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Use of chalk boards, notice boards and puppets

Notice Boards
Notice boards
• Visual aids and illustrations: Notice boards allow for the use of visual
aids and illustrations to convey messages effectively. By incorporating
images, charts, graphs, or diagrams, notice boards can enhance the
clarity and understanding of the communicated information.

• Engaging and interactive communication: Notice boards can

encourage interaction and engagement among the audience. For
example, in a community center, a notice board can be used to invite
suggestions, feedback, or opinions from community members.
• Targeted messaging: Notice boards can be utilized to communicate
specific messages to different groups or individuals.

• Reference and archival purposes: Notice boards can serve as a

reference point for important documents, policies, or guidelines.

• Emergency communication: In critical situations or emergencies,

notice boards become essential tools for disseminating urgent
information to a wide audience.
Chalk boards
Chalk Boards
• Visual Aid: Chalkboards provide a visible and tangible surface where
information can be displayed. They allow presenters to write or draw
diagrams, charts, equations, or illustrations in real-time, enhancing
the visual representation of ideas.
• Interactivity: Chalkboards enable real-time interaction with the
content being presented.
• Flexibility and Adaptability: Chalkboards offer flexibility in terms of
content modification and improvisation. Presenters can easily erase
and rewrite information
• Cost-Effective: Chalkboards are relatively inexpensive compared to
digital alternatives. They require minimal maintenance and don’t rely
on electricity or batteries.
• Information dissemination: Notice boards serve as centralized
platforms to share important information with a large audience. They
can be used to display notices, announcements, upcoming events,
schedules, policies, and other relevant information.
• Timely updates: Notice boards enable organizations to provide timely
updates and reminders.
• Engagement and Entertainment: Puppets capture attention and
create a sense of wonder and playfulness. They can make
communication more engaging, especially when targeting younger
• Puppets are excellent storytelling companions. They can bring
characters and narratives to life, making the communication more
relatable and memorable.
• Puppets can be used for role-playing scenarios, enabling individuals to
explore and practice different communication skills.
• Enhance Clarity: Visual aids provide a visual representation of
• Improve Understanding: Visual aids can help bridge the gap between
words and comprehension.
• Increase Engagement: Visual aids capture attention and stimulate
• Aid Memory Retention: People tend to remember visual information
better than verbal or textual information.
• Distractions: Poorly designed or irrelevant visual aids can become
distractions rather than aids.
• Accessibility Challenges: Visual aids may not be accessible to
individuals with visual impairments or certain disabilities.
• Overreliance on Visuals: Sometimes, presenters may become overly
reliant on visual aids, leading to a lack of personal connection and
• Misinterpretation: Visual aids can be subject to misinterpretation or
different interpretations, especially if the message conveyed through
visuals is open to multiple meanings.

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