a) HIV-1 b) HIV-2 c) a+b d) no above
4- HIV infects mainly
a)CD4+ T cells b) macrophages c) dendritic cells d) All above
5- is the end stage of the disease that is associated with CD4+ T cell depletion,
multiple or recurrent opportunistic infections, and Unusual cancer
a) AIDS b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
6- Unusual cancer
a) Kaposi sarcoma b)liver cancer c)leukemia d) no above
7- is an end stage of HIV virus
a)AIDS b) influenza c) adenovirus d)no above
8- infection worldwide and Highly virulent and Highly susceptible to mutations
a) HIV-1 b) HIV-2 c) adenovirus d) no above
9- Relatively less virulent so less pathogenic and Relatively less susceptible to
a) HIV-2 b) HIV-1 c) adenovirus d) no above
10- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): Family
a) Retroviridae b) influenzaviridae c) adenovirus d) no above
11- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV): Genus
a) Lentivirus b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
12- HIV symmetry
a) Icosahedral b) Helical c) Complex d) no above
13- HIV
a) Has enveloped b) Hasn't enveloped c) Complex d) no above
14- HIV Virion consist of
a) Glycoprotein envelope b) Matrix layer c) Capsid d) all above
15- HIV Virion Glycoprotein envelope
a) gp120 b) gp41 c) a+b d) no above
16- HIV Virion Matrix layer
a) p17 b) p24 c) gp41 d) no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

17- HIV Virion Capsid

a) p24 b) p17 c) gp41 d) no above
18- HIV genome
a) ss-RNA b) dsDNA c) ds-RNA d) no above
19- HIV Enzymes
a) Reverse transcriptase b) Integrase c) Protease d) all above
20- HIV structural genes quired for the replication of retroviruses
a) gag b) pol c) env d) all above
21- HIV non-structural genes regulate viral expression
a) tat and nef b) rev and vif c) vpr and vpu d) all above
22- HIV Site of attachment is
a) CD4 antigen b) hepatocyte c) Matrix protein d) no above
23- HIV required a co receptor which is ......a co-receptor for the macrophage
strains of HIV-1
a) CCR5 b) CXCR4 c) Matrix protein d) no above
24- HIV required a co receptor which is the co-receptor for the lymphocyte
strain of HIV-1
a) CXCR4 b) CCR5 c) Matrix protein d) no above
25- Transmission of HIV
a) Sexually b) Parenterally c) Perinatally d) all above
26- HIV Chronic phase: Lasts for about
a) 10 years b) 10 months c) 3years d) no above
27- syndromes appear At the end of this stage of HIV Chronic phase
a) PGL b) ARC c) a+b d) no above
28- Is defined as enlargement of lymph nodes for at least 1 cm in diameter in
theabsence of any illnesses or medications
a) PGL b) ARC c) AIDS d) no above
29- Is a group of clinical symptoms that come before AIDS
a) ARC b) PGL c) AIDS d) no above
30- AIDS-related complex (ARC):Is a group of clinical symptoms that come
before AIDS and may include
a) Fever and Chronic diarrhea b) Weight loss and malaise
c) Neurological disease d) all above

31- HIV Blood markers in the chronic stage

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) Anti-envelop & Anti-core positive b) Viral load (HIV RNA) increases

c) CD4+ T cell count gradually decreased d) all above
32- AIDS phase Marked
a) decrease in CD4+ T cell count < 200 cell/mm3
b) releasing proteolytic enzymes
c) increase in CD4+ T cell count> 200 cell/mm3 d) no above
33- Blood markers in AIDS stage
a) High viral load (HIV RNA)
b) Detection of both HIV RNA & the antigen p24
c) Anti-envelop (Anti-gp120) & Anti-core (Anti-p24) are positive
d) no above
34- Co receptor for the macrophage strains of HIV-1 is :-
a- CD4 b- CCR5 c- CD8 d- CXCR4
35- The 1st choice marker for detection HIV in the acute phase is :-
a- p24 antigen b- Anti p24 c- HIV RNA d- Anti-gp120
36- AIDS stage in HIV infection include :-
a- Normal CD4+ T cell count b- high CD4+ T cell count
c- decrease CD4+ T cell count d- None of them.
37- Which of the following molecule is important that help and aid HIV enter to
host Cell and cause infection
A_ Lipoproteins B_ Glycoproteins C_PolysacchridesD_ Non of these
38- The common rout of HIV Transmmision is
A_ unprotect sexual Contact B- Fecal and oral Routs. C- Blood Transfusion D_
Non of these
39- Which of the following antigen that is important to determine detect of HIV
A_gp21 B_gp24 C_ gp120 D_Non of these
40- The First choice marker for detection of HIV in acute phase is
A_ anti g24 B_HIV RNA C_anti g120 D_Non of these
41- Virus that Cause cell death by inhibition of cellular protein synthesis
A_ Herpis viruses B_ Popuvirus C_ HIV viruses D_ All of these
42- All of the following is True for Diagnosis AIDS except of:
A-Detect of HIV Ag by Serum ELISA B-Blood viral By PCR. C-vaginal swab

43- HIV are target cell has............. On surface

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

A_ CD4 B_NA C_HA D_ Non of above

44- HIV cause infection in
A_ wast Africa B_mozombiqe C_ world wide D- All of these
45- The symmetry of HIV virus is
A_Helical B_Icosahedral C_Spherical capsomeres Helical D_Non of above
46- Transmission of HIV parently is like
A_Blood B_ semen and Viginal C_ Breasfeeding D_ Direct exposure of
blood or body fluid
47- HIV type 1 is
A. highly virulent B. less virulent Pathogenic C. Relativly less susceptible
48- The genome of HIV consist of
A. 9 genes, 3 structural and 6 Non Structural
B. 6 genes, 3 structural, 3 Non Structural
C. 3 structural genes D. Non of these
49- In HIV infection There is
A. gradually decreased in CD4 and T cells B. Normal count of CD4
C. Rapid increase in CD4 count and T cell D. All of these
50- In individual with HIV the opportuinistic infection are:
A _more frequent B_less frequent C_Non exsistant D_ All of these
51-HIV peristizes in
A_ Y helper cell B_T helper cell C_ Plasma B cells D_Non of these
52- What is the choice that does not belong to the characteristics of the HIV virus
A. Icosahedral shape B. Glycoprotein envelope C. Matrix layer (p17) D.
Capsid (p24) E. DNA genome
53- Which of the following viruses are best known for latent infections?
A. Herpesvirus B. Poliovirus C. HIV D. Rhinovirus E. Human corona

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص المحاضرة العاشرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Orthomyxoviridae (influenza viruses) 👈🏻 ‫مصطلح مهم‬

Influenza viruses : are the main human pathogen and the only members of the
orthomyxovirdae ‫فيروسات اإلنفلونزا هي الممرض الرئيسي لإلنسان واألعضاء الوحيدون من اورثوميكسو فيروس‬

Orthomyxoviruses are divided into four types : influenza A, B, C and D

A.B.C.D: ‫فيروسات أورثوميكسوفيروس هي تنقسم إلى أربعة أنواع‬
❖ influenza A, B, C infect humans ‫هذه األنواع من االنفلونزة تصيب‬
❖ influenza D infect cattle ‫تصيب الماشية فقط‬

Structure & Composition : ‫هيكل التكوين‬

Genome S.S-RNA , Negative sense

influenza A.B viruses contain eight of RNA influenza C :
viruses contain seven of RNA
‫ تحتوي‬:RNA C ‫ على ثمانية من إنفلونزا‬A.B ‫ تحتوي فيروسات إنفلونزا‬:‫الجينوم‬
RNA ‫الفيروسات على سبعة من‬

EnvelopeAre Contains 2 different spikes include viral hemagglutinin (HA)

and neuraminidase (NA) proteins
‫) والنورامينيداز‬HA( ‫ يحتوي على شوكتين مختلفتين تشمل الهيماجلوتينين الفيروسي‬:‫المغلف‬
‫) البروتينات‬NA(

Proteins eight structural proteins, two nonstructural protein

‫ واثنان من البروتينات غير الهيكلية‬، ‫ثمانية بروتينات هيكلية‬

Composition RNA(1%),protein (73%),lipid (20%),carbohydrate(6%)

Virion Spherical, pleomorphic, 80-120 nm in diameter. (helical

)‫ (نوكليوكابسيد حلزوني‬.‫ نانومتر‬120-80 ‫ قطر‬، ‫ متعدد األشكال‬، ‫كروي‬

Replication Nuclear transcription, particles mature by budding from

plasma membrane
‫ تنضج الجزيئات من خالل التبرعم من غشاء البالزما‬، ‫النسخ النووي‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Influenza A viruses / include the avian, swine, equine and canine influenza
viruses, as well as the human influenza A.
‫ وكذلك فيروسات اإلنفلونزا‬، ‫ تشمل فيروسات إنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير والخيول والكالب‬/ ‫فيروسات األنفلونزا أ‬
.‫البشرية أ‬
Influenza A viruses are classified into subtypes based on two surface antigens :
- hemagglutinin (H)
- neuraminidase (N) protein.
)N( ‫( ونورامينيداز‬H) ‫ وهما بروتين هيماجلوتينين‬، ‫يتم تصنيفها إلى أنواع فرعية بنا ًء على مستضدين سطحيين‬

- There are 18 different known (H) antigens (H1 to H18) ‫ انتجين مختلف يعرف ب‬١٨ ‫يوجد‬
- There are 11 different known (N) antigens (N1 to N11). ‫ انتجين مختلف يعرف ب‬١١ ‫يوجد‬

(H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2) are the only known influenza A virus subtypes
currently circulating among humans.
‫ المنتشرة حاليًا بين البشر‬A ‫هي األنواع الفرعية الوحيدة المعروفة لفيروسات اإلنفلونزا‬


Influenza A virus : ‫فيروس االنفلونزة‬

Contain of two matrix proteins : ‫تحتوي على نوعين من البروتينات‬ ‫ذني النوعين جدا ً مهمات‬
❖ M1 : located between the internal nucleoprotein and the envelope, provides
structural integrity.
.‫ ويوفر السالمة الهيكلية‬، ‫ يقع بين البروتين النووي الداخلي والغالف‬:M1

❖ M2 : forms an ion channel between the interior and exterior of the virus. It is
transports protons into the virion causing the disruption of the envelope
‫ إنه ينقل البروتونات إلى الفيريون مما يتسبب في‬.‫ يشكل قناة أيونية بين الجزء الداخلي والخارجي للفيروس‬: M2
‫تعطيل الغالف‬

A non-structural protein called NS-1, by its ability to inhibit the production of

interferon mRNA reduces the host innate defense and is an important
‫ يقلل من الدفاع الفطري للمضيف‬mRNA ‫ من خالل قدرته على تثبيط إنتاج انترفيرون‬NS-1 ‫بروتين غير هيكلي يسمى‬
‫وهو عنصر مهم‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

The function of the HA : is to bind to the cell surface receptor usually a

neuraminic acid or sialic acid to infect the cell. The HA is highly antigenic and a
target of the neutralising antibody.
‫ هو‬HA .‫ في االرتباط بمستقبالت سطح الخلية عادة ً حمض السياليك أو حمض السياليك إلصابة الخلية‬HA ‫تتمثل وظيفة‬
‫ حمض النورامينيك‬.‫مستضد عالي وهو هدف للجسم المضاد المعادل‬

- The hemagglutinin functions at the beginning of infection.

‫يعمل الهيماجلوتينين في بداية اإلصابة‬
- The hemagglutinin agglutinates red blood cells, and this is the basis of
diagnostic Hemagglutination inhibition test .

