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Adz Dzariyat Noval Iftikhary

English Literature’19
Class B
My experience at online lectures is not too bad. Maybe there are
many things that can be considered more. There are always
positive and negative impacts in a method. In my opinion,
according to the conditions occurring in the corona pandemic,
online lectures are highly recommended learning methods, in
order to limit the distribution of corona that occurs. Lectures can
be done anywhere, simple, practical, and easy to practice. It's just
maybe not as effective as lecturing directly, too many assignments
are given, and can not exchange ideas face to face (directly)
between friends and lecturers. Yes, you can just do it in college
online, via video call or other application, it's just that it still has a
different taste.
The impression I gave might be that online lectures
made it more burdensome for some of the students,
because the assignments that were sought, worked on,
and gathered to the lecturer used quite a lot of internet
quota. And given that the price quota is quite expensive
it will burden the students with economic level in the
middle class to go down. The message might be because
this is the first online lecture conducted by Indonesia.
There are still many shortcomings that I feel. Maybe it
needs improvement in various ways to advance
Indonesian education.
Jika aku
Bertanya pada semesta
Apa yang terjadi?
Bertanya pada bumi ku
Apakah kau baik baik saja?
Akankah kau memberitahu ku?
Jika bumi dan semesta bisa berbicara
Dapatkah memberitahu ku apa yang sedang terjadi?
Karma apa yang sedang menimpa
Apakah ini sebuah kutuk?
Atau proyeksi cara bumi menyelamatkan dirinya?
Corona virus 19
Adakah yang dapat menjelaskan kehadirannya?
Aku berduka
Kamu berduka
Kita berduka
Dunia berduka
Berjuta nyawa melayang
Berjuta liter tetesan air mata telah tumpah
Apakah kamu ini?
Sebuah malapetaka
Atau sebuah teguran dari Yang Maha Kuasa?
Beribu manusia telah bersusah hati
Mengatasi kehadiran mu
Jika ini sebuah malapetaka, tolong beritahu kapan akan berakhir?
Beritahu bagaimana cara kami mengatasi mu?
Melihat beberapa bulan terakhir
Perjuangan dari garda terdepan para medis dan pramedis, serta pemerintah
Meski dari semua kemalangan terjadi
Selalu ada hikmah di belakangnya
Begitu berharga kesehatan yang dianggap remeh
Begitu berharganya kebersamaan tatap muka secara langsung
Jadi dapatkah kita bersama melindungi bumi kita tercinta?

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