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1. When impulses from various sources have
an additive effect on a neuron, the process
is called……….
a) Facilitation
b) Divergence
c) Convergence
d) Autonomic switching
1. Which component of a reflex arc is located
entirely within the CNS?

a) Effector
b) Interneuron
c) Sensory neuron
d) Receptor
1. The organs of the CNS are…….

a) Brain and cranial nerves

b) Brain and meninges
c) Cranial and spinal nerves
d) Brain and spinal cord
▪ The outer membrane covering the brain is composed of dense
connective tissue and is called the
▪ Dura mater
▪ Arachnoid mater
▪ Periosteum
▪ Pia mater
▪ Cerebrospinal fluid is mainly found between

▪ Arachnoid mater and the dura mater

▪ Dura mater and the bones of the skull
▪ Pia mater and arachnoid mater
▪ Pia mater and the surface of the brain and spinal cord
▪ In the adult the spinal cord ends
Where does the spinal cord end??

▪ At the sacrum
▪ Between thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12
▪ Between lumbar 1 and 2
▪ At lumbar veretebra 5
▪ If a person has no sensation in the legs, which of the following
portions of the spinal cord may be injured or damaged?
▪ Ascending tracts of the spinal cord
▪ Anterior horn in the lumbar enlargement
▪ Posterior horn in the cervical enlargement
▪ Descending tracts of the spinal cord
▪ What structure connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres?
▪ Corpus callosum
▪ Falx cerebri
▪ Longitudinal fissure
▪ Falx cerebelli
▪ Which of the following is involved in hearing a phone ring?
▪ Occipital lobe
▪ Parietal lobe
▪ Frontal lobe
▪ Temporal lobe
▪ Which of the following is a function of the association areas in the
frontal lobe?
▪ Recognizing your mother
▪ Planning a party
▪ Reading your textbook
▪ Understanding your friend’s speech
▪ The pathologic movements of parkinsons and Huntington disease
are due to the damage in the
▪ Extrapyramidal tracts
▪ Primary motor area
▪ Basal nuclei
▪ Cerebellum
▪ The cerebral spinal fluid is produced by the
▪ Fourth ventricle
▪ Cerebral aqueduct
▪ Pia mater
▪ Choroid plexuses
▪ The diencephalon contains all of the following structures except
▪ Pons
▪ Thalamus
▪ Optic chiasma
▪ Pineal gland
▪ The part of the brain that contains centers for cardiovascular
control, sneezing and swallowing is the
▪ Cerebellum
▪ Midbrain
▪ Medulla oblongata
▪ Pons
▪ The part of the brain that is responsible for regulation of sleep and
wakefulness is the
▪ Reticular formation
▪ Diencephalon
▪ Thalamus
▪ Limbic system
▪ The lobes of the cerebellum are connected by the \
▪ Vermis
▪ Falx cerebelli
▪ Cerebellar cortex
▪ Cerebellar peduncles
▪ The cranial nerves that control movement of the eyes are
▪ Optic, occulomotor and facial
▪ Occulomotor, trochlear and abducens
▪ Optic oculomotor and abducens
▪ Oculomotor trigeminal and abducens
▪ The cranial nerve that is responsible for equilibrium and hearing is
▪ Vestibulocochlear
▪ Abducens
▪ Facial
▪ Trigeminal
▪ Which of the following cranial nerves innervates structures below
the neck?
▪ Hypoglossal
▪ Glossopharyngeal
▪ Olfactory
▪ Vagus
▪ The portion of the nervous system that is most active when the
body is at rest is the
▪ Reticular formation
▪ Somatic division
▪ The sensory function of the nervous system is carried out by efferent fiber
True or False

▪ The dendrites arises from a hillock or elevation of the cell body and carries
impulses away from the cell body TRUE or FALSE

▪ Myelinated fibers form the white matter in the CNS TRUE or FALSE

▪ Neurons are the most abundant cell in the NS TRUE or FALSE

▪ Sodium ions pass more easily through the cell membrane
than potassium ions TRUE or FALSE

▪ Which of the following is not a type of neuroglia?