‫ وهذا هو أساس اختبار تثبيط التراص الدموي التشخيصي‬، ‫يتراكم الهيماجلوتينين على خاليا الدم الحمراء‬

The NA functions at the end of the viral replication cycle include :-

: ‫ في نهاية دورة تكاثر الفايروس مايلي‬NA ‫تتضمن وظاىف‬
a) It is a sialidase enzyme that removes sialic acid from glycoconjugates.
‫إنه إنزيم سياليديز الذي يزيل حمض السياليك منه‬
b) It facilitates release of virus particles from infected cell surfaces during the
budding process. ‫يسهل إطالق جزيئات الفيروس من أسطح الخاليا المصابة خالل مهدها عملية‬
c) helps prevent self-aggregation of virions..‫يساعد على منع التراكم الذاتي للفيريونات‬

‫فهم ذني النوعين جدا ً مهمات‬
Two types of antigenic changes are known : ‫هناك نوعان من التغيرات المستضدية معروفة‬
1- Antigenic drift : refers to a minor change genome RNA
‫ وهو تغير كبير في جينوم الحمض النووي الريبي‬: ‫االنجراف األنتيجيني‬
2- Antigenic shift : which is major change genome RNA
‫ يشير إلى تغير طفيف في جينوم الحمض النووي الريبي‬: ‫التحول األنتيجيني‬

Viral Transmission : ‫انتقال الفايروس‬

1- Influenza viruses are transmitted in aerosols created by coughing and
sneezing, and by contact with nasal discharges
‫ وعن طريق مالمسة إفرازات األنف‬، ‫ الفيروس في الهباء الجوي الناتج عن السعال والعطس‬/ ‫تنتقل فيروسات اإلنفلونزا‬
2- Person-to-person transmission occurs with the H1N1 virus that is currently
circulating in humans. ‫يحدث انتقال الفيروس من شخص آلخر مع فيروس التي تنتشر حاليًا في البشر‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

PRE-TEST : ‫االختبار االولي‬

1- Orthomyxoviruses include :-
a- Pramyxo viruses
b- Herpes viruses
c- Influenza viruses
d- Retroviruses
2- One of influenza viruses responsible for flu pandemic is :
a- Influenza A
b- Influenza B
c- Influenza C
d- Influenza D

POST-TEST : ‫االختبار االحق‬

1- Replication of the genome in influenza viruses take place in:
a- Cytoplasm
b- nucleus
c- cytoplasm and nucleus
d- Golgi apparatus
2- One of influenza virus protein which has ability to inhibit interferon mRNA is:
a- MI
b- M2
c- HA
d- NSI
3-Antigenic shift in influenza virus refer to:
a- Minor change in genome
b- Major change in genome
c- Intermediate change in genome
d- Non of them
4- All of the following include Neuraminidase (NA) functions except one:
a- It is a sialidase enzyme that removes sialic acid from glycoconjugates.
b- helps prevent self-aggregation of virions.
c- It facilitates release of virus particles from infected cell surfaces during the
budding process
d- Agglutinates red blood cells, and this is the basis of diagnostic
Hemagglutination inhibition test.

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
MCQ 10
1- Orthomyxoviruses include-:
a- Pramyxo viruses .b- Herpes viruses .c- Influenza viruses .d- Retroviruses
2- One of influenza viruses responsible for flu pandemic is:
a- Influenza A .b- Influenza B c- Influenza C d- Influenza D
3- Replication of the genome in influenza viruses take place in:
a- Cytoplasm b- nucleus c- cytoplasm and nucleus d- Golgi apparatus
4- One of influenza virus protein which has ability to inhibit interferon mRNA is:
a- M1 b- M2 c- HA d- NS1
5- Antigenic shift in influenza virus refer to:
a- Minor change in genome. b- Major change in genome c- Intermediate change
in genome d- Non of them
6- All of the following include Neuraminidase (NA) functions except one:
a- It is a sialidase enzyme that removes sialic acid from glycoconjugates.
b- helps prevent self-aggregation of virions.
c- It facilitates release of virus particles from infected cell surfaces during the budding
d-Agglutinates red blood cells, and this is the basis of diagnostic Hemagglutination
inhibition test.
7- True influenza is an acute infectious disease caused by a member of
a) orthomyxovirus .b) retrovirus c) adenovirus .d) no above
8- orthomyxovirus family histone modom
a) influenza virus A .b) influenza virus B .c) influenza virus C .d) all aboveborah
9- the term is often used for any febrile respiratory illness with systemic
symptoms which may be caused by many of bacterial or viral agents
a) flu b) Kaposi sarcoma c) a+b d) no above
10- the term (flu) is often used for any febrile respiratory illness with systemic
symptoms which may be caused by many

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) bacterial b) viral c) a+b d) no above

11- Orthomyxoviruses are divided into four types: Influenza A, B, C and D but
only......... infect humans any nautil
a) influenza virus A .b) influenza virus B .c) influenza virusCls .d) all above
12- are the virus types responsible for the seasonal flu epidemics
a) influenza virus A .b) influenza virus B .c) influenza virusCls .d) all above
13- Virion:- Spherical, pleomorphic, 80-120 nm in diameter(Helical
a) influenza virus b) retrovirus c) adenovirus d) no above
13- Virion of influenza virus
a) Spherical b) Icosahedral
14- Composition: RNA (1%), protein (73%), lipid (20% ), carbohydrate (6%)
a) influenza virus b) retrovirus c) adenovirus d) no above
15- influenza virus Genome
a) negative ssRNA b) dsDNA c) ds-RN
16- viruses occuras eight separate segments
a) influenza virus A b) influenza virus B c) a+b
17- contain seven segments of RNA
a) influenza virusC .b) influenza virus B c) influenza virus A .d) all above
18- influenza virus C lacking a
a) neuraminidase gene b) envelope c) a+b d) no above
19- Envelope: Contains 2 different spikes include viral
a) neuraminidase gene b) neuraminidase c) a+b d) no above
20- A selv saulinite influenza virus Replication in :
a) Nuclear b) cytoplasm c) a+b d) no above
21- Replication: Nuclear transcription, particles mature by monda
a) Budding b) envelope c) a+b d) no aboveliz ami bobulb

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

22- is to bind to the cell surface receptor usually a neuromeric acid or sialic acid
to infect the cell
a) hemagglutinin b) Neuraminidase c) a+b d) no above
23- Influenza A virus have matrix proteins
a) M1 b) M2 c) a+b d) no above
24- is located between the internal nucleoprotein and the envelope and provides
Structural integrity
a) M1 b) M2 c) a+b d) no above
25- protein forms an ion channel between the interior and the exterior of the
a) M2 b) M1 c) a+b d) no above
26- It transports protons into the virion causing the disruption of the envelope
a) M2 b) M1 c) a+b d) no above

27- types of antigenic changes of Orthomyxoviruses are known

a) Antigenic drift b) Antigenic shift c) a+b d) no above
28- refer to a minor change based on accumulate mutations during virus
replication in the genome RNA
a) Antigenic drift b) Antigenic shift c) a+b d) no above
29- that involves a major change based on the re-assortment of segments of the
genome RNA
a) Antigenic shift b) Antigenic drift c) a+b d) no above
30- There are....... different known H antigens
a) 18 b) 11 c) 20 d) no above
31- There are....... different known N antigens
a) 11 b) 18 c) 20 d) no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

32- Influenza type C infections generally cause

a) mild illness b) hemagglutinin c) a+b
33-viruses can cause epidemics in human population
a) influenza virus B b) influenza virusA c) influenza virusC
34-Which of the following protein initiates the process of infection:
a) HN B. M C. F D. S E. NA
35- Which of the following virus contains segmented (almost eight separate
segments) negative sense RNA
A. influenza C .B. influenza B .C. Paramyxovirus .D. Rabies virus .E. Adenovirus
36- Virus Contains 2 different spikes include viral hemagglutinin (HA) and
neuraminidase (NA) proteins.
A. HIV .B. paraintluenza virus C. Pox virus D. Herpes virus E. influenza virus
37- The function of the HA is
A. It is a sialidase enzyme that removes sialic acid from glycoconjugates.
B. It facilitates release of virus particles from infected cell surfaces during the budding
C. Help prevent self aggravation of virions
D. to bind to the cell surface receptor usually a neuraminic acid or sialic acid to infect
the cell
E. All of them
38- Which the virus spread direct:
a- West nile virus b- Yellow fever virus, c- Influenza virus d- Dengue virus
39- which of the following symptoms is not typical of influenza ?
a-fever b-muscalar aches . c-malaise .d-Dry cough e-Rash
40- M1 matrix protein of influenza virus has role to
a- agglutination Red blood cells b- provider Structure intigrety
c- Form iron channel d- Non of these
41- One type of influenza virus are responsible of flu pandemic
a- Influenza type A .b-influenza type B c-influenza type C d- All of these
42- Both influenza virus and rotavirus have a-----------------
a- single RNA molecule .b- segmented DNA genome.

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

c- segmented RNA genome. d- single DNA molecule . e- none of previous answers

43- Influenza ......viruses include the avian, swine, equine and canine influenza
a- Influenza A .b- Influenza B c- Influenza C d- Influenza D e- paraunfluenza
44- Antigenic shift in influenza virus refer to :-
a- Minor change in genome b- Major change in genome
c- Intermediat change in genome d- Non of them
45- Influenza ........viruses are the only influenza viruses known to cause flu
a- A b- B c- C d- D e- E
46- influenza type ..... infections generally cause mild illness
a- A b- B c- C d- D e- None of them
47- A virus such as influenza which emerges suddenly and spreads globally is
a- Epidemic b-Endemic c- Pandemic d- Zoonotic
48- Influenza virus are
b- DNA envelope virus . b-RNA envelope virus .c- Non enveloped virus
d- All of these
49- influenza virus type A and B genome consist of
A- Eight segment B- Seven segment C- 10 Segment D- Non of these
50- During the Release of influenza virus form infected cell this process occur by
A-Repture of Cell B-Budding C-Non of these
51- Two matrix protein M1 and M2 These Components Of
A-Hepatitis E B- Influenza type A C- Non of these
52- Incubation period of influenza virus Type A is
A-3 to 4 weeks B- 6 mounths C- 2 to 7 days D- 15-50 day
53- Have important role during the Beginning infection of influenza virus
A-NA B- HA C-M2 Protein D- Non of these
54- The name of viruses are derived from disease:
A- Parvoviruses B- Adenovirus C- influenza virus
55- RNA viruses multiply in host cell cytoplasm except :
a- Poxviruses b- influenza virus . c- Orthomyxoviruses d- herpesviruses

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

11 ‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

General properties paramyxovirus: ‫الخصائص العامة باراميكسوفيروس‬

Symmetry ‫التناظر‬ Helical ‫حلزوني‬

Virion shape ‫ شكل الفيرون‬spherical, pleomorphic ‫كروي متعدد األشكال‬

Nucleucapsid ‫ نوكليوكابسد‬Helical ‫حلزوني‬

Genome ‫الجينوم‬ ssRNA liner non-segmented ‫خطي غير مقسم‬

Proteins ‫البروتينات‬ 6-8 structural protein ‫بروتين هيكلي‬

Envelope ‫مغلف‬ have glycoproteins (G,H or HN) and F ‫لديهم بروتينات سكرية‬
Respiratory (coughing, sneezing, speaking)
Transmission ‫االنتقال‬
)‫الجهاز التنفسي (السعال والعطس والتحدث‬
Koplik spots ; are small, bluish-white ulcerations on the buccal mucosa opposite the
lower molars. These spots contain giant cells and viral antigens and appear about 2
days before the maculopapular rash.
‫ تحتوي هذه البقع على‬.‫بقع كوبليك هي تقرحات صغيرة بيضاء مائلة للزرقة على الغشاء المخاطي الشدق مقابل األضراس السفلية‬
‫خاليا عمالقة ومستضدات فيروسية وتظهر قبل يومين من الطفح البقعي الحطاطي‬
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, but fatal disease of the
central nervous system that results from a measles virus infection acquired earlier in
life SSPE generally develops 7 to 10 years after a person has measles
‫ ) هو مرض نادر جدًا ولكنه قاتل يصيب الجهاز العصبي المركزي وينتج عن عدوى‬SSPE( ‫التهاب الدماغ المصلب تحت الحاد‬
.‫ سنوات من إصابة الشخص بالحصبة‬10 ‫ إلى‬7 ‫ بعد‬SSPE ‫ وعادة ما يتطور‬، ‫فيروس الحصبة المكتسبة في وقت مبكر من الحياة‬
Genus ‫جنس‬ Members ‫اعضاء‬
‫البروتين السكري‬
Paramyxovirus mumbs, human parainfluenza virus
(HPIV 1-4) ‫فيروس نظير اإلنفلونزا البشري‬ HN ,F
‫الفيروس المخاطاني‬
measles ‫مرض الحصبة‬ H,F
‫فيروس الحصبة‬
Pneumovirus respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
‫الفيروسات الرئوية‬ ‫فيروس الجهاز التنفسي المخلوي‬
H >> heamagglutinin
N >> Neuraminidase
F >> fusion

