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Plant and Growth’s

Sub Judul
Base Competency 5
explain biotic factor which affect growth
1. The meaning of Biotic Factor

Biotic factors is every single live on the earth

a. Individual
Single individual organisms
b. Population
The groups of similar organisms, which have the
- density (density),
- the birth rate (birthrate),
- the rate of death (mortality),
- biotic potential,
- the distribution of age, and
- the form of growth.
c. Community
Group of populations which lived in one time and one
place and one area wich interact each other and
influent one to another

d. Ecosystem
Between cummunity and environment always have
interaction and build an ecologic that’s called
2. The influence of Biotic factor in Plant

A. Biotic beneficial factors that can be managed

according to their own characteristics

B. Some of the biotic factors can harm plant growth like

a pest, the source of the disease, and weeds.
3. The Biotic factor which harm to Plant

a. Pests
Gadfly living, which is similar with living
creatures, included a group of   animals
a. Insects
b. Mammalians
c. Moluccas
d. Eight feet
Kind of pests picture

Spider mite Wild boar

worm snail
b. Disease
a process of plant physiology which
abnormal harm, caused by the primary factor
(biotic or abiotic) and the disturb are going
continously and the result is expressed by the cell
/tissue abnormality (Whetzel, 1929)

Banana desease
The symptoms
The symptom is a symptom appearance of the host
caused by desease.So a desease could be diversed with
another desease
The sign of desease

Desease sign is pathogenic structure which assosiate

with the host
Can be viewed with a microscope, such as:
Mycelia, spore, mushroom fruit body,
mucus or bacteria cells, sklerotial bodies, eggs, imago
Read signs and symptoms of diagnosis of disease
using Koch postulate :
 Suspect Pathogenic must always associate on sick
 Pathogen must be able to isolate and to culture
 If the Pure culture of pathogen was inoculated to
a healthy plant, It must cause similar symptoms
and signs
 When the cause of disease reisolate, it will
produce the same pure culture
The disease classification based on :
In Controling of Diseases, it need required knowledge of
things such as :

c. Weeds

 Weeds are plants which is the disturber of one /

similar high-level plant

 Weed Classifications could be base on living cycle,

habitat and it’s morphology
Classification based on live circle’s :

- Annual Weeds
- perenial weeds
- biennial weeds
Classification based on morphology’s:

- Gramineous (Gramineae)
- Cyperous (cyperaceae)
- Broad leaves

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