▪ Astrocyte
▪ Oligodendrocytes
▪ Ependymal cell
▪ Neuron
▪ Microglial cell
▪ In the CNS myelin is formed by
▪ Oligodendrocytes
▪ Astrocytes
▪ Microglial
▪ Ependymal cells
▪ Astrocytes provides structural support in the nervous system TRUE

▪ Sheaths of myelin produced by ______________ cells often enclose

the axons of the brain and spinal cord.
▪ The cellular processes of neurons that provide receptive surfaces
for input from other neurons are
▪ Neurofibrils
▪ Nissl fibers
▪ Axons
▪ Dendrites
▪ Nuclei
▪ Masses of UNmyelinated nerve fibers appear
▪ White
▪ Grey
▪ Brown
▪ Transparent
▪ Red
▪ Interneurons are specialized to carry impulses from peripheral
receptors into the brain or spinal cord TRUE or FALSE

▪ Nodes of Ranvier connect adjacent neurons TRUE or FALSE

▪ Which of the following
▪ describes the ion concentration inside and outside of a neuron?
▪ Sodium and potassium ions are both at higher concentration on the inside of the
▪ Sodium and potassium ions are both higher at concentration on the outside of cell
▪ The sodium ion concentration is higher on the inside of the cell and potassium ion
concentration is higher on the outside of cell
▪ The sodium ion concentration is higher on the outside of the cell and potassium ion
concentration is higher on the inside of cell
▪ The concentrations of sodium and potassium ions are both equal inside and outside
of the cell.
▪ During an action potential, depolarization occurs as a result of
▪ Potassium ions diffusing to the outside of the cell membrane
▪ Potassium ions diffusing to the inside of the cell membrane
▪ Sodium ions diffusing to the outside of the cell membrane
▪ Sodium ions diffusing to the inside of the cell membrane
▪ Sodium and potassium ions not diffusing
▪ The difference in electrical charge between the inside and the outside
of a resting nerve cell membrane is called
▪ When a neuron becomes more excitable as a result of incoming
subthreshold stimulation it is said to be
▪ Facilitated
▪ Amplified
▪ Converged
▪ Diverged
▪ Inhibited.
▪ A nerve is a single neuron TRUE or FALSE

▪ Which of the following lists the parts of a reflex arc

▪ Receptor,motor neuron,sensory neuron,effector
▪ Effector,receptor,sensory neuron,motor neuron
▪ Effector,sensory neuron, receptor,motor neuron
▪ Receptor, sensory neuron,motor neuron, effector
▪ Receptor,effector,sensory neuron,motor neuron
▪ The spinothalamic tract conducts impulses
▪ From the thalamus to the cerebral cortex
▪ Up the spinal cord to the thalamus
▪ Down the spinal cord from the thalamus
▪ That stimulate contraction of skeletal muscles
▪ Between left and right cerebral hemispheres
▪ The most sensitive part of a taste bud is the
▪ A) taste cell
▪ B) taste pore
▪ C) taste hair
▪ D) taste cell membrane
▪ Saliva enhances the taste of food by
▪ A) increasing the sensitivity to taste receptors
▪ B) dissolving the chemicals that cause taste so they can be tasted
▪ C) releasing taste factors by partially digesting food
▪ D) capturing and dissolving the gases of odors of food
▪ The function of the ossicles of the middle ear is to
▪ A) provide a network for the tympanic membrane
▪ B) protect the structures of the inner ear
▪ C) support the structure of the tympanic membrane
▪ D) relay and amplify the vibrations and transmit them to the inner ear
▪ The ossicle that fits against the oval window is
▪ A) stapes
▪ B) malleus
▪ C) incus
▪ D) incubus
▪ Hearing receptors are located in the
▪ A) spiral organ (organ of Corti)
▪ B) scala vestibule
▪ C) scali tympani
▪ D)Round window
▪ Bending your head forward to look at the floor
will stimulate receptors in the
▪ A) ampulla
▪ B) cupula
▪ C) semicircular canals
▪ D) macula
▪ The structure that detects the motion of the head is
▪ A) macula
▪ B) semicircular canal
▪ C) vestibule
▪ D) utricle
▪ The superior rectus muscle causes the eye to rotate
▪ A) upward and toward the midline
▪ B) downward and toward the midline
▪ C) upward and away from the midline
▪ D) downward and away from the midline
▪ The transparency of the cornea is due to
▪ A) the nature of the cytoplasm in the cells of the cornea
▪ B) the small number of cells and lack of blood vessels
▪ C) a lack of nuclei within the cells of the cornea
▪ D) keratinization of cells in the cornea
▪ The shape of the lens changing as the eye focuses on an object is a
process known as
▪ A) accommodation
▪ B) refraction
▪ C) reflection
▪ D) strabismus
▪ The region of the retina associated with the sharpest vision is the
▪ A) cillary body
▪ B) fovea centralis
▪ C) optic disc
▪ D) choroid coat
▪ The maintenance of the shape of the eyeball is enabled by
▪ A) sclera
▪ B) middle layer
▪ C) cornea
▪ D) vitreous humor
▪ Which of the following sets of terms is not paired correctly?
▪ A) colorless vision—rods
▪ B) fovea centralis—cones
▪ C) Cones—Rhodopsin
▪ D) sharp images--cones
▪ Projection is the process that allows us to determine where a
stimulus has occurred TRUE or FALSE