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Human parainfluenza Respiratory

Mumps Measles
virus syncytial virus
ciliated epithelial in Nasopharynx Lower
infectious nasal or upper Skin, respiratory
upper and lower respiratory tract
reason respiratory tract tract, conjunctiva
respiratory tract
14-18 days 8-12 days 3-5 days
1- Koplik spots
2- otitis media
1- Fever 3- Pneumonia
2- Malaise 4- Subacute
1- Croup 1- Common cold
3- parotid gland sclerosing
2- Pneumonia 2- Pneumonia
enlargement panencephalitis
3- Bronchiolitis 3- Bronchitis and
1- clinical 4- orchitic (adult) (SSPE)
4- Otitis media bronchiolitis
feature 5- meningitis (adult 5- fever, sneezing,
5- tracheobronchitis 4- Otitis media
6- Testis and ovaries coughing , running
6- Pharyngitis 5- chronic lung
infection nose, redness of
7- Conjunctivitis disease (infant)
7- salivary gland eyes, lymphopenia,
enlargment conjuctivitis
associated with
1- Nasopharyngeal
1- Nasopharyngeal 1- Saliva 2- Conjunctiva
aspiration swap
2- Specimen 2- Cerebrospinal fluid
2- Nasal aspiration 3- Blood samples
3- Nasal washing 3- urine 4- Respiratory
5- urine
3- Antigen 1- ELISA Immunofluorcence Immunofluorcence (IF)
detection 2-Immunofluorescence (IF)
IgM and IgG by ELISA and heamagglotination IgM and IgG by IF test
4- Serology inhibition test
A) 1- heteroploid cell
A) Monkey &
a) Isolation A) Monkey kidney line (Hela
human kidney
a) Monkey kidney culture 2- Hep-2
B) 1- Cytopathic
b) and culture B) 1- hem adsorption B) 1- cytopathic
identification b) hem adsorption 2- effect
2- multinucleated
immunofluorescence 2- giant cells
3- inclusion bodies
6- Nucleic
PCR Real time PCR PCR
acid detection
Treatment No Ribavirin

live mumps virus live measles virus

Vaccine No No
vaccine vaccine

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical
11 Lecture 3

1-The receptors of Human parainfluenza viruses:

A) F1 and F2 receptors B) F1 and F3 receptors
C) F2 and F3 receptors D) F1 and F4 receptors
2- Human parainfluenza viruses adsorbs to the respiratory epithelial cells by:
A- specifically combining with neuraminic acid receptors
B- specifically combining with folic acid receptors
C- specifically combining with neuronic acid receptors
D- specifically combining with neural acid receptors
3- Human parainfluenza viruses have :
A) Good vaccine against infection B) No vaccine against infection
C) Weak vaccine against infection. D) Multiple vaccine against infection.
4- Which the following of paramyxoviruses belong to pneumovirus ?
A) measles virus B) parainfluenza C) mumps virus
D) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
5- Croup caused by :-
A) Measles virus B) Mumps virus C) RSV D) Parainfluenza virus
6- Which of the following family does the Mumps virus belong to?
A) Flaviviridae b- bunyaviridae c- filovitidae d- coronavirdae
e- paramoxyviridae
7- subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a complication related with:
A) Parainfluenza virus B) Measles C) Mumps D) None of them
8- Paramyxovirus family has many members:
A) Mumps B) human parainfluenza viruses C) Measles
D) Respiratory syncytial virus E) All are correct
9- Which the following of paramyxoviruses belong to pneumovirus
A) measles virus B) mumps virus C) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

D) parainfluenza E) influenza virus

10- Which the following of paramyxoviruses belong to Morbillivirus
A) Measles virus B) mumps virus C) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
D) parainfluenza E) influenza virus
11- One of influenza viruses responsible for fly pandemic is :-
A- Influenza A B- Influenza B C- Influenza C D- Influenza D
12- Orthomyxoviruses including :
A) paramyxovirus B) herpes viruses. C) influenza viruses. D) retroviruses
13- Croup caused by———
A) Measles virus B) Mumps virus C) RSV D) Parainfluenza virus
14- Koplik spots occur in
A) Mumps B) RSV C) Measles D) Parainfluenza
15- SSPE is complication of
A) Parainfluenza B) Measles C) Mumps D) RSV
16- Orchitis caused by :
A) Measles virus. B) RSV C) Mumps virus. D) Parainfluenza
17- The paramyxoviruses include the most important agents of respiratory
infections of
A) Infants B) young children C) a+b D) no above
18- All members of the Paramyxoviridae family initiate infection via the
A) respiratory tract B) macrophages C) dendritic cells D) all above
19- The family Paramyxoviridae consists of
A) Paramyxovirus B) Morbillivirus C) Pneumovirus D) all above
20- Paramyxovirus includes
A) Parainfluenza B) mumps virus C) a+b D)no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

21- Morbillivirus includes the

A) measles virus B) rotavirus C) adenovirus D) no aboveme
22- Pneumovirus includes std wome
A) RSV B) rotavirus C) adenovirus D) no above
23- Paramyxovirus Virion is
A) Spherical B) Icosahedral C) Complex D) no above
24- Paramyxovirus symmetry is suli pa u
A) Helical B) Icosahedral C) Complex
25- Composition: RNA (1%), protein (73%), lipid (20% ), carbohydrate (6%)
A) Paramyxovirus B) rotavirus C) adenovirus D) no above
26- Paramyxovirus Genome
A) ssRNA linear B) dsDNA C) ds-RNA D) no above
27- Paramyxovirus Envelope: Contains viral glycoprotein
A) G B) H C) HN D) no above Me E) all above is F) no above
28- Paramyxovirus Replication in
A) Nuclear B) cytoplasm C) a+b
29- Paramyxovirus spread by
A) Droplets B) swine C) equine D) canine
30- HPIVS genome
A) ssRNA linear B) dsDNA C) ds-RNA D) no above
31- HPIVS cause
A) respiratory illnesses B) Kaposi sarcoma
32- HPIVS bind and replicate in the
A) ciliated epithelial cells B) hepatocyte. C) Matrix protein D) no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

33- HPIVS adsorbs to the respiratory epithelial cells by specifically combining

A) neuraminic acid B) hepatocyte C) Matrix protein D) no above
34- HPIVS adsorbs to the respiratory epithelial cells by specifically combining
with neuraminic acid receptors in the cell through its
A) Hemagglutinin B) hepatocyte C) Matrix protein D) no above

35- HPIVS replicates rapidly in the cell cytoplasm and causes formation of
A) Multinucleated B) hemagglutinin C) a+b D) no above
36- HPIVS causes inflammation of the respiratory tract, leading to secretions of
high level of inflammatory
A) Cytokines B) CCR5 C) Matrix protein D) no above
38-are the noted pathological features associated with HPIV infections
A) necrosis B) sloughing C) edema D) all above
39-Human parainfluenza viruses cause
A) Croup B) Kaposi sarcoma C) a+b D) no above
40- croup (a heterogeneous group of illnesses that affects the larynx, trachea, and
bronchi. The condition manifests as
A) pneumonia B) bronchiolitis C) tracheobronchitis D) all above
41- is an acute contagious disease characterized by non-suppurative enlargement
of one or both salivary glands
A) Mumps B) sloughing C) edema
42- the only natural hosts for mumps virus is
A) Humans B) animals C) bacterial D) all above, in
43- mumps virus Primary replication occurs in
A) nasal B) upper respiratory tract C) epithelial cells D) all above

45- mumps virus Viremia then disseminates the virus to the

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

A) salivary glands B) hepatocyte C) Matrix protein D) no above

46- mumps virus incubation period
A)14-18 B) 20 to40 hours C) 10to50 days
47- mumps Virus is shed in the saliva from about.... after the onset of salivary
gland swelling
A) 3 to 9 days B) 2 to 7huors C) 20 to40 hours
48- mumps Virus is shed in the saliva from about.... after the onset of salivary
gland swelling symptoms
A) 14 days B) 2 to 7huors C) 20 to40 hours D)10to50 days

49- mumps Virus Clinical Findings

A) Fever B) malaise C) meningitis D) all above
50- is an acute, highly infectious disease characterized by fever, respiratory
symptoms, and a maculopapular rash
A) Measles B) sloughing C) edema D) all above
51- are the only natural hosts for measles virus
A) Humans B) animals C) bacterial D) all above lin
52- measles virus gains access to the human body via the
A) respiratory tract B) hepatocyte C) Matrix protein
53- measles virus multiplies
A) locally B) hepatocyte C) Matrix protein D) no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

12 ‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
MCQ 12
1- Enteric viruses represent a wide spectrum of viral genera that invade and
replicate in the mucosa of the
a) intestinal tract b) macrophages c) dendritic cells d) all above
2- are the commonest causes of gastroenteritis worldwide
a) Enteric viruses b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
3- Enteric viruses transmitted via the
a) fecal-oral route .b) swine .c) equine .d) canine
4- Enteric viruses can be grouped as
a) Viruses causing localized inflammation at any level of the intestinal tract
b) Viruses that multiply at any level of the intestinal tract
c) Viruses that spread to the intestinal tract during the later stages
d) all above
5- Viruses causing localized inflammation at any level of the intestinal tract
A) Rotaviruses b) caliciviruses c) adenoviruses and astroviruses
d)all above
6- Viruses that multiply at any level of the intestinal tract
a) measles virus b) reoviruses c) enteroviruses d) all above
7- enteroviruses including
a) polioviruses and coxsackieviruses b) enteroviruses .c) hepatitis A and E
d) all above
8- Viruses that spread to the intestinal tract during the later stages of
systemic disease
a) HIV .b) cytomegalovirus .c) a+b .d) no above
9- Polio Virus also known as
a) Poliomyelitis b) rotavirus .c) adenovirus .d) no above
10- Polio Virus family:
a) Picornaviridae .b) Rhabdoviridae c) Reoviridae d) no above
11- Polio Virus Genus
a) Enteroviruses .b) Morbillivirus .c) Pneumovirus .d) all above
12- Polio Virus Virion:
a) spherical .b) Icosahedral .c) Complex .d) no above
13- Polio Virus symmetry
a) Icosahedral .b) Icosahedral .c) Complex .d) no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

14- Polio Virus Genome

a) +ssRNA .b) dsDNA .c) ds-RNA .d) no above
15- Polio Virus
a) Non envelope .b) envelope .c) a+b .d) no above
16- Polio Virus only susceptible hosts is
a) Humans .b) animals .c) bacterial .d) all above
17-serotypes of poliovirus
a) PV-1 .b) PV-2 .c) PV-3 .d) all above
18-Capsid contains 60 copies each of the viral polypeptides
a) VP1 b) VP2 c) VP3 d) VP4 e) all above
19- Replication of Polio Virus occur in the
a) Nuclear .b) cytoplasm .c) a+b .d) no above
20- viral particles are release from the host cell through
a) lysis .b) swine .c) equine .d) canine
21- entry for the Polio virus
a) mouth b) swine .c) equine .d) canine

22- Polio Virus transmitted by

a)fecal oral route .b)swine .c)equine .d)canine
23- Polio Virus incubation period is
a)9-12 days b) 2 to 7huors c) 20 to40 hours d)10to50 days
24- Polio Virus Following ingestion, the virus multiplies in the
a) oropharyngeal .b)intestinal mucosa .c) a+b .d)no above
25- primary viraemia of Polio Virus in
a) ileum .b) hepatocyte c) ciliated epithelial cells d) no above
26- secondary viremia of Polio Virus in
a)RES .b) PGL .c) AIDS .d)no above
27- possible outcomes of infection of Polio Virus
a)Subclinical .b) Abortive .c)Major illness .d)all above
28-(90-95%): - in apparent sub-clinical infection account for the vast
majority of poliovirus infections.
a)Subclinical .b) Abortive c) Major illness d)all above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

