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1. Trần Dương Quang Phú
2. Võ Ngọc Thùy Linh
3. Lê Hoàng Vy
4. Võ Kim Gia Minh
A sport (or sports) is all forms of
usually competitive physical activity
which, through casual or organised
participation, aim to use, maintain or
improve physical ability and skills
while providing entertainment to
participants, and in some cases,
Some types of sports 4
Different kinds of games
 Indoor games: The games which are
played inside a room are called indoor
 Example: chess, snooker, table tennis, 5
carrom, bowling,….
 Outdoor games: The games which are
played outside such as in grounds are
 Indoor games: The
called as outdoor games.
games which are
played inside a room  Example: Kabaddi, lawn tennis, cricket,
are called indoor basketball, kho-kho,…..
 Sports can be classified on the
basic of:
 Physical Sport.

 Metal sport.

What is
physical sport?

An athletic activity requiring

skill or physical powers and
often of a competitive nature.

Basketball Place your screenshot here 9
How physical sports affect
our health?
 The physical benefits of playing sports are
 Exercise in general controls weight by
burning calories, improve the functioning
of the cardiovascular system, placing a 1
lower strain on the heart, and increases an
athlete’s energy level while improving the
quality of sleep, reduced the level body
fat, improves the cholesterol makeup of
the athlete’s bloodstream and makes the
bones and muscles stronger.

 Build muscle : Everyone bodies

are constructed by a lot of 1
types of muscle : chest muscle,
shoulder muscle,…
 Some physical sports require a
lot of muscle to take part in
making movements.
Improve health :
It provides longer-term benefits, such as the
reduced risk of diseases like cardiovascular 1
disease and diabetes, improves the 2

resistance of our body to infection.

Stay in shape : Physical sports allow
people to burn their calories during
the training session.

• Disavantages:

- Severely injured: Some of interactive sports can easily cause

severely injured for players.
- Require particular facilities. 4

+Example : We need the pool to go to swim or we need a

goal to play football.
- Cost a lot of money : Since it require particular equipments
we have to spend money on these equipments.
+Example : Golf packaged cost a lot of money.
- Bad weather for playing outdoor games.
Mental sport:
A mind sport is a game of
skill where the mental
component is more
significant than the physical.
As well as many board games, chess and card games other
disciplines that have been described as mind sports are
speed reading, competitive programming and cybersecurity
wargames. Other events that have been included where the
physical element is comparable to the mental component
such as when the official Mind Sports South Africa accepted
speed-texting as a mind sport.
Otherwise, “mind sport” sometimes
not only manipulates the brain for
thinking, but it develops at the mental
 Sports is more than just the physical body.

 When you are involved in sports, you don’t

only condition your body. You also have to
condition your mind. 2

 The mind and body work hard in hand.

 The athletic performance of a person

depends on his or her mental state.
Benefits of mental sports
- Improves mood.
- Improves concentration.
- Sharpen focus.
- Reduces stress.
- It gives us a boost of
confidence feelings of
S  Sport is 100% mental.

P  Our thoughts influence our actions

and our actions influence our
O  For every physical and fundamental
act in sport, there is an equality

R important and equally-related mental

component which must be addressed.

The impact of mental sports on physical sports
• The athletic performance relies heavily on a
person’s mental state.
Ex: When a person doesn’t get enough sleep or
has a lot worries in mind, he or she cannot perform
well physically.
• Sometimes, a athlete is mentally manipulated by
someone, leading to a distraction in competition.
▹ Increase strength and stamina.
▹ Better body shape.
▹ They encourages us to give best every
time. 2
▹ Increase concentration.
▹ Boosts confidence.
▹ They build leadership and team skills.
▹ M a k e s u s h a p p y.
▹ Reduces several health risks.
What about you?

New words:
1. Cricket (n): a bat-and-ball game played between 11. Cybersecurity (n): the practice of defending
two teams of eleven players on a field. computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic
2. Spectator (n): a person who watches at a show, systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.
game, or other event.
3. Snooker (n): a game played with cues on a billiard 12. Manipulate (v): control or influence (a person or
table in which the players use a cue ball (white) to situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.
pocket the other balls (fifteen red and six colored) 13. Boost (n): a source of help or encouragement
in a set order. leading to increase or improvement.
4. Numerous (adj): great in number; many. 14. Distraction (n): a thing that prevents someone
5. A calorie (n): a unit of energy from giving full attention to something else.
6. Cardiovascular (n): relating to the heart and 15. Self-esteem: confidence in one's own worth or
blood vessels abilities; self-respect.
7. Strain (n) = stress, pressure 16. Stamina (n): the ability to sustain prolonged
8. Bloodstream (n): the blood circulating through physical or mental effort.
the body of a person or animal. 17. concentration (n): the action or power of
9. Component (n): a part or element of a larger focusing one's attention or mental effort
whole, = element.
10. Significant (adj): sufficiently great or important
to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.
Thank you 3


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