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• ID:H00299825

•The PDP, or Performance Development Plan,

is an important part of PMS (Performance
Management System). The PDP is a tool for
improving employee performance as well as
the company's overall performance
management process. It identifies gaps and
opportunities for growth, establishes goals,
tracks progress toward those goals and
objectives, and shapes the strategy to
achieve the intended outcomes.
•Employees and their supervisors can assess
progress and make adjustments as needed
by doing performance development planning
quarterly (coinciding with regular quarterly
performance evaluations). Employees and
management may use the PDP process to
determine the personal and business
objectives that are most important to the
organization's success.

• • Step One: Request a self-

evaluation from the employee.
• • Step Two: Create your appraisal
of the employee's abilities.
• • Step 3: Evaluate the
department's and organization's
• • Step Four: Discuss growth
prospects with the employee.
• • Step Five: Keep track of and
assess the employee's progress.…

Define Define the 3 main areas of needs:

Work in my classroom management and students time

Work in management, this goal refers to my MCT, MST recommendation,
classroom management.

Implement Implement different class behaviors skills.

Implement reading skills his goal refers to my personal

Implement recommendation.

Strength- my next steps:

In my previous teaching practice, I used many creative methods of teaching in class, and I
support achieving students with free or low-cost reward options which can be
implemented. Assessment of correct application is also really important; it can be done in
multiple ways:

-Formative assessment (in class assessment)

-Summative assessment (end of class assessment)

Moreover, a teacher can use this documentation I.e., pictures to display the best
achievements and via hanging them on a wall, or putting them in portfolio.
• Weakness- my next steps:
• In my previous teaching practice, I utilized
activities in the classroom to improve learning
outcomes but had difficulties in managing class
activities with class time, some students finish
their activities very slowly while other did it
quickly, which left a gap between them, this has
taught me to create separate activities which
suits different achievers in the classroom.
Moreover, I didn’t measure their understanding
at the end of the class. Because the class time
was over before I could do so, I am going to
work on time management as well.
My SMART Goals:
Goals: 1. By the conclusion of the TP, 90% of students will be able to follow
classroom rules and manage their own time using a variety of tactics
assessed by checklists and reflections.
2. By the conclusion of the TP, 85 percent of students will have improved
their vocabulary through creative learning, as assessed by formative and
summative testing, as well as reflections.
3. Ninety percent of students will increase reading skills as evidenced by
student work samples and my feedback.
Professional Development Needs
(Select 1 recommendation from each category)

1. classroom
MCT management - MST 2.Assessment
Recommendation Implementing & Recommendation
Managing (formative)

Recommendation 3.Reading skills
Goal 1
Rational of Goal 1
Evidence +
Goal 2
Goal 3
Data collection:
• Checklist:
Analysis: After collecting my data using the checklist, I employed a timer to help
the kids finish cleaning up after their activities on time. I saw that using a timer
helped kids become more organized. For example,Rashed is notorious for being
late with his tasks; yet, I noted that he cleaned up in 6 minutes. Another finding is
adhering to the norms of the classroom. Sultan, for example, is not renowned for
adhering to class regulations, but with the teacher's encouragement and personal
attention, he was able to take 5 minutes.Finally, make good use of class time. For
example, we can see that he took 8 minutes since he never checked the timer, but
after practicing with him, he checks the time and cleans up faster.

 Increased organization
 Following the classroom
rules better
 Follow the set time for
Data Collection:

• the students increased their adherent to classroom rules and I was able
to get more control and management of the classroom. The response
was obvious from the second week and their behavior improved

 Increased attention
 Better behavior
• Followed class room rules.
• More focused
Data Collection:

• the students reading skills improved a lot from week 1 to week 4

• They are able to read simple words ( I- can- See- have- Car- cat- Mum…etc)
• The improvement rate was different for every student but can be seen in
overall performance.
Thematic Analysis:

 Increased letter recognition

 Better letter recognition
• Faster reading.
• Better comprehension of the stories

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