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Botany covers scientific study of plant life

Limonene (L-limonene & D-limonene)

Teaching Philosophy
"Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day, but teach a man
to fish and he will eat for a lifetime" - Confucius.
 Mauseth, J. D. 1998. Botany : An
Introduction to Plant Biology. Jones &
Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
 Stern, Jansky, Bidlack. 2003. Introductory
Plant Biology, Ninth Edition. The
McGraw−Hill Companies
 Lack, A.J. and D.E. Evans. 2005. Plant
Biology – instants note. BIOS Scientific
Publishers Ltd.
 Campbell, N. A. 2008. Biology, Eight
Edition. Pearson Education, Inc.
1. Pendahuluan
2. Tubuh Tanaman / Plant Structure
3. Sel, Jaringan & Sistem Jaringan
4. Batang & Akar
5. Daun
6. Bunga
7. Buah & Biji
8. Taxonomy
9. Chemistry of Life
10. Mitosis
11. Meiosis
12. Genetic & Inheritance
13. Population Ecology & Ecosystem
14. Plant Evolution

1. Definition
2. Approach
3. Life
4. Biology Systems
1. What is botany
2. How do we approach to study plant life
3. What is life
4. How is the biological systems
5. What is the smallest unit of plant
6. What is the chemical basis of life
7. How are the chemical elements converted
to plant body

1. Definition
 Botany can be defined as the scientific
study of plant life.
 The study of life is biology, and the word
biology is composed of 2 Greek roots “bio”
which mean “life”, and “logi” which means
“study of”
 Biology as a science is concerned with all
life- plant and animal, but botany is
interested in plant life in particular.
What is a Scientific Method ?
 The concept of a scientific study
can be understood by examining
earlier approaches to studying
 Until the 15th century, three
principal methods for analyzing
and explaining the universe and
its phenomena were used:
religion, metaphysics, and
speculative philosophy
The scientific method
Starting in the 1400s several
fundamental tenets were
 All accepted information can be
derived only from carefully
documented and controlled
observations or experiments
 Only phenomena and objects that
can be observed and studied are
dealt with;
 All proposed explanations of
natural phenomena must be tested
and verified;
Scientific studies
 Begin with a series of
observations, followed by a
period of experimentation
mixed with further observation
and analysis.
 At some point, a hypothesis, or
model, is constructed to
account for the observations
 A pair of simple alternative
hypotheses: (1) Plants need
light to grow. (2) Plants do
not need light to grow.
• The experimental testing may involve the
comparison of several plants outdoors, some
in light and others heavily shaded, or it may
involve several plants indoors, some in the
normal gloom and others illuminated by a
window or a skylight.
• Such experiments give results consistent with
hypothesis 1; hypothesis 2 would be rejected

2. Approach
To understand the Big needs to understand the Small

Our journey begins here.

Simple to Complex – Life’s Levels of Organization


3. Life
As Botany = study of plant life, then what
is life?
 If we were to list the criteria for defining
life what would they be?
 All living things are composed of cells
 They have self regulating metabolisms
 They move
 Respond to stimuli
 Reproduce
 Adapt to environment

 Plant life means

1. Organization: Being composed of one
or more Cells, which are the basic units of
2. Metabolism: Consumption of energy by
converting nonliving material into cellular
components (anabolism) and
decomposing organic matter (catabolism)
3. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of
synthesis than catalysis
4. Adaptation: The ability to change over
a period of time in response to the
5. Reproduction: The ability to produce
new organisms (the production of new
cells in the process of growth )

Botany covers the study of:

Structure, growth, reproduction,
development, metabolism, diseases, and
chemical properties of over 550,000 kinds
or species of living organisms including
plants, algae, viruses, bacteria and fungi
 Historically, botany covers all organisms that
were not considered to be animals

 Some of these organisms are:

 Plants
 Plant-like organisms
include fungi, (studied in mycology), bacteria , and
viruses (studied in microbiology), and algae (studied
in phycology).

 The study of plants has importance for a

number of reasons:
1. Plants has a fundamental part of life on Earth.
2. They generate the oxygen, food, fibers, fuel and
medicine that allow higher life forms to exist.
3. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide through
photosynthesis, that in large amounts can effect
global climate.
4. Biology Systems
 Biology organizes living things
along certain levels.
 at a chemical level, looking at the
biochemistry of organisms, or
 at a cellular level where interest in the
structure and functions of cells and cell
physiology is considered, or
 at the levels of tissues or organs.
 All life begins in one cell which
consists of organelles
 Organelles consist of molecules
 Molecules consist of chemical elements
  chemistry of life
 The CELL is the smallest unit of
living matter. The smallest living
things are one-celled animals
(certain bacteria and algae)
 Larger organisms are collections of
cells in which cells are differentiated
by function by act in concert, that is
they are organized and cooperate.
 Cells are the basic and fundamental
unit of structure, physiology, and
organization of all living organisms.
 Knowing the composition of cells and
how cells work is fundamental to all
of the biological sciences
Scope and importance of botany
 The study of plants has importance for a number
of reasons.
 Plants are a fundamental part of life on Earth.
They generate the oxygen, food, fibres, fuel and
medicine that allow higher life forms to exist.
 Plants also absorb carbon dioxide through
photosynthesis, a minor greenhouse gas that in
large amounts can affect global climate.
 A good understanding of plants is crucial to the
future of human societies as it allows us to:
1. Produce food to feed an expanding population
2. Understand fundamental life processes
3. Produce medicine and materials to treat
diseases and other ailments
4. Understand environmental changes more
Human nutrition
 foods eaten  come from plants, (directly from
staple foods and other fruit and vegetables, or
indirectly through livestock or other animals, which
rely on plants for their nutrition.
 Plants are the fundamental base of nearly all food
chains  they use the energy from the sun and
nutrients from the soil and atmosphere and convert
them into a form that can be consumed and utilized
by animals.
 Botanists also study how plants produce food we
can eat and how to increase yields and therefore
their work is important in mankind's ability to feed the
world and provide food security for future
generations, for example through plant breeding.
 Botanists also study weeds, plants which are
considered to be a nuisance in a particular location.
Weeds are a considerable problem in agriculture,
and botany provides some of the basic science used
to understand how to minimize 'weed' impact in 20