29- (4-8%) :- a minor influenza-like illness occurs characterized by fever,

headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Neurological symptoms are typically absent
a) Abortive .b) Subclinical c) Major illness d)all above
30- present 2-3 days following the minor illness or without any preceding
minor illness
a) Abortive b) Subclinical c) Major illness d)all above
31- Prevention The Polio Virus disease may be prevented through
a) IPV b)OPV c) a+b d) no above
32- Group Rotaviruses are found in Human
a)A b)B c)C d)all above
33- Characteristics "wheel" like
a) Rotavirus b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
34- Rotavirus Shape
a) Spherical b) Icosahedral c) Complex d) no above
35- Symptoms of Dehydration: decrease in urination, dry mouth and throat
and feeling dizzy when standing up ,it's one of clinical finding of :
a- Mumps b- HCV c- polio virus d- Rota virus e- HSV
36- ......................... is virus with dsRNA genome
a- Poliovirus b- Influenza virus c- HIV d- Measles virus e- Rota virus
37- Highly contagious disease caused by ............ that attacks the central
nervous system affect children younger than 5 years old result in paralysis
a- Measles virus b- Influenza virus c- HIV d- Poliovirus e- Rota virus
38- During viral infections, some viruses replicate and produce disease
distant from their site of entry, the best example of this type of systemic
viral infection is.
a- Coronavirus b- Influenza virus c- Polio virus d- Rotaviruses
39- One of viral proteins of rota virus that is act as enterotoxin and
responsible for secretory diarrhea is ..........
a- NSP3 b- NSP4 c- VP6 d- VP1 e- VP4
40- By visualization of Rota virus Under EM, it has characteristic
a-Bullet b- Brick c- Wheel d- Crown e- Filamentous

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

41-Viruses possess double-stranded RNA are

a- Togaviruses b- Rhabdoviruses c- Hepadnaviruses d- Rotaviruses
42- During viral infections, some viruses replicate and produce disease
distant from their site of entry, the best example of this type of systemic
viral infection is.
a- Coronavirus b- Influenza virus c-Polio virus d- Rotaviruses
43- Vp6 and Vp7 inner Capsid protect
A- paranyxovirus B- Rotavirus C- VZV D- Non of these
44- Poliovirus relatively resistant to extremes of :
a- pH and temperature b- lipid solvents c- Detergents .d-All the above.
45- Poliovirus can be isolated from :
a-Gut d-Skin b-Throat c- Stools d- B and C
46- Poliovirus caused paralysis develops more frequently in
a-Adults b-Children c-Young d-Infant
47- Polio is controlled (eliminated) by: -
a-Education b-Vaccination c-Surveillance d- All the above
48- Reoviruses have a wide host range, including
a-Vertebrates, invertebrates b-Plants, protists c-Fungi. d-All the above
49- Rotaviruses - (Reo virus family) General:
A- non-enveloped . B- ds RNA. C- faecal-oral route
D- Incubation is short: 1 to 3 days.
E- Prevention: improved hygiene, education, clean water, specific - breast feeding
helps to provide passive immunity in the newborn.
F-all of them
50- A 3-month –old infant had watery diarrhea and fever for 10 days Rotaor
adeno virus types 40 and 41 are the suspected agents what type of specimen
would be most appropriate for detection of adenovirus type 40 and 41
infection in this patient?
a-Blood . b-urine . c-stool d-conjunctival swab e-throat swab

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

13 ‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Rabies virus : ‫فيروس داء الكلب‬

Characteristics ‫المميزات‬
Family : ‫العائلة‬ Rhabdoviridae
Genome : ‫المادة الوراثية‬ (S.S-RNA) Negative Sense , Linear , Non segregated
Enveloped :‫المغلف‬ Enveloped
Shaped : ‫الشكل‬ Bullet or rod
Size : ‫الحجم‬ 75 – 180 nm
Replication : ‫التكاثر‬ In Cytoplasm
Incubation period 30 – 90 day
‫فترة الحضانة‬
Transmission:‫ طريقة االنتقال‬By zoonosis
Spread : ‫االنتشار‬ By Wild + domestic mammals + bites + scratches
Host : ‫المضيف‬ Animals + dogs + cats + Wild animals + inhalation
Primary reservoir Wild mammals
: ‫المضيف االولي‬
Human pathogens of Lyssavirus and Vesiculoviru
medical importance
are found in the

Rabies virus causes Acute infections of the central nervous system

Pre-test : ‫االختبار االولي‬

Family of rabies virus called :-
a- Retroviridae
b- Rhabdoviridae
c- Hepdnaviridae
d- Reoviridae.

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
Antigenic Properties :‫خصائص المستضد‬
❖ G protein : The glycoprotein or G protein is present on the surface spikes
present on the outer lipoprotein envelope of the virion, helps to absorb receptor
on the nerve tissues.
‫على النتوءات السطحية الموجودة على غالف البروتين الدهني الخارجي‬G ‫يوجد بروتين سكري أو بروتين‬: : G ‫بروتين‬
‫ ويساعد على امتصاص المستقبالت الموجودة في األنسجة العصبية‬، ‫للفيريون‬
❖ N protein : Nucleoprotein or N protein is a group-specific antigen. It shows
cross- reaction with some rabies-related viruses.
‫ يظهر تفاعل متصالب مع بعض الفيروسات‬.‫هو مستضد خاص بالمجموعة‬N ‫ البروتين النووي أو البروتين‬:N ‫بروتين‬
‫المرتبطة بداء الكلب‬
❖ Other antigens : These include membrane proteins , glycolipid and
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
‫ وتشمل البروتينات الغشائية وجليكوليبيد وبوليميراز الحمض النووي الريبي المعتمد على الحمض‬: ‫مستضدات أخرى‬
.‫النووي الريبي‬
Pathogenesis: ‫االمراضية‬
Human infection👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 caused by the bite of dogs or other animals
‫عادة ما تحدث العدوى البشرية بسبب عضة الكالب أو الحيوانات األخرى‬

Clinical Manifestations : ‫االعراض المرافقة‬ ‫مهمات‬

Five general stages of rabies are recognized in humans ‫جدا‬
:‫يتم التعرف على خمس مراحل عامة من داء الكلب في‬
1-incubation period : usually 30 to 90 days but ranging from as few as 5 days to
longer than 2 years after initial exposure.
‫ أيام إلى أكثر من بعد عامين من التعرض األولي‬5 ‫ يو ًما ولكن تتراوح من‬90 ‫ إلى‬30 ‫ عادة من‬- :‫ فترة الحضانة‬-1 :
2- Prodromal period : which usually lasts from 2 to 10 days.
✓ symptoms include : fever , nausea , vomiting , headache , fatigue, sore throat,
‫ غال ًبا ما تكون هذه األعراض غير محددة وتشمل الحمى والغثيان والقيء والصداع‬.‫ أيام‬10 ‫ إلى‬2 ‫الفترة البادرية والتي تستمر عادة من‬
‫والتعب والتهاب الحلق والسعال‬
3- Acute neurological period : (2 to 3 days, rarely up to 6 days).
)‫ أيام‬6 ‫ نادرا ً ما تصل إلى‬، ‫ أيام‬3 ‫ إلى‬2( ‫الدورة العصبية الحادة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

4- coma ‫غيبوبة‬
5- death ‫الموت‬

Lab Diagnosis
► Specimen : saliva , CSF , Brain biopsy , skin biopsy , cornea.
‫ القرنية‬، ‫ خزعة الجلد‬، ‫ خزعة الدماغ‬، ‫ السائل الدماغي النخاعي‬، ‫ اللعاب‬- ‫العينة‬

Post test : ‫االختبار االحق‬

1- Multiplication of Rabies virus take place in : ‫يحدث تكاثر فيروس داء الكلب في‬
a- Nucleus
b- cytoplasm
c- Golgi apparatus
d- Non of them

2- Diagnostic characteristic for Rabies in infected cell is :

: ‫السمة التشخيصية لداء الكلب في الخلية المصابة هي‬
a- inclusion bodies
b- Negri bodies
c- giant cell
d- Round cell

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
MCQ 13
1-Family of rabies virus called :-
A-Retroviridae B- Rhabdoviridae C- Hepdnaviridae D- Reoviridae
2-.......... causes acute infection of the central nervous system
A- rotaviruses B- Rabies virus C- adenoviruses D- astroviruses
3-Only ........... medically the most significant member of the genus
A- rotaviruses B- Rabies virus C- adenoviruses D- astroviruses
4- all members of the Rhabdoviridae family is a distinctive ......... shaped
A- Rod B- bullet C- a+b D- non above
5- family Rhabdoviridae consists of more than ..... single-stranded, negative-
A- 100 B- 50 C- 60 D- 101
6-............ is the most important member of the rhabdoviridae
A- rotaviruses B- Rabies virus C- adenoviruses D- astroviruses
7-Genome of rabies virus are :-, linear , .................., unsegmented
A) -ssRNA B) +ssDNA C) dsRNA D) Non of above
8)Multiplication of Rabies virus take place in :
A- Nucleus B- cytoplasm C- Golgi apparatus D- Non of them
9- rabies virus transmitted by ............
A- zoonosis B- human C- fungi D- Non of them
10- present on the surface spikes present on the outer lipoprotein
envelope of rabies virus, helps to absorb receptor on the nerve tissues
A- G protein B- N protein C- H protein D- Non of them
11- ............ its Finally reaches the brain and produce Negri bodies in human
A- rotaviruses B- Rabies virus C- adenoviruses D- astroviruses
12- ........general stages of rabies are recognized in humans
A- four B- five C- sex D- two
13-Diagnostic characteristic for Rabies in infected cell is :-
A- inclusion bodies B- Negri bodies C- giant cell D- Round cell
14- Primary reservoirs of rabies virus are wild mammals; it can be spread
by both wild and domestic mammals by .....
a- Bites b- Scratches c- inhalation of droplets d- Parental

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

e- all of them
15-Rabies virus is belong
a- Hepadnaviridae b- Herpesviridae c- Reoviridae d- Rhabdoviridae
16- Rabies virus has ............shape
a- Bubble b- Brick c- Bullet d-Wheel
17- Diagnostic characteristic for Rabies in infected cell is :-
a- Inclusion bodies b- Negri bodies c- giant cell d- Round cell cell
18- the rabies transport the
a- lung b- liver c- heart d- kidney e- brain
19-Bullet – shaped virus is ........
a- HIV b- Rabies c- HBV d- measles e- rota virus
20- Rabies virus and Neuorviruses:
A- the Lyssavirus of the Rhabdoviridae
B- ssRNA enveloped virus, helical symmetry
C- Infectivity destroyed by lipid solvents.
D- Incubation period is highly variable, 7 days to several years. Depends on
many factors.
E- all of them
21- In Rabies virus, viral proteins together with the viral RNA aggregate in
the cytoplasm of viral infected neurons to compose ---------------.
A. multinucleated giant cells B. Syncytia C. plaque D. clear zone
E. Negri bodies
22-Which of the following virus undergoes zoonotic transmission:
A. Rotavirus B. HIV C. HBV D. HCV E. Rabies virus
24- Bullet-shaped virus, size (75-180 nm), with one end rounded. Enveloped
RNA virus
a) Rabies Virus b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d)no above
25- is present on the surface spikes presenton the outer lipoprotein envelope
Rabies Virus virion, helps to absorb receptor on the nerve tissues
a)G protein b) N protein c) s protein d) no above
26- is a group specific antigen. It shows cross-reaction with some rabies-
related viruses.