▪ There are separate receptors for heat and cold

▪ Olfactory receptors are examples of
▪ A) thermoreceptors
▪ B) mechanoreceptors
▪ C) chemoreceptors
▪ D) proprioceptors
▪ E) baroreceptors
▪ Pain receptors
▪ A) are generally stimulated by factors that can damage tissues
▪ B) adapt rapidly
▪ C) are among the most specialized receptors
▪ D) are widely distributed in the nerve tissues of the brain
▪ E) are all of the above
▪ Pain that feels like it is coming from a part other than the part being
stimulated is called____________________________.

▪ If you are in a fish market and smell the strong fishy odor, but the
odor quickly seems to fade away , you have
▪ Taste receptors are
▪ A) found only on the tongue
▪ B) unable to divide
▪ C) modified connective tissue cells
▪ D) modified epithelial cells
▪ E) found only in the cheeks and roof of the mouth
▪ Which of the following is not a primary taste sensation??
▪ A) sweet
▪ B) salty
▪ C) pungent
▪ D) bitter
▪ E) sour
▪ The auditory nerve pathways carry impulses to the auditory
cortices in the
▪ A) occipital lobes
▪ B) temporal lobes
▪ C) parietal lobes
▪ D) frontal lobes
▪ E) cerebellum
▪ The auditory ossicles are found in the inner ear TRUE or FALSE

▪ Which of the following correctly lists the parts through which light
passes as it enters the eye?
▪ A) cornea,aqueous humor,lens,vitreous humor
▪ B) aqueous humor, cornea,lens,vitreous humor
▪ C) Vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, cornea
▪ D) cornea,lens,aqueous humor,vitreous humor
▪ E) aqueous humor,vitreous humor,cornea,lens
▪ Which of the following is part of the inner tunic of the eye?
▪ A) ciliary body
▪ B) retina
▪ C) choroid coat
▪ D) sclera
▪ E) cornea
▪ The lens of the eye thickens when
▪ A) suspensory ligaments pull on the lens capsule
▪ B) ciliary processes relax
▪ C) ciliary muscles relax
▪ D) ciliary muscles contract
▪ E) circular fibers of the iris contract
▪ Rod cells contain the pigment
▪ A) erythrolabe
▪ B) rhodopsin
▪ C) epinephrine
▪ D) cyanolabe
▪ E) chlorolabe
▪ Tears contain an enzyme that reduces the chances of developing an
eye infection. TRUE or FALSE

▪ Rods are more sensitive to light than cones , but cones are important
for color vision TRUE or FALSE

