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Is the new destination good or bad ?

The world does not stop developing, as well as human curiosity, which allowed
the development of many different sectors. In this article, we will focus on the
development of tourism, not any tourism, but space tourism.

Opinions differ on this issue. Some people like it, and some consider it useless
and oppose it, Personally, I think it is interesting to see the outside world ,
However, we must understand the opinion of others, so

let’s delve deeper into the good and bad consequences. We’ll start off with the
advantages of space tourism and discuss why it’s such an exciting prospect for
so many.
First A new perspective on the world.
The experience of observing the Earth from space has a name: the Overview Effect. Essentially, this is a cognitive change of
consciousness, where astronauts experience a new sense of obligation and responsibility to protect planet Earth. If this truly
means that everyone who visits space will want to protect the planet, then perhaps space tourism could be beneficial for
human compassion.

Another big perk of space travel for passengers is the experience of microgravity, where they will be able to feel weightless on
the spacecraft for a few minutes. This may not change their perspective on Earth, but it’ll certainly give a feeling of euphoria.

Second Scientific research

There are a few scientific benefits of space tourism, though the most recent flights were perhaps not long enough to offer too
much insight. When, in the future, we see longer space flights, we’ll have the opportunity to study long-term physiological
changes in humans as a result of being in space.

Finally A potential future on a moon or Mars colony

One of the end goals of space tourism is to prepare for the creation of a colony on the moon or Mars for research purposes or
even as a kind of backup plan for if Earth goes up in flames we need make people able to visit space. In this way, space
tourism could be a great starting point.
Of course, it’s not all exciting news. There are some pretty huge disadvantages
of space tourism that we’re going to look at in more detail.
First Space tourism cost and inaccessibility
At the moment, tickets cost between $200,000-$250,000 for Virgin Galactic
Second Safety concerns
As you can imagine, there are some definite safety concerns when it comes to
space travel and tourism. The industry does experience catastrophic failures
from time to time.
Environmental cost to the planet
Finally, it's time to discuss the huge environmental cost of space tourism. This is
one of people's biggest concerns about the potential for regular commercial
space travel, and rightly so, like Large carbon footprint, Depleting ozone
layer ,Polluted stratosphere.
What can be concluded from all of this? Is space tourism a necessary
and exciting scientific advancement, or the least sustainable tourism
sector to ever exist, favouring the wealthy and leaving behind ordinary
citizens who need help on Earth?

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