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) G protein b) N protein c) s protein d) no above

27- Clinical Manifestations of Rabies Virus
a) Coma and fever b) nausea and vomiting c) headache and fatigue
d) all above
28- Rabies Virus Incubation period
a)30 to 90 days b) 2 to 7huors c) 20 to40 hours d)10to50 days
29- Primary reservoirs of Rabies Virus are
a) wild mammals b) Humans c) bacterial d) all above
30- Rabies Virus in muscle tissue, connective tissue
a)Multiple b) hemagglutinin c) a+b d)no above
31- Rabies Virus in the brain of human produce
a) Negri bodies b) hepatocyte c) Matrix protein d) no above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

14 ‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Pox virus : ‫فيروس الجدري‬

- Variola virus : ‫فيروس الجدري‬
- Small pox : ‫العامل المسبب لفيروس الجدري‬
✓ Poxviruses are the largest and most complex of viruses.
‫فيروسات الجدري هي أكبر الفيروسات وأكثرها تعقيدًا‬
✓ Infections with most poxviruses are characterized by a rash
‫تتميز العدوى التي تصيب معظم فيروسات الجدري بطفح جلدي‬
Characteristics : ‫الصفات المميزة‬

Genome : ‫المادة الوراثية‬ (D.S-DNA) , linear

Enveloped : ‫الغالف‬ Envelope
Shape : ‫الشكل‬ Oval or brick
Size: ‫الحجم‬ 400 nm length , 230 nm diameter
Replication : ‫التكاثر‬ In Cytoplasm
Structur : ‫الهيكل‬ Complex structure
Characterized ‫يتميز ب‬ Rash
Composition : ‫التركيب‬ 3% DNA , 90% protein , 5% lipid
Human pathogens of medical ‫االجناس التي تسبب مرض لإلنسان‬
importance are found in the 1- Orthropox viruses
genera. 2- parapox virus
‫تم العثور على مسببات األمراض البشرية ذات األهمية‬
.‫الطبية في األجناس‬
Pox virus infection in humans 1- Variola
‫عدوى فيروس الجدري في االنسان‬ 2- Vaccinia
Treatment : ‫العالج‬ Methisazone
Incubation period 10 - 14 day
‫فترة الحضانة‬
The portal of Entry of variola Was the mucous membrane of the upper
virus respiratory tract
‫بوابة دخول فيروس الجدري‬ ‫عبر الغشاء المخاطي للجهازالتنفسي العلوي‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Poxviruses Replication : ‫تكاثر فيروس الجدري‬

❖ Viral DNA replication occurs in the cytoplasm and appears to be
accomplished by viral coded enzymes.
.‫يحدث تكاثر الحمض النووي الفيروسي في السيتوبالزم ويبدو أنه يتم عن طريق اإلنزيمات المشفرة الفيروسية‬
❖ Viral DNA replication occurs 2-6 hours after infection in discrete areas of the
‫ ساعات من اإلصابة في مناطق منفصلة من السيتوبالزة‬6-2 ‫يحدث تكاثر الحمض النووي الفيروسي بعد‬

Different between Vaccinia and Variola virus : ‫مقارنة بين فيروسات اللقاح وفيروس الجدري‬
Vaccinia virus (the agent used for smallpox (vaccination) )
▪ Variola virus : norrow host (humans + monkeys) ‫المضيف‬
▪ Vaccinia virus : host ( rabbit , mice ,cattle , water buffalo ) ‫المضيف‬
✓ Vaccinia virus causes disease in lab rabbits called ( Rabbitpox)
✓ Vaccinia virus causes disease in buffalo called (buffalopox)
❖ Both vaccinia and variola viruses grow on the chorioallantoic membrane of
the 10 – 12 day-old chick embryo
‫ يو ًما‬12 ‫ إلى‬10 ‫تنمو فيروسات اللقاح والجدري على الغشاء المشيمي لجنين كتكوت يبلغ من العمر‬

Symptoms (clinical): ‫االعراض او العالمات‬

Incubation period : 10 – 14 day ‫فترة الحضانة‬
1-5 ‫ أيام تسبقها‬: Fever + malaise + Rash + papules + pustules + leaving pink
‫ ثم‬، ‫ ثم حطاطات‬، ‫ والذي بدأ على شكل لطاخات‬، ‫ أيام من الحمى والضيق ظهور الطفح الجلدي‬5 ‫سبقت يوم إلى‬
‫ مخلفة ندبات وردية‬، ‫ شكلت هذه القشور التي سقطت بعد حوالي أسبوعين‬.‫ وأخيرا ً بثرات‬، ‫حويصالت‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Pre test : ‫االختبار االولي‬

Q: Answer True or false-:
1- Poxviruses are the smallest and most complex of viruses?
- False

Post test : ‫االختبار االحق‬

1- Multiplication of pox virus take place in :- ‫يتم تكاثر فيروس الجدري في‬
a- Nucleus
b- cytoplasm
c- Golgi apparatus
d- Non of them
2- The etiologic agent of smallpox is :- ‫العامل المسبب لمرض الجدري هو‬
a- Vaccinia
b- Variola
c- Orthopoxvirus
d- buffalopox

Q2:- Mention Comparion of Vaccinia and Variola Viruses

‫اذكر الفرق بين فيروسات اللقاح وفيروسات الجدري‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses MCQ virus
Atypical 14 Lecture 3

1-are the largest and most complex of viruses

A) Poxviruses B) rotavirus C) adenovirus D) no above
2- poxviruses are characterized by a
a)rash b)swine c)equine d)canine
3-The poxviruses group includes
a)variola virus b)rotavirus C) adenovirus the d) no above
4-etiologic agent of smallpox, and the viral disease
a)variola virus b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
5- poxviruses Virion
a) Icosahedral b) Helical c) Complex d) no above
6-Composition: DNA (3%), protein (90%), lipid (5%)
a) poxviruses b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
7- poxviruses Genome
a) ss-RNA b) dsDNA c) ds RNA d) no above
8- poxviruses has terminal loops; has low G+C content (30-40%) except for
a) Parapoxvirus b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
9- poxviruses
a) Non envelope b) Envelope c) a+b d) no above
10- poxviruses Replication:
a) Nuclear b) cytoplasm c) a+b d) no above
11-was the first viral disease eradicated from the world
a) Smallpox b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
12-Most of the poxviruses that can cause disease in humans are contained
in the genera

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) Orthopoxvirus b) Parapoxvirus c) a+b d) no above

13-poxviruses released from the cell by
a) Budding b) envelope c) a+b d) no above
14- Poxvirus Infections in Humans:
a) Vaccinia b) Variola c) a+b d)no above
15- the agent used for smallpox vaccination, is a distinct species of
a) Vaccinia b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d) no above
16- Some strains of vaccinia can cause a severe disease in laboratory rabbits
that has been called
a)Rabbitpox b) rotavirus c) adenovirus d)no above
17-Both vaccinia and variola viruses grow on the chorioallantoic membrane
of the
a)10- to 12-day b) 2 to 7huors c) 20 to40 hours d) 10to50 days
18- The portal of entry of variola virus was the
a) mucous membranes b) intestinal mucosa c) a+b d) no above

19- Primary multiplication of Poxvirus in the

a) lymphoid tissue b) intestinal mucosa c) a+b b) no above
20- The incubation period of variola (smallpox) was
a)10-14 days b) 2 to 7huors c) 20 to40 hours d) 10t050 days
21- ............... are the largest and most complex of viruses
A) Poxviruses b) Rabies virus c) adenoviruses d) astroviruses
22- Infections with most poxviruses are characterized by a ............

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

A)fever b) vomiting C) rash d)non of them

23- The etiologic agent of smallpox is .........
Vaccinia b) Variola c) Orthopoxvirus d) buffalopox
24- Virion of ........... Complex structure, oval or brick-shaped, 400 nm in
length x 230 nm in diameter
A) Poxviruses B) Rabies virus C) adenoviruses D) astroviruses
25- Genome of Poxviruses .............., linear
A) -ssRNA B) +ssDNA C) dsDNA D) nonn above
26- ............... Largest and most complex viruses; very resistant to
inactivation .
A) Poxviruses b) Rabies virus c) adenoviruses d) astroviruses
27- ...........was the first viral disease eradicated from the world.
A) AIDS B)smallpox C) chickenpox D)non above
28) Poxviruses are divided into two subfamilies based on whether they.............

A) infect vertebrate B) insect hosts C) both a+b d) Non of them

29- The vertebrate poxviruses fall into ....... genera
A)eight B)seven C)five D) Non of them
30- Most of the poxviruses that can cause disease in humans are contained in
the genera .............
A) Orthopoxvirus B) both a+c c) Parapoxvirus d) Non of them
31 Multiplication of pox virus take place in :-
a- Nucleus b- cytoplasm c- Golgi apparatus d- Non of them
32- Viral DNA replication occurs ........ hours after infection in discrete areas
of the cytoplasm
A) 2-5 B) 2-6 c) 5-10 d) non-above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

33- Poxvirus Infections in Humans: .............

a) Vaccinia b) Variola c) Orthopoxvirus d) a,b
34-........... virus, the agent used for smallpox vaccination, is a distinct species
of Orthopoxvirus.
a) Vaccinia b) Variola c) Orthopoxvirus d) a,b
35- Vaccinia virus has also infected cattle and water buffalo, and the disease
in buffalo ..............
a) Vaccinia b) Variola c) Orthopoxvirus d) buffalopox
36-Some strains of vaccinia can cause a severe disease in laboratory rabbits
that has been called..........
a)Vaccinia b) rabbitpox c) Orthopoxvirus d) buffalopox
37- The incubation period of variola (smallpox) was .........
A) 10 -12 b) 10-14 c) 10 d) non of them

38- The largest and most complex of virus is:

a) Adenovirus b) Pox virus C) Herpes virus D) Rabies virus
39- Polio virus is the causative agent of polio (also known a poliomyelitis)
which is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the:
A) Epithelial cell B) Skin cell C) Central nervous system
D) Respiratory system E) All are correct.
40- What is the morphological shape poxviruses:
A. helical shape B) complex shape C) icosahedral shape D) rod shape
E) spherical shape

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

15 ‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
15 ‫ملخص‬

Coronavirus (Covs-19) ‫فيروس كورونا‬

1 - Coronaviruses are large a family of viruses, enveloped RNA virus.

RNA. ‫ يلفها فيروس‬، ‫فيروسات كورونا هي عائلة كبيرة من الفيروسات‬
2 - Virion :- Spherical, 120-160 nm in diameter, helical nucleocapsid
‫ نوكليوكابسيد حلزوني‬، ‫ نانومتر‬160-120 ‫ قطر‬، ‫كروي‬
3 - Genome :- Single-stranded RNA linear, non segmented, positive- sense.
، ‫ موجب‬، ‫ غير مجزأ‬، ‫ خطي‬، ‫ الحمض النووي الريبي أحادي السلسلة‬- :‫الجينوم‬
4 - Protein :- virions contain three or four structural proteins:
:‫ تحتوي الفيريونات على ثالثة أو أربعة بروتينات هيكلية‬- :‫البروتين‬
✓ a major spike glycoprotein (S)‫ارتفاع كبير في البروتين السكري‬
✓ trans membrane glycoproteins (M and E) ‫البروتينات السكرية الغشائية العابرة‬
✓ nucleoprotein (N) ‫بروتين نووي‬
✓ hemagglutinin esterase (HE) ‫إستراز هيماجلوتينين‬

❖ called corona" because of crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus.

▪ Coronaviruses Cause colds and SARS‫تسبب فيروسات كورونا نزالت البرد والسارس‬
▪ family : Coronaviridae ‫عائلته هو نفسه‬
▪ Subfamily : coronarivinae and Nidovirales
▪ Coronaviruses they are divided in 4 genera ‫فيروسات كرورنا نقسمة الى اربع اجناس‬
- (α , ß , γ and δ Covs)
❖ α and ß -Covs —-> infect human ‫تصيب اإلنسان‬
❖ γ and δ -Covs —-> infect birds ‫تصيب الطيور‬
✓ Coronaviruses Seven serotypes infect the human
‫فيروسات كورونا سبعة أنماط مصلية تصيب اإلنسان‬
✓ Coronavirus replication occurs in the cytoplasm
‫يحدث تكرار لفيروس كورونا في السيتوبالزم يحدث تكاثر الفيروس التاجي في السيتوبالزم‬
• The receptor for human coronavirus ‫مستقبالت فيروس كورونا البشري‬
- 229E is aminopeptidase N

• receptor for the SARS virus is ‫مستقبالت لفيروس السارس يكون‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

- angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.‫اإلنزيم المحول لألنجيوتنسين‬

❖ The virus is usually transmitted ‫ينتقل الفيروس عادة‬
1-inhalation of contaminated droplets ‫استنشاق القطرات الملوثة‬
2- hands to the mucosa of the nose and eyes ‫من اليد الى مخاط االنف او العين‬
3- contaminated surfaces and fomites ‫السطوح واألدوات الملوثة‬

✓ Coronaviruses The incubation period is from 2 - 5 days.