▪ The conjunctiva lines the inner surface of the eyelid and covers the
anterior surface of the sclera TRUE or FALSE
▪ Which substance is required for synthesis of thyroid hormones?
▪ A) calcium
▪ B) phosphate ions
▪ C) sodium
▪ D) iodine salts
▪ The effect of the parathyroid hormone is to
▪ A) reduce the absorption of calcium from the large intestine and
▪ B) stimulates bones to release calcium
▪ C) stimulates the kidney to excrete excess calcium and phosphorous
▪ D) suppress release of parathyroid releasing hormone from the
anterior pituitary lobe of the pituitary
▪ The adrenal hormone aldosterone belongs to a category of
cortical hormones called
▪ A) mineralocorticoids
▪ B) glucocorticoids
▪ C) sex hormones
▪ D) anabolic hormones
▪ The actions of cortisol include all of the following except
▪ A) breakdown of stored protein to increase levels of circulating amino
▪ B) release of increased amounts of fatty acids for an energy source
▪ C) stimulation of the production of glucose by the liver
▪ D) conservation of water
▪ The action of insulin that most directly leads to lowered blood
sugar is
▪ A) enhancing glucose absorption from the small intestine
▪ B) facilitating the transport of glucose across the cell membrane
▪ C) promoting the release of glucose from the liver
▪ D) stimulating the conversion of noncarbohydrates into glucose
▪ The is hormone melatonin Is secreted by
▪ A) thymus
▪ B)pineal gland
▪ C) gonads
▪ D) hypothalamus
▪ The thymus gland produces a hormone that is impt in the
differentiation of
▪ A) glial cells
▪ B) dermal cells
▪ C) WBC
▪ D) muscle cells
▪ Which of the following hormones increase in response to long
term stress?
▪ A) epinephrine and norepinephrine
▪ B) cortisol and epinephrine
▪ C) ACTH and cortisol
▪ D) cortisol and oxytocin
choose the incorrect statement concerning the growth hormone
A) GH releasing hormone from the hypothalamus controls its
B) GH release inhibiting hormone from the hypothalamus inhibits it
C) GH stimulates cells to increase in size and divide
D) It slows the movement of amino acids across the cell membrane
▪ Cyclic ATP (cAMP) is an intracellular substance that is important in
the action of steroid hormones.

▪ Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus control the secretions

from the anterior pituitary lobe of the pituitary gland, but nerve
impulses directly stimulate the axons of neurosecretory cells in the
posterior lobe.
▪ ACTH stimulates the release of hormones of both adrenal cortex and

▪ ADH is an anterior pituitary hormone

▪ A group of lipids called_________________ have powerful regulating effects on a
variety of tissues.

▪ The secretion of hormones from the Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is
largely controlled
▪ A) releasing hormones from the hypothalamus
▪ B) impulses from the ANS
▪ C) impulses from the hypothalamus
▪ D) hormones from the posterior pituitary gland
▪ E) plasma concentrations of glucose
▪ Which of the following is secreted by neurosecretory cells in the
posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
▪ A) TSH
▪ B) Adrenocorticotropic hormone
▪ C) Growth Hormone
▪ D) Antidiuretic Hormone
▪ E) Prolactin releasing hormone
▪ Releasing hormones that stimulate the release of growth hormones
is called____________________________________________.

▪ Releasing hormones are carried from the hypothalamus to the

anterior pituitary gland by vessels called ______________________
▪ Thyroxine
▪ A) reduces the rate at which carbohydrates are utilized
▪ B) increase the rate at which proteins are synthesized
▪ C) inhibits activities of the nervous system
▪ D) inhibits the rate at which calcium enters the body fluids
▪ E) lowers the basal metabolic rate
▪ The hormone that decreases the plasma calcium concentration is
▪ A) thyroxine
▪ B) thriiodothyronine
▪ C) calcitonin
▪ D) parathyroid hormone
▪ E) none of these
▪ The ______________ gland must have iodine in order to synthesize its

▪ The secretion of the parathyroid hormone is controlled by the

▪ A) hypothalamus
▪ B) plasma of calcium concentration
▪ C) thyroid gland
▪ D) anterior pituitary
▪ Posterior pituitary
▪ Parathyroid hormone stimulates
▪ A) follicular cell activity
▪ B) osteoblast activity
▪ C) osteoclast activity
▪ D) fibroblast activity
▪ E) basal metabolic rate
▪ An example of a hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla is
▪ A) a mineralocorticoid
▪ B) a glucocorticoid
▪ C) Aldosterone
▪ D) epinephrine
▪ E) none of these
▪ Aldosterone promotes the homeostasis of ions by causing the
kidneys to
▪ A) conserve sodium and excrete potassium
▪ B) excrete sodium and conserve potassium
▪ C) excrete sodium and potassium
▪ D) conserve sodium and potassium
▪ E) secrete erythropoietin
▪ Insulin causes
▪ A) decrease in the concentration of blood glucose
▪ B) a decrease in the permeability of cell membrane to glucose
▪ C) an increase in the production of glucose from glycogen
▪ D) an increase in the concentration of blood glucose
▪ E) none of the above
▪ Type 1 diabetes is caused by
▪ A) excess sugar in the diet
▪ B) obesity
▪ C) a disorder of the immune system
▪ D) an effect of aging
▪ E) a defect in antidiuretic hormone secretion
▪ The pancreas functions as part of the endocrine system and a s part
of the __________________ system

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