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In t h i

s g am
i d en t e yo u w
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ha t t h
i ma g e
es say
And Information

Trisha Mae Calpe

Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is a
combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills,
and practices required to access, analyze,
evaluate, use, produce, and communicate
information and knowledge in creative, legal
and ethical ways that respect human rights.
The UNESCO defines it as the set of competencies to
search, critically evaluate, use and contribute
information and media content wisely; the knowledge
of one's rights online; refraining from cyberbullying;
understanding related ethical issues; and engaging with
media and ICTS to promote equality, free expression,
intercultural/interreligious dialog, peace, etc.
Aspects of MIL
According to Reineck and Lublinski (2015),
MIL is the optimal outcome of media,
information and communication technology
(ICT) education along three aspects: technical
skills, critical attitudes and facts about media
and ICT.
Aspects of MIL
Technical skills involve ability to access and use
computers, mobile and other technical devices
that offer media and information content.
UNESCO's (2011) MIL curriculum delves on
"accessing information effectively and
efficiently" as an aspect put into practice.
How much time do
you spend consuming
media each day?
Did You
The average U.S. teen
spends 6-9 hours per day watching
TV, scrolling on their phone,
listening to music, etc. That is more
than 40% your day while in
Filipino teen aged 12 to 17 spend
an average of around 5 hours and
20 minutes per day using the
Dimensions of
This is the ability to understand and use
practical and conceptual tools of current
information technology, including
software, hardware and multimedia that
are relevant to education and the areas of
work and professional life.

This is the ability to understand the

form, format, location and access
methods of information resources.
SOCIO- CULTURAL This is knowing how information is
socially situated and produced, fits into
the life of groups about the institutions
and social networks.

RESEARCH LITERACY It is the ability to understand and use IT-

based tools relevant to the work of
researchers and scholars that include
computer software for quantitative
analysis, qualitative analysis and
PUBLISHING LITERARY It is the ability to format and publish
research and ideas electronically, in textual
and multimedia forms.
It is the ability to adapt to, understand,
evaluate and use emerging innovations in
information technology.
It is the ability to evaluate critically the
Critical Literacy
intellectual, human and social strengths and
weaknesses, potentials and limits, benefits
and costs of information technologies.
Media Media
Messages vs. Affects

The values and The influences and

ideas that are consequences on
promoted. the audience.
1. True or False
Media Information Literacy is not a combination of
knowledge, skills and practices
2-4. What are the three aspect of MIL?
5. UNESCO stands for?
6-10. In any order, give atleast 5 Dimensions of MIL.

What are the Advantages and

Disadvantages of Media?
T h a n k
y o u!
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