‫ فترة الحضانة من فيروسات كورونا‬2 ‫ إلى‬5 ‫أيام‬
❖ Laboratory Diagnosis ‫التشخيص المختبري‬
Specimens : Nasopharyngeal swabs, throat swab, saliva, other lower respiratory
tract secretions, blood, stool.
‫ وغيرها من المسحات السفلية إفرازات الجهاز التنفسي والدم‬، ‫ اللعاب‬، ‫ مسحة الحلق‬، ‫ مسحات البلعوم األنفي‬:‫العينات‬
✓ Mention strains or serotypes is coronavirus that cause diseases in human
‫اذكر السالالت أو األنماط المصلية هي فيروس كورونا الذي يسبب األمراض في اإلنسان‬
‫هذا سوال كلش مهم‬
4- HCOV-NL63
5- HCOV-229E
6- HCOV-OC43
7- HKU1

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
MCQ 15
1- they are called "corona" because of
a) crown-like spikes. b) PGL c) AIDS d)no above
2- In humans coronaviruses cause
a)common colds b)swine. c)equine. d)canine
3-Coronaviruses Virion
a) Spherical. b) Icosahedral. c) Complex. d) no above
4-Coronaviruses Genome
a) +ss RNA. b) dsDNA. c) ds-RNA. d) no above
5-Coronaviruses Protein
a) S. b) M and E. c) N. d) HE. e) all above
6-Coronaviruses Envelope
a) Envelope. b)envelope. c) a+b. d)no above
7- Coronaviruses Replication
a) Nuclear. b)cytoplasm. c) a+b. d)no above
8- Coronaviruses Outstanding characteristic
a)Cause colds and SARS. b)Display high frequency of recombination
c) Difficult grow in cell culture. d) all above
9- Coronaviruses belong to the family
a) Coronaviridae. b) Rhabdoviridae c) Reoviridae. d) no above
10- Coronaviruses Depending on the serotype they are divided in:
a) α. b) ß. C) γ d) δ. e) all above
11- CoVs infect human
a) α. b) ß. c) a+b. d) no above
12- The receptor for human coronavirus 229E is
a)aminopeptidase N. b)OPV. c) a+b. d)no above
13- New virions of Coronaviruses form by
a ) Budding. b)envelope. c) a+b. d)no above
14- Coronaviruses is usually transmitted via
a) Inhalation. b)swine. c)equine. d)canine
15- Coronaviruses incubation period is from
a)2 to 5 days b) 2 to 7huors c) 20 to40 hours

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

16- SARS incubation period averages about

a) 6 days. b) 2 to 7huors. c) 20 to40 hours. d)10to50 days
17- Coronaviruses replicates
a) Locally. b)swine. c)equine. d) canine
18- Virus replicates locally in cells of the
a)ciliated epithelium. b)intestinal mucosa. c) a+b. d)no above
19- Coronaviruses belong to the family ......
A-Retroviridae B- Coronaviridae C- Hepdnaviridae D- Reoviridae
20- ............ are called “corona” because of crown-like spikes on the
surface of the virus
A) Poxviruses B) Coronaviruses C) adenoviruses D) astroviruses

21- In humans ............ cause common colds, may cause lower

respiratory tract infections and have been implicated in gastroenteritis
in infants
A) Poxviruses B) Coronaviruses C) adenoviruses D) astroviruses
22- ............ have been identified as the cause of severe acute respiratory
syndrome(SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
A) Poxviruses B) Corona-viruses C) Novel coronaviruses D) astroviruses
23- symmetry of coronaviruses is .............
A) complex B)helical C) Icosahedral D) non of them
24- Genome of coronaviruses .............., linear
A) -ssRNA. B)+ssRNA C) dsDNA. D)non above
25- Multiplication of coronaviruses take place in -:
a- Nucleus b- cytoplasm c- Golgi apparatus d- Non of them
26- particles of coronaviruses mature by ......... into endoplsmic
reticulum and Golgi
A-lysis. B- budding C- both a+b D- Non of them
27- Depending on the serotype they are divided in ........ genera:
A- 5 B- 8 C-4 D- Non of them
28- ............ CoVs infect human
A) α B)β C)γ D) both a,b

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

29- ...........CoVs infect birds

A)α B)δ C)γ D)both b,c
30 - The receptor for human coronavirus 229E is ..........
a- Aminopeptidase N b- angiotensin-converting enzyme
c- hemagglutinin esterase d- Non of them
31- Receptor for the SARS virus is :-
a- Aminopeptidase N. b- angiotensin-converting enzyme
c- hemagglutinin esterase d- Non of them
32- symptoms of coronaviruses are similar to those produced by ..........
typified by nasal discharge and malaise
A) Poxviruses B) rhinoviruses C) adenoviruses D) astroviruses
33- ............. coronavirus causes severe respiratory disease
A) HKU1. B) MERS. C) SARS D)Non of these
34- The incubation period of SARS coronaviruses averages about ......
A)10 -12 B)14 C) 6 D) non of them
35-.............. Virus replicates locally in cells of the ciliated epithelium
A) HKU1 B) MERS C) SARS D)Non of these
36- ........... is plays an important role in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2
pneumonia .
A)CT B)PCR. C)ELISA. D) non of them
37- 11- SARS-Co V-2 is belonging ............. Coronavirus genus
a- α b- β c- γ. d- δ e- All of them
38- Coronavirus contain structural proteins
a. glycoprotein (S) b. transmembraneglycoproteins
c. nucleoprotein (N) d. hemagglutinin esterase e. all of these
39-Coronavirus are responsible for about.......... % of common cold
A_ 70%. B_ 30%. C_ 40%. D_ 60%
40-Which of the following virus is transmitted through the respiratory

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

16 ‫ملخص المحاضرة‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

‫ملخص الجزء األول‬

Adenovirus : ‫الفايروسات الغدية‬
Family : Adenoviridae

Adenoviruses Largest Viruses ‫اكبر فيروس‬

Genome (D.S- DNA) Double Standard DNA , linear
Enveloped Non Enveloped
Symmetry Icosahedral
Size 90 – 100 nm
Replication In nucleus
Infect the human
Avia Adenovirus Infect birds
Compostion (13%) DNA + (87%) protein
Proteins 1- Hexon 2- penton base 3-knobbed fiber
Treatment Ribavirin

❖ Laboratory Diagnosis of Adenoviruses : ‫التشخيص المختبري‬

Specimens :- from throat, eye , urine , feces
Q/How many serotypes infect human of Adenovirus
‫كم عدد األنماط المصلية التي تصيب اإلنسان من الفيروس الغدي‬
- More than 60 serotypes infect huma
Serotype 12 ,18 and 31: highly oncogenie-and cause sarcoma when injected into
new born hamsters. .‫تولد األورام بدرجة عالية ويسبب الساركوما عند حقنها في الهامستر حديث الوالدة‬

✓ Adenoviruses most commonly cause respiratory illness

‫تتسبب الفيروسات الغدية في الغالب في أمراض الجهاز التنفسي‬
❖ cause various other illnesses, such as gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, cystitis
(bladder infection), and rash illness.
، )‫ والتهاب المثانة (التهاب المثانة‬، ‫ والتهاب الملتحمة‬، ‫ مثل التهاب المعدة واألمعاء‬، ‫تسبب أمراضًا أخرى مختلفة‬
.‫وأمراض الطفح الجلدي‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

❖ Symptoms of respiratory illness caused by adenovirus infection range from

the common cold syndrome to pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis.
‫تتراوح أعراض أمراض الجهاز التنفسي الناتجة عن اإلصابة بالفيروس الغدي من متالزمة الزكام إلى االلتهاب الرئوي‬
.‫والخناق والتهاب الشعب الهوائية‬
▪ Adenoviruses represent the largest non enveloped viruses
Hexon & penton capsomeres are the major components on the surface of the
virus particle Penton base with toxin-like activity
‫ لجسيمات الفيروس ذات النشاط الشبيه بالسم‬Penton ‫هي المكونات الرئيسية على سطح قاعدة‬
Fibers - with type -specific antigens; associated with hemagglutinating activity.
‫ المرتبطة بنشاط التراص الدموي‬.‫ مع مستضدات خاصة بالنوع‬- ‫األلياف‬
Transmission: ‫االنتقال‬
Adenoviruses are transmitted by several mechanisms
‫تنتقل الفيروسات الغدية عن طريق عدة اليات‬
▪ Direct contact : Adenoviruses causing conjunctivitis are very infectious and
spread by direct contamination of the eye.
.‫ الفيروسات الغدية المسببة اللتهاب الملتحمة شديدة العدوى وتنتشر عن طريق التلوث المباشر للعين‬: ‫االتصال المباشر‬
▪ Respiratory droplets : Respiratory adenoviruses are spread by the respiratory
route (aerosol droplet, direct and indirect).
‫ تنتشر الفيروسات الغدية التنفسية عن طريق الجهاز التنفسي ( الهباء الجوي قطيرة مباشرة وغير‬: ‫قطرات الجهاز التنفسي‬
▪ Feco-oral route : Enteric adenoviruses are spread via the faecal-oral route.
.‫ البراز‬- ‫ تنتشر الفيروسات الغدية المعوية عن طريق الفم‬: ‫مسار البراز‬

Pathogenesis: ‫االمراضية‬
Adenoviruses are transmitted mainly by respiratory or feco-oral contact from
humans. They infect the conjunctiva or the nasal-mucosa.
They may multiply in conjunctiva, pharynx, or small intestine, where epithelial
cells are infected.
‫ أنها تصيب الملتحمة أو الغشاء‬.‫تنتقل الفيروسات الغدية بشكل رئيسي عن طريق االتصال التنفسي أو الفموي من البشر‬
‫ قد تتكاثر في الملتحمة أو البلعوم أو األمعاء الدقيقة حيث تصاب الخاليا الظهارية‬.‫المخاطي لألنف‬

The site of entry generally dictates the type of infection; 2 processes can occur:
‫يحدد موقع الدخول بشكل عام نوع العدوى يمكن ان تحدق عمليتان‬
o lytic infection ‫العدوى الفطرية‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

Adenoviruses infect muco epithelial cells in the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal

tract, and conjunctiva or cornea, causing damage of these cells directly(cell lysis)
‫ والملتحمة أو‬، ‫ الجهاز الهضمي‬، ‫ تصيب الفيروسات الغدية الخاليا الظهارية المخاطية في الجهاز التنفسي‬:‫عدوى التحلل‬
)‫ مما يتسبب في تلف هذه الخاليا مباشرة (تحلل الخاليا‬، ‫القرنية‬
o latent infection ‫العدوى الكامنة‬
ability to become latent in lymphoid and other tissues such as adenoids, tonsils,
and payer s patches.
‫يصبح كامنًا في اللمفويد و األنسجة األخرى مثل اللحمية واللوزتين وبقع الدافع‬

16 ‫ملخص‬
‫ملخص الجزء الثاني‬
Family : Parvoviridae

Parvoviruses smallest viruses found in nature ‫اصغر فيروس موجود بالطبيعة‬

Genome (S.S- DNA) ev+ and ev- senses , linear , non segregated
Enveloped Non Enveloped
Symmetry Icosahedral
Size 18 – 26 nm
Protein 1- Vp1 2- Vp2
Replication In nucleus
Incubation 2 – 3 weeks

