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“Dance Fitness Exercise/Dancercise”

1. Create a Thematic Dance Fitness Exercise with the elements of

Aerobic Activity, Muscle-strengthening and Bone-strengthening

2. Freedom to choose a theme is allowed so long that the Dance Fitness

Exercise/Aerobic fitness must be the focus of the whole performance.

3. A group must be represented by an entire class/section with a

minimum of 25 performers maximum of 55 including the props
men/props women.
4. Choreographer/s who is/are not part of the section/class will not be allowed.

5. Music and Choreography must be wholesome and lively and must not contain
any explicit, sexually suggestive, and vulgar lyrics / language.

6. Music can either be an entire song or mixed.

7. The Performance must be at least 3 mins. maximum of 4 minutes. Any excess

in time will have 2 point-deduction/5 seconds from the total score.

8. Use of hand props/manipulative is encouraged. Use of hazardous props are

strictly prohibited such as guns, fire, pointed objects, and other things that might
put the performers' lives at risk.
9. Appropriate clothing/costume must be observed throughout the performance
that will adhere to the class' chosen theme.

10. All students are asked to conduct their practices/rehearsals inside the school
campus from 2PM-5:00PM from Monday to Friday.

Competence (Coordination, Synchronization, and Mastery)-30%

Vigor (Enthusiasm and Level of Energy)-30%
Timing, Formation/Floor Patterns, & Consistency of transition-20%
Choice of Theme-10 %
Resourcefulness and Creativity of Costumes/Props and Music-10%


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