agriculture and native ecosystems

Fundamental life processes
 Plants are convenient organisms in
which fundamental life processes (like
cell division and protein synthesis for
example) can be studied, without the
ethical dilemmas of studying animals or
 The genetic laws of inheritance were
discovered in this way by Gregor
Mendel, who was studying the way pea
shape is inherited. What Mendel learned
from studying plants has had far
reaching benefits outside of botany.
 These are a few examples that
demonstrate how botanical research has
an ongoing relevance to the
understanding of fundamental biological 21

Medicine and material
 Many medicinal and recreational drugs, like
tetrahydrocannabinol, caffeine, and nicotine
come directly from the plant kingdom.
 Popular stimulants like coffee, chocolate,
tobacco, and tea also come from plants.
 Most alcoholic beverages come from fermenting
plants such as barley (beer), rice (saki) and
grapes (wine).
 Plants also provide us with many natural
materials, such as cotton, wood, paper, linen,
vegetable oils, some types of rope, and rubber.
 Sugarcane, rapeseed, soy and other plants with
a highly-fermentable sugar or oil content have
recently been put to use as sources of biofuels,
which are important alternatives to fossil fuels,
see biodiesel. 22
Environmental changes
 Plants can also help us understand changes in on
our environment in many ways.
 Understanding habitat destruction and species
extinction is dependent on an accurate and
complete catalog of plant systematics and
 Plant responses to ultraviolet radiation can help
us monitor problems like the ozone depletion.
 Analyzing pollen deposited by plants thousands or
millions of years ago can help scientists to
reconstruct past climates and predict future ones,
an essential part of climate change research.
 Recording and analyzing the timing of plant life
cycles are important parts of phenology used in
climate-change research.
 Lichens, which are sensitive to atmospheric
conditions, have been extensively used as
pollution indicators. 23
Subdisciplines of Botany
 Agronomy—Application of plant science to crop
 Bryology—Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts
 Economic botany—The place of plants in economics
 Ethnobotany—Relationship between humans and plants
 Forestry—Forest management and related studies
 Horticulture—Cultivated plants
 Paleobotany—Fossil plants
 Palynology—Pollen and spores
 Phycology - Algae
 Phytochemistry—Plant secondary chemistry and
chemical processes
 Phytopathology—Plant diseases
 Plant anatomy—Cell and tissue structure
 Plant ecology—Role of plants in the environment
 Plant genetics—Genetic inheritance in plants
 Plant morphology—Structure and life cycles
 Plant physiology—Life functions of plants 24

 Plant systematics—Classification and naming of plants

 Plant anatomy, which is concerned
chiefly with the internal structure of
plants, was established through the
efforts of several scientific pioneers

 Plant physiology, which is

concerned with plant function.
including how plants conduct
materials internally; how temperature,
light, and water are involved in
growth; why plants flower; and how
plant growth regulatory substances
are produced, to mention just a few.
 Plant taxonomy (also called
plant systematics), which is the
oldest branch of plant study,
began in antiquity. Plant
taxonomists often specialize in
certain groups of plants.
 For example, pteridologists
specialize in the study of ferns,
while bryologists study mosses
and plants with similar life
 Plant geography, the study of
how and why plants are
distributed where they are
 Plant ecology, which is the
study of the interaction of plants
with one another and with their
 Plant morphology, the study of
the form and structure of plants.
 Genetics, the science of
heredity, was founded by the
Austrian monk Gregor
Mendel (1822–1884), who
performed classic
experiments with pea plants.
Today, various branches of
genetics include plant
breeding, which has greatly
improved yields and quality
of crop plants, and genetic
 Cell biology (previously
called cytology), the
science of cell structure
and function, received a
boost from the discovery
of how cells multiply and
how their various
components perform and
integrate a variety of
functions, including that of
sexual reproduction
 Economic Botany and ethnobotany, which
involve practical uses of plants and plant
products, had their origin in antiquity as humans
discovered, used, and eventually cultivated plants
for food, fiber, medicines, and other purposes

Patologi Genetika
Morfologi Fisiologi
Anatomi Ekologi
Histologi Fitopatologi
Botani lapangan
Botani ekonomi

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