❖ They are stable between a pH of 3 and 9 and withstand heating at 56°C for 60
can be inactivated by formalin, and oxidizing agents.
‫ يمكن تعطيلها عن طريق‬، ‫ دقيقة‬٦٠ ‫ درجة مئوية لمدة‬٥٦ ‫ وتتحمل التسخين عند‬٩ ‫ و‬٣ ‫تكون مستقرة بين درجة حموضة‬
‫الفورمالين والعوامل المؤكسدة‬
Classification: ‫التصنيف‬
There are two subfamilies of Parvoviridae :-
1- Parvovirinae, which infect vertebrates, which-have three genera:
:‫ ولها ثالثة أجناس‬، ‫البارفويرينا تصيب الفقاريات‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) Parvovirus :- which takes its name from that of the family, and infects only
animals and birds .‫ وال يصيب إال الحيوانات والطيور‬، ‫ يأخذ اسمه من اسم العائلة‬- :‫فيروس بارفو‬
b) Dependovirus :- named for dependence on a helper virus, usually an
adenovirus, but occasionally a herpesvirus, to assist in replication.
‫ ولكن أحيانًا يكون فيروس الهربس للمساعدة في‬، ‫ عادة ما يكون فيروسات غدية‬، ‫سميت باالعتماد على فيروس مساعد‬
c) Erythrovirus :- which has only one member, known as B19, the only
parvovirus causing significant disease in humans; Erythema infectiosum, Fetal
infections and Aplastic crises.
‫ وهو الفيروس الصغير الوحيد المسبب مرض كبير في‬، B19 ‫ والمعروف باسم‬، ‫الذي يحتوي على عضو واحد فقط‬
‫ عدوى الحمامي والتهابات‬.‫البشر‬
2- Densovirinae which infect insects.
Q/ what is the mode of transmission of parvovirus? ‫طريقة االنتقال‬
1- direct contact
2- ingestion of contaminated material
3- inhalation of contaminated droplets

1- Erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease(

This manifestation is most common illness in children of early school age and
occasionally affects adults.
.‫هذا المظهر هو المرض األكثر شيو ًعا لدى األطفال في سن المدرسة المبكرة ويصيب أحيانًا البالغين‬
symptoms may accompany the rash, which has a typical "slapped cheek"
‫واألعراض البنيوية الخفيفة قد تصاحب الطفحالذي له منظر خد الضفدع‬

2- Transient Aplastic Crisis : Parvovirus B19 is the cause of transient aplastic

‫ هو سبب أزمة الالتنسج العابرة‬B19 ‫ باروفيروس‬:‫زمة الالتنسج العابرة‬

3-B19 Infection During Pregnancy (Fetal infection): Maternal infection with

B19 virus may pose a serious risk to the fetus, resulting in hydrops fetalis and
fetal death due to severe anemia. Fetal death occurs most commonly before the
20th week of pregnancy.
‫ مما يؤدي إلى‬، ‫خطرا ً جسيما ً على الجنين‬B19 ‫ العدوى أثناء الحمل (عدوى الجنين) قد تشكل إصابة األم بفيروس‬B19)
‫ تحدث وفاة الجنين بشكل أكثر شيو ًعا قبل األسبوع العشرين من‬.‫استسقاء الجنين وموت الجنين بسبب فقر الدم الشديد‬
Q/ The only parvovirus causing significant disease in humansً

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

❖ Laboratory Diagnosis:
Specimen parvovirus : blood cells, tissue samples, and respiratory secretions.

✓ Replication of Parvovirus:

✓ parvovirus can infect which species


Q/ can human get infected with parvovirus?

- yes

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses MCQ
Atypical16 (1)
virus Lecture 3

1- most commonly cause respiratory illness

a)Adenoviruses .b)rotavirus c)Hepatitis D virus .d)no above
2- represent the largest non-enveloped viruses
a)Adenoviruses b)rotavirus c)Hepatitis D virus d) no above
3-Composition: DNA (13%), Protein (87%)
a) Adenoviruses. b) rotavirus c) Hepatitis D virus d) no above
4- Adenoviruses Genome
a) ss-RNA. b) dsDNA. c) ds-RNA. d) no above
5- are unusually stable to chemical and physical agents and to adverse PH
conditions, thus allowing for prolonged survival outside of the body that
adenovirus resistant Acid, Detergent, Dry environmen While Inactivated by Heat,
Formaldehyde, Bleach
a)Adenoviruses. b)rotavirus c)Hepatitis D virus. d)no above
6-Adenoviruses are transmitted by
a) Direct contact b)Respiratory droplets. c) Feco-oral route. d)all above
7-Adenoviruses attach to surface of the cells by their
a)Fibers. b)pol. c)env. d)all above
8-Various syndromes are associated with particular serotypes
a)Respiratory diseases
c) Eye disease bold babalot of enteric bold vel lecimanin
d) Pneumonia. e) Gastroenteritis. f)Acute hemorrhagic cystitis
g) all above
9- In Adenoviruses, the most important are infect of upper Respiratory truct...
And intestine truct
a) spleen b) muscle c) eyes d) liver
10-adenoviruses belong to
a-parvoviridae. b-picornaviridae c-rhabdoviridae
d-paramyxoviridae e-adenoviridae
11- adeno viruses divided in to seven subgroups cause
a-pharayngitis and tonsillitis b-liver funcation. c-sacoma
d-measles. e-croup
12-the serious infection of adenovirus for human
a-death b-anorexia c-sarcoma d-spasm e-non of them

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

13- A 3-month –old infant had watery diarrhea and fever for 10 days Rotaor
adeno virus types 40 and 41 are the suspected agents what type of specimen
would be most appropriate for detection of adenovirus type 40 and 41 infection in
this patient?
a- Blood. b-urine. c-stool. d-conjunctival swab. e-throat swab
14-which of the following human diseases has not been associated with
a- cancer. b-common colds. c-Acute respiratory diseases
d-tonsillites. e-fever
15-which adenovirus types are frequent causes of acute respiratory disease
among military recruits?
a-types 40 and 14. b- types 8,19 and 37. c- types 1,2,5 and 6
d- types 3,4 and 7. e- types 21,22 and 35
16-which of the following groups of indivduals is at the lowest risk of adenovirus
disease ?
a-Healthy adults. b-young children. c-military recruits.
d-Bone marrow transplant recipients. e-AIDS patients
17-Which of the following is likely to be transmittable of adenovirus
a- Swimming's pools. b- Hand to eye. e- Hand towels. d- Mosquito bites
18-the semmetry of adeno virus
a) Helical. b) complex. c) icosahedral. d) long. e) E-none of them
19- Various syndromes are associated with particular serotypes of adenovirus
except one :
a- Respiratory diseases (Phrayngitis and tonsilitis )
b- Pharyngioconjunctivitis. c- Eye disease (Conjunctivitis)
d- Pneumonia: in preschool children. e- Heart infraction
20- Masta adenovirus. Infect the ..........
a- Human b- birds c- plant d- reptiles e- mammals
21- Adenoviridae is a family according to ...................
a- Past classification b- Baltimore c- ICTV d- All schemes of classification
22- Herpis viruses, Adenoviruses, plyomviruses are take :
A- ssDNA B- dsRNA C- dsDNA E- Non of above
23-The name of viruses are derived from organs:
a-Adenovirus b-West Nile virus. c- Arbovirus

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses MCQ 16virus
Atypical (2) Lecture 3

24-Parvovirus family andati stamme

a) Parvoviridae. b) Rhabdoviridae. c) Reoviridae d) no above
25-are the smallest DNA virus
a) Parvovirus. b) rotavirus. c) adenovirus d)no above othe
26-Parvovirus Virions Virions contain proteins visto nazminat
a)VP1. b)VP2. c) a+b. d) no above tuon yostime
27-Parvovirus Symmetry
a)Spherical b)Icosahedral. c) Complex. d)no above
28-Parvovirus enveloped
a)non-enveloped. b)envelope. c) a+b. d)no above
29-They are stable between a pH of 3 and 9 and withstand heating at 56°C for 60
minutes, but they can be inactivated by formalin, and oxidizing agents Virions of
a) Parvovirus. b) rotavirus. c) adenovirus d)no above
30- Parvovirus genome
a) ssDNA. b) dsDNA c) ds-RNA. d)no above
31- subfamilies of Parvoviridae to quod
a) Parvovirinaex. b) Densovirinaese. c) a+b. d )no above
32-Parvovirinae, which infect vertebrates
a)Parvovirus b)Dependovirus c)Erythrovirus. d) all above
33-Parvovirus :- which takes its name from that of the family, and infects only
a)Humans. b)animals. c)bacterial d)all above
34-Dependovirus:- named for dependence on a
a) helper virus. b)intestinal mucosa. c) a+b. d)no above
35-Erythrovirus:- which has only one member, known as mom
a)B19. b)PV-2 c)PV-3. d)all above
36-parvovirus causing significant disease in humansive
a) Erythema infectiosum. b) Fetal infections. c) plastic crises
d)all above nivos
37-Densovirinae which infect
a) Insects. b)Humans c)bacterial d)all above
38-Transmission of Parvoviruses
a) Respiratory route voda ch
b) Transmitted by blood transfusions or by infected blood products.
c)Vertically from mother to fetus burts hotunaz
d)all above
39-Clinical features of Parvoviruses glavneld higalavms.nom
a) Erythema infectiosum b) Transient Aplastic Crisis c)B19 Infection
During Pregnancy d)all above
40-incubation period of Parvoviruses is usually m
a)1-2 weeks. b) 2 to 7huors c) 20 to40 hours d)10to50 days

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

17+18+19+20 ‫ملخص‬

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3
MCQ 17
1-is a term used to describe a group of RNA viruses transmitted to humans
by blood-sucking arthropods from one vertebrate host to another
a) Arboviruses b)rotavirus c) adenovirus d)no above

2- arboviruses have an genome

a) RNA b) dsDNA c) ss-DNA d)no above
3- arboviruses are readily inactivated at
a)room temperature b)bile salts c)sodium deoxycholate d) lipid solvents
e) all above
4- Common types of arbovirus
a) Flavivirus b)togavirus c)bunyavirus .d) all above
5- Types of flavivirus include the
a) Yellow fever b)West Nile virus c)Zika virus d)dengue fever
e)Japanese encephali .f) all above
6- Types of togavirus include the
a)Ross River virus .b)Eastern equine virus .c)Western equine virus
d) all above
7- Types of bunyavirus include
a)California encephalitis .b)La Crosse virus .c)Jamestown Canyon virus
d) all above
8- The arboviruses spread mainly through
a)insect bites .b)Humans .c)bacterial .d)all above
9- The clinical characteristics and symptoms of Arboviruses are divided
a)Neuroinvasive .b)Non-neuroinvasive .c) a+b .d)no above
10- Isolation of the Arboviruses
a)Suckling mice .b)Tissue culture .c) a+b .d)no above
11- Cell growth is regulated by groups of regulatory genes:
a)Proto-oncogenes .b)Tumor Suppressor Genes c) a+b d)no above
12-............. are group of RNA viruses which are not under specific taxonomic
era, transmitted to humans by blood-sucking arthropods from one
vertebrate host to another.
a- Arboviruses b-Paramyxoviruses c-Orthomyxoviruses d-Parvoviuses

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

13- There are different arbovirus

a-130 arboviruses b-140 arboviruses .c- 160 arboviruses
d- 120 arboviruses e- 150 arboviruses
14- Diagnosis the arbovirus infections in humans by
a-saliva test b- stool test c- urine test .d-biopsi test .e-blood test
15- There are different types of human papilloma viruses
a-150 types b-100 types c-200 types d-250 types e-300 types
16-Arbovirus mitted trams to humans by
a- spider b-scorpion .c-reptile .d-insect .e-baird

