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1. Define AI. What are the task domains of AI? 03

2. Explain Turing test. 03
3. What is artificial intelligence? Explain application of AI. 07
4. Enlist and discuss major task domains of Artificial Intelligence. 07


1. What is a “control strategy” and what are its characteristics? 03

2. State Water Jug problem. Give its state space representation 07
3. Explain A* algorithm. What happens if h’ underestimates h and overestimates h? 07
4. Explain local maxima, plateau and ridge in brief 03
5. Explain Water Jug problem with State Space Search method. 04
6. Explain Best First Search Algorithm with suitable example. 07
7. Explain limitations of Hill Climbing algorithm. 04
8. Compare DFS and BFS. 04
9. What is production system? Discuss the component of production system. 04
10. Why hill climbing is better than generate and test? Write algorithm for simple hill
climbing. 04
11. Explain the state space search with the use of 8 Puzzle Problem 07
12. Explain AI Problem characteristics in detail. 07
13. What is heuristic search? Discuss with an example. 03
14. Explain Problem Reduction using “AND-OR” graph. 04
15. Define i) Local Maximum ii) Plateau iii) Ridge 03
16. Explain Best First Search method. 04
17. Discuss and Analyze Tower of Hanoi problem with respect to the seven problem
characteristics 07
18. Explain Water Jug Problem With Example. 07
19. Discuss with example: Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 04
20. What is State Space of a Problem? 03

1. Discuss briefly backward reasoning with example. 03

2. Discuss the approaches to knowledge representation 04
3. Differentiate Informed & Uninformed search. Give examples. 03
4. Consider the following facts:
* Hemant only likes easy courses.
* Science courses are hard.
* All the courses in basketweaving department are easy.
* BK301 is a basketweaving course.
Use resolution to answer the question,”What course would Hemant like?” 07
5. Consider the following sentences:
 Rita likes all kinds of food.
 Apples are food.
 Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
 Rahi eats peanuts and is still alive.
 Tanvi eats everything Rahi eats.
i. Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic.
ii. Use resolution to answer the question, “What food does Tanvi eat?” 07

6. Consider the following sentences:

• Raj likes all kinds of food.
• Apples are food.
• Anything anyone eats and isn’t killed by is food.
• Sachin eats peanuts and is still alive.
• Vinod eats everything Sachin eats. Now, attempt following:
i. Translate these sentences into formulas in predicate logic.
ii. Use resolution to answer the question, “What food does Vinod eat?” 07

7. Explain Forward Reasoning and Backward Reasoning with example. 07

8. Differentiate procedural and declarative knowledge. 03
9. What are the limitations of Propositional Logic? 04
10. Write and explain algorithm for resolution in propositional logic with suitable example. 07
11. Explain the various method of knowledge representation with suitable example. 07
12. Explain the different issues in Knowledge representation. 04
13. Explain the steps of unification in predicate logic. 04

1. What is nonmonotonic reasoning? Explain logics for nonmonotonic reasoning. 07

2. Write a short note on non monotonic reasoning. 04
3. List out the property of Non monotonic reasoning. 03


1. What is certainty factor? 03

2. Discuss Bayesian network and its application. 04
3. Explain Probability and Bay’s Theorem. 03
4. State the Bayes theorem. Illustrate how a Bayesian Network can be used to represent
causality relationship among attributes. 07
5. Compare Fuzzy Vs Crisp Logic. 03


1. Describe in brief how Min-Max search procedure works. 04

2. Show the use of Alpha-Beta pruning. 04
3. Explain the MiniMax search procedure for Game Playing. Also explain alpha and Beta cut-
offs to improve the performance of MinMax procedure. 07
4. Explain alpha-beta cut off search with and example 04
5. Simulate the working of Tic-tac-toe problem with Minimax technique. 07


1. Discuss Goal Stack planning 04

2. Explain planning problem. 03
3. Explain the components of planning system. 04


1. Write a note on Natural Language Processing 07

2. Explain Artificial Neural Network. 07
3. Explain Backpropagation algorithm in Neural Network. 07
4. Briefly explain any one application of Natural Language Processing. 03
5. Enlist and describe different phases involved in Natural Language Processing. 03
6. Explain morphological and syntax analysis phases of NLP. 04

1. Explain connectionist models. What is perceptron? What is the concept of back propagation
for ANNs? 07
2. Explain Hopfield Network. 03


1. What do you mean by Expert Systems? List out its four applications. 03
2. Write about various defuzzification methods 07
3. Explain Expert System Shell with example. 03
4. Explain the architecture of expert system with suitable sketch. 07


1. Describe working principle of Genetic Algorithm 04

2. List out the genetic operators. Describe them briefly 04
3. Explain Roulette-Wheel selection method of genetic algorithm. 07
4. Describe the phases of genetic algorithm. 07
5. Explain how planning is different from search procedure? 03
6. Explain about the basic operators in genetic algorithms. 04
7. Explain Cut and Fail Predicate With Example. 04
8. Explain Various Types of Cross Over Operators in Genetic Algorithm. 07


1. Explain with example how recursive predicate is defined in Prolog? 04

2. Write a prolog program to append two given lists into third 03
3. Explain Cut and Fail predicates in Prolog. 07
4. Write a Prolog program to merge two sequentially ordered (ascending) lists into one ordered
list. 07
5. Demonstrate the use of Repeat Predicate in Prolog with example. 04
6. Write following prolog programs: 1) To find factorial of a given number. 2) To find the nth
element of a given list. 07
7. Write a prolog program to find minimum number from the given input list. 07

1.Demonstrate briefly the steps to convert given wff into clause form 07
2.Define the following. 1. Modus Ponens 2. Horn Clause 3. Existential Quantifier 03

4.What do you mean by constraint satisfaction problems? Explain constraint propagation algorithm
using suitable example. 07
5.Briefly explain perceptron. 03
6.Explain supervised and unsupervised learning. 03
7.Explain Semantic Net & Frame with suitable example. 07

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