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Game Changers

By: Anna Rose

What is this project?
For this project I helped host an event called game changers. This event talked about the
benefits of being on a whole plant based diet.
We had...
● Industry professionals
● Plant based foods donated to us
● The documentary “Game Changers”

*All of this was done by me and other students*

My assignment
My assignment was to advertise this event. I made these posters, used social media, had a
section in the newspaper, and interviewed 2/4 industry professionals Dr. Irminne Van
Dyken and Nurse Practitioner Liat Miller.
Preview YouTube video The Game Changers
| Official Trailer
The Game Changers | Official Trailer
The 21st Century Skills I learned

1. Communication skills by interviewing our panel guests.

2. Interpersonal skills by working with my teacher and classmates also working on this
Thank you!
Thank you for listening to my presentation. I created an interactive game, there is a
question on the front of the plate, flip it over to find the answer.

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