MCQ 18
1- Are normal genes which control cell proliferation, but which have the
potential to contribute to cancer development if their expression is altered
(changed into oncogenes)So Oncogenes are genes that cause cancer
a) Proto-oncogenes b) protooncogenes c) a+b
2- oncogenes result from the activation (turning on) o
a)protooncogenes b) Proto-oncogenes c) a+b.d)no above
3- tumor suppressor genes cause........when they are inactivated
a) cancer .b) hemagglutinin c ) a+b d)no above
4- In normal cells, oncogenes are"switched off" or down-regulated by
a)anti-oncogeneproteins b) hemagglutinin c) a+b d)no above
5- It refers to any virus with a DNA or RNA genome causing cancer and also
called ncer virus
a) Oncovirus .b) hemagglutinin .c) a+b .d)no above
6-oncogenic virus
a)HPVs .b)EBV c)human herpesvirus 8 .d)hepatitis B and C virus
e) all above
a) DNA tumor viruses b)RNA tumor viruses c) a+b d) no above
8- Cervical carcinoma is cancers result from infection with a above
a)Papillomavirus b)rotavirus c) adenovirus d)no above
9- Papillomaviruses genome

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) DNA b) ssRNA .c) ds-RNA .d)no above

10- Papillomaviruses infect cells
a) keratin-making b)Rotarix (RV1) c) a+b .d)no above
11- Papillomaviruses high-risktypes include
a)HPV-16 .b)HPV-18 c) a+b .d)no above
12- Papillomaviruses low-risk' HPV types include
a) HPV-6 .b)HPV-11 .c) a+b. d)no above

MCQ 19
1- are viruses ‫و‬that infect bacteria
a) Bacteriophages b) rotavirus c) adenovirus .d) no above
2- The term is commonly used in its shortened form,
a) Phage b)Variola .c) a+b d)no above
3-the production of progeny phages often over a hundred in
a)half hour b) 2 to 7huors . c) 20 to40 hours d)10to50 days
4- Simple phages may have only.......genes
a)3-5 .b) 2 to 7huors .c) 20 to40 hours .d)10to50 days
5-complex phages may have.......genes
a) over 100 .b)lower 100 .c)200 .d)no above
6- morphological forms of phages
a)filamentous b)isosahedral without tails .c) isosahedral with tails
d)all above
7- is among the largest phages; it is approximately 200 nm long and 80- 100
nm wide
a)T4 .b) PGL .c) AIDS .d)no above
8- bacteriophages Head or capsid
a)icosahedral b)filamentous c) a+b d)no above
9- is a hollow tube through which the nucleic acid passes during infection
a)tail .b)OPV .c) a+b .d)no above
10- the type of infection of bacteriophages
a) Lyticle b)Lysogenic .c) a+b .d) no above
11-are phages, which multiply in bacteria and kill the cell by lysis at the end
of the life cycle

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a) Lytic .b)swine .c)equine .d)canine

12-Soon after the nucleic acid is injected, the phage cycle is said to be in
a) eclipse period b) Eclipse phase c) a+b d)no above
13- The viruses that stimulate uncontrolled cell growth causing the
transformation of the cell are known as: (E)
A-RNA viruses .B-oncogenic viruses .C-DNA viruses .D-syncytia.
E-Cytopathic effect
14- Bacteriophages are viruses that infect: (M)
a- brain cells .b- bacteria .c-plant cells .d-intestine cells .e-not all above
15- Most phages range in size from
a-24-200 mm in length b-24-20.0 nm in lengt c-2.4-200 nm in length
d-24-200 nm in length .e-24-200 nm in length.
16- Represents the interval between the entry nucleic acid in to bacterial
cell and release mature phages
a- Nucleus b-cytoplasim c-in side the cell d-outcide the cell. e-eclipse phase
17 -Lysogenised bacteria are resistant
a-known as super infection immunity b-known used energy
c-known killed the bacteria. d-known become a dormant state e-none of the bove
18 -not all phages have
a-tail fibers .b-base plate c-base plates and tail fibers .d-head .e-bacteria
19 -phage involves clinical treatment
a-bacterial infection .b-arbovirus .c-parvovirus .d-non encapsulated
20 -The phagevirus infect
a- Algae .b-bacteria .c-spider .d-insect .e-animal
21 -The phagevirus replicating
a-within the nucleus .b-within the nervus system c-within the bacterial cell
d-within the tissue e-within the blood
22-The complex phages have
a-200 genes .b-300 genes .c-100 genes .d-80 genes .e-60 genes
23 -The Bacteriophage Replication
a- lysogenic .b-lytic infection c-lytic and lysogenic .d-virulent phages
24 -the virus are not toxic to animmals plants and environment

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

a- Adenovirus . b-parvovirus c-HIV d-Rabies e-Bacterio phage

25 -virus that can cause cancer
a- antibodies .b-infection c-Rodents .d-oncogenic .e-apoptosis
26-………. are viruses that infict bacteria
A. Bacteriophages .b-parvovirus .c-HIV .d-Rabies
27- bacteriophages are much ——— Than The bacteria infection.
A. Large .B. smallar .C. Medium
28- phages are ubiquitous bacteria by he he……….Samples phages may have
only (3-5) genes.
A-infection B-Rodents .C-bacterial hosts. D-Phage
29-……….. may have over (100) genes.
A. complex phages .B. Icosahedral
30- The phages majority contain
A. D.S DNA .B. D.S RNA .C. S.S DNA .D. S.s RNA

MCQ 20
1- Designing safe and effective antiviral drugs is difficult, because viruses
use the to replicate
a)host's cells b)intestinal mucosa c) a+b d)no above
2- are a class of medication used specifically for treating viral infections
a) Antiviral drugs .b)swine .c)equine .d) canine
3- The number of antiviral drugs is very small because:
a) The virus is obligate intracellular parasite, difficulty in obtaining selective
toxicity against virus.
b) Relatively ineffective, because many cycle of viral patients is the time
the patients have systemic viral disease.
c) Some virus remain latent in cell e.g. Herpes virus family
d) The emergence of viral drug resistance viral mutates.
e)all above
4- Most of the antiviral drugs now available are designed to help deal with
a) HIV .b)herpes viruses .c)hepatitis B and C .d)influenza A and B
e)all above

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

5- These are synthetic compounds which resemble nucleosides, but have an

incomplete or abnormal deoxy-ribose /or ribose group
a) Nucleotide analogues b)intestinal mucosa c) a+b d)no above
6- is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a
particular disease
a)vaccine .b)swine .c)equine .d)canine
7- Attributes of a good vaccine Ability to elicit the appropriate immune
response for the particular
A- pathogen. B- Long term protection. C- Safety. D- Stable. E. All of these
8- vaccines are available for some arboviruses diseases a-five
b-six. c-four. d-two. e-three. E.Inexpensive
9-Designing safe and effective antiviral drugs is difficult
a-because viruses use the hosts cell to replicate
b- because viruses use the proteins to replicate
c- because viruses use the ER to replicate
d- because viruses use the reseptors to replicate
e- because viruses use the golgibodies to replicate
10-the major difficulty in developing vaccines and anti – viral drugs
a-due to viral variation. b-due to replication. c-due to mRNA
d-due to DNA. e-due to RNA
11 -The number antiviral drugs is very
a- large. .b-small. c-medium. d-aches. e-vast
12-the vaccine made from
a- bacteria. b-viral drugs. c-weakened or killed microbe. d-toxins
e-none of the above
13-Attributes of a good vaccine
a-DNA vaccine. b-Recombinant vector vaccines. c-inactivated vaccines
d-safety. e-RNA vaccine
15- Anti-rubella virus vaccines is example of :
a- Live, attenuated vaccines. b- Inactivated vaccines (killed vaccine)
c- Subunit vaccines. d- Toxoid vaccines. e- Recombinant vector vaccines
16- Anti-Hepatitis A virus vaccines are example of:
a. Live, attenuated vaccines. b- Inactivated vaccines (killed vaccine)
c- Subunit vaccines. d- Toxoid vaccines. e- DNA vaccines

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

17-Designing safe and effective antiviral drugs is difficult, because

a- Do not effect on wide range of pathogenic viruses .
b- Difficulty of determination of replication step on which anti-viral act on
c-because viruses use the host's cells to replicate. This makes it difficult to find
targets forthe drug that would interfere with the virus without harming the host
organism's cells.
d- Due to viral Stability
e- Difficulty of experimental trial of newly developing anti-viral drugs.
18-The number of antiviral drugs is very small because:
a. The virus is obligate intracellular parasite, difficulty in obtaining selective
toxicity against virus.
b-. Relatively ineffective, because many cycle of viral patients is well. by the time
the patients have systemic viral disease .
c-. Some viruses remain latent in cell e.g. Herpes virus family
d-. The emergence of viral drug resistance viral mutates.
e- All of them.
19- The vaccine are difficult to confer immunity against .....
a- Stable viruses. b- Highly mutating viruses. c – DNA viruses
d- Oncogenic viruses
20-Genes (DNA) encoding specific viral proteins are injected into an animal
(either in muscle or skin)
a- DNA Vaccines b- Toxoid Vaccines c- Killed Vaccin. d- Subunit vaccines
e- attenuated vaccines
21- Most of the antiviral drugs now available are designed to help deal with
a- HIV. b- herpes viruses. c- hepatitis B and C viruses
d- influenza A and B viruses e- all of these
22- ................ work against both treatable and antibiotic-resistant bacteria
a- Phages b- paramyxovirus c- Parvovirus d- Enteric viruses
e- Orthomyxo viruses
23- Mumps vaccine is available in combination with
a- Measles and rubella b-Measles and Influenza. c-Rubella and Hepatitis A
d- Rubella and Influenza e-None of these

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

24- vaccines contain live, attenuated microorganisms. Many of these are

active viruses that have been cultivated under conditions that disable their
virulent properties, and become less dangerous organisms to produce a
broad immune response is Examples include the viral diseases measles,
rubella, and mumps, and the bacterial disease typhoid
a- Attenuated Live Vaccines b- Killed Viral Vaccines c- DNA- Based 27
d- Recombinant vector e- Toxoid f- Subunit vaccines

25- Vaccines contain inactivated virus, but previously virulent, micro-

organisms that have been destroyed with chemicals, heat, radiation, or
antibiotics without destroying the antigenicity of the virus. Examples are
influenza, cholera, hepatitis A, and rabies.called
a- Attenuated Live Vaccines b- Killed Viral Vaccines c- DNA- Based
d- Recombinant vector e- Toxoid f- Subunit vaccines

26- viral proteins or groups of proteins are used. These proteins can be
purified directly from viral particles. However this is expensive, since it is
difficult to prepare virus in large enough quantities for protein purification,
and potentially dangerous since there is the possibility of contaminating
virulent virus. Called
a- Attenuated Live Vaccines b- Killed Viral Vaccines c- DNA- Based
d- Recombinant vector e- Toxoid f- Subunit vaccines

27- genes (DNA) encoding specific viral proteins are injected into an animal
(either in muscle or skin). The DNA is then taken up by cells, where it is
transcribed into mRNA which is then translated to give rise to the viral
protein. This protein is expressed on the surface of cells, either alone or in
association with MHC molecules. It is recognized as a foreign molecule by
the immune system, and elicits an immune response called
a- Attenuated Live Vaccines b- Killed Viral Vaccines c- DNA- Based
d- Recombinant vector e- Toxoid f- Subunit vaccines

28- For bacteria that secrete toxins, or harmful chemicals. These vaccines
are used when a bacterial toxin is the main cause of illness. they can

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

Viruses Atypical virus Lecture 3

inactivate toxins by treating them with formalin Such “detoxified” toxins,

called toxoids, and are safe for use in vaccines called.
a- Attenuated Live Vaccines b- Killed Viral Vaccines “. c- DNA- Based
d- Recombinant vector e- Toxoid f- Subunit vaccines

29- Immunogenic proteins of virulent organisms may be synthesized

artificially by introducing the gene coding for the protein into an expression
vector, such as E-coli or yeasts.
a- Attenuated Live Vaccines b- Killed Viral Vaccines c- DNA- Based
d- Recombinant vector e- Toxoid f- Subunit vaccines

30- By inserting the gene encoding the protein into an expression vector, it
is possible to artificially produce the immune-stimulating proteins of
pathogenic species is called: (H )
a-killed vaccines. b- Recombinant vector vaccines c- DNA- Based Vaccines
d- Attenuated Live Vaccines e-toxoid vaccine

T.M Zahraa Kadhim @i